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Lexical Collocation in The Jakarta Post Newspaper.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University of

Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Aulia Rakhmawati Reg. Number A33213058





Rakhmawati, Aulia. 2017. Lexical Collocation in The Jakarta Post Newspaper. State Islamic University of SunanAmpel Surabaya

Advisor : Dr. A. Dzo’ul Milal, M.Pd

Key Word : Lexical Collocation, Articles, Jakarta Post Newspaper

This study analyzes lexical collocation in the context. The meaning of context in this study is articles of each sections (news, sports, opinion, and living) in The Jakarta Post newspaper. This study focuses on the existence and the usage of lexical collocation in non-native newspaper,The Jakarta Post.

This study also provides answers the following problems: (1) What is type of lexical collocation presented in The Jakarta Post newspaper?;And (2) How is the usage of lexical collocation inThe Jakarta Post newspaper?.

This study uses content analysis approach to getting and to analyzing the data. In addition to help analyzing data, this study also uses application dictionary ( English Collocation Dictionary IELTS ) to help researcher search and check the lexical collocation words.Thus, the analysis is based on Benson who said lexical collocation has seven types.

The finding of this study show the articles in The Jakarta Post Newspaper




Rakhmawati, Aulia. 2017. Lexical Collocation in The Jakarta Post Newspaper. State Islamic University of SunanAmpel Surabaya

Advisor : Dr. A. Dzo’ulMilal, M.Pd

Key Word : Lexical Collocation, Articles, Jakarta Post Newspaper

Penelitian ini menganalisa lexical collocation dalam konteks. Konteks yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah artikel-artikel darisetiap rubric (berita, opini, olahraga, dan kehidupan) di koran The Jakarta Post. Penelitian ini berfokus untuk menunjukkan keberadaan dan eksistensi dari lexical collocation.

Penelitian ini juga menyediakan jawaban-jawaban dari massalah berikut: (1) Apa saja tipe-tipe lexical collocation yang dimunculkan di Koran The Jakarta Post; Dan (2) Bagaimana penggunaan lexical collocation di Koran The Jakarta Post?.

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan content analysis untuk mendapatkan dan menganalisa data. Untuk membantu menganalisa data, penelitian ini juga menggunakan kamus aplikasi ( English Collocation Dictionary IELTS ) untuk membantu peneliti mencari dan memeriksa kata-kata lexical collocation yang ditemukan. Dan analisa ini berdasarkan pernyataan Benson, yang mengatakan bahwa ada tujuh tipe-tipe lexical collocation.



Inside Cover... i

Inside Title... ii

Declaration... iii

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Sheet... iv

Thesis Examiner’s Approval sheet... v

Motto... vi

Dedication... vii

Acknowledgment... viii

Table of Contents... ix

Abstract... xii

Abstrak... xiii


1.1 Background of the Study... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problems... 8

1.3 Objectives of the Study... 9

1.4 Significance of the Study... 9

1.5 Scope of the Study... 9




2.1 Collocation... 11

2.2 The Usage of Collocation... 12

2.3 Categorization of Collocation... 15

2.3.1 Grammatical Collocation... 15

2.3.2 Lexical Collocation... 18


3.1 Research Design... 20

3.2 Data and Data Source... 20

3.3 Research Instruments... 21

3.4 Technique of Data Collection... 21

3.5 Data Analysis... 23


4.1 Types of Lexical Collocation... 25

4.1.1 Lexical Collocation in News Section... 25

4.1.2 Lexical Collocation in Opinion Section... 30

4.1.3 Lexical Collocation in Sports Section... 38

4.1.4 Lexical Collocation in Living Section... 44

4.2 The Usage of Lexical Collocation... 48


4.2.2 Lexical Collocation in Opinion Section... 50

4.2.3 Lexical Collocation in Sports Section... 51

4.2.4 Lexical Collocation in Living Section... 52

4.2.5 Lexical Collocation inThe Jakarta PostNewspaper... 53

4.2.6 Table the Usage of Lexical Collocations inThe Jakarta PostNewspaper ... 54

4.3 Discussion... 55


5.1 Conclusion... 59

5.2 Suggestion... 60





This chapter is concerned about an overview of lexical collocation which is

presented in The Jakarta Post newspaper. In this part the researcher describes the background of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

There has been some problem for L2 learners ( Second Language Learners )

to learning English. According to Sadeghi (2010), in the field of applied linguistics, a

great deal of research efforts has been dedicated to the grammatical, phonological and

orthographic aspects of language, while the lexical aspect has not aroused the same

degree of interest. The effect of this is the lacking of knowledge about L2 (second

language) lexical problems. Very little attention is paid to the syntagmatic aspect of

lexis ability of items to co-occur, otherwise known as collocation. In this sense, L2

learners often rely on their native language in trying to communicate or translate.

They assume that there always exists a one-to-one correspondence between L1 and

L2 lexical items.

This strategy may be of some help to the learner at the beginning levels of

language learning, but it is also a major cause of errors because even equivalent

lexical items do not always convey the same sense in two languages for various

reasons, including cultural differences which are reflected in the vocabulary of every

language. This false assumption causes the learners to make collocation errors.



learning is collocation. Meanwhile, English is full of collocations, recurrent

combinations of words that co-occur more often than expected by chance (Farrokh

2012). So, according to Tatsuya (2010), collocation will help L2 learners become

successful communicators. So, L2 learners also have to know a large number of

collocations to be able to produce and comprehend ideas accurately and fluently.

Despite of the importance of collocation, this study brings collocation into focus to

help readers of this research understand about collocation and to avoid collocation


McCarthy & O’Dell (2007) stated collocation is combination two words or

more that are often appeared and used together. Collocation appears in the whole

field of the English language such as writing and speaking. There are no spoken

English or written English which is free of collocation (Molaviet.al., 2014).

Collocation in academic writing has also has significant role recently (Peacock 2012).

Collocation is categorized into two major groups, lexical collocation and

grammatical collocation (Benson et. al 1986). A lexical collocation consists of nouns,

adjectives, verbs, or adverbs. While, a grammatical collocation consists of a noun, an

adjective, or a verb, and a preposition or grammatical structure like an infinitive or a

clause (Farrokh 2012).The researcher chooses to analyze lexical collocation. Lexical

collocation is essential to English learners when they want to speak or write naturally.

Lexical collocation is also significance to English learners and not many students

have chance to access it from native speakers and with whom they can try and



lexical collocation can help non-native writers and speakers of English to get

collocation’s words.

Some researches about collocation have been done by some researchers

( Chia-Lin Kuo 2009, Matthew Peacock 2012, Nafez Antonious Shammas 2013,

Parisa Farrokh and Mahboobeh Alizadeh 2013, Ahmad Molavi et. al 2014 ).

Chia-Lin Kuo( 2009 ) had examined the usage of collocation by Intermediate

EFL College Students in Taiwan. The data were 98 writing samples written by 49

students. The subjects of this study are college students who expert in English and

students who in a private language school for 4 years. Students were asked to make

an essay about four or five paragraphs (200-300 words), with the same topic in the

same genre. This research focused on lexical collocation. But, this research just

focused on two types of lexical collocation. These are V+N ,and Adj +N. This study

was conducted using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative method

was used to analyze collocation error, meanwhile quantitative method was used to

calculate the frequency and the accuracy. The software that used to identify

collocations was The British National Corpus and collocation checker. This research

was aimed to students’ error and students’ struggle to use collocation words correctly.

Error analysis was adopted in this work to provide a measure of students to learning


The result of Chia-Lin Kuo (2009) showed that students made more mistakes

with verb(V)+noun(N) collocations than with the Adjective(Adj)+Noun(N)



to understand. It showed that many students were still lacking to acquire, to use, and

to produce collocation. The lacking of this research was limited to a small number of

students in a school which could not represent all situations. It was worthy to include

more students from different schools. And this research just focused on two types of

lexical collocation, V+N type and Adj+N.

Matthew Peacock (2012) had done a research about the high frequency

collocations of nouns in research articles across eight disciplines. In his research, he

examined how the distribution and the usage of the collocations in 320 research

articles across eight disciplines: Chemistry, Computer Science, Materials Science,

Neuroscience, Economics, Language and Linguistics, Management, and Psychology.

He used corpus-based analysis. The corpus software was WordSmith tools. This

research was aimed to find and list the highest-frequency collocations of nouns and

investigate the frequency of these collocations across eight disciplines. The finding of

Matthew Peacock (2012) showed that five disciplines showed over 50% variance

from the overall results. It was also concluded that the collocations had an important

part in the meanings and functions of the nouns. The lacking of this research was

limited to focus on collocations of noun.

Meanwhile, Nafez Antonious Shammas (2013) examined collocation used by

MA students at Arab Universities. He used questionnaires method to collect the data.

The respondents were scholars and students in Arab Universities. His research was

pointed to get understanding of the usage of collocation by students and scholars and



Universities. The lacking of this study was the subject of the research. The subject of

the research was limited. The subject of this research was just from students in a

school which the result of this research could not represent all situations. It was

worthy to include more students from different schools. And this research did not

focus on what types of collocation that would be analyzed.

Parisa Farrokh and Mahboobeh Alizadeh (2013) have analyzed English

Grammatical Collocations in Azeri. The data of this research were five English

novels along with their Azeri translations. Those novels were classified and

summarized based on their frequencies for further analysis which come as follows.

This research was corpus-based study, both qualitative and quantitative. This study

was pointed to examine and investigate the Azeri translations of English grammatical

collocations of noun + to-infinitive and English grammatical collocation of

predicative adjective + to-infinitive. The results of the study showed that in the Azeri

translation of English grammatical collocations of noun + to-infinitive and English

grammatical collocation predicative adjective + to-infinitive , infinitive has been used

more than gerund. The advantage of this research was researcher analyzed collocation

from English translation novel by non-native country. The lacking of this study was

just analyzed grammatical collocation. To complete research above, I do research

about lexical collocation. I analyze lexical collocation inThe Jakarta Postnewspaper. And the significant of my research shows the usage of lexical collocation in



Ahmad Molavi et. al (2014) had analyzed lexical collocation used in EFL

textbooks. The collected data were from the selected course books. The selected

course books were ranked based on corresponding categories and the occurrence of

collocations ( Interchange 2 & 3, American Headway 2 & 3, American File 2 & 3 ) .

He used corpus-based analysis and structural approach to analyze lexical collocation

that presented in EFL textbooks. The process of data collection of this research was

counting, grouping, and recording collocation units from the selected textbooks. This

research pointed the distribution of lexical collocation in EFL textbooks and focused

on pattern of lexical collocation. The finding of this research was types of lexical

collocations Noun(N)+ Verb(V) and Adjective(Adj)+Noun(N) the most presented in

this research. The lacking of this study was the subject of the research. It would be

worthy if the researcher explored the usage of lexical collocation from book which

published by non-native country. In order to know the usage of lexical collocation in

non-native country.

From some researches above, researcher does new type of collocation

research. This research focuses on all types of lexical collocations because there were

many previous studies that did not focus on what types of collocation that would be

analyzed and did not analyze all types of lexical collocations and also almost previous

researchers use subject from native English. Furthermore, this research uses

newspaper to analyze the usage of lexical collocation. Because newspaper is a serial

publication which consists of many type of articles such as news, sport, opinion and



articles. And also to get description how the usage of lexical collocation in each kind

of the articles. Newspaper typically published daily or weekly. The researcher

analyzes all types of collocations in published English newspaper from non-native

country, The Jakarta Post. And analyzes how the usage of collocation in published English newspaper from non-native country, The Jakarta newspaper. The Jakarta Postis the most familiar English newspaper and the most English newspaper which is read by Indonesian people.

The Jakarta Post is a daily English language newspaper in Indonesia. The paper is owned by PT Bina Media Tenggara, and the head office in in the nation’s

capital, Jakarta. It consists from news, sport, opinion and living section (Wikipedia).

Definitely, those subjects have many articles to be analyzed. In order to know how

the usage of lexical collocation in The Jakarta Post, researcher analyzes articles in each sections (news, opinion, sport and living). Also, this research is aimed to help

Indonesian L2 learners, so it will be related if the subject of the research is from

country of the L2 learners.

The researcher analyzes the usage of lexical collocation in some articles of

online published English newspaper by non-native, The Jakarta Post which have been published in 1st-14th May 2017. The researcher analyzes lexical collocation to

help readers get know and acquire collocation’s word easily. The researcher uses The

Jakarta Post newspaper as subject of the research because The Jakarta Post is the most known English newspaper by public. And to get some types of lexical



living).Furthermore, the researcher takes articles which have been published recently

to get the newest lexical collocation words. And, the researcher focuses on articles of

each sections (news, opinion, sport and living). So, there will be various lexical

collocations words to be analyzed and to know how the usage of lexical collocation in

each sections.

In this research, the researcher adopts content analysis approach. Content

analysis is a research methodology that examines words or phrases within a wide

range of texts such as political speeches, transcribed interviews, and published

literature (Trace, 2001). This research also uses application dictionary ( English

Collocation Dictionary IELTS ) to help researcher search and check the collocation.

So, based on the review of previous studies above. The researcher doesa new

type of research that explore those previous studies. Thus, this research explorestypes

of lexical collocations and how the usage of lexical collocation in published English

newspaper by non-native country, The Jakarta Post. And this research fills the research gap by attempting to get understanding about how the usage of lexical

collocation and to describe types of lexical collocation in published English

newspaper by non-native country,The Jakarta Postnewspaper.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

This study is conducted to answer the problems formulated in the following



1. What are types of lexical collocations presented in The Jakarta Post


2. How is the usage of lexical collocations inThe Jakarta Postnewspaper?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems above, the objectives of the study are aimed :

1. To describewhat types of lexical collocations presented inpublished English

newspaper by non-native country,The Jakarta Post.

2. To describe and to get explanation how the usage of lexical collocation in

published English newspaper by non-native country,The Jakarta Post.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Lexical collocation is important to know by non-native writers and speakers

of English. This research can help readers to get description about various types of

lexical collocations. This research provides readers to knowing the existence of

lexical collocation. This research also can give explanation how the usage of lexical

collocation in each types of articles (news, opinion, sport and living).

1.5 Scope of the Study

The target of this study is to investigate and to describe the type of lexical



collocation presented in various kind of articles (news, opinion, sport and living) and

to describe how the usage of lexical collocation of each type of articles(news, opinion,

sport, and living) in published English newspaper by non-native country,The Jakarta Post.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms


The term ‘collocation’ was from Latin verb ‘collocare’ which has meaning ‘to set in

order or to arrange’. Collocation is defined as arbitrarily restricted two or more

lexeme combination that form a whole meaning (Lewis, 1997).

Lexical Collocation

Lexical collocation is arbitrary recurrent word combination. Lexical collocation

usually consists of nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs ( Benson, 1986 ).

The Jakarta Post Newspaper

The Jakarta Post is a daily English language newspaper in Indonesia. The paper is

owned by PT Bina Media Tenggara, and the head office in in the nation’s capital,





To support analysis, this chapter reviews several theories related to this

research. Those are collocation, the usage of collocation, categorization of collocation

and lexical collocation.

2.1 Collocation

Collocation was acquainted by Firth (1957) to describe a combination of

words that associated with each other. Collocation is one of five dimensions of

meaning (phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic and semantic). He also wrote

phrase “you shall know a word by the company it keeps”. Sinclair (1991) broke new

ground with his suggestions that word combinations are not random and that they

make an important contribution to the organization of language, while Hoey (1991)

contends that collocation plays an important role in lexical cohesion.Collocation is

also defined as arbitrarily restricted two or more lexeme combination that form a

whole meaning (Lewis 1997). It examines how language learners (L2) to get

understanding and to acquiring collocation word and pattern formed. Gledhill (2000)

stated that collocations are fundamental units in texts, that they validate the existence

of discourse communities, and that they are subconscious efforts to appropriate in

discipline norms. Thus, Stubbs (2002) also stated that there are semantic relations

between the node and collocates.

The same thought is emphasized by Leech (1974) but in different words.



theassociations a word acquires on account of the meaning of words which tend to

occur in its environment. Meanwhile, Ghazala (2006) argued that collocations are

words which are usually found next to other words, or are ‘co-located’ with one

another. But, all of the definitions above the focus is placed on lexical collocation

rather than grammatical collocation.

2.2 The Usage of Collocation

Thereareseveralreasons the importance of the usage of collocation. One

reason is that collocations help learners use language, both with the development of

fluency and like native.

For developing fluency, Pawley and Syder (1983) argued that there are

hundreds of thousands of ‘lexicalized sentence stems’ that adult native speakers have

at their disposal,andsuggestthatthesecondlanguagelearnermightneedasimilar number

for native-like fluency. So, the chunked expressions allow learners to reduce

cognitive effort, to save processing time, and to have language available for

immediate use.

Meanwhile, Pawley and Syder (1983) also argued that there is usually more

than one possible way to saying something but only one or two of these ways sound

natural like a native speaker of the language. For example, ‘let me off here’ can also

be expressed as ‘halt the car’. The second sentence is strictly grammatical, but the

problem is that native speakers do not say it in that way. This unnatural language use



may produce grammatically correct sentences, but many of them may not sound like

native. For example, drawing on their first language, Korean students are likely to say

‘lying story’ for ‘tall story’, ‘artificial teeth’ for ‘false teeth’, ‘thick tea’ for ‘strong

tea’, etc.

Collocation in academic writing also attracted interest recently. Many writers

provided the importance of collocation,collocation has been called an essential

organizing principle of language in use (Schmitt & Carter 2004). Gledhill (2000)

stated that collocations are fundamental units in texts, that they convinced the

existence of discourse communities, and that they are subconscious efforts that took a

part in discipline norms.

Hoey (1991) stated that collocation has an important role in lexical cohesion.

Hoey (2007) examined some evidence through an analysis of the collocates of “sixty”,

“60”, “forty”, and “40” in a corpus of The Guardian newspaper text. Hoey (2007)

concluded that his analysis of these lexical units provides some evidence for such

priming and for the unexpected decisions made by writers.

Gledhill (2000) analyzed salient words which he defined as words that occur

significantly more often in one text or part of a text than another, though the research

is not confined to nouns. He reported collocations in his Pharmaceutical Corpus of

150 RAs from 22 cancer and pharmacology journals, though not focusing on nouns.

Some example collocations were “patients who had tumors” and “both accelerate and



Ward (2007) examined common nouns and their collocations in Chemical

Engineering textbooks, and compares the collocation frequency that found in four

other engineering disciplines. The three most common nouns were “gas”, “liquid”,

and “heat”. Ward asserts that while collocations are certainly discipline specific, this

is not true of individual words. He observes that the important phrase is not “gas” but

“gas +” and that collocations are a threshold to discipline membership.

Peacock (2012) analyzed the distribution of the high-frequency collocates of

abstract nouns in 320 research articles across eight disciplines: Chemistry, Computer

Science, Materials Science, Neuroscience, Economics, Language and Linguistics,

Management, and Psychology. The result of this research showed that the

collocations express different terminology, different topics, different research

methods, and different content of discussions across the eight disciplines. In this case,

these collocations are very important part of the meanings, and therefore of the

functions, of these nouns. It was also evident that these meanings and functions often

differ by discipline, and that these meanings and functions are expressed by the


So, those researches explain how different topics, different articles can

influence type of collocation itself. And also show what the most usage collocation

word in types of articles. In addition of analysis of this study, the writer also uses the

concept of different collocation in different themes by Peacock (2012). Thus,

researcher shows how the usage of all types of lexical collocations on each types



2.3 Categorization of Collocation

Hsueh (2008) stated, classification of collocation has been divided into two

kinds. According to Benson (1986) collocation can be divided into two main groups,

lexical collocation and grammatical collocation.

2.3.1 Grammatical Collocation

Grammatical collocation is made up of a dominant word, such as a noun, an

adjective, or a verb, and a preposition or grammatical structure like an infinitive or a

clause. Grammatical collocation categorized the grammatical collocations into eight

groups, marked as G1 to G8. Thus, G8 collocations contained nineteen English verb

patterns. (Benson 1986).

i. G1. Noun + preposition

Example: Apathy toward

ii. G2. Noun + to infinitive

Example: He was a fool to do it.

iii. G3. Noun + that + clause

Example: He took an oath that he would do his duty

iv. G4. Preposition + noun

Example: in advance, at anchor

v. G5. Adjective + preposition



vi. G6. Predicate adjective + to infinitive

Example: It was stupid for them to go.

vii. G7. Adjective + that + clause

Example: She was afraid that she would fail the exam.

viii. G8. There are 19 patterns:

 Subject + verb + object+ to object (or) subject + verb + object + object He sent a book to his brother. He sent his brother a book.\

 Subject + verb + object + to + object

They described the book to her.

 Subject + verb + object + for + object (or) subject + verb + object + object

She bought a shirt for her husband. (or) She bought her husband a shirt.

 Subject + verb + preposition + object (or) subject + verb + object +

preposition + object

He came by train. (or) We invited them to the meeting.

 Subject + verb+ to infinitive They began to speak.

 Subject + verb + infinitive He had better go.

 Subject + verb + verb-ing They enjoy watching television.



She asks me to come.

 Subject + verb + object + infinitive She heard them leave.

 Subject + verb + object + verb-ing I caught them stealing apples.

 Subject + verb+ possessive + verb-ing Please excuse my waking you so early.

 Subject + verb + (object) + that + clause They admitted that they were wrong.

 Subject verb+ object + to + be + compound We consider her to be very capable.

 Subject + verb + object + compound She dyed her hair red.

 Subject + verb + object + object We bet her ten pounds.

 Subject + verb + (object) + adverbial He carried himself well.

 Subject + verb + (object) + wh-word

He wants what I want.

 Subject(it) + verb + object+ to infinitive (or) subject(it) + verb + object +



It surprised me to learn of herdecision. It surprised me that our offer was


 Subject + verb + compound (adjective or noun) She was enthusiastic. The flowers smellnice.

2.3.2 Lexical Collocation

Lexical collocation is made up of nouns, adjectives, verbs, or adverbs. There

are seven types of lexical collocations, marked as L1 to L7 (Benson 1986):

L1. Verb (donating creation or activation) + noun (pronoun or prep. phrase)

This type is consist of a verb denoting creation or activation and a noun/ a


Example (denoting creation): come to an agreement, compose a music

Example (denoting activation): set an alarm, launch a missile

However, not all verbs denoting creation and activation can be considered

collacable to any nouns. Combinations of verbs, such as build, cause, cook, make,

prepare, etc + nouns are limitless, their meanings are predictable. Therefore these

combinations are not considered as collocations.

L2. Verb (meaning eradication or nullification) + noun

This type is combination between verb (nullification) and noun.

Example: revoke a license, demolish a house, annul a marriage, reject an appeal,



Some verbs denoting similar meaning and that can be used with large number

nouns are considered as free combination. For example the verb destroycan combine with almost any nouns denoting physical objects.

L3. Adjective + noun

This type is combination between adjective and noun. Thus, more than one

adjective can collocate with same noun.

Example: strong coffee, a rough estimate, strong/weak tea, kind/best regards

L4. Noun + verb

This type is combination between noun and verb. It means the verbs names an

action characteristic of the person or things designated by the noun.

Example: bees buzz, bombs explode, alarms go off, ceasefire agreement

L5. Noun + noun or Noun + of + noun

This type is combination between noun and noun. Or the lexical collocation

which indicates the unit that is associated with a noun.

Example: a pack of dogs, a herdof buffalo, a bit of advice

L6. Adjective + adverb or adverb + adjective

This type is combination between adjective and adverb, or when adverb

combine with adjective.

Example: sound asleep, hopelessly addicted, deeply absorbed, closely acquinted

L7. Verb + adverb

The last type is combination between verb combines and adverb.




This part discusses the methodology of the research. It consists of research

design, data collection, research instrument, data and data source, technique of data

collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This study adopted content analysis approach. Content analysis was a method

used to analyze text data. Content analysis approach focused on the characteristic of

the language as communication with attention to the content or contextual meaning of

the text (Weber 1990). Content analysis also counted word to examining language

intensely and to classified large amount text into an efficient number categories that

represent similar meaning. In addition, this research also used application dictionary

(English Collocation Dictionary IELTS) to helped researcher searched and checked

the collocation.

3.2 Data and Data Sources

The data of the research was lexical collocation words used in the articles of

published English newspaper by non-native, The Jakarta Post. The data took from the articles which had been published from e-newspaper of Jakarta Post Newspaper in

1st-14thMay 2017. The researcher took 5 articles randomly from each sections (News,



3.3 Research Instruments

The instruments of this research was human, application dictionary, table

sheet and charts. In this research, human was the instrument who collected the data

and analyzed the data. Application dictionary (English Collocation Dictionary IELTS)

helped researcher searched and checked the collocation. The table sheet helped the

researcher classified the data. The researcher also used charts to show the percentage

of the result of data.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

Amount of The Jakarta Post newspaper available published in 1st-14th May

2017. There were about more than 100 articles. Those articles was randomly selected

from each sections (News, Opinion, Sports and Living). Those articles was 20

selected articles which each sections (News, Opinion, Sports and Living) have 5

articles as samples. And those articles was taken from online database The Jakarta Postnewspaper.

1. OpenedThe Jakarta Postnewspaper via browser. Access the newspaperwww.thejakartapost.com.

2. Accessed the database of the articles.

3. Selected the article of each sections (News, Opinion, Sports and Living)

randomly. Each section was needed 5 articles.

4. The researcher took coding based on section of the articles and date and



Coding for articles :

NA = news articles OA = opinion article

SA=sports article LA = living article

NA1= news article 1 NA2 = news article 2 NA3= news article 3

NA4= news article 4 NA5= news article 5

OA1= opinion article 1 OA2 = opinion article 2 OA3= opinion article 3

OA4= opinion article 4 OA5= opinion article 5

SA1= sports article 1 SA2 = sports article 2 SA3= sports article 3

SA4= sports article 4 SA5= sports article 5

LA1= living article 1 LA2 = living article 2 LA3= living article 3

LA4= living article 4 LA5= living article 5

Example coding for date of articles:

D0105 = date 1, month 5 D0505= date 5, month 5 D1405=date 14, month 5

5. Identified the lexical word by underlining

Read the selected articles. Then, notice the lexical collocation words. After



use application dictionary (English Collocation Dictionary IELTS). The

findings were used as data.

3.5 Data Analysis

1. Categorized the lexical collocation which was found based on each types and

each section.

The type of lexical collocation

section words L11 L22 L33 L44 L55 L66 L77





2. Determined and calculated. After classified the data researcher counted the

total number of every types lexical collocation (n) times a hundred percent

(100%) then divided the total number of all total data (N). The formulaThe

result explained what type of lexical collocation that was used and how the

L = ver a tive + noun L = ver eradi ation + noun L = adje tive + noun

L = noun + ver L = noun + noun



usage of lexical collocation in The Jakarta Post newspaper. And then, the percentage results were showed using charts.

L = ver a tive + noun

No. Type of lexical collocations





This chapter presents the results of the research and is divided into three

sections. The first section presents and describes the examined data from articles of

The Jakarta Post newspaper. The data found are related to the lexical collocation from articles of each sections (news, opinion, sports and living). There are some

examples to make the explanation clear. The second section consists of explanations

on the usage of lexical collocation from articles of each sections (news, opinion,

sports and living) found in The Jakarta Post newspaper and presented in terms of frequency and percentage. And the third section shows a discussion of the data found

in articles. This section presents a deep explanation about the findings of lexical

collocation from articles of each sections (news, opinion, sports and living) in The Jakarta Postnewspaper.

4.1 Types of lexical collocations

This section consists of the examined data from articles of each section (news,

opinion, sports and living) which are presented and used by The Jakarta Post


4.1.1 Lexical Collocation in News section



of news section. The types are found among lexical collocation = verb (active) +

noun, lexical collocation = adjective + noun, and lexical collocation = noun + noun.

The details are be explained below. Verb (active) + Noun

The findings show 6 lexical collocation verb (active) + noun are used in 5

news articles. But, the researcher only describes 2 findings as samples. And the rest

findings are written in the table.

(Data 1)

As one of the KPK's top investigators, Novel has led the investigationsinto several high-profile cases, such as those related to the procurement of driving simulators by the National Police and the construction of the Hambalang sports complex. (NA3:D0305)

It can be seen the sentence above uses lexical collocation = (verb(active) +

noun). There is written led which is a verb collocated with noun the investigations. Verbs have unlimited combination with many nouns. But, those combinations cannot

be considered as collocation. “Investigation” can be mentioned as collocation if it is just collocated with verb such as, carry out, conduct, pursue, head, complete, lead and

launch. It is written in English Collocation Dictionary IELTS.

(Data 2)



It is shown the sentence above uses lexical collocation = (verb(active) + noun).

There is written taken which is collocated with noun a lead. Verbs have unlimited combination with many nouns. But, those combinations cannot be considered as

collocation. “Lead” is can be mentioned as collocation if it is just collocated with verb such as, give, take, follow, hold, extend, increase, play, pursue, establish,

maintain, lose and regain. It is written in English Collocation Dictionary IELTS.

Lexical collocation word

Received attention Drawn attention

Spread the message Led the investigation Adjective + Noun

There are 34 lexical collocation = adjective + noun which are found in 5 news

articles. But, the researcher only describes 4 findings the variation of adjective +

noun. The variation is one noun can be used or collocated with different adjectives.

(Data 1)

Rizal said Islamic scholars countering the rhetoric of intolerant groups was nothing new. He mentioned respected figure Nurcholish Madjid, aka Cak Nur, as an Islamic scholar who spread the message of moderate Islam and therefore significantly contained violentreligious ideas. (NA2.D0205)

(Data 2)



It can be seen two sentences above have lexical collocation words = adjective

+ noun, religious ideas and radical ideas. And two lexical collocation adjective + noun use same nounideasbut different adjective, which is the first lexical collocation word uses adjective religious. Meanwhile the second lexical collocation word uses adjectiveradical.

(Data 3)

As Jakartans are still reeling from the most divisive gubernatorial election the city has ever seen, which exacerbated sectarianism and fanned anti-Chinese sentiments, some citizens have called on the government to protect the capital from any threat from radicals. (NA4.D0405)

(Data 4)

The gesture came a few weeks after the Jakarta runoff election, described by experts as the country’s most polarizing election with racial and religious issues overshadowing the city’s most critical problems, including education and infrastructure. (NA4.D0405)

It is presented two sentences above have lexical collocation words = adjective

+ noun, gubernatorial election and runoff election. And two lexical collocation adjective + noun use same noun election but different adjective, which is the first lexical collocation word uses adjective gubernatorial. Meanwhile the second lexical collocation word uses adjectiverunoff.

The rest lexical collocation words adjective + noun is written in table below.

Lexical collocation word

Local communities National commission Hard line



Former president Written examination Medical treatment

Former chairman Respected figure Public debate

High profile cases Noxious substance Colorful flower

High ranking Official announcement Islamic scholars

Religious sentiment Religious conservatism Political analyst

Religious conservatism Colorful flower Clear sign

Professional background Missing persons Noun + Noun or Noun + of + Noun

There are 20 lexical collocation = noun + noun which are found in 5 news

articles. But, the researcher only describes 1 findings the variation of noun + noun.

The variation is the combination between noun + noun but there is “of” between them.

(Data 1)

“They include the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Asian Species Partnership, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria and EAZA Passerine TAG [Taxon Advisory Group],” said Tony, who is also director of the Indonesia Safari Park, recently. (NA1:D0105)

It can be seen the sentence above uses lexical collocation (noun + noun).



Lexical collocation word

Conservation bodies Government official City hall

Conservation group Morning prayer Deputy governor

Conservation areas Human rights Police headquarters

Forestry minister Public support Flower arrangements

Education minister Murder case Team member

Sports complex Track records

4.1.2 Lexical Collocation in Opinion section

Opinion section is second section fromThe Jakarta Postnewspaper which are analyzed by the researcher. About 67 lexical collocation words are found in 5 articles

of opinion section. The types are found among lexical collocation = verb (active) +

noun, lexical collocation = adjective + noun, lexical collocation = noun + verb,

lexical collocation = noun + noun, lexical collocation adjective + adverb or adverb +

adjective and lexical collocation adverb + verb. The details are be explained below. Verb (active) + Noun

The findings show 8 lexical collocation verb (active) + noun words are used

in 5 opinion articles. But, the researcher only describes 2 findings as samples. And



(Data 1)

Western newspapers often report on problem identification without seeing their role in mobilizing the people to actually care and solve the problem, unlike media in another part of the world. (OA1.D0105)

It is presented the sentence above uses lexical collocation = (verb (active) +

noun). There is written solve which is a verb collocated with noun the problem. Verbs have unlimited combination with many nouns. But, those combinations cannot

be considered as collocation. “Solve” only can be considered as collocation if it is combined with noun such as, case and problem. It is written in English Collocation

Dictionary IELTS.

(Data 2)

Ahok is right toappeal the verdict. (OA3.D1005)

It can be seen the sentence above uses lexical collocation = (verb (active) +

noun). There is written appealwhich is a verb collocated with noun the verdict. Verbs have unlimited combination with many nouns. But, those combinations cannot

be considered as collocation. “Verdict” is considered as collocation if it is combined

with verb, such as, consider, agree, reach, announce, deliver, enter, give, record,

return, pass, pronounce, accept, appeal, reverse, uphold and overturn.It is written in

English Collocation Dictionary IELTS.

Lexical collocation word

Raised questions Follow procedures Carrying banners


32 Adjective + Noun

There are 30 lexical collocation = adjective + noun words which are found in

5 opinion articles. But, the researcher only describes 5 findings the variation of

adjective + noun. The variation is one noun can be used or collocated with different

adjectives. The rest findings are presented in table below.

(Data 1)

Reportage on major events such as general election and referendums lately has raised questions on the quality, impact and the credibility of journalism itself, along with its wide array of interests. (OA1.D0105)

(Data 2)

We’re still in the post-Jakarta gubernatorial election fever, particularly ahead of May 9, when outgoing Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” TjahajaPurnama is to hear the sentence of his blasphemy trial. (OA2.0705)

It can be seen two sentences above have lexical collocation words = adjective

+ noun, general election and gubernatorial election. And two lexical collocation adjective + noun above use same noun election but different adjective, which is the first lexical collocation word uses adjective general. Meanwhile the second lexical collocation word uses adjectivegubernatorial.

(Data 3)

There is a truth in Financial Times journalist John Lloyd's words, who states that "the decline of physical newspaper and the migration to internet media have put it into the



(Data 4)

Ahok has received a considerable morale boost with the thousands of flower boards arriving at City Hall, in what has become the first wave of the nation’s “flower revolution.” (OA2.D0705)

(Data 5)

Then, as the latest rally demanding the jailing of Ahok was held Friday, flower boards of the second wave were still being deployed to the headquarters of the National Police and the Indonesian Military (TNI) — partly in defiance of the burning of the boards around City Hall during May Day rallies. (OA2.D0705)

It is shown the three sentences above have lexical collocation words =

adjective + noun, big wave, first wave and second wave. And three lexical collocation adjective + noun above uses same noun wave but different adjective, which is the first lexical collocation word uses adjective big. Meanwhile the second lexical collocation word uses adjective first. And, the third lexical collocation word uses adjectivesecond.

Lexical Collocation Word

Political events Individual level Fun way

Political parties Important thing National police

Political activities Wide array Daily life

Societal change Professional standard Local government

Social criticism Mass organization Bad precedent

Practical issues Public disturbance Basic principle


34 Noun + Verb

There are 2 lexical collocation = noun + verb which are found in 5 sports

articles. The findings are described below.

(Data 1)

But today thesupport comeswith many limitations. (OA2.D0705)

It can be seen the sentence above uses lexical collocation noun + verb. There

is written a noun support collocated withcomes which is a verb. “Support” can be said as collocation noun + verb if it is followed by verb, such as come, grow, rise and


(Data 2)

Ahok also asked Djarot to anticipate price increases ahead of the Islamic IdulFitri holiday in late June. (OA5.D1405)

It is shown the sentence above uses lexical collocation noun + verb. There is

written a nounpricecollocated withincreaseswhich is a verb. “Price” can be said as collocation noun + verb if it is followed by verb, such as rise, drop, fall, increase, and

slump. Noun + Noun or Noun + of + Noun

There are 22 lexical collocation = noun + noun which are found in 5 opinion



The variation is the combination between noun + noun but there is “of” between them.

And the rest finding are presented in table below.

(Data 1)

But the fact that they preferred to take into consideration the testimony of witnesses, including clerics who had openly expressed hatred against Ahok and even sought his death, overstatements of witnesses who did not see any intention to insult Islam on the defendant’s part, shows signs of a miscarriage of justice in this trial. (OA3.D1005)

It can be seen the sentence above uses lexical collocation (noun + noun).

There is written “of” between two nouns. There is statements which is noun and collocated withproblemswhich is also noun.

(Data 2)

But the fact that they preferred to take into consideration the testimony of witnesses, including clerics who had openly expressed hatred against Ahok and even sought his death, over statements of witnesses who did not see any intention to insult Islam on the defendant’s part, shows signs of a miscarriage of justice in this trial. (OA3.D1005)

It is presented the sentence above uses lexical collocation (noun + noun).

There is written “of” between two nouns. There is miscarriage which is noun and collocated withjusticewhich is also noun.

Lexical collocation word

Police officers News media Sociology professor

Police chief Conspiracy theory Key role



City hall Campaign trail Security forces

Painting exhibition Law minister Flower pots

Military headquarters Deputy governor Human rights Adjective + Adverb or Adverb + Adjective

There is 1 L6 lexical collocation adjective + adverb or adverb + adjective

found in 5 opinion article. The finding is described below.

(Data 1)

The revolution surely doesn’t lie in the courage to stand up against a dictator, but in a revolutionary safe way to make a statement; depending on diverse views, it’s a more timid/cowardly/ strategic/creative/peaceful/laidback and fun way than the massive — also largely peaceful — rallies against Ahok, where participants were also enjoying themselves. (OA2.D0705)

It can be seen the sentence above used L6 lexical collocation adverb +

adjective or adjective + adverb. There is written adverb largely collocated with adjective, peaceful. “Peaceful” is considered as collocation if it is combined with adverb, such as extremely, very, wholly, largely, comparatively, fairly, quiet,

reasonably, relatively, and delightfully. Adverb + Verb

There is 4 lexical collocation adverb + verb found in 5 opinion article. The

findings are described below.

(Data 1)



charge and had merely demanded a suspended jail term for Ahok for insulting ulema. (OA3.D1005)

It is shown the sentence above uses lexical collocation adverb + verb. There is

written adverbunanimouslycollocated with verbdeclared. “Declare” can be said as collocation if it is collocated with adverb, such as virtually, immediately, promptly,

formally, officially, openly, proudly, loudly, brightly, hereby and unanimously. And

there is adverb + verb combination in the sentence above merely demanded. But, it is

not a collocation because “demand” can be considered as collocation if “demand” is combined with adverb, such as aggressively, angrily, coldly, fiercely, furiously,

harshly, indignantly, irritably, roughly and sharply.

(Data 2)

But the fact that they preferred to take into consideration the testimony of witnesses, including clerics who hadopenly expressedhatred against Ahok and even sought his death, over statements of witnesses who did not see any intention to insult Islam on the defendant’s part, shows signs of a miscarriage of justice in this trial. (OA3.D1005)

It is shown the sentence above uses lexical collocation adverb + verb. There is

written adverb openly collocated with verb expressed. “Express” is considered as collocation if it is collocated with adverb, such as, well, fully, openly, clearly,

cogently, exactly, concisely, and eloquently.

(Data 3)

A popular habit of Ahok and Djarot was to arrive at the office early to meet with peoplepatiently waitingin line to air their grievances directly to them. This tradition began when Jokowi was governor. (OA.D1405)

It can be seen the sentence above uses lexical collocation adverb + verb.



as collocation if it is collocated with adverb, such as, anxiously, eagerly, keenly, and


(Data 4)

Practically all by himself, Djarot now bears the responsibility of fiercely guarding

the incumbent’s reputation that serves as a benchmark for other heads of government in Indonesia. (OA.D1405)

It is presented the sentence above uses lexical collocation adverb + verb.

There is written adverb fiercely collocated with verb guarding. “Guard” is considered as collocation if it is collocated with adverb, such as, well, carefully,

fiercely, and jealously.

4.1.3 Lexical Collocation in Sports section

Sports section is third section from The Jakarta Post newspaper which are analyzed by the researcher. About 35 lexical collocation words are found in 5 articles

of sports section. The types are found among L1 lexical collocation = verb (active) +

noun, L3 lexical collocation = adjective + noun, L4 lexical collocation = noun + verb,

L5 lexical collocation = noun + noun and L6 lexical collocation = adjective + adverb

or adverb + adjective. The details are be explained below.



The findings show 3 lexical collocation verb (active) + noun words are used

in 5 sports articles. The 3 findings are explained below.

(Data 1)

However, any change to this policy could allow football's emerging power, China, to

make a bid for the 2030 tournament, just eight years after its AFC colleague, Qatar, controversially hosts the 2022 World Cup.

It is presented the sentence above uses lexical collocation = (verb (active) +

noun). There is writtenmakewhich is a verb collocated with nouna bid. Verbs have unlimited combination with many nouns. But, those combinations cannot be

considered as collocation. “Bid” is said as collocation if it is combined with verb, such as, launch, make, mount, submit, increase, raise, accept, and retract.

(Data 2)

The meeting was abruptly cancelled after Saoud Al-Mohannadi, Qatar Football Association's vice-president, was stopped at the very last minute from standing for electionfor the FIFA council.

It can be seen the sentence above uses the variation of lexical collocation =

(verb (active) + noun). There is writtenstanding forwhich is a verb collocated with noun election. Verbs have unlimited combination with many nouns. But, those combinations cannot be considered as collocation. “Election” can be considered as collocation if it is collocated with verb, such as, have, hold, call, contest, fight, stand

for, lose, win and rig.

(Data 3)



It is shown the sentence above uses lexical collocation = (verb (active) +

noun). The variation is verb (active) + prepositional phrase. There is written won

which is a verb collocated with pronoun phrase his appeal, which are called prepositional phrase because combination between a pronounhiswith a nounappeal. Verbs have unlimited combination with many nouns. But, those combinations cannot

be considered as collocation. “Appeal” can be considered as collocation if it is collocated with verb, such as, issue, make, win, bring, lose, allow, consider, hear,

deny, dismiss, reject, hold, support and launch. Adjective + Noun

There are 15 lexical collocation = adjective + noun which are found in 5

sports articles. But, the researcher only describes 6 findings the variation of adjective

+ noun. The variation is one noun can used or collocated with different adjectives.

(Data 1)

Cristiano Ronaldo proved Atletico Madrid's Champions League destroyer once more with a hat-trick as Real Madrid took a commanding 3-0 semi-final, first leg lead on Tuesday. (SA1.D0305)

(Data 2)

The sides meet again for thesecond legon May 10. (SA3.D0305)

It is presented two sentences above have lexical collocation words = adjective



(Data 3)

Two years on from the corruption crisis which consumed FIFA, football's governing body meets for its latest annual congress in Bahrain this week still far from free of suspicion. (SA5.D0705)

(Data 4)

This vote has been delayed since last September when the AFC took just 27 minutes to abandon theirextraordinary congressin Goa. (SA5.D0705)

It can be seen two sentences above have lexical collocation words = adjective

+ noun, annual congress and extraordinary congress. And two lexical collocation adjective + noun use same noun congress but different adjective, which is the first lexical collocation word uses adjective annual. Meanwhile the second lexical collocation word uses adjectiveextraordinary.

(Data 5)

The Spaniard also claimed his 10th title at the Monte Carlo Masters last week as he gears up for to go for his 10th French Open next month. (SA1.0105)

(Data 6)

Atletico boss Diego Simeone, meanwhile, told his side to forget their latest derby demolition and hope for a miracle at the last European match at their Vicente Calderon stadiumnext week. (SA3.D0305)

It is shown two sentences above have lexical collocation words = adjective +



uses adjective last. Meanwhile the second lexical collocation word uses adjective


The rest of lexical collocation adjective + verb are written in table below.

Lexical collocation word

First game Crucial moment Second half

First appearance Away win Close range

First time Opening stage Second half Noun + Verb

There are 1 lexical collocation = noun + verb which are found in 5 sports

articles. The findings are written and explained below.

(Data 1)

The ball rebounded up perfectly off the heels of Filipe Luis for Ronaldo to blast high past Oblak. (SA3.D03.05)

It can be seen the sentence above used lexical collocation noun + verb. There



considered as collocation if it is followed by verb, such as fly, go, roll, sail, hit, land,

bounce, and rebound. Noun + Noun or Noun + of + Noun

There are 15 lexical collocation = noun + noun which are found in 5 sports

articles. The researcher only describing 2 finding as samples. And the rest finding are

written in table below.

(Data 1)

Rafael Nadal hailed a "dream start" to hisclay courtseason after romping to his 10th Barcelona Open on Sunday with a 6-4, 6-1 win over Austria's Dominic. (SA1.D0105)

It can be seen the sentence above uses lexical collocation noun + noun. There

is written a nounclay collocated with another noun court. “Court” is considered as collocation if it is combined with noun, such as basketball, tennis, squash, clay, and.

(Data 2)

Emre Can scored a sensational overhead bicycle kick as Liverpool galvanised their grip on third place in the Premier League by winning 1-0 at Watford on Monday. (SA2.D0205)

It can be seen the sentence above uses lexical collocation noun + noun. There

is written a noun premier collocated with another noun league. “League” is said as collocation if it is collocated with noun, such as, champions, leader, premier, title,



Lexical collocation word

Injury time World player Appeal committee

Penalty box World cup Corruption allegations

Goal kick Champions league Vice president Adjective + Adverb or Adverb + Adjective

There is 1 lexical collocation adjective + adverb or adverb + adjective found

in 5 sports article.

(Data 1)

"The first set wasvitally important," added Nadal. (SA1.D0105)

It can be seen the sentence above used L6 lexical collocation adverb +

adjective or adjective + adverb. There is written adverb vitally collocated with adjective, important. “Important” can be said as collocation if it is combined with adverb, such as, critically, vitally, extremely, enormously, hugely, particularly,

terribly, very, increasingly, internationally, regionally, economically, functionally,

historically, politically, and strategically.

4.1.4 Lexical Collocation in Living section



of living section. The types are found among lexical collocation = verb (active) +

noun, lexical collocation = adjective + noun, and lexical collocation = noun + noun.

The details are be explained below. Verb (active) + Noun

The findings show 1 lexical collocation verb (active) + noun words are used

in 5 living articles. The findingis the variation of verb (active) + noun which is verb

(active) + pronoun/prepositional phrase.

(Data 1)

Researchers recruited 40 volunteers who had experienced an “unwanted romantic breakup” in the past six months. (LA4.D0505)

It can be seen the sentence above used variation of lexical collocation = (verb

(active) + noun). The variation is verb (active) + prepositional phrase. There is

written recruitedwhich is a verb collocated with prepositional phrase40 volunteers, which are called prepositional phrase because combination between numeral40with a noun volunteers. Verbs have unlimited combination with many nouns. But, those combinations cannot be considered as collocation. “Volunteer” is said as collocation if it is collocated with verb, appeal for, ask for, call for, look for, find, get, recruit,

provide, encourage, need, want, and work as. Adjective + Noun

There are 36 lexical collocation = adjective + noun words which are found in



adjective + noun. The variation is one noun can used or collocated with different

adjectives. The rest findings are presented in table below.

(Data 1)

Last year, UNESCO included the unique culture in its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanitylast year. (LA1.D0205)

(Data 2)

The team found that engaging in physical activity by using these active games can significantly boost brain functions in people with neurological impairment, as well as maintaining cognitive health in later years, which naturally declines as we age. (LA5.D0605)

It can be seen two sentence above have lexical collocation words = adjective

+ noun, last year andlater years. And first and second lexical collocation adjective + noun uses same noun year but different adjective, which is the first, second uses adjectivelast. Meanwhile the second lexical collocation word used adjectivelater.

(Data 3)

Previous studies have shown that placebos – treatments with no active ingredients – can ease pain in a variety of conditions, including depression. (LA4.D0505)

(Data 4)

This new study is the first to measure the effect of a placebo on emotional pain caused by a heartbreak. (LA4.D0505)

It is shown two data above have L3 lexical collocation words = adjective +



Lexical collocation word

Cultural heritage Supporting actor International level

Basic tools Supporting actress National recognition

Long period Political exiles Provincial government

Special award Last month Important message

Open courtyard Broken heart Saline solution

Different species Emotional pain Psychological problem

Small tree Good friend Effective way

Physical activity Previous research Noun + Noun or Noun + of + Noun

There are 14 L5 lexical collocation = noun + noun which are found in 5 living

articles. But, the researcher only describes 2 findings as sample. And the rest finding

are presented in table below.

(Data 1)

Haenyeo, which roughly translates as “women of the sea,” refers to female divers on Jeju Island who harvest marine products using minimaldiving gear. (LA1.D0205)

It can be seen the sentence above uses lexical collocation noun + noun. There

is written a noun diving collocated with another noun gear. “Gear” is said as collocation if it is combined with noun, such as, stick, diving, running, sports,

swimming, walking, breathing, camping, climbing, fishing, designer, and landing.



This was the case for the 2015-designated Arirang -- a collection of Korean folk songs– and the Korean traditional sport of ssireum. (LA1.D0205)

It is presented the sentence above uses lexical collocation noun + noun. There

is written a nounfolkscollocated with another noun songs. “Song” can be considered as collocation if it is combined with noun, such as, writer, contest, folk, drinking,

theme, and title.

Lexical collocation word

Saturday evening Film director Egyptian quantities

Vice president Feature film Stone slabs

Title tracks Video games Egyptian gods

Brain regions

4.2 The usage of lexical collocation

Describing the usage of lexical collocation in each sections (news, opinion,

sports and living) which have different disciplines and different themes with the



4.2.1 Lexical Collocation in News section

It can be seen from chart above, lexical collocation adjective + noun

dominates the usage of lexical collocation in News section. Lexical collocation



which are found in the 5 news articles. In the second place, there is lexical collocation

noun + noun which appeared 20 times (33.30%). The third place, placed by lexical

collocation verb(active) + noun which appeared 6 times (10%). And for lexical

collocation verb(nullification) + noun, noun + verb, adjective + adverb / adverb +

adjective and adverb + verb are not found in articles of news section.

4.2.2 Lexical Collocation in Opinion section

It can be explained from chart above, lexical collocation adjective + noun

dominates the usage of lexical collocation in Opinion section. Lexical collocation


Table the Usage of Lexical Collocation in The Jakarta Post Newspaper


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