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Pengaruh Karakteristik Penduduk dan Kadar Kadmium dalam Beras terhadap Kadar Kadmium Urine Penduduk di Kabupaten Musi Rawas Tahun 2014


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Pengaruh Karakteristik Penduduk dan Kadar Kadmium dalam Beras terhadap Kadar Kadmium Urine Penduduk di Kabupaten Musi Rawas Tahun 2014"


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Air Irigasi Tugumulyo yang digunakan untuk mengairi tanaman padi sawah di duga tercemar logam berat kadmium dan logam kadmium ini dikhawatirkan dapat mengakumulasi pada beras yang berasal dari tanaman padi sawah tersebut sehingga membahayakan kesehatan masyarakat di Kabupaten Musi Rawas.

Tujuan penelitian, mengetahui pengaruh karateristik penduduk (lama konsumsi beras, lama tinggal, jenis kelamin) dan kadar kadmium dalam beras terhadap kadar kadmium urine penduduk.

Jenis penelitian analitik korelasi dengan desain studi cross sectional . Waktu penelitian bulan Januari-Juni 2014 dengan jumlah sampel : 23 sampel air, 23 sampel beras, dan 46 orang sampel urine. Pemeriksaan Sampel air irigasi, sampel Beras dan Sampel Urine dilakukan di Laboratorium LIDA MIPA USU.

Hasil penelitian Kadar kadmium dalam air irigasi 0,013-0,034 ml/l melebihi baku mutu yang ditetapkan (0,01 ml/l) dan kadar kadmium dalam beras 0,013-0,019 mg/kg masih jauh di bawah ambang batas (0,4 mg/kg). Kadar Kadmium dalam urine 0,019-0,088 ml/l. Tidak ada perbedaan kadar kadmium urine berdasarkan jenis kelamin, ada pengaruh lama konsumsi beras, lama tinggal dan kadar kadmium dalam beras terhadap kadar kadmium urine penduduk. Lama konsumsi beras adalah variabel yang paling dominan terhadap kadar kadmium urine. Secara keseluruhan variabel mempengaruhi kadar kadmium dalam urine penduduk sebesar 64,6%.

Kadmium pada air irgasi di duga berasal dari pupuk maka Pemerintah Kabupaten Musi Rawas diharapkan melakukan pengawasan peredaran pupuk yang mengandung kadmium. Perlu penyuluhan pada petani tentang pemakaian dosis pestisida dan pupuk yang baik dan benar sehingga dapat mencegah dan mengurangi pencemaran logam berat dalam kandungan pupuk tersebut.

Kata Kunci : Karakteristik Penduduk, Kadar Kadmium dalam Beras, Kadar Kadmium Urine



Tugumulyo irrigation water used to irrigate wet rice field is probably contaminated by cadmium heavy metal which is feared to accumulate in the rice which comes from this wet field rice so that it will endanger people’s health in Musi Rawas District.

The objective of the research was to find out residents’ characteristics (the length of consuming rice, the length of dwelling, and sex) and cadmium content in rice on cadmium content in the urine of the residents in Musi Rawas District.

The research used analytic correlation study method with cross sectional design. It was conducted from January to June, 2014 with the samples consisted of 24 water samples, 23 rice samples, and 46 urine sample. The examining of the samples of irrigation water, rice, and urine was conducted in LIDA Laboratory of MIPA, USU.

The result of the research showed that cadmium content in the irrigation water was 0.013-0.034 ml/l, surpassed the quality standard of 0.01 ml/l, and cadmium content in rice was 0.013-0.019 mg/kg, still far below the threshold of 0.4 mg/kg. Cadmium content in urine was 0.019-0.088 ml/l. There was the disparity of urine cadmium content, based on sex, but there was the influence of the length of consuming rice, the length of dwelling, and cadmium content in rice on cadmium content in the residents’ urine. The variable of the length of consuming rice was the most dominant influence on urine cadmium content. As a whole, the variable which influenced cadmium content in the residents’ urine was 64.6%.

It is recommended that Musi Rawas District Administration should control fertilizer distribution properly and correctly so thast the contaminatrion of heavy metal can be avoided in its content.

Keywords : Residents’ Characteristics, Cadmium Content in Rice, Cadmium Content in Urine


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