• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan




Arikunto, S. (2013). Prosedur penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.

Ary, D.2010. Introduction to Research in Education. Canada. Wadswoth Cencage Learning.

Bicen, H. (2017). Perceptions of Students for Gamification Approach: Kahoot as a Case Study. Istanbul Aydın University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Boling, Charlottle J and William H. Evans. 2008. Reading Success in the SecondaryClassroom.

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Creswell, John W. (2009). Research design. 3th ed. SAGE. University of Nebraska Licoln

Creswell, John W. (2012). Eductional research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. 4th ed. University of Nebraska Licoln.

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Daniel Muijs. (2004). Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS.

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Heilman, Blair, & Rupley. (1981). Principle and Practice of Teaching Reading (5th ed).

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Jonson, K. Feeny. (2006). 60 Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension in Grades K-8. AmerikaSerikat: Library of congress cataloging in publication data

Jones, Raymond C. Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Summarizing.

Reading Quest. (2006) http://www.readingquest.org/author.html Kahoot! Team. (2018). Getting Started With Kahoot!. (2nd ed).


Laremenko, N. V. (2017). Enhancing English Language Learners’ Motivation Through Online Games. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, Vol. 59.

Phajane, H. M. (2014). Traditional Method of Teaching Reading. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy, Vol. 5, No.


Sugiyono, (2011).MetodePenelitianKantitatifKualitatifdan R&D. Bandung:



Text 1

The following text is for questions 1-3

Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he could not swim. He had an idea He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit asked the boss of the crocodile. “How many crocodiles are there in the river?” “Where are they? the rabbit asked for the second time.

“All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind. so I want to make a line in order. Later I will know how kind you are,” said the rabbit. Then, the boss of the crocodile called all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to the ot her side of the river. Just then.the rabbit started to count while jumping from one crocodile to another one. one...two...there...four...until twenty, and finally, he thanked all crocodile because he had crossed the river.

(Source : UN 2012 )

1. The story mainly tells us about...

A. Twenty crocodiles.

B. The boss of the crocodiles.

C. A rabbit and twenty crocodiles.

D. A rabbit and the boss of a crocodile.

E. The boss of the crocodile and all his friends.

2. We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit wanted...

A. To cross the river.

B. To swim across the river.

C. To meet the boss of a crocodile.

D. To know where the crocodiles are.

E. to know the number of crocodiles there.

3. “All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind ..” (Paragraph 2) The underlined words are synonymous with...


A. Wild B. Diligent C. Cheerful D. Easy going E. Honorable Text 2

The following text is for questions 4-6

A fox fell into a well and couldn‟t get out. By and by a thirsty goat came along. Seeing the fox in the well it asked if the water was good. “ Good”, said the fox “It‟s the best water I‟ve tasted in all my life. Come down and try it yourself.”

The goat was thirsty so he got into the well. When he had drunk enough, he looked around but there was no way to get out.

Then the fox said, “ I have a good idea. You stand on your hind legs and put your fore-legs against the side of the well. Then I‟ll climb on your back, from there. I‟ll step on your horns, and I can get out. And when I‟m out, I‟ll help you out of the well.”

The goat did as he was asked and the fox got on his back and climbed out of the well.

Then he coolly walked away. The goat called out loudly after him and reminded him of his promise to help him out. The fox merely turned to him and said; “If you only had thought carefully about getting out, you wouldn‟t have jumped into the well.”

The goat felt very sad. He called out loudly. An old man walking nearby heard him and put a plank into the well. The goat got out and thanked the old man.

(Source: UN 2010)

4. The text tells the story of...

A. A fox.

B. A goat.

C. A fox and a goat.

D. An old man and the fox E. The goat and an old man.

5. Paragraph two mainly tells...

A. How the fox helped the goat B. Why the fox got into the well C. How the fox got out of the well

D. The fox‟s idea how to get out of the well

6. “The goat did as he was asked ....” (Paragraph 3) What does the above sentence mean?

A. The goat drank enough and looked around.

B. The goat came down to the well and drank.

C. The goat called out loudly after the fox got out.

Text 3

The following text is for questions 7-9


Mr. Lion was lying asleep when he was suddenly awaked by a mouse running over his face. The little mouse was being chased by a wild cat. " How dare you!" he roared and raised his paw to kill the mouse. " Please, Sir," begged Miss Mouse, " let me go, and one day I may do something for you in return. " You help me! Ha....ha....," laughed Mr. Lion, but he let her go.

One day, Mr. Lion was caught in a net spread by hunters. " I can't get out!" he roared angrily. "But I can help you," said a tiny voice. The Miss Mouse nibbled and gnawed the ropes until the lion was free. " There", she said proudly, "if you had not let me go, I would not have found a way to help you. "Yes, you should thank her, Mr. Lion. She has saved your life", said a monkey who was sitting on a branch of a tree.

(Source: UN 2009)

7. Who was caught in a net?

A. A cat.

B. A lion.

C. A mouse.

D. A hunter.

E. A monkey

8. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Mr. Lion was not lying asleep.

B. The mouse cannot help Mr. Lion.

C. Miss Mouse was awakened by Mr. Lion.


D. Miss Mouse was caught in a net spread by hunters.

E. Mr. Lion was awake because a mouse running over his face.

9.Why did the mouse run over the lion's face? Because...

A. She was chased by a wild cat.

B. She was not afraid of the lion.

C. She wanted to wake up the lion.

D. She hoped the lion would help her.

E. She expected the lion would kill the cat.

Text 4

The following text is for questions 10-11

The Four Brothers and The Lost Camel

Four brothers, who were all good at tracking, met an Arab who asked them if they had seen his missing camel.

The four brothers asked the Arab whether the camel had lost its tail and wanted to know if it is was wearing a sack of grain on one said and a jar of honey on the other.

To his surprise, all the questions were true about his camel. And this made the Arabs convinced that they were the thieves. So he brought them before a judge.

But theexplanation was simple.

The first brother began, “The camel had only gazed on the grass on one side of the path, so it must be blind in the other eye.

One of its was less marked than the others, and that means it must be lame in one foot.”

“As for me,” said the second brother, “some wheat grains had fallen on the path and the ants were carrying them away. On the other side of the path, the flies were sucking at the drops of the honey.”

Thereupon the judge freed the four brothers and took them into his services.

(Source: UN 2009)

10. One of the brothers thought that the camel was lame because of … a. The grass on one side of the path

d. Hoof printsof the camel e. The ants and flies f. The camel‟s eye g. The camel‟s tail

4. Was lame 5. Had no tail 6. Had no eyes

7. Brought wheat grains 8. Asucked drop of honey

Text 5

The following text is for questions 12-14


Once, there was a beautiful Javanese princess whose name was RaraJonggrang. RaraJonggrang whose beauty was very famous in the land was the daughter of PrabuBaka, an evil king.

One day, a handsome young man with supernatural power named Bandung Bondowoso defeated and killed PrabuBaka. On seeing Princess RaraJonggrang‟s beauty, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her.

Meanwhile, Princess RaraJonggrang felt sad due to her father‟s death. She did not want to marry Bandung because he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of Bandung. So she refused politely by giving him a requirement which was impossible to fulfill. She said, “I will marry you but you have to build one thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift,” requested RaraJonggrang. Bandung agreed with the condition.

Helped by the spirits of the demons, Bandung Bondowoso started building the temples. Approaching midnight, the work would nearly be done. RaraJonggrang knew this and thought, “What shall I do? Bandung is smarter than I. I would lose against Bandung.”

Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the place and ordered them to make noisy sounds of grinding rice so that the roosters thought it had already been dawn.

Bandung Bondowoso got frustrated because he failed to completea thousand temples.

“The Princess has deceived me!” Following his anger, he cursed RaraJonggrang, “You have cheated me. Now, the thousandth temple will be you !“

At once, the princess turned into a statue. Knowing this, Bandung Bondowoso regretted and went away. Now you can see the statue of Princess Rara Jong-grang in Prambanan temple.

(Source: UN 2009)


12. Who helped Bandung building the temples?

A. The spirits of demons.

B. The spirits of giants.

C. His fellow workers.

D. The evil kings.

E. His followers.

13. Who owned a supernatural power?

A. PrabuBaka.

B. An evil king.

C. RaraJonggrang.

D. Bandung Bondowoso.

E. The spirits of demons.

14. What moral do you learn from the story?

A. Cheating is needed.

B. You must be honest.

C. We must keep our promise.

D. Crime will not bring happiness.

E. Love is gained by working hard.

Text 6

The following text is for questions 15-18

Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and evening, he plowed hid field with his buffalo.

One day, a tiger, a mouse deer, and a cockerel were walking together to meet a snail. On their way, they saw a farmer and a buffalo working in the field. The tiger said to the mouse deer and the cockerel, “I wonder how stupid the buffalo is. He lets himself be ruled by the small animal,” “You are right. The big animal must be a heartless one. I think you‟d better ask the big animal, Tiger,” said the mouse deer.

After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo, “You are so big and strong. Why do you do everything the man tells you ?” The buffalo answered, “Oh the man is very intelligent.” The tiger asked,”Can you tell me how intelligent he is ?” “No,I can‟t tell you,” said the buffalo, “but you can ask him.”

tied the tiger to the tree, he didn‟t go home to get hid intelligence. He took hid plow and hit the tiger. Then he said, “Now you know about my intelligence though you haven‟t seen it.”

(Source: UN 2008)

15. The tiger became more curious because of … A. The snail‟s advice

B. The cockerel‟s story C. The man‟s intelligence D. The mouse deer request E. The big buffalo‟s suggestion

16. Which of the following was first surprised to see the buffalo and the farmer working on the field?

A. The lion B. The tiger C. The snail D. The cockerel E. The mouse deer

17. What lesson can we learn from the story?

A. Don‟t leave your intelligence at home

B. Intelligent can‟t be judged from the appearance C. Don‟t compare man‟s intelligence to an animal‟s D. The bigger a person, the more intelligent he E. The smaller a person, the more intelligent he is.

18. The main idea of paragraph two is … A. The buffalo is very useful for the farmer

B. The mouse deer didn‟t believe the cockerel‟s story C. The cockerel supported the tiger‟s idea to ask the buffalo

D. The tiger was surprised to hear the cockerel‟s story about his family E. The mouse deer told the tiger to ask buffalo to get the answer to their surprise


Text 7

The following text is for question 19 and 20

Once a cap seller was passing through the jungle. He was dead tired and needed to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of caps near him and lay down with his cap on his head.

The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first thing he did was to look into his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps were not there. He was wondering where they could have gone. Indeed, he was greatly puzzled.

When he looked up the sky,he was very surprised to see monkeys sitting on the branches of a tree, each wearing a cap on his head. They had done it to imitate him.

He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In return, the monkeys only made faces of him.

When he began to make gestures, even when he raised his fist towards them to threaten them, they also imitated them.

At last, he hit upon a clever idea. “Monkeys are a great imitator,” he thought. So he took off his cap and threw it down on the ground. As he had expected, all the monkeys took off the caps and threw them down on the ground. Quickly he stood up and collected the caps, but for them back into his bag and went away.

(Source: UN 2008)

19. Why was each monkey wearing a cap on their head?

A. They liked them

B. They liked wearing caps

C. They were imitating the cap seller D. They were teasing the cap seller E. They had stolen the caps

20. What is the moral value of the text?

A. Monkeys are clever animal

B. Put your belongings in a safe place C. Kindness must be possessed by everyone D. Foolishness is a source of faulty

Text 8

The following text is for question 21-23

The Good Stepmother

The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both. Each night the childre n cried and begged the witch to let them go.

Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was beginning to wish she had never tried to get rid of the children. “I must find them,” she said and set off into the forest.

Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirst, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped though the window. Her heart cried out when she saw the two children.

She picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the pangganga n when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the panggangan and the stepmother shut the door.

„Children, I have come to save you,‟ she said hugging them tightly. I have done a dreadful thing.

I hope in time you will forgive me. Let me take you home and become a family again. They returned to their home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish to have, and of course they lived happily ever after!

(Source : UN 2007 )

21. The story is about a stepmother who ……

A. cried every night

B. planned to eat her children C. begged a witch for money D. ried to run away from a witch E. saved her children from a witch

22. Which statement is TRUE about the step mother?

A. She was the witch‟s friend.

B. She loved her stepchildren.

C. She hit the witch with a broom.


D. She locked her children in a cage.

E. She visited the witch to see her children.

23. “The witch fell into the panggangan and the stepmother shut the door.” (Paragraph 4)The underlined word can be replaced by the word …………..

A. Closed B. opened C. painted D. Marked E. polished

Text 8

The following text is for question 24-25

Once upon a time, there were a king and his queen who lived in the Kingdom of Belinyu. They didn‟t have any child. Until one night, the queen had a dream of a turtle. It said that the queen would have a baby, and she had to give a Komala necklace to her baby. The queen woke up and she was holding a Komala necklace in her hand. She told her dream to the king, and he was very happy.

Shortly, the queen‟s dream became reality. She delivered a beautiful baby girl. The king named her, Komala. She grew up as a pretty girl. However, she had a bad attitude because her parents always spoiled her too much.

One day, Komala heard her parents were talking about the turtle in her mother‟s dream. She thought that the turtle was very interesting animal, so she wanted it as her pet. She insisted to find it, and the king allowed her to look for the animal.

Accompanied with the king‟s guards, Komala searched the turtle, and finally, she found it in a beach. She shouted to it, “Penyu busuk, wait for me,” in several times, but the turtle kept swimming. Komala ran after it into the sea, she tried to catch it. Until then she finally drowned and disappeared, and all of her guards could not save her. Now, people call the beach, Penyusuk.

(Source : UN 2007 )

24. Until then she finally drowned . . . “ (last paragraph). The synonym of the word “drowned” is … A. Disappeared

B. Floated C. Swam D. Sank E. Sleep

A. Vanished B. Appeared C. Disappointed D. Appointed E. Disappeared

Range of students‟ Reading Comprehension

Range 100 Range 10 IKIP Character Qualification

80-100 8,0-10 8,1-10 A Excellent

66-79 6,6-7,9 6,6-6,5 B Very good

56-65 5,6-6,5 5,6-6,5 C Good

40-55 4,0-5,5 4,1-5,5 D Fairly good

30-39 3,0-3,9 0-4,0 E Fair

No Indicator in reading comprehension 1 Identifying topic and main


2 Generic structure , Factual information


3 Language features

4 Identifying reference of pronoun, Understanding literal of story

5 Moral lesson

Petunjuk :

Berikankomentardan saran ibu/bapaktentangtingkatankesesuaiandantingkatankesulitanmasing – masingbacaandansoaldari 25

butirsoalbacaandengancaramengisisebuahpertanyaan. Untukmenunjukkantingkatankesesuaian (the level of approriatment) dan 1,2,3,4, dan 5 untukmenunjukkantingkatkesulitan (the level of difficulty).


A :Sangatsesuai B :Sesuai C :Sedang D :Tidaksesuai E :Sangattidaksesuai 1: Sangatsulit

2: Sulit

3: Sedang 4: Mudah 5. Sangatmudah

Keterangan :Beritanda ( √ ) padakotak yang sesuai Coret yang tidakperlu

No Text / Soal

Tingkat kesesuaian

Tingkat kesulitan A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5

Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he could not swim. He had an idea He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit asked the boss of the crocodile. “How many crocodiles are there in the river?” “Where are they? the rabbit asked for the second time.

“All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind. so I want to make a line in order.

Later I will know how kind you are,” said the rabbit. Then, the boss of the crocodile called all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to the other side of the river. Just then.the rabbit started to count while jumping from one crocodile to another one. one...two...there...four...until twenty, and finally, he thanked all crocodile because he had crossed the river.

(Source : UN 2012 )

1 The story mainly tells us about... √ √

2 We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit wanted... √ √

3 All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind ..” (Paragraph 2) The underlined words are synonymous with...

√ √

A fox fell into a well and couldn‟t get out. By and by a thirsty goat came along.

Seeing the fox in the well it asked if the water was good. “ Good”, said the fox “It‟s the

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