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Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements to get Undergraduate Degree (S.1) in English Education







ii Advisor I : Monalisa,S.Pd,M.Pd Advisor II : Hilma Suryani,M.Pd

To: The Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi In Jambi



After reading, giving guidance, and making necessary correction, we agree that the thesis of

Name : Nurzahidah

NIM : TE151607

Department : English Education Program

Title : An Analysis of Code Mixing Used By the English Teacher at Senior High School 2 Batanghari

Has been progressed to be examined to fulfill the tasks and requirement to achieve undergraduate degree (S.1) in English Education Program Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of the State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. We assert the thesis can be accepted well. Thus, we hope this thesis will be useful for education, religion, and nation.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


First Advisor Second Advisor

Monalisa,S.Pd, M.Pd Hilma Suryani,, S.Pd, M.Pd NIP. 19750515 200003 2 004 NIP. 19861226 201503 2 005





Jalan Lintas Jambi-Muaro Bulian KM. 16 Simpang Sungai Duren Kab. Muaro Jambi 36363 Telp/Fax : (0741) 583183 - 584118 website : www.iainjambi.ac.id


The Thesis entitled “An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by the English Teacher at Senior High School 2 Batanghari” has been thesis defense by Education and Teacher Training Faculty (FTK) UIN STS Jambi on:

Day : Monday

Date : November 9th2020 Time : 13.00-14.00 WIB

Name : Nurzahidah

Place : Online (Aplikasi Zoom) Student’s Number : TE.151607

Title : “An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by the English Teacher at Senior High School 2 Batanghari”

Has been improved as the result of thesis defense above and has been accepted as part of the thesis endorsement requirements.

No Name Signature Date


Dr. Hj. Dewi Hasanah, M.Ag NIP: 197007111994032003 (Chair)

25 – 11 – 2020


Reni Andriani, M.Pd NIDN. 2026059001 (Secretary)

25 – 11 – 2020


Ayuliamita Abadi, S.Pd.I.,M.Pd NIP. 198602202015032004 (Examiner I)

23 – 11 – 2020


FaiqahMahmudah, SS,M.Pd NIP. 198704172015032003 (Examiner II)

26 – 11 – 2020


Monalisa, S.Pd, M.Pd NIP. 197505152000032004 (Advisor I)

24 – 11 – 2020


Hilma Suryani, M.Pd NIP. 198612262015032005 (Advisor II)

26 – 11 – 2020


Education and Teacher Training Faculty the state of Islamic University SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi

Dr. Hj. Fadlillah, M.Pd NIP.196707111992032004







In the name of Allah SWT the most gracious and the most merciful, who has given the researcher mercy and blessing, health and ability to finish thesis. Sholawat to the

Prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really change the world.

Special Thanks to:

❖ My Parents, my beloved father Sibawaihi and my beloved mother Kholisa who always give me everlasting love, guidance, motivation, always praying for me and supporting me to finish this thesis and to be successful in the future.

❖ My beloved brothers, Rusdan Hisaby and Khairul Anwar who always supporting, motivation and praying for me.

❖ My beloved grandfather, Hj. Ibrahim, HZA who always supporting and praying for me.

❖ My first advisor Monalisa,S.Pd, M.Pd and My second Advisor Hilma Suryani, M.Pd. who guided me, advised me and supported me to finish this thesis.

❖ My close friends Parido and Yuliana Febriani, thanks for you all who always guidance, always besides me when happiness, sadness and all condition.

❖ All of my beloved classmate in C class of English Department 2015. I thank them for the spirit, motivation and togetherness thanks for your sharing and participant.

❖ All of my lecturers who teach me since i don’t know anything till i graduated.

All of people who keep supporting me wherever you are.

May Allah SubhanahuWaTa’ala bless us.





ِميِحهرلٱ حۡمَٰنِهرلٱ ِ هللَّٱ بِسۡمِ

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most Merciful

َلاَق ُهَدنِع اَنَعَٰ َتَم اَنۡدَجَو نَم ه

لَِّإ َذُخ ۡ أهن ن َ

أ ِ هللَّٱ َذاَعَم ََٰظهل اٗذِإ ٓاهنِإ ٓۥ


( ٧٩ )

He said: Allah forbid that we should seize save him with whom we found our property;

then truly we should be wrong-doers.

(QS. Yusuf : 79)




Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin, the researcher would like to express her confession and gratitude to the Most Perfection, Allah SWT for the guidance, blessing and mercy in completing her thesis as one of the requirements to get undergraduate degree (S.1).

Shalawat and salam are always be delivered to the big Prophet Muhammad SAW his family and followers till the end of the time.

In this process of completion of this thesis, the researcher received much advices and contribution from many people who cannot be enumerated especially from my advisors, Monalisa, S.Pd.,M.Pd as my first advisor and Hilma Suryani, M.Pd as my second advisor. They are my great inspiration in teaching field. Next, this success would not be attained without supports, guidance, help, encourage from individual and institution. The researcher would like to say thank to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Su’aidi Asy’ari, M.A., Ph.D., as the Rector of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadilah, M. Pd as Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

3. Dr. Risnita, M.Pd as The First Assistant of Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training. Dr. Najmul Hayat, S. Ag M. Pd. I as The Second Assistant of Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, and Dr. Yusria, S. Ag M. Ag. as the Third Assistant of Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

4. Wahyuni Fitria, S.Pd, M.Pd as the chairwoman of English Education Program 5. All lecturers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State

Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.




ix ABSTRAK Nama : Nurzahidah

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : An Analysis of Code Mixing That Used By the English Teacher at Senior High School 2 Batanghari

Skripsi ini bertujuan uuntuk mengetahui penerapan campur bahasa yang digunakan oleh Guru Bahasa Inggris di kelas IPA dan IPS di SMAN 2 Batanghari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa obervasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pencampuran bahasa yang digunakan oleh Guru disesuaikan dengan kemampuan siswa tersebut. Berdasarkan pengamatan peneliti, dikelas IPA Guru lebih banyak menggunakan tipe intra sentential code mixing yang mana banyak kata bahasa inggris yang digunakan ketika proses mengajar dikelas. Sedangkan, dikelas IPS Guru lebih banyak menggunakan tipe ketiga yaitu involving a change of pronunciation. Guru lebih banyak menggunakan kata serapan dari bahasa inggris yang sudah digunakan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Dari semua data yang dikumpulkan, banyak diantaranya berupa kata benda dan kata kerja.

Kata Kunci: Pencampuran Bahasa, Tipe-tipe Campur Bahasa, Sekolah Menengah Atas.


x ABSTRACT Name : Nurzahidah

Major : English Education Program

Title : An Analysis of Code Mixing That Used By the English Teacher at SMAN 2 Batanghari

The aim of this research was to investigate code mixing that used by the English Teacher in science class (IPA) and social class (IPS) at Senior High School 2 Batanghari. This research used descriptive qualitative research method and the technique of collecting data were observation and interview. The results of this research indicate the code mixing that Teacher used depends on students’ ability. Based on observation, in science class teacher mostly used the first type of code mixing that is intra sentential code mixing in the classroom. However, in social class Teacher mostly used the third type that is involving a change of pronunciation. This type is the English word that modify to Indonesian word.

From the all data, the utterances are mostly noun and verb.

Keywords: Code Mixing, The Type of Code Mixing, Senior High School.




PAGE TITLE……….………i











CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background……….……….1

B. Problem of the Study………...4

C. Objective of the Study….………4

D. Limitation of the Study………4

E. Significance of the Research……….…….………..5

CHAPTER II : THEORITICAL REVIEW A. Sociolinguistics……….……….6

B. Definition of Code Mixing…..………...…8

C. Types of Code Mixing………...10

D. Reason of Code Mixing………..11

E. The Relation of Code Switching and Code Mixing...……….15

F. Previous Research Finding……….18




A. Research Design………..………..21

B. Setting of the Research………..21

C. Subject of the Research………….……….22

D. Location and Time……….……….22

E. Data Source……….………....22

F. Technique of Collecting the Data….………..………....23

G. Technique of Data Analysis……….………..24

H. Trustworthiness……….……….25


B. Discussion………...33


B. Suggestion………..40






Appendix I Field Note of Observation First Meeting………42

Appendix II Field Note of Observation Second Meeting………..44

Appendix III Interview Transcript by Teacher………46

Appendix IV Teacher’s Utterances That Contain Code Mixing……….49



Code mixing is the phenomenon found in daily life. People often use two or more languages when they are speaking. Wardhaugh (2006) states that a code is a system of communication that used when two or more people communicate each other in speech.

In most cases that code will be something we may also want to call a language. The phenomenon is called code mixing. There are so many people who master more than one language. The fact that people can use more than one language encourages them to mix code whenever they speak. According to Abdullah (2011) the condition when people use two or more languages in the same sentence or discourse is called code mixing. Hoffman (1991) state that code mixing is an act of switching one language to another used within the same sentence.

As stated by Wardhaugh (2006) that code-mixing occurs when conversant use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance. According to Richards (2002) states that code mixing is a mix of two codes or languages without a change of topic. Code mixing takes place without a change of topic and can involve various levels of language such as phonology, morphology, grammatical structures or lexical items. We could not avoid that the first language is a big effect in second language. Interaction and mixing between languages result in various languages. Most of the people in the society mix their language with other language by borrowing or using pieces of foreign languages even sometimes they are still influenced by first language.

Jacobson in Abdullah (2011) stated that there are a number of formal and functional constraints on code mixing. The constraint are relate to the Sociological (context situation), psychological (cognition, production, and processing of the mixed code), and linguistic (interaction of the two or more grammar) dimension of code mixing.

Mabule (2015) stated that code mixing is the embedding of various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbond morphemes), phrases and clauses from



cooperative activity where the participants, in order to infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear with what they understand.

According to Lie (2007) English is taught and used as a foreign language in Indonesia. In spite of the many years of English instruction in formal schooling, the outcome has not been satisfying. Very few high school graduates are able to communicate intelligibly in English. Even though English is officially taught throughout secondary schools and at the university level in Indonesia, competence in this foreign language among high school and university graduates is generally low. Lie (2007) also add that only students coming from the middle and upper socio-economic classes have the easy access and opportunity to enhance their English proficiency beyond that of their peer level through other means such as private courses, computer-aided language instruction, and exposure through Western-influenced TV channels, foreign movies, and networks with expatriate communities.

According to Spolsky (1998) people often mixed a code when they learn a new language. They often add some new words when they speak from their new language in their old language. It is something natural when they use it because they speak to know both languages. The case above is same as the students’ and the teachers’ classes.

Students and teachers often use code mixing in teaching and learning process. It is something natural when it happens in teaching and learning process, because the teachers and the students are Indonesian people while English is a new or foreign language for them. Many teachers make code mixing in different level of students. It is depend of situation, topic and participant. The teacher should know and understand when they should emphasize the language in order the students understand what he/she means by code mixing. Finally, code mixing is as a strategy to support the student to develop their ability in foreign language learning. Ruiz (2014) stated that code mixing and code switching is useful to help the teacher and to know background knowledge of the students and facilitate them learn the target language in a less stressful and an efficient way for instance to translate, using the certain code, to understand the procedures and directions, to clarify, and to check for comprehending.



Code mixing is in fact, not a new speaking strategy. It is a sort of common strategy applied by foreign language learner in terms of engaging their native language in speaking. To a large extent, code mixing functions to lead the students to express their ideas, comments, or responses orally about something. The lea rners can mix the isolated words or grammatical construction of the target language.

Related to previous studies about code mixing, there are some researchers that conducted earlier. The first one is Amsal (2011), he used Muysken’s (2000) theory in his research. From his research found that insertion code mixing was the most dominant used by the students by their conversation. Insertion is the first type of Muysken’s theory. The second one is Saldi Ady Saleh (2017). He used Hoffman’s (1991) theory in his research.

It is similar with the researcher used to her research. From his research, the researcher found that there is no the second type of Hoffman’s theory that is intra lexical code mixing in his research.

Based on the preliminary research at Senior High School 2 Batanghari, from the observation and the interview with the teacher, researcher found that teacher had taught English in the class mostly speak Indonesian language. It is happened because most of students had low ability in English. Lie (2007) state that the competence in this foreign language among high school and university graduates is generally low. She also said that only students coming from the middle and upper socio-economic classes have the easy access and the opportunity to enhance their English proficiency beyond that of their peer level through other means such as private courses, computer-aided language instruction, and exposure through Western-influenced TV channels, foreign movies, and networks with expatriate communities.

. From the observation, Teacher starting explained about the material and then makes a group discussion. Each group consists of 4 or 5 students. Teacher spoke English- Indonesian to give an instruction to the students. Teacher asked each leader of the group to collect paper randomly. After got the random paper, teacher asked student to make a paragraph for each group that would be describe by each group. Teacher gave fifteen minutes to make a paragraph. Then teacher chose one student for group one to explain about the paragraph. Student from group one explained about the paragraph using English



language but not all students understand the meaning of the paragraph. So the student from group one re-explained the paragraph in Indonesian language. Each group asked question to group one. At the end teacher also helped students to more understand about the paragraph. For group two, teacher asked them to mix their language. For example translate for the difficult word to make students understand the meaning. Just three groups showed they paragraph for total seven groups.

B. Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study in preceding discussion the following research problems are formulated:

1. What are the types of code mixing used by teacher in teaching learning process?

2. Why does teacher do code mixing?

C. Objective of the Study

1. To find out types of code mixing that teacher use in teaching learning process.

2. To find out the purposes teacher do code mixing.

D. Limitation of the Study

This study focuses to analyse the use of code mixing by the English teacher. This study is limited on the types and the reason teacher used code mixing in teaching learning process for two classes in the first semester at the second grade of Senior High School 2 Batanghari. The researcher took some notes from classroom observation and the reason why teacher do code mixing by interview.

E. Significance of the Research

The results of this study aim to provide benefits both theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically, research on code mixing has been carried out throughout the world. But, it is still interested in being discussed in view of the dynamic and different behaviour of people in different social environments. This can be influenced by several factors both internal and external.



2. Practically, the importance of this research is important for the following matters.

a. For teacher, the results of this study are intended to be a reference to English education student who will be a teacher. Thus, the quality of second grade students in Senior High School Batanghari.

b. For students, this research is important to help them to more participate in the classroom while teacher explain the material. They can improve their English skill by mixing the languages.



THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics has the important role in human life, because there is a relationship between language and society. When people interact with others in society at anytime and anywhere they must use a language. Cakrawarti (2011) stated that people will find some troubles when they do their activities and toward the others without language. Language have important role in society. The role of a language among the people in this life is very crucial. The study of linguistics reveals that language and society cannot be separated to be investigated. It develops into sociolinguistics or the sociology of language. She adds sociolinguistics actually does not discuss a structure of a language, but it focuses on how a language is used, so it could play its function well.

According to Holmes (2013) sociolinguist is study the relationship between language and society. They are interested in explaining why we speak differently in different social contexts, and they are concerned with identifying the social functions of language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning. Chambers (2004) stated that sociolinguistics is the study of the social uses of language, and the most productive studies in the four decades of sociolinguistics research have emanated from determining the social evaluation of linguistic variants.

Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages function in communication (Wardhaugh, 2006). Sociolinguists are explained of why people speak differently in different social context since they are concerned with the identification of the social function of language and the way it is used to convey a social meaning.

In using a language, people are influenced by the linguistics factors as well as the non-linguistics factors such as the social factor. Those social factors are social status, educational background, age, economic status, and gender. Besides that, situational factors can also influence a speaker using language such as who is speaking in what



language, to whom he is talking to, when and where the conversation take place, and about what he talking about.

1. Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Most people are usually required to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak with other people. The phenomenon of people having more than one code (language) is called bilingualism or multilingualism (Wardhaugh, 2010). Wardhaugh adds moving from one language to another in the course of a single conversation is very common. Spolsky (1998: 45) defined a bilingual as “a person who has some functional ability in the second language.” This may vary from a limited ability in one or more domains, to very strong command of both languages.

Bilingualism is the ability of people using two languages when they are speak to each other. According to Edwards (2013) bilingualism and multilingualism have both de facto existence and important places in the psychological, political, and social debates that define social and ethnic group, communities, and regions. Sridhar (2002) stated that the terms of bilingualism and multilingualism have been used interchangeably in the literature to refer to the knowledge or use of more than one language by an individual or a community. He also adds there must allow for the possibility that multilingualism may be more than just a magnified or extended version of bilingualism.

Moetia, et. al. (2018) Indonesia is included as bilingual or multilingual societies which means people in this country share a common range of many languages. When people master or use two or more than one language, it is called bilingual or multilingual.

This happens when people are in the place where their mother tongue is not the only language that is understood by most people. Bilingual and multilingual can also be triggered by the education which requires them to speak in another language besides their mother tongue. Bilingualism and multilingualism cause this phenomenon which is called code mixing and code switching.

From the experts explanation above, the researcher conclude that bilingualism is the ability using two code or languages when he/she have interacted to each other. Most of Indonesian people are bilingual because they can speak National language that is Bahasa Indonesia and Traditional language.



While Sridhar (2002) states that multilingualism can be studied both as an individual phenomenon, issues such as how one acquires two or more languages in the childhood or later how these languages are represented in the mind and how they are accessed for speaking and writing and for comprehension become central. When it is viewed as a societal phenomenon, one is concerned with its institutional dimensions that is with issues such as the status and roles of the languages in a given society attitudes toward languages, determinant of language choice, the symbolic and practical uses of the languages, and the correlations between language use and social factors such as ethnicity, religion, and class.

B. Definition of Code Mixing 1. Code

A code is a system that is used by people to communicate with each other. When people want to talk each other, they have to choose a particular code to express their feeling. According to Ajibola (2011) a code is language, a variety or style of language. A code is a class specific language variation, especially for the different strategies of verbal planning. In communication, a code is a rule for converting a piece of information (for example, a letter, word or phrase) into another form or representation, not necessarily of the same sort.

In everyday interaction, people usually choose different codes in different situation.

They may choose a particular code or variety because it makes them easier to discuss a particular topic, regardless where they are speaking. When talking about work or school at home, for instance, they may use the language that is related to those fields rather than the language used in daily language communication at home (Cakrawarti, 2011).

From those opinions of the code given by many linguists above, the writer can make conclusion that a code can be said as a language. The code is a form of the language variation that is used by a society to make communication with other people.

2. Code Mixing

Code mixing is the phenomenon always found in daily life. Code mixing means the mixing of two codes or two languages without changing the context. Code mixing usually



occurs in a sentence. There are some opinions from the experts about code mixing. Based on Wardhaugh (2010) code mixing occurs when they decide to switch code to another, or mix codes within sometimes very short utterances and thus create a new code in a process.

Code mixing is the use of one language in another language, the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties in a speech (Ajibola, 2011). Alabi (2007) asserts that code mixing is often an unconscious illocutionary act in naturally occurring conversation. Though no norm guides the level of code mixing, different communities and people maintain, consciously or unconsciously, their levels of code mixing which is constrained by competence.

Code mixing often happens when the use of two languages or two cultures cannot be separated from the elements of one language well and often overlaps between the two systems are in use.

Ajibola (2011) mention 3 parts the function of code mixing, that are:

a. To signal group membership and shared ethnicity.

b. It indicates attitude to what is being said.

c. Among minorities, the home language (the “we” code) is used to signify in- group, informal and personalized activities.

C. Types of Code Mixing

Hoffman (1991) shows that there are three types of code mixing based on syntactical patterns. Those are intra-sentential code mixing, intra-lexical code mixing, and involving a change of pronunciation.

1. Intra sentential code mixing

This kind of code mixing occurs within a phrase, a clause or a sentence boundary, for example English-Indonesian:

A : Come here, aku ada sesuatu buat kamu ( come here, I have something for you)

B : Kamu harus Relog dulu, biar enak main game. (you should to relog to easier playing a game)



In the example above, the speakers A and B mix the language between Indonesian and English, the mixing is called Intra-Sentential code mixing because they mix the languages in a sentence boundary where the speaker A mix “come here” in her/his utterance, and speaker B says “relog” and “game” in her/his utterance.

Another example:

Hurry up, kita harus segera pergi (Hurry up, we should to go)

Another example is from Wardaugh (2006). Spanish-English bilingual are a. “Estaba training para pelar”. (He was training to fight),

b. No van a bring it up in the meeting. (They are not going to bring it up in the meeting).

French-English bilingual says

“I started going like this, Y luego decla (and then he said), look at the smoke coming out my fingers.

2. Intra lexical code mixing

This kind of code mixing occurs within a word boundary. For example English- Indonesia:

A: Syarat pertama ikut lomba itu harus nge-follow instagramnya dulu. (the first requirement to join the competition is to follow the instagram first.

B: Kamu harus baca koran setiap hari untuk meng-update pengetahuanmu tentang masalah-masalah yang terjadi di Negara kita (you have to read the newspaper every day to update your knowledge about the problems that happen in our country).

In the example above, the speakers A and B mix the language between English and Indonesian at the level of word, so it is called intra-lexical code mixing.

C. Shoppã (English shop with the Panjabi plural ending) or kuenjoy (English enjoy with the Swahili prefix -ku, meaning ‘to’).

3. Involving a change of pronunciation



This kind of code mixing occurs at the phonological level, as when Indonesian people say an English word, but modify it to Indonesian phonological structure. For instance, the word “transportation” is said “tranportasi” or the word “television” is said

“televisi” in Indonesia. The word ‘strawberry’ is said to be ‘stroberi’.

D. Reasons of Code Mixing

When code switching or code mixing occurs, the motivation or reasons of the speaker is an important consideration in the process. According to Hoffman (1991) there are number of reasons for bilingual or multilingual person to switch or mix their languages. Those are talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being empathic about something (express solidarity), interjection, repetition used for clarification, intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor, expressing group identity.

1. Talking about a particular topic

People often prefer to talk about a particular topic in one language rather than in another. Sometimes, the speaker feels free and more comfortable in expressing his/her though and emotional situation by using a language which is not their everyday language.

The case can be found in Singapore, in which English language is used to discuss trade or a business matter, Mandarin for international “Chinese” language, Malay as the language of the region, and Tamil as the language of one of the important ethnic groups in the republic (Wardhaugh, 2006).

2. Quoting somebody else

Code Mixing happens when a speaker switches codes to quote a famous expression, proverb, or saying of some well-known figures. The switch involves just the words that the speaker is claiming the quoted person said. The switch like a set of quotation marks.

In Indonesian, those well know figures are mostly from some English-speaking countries.

Then, because many of the Indonesian people nowadays are good in English, those famous expressions or sayings can be quoted intact in their original language. For example:

A: Bolehkah saya tahu nama anda, Pak? (May I know your name, Sir?)


12 B: What is a name.

In this conversation, B answers the question from A with the famous proverb ‘what is a name.’

3. Being emphatic about something (express solidarity)

As usual, when someone who is talking using a language and suddenly wants to be emphatic about something, he either intentionally or unintentionally, will switch one language to another language. Or, on the other hand, he switches from his second language to his first language because he feels more convenient to be emphatic in his second language rather than in his first language.

4. Interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors)

Language switching and language mixing among bilingual or multilingual people can sometimes be marked by an interjection or sentence connector. Interjection is words or expressions, which are inserted into a sentence to convey surprise, strong emotion, or to gain attention. Interjection is a short exclamation like: Duh!, Hey!, Oh!, Shit!, etc.

Interjection has no grammatical value, but speaker uses them quite often, usually more in speaking than in writing. Language switching and language mixing among bilingual or multilingual people can sometimes mark an interjection or sentence connector. It may happen unintentionally.

The following are examples of the usage of interjection in sentences:

1. Indonesian-English

Dompetku ketinggalan di taksi! Shitt!

(My wallet was left in the taxi!)

2. Switch between Spanish and English (Holmes, 2013)

Chicano professionals saying goodbye, and after having been introduced by a third speaker, talking briefly:

A : Well, I’m glad to meet you.

B : Andale pues (O.K.Swell). And do come again. Mm?

5. Repetition used for clarification

When a speaker wants to clarify his/her speech so that it will be understood better by the listener, he/she can sometimes use both of the languages (codes) that he/she masters



to say the same message. When a bilingual wants to clarify his/her speech so that it will be understood more by the listener, he or she can sometimes use both of the languages that he or she mastered by saying the same utterance (the utterance is said repeatedly).

The repetition is not only to clarify the speech but also to emphasize the massage.

For example :

English-Hindi (Gumperz, 1982)

Father calling his small son while walking through a train compartment, “Keep straight. Sidha jao” (keep straight).

6. Intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor

When a bilingual person talks to another bilingual, there will be lots of code- switching and code-mixing occurs. The speaker will repeat a message in one language to another language with the purpose of making the speech run smoothly or clarifying the ideas to make the conversation more understandable.

7. Expressing group identity

Code switching and code mixing also be used to express group identity. The way of communication of academic people in their disciplinary groupings, are obviously different from the people who are out of the community. Additional reasons given by Saville-Troike (1986):

a. To soften or strengthen request or command

Another reason the code mixing happens because one of the functions is to soften a command or strengthen the request in order to sound more polite request or command. However, code mixing and code switching can also strengthen a command since the speaker can feel more powerful than the listener because he/she can use a language that another cannot.

b. Because of real lexical need

One of the common reasons of bilingual/multilingual person to switch or mix their languages is due to the lack of equivalent lexicon in the languages. When an English-Indonesian bilingual has a word that is lacking in English, he will find it



easier to say it in Indonesian. when he has a word that is lacking in Indonesian, he will use the English term.

c. To exclude other people when a comment is intended for only a limited audience Sometimes people want to communicate only to certain people or community they belong to. To avoid the other community or interference objected to their communication by people, they may try to exclude those people by using the language that no everybody knows.

E. The Relation of Code Switching and Code Mixing

According to Claros and Isharyanti (2009) code mixing also called intra-sentential code switching or intra-sentential code-alternation, it occurs when speakers use two or more languages below clause level within one social situation. Wardhaugh (2006) state that code switching (also called code-mixing) can occur in conversation between speakers’ turns or within a single speaker’s turn. In the latter case it can occur between sentences (intersententially) or within a single sentence (intra-sententially). Hoffman (1991) state that code mixing is the switches occur within a sentence.

The example of code mixing between Indonesia – English:

“This morning aku pergi ke sekolah with my friends loh.”

(This morning I went to school with my friends.)

On the other hand, code switching is the changes over sentences (Hoffman, 1991).

Code switching can occur during the same conversation. For example :

“People here get divorced too easily. Like exchanging faulty goods. In China it’s not the same. Jia gou sui gou, jia ji sui ji.”

(If you have married a dog, you follow a dog, if you’ve married a chicken, you follow a chicken.)

Hoffman (1991) explains that code switching can occur quite frequently in an informal conversation among people who are familiar and have a shared educational, ethnic, and socio-economic background. It is avoided in a formal speech situation among people especially to those who have little in common factors in terms of social status, language loyalty, and formality.



Suganda (2012) mentions 6 factors of code switching and code mixing, they are:

1. Repetitive functions

One of the very old concerns of teachers' is how to get the meaning conveyed and understood by students. Repetition is one of the important techniques for clarification or emphasis in the teaching practice. It can be done in either language or both. In many cases, the teacher conveys the same message in both languages for emphasis or clarity. By code switching and/or code mixing, the teacher repeats what has been said, usually in the form of translation or approximate translation.

2. For translation of new and unfamiliar words and expressions

Teachers' concern for unfamiliar vocabulary or expression often prompts them to code switch. When the teacher is not sure whether the students know the meaning of the target language word or expression in question, it is common for him/her to offer the Indonesian translation for clarification.

This factor was mostly found conducted by the teachers of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, especially when translating certain concepts either from English to Indonesian or from Indonesian to English. It was also found that the teachers translated Indonesian to English utterances since they had to expose their materials in English.


Segitiga sama sisi atau equilateral triangle.

A code mixing (CM) of Indonesian and English is shown in this extract. Here, the mathematics teacher introduced the mathematics term, both in Indonesian and English using the translation method, because she wanted to expose the English term to the students.

3. For ease of expression.

The teachers may switch and/or mix from Indonesian to English for ease of expression. It is when an English word or expression finds its equivalent in Indonesian terms or when its Indonesian equivalent is not easy to retrieve.




Nama trivial tidak mengikuti aturan UPAC ya.

The Chemistry teacher (T5) inserted the term 'UPAC' in her utterance. This showed the occurrence of code mixing of English and Indonesian. The term 'UPAC' was pronounced /jupèk/ , and it was the common and specific term found in chemistry.

4. Socializing functions

Teachers may switch and/or mix from English to Indonesian for interpersonal purpose. In the course of instruction, teachers sometimes code switch and/or code mix from English to Indonesian in order to develop or maintain solidarity or friendship between teacher and students. They switch to show concern for the students or to show their understanding of their problems. Some teachers also switch and/or mix English and Indonesian to joke or to warn their students.

5. Owing to teacher's linguistic competence and insecurity.

A1l the subject teachers of this study are native speakers of Indonesian. Rather than true bilinguals who can choose freely between different codes or languages, they are, more accurately, monolingual individuals who only have skills and knowledge in the target language, English. It is possible that they are sometimes unable to recall the required target language word at the moment of speaking. This factor was mostly done by teachers with low English proficiency.


Don't forget to write the satuan ya.

We must write the satuan ya. What is satwan? Maybe the state ya?

The example above showed that the Chemistry teacher (T8) did not know the word 'satuan' in English, since the word 'satuan' were mentioned several times. The used of the word 'satuan' in the utterances showed the occurrence of code mixing (CM) of English and Indonesian.

6. Students' response

The data from the observation showed another important factor that made the teachers code switched and/or mixed, namely the students' response. Students' response here refers to the students' direct reaction on their teachers' use of code switching and/or code mixing during the teaching and learning process.


17 F. Previous Research Studies

There are some researchers that have studied about the code mixing. They are Amsal (2011), Saldi Ady Saleh (2017), and Khairunnisa (2016).

The first one is “An Analysis of Code Mixing in Conversation of the Students at State Junior High School (SMPN) 3 XIII Koto Kampar” by Amsal (2011). The aim of his research is to expose the sentence that appears in conversation from inside the sentence itself. He used descriptive qualitative on his research. He used recorded and questionnaire as technique of collecting the data. The research showed that the using of code mixing has become a very useful communicative strategy and although the students use it spontaneously but being aware of the communicative advantages they gain by using it.

Students talk to their classmates mostly mixed Indonesian and English. The results clearly show that code mixing can be used as an indicator of English language learning abilities.

Students seldom used English when they do the conversation each other. The researcher found that students often mix their language when they are speaks English.

The differences of this study and the researcher study is he focused on the students conversation of mixed a code when they speaking English while the researcher focused on the teacher’s utterance of code mixing. He used Muysken’s theory on his research.

From the finding found that Insertion is the dominant used of the student. Insertion is similar with the second type of Hoffman’s theory on researcher’s research that is intra lexical code mixing. The researcher’s finding intra lexical are not the dominant found.

The second is the research related to the study of code mixing had been conducted by Saldi Ady Saleh (2017) entitled “An Analysis of Code-Mixing Used by Teachers of Zarindah House of Learning in the Teaching Learning Process”. The aim of his research was to find out the type of code-mixing, percentage using code mixing and reason of using code mixing on the teaching process. The respondents on his research were two English teachers. He used descriptive qualitative as the method of his research.

He used observation sheet and interview as the instrument of collecting the data. He found that the dominant type of code mixing that the teachers used in the teaching and learning process is intra sentential code mixing, they seldom used involving change of



pronunciation and they never used intra lexical code mixing. He says that the phenomenon of code mixing often found in his social environment. He added that person who does not know English well especially mix the language in their communication.

The differences between this study and the researcher study is he focused on the phenomenon that people often mix their language in Zarindah House of Learning. He also explained the dominant of code mixing that teacher used when he/she do a conversation.

The similarity of the research is the teacher of the subject of this research and the types of code mixing that teacher used in the classroom.

The last one is Khairunnisa (2016). She has conducted a study entitled “Code Mixing Analysis in English Teaching Learning Process at Senior High School 1 Takalar”.

The aim of her research were to show the types of code mixing used by the teacher in English teaching learning process in language class the first grade of SMA 1 Takalar, to describe the reasons of the teacher in using code mixing in English teaching learning process at language class the first grade of SMA 1 Takalar, and to describe the students’

perception on code mixing used by the teacher in English teaching learning process at language class the first grade of SMA 1 Takalar. She was applied qualitative quantitative research design. She used classroom observation and interview to teacher. She describes there are three types of code mixing found in teacher’ utterance during English teaching learning process. They are Intra sentential code mixing, intra lexical code mixing and involving a change of pronunciation. The results showed that the most frequent is intra sentential code mixing. The researcher found four reasons why the she used code mixing in English teaching learning process, they are because: students have low level in English, making joking, more relax and habit. She says that the phenomenon of people used code mixing often found in daily life especially around her.

The differences of this research and the researcher research are the focus of the problem. She interviewed the teacher’s reason using code mixing. She also identified the students’ perception on code mixing used by the teacher on questionnaire. The similarity of her research and the researcher’s research is the dominant found in the finding intra sentential code mixing.




A. Research Design

The research design used in this research is generated into qualitative method and specified into descriptive qualitative research design. According to Creswell (2014) qualitative research is an approach for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. The process of research involves emerging questions and procedures; data typically collected in the participants’

setting, inductively building from particulars to general themes; and the researcher making interpretations of the meaning of the data. According to Latief (2015) qualitative research is a process of inquiry aimed at understanding human behavior by building complex, holistic pictures of the social and cultural settings in which such behavior occurs. It does so by analyzing words rather than numbers, and by reporting the detailed views of the people who have been studied. Such inquiry is conducted in settings where people naturally interact, as opposed to specially designed laboratories or clinical/experimental settings. The final written report has a flexible writing structure. In this study, the researcher conducted classroom observation and interview to teacher of Senior High School 2 Batanghari. The classroom observation was made to find out the types of code mixing that teachers used in the teaching and learning process at the second grade. After obtaining the observation data, the researcher has provided an interview to teacher to know the reason she used code mixing in the classroom.

B. Setting of the Research

The research had been conducted at Senior High School 2 Batanghari in the first semester of second grade in 2019. The subject of this research was the English teacher of Senior High School 2 Batanghari. The researcher did an observation classroom and interview of teacher. The classes were two classes of second grade students in Senior High School 2 Batanghari.


20 C. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research was the English teacher who taught English at Senior High School 2 Batanghari.

D. Location and Time

The location of this study had been in Senior High School 2 Batanghari. It is on the Sukaramai road, Muara Tembesi, Kabupaten Batanghari, Jambi. The research was conducted in the range from October to December 2019.

E. Data Source

Data source is the subject of where the data will be obtained. The data source of this research was the English teacher at Senior High School 2 Batanghari. There are two types of data source: primary data source and secondary data source

1. Primary data

Primary data source is the source data where are gained directly. Sugiyono (2016) Primary data is the data obtained by the researcher from respondent and informant or some facts that are observed, also primary data is the data taken directly by the researcher from the respondents without mediator. In this research the primary data are observation and interview.

2. Secondary data

Secondary data source is the source data which is gained are indirectly. Secondary data is the data taken from sources as documents, opinions, facilities, and structure of organization and geographical place of the research object. In this research the secondary data are the situation in the classroom during teaching and learning process.


21 F. Technique of Collecting the Data

To conduct the method of collecting data, the researcher used several techniques.

The researcher collected the data by using methods as follow:

1. Classroom observation

According to Creswell (2014) a qualitative observation is the activity of individual at the research site and a behavior by field note. In these field note, the researcher record by unstructured or semi-structured way activities at the research site (using some prior questions that the inquirer wants to know). The researcher involved herself as a participant observation. According to Stainback as cited by Sugiyono (2017) in participant observation, the researcher observes what people do, listen to what they say, and participates in their activities.

The main purpose of classroom observation is to know the kind of code mixing that teacher mostly used in teaching and learning process. The researcher used observation techniques because the researchers have to collect the utterance containing code mixing in the teaching and learning process. While observing the classroom, the researcher records the classroom discussion using voice recorder and field note.

2. Interview

According Borg & Gall as quoted by Latief (2015) interview is a data gathering instrument that involves direct verbal interaction between individuals. The interviewee of this research was an English teacher. Researcher used semi-structured interview. Semi- structured interview is one of less rigid methods, in which the researchers use a written list of questions as a guide, but still having more opportunities to ask more questions depending on the feedback during the interview.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

Stated by Bogdan as cited by Sugiyono (2017) data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcript, field note, and other materials that you accumulate to increase your own understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have discovered for others. Sugiyono (2017) also stated that



qualitative research is an ongoing activity that occurs throughout the investigate process rather than after process.

Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono (2017) mentioned flow analysis models as one of qualitative data analysis methods. The researcher used this model in this research. This analysis components are data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification.

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in written up field notes or transcriptions. The purpose of data reduction is to reduce the data without significant loss of information. The technique of analysis data firstly the researcher collect the data by the instrument for collecting data such as interview and observation. In this step, the researcher interviews the subject of this research. The researcher also held observation in the class and take notes in process of succeeding the data.

2. Data Display

Data display is used at all stage to show what analysis had been reached. It also became the basis of the further analysis. Display generically means organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action. In this step, the researcher gets the data display through the conclusion of the code mixing that teachers’ used in the classroom. The conclusion of what is the reason of teachers’ used code mixing in teaching and learning process.

3. Conclusion Drawing/Verification

Drawing and verifying conclusion is the last stage of Miles and Huberman data analysis technique. It is the reason for reducing and displaying data. After reducing and displaying the data, the researcher created conclusion by following the result of previous data analysis stages. The conclusion would be the brief explanation about the answer of research questions. Then, it will verify by conducting validity of data.


23 H. Trustworthiness

Craswell (2014) stated that qualitative validity is the accuracy of the finding by employing certain procedures. According to Stainback in Sugiyono (2017) the aim of triangulation is not to determine the truth about some social phenomenon. The purpose of triangulation is to increase ones’ understanding of whatever is being investigated.

Triangulation based on Creswell (2014) was the process of corroborating evidence from different individuals (e.g., a principal and a student), types of data (e.g., observational field notes and interviews transcript), or methods of data collection (e.g., documents and interviews) in descriptions and themes in qualitative research. Data 'triangulation' means retrieved data from a number of different sources to form one body of data.

There were several types of triangulation in qualitative research. Ary et. al. (2010) states in qualitative there are 5 types of triangulation. The first is data triangulation means the researcher investigates whether the data collected with one procedure or instrument confirm data collected using a different procedure or instrument. The second is methods triangulation means uses more than one method (e.g., ethnography and document analysis) in the study. The third is investigator triangulation that involves having multiple researchers collect data independently and compare the collected data. The fourth is theory triangulation that involves consideration of how the phenomenon under study might be explained by multiple theories. Considering different theories, the researcher may gain better insights. And the last is interdisciplinary triangulation uses other disciplines to infer processes and understandings of the findings. Triangulation could avoid claim, biases and the researcher perspective itself. So, in this study the researcher decided to use data triangulation which the different instruments to gain the data. The types of data in this research are classroom observation and interview transcript. The researcher collected the data from multiple sources with the purpose of enhancing the validity the data were taken from observation and interview.





A. Finding

In this chapter, the researcher presented findings to answer the research question about the types that teacher used in teaching and learning process and the reason teacher do code mixing in the classroom. Researcher did an observation classroom at the second grade student of first semester. The classes were two classes which IPA 2 (science class) and IPS 1 (social class). After the classroom observation, the researcher did an interview to a teacher to know the reason she used code mixing in teaching and learning process.

Code mixing is the mixing of two or more languages on one sentence without changing the topic. The researcher presented findings to answer the research questions about three types of code mixing by Hoffman’s theory. They are:

1. Intra sentential code mixing

The kind of this type is English words and phrases used in Indonesian sentence appeared in utterances.

Examples by researcher finding on her research by two classes:


The second paragraph ini bercerita tentang apa ya?)

English translation : The second paragraph is telling about?

Indonesia translation : Paragraf kedua ini bercerita tentang apa ya?

In the sentence above, there is a mixing of English and Indonesia language. By two translate that researcher add to Indonesia and English, the meaning is still same.

2. Intra lexical code mixing

The English words used in code mixing are influenced by Indonesian grammar as intra-lexical code mixing.

For example by researcher finding on her research:

Generic structure-nya terdiri dari apa tadi?

Adanya di-paragraph pertama



From two examples above, there are two affixes on English word. The first one is the suffix –nya, and the second one is prefix di-.

3. Involving a change of pronunciation

When the students say an English word, they modify it to Indonesian phonological structure involving a change of pronunciation part.

For example by researcher finding on her research:

Tattoo is tato in Indonesia language.

Celebrity is selebritis in Indonesia language.

Opinion is opini in Indonesia language.

The researcher did an observation in the second grade students of Senior High School Batanghari. By the observation that researcher conducted for three months from October to December 2019. Researcher found that teacher taught the students with mixing two languages during teaching and learning process.

Researcher did an observation in two classes of second grade students. Teacher was begun the class with English language. Most of students understand the basic language that teacher told to them. Such as “how are you, class”, “attention, please”, “next”, or

“finish”. However, when teacher explained the material with English word in one sentence, just few of them can answer what the teacher said.

At the first observation in the second grade students of science class, researcher found that intra sentential code mixing was mostly occurred in teacher teaching and learning process which is the first type of Hoffman’ theory. The words consist of noun, noun phrase, verb, pronoun, adjective, and conjunction. In the next observation in the second grade students of social class, researcher found that the most commonly occurred items involved in code mixing produced by teacher during teaching and learning process was involving a change of pronunciation which is the third type of code mixing by Hoffman’s theory.

From two observation of different class, researcher found different result of each class. In the first class by second grade students, researcher found intra sentential code mixing was the most occurred in the class by the teacher. While in the second class of second grade students, researcher found involving a change of pronunciation was the most



commonly occurred of teacher’s utterances. Besides, the material that teacher taught to her students were same material and treatment. Teacher made groups to her students. Each group consists of four to five students. There were 5 groups. Teacher asked students to discuss with their own group to understand the topic that she gave to each group. After fifteen minutes, teacher chose one member of each group to explain what the group has discussed. The student that teacher chose explain the topic in front of the class. The student started the explanation with English language. Then, the student continued with Indonesian translation. After the explanation of that student whose chose by teacher, teacher asked other group for what they got from their friend explanation. In this section, teacher spoke two languages which are Indonesia-English.

The examples of teacher’s utterances by using code mixing during teaching and learning process in second grade students of Senior High School Batanghari.

Table 4.1 Intra Sentential Code Mixing

No Examples Meaning

1. Menyarankan to does not have tattoo dan body piercing

Suggested to does not have tattoo and body piercing

2. Teks analytical exposition ini adalah teks yang persuade the


Analytical exposition is a text to persuade the readers

3. Kata ganti they The pronoun of they

4. A young generation seharusnya tidak memiliki tattoo and body


A young generation should not have tattoo and body piercing

5. Oke. Well, siapa lagi? Okay. Well, who is next?

6. And then katanya juga disini And then, he said



From the table 4.1 by researcher’s observation of two classes, some utterances that teacher used in the classroom consists of auxiliary verb, preposition, noun phrase, pronoun, verb, interjection, adjective, and adverb that teacher used during teaching and learning process.

In number two, there is Indonesia-English in one sentence. While, there is type three which is involving a change of pronunciation. The word is teks. Teks is an English word, but it modify to Indonesia language. The teks word in an English vocabulary. The researcher put that word in type three, because the pronunciation of teacher’s utterances.

Teacher’s pronunciation about that word was /teks/ while phonetic sound of English text is /tekst/. In this research, researcher found that teacher repeating the same word few times during teaching and learning process.

Table 4.2 Intra Lexical Code Mixing

No Examples

1. Barusan kita lihat di-translate 2. Berarti ini main idea-nya apa ya?

3. Apa aja argument-nya

4. The writer tells about his or her-nya in one side

5. Refers-nya dari apa tadi digunakan

6. Lihat worksheet-nya

From table 4.2 by researcher’s observation of two classes, it was found that there are prefix di- and suffix or enclitic –nya. In the fourth example was the English sentence.

In that sentence, there is possessive adjective her with enclitic –nya. The words following by the affixes are pronoun, noun phrase, verb, and noun.



In this research, teacher spoke using the second type of code mixing that researcher used on her research. Teacher used this type when the sentence was Bahasa Indonesia.

From the example above, it was found that teacher was not used intra lexical code mixing when the sentences are English.

Table 4.3 Involving a Change of Pronunciation

No Examples

1. Komplikasi MRI juga bisa 2. Tato juga dilarang 3. Selebritis jauh sekali 4. Komplikasi berupa alergi atau


5. How about generasi muda 6. Opini yang bagaimana

From the table 4.3, it was found that there some English word with Indonesia modifying. There are some English words with Indonesia phonological are followings:

1. Komplikasi is an Indonesia modifying from complication 2. Tato is an Indonesia modifying from tattoo

3. Selebritis is an Indonesia modifying from celebrity 4. Alergi is an Indonesia modifying from allergic 5. Infeksi is an Indonesia modifying from infection 6. Generasi is an Indonesia modifying from generation 7. Opini is an Indonesia modifying from opinion.

Those words are some examples by teacher’s utterances in teaching and learning process. The words are mostly consists of noun. There are some others words that sound like Indonesian phonological level, but the words are from English. The followings are


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