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Tujuan Pembelajaran. Desain Barang dan Jasa. Pemilihan Barang dan Jasa. Regal Marine 26/10/2015. Pasar global Sistem CAD 3 dimensi


Academic year: 2021

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Teks penuh


5 - 1


Barang dan Jasa 5


Manajemen Keberlangsungan & Rantai Pasokan

Operations Management:

Sustainability & Supply Chain Management

5 - 2

Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Mendefinisian siklus hidup produk (product life cycle) 2. Mendeskripsikan sistem pengembangan produk 3. Membuat rumah kualitas (house of quality)

4. Menjelaskan bagaimana kompetisi berbasis waktu (time- based) diimplementasikan oleh OM

5. Mendeskripsikan bagaimana barang dan jasa didefinisikan oleh OM

6. Mendeskripsikan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan untuk produksi.

7. Menjelaskan bagaimana partisipasi pelanggan dalam desain dan penyampaian (delivery) jasa

8. Mengaplikasikan pohon keputusan untuk masalah- masalah produk

5 - 3

Pasar global

Sistem CAD 3 dimensi

Mengurangi waktu pengembangan produk

Mengurangi masalah yang berhubungan dengan peralatan

Mengurangi masalah yang berhubungan dengan produksi

Produksi di lini perakitan


Regal Marine

5 - 4

Keberadaan sebuah organisasi/perusahaan adalah untuk menyediakan barang dan jasa bagi masyarakat

Produk-produk yang hebat adalah kunci keksuksesan bagi setiap organisasi

Organisasi yang unggul umumnya hanya fokus pada produk inti saja (Honda → mesin, Michelin → ban, Intel → Microprocessor)

Pelanggan itu membeli kepuasan, tidak sekedar fisik barang maupun jasa tertentu saja.

Desain produk merupakan hal yang fundamental bagi strategi organisasi yang implikasinya meliputi seluruh fungsi operasi.

Pemilihan Barang dan Jasa


5 - 5

Barang dan jasa adalah dasar dari keberadaan sebuah organisasi

Produk yang memiliki siklus hidup terbatas dan dapat diprediksi, maka perusahaan harus terus-menerus mencari, merancang, dan mengembangkan produk baru

Produk baru akan memberikan kontribusi pendapatan secara substansial

Produk baru tidak selalu sukses di pasaran

5 - 6

Semakin tinggi persentase penjualan produk baru (terhadap produk2nya yang lain) dalam 5 tahun terahir, semakin besar kemungkinan perusahaan tersebut menjadi pemimpin industri.

50% – 40% – 30% – 20% – 10% –

0% – Pemimpin

industri Sepertiga

atas Sepertiga

kedua Sepertiga


Posisi perusahaan dalam industrinya Persentasi penjualan produk-produk baru

5 - 7

Tujuan dari keputusan produk adalah untuk mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan strategi produk yang memenuhi permintaan

pasar dengan sebuah keunggulan bersaing

Keputusan Produk

5 - 8

Pilihan Strategi Produk


Shouldice Hospital, Mbah Jingkrak, Bu Fat, Mak Icih

Low cost

Taco Bell, D’Cost

Rapid response



5 - 9

Product Life Cycles

Siklus hidup produk: harian (kaos konser), bulanan (baju musiman, batu akik), tahunan (laptop, elektronik), puluhan tahun (Airbus A330)

Fungsi operasi harus dapat memperkenalkan produk baru dengan sukses.

5 - 10

Product Life Cycle

Arus Kas negatif

Pengenalan Pertumbuhan Matang Penurunan

Penjualan, biaya, dan arus kas

Biaya pengembangan dan produksi

Arus Kas

Pendapatan bersih (profit) Pendapatan penjualan


5 - 11

Siklus Hidup dan Strategi

Fase Pengenalan

Masih mencari celah yang pas (fine tuning) sehingga memunculkan biaya- biaya yang tidak biasa untuk:

1. Penelitian

2. Pengembangan produk

3. Modifikasi dan perbaikan proses 4. Pengembangan suplier

5 - 12

Fase Pertumbuhan

Desain produk mulai stabil

Mulai memerlukan peramalan kapasitas yang efektif

Penambahan atau peningkatan

kapasitas mungkin diperlukan


5 - 13

Fase Matang

Kompetitor mulai bermunculan

Volume produksi yang tinggi, produk yang inovatif mungkin dibutuhkan

Perbaikan pengendalian biaya, mengurangi pilihan-pilihan, mengurangi lini produk

5 - 14

Fase Penurunan

Jika sudah tidak bisa memberi kontribusi khusus bagi

organisasi, maka sudah saatnya untuk menghentikan produk tersebut

5 - 15

Product-by-Value Analysis (Analisis Poduk Berdasar Nilai)

Buat daftar urutan produk secara descending (menurun) sesuai dengan kontribusi rupiahnya bagi perusahaan

Buat daftar kontribusi rupiah tahunan masing-masing produk tersebut

Ini dapat membantu manajemen mengevaluasi strategi-strategi alternatif

5 - 16

Membangun Produk Baru

1. Memahami pelanggan 2. Perubahan ekonomi

3. Perubahan sosial dan demografi 4. Perubahan teknologi

5. Perubahan politik dan hukum 6. Praktik pasar, standar profesional,

suplier, distributor Yang harus diperhatikan:


5 - 17

Lingkup tim pengem-

bangan produk

Tahap Pengembangan Produk

Lingkup bagi tim desain dan


Evaluasi Pengenalan Uji Pasar Spesifikasi fungsional

Review desain Spesifikasi produk Kebutuhan Pelanggan Fisibilitas


5 - 18

Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

‒ Penyebaran Fungsi Kualitas ‒

▶ Adalah proses menetapkan “apa yang diinginkan konsumen” dan

menerjemahkannya menjadi atribut

“bagaimana agar tiap area fungsional dapat memahami dan memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen”.

▶ Tool implementasi QFD: rumah kualitas (house of quality) yaitu sebuah teknik grafis untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara

keinginan konsumen dan produk (barang atau jasa).

5 - 19

1. Mengidentifikasi keinginan pelanggan

2. Mengidentifikasi atribut-atribut tentang bagaimana barang/jasa akan memenuhi keinginan pelanggan 3. Menghubungkan Langkah 1 & 2

4. Mengidentifikasi relasi antar atribut

5. Menetapkan tingkat kepentingan pelanggan 6. Mengevaluasi produk-produk pesaing

7. Membandingan performa/kinerja terhadap atribut- atribut teknis yang diinginan

Tahapan QFD:

5 - 20

QFD: House of Quality

Matriks relasi Bagaimana untuk memenuhi keinginan

pelanggan Relasi antar atribut

Penilaian pesaing

Evaluasi teknis Nilai-nilai target

Apa yang diinginan pelanggan

Peringkat kepentingan pelanggan

Bobot peringkat


5 - 21

Contoh House of Quality

Tim Anda ditugasi untuk mendesain sebuah kamera baru untuk PT. Great Cameras, Inc.

Langkah pertamanya adalah membangun sebuah rumah kualitas (House of Quality)

5 - 22

Peringkat kepentingan

pelanggan (5 = tertinggi)

Ringan 3

Mudah digunakan 4

Reliabel/Handal 5

Mudah dipegang/digenggam 2

Resolusi tinggi 1

Apa yang diinginan pelanggan

What the Customer Wants

Relationship Matrix

Technical Attributes and

Evaluation How to Satisfy Customer Wants


Analysis of Competitors

5 - 23 What the

Customer Wants

Relationship Matrix

Technical Attributes and

Evaluation How to Satisfy Customer Wants


Analysis of Competitors

Ebutuhan daya listrik rendah Komponen aluminium Auto focus Auto exposure (Pencahayaan otomatis) Jumlah pixels besar Desain Ergonomic Bagaimana untuk

memuaskan pelanggan

5 - 24

Ringan 3

Mudah digunakan 4

Reliabel/Handal 5

Mudah dipegang/digenggam 2

Resolusi tinggi 1

What the Customer Wants

Relationship Matrix

Technical Attributes and

Evaluation How to Satisfy Customer Wants


Analysis of Competitors

Relasi kuat Relasi sedang Relasi rendah

Matriks relasi


5 - 25

Ebutuhan daya listrik rendah Komponen aluminium Auto focus Auto exposure (Pencahayaan otomatis) Jumlah pixels besar Desain Ergonomic Relasi antar atribut

(yang bisa kita buat)

What the Customer Wants

Relationship Matrix

Technical Attributes and

Evaluation How to Satisfy Customer Wants


Analysis of Competitors

5 - 26

Peringat terboboti

Ringan 3

Mudah digunakan 4

Reliabel/Handal 5

Mudah dipegang/digenggam 2

Resolusi tinggi 1

Peringkat kepentingan kita 22 9 27 27 32 25

What the Customer Wants

Relationship Matrix

Technical Attributes and

Evaluation How to Satisfy Customer Wants


Analysis of Competitors

5 - 27

Perusahaan A Perusahaan B






Ringan 3

Mudah digunakan 4

Reliabel/Handal 5

Mudah dipegang/digenggam 2

Resolusi tinggi 1

Peringat kepentingan kita 22 5 How well do competing

products meet customer wants

What the Customer Wants

Relationship Matrix

Technical Attributes and

Evaluation How to Satisfy Customer Wants


Analysis of Competitors

5 - 28 What the

Customer Wants

Relationship Matrix

Technical Attributes and

Evaluation How to Satisfy Customer Wants


Analysis of Competitors

Nilai target (Atribut teknis)

Evaluasi teknis

Perusahaan A 0.7 60% yes 1 ok G Perusahaan B 0.6 50% yes 2 ok F

Kita 0.5 75% yes 2 ok G

2 circuits Failure 1 per 10,000 Panel ranking

0.5 A 75% 2’ to


5 - 29

House of Quality Lengkap

Low electricity requirements Aluminum components Auto focus Auto exposure High number of pixels Ergonomic design Company A Company B

Lightweight 3

Easy to use 4

Reliable 5

Easy to hold steady 2 High resolution 1 Our importance ratings


Target values (Technical attributes)

Technical evaluation

Company A 0.7 60% yes 1 ok G Company B 0.6 50% yes 2 ok F Us 0.5 75% yes 2 ok G 0.5 A 75% 2’ to 2 circuits Failure 1 per 10,000 Panel ranking 22 9 27 27 32 25

5 - 30

Rangkaian Rumah Kualitas

Menyebarkan sumberdaya melalui organisasi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan

Proses produksi

Rencana kualitas

House 4

Komponen2spesifik Proses produksi

House 3

Karakteristikdesain Komponen2


House 2

Kebutuhanpelanggan Karakteristik


House 1

5 - 31

Pengorganisasian Pengembangan Produk

Secara tradisional– departemen yang berbeda-beda

Tugas dan tanggung jawab didefinisikan

Sulit untuk berfikir maju

A Champion (Juara)

Manajer produk memandu produk melalui sistem pengembangan produk dan organisasi terkait

5 - 32

Pendekatan Tim

Bersifat lintas fungsi (cross-function) – diwakili dari seluruh disiplin/fungsi

Tim pengembangan produk, tim desain untuk manufakturabiitas, tim rekayasa nilai

Pendekatan “whole organization” ala Jepang

Tidak mengenal divisi-divis organisasi


5 - 33

Manufakturabilitas dan Rekayasa Nilai


1. Mengurangi komplesitas produk 2. Mengurangi dampak lingkungan 3. Standarisasi tambahan untuk komponen 4. Perbaikan aspek fungsional produk

5. Perbaikan desain kerja dan keselamatan kerja 6. Perbaikan untuk pemeliharaan produk 7. Desain yang robust

5 - 34

Pengurangan biaya sebuah Bracket melalui Rekayasa Nilai

Figure 5.5

5 - 35

Isu-isu tentang Desain Produk

Desain robust

Desain modular

Computer-aided design (CAD)

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

Virtual reality technology

Value analysis

Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

5 - 36

Robust Design

Produk didesain sedemikian rupa sehingga perubahan/variasi kecil dalam produksi atau perakitan tidak akan berdampak negatif terhadap produk

Biasanya menghasilkan produk

dengan biaya yang lebih rendah

namun dengan kualitas yang lebih



5 - 37

Desain Modular

Produk didesain dalam kompononen- komponen yang mudah tersegmentasi

Menambah fleksibilitas untuk produksi dan pemasaran

Peningkatan kemampuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan

5 - 38

Using computers to design products and prepare engineering documentation

Shorter development cycles, improved accuracy, lower cost

Information and designs can be deployed


Computer Aided Design (CAD)

5 - 39

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA)

Solve manufacturing problems during the design stage

3-D Object Modeling

Small prototype development

CAD through the internet

International data exchange through STEP

Extensions of CAD

5 - 40

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Utilizing specialized computers and program to control manufacturing equipment

Often driven by the CAD system



5 - 41

1. Product quality 2. Shorter design time

3. Production cost reductions 4. Database availability 5. New range of capabilities

Benefits of CAD/CAM

5 - 42

Virtual Reality Technology

Computer technology used to develop an interactive, 3-D model of a product from the basic CAD data

Allows people to ‘see’ the finished design before a physical model is built

Very effective in large-scale designs such as plant layout

5 - 43

Value Analysis

Focuses on design improvement during production

Seeks improvements leading either to a better product or a product which can be produced more economically with less environmental impact

5 - 44

Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Sustainability means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs

LCA is a formal evaluation of the environmental impact of a product


5 - 45

Product Development Continuum

Product life cycles are becoming shorter and the rate of technological change is increasing

Developing new products faster can result in a competitive advantage

Time-Based Competition

5 - 46

Product Development Continuum

Internal Cost of product development Shared Lengthy Speed of product development Rapid and/

or Existing

High Risk of product development Shared

External Development Strategies Alliances Joint ventures

Purchase technology or expertise by acquiring the developer

Internal Development Strategies Migrations of existing products Enhancements to existing products New internally developed products

Figure 5.6

5 - 47

Product Development Continuum

Purchasing technology by acquiring a firm

Speeds development

Issues concern the fit between the acquired organization and product and the host

Joint Ventures

Both organizations learn

Risks are shared

5 - 48

Product Development Continuum

Through Alliances

Cooperative agreements between independent organizations

Useful when technology is developing

Reduces risks


5 - 49

Defining a Product

First definition is in terms of functions

Rigorous specifications are developed during the design phase

Manufactured products will have an engineering drawing

Bill of material (BOM) lists the components of a product

5 - 50

Monterey Jack Cheese

(a) U.S. grade AA. Monterey cheese shall conform to the following requirements:

(1) Flavor. Is fine and highly pleasing, free from undesirable flavors and odors.

May possess a very slight acid or feed flavor.

(2) Body and texture. A plug drawn from the cheese shall be reasonably firm.

It shall have numerous small mechanical openings evenly distributed throughout the plug. It shall not possess sweet holes, yeast holes, or other gas holes.

(3) Color. Shall have a natural, uniform, bright and attractive appearance.

(4) Finish and appearance—bandaged and paraffin-dipped. The rind shall be sound, firm, and smooth providing a good protection to the cheese.

Code of Federal Regulation, Parts 53 to 109, General Service Administration

5 - 51

Engineering drawing

Shows dimensions, tolerances, and materials

Shows codes for Group Technology

Bill of Material

Lists components, quantities and where used

Shows product structure

Product Documents

5 - 52

Engineering Drawings

Figure 5.8


5 - 53

Bills of Material

BOM for a Panel Weldment




R 60-17 ROLLER 1

R 60-428 PIN 1

P 60-2 LOCKNUT 1




02-50-1150 BOLT 1



R 60-99 WEAR PLATE 1

02-50-1150 BOLT 1

Figure 5.9 (a)

5 - 54

Bills of Material

Hard Rock Cafe’s Hickory BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger


Bun 1

Hamburger patty 8 oz.

Cheddar cheese 2 slices

Bacon 2 strips

BBQ onions 1/2 cup

Hickory BBQ sauce 1 oz.

Burger set

Lettuce 1 leaf

Tomato 1 slice

Red onion 4 rings

Pickle 1 slice

French fries 5 oz.

Seasoned salt 1 tsp.

11-inch plate 1

HRC flag 1

Figure 5.9 (b)

5 - 55

Parts grouped into families with similar characteristics

Coding system describes processing and physical characteristics

Part families can be produced in dedicated manufacturing cells

Group Technology

5 - 56

Group Technology Scheme

Figure 5.10 (a) Ungrouped Parts

(b) Grouped Cylindrical Parts (families of parts) Grooved Slotted Threaded Drilled Machined


5 - 57

1. Improved design

2. Reduced raw material and purchases 3. Simplified production planning and


4. Improved layout, routing, and machine loading

5. Reduced tooling setup time, work-in- process, and production time

Group Technology Benefits

5 - 58

Documents for Production

Assembly drawing

Assembly chart

Route sheet

Work order

Engineering change notices (ECNs)

5 - 59

Assembly Drawing

Shows exploded view of product

Details relative locations to show how to assemble the product

Figure 5.11 (a)

5 - 60

Assembly Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

R 209 Angle R 207 Angle Bolts w/nuts (2) R 209 Angle R 207 Angle

Bolt w/nut R 404 Roller Lock washer Part number tag Box w/packing material Bolts w/nuts (2)

SA 1

SA 2




A4 A5 Left bracket assembly

Right bracket assembly

Poka-yoke inspection

Figure 5.11 (b) Identifies the point of production where components flow into subassemblies and ultimately into the final product


5 - 61

Route Sheet

Lists the operations and times required to produce a component

Setup Operation Process Machine Operations Time Time/Unit

1 Auto Insert 2 Insert Component 1.5 .4

Set 56

2 Manual Insert Component .5 2.3

Insert 1 Set 12C

3 Wave Solder Solder all 1.5 4.1


to board

4 Test 4 Circuit integrity .25 .5

test 4GY

5 - 62

Work Order

Instructions to produce a given quantity of a particular item, usually to a schedule

Work Order

Item Quantity Start Date Due Date

Production Delivery

Dept Location

157C 125 5/2/08 5/4/08

F32 Dept K11

5 - 63

Engineering Change Notice (ECN)

A correction or modification to a product’s definition or documentation

Engineering drawings

Bill of material

Quite common with long product life cycles, long manufacturing lead times, or rapidly

changing technologies

5 - 64

Configuration Management

The need to manage ECNs has led to the development of configuration management systems

A product’s planned and changing

components are accurately identified

and control and accountability for

change are identified and maintained


5 - 65

Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM)

Integrated software that brings together most, if not all, elements of product design and manufacture

Product design


Product routing




5 - 66

Service Design

Service typically includes direct interaction with the customer

Process – chain – network (PCN) analysis focuses on the ways in which processes can be designed to optimize interaction between firms and their customers

5 - 67

Process-Chain-Network (PCN) Analysis

Figure 5.12

5 - 68

Process-Chain-Network (PCN) Analysis

▶ Direct interaction region includes process steps that involve interaction between participants

▶ The surrogate (substitute) interaction region includes process steps in which one participant is acting on another participant’s resources

▶ The independent processing region includes steps in which the supplier and/or the customer is acting on resources where each has

maximum control


5 - 69

Process-Chain-Network (PCN) Analysis

▶ All three regions have similar operating issues but the appropriate way of handling the issues differs across regions

▶ Service operations exist only within the area of direct and surrogate interaction

▶ PCN analysis provides insight to aid in positioning and designing processes that can achieve strategic objectives

5 - 70

Adding Service Efficiency

▶ Service productivity is notoriously low partially because of customer

involvement in the design or delivery of the service, or both

▶ Complicates product design

5 - 71

Adding Service Efficiency

▶ Limit the options

▶Improves efficiency and ability to meet customer expectations

▶ Delay customization

▶ Modularization

▶Eases customization of a service

5 - 72

Adding Service Efficiency

▶ Automation

▶Reduces cost, increases customer service

▶ Moment of truth

▶Critical moments between the customer and the organization that determine customer satisfaction


5 - 73

Documents for Services

High levels of customer interaction necessitates different


Often explicit job instructions

Scripts and storyboards are other techniques

5 - 74

First Bank Corp. Drive-up Teller Service Guidelines

Be especially discreet when talking to the customer through the microphone.

Provide written instructions for customers who must fill out forms you provide.

Mark lines to be completed or attach a note with instructions.

Always say “please” and “thank you” when speaking through the microphone.

Establish eye contact with the customer if the distance allows it.

If a transaction requires that the customer park the car and come into the lobby, apologize for the inconvenience.

5 - 75

Application of Decision Trees to Product Design

Particularly useful when there are a series of decisions and outcomes which lead to other decisions and outcomes

5 - 76

Application of Decision Trees to Product Design

1. Include all possible alternatives and states of nature - including “doing nothing”

2. Enter payoffs at end of branch

3. Determine the expected value of each branch and “prune” the tree to find the alternative with the best expected value



5 - 77 (.6)

Low sales (.4) High sales (.6) Low sales

(.4) High sales

Decision Tree Example

Purchase CAD

Hire and train engineers

Do nothing

Figure 5.13

5 - 78 (.6) Low sales

(.4) High sales

Decision Tree Example

Purchase CAD

(.6) Low sales

(.4) High sales Hire and train engineers

Do nothing

$2,500,000 Revenue

– 1,000,000 Mfg cost ($40 x 25,000) – 500,000 CAD cost

$1,000,000 Net $800,000 Revenue

– 320,000 Mfg cost ($40 x 8,000) – 500,000 CAD cost – $20,000 Net loss

EMV (purchase CAD system) = (.4)($1,000,000) + (.6)(– $20,000)

Figure 5.13

5 - 79 (.6) Low sales

(.4) High sales

Decision Tree Example

Purchase CAD

(.6) Low sales

(.4) High sales Hire and train engineers

Do nothing

$2,500,000 Revenue

– 1,000,000 Mfg cost ($40 x 25,000) – 500,000 CAD cost

$1,000,000 Net $800,000 Revenue

– 320,000 Mfg cost ($40 x 8,000) – 500,000 CAD cost – $20,000 Net loss


EMV (purchase CAD system) = (.4)($1,000,000) + (.6)(– $20,000)

= $388,000

Figure 5.13

5 - 80 (.6)

Low sales (.4) High sales (.6) Low sales

(.4) High sales

Decision Tree Example

Purchase CAD


Hire and train engineers


Do nothing $0

$0 Net

$800,000 Revenue

– 400,000 Mfg cost ($50 x 8,000) – 375,000 Hire and train cost

$25,000 Net $2,500,000 Revenue

– 1,250,000 Mfg cost ($50 x 25,000) – 375,000 Hire and train cost $875,000 Net

$2,500,000 Revenue

– 1,000,000 Mfg cost ($40 x 25,000) – 500,000 CAD cost

$1,000,000 Net $800,000 Revenue

– 320,000 Mfg cost ($40 x 8,000) – 500,000 CAD cost – $20,000 Net loss

Figure 5.13


5 - 81

Transition to Production

Know when to move to production

Product development can be viewed as evolutionary and never complete

Product must move from design to production in a timely manner

Most products have a trial production period to insure producibility

Develop tooling, quality control, training

Ensures successful production

5 - 82

Transition to Production

Responsibility must also transition as the product moves through its life cycle

Line management takes over from design

Three common approaches to managing transition

Project managers

Product development teams

Integrate product development and manufacturing organizations

5 - 83 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.


Figure 5.10 (a) Ungrouped Parts


Dokumen terkait

Grafindo Persada, Cet.. beberapa halaman, jika materinya sangat panjang, minta anggota untuk membaca tugas yang harus mereka lakukan sebelum kelas dimulai. Hitung jumlah

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