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Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number 2121121010





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Medan, August 2016

Sidik Eka Hermawan



Skripsi ini diajukan oleh: Sidik Eka Hermawan, Nim: 2121121010, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/S-1 Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni

Universitas Negeri Medan

Dinyatakan telah memenuhi persyaratan untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan

Medan, Agustus 2016

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Skripsi ini diajukan oleh: Sidik Eka Hermawan, Nim: 2121121010, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/S-1 Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni

Universitas Negeri Medan

Dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan

Panitia Ujian

Medan, September 2016





Skripsi ini telah diuji dan dinyatakan telah memenuhi persyaratan untuk memperoleh

gelar Sarjana Pendidikan

Medan, Agustus 2016

Tim Penguji,

Nama Tanda Tangan

1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. NIP. 19581021 198303 2 002

2. Dr. I Wy Dirgayasa T., M.Hum. NIP. 19640422 199203 1 001

3. Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd. NIP. 19530707 198211 1 002




Hermawan, S.E., 2121121010. The Effect of Writing Workout Diary on

Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text. A Thesis, English

Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, 2016.

This study aims to examine the effect of implementing workout diary on the students’ achievement in writing recount text. It was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of this research was the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Babalan, Academic Year 2016/2017. The samples of the research were taken of two classes which divided into two groups, experimental and control group which were chosen by using clustering random sampling technique. The Experimental group which taught by using workout diary media consists of 20 students, while the control group was taught by using conventional script media consists of 20 students. The instrument for collecting the data was a writing test. Inter-rate reliability formula was applied to obtain the reliability of the test. Based on the calculation, it shows that the reliability of the test was 0,66 categorized as high reliability. Then, after analyzing the data, it was found that the value of to was 3.909 with the degree of freedom (df)=38 at the

level of significance p(0,05) = 2,024. It means that to is higher than tt (3,909 >

2,024). The result of this study shows that implementing workout diary media has a significant effect on students’ achievement in writing recount text.


ii assistances in the preparation and completion of this thesis. The writer’s special appreciation goes to:

Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, and his thesis supervisor I who has contributed his time, knowledge and suggestions to help the writer on supervising in writing this thesis.this thesis.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S, M.Hum., the Head of English Education

Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Dr. I Wy. Dirgayasa Tangkas. M.Hum., the Thesis Supervisor II and

his Academic Advisor who has contributed his time, knowledge and suggestions to help the writer on supervising in writing this thesis.

Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd., and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed.,

his Thesis Examiners who have contributed on giving some of feedback and suggestions in the writer’s thesis.

Ariatna, M.A., and Indra Hartoyo S.Pd., M.Hum., and All The Lecturers who had given very valuable knowledge through academic


His beloved parents, Siswanto Prayitno and Herlinawati for the patience, affection, love, pray, financial support and taught the writer many worth things in facing the life. Thanks also be given to his beloved sister Nadia Siska Nurlina, and his beloved girlfriend Amallyanna



Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd., and Pantes as the Administration Staff

of English Department for helping the writer in preparing all the fulfillment in conducting this thesis.

Sareng, S.Pd., the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Babalan, who had given

the chance to the writer for collecting the data for his research, and all the teachers, staffs and students who helped him to collect the data during the research.

His best friends M. Syaiful Amri, S.H., Dedisaputra Kesogihin, S.Pd.,

Anni Marhammah, S.Pd., Nisha Tita Mutiarni, S.Pd., and Muhammad Arif, thanks for their support, kindness, and care to the

writer, also warm hearted encouragement friendship in finishing this thesis to the writer.

His beloved brothers and sisters in HMJ BSI FBS UNIMED, Bangun

Bahari Foundation and Perpustakaan Terapung, PGRI SMP N 1 Babalan whose names cannot be mentioned one by one. Thanks for their

support, helps, and laughs all these years.

 All his friends in English and Literature Department and State University of Medan.

 The people who directly or indirectly contributed in this study, your kindness means a lot to him.



1. Students’ Achievementand Writing... 9

2. Writing ... 10

10.Procedure of teaching Recount by Using Workout Diary... 31

B. Relevant Studies ... 33

C. Conceptual Framework ... 35

D. Hypothesis ... 36








Table 1.1The Score of the Students’ Achievement in Writing Personal Recount 4

Table 2.1The Generic Structure and Textual Elements of Recount Text ... 18

Table 3.1 Research Design ... 38

Table 3.2Assessment Instrument Rubric for Recount Text ... 42

Table 3.3 Level Number of Students’Evaluation ... 43

Table 4.1 Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test ... 48

Table 4.3 Test for Homogeneity of variance of Pre-test ... 50




APPENDIX 1 The Data of Experimental Class... 61

APPENDIX 2 The Data of Control Class ... 62

APPENDIX 3 The Calculation of T-Test Experiment and Control Group ... 63

APPENDIX 4 The Calculating of the T-table and t-Observed ... 65

APPENDIX 5 THE Calculation of Reliability of the test ... 67

APPENDIX 6 Lesson Plan Experimental Group. ... 70

APPENDIX 7 Lesson Plan Control Group ... 81

APPENDIX 8 Writing Pre-test nfor Experimental and Control Group... 88





A. The Background of The Study

English is considered as a very important language to be taught in

Indonesia. All of students from High School to University learn English as

a foreign language. The ultimate goal of teaching it is to set high school

graduates, Junior or Senior High School, to be ready to communicate both

in oral and writing English. Writing is one of the languages skills that have

to be had by most of students in Indonesia. Based on Educational Unit

Oriented Curriculum (KTSP) syllabus is designed to control the language

skills which containing the Writing skill as the dominant. It is one of the

four language skills that has a very important role in learning. As stated by

Finocchiaro and Brumfit (2003),”writing should reinforce and help

extends the listening, speaking, and reading skills”. Writing skill is more

complex and difficult, requiring the mastery not only the grammatical and

theoretically devise but also the conceptual and judgment.

Among four language skills, listening, speaking, reading, and

writing, students think that writing is the most difficult skill to be

mastered. As productive skill, several aspects are needed to produce a

written text. This is a complex and difficult activity to be taught and

learned. In this situation, the teachers have to be more creative in

managing classroom activity. It can be from the way how teacher explains



the material through the appropriate of teaching method and using media

in writing activity.

Based on Educational Unit Oriented Curriculum 2006 (KTSP’06)

and Curriculum 2013, which focused on writing activity, the grade eight

students in Junior High School should be able to learn and master several

basic genres of text, such as narrative, descriptive, and recount text. As

one of the basic genre of text, recount text was chose to be one variable in

this study. It is the easier basic genres which write by using the experience

happened in the past. As stated by Dirgayasa (2012), recount is a text

which retells the past event chronologically. It means that recount is a text

to inform or retells the readers about past activities in several list of events.

Pardiyono (2007) also state that recount text is a text that tells the readers

about something that happened or retells past events or activities which

purpose to give detail information about what and when of the events.

Furthermore, the observation was done by the researcher while

doing Teaching Practice at SMP Negeri 1 Babalan that focus on students

of grade VIII. Based on this observation, it was revealed that the students

faced difficulties in writing recount text. First, students usually have

difficulties in transferring their thought into words. They were forced to

convey the ideas, thought, and feelings into a written form. The contents in

their minds and the topic that they wrote is not clearly stated well and the

sentences are not well organized. Then, their motivation in learning and



activities is not their interest. This problem caused by the teacher that is

not be able to create interesting media in teaching and learning activities.

The teacher used to use the conventional teaching process by explaining

the material in the whiteboard without using any single media and not

explaining the communication purpose of each text well. It makes them

cannot distinguish one kind of texts to the others texts. So Students

commonly get bored in writing activities. Therefore they do not enjoy the

writing activities and have difficult to explore their ideas into appropriate

written form.

Furthermore, based on the observation, the researcher found that

the average of grade VIII students’ achievement in writing personal

recount is still low. For example, the students’ score in VIII-3 of SMP N 1

Babalan, there are 3 students (8.33%) got score 80-89; 4 students (11.1%)

got score 70-79; 10 students (27.7%) got score 60-69; 13 students (36.1%)

got score 50-59; and 6 students (16.6%) got score 40-50. The mean of

students’ score in VIII-3 (1965/36) was 54.58 (fifty four point five eight),

it did not reach the minimum standard value (KKM) of English subject in

SMP Negeri 1 Babalan for grade VIII which is 78. In addition, another

mean of students’ score in writing personal recount text can be seen in this



Table 1.1

The Score of the Students’ Achievement in Writing Personal Recount Text

Class Number of Students Mean of the Students’ Score

VIII-3 36 54.58

VIII-2 36 60.53

Source: SMP N 1 Babalan Kabupaten Langkat class VIII-3 and VIII-2 on Thursday September 7th 2015.

As it is explained before, English teacher in this school did not use

any one single media during teaching- learning process. Like issue during

this time that writing process is a bored activity in teaching-learning

process. It realizes that an inappropriate media is one of source problem

that faced by students in doing learning process, because through a regular

practice by using an appropriate media is needed to generate the students’

motivation and stimulation to improve the students’ writing achievement.

A way to develop fluency in writing is having a regular practice every day.

Teachers need to use appropriate media that can help the students develop

their writing achievement. Therefore the researcher has an interest to solve

the problem by observe a media that can be use in teaching and learning

process. There are many kinds of media that could be used in teaching and

learning process. Samalindo and Russel (2005) stated that the most

commonly used in teaching and learning is text, audio, visual, motion

media, manipulative media, and people. Furthermore it is essential to use a

suitable and an effective media to help students to solve their writing

problem. The media which was used in this study is by using one kind of



In addition, the researcher has used an experimental research to use

Workout Diary as a media for the students to practice more in writing

recounts text in English. The researcher used Workout Diary and asked the

students to write their personal recount text about their own daily

activities, exercises or experiences, in writing a workout diary, students are

doing much more than fulfilling an assignment. By practicing more, it

helped the student developing their writing achievement.

Mac (2010) stated that workout diary is one of the type of diaries

where write the exercise activities, explain the exercise he has recently

done, including the duration of the workout, and possibly other

information, such as how many calories he believes he has burned, or how

he felt after the workout.

Based on the previous research, the effective and interesting media

in teaching and learning writing recount text is by using kind of diaries.

There are many researchers had used diary as media in different field of

their research. They proved that applying writing on diary has good effect

in learning process of writing activity. According to Hanan (2010)

analyzed that teaching and learning English by diary writing is more fun

and effective to improve students’ communicative ability than the

conventional one. That is also stated by Panjaitan (2015) which find the

effectiveness of writing genre by using a personal diary to improve the

students’ achievement in writing a text between the result of experimental



In the other study, Mac (2010) states that a diary is related to

someone real life. They do need to think about others beyond their life.

They wrote it based on their own life, their experience, and based on their

own hobby or habit. That is really related to the students of junior high

school who have many things to explore to the other. Most of them is

interest to fill their daily activities, their extracurricular activities, and what

happened have done in their life, is always wanted to be seen by another.

Some of students also explore their activities on social media, writing in a

book, telling their experience to their friends. But some of them also get

ashamed to show it to another. This condition is actually able to be

references to the teachers to make students get an interest to what they

learned in the class. Teachers actually are able to use this media to make

teaching and learning process getting more affective an efficient. So the

students expected to be able to convert their experiences and ideas form

into a written text form. This media really helpful for students because

students can explore their mind based on their experiences or exercises.

In line with background above, this study designed and conducted

to prove that using workout diary affected students’ achievement in

writing recount text than without any one media. Therefore the title of this

study is the effect of writing workout diary on students’ achievement in



B. The Problem of Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of this study is

formulated as the following: “Is there any significant effect of using

workout diary on students’ achievement in writing recount text?”

C. The Scope of Study

There are many types of writing texts namely narrative,

descriptive, recount, procedure, explanation, spoof, report, news item,

anecdote, exposition, and review. But this study limited on the effect of

students’ achievement in writing recount text through workout diary and

focused on implementing this media in writing personal recount.

D. The Objective of Study

The objective of this study is to find out the significant effect of

using writing workout diary on students’ achievement in writing recount


E. The Significance of The Study

The significance of this study is expected to have both theoretical

and practical importance in writing as a process and product especially the

framework of writing. Theoretically, the result of this study is to enhance

the knowledge of information about implementation of writing workout



Practical perspective, the findings of the study was viewed for

three points of view:

1. For students points of view.

This research is to affect students’ achievement in writing recount text

through workout diary.

2. For teachers point of view.

This research provides information for the English teacher about

writing workout diary in teaching and learning process.

3. For other researchers point of view.

This research can be used an initial experience in conducting a similar





A. Conclusion

Based on the research finding, it was discovered that there is a

significant effect of implementing Workout Diary media on students’

achievement in writing recount text in SMP N 1 Babalan, since student’

achievement in writing recount text taught by implementing Workout

Diary is higher than implementing script media with the reliability of the

test was 0,66 categorized as high reliability and the result of ttest ( tobserverd>

ttable ; 3,909 > 2,024 ; α =0,05). It means that the alternative hypotesis (

H ) is acceptable.

B. Suggestion

Related to the conclusion, some suggestions are pointed out as the


1. For English teachers should be creative in selecting interesting mediain

learning-teaching process. In addition, Workout Diary are suggested to

be an alternative media in teaching English writing, because this media

can increase teachers’ professionalism in teaching writing especially

recount text.

2. For Students can increase their ability in writing recount text by using

Workout Diary media, because implementing this media students are



able to express their ideas into communicative written form and the

process of writing become easier and enjoyable.

3. For other researchers are expected to implement this study, in order to




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