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Academic year: 2021



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Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Australia (PPIA)


Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI) telah menerbitkan Peraturan Dirjen Dikti Nomor 82 Tahun

2009 mengenai Pedoman Penilaian Ijazah Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri. Pedoman ini diterbitkan

menyusul diterbitkannya Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 26 Tahun

2009 mengenai Penilaian Ijazah Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri. Berdasarkan pedoman tersebut, DIKTI

menerbitkan daftar kesetaraan ijazah perguruan tinggi di luar negeri, termasuk perguruaan tinggi di

Australia. Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Australia (PPIA) menilai daftar yang diterbitkan oleh DIKTI

tidak sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip kesetaraan dan banyak diwarnai dengan ketidak akuratan.

Berikut tanggapan dan rekomendasi PPIA terhadap terhadap pedoman penilaian ijazah perguruan tinggi

di luar negeri, khususnya Australia.

A. Walapun DIKTI menyebutkan bahwa penilaian penyetaraan sebuah program didasarkan kepada

mutu lembaga, PPIA menduga DIKTI menggunakan jumlah semester atau jumlah tahun sebagai

dasar pemikiran utama dalam melakukan penyetaraan tersebut. Dugaan PPIA ini cukup kuat dimana

dalam daftar yang diterbitkan oleh DIKTI terdapat 98 persen atau sebanyak 233 program Bachelor

yang disetarakan dengan program D-3 (232) dan D-4 (1). Hanya 3 program bachelor yang

disetarakan dengan program S-1. Dari sekian banyak program Bachelor yang disetarakan dengan

program D-3, Curtin University of Technology merupakan institusi yang menyelenggarakan program

bachelor terbanyak yang disetarakan dengan program D-3. Kemudian disusul oleh Deakin University

sebanyak 20 program dan Monash University, 18 program. Daftar lengkap program Bachelor yang

disetarakan dengan program D-3 dapat dilihat dalam bagian lampiran.

Dalam permasalahan ini PPIA merekomendasikan agar DIKTI dalam melakukan penyetaraan ijazah

universitas di Australia juga mendasarkan pada sistem Australian Qualification Framework (AQF).

AQF adalah sistem tunggal dalam pengklasifikasian perguruan tinggi di Australia. Dalam sistem ini

disebutkan bahwa:

Graduates of a Bachelor degree possess a range of academic and vocational

attributes such as:

a) an understanding of a systematic and coherent body of knowledge

and its underlying principles and concepts;

b) Communication and problem solving skills;

c) the ability to undertake research, analyse information and apply

knowledge and techniques learnt within an academic or professional


d) skills for self-directed and lifelong learning; and

e) interpersonal and teamwork skills appropriate to employment

and/or further study.


Sedangkan di sisi lain dalam Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 232 Tahun 2000

(Kepmendiknas No. 232/u/2000) pasal 3 disebutkan bahwa:

Program sarjana diarahkan pada hasil lulusan yang memiliki kualifikasi

sebagai berikut:

a) menguasai dasar-dasar ilmiah dan ketrampilan dalam bidang

keahlian tertentu sehingga mampu menemukan, memahami,

menjelaskan, dan merumuskan cara penyelesaian masalah yang

ada di dalam kawasan keahliannya;

b) mampu menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang

dimilikinya sesuai dengan bidang keahliannya dalam kegiatan

produktif dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dengan sikap dan

perilaku yang sesuai dengan tata kehidupan bersama;

c) mampu bersikap dan berperilaku dalam membawakan diri berkarya

di bidang keahliannya maupun dalam berkehidupan bersama di


d) mampu mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,

dan/atau kesenian yang merupakan keahliannya.

Dari dua pengertian di atas, terutama di dua point pertama (point a dan b) bisa disimpulkan bahwa

program bachelor di perguruan tinggi di Australia mempunyai objektif yang sama dan setara dengan

program sarjana S-1 di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.

Lebih jauh AQF menyebutkan bahwa jangka waktu program bachelor adalah antara 3 sampai 4

tahun. Sedangkan menurut Kepmendiknas No. 233/u/2000 disebutkan bahwa program sarjana

sekurang-kurangnya dijadwalkan untuk 8 semester atau 4 tahun. Apabila DIKTI menggunakan

asumsi Kepmendiknas tersebut maka semua program bachelor 3 tahun di universitas Australia tidak

bisa disetarakan dengan program S-1 di Indonesia. Untuk hal ini, PPIA berpendapat bahwa

pemerintah Indonesia atau DIKTI tidak bisa bwgitu saja mengabaikan sistem kualifikasi pendidikan

Australia dan harus mengakuinya. Apalagi Indonesia, Australia dan beberapa negara lainnya telah

jauh-jauh hari menandatangani Regional Convention on Recognition of Studies, Diplomas, and

Degrees in Higher Education in Asia Pasific. Dalam konvensi tersebut negara-negara yang

menandatanginya harus menerima ijazah dan sertifikat suatu negara yang mempunyai sistem

pengkualifikasian ijazah yang kompeten terpercaya. Kesimpulannya, tidak ada alasan bagi

pemerintah Indonesia atau DIKTI untuk tidak menyetarakan ijazah bachelor universitas Australia

dengan program S-1 di Indonesia.

Sebagai tambahan informasi, justru ijazah S-1 atau S-2 universitas di Indonesia malah diakui oleh

universitas-universitas di Australia. Sehingga lulusan S-1 atau S-2 universitas Indonesia bisa langsung

melanjutkan studi ke program Master atau Doktor di Australia. Padahal Indonesia sampai saat ini

belum mempunyai suatu sistem National Qualification Framework yang kompatibel dengan sistem

serupa yang dimiliki Australia atau negara-negara lainnya.


Dari berbagai informasi, PPIA mengetahui bahwa Pemerintah Indonesia dalam hal ini DIKTI dalam

beberapa tahun belakangan ini sedang berusaha untuk mendorong terselenggaranya sebuah

National Qualification Framework. Oleh karena itu terbitnya daftar kesetaraan ijazah perguruan

tinggi di luar negeri, yang tidak sesuai dengan National Qualification Framework dan Regional

Convention on Recognition of Studies, Diplomas, and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia Pasific

merupakan sebuah ketidak konsistenan dari pemerintah Indonesia dalam menyikapi perkembangan


Berdasarkan informasi di atas, PPIA merekomendasikan semua program bachelor di perguruan

tinggi Australia yang sudah memenuhi ketentuan AQF untuk disetarakan dengan program S-1.

B. PPIA menduga Dikti tidak akurat dalam membuat daftar program-program yang disetarakan dengan

program S-1, S-2, dan S-3. Untuk ketidakakuratan dalam daftar tersebut, PPIA merekomendasikan

dan mendorong agar DIKTI segera memperbaiki daftar tersebut dan lebih ekstra hati-hati dalam

melakukan penyusunan daftar penyetaraan ijazah. Berikut daftar ketidakakuratan dalam daftar

kesetaraan ijazah universitas di Australia:

1. Terdapatnya 4 Universitas non-Australia yang masuk ke dalam daftar universitas di Australia.

Keempat universitas tersebut adalah:

a. Leopold Franzens Universitat Inssbruck, Austria

b. Philips International Institute of Technological Studies, Belanda

c. Rijks Universiteit - Groningen Belanda

d. Technische Universitat Wien, Austria

2. Terdapatnya 3 program Master yang disetarakan dengan program S3/Doktor. Ketiga program

tersebut adalah:

a. Master of International Relations, UNSW

b. Master of Arts, University of Sydney

c. Master of Business Administration, Southern Cross University

3. Terdapatnya 6 program Doktor yang disetarakan dengan program S2/Master. Keenam program

tersebut adalah:

a. Doctor of Engineering, University of Technology Sydney

b. Doctor of Medicine, RMIT

c. Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry), Griffith University

d. Doctor of Philosophy (Education), Macquarie University

e. Doctor of Agricultural Science, The University of Adelaide

f. Doctor of Agricultural Science, The University of Melbourne

4. Terdapat 1 program Bachelor yang disetarakan dengan program S-2. Program tersebut adalah:

a. Bachelor of Rural Science, The University of New England


5. Terdapat 1 program Postgraduate Diploma yang disetarakan dengan program S-2. Program

tersebut adalah:

a. Post Graduate Diploma (Agricultural Studies), The University of Queensland

6. Terdapat 4 program Master yang disetarakan dengan program S-1. Keempat program tersebut


a. Master of Agricultural Science, The University of Queensland

b. Master of Applied Science (Hydrology Engineering), UNSW

c. Master of Commerce, Deakin University

d. Master of Engineering, Monash University

7. Terdapat 1 program Master yang disetarakan dengan program D-3. Program tersebut adalah:

a. Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering), The University of Western Australia

Demikian tanggapan dan rekomendasi PPIA terhadap penerbitan Pedoman Penilaian Ijazah Lulusan

Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan Daftar Kesetaraan Ijazah Perguruan Tinggi di Luar Negeri. Atas

perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Melbourne, 23 Juli 2009

Mohamad Fahmi,

Ketua Umum



Tabel 1. Daftar Program Bachelor Universitas di Australia yang Disetarakan dengan Program D-3

Universitas Program Gelar

Australian Catholic University Accounting Bachelor of Business Australian National University Commerce Bachelor of Commerce Australian National University Science Bachelor of Science Bond University Accounting Bachelor of Commerce Bond University Business Bachelor of Communication

Bond University Finance Bachelor of Commerce

Bond University Information Technology Bachelor of Information Technology Bond University International Relations Communicating Studies Bachelor of Arts

Bond University International Relations Communication Studies Bachelor of Arts

Central Queensland University Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration Central Queensland University Busisness Administration Bachelor of Business Administration Central Queensland University Information System Bachelor of Business

Central Queensland University Information Technology Bachelor of Information Technology Central Queensland University Informations Bachelor of Business

Central Queensland University Management Bachelor of Business Central Queensland University Marketing Bachelor of Business

Central Queensland University Multimedia Studies Bachelor of Multimedia Studies Central Queensland University Tourism Bachelor of Tourism

Charles Darwin University Information System Bachelor of Business Charles Sturt University Business Management Bachelor of Business Charles Sturt University Business Studies Bachelor of Business Studies Charles Sturt University Computers Bachelor of Applied Science Charles Sturt University Information Technology Bachelor of Information Technology Charles Sturt University International Business Management Bachelor of Business

Charles Sturt University Marketing Bachelor of Business Curtin University of Technology Accounting Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Advertising And Marketing Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Architectural Studies Bachelor of Applied Science Curtin University of Technology Banking And Finance Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Banking And Marketing Bachelor of Commerce

Curtin University of Technology Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration Curtin University of Technology Computer Science Bachelor of Applied Science Curtin University of Technology Economic And Finance Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Film And Television Bachelor of Arts Curtin University of Technology Finance Bachelor of Commerce


Universitas Program Gelar

Curtin University of Technology Finance And Information Systems Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Finance And Marketing Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Finance Electronic Commerce Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Information And Marketing Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Information Processing Bachelor of Business Curtin University of Technology Information System Bachelor of Science Curtin University of Technology International Business Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Management And Information Systems Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Management And Marketing Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Marketing Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Marketing And Electronic Commerce Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Marketing And Information Systems Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology Multimedia Design Bachelor of Arts Curtin University of Technology Property And Finance Bachelor of Commerce Curtin University of Technology

Tourism Management And Small Business

Management Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University Accounting Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University Accounting And Finance Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University Accounting And International Trade Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University

Business Systems Management And International

Busi Bachelor of Commerce

Deakin University Commerce Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University Computer Science And Information Systems Bachelor of Science Deakin University Ebusiness And Finance Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University

Economics And Electronic Commerce

Management Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University Economics, Finance & International Trade Bachelor of Commerce

Deakin University Finance Bachelor of Commerce

Deakin University Finance And Marketing Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University Management & Marketing Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University Management And Accounting Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University Management And Marketing Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University Marketing Bachelor of Commerce Deakin University Media And Communication Bachelor of Arts Deakin University Multimedia Technology Bachelor of Computing Deakin University Philosophical Studies Bachelor of Arts Deakin University Public Relations Bachelor of Arts Deakin University Social Science Bachelor of Arts

Douglas Mawson Institute of Tafe Applied Management Bachelor of Applied Science Edith Cowan University Accountancy And Finance Bachelor of Business Edith Cowan University Accounting Bachelor of Business Edith Cowan University Accounting And Finance Bachelor of Business


Universitas Program Gelar

Edith Cowan University Communication And Information Technology Bachelor of Science Edith Cowan University Film And Video Bachelor of Communications Edith Cowan University Finance Bachelor of Business Edith Cowan University Finance And Accounting Bachelor of Business Edith Cowan University Finance And International Business Bachelor of Business Edith Cowan University Finance And Management Bachelor of Business Edith Cowan University Hospitality Management Bachelor of Business

Edith Cowan University Hospitality Management Bachelor of Hospitality Management Edith Cowan University Hospitality Management And Marketing Bachelor of Business

Edith Cowan University Information System Bachelor of Business

Edith Cowan University International Business Bachelor of Business Administration Edith Cowan University Marketing Bachelor of Business

Edith Cowan University Marketing And Electronic Commerce Bachelor of Business Edith Cowan University Marketing And International Business Bachelor of Business Griffith University Banking Finance And Risk Management Bachelor of Commerce Griffith University Banking, Finance And Risk Management Bachelor of Commerce Griffith University Commerce Bachelor of Commerce Griffith University Graphic Design Bachelor of Visual Arts Griffith University Hotel Management Bachelor

Griffith University Human Resource Management Bachelor of Commerce Griffith University Marketing Bachelor of Business Griffith University Marketing Bachelor of Commerce Griffith University Screen Production Bachelor of Screen Holmes Institute Management Bachelor of Business James Cook University Aquaculture Bachelor of Science James Cook University Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts James Cook University Management Bachelor of Business La Trobe University Accounting Bachelor of Business La Trobe University Business Bachelor of Business La Trobe University Chinese And International Trade Bachelor of Business La Trobe University Commerce Bachelor of Commerce La Trobe University Computer Science Bachelor of Computer Science La Trobe University Information Technology Bachelor of Business La Trobe University Mathematic Bachelor of Science La Trobe University Mathematics/Statistics Bachelor of Science La Trobe University Tourism And Hospitality Bachelor of Business La Trobe University Tourism And Hospitality Management Bachelor of Business Macquarie University Accounting Bachelor of Commerce Macquarie University Commerce Bachelor of Commerce Macquarie University Computer And Information Science Bachelor


Universitas Program Gelar

Macquarie University Economics Bachelor of Commerce Macquarie University Finance Bachelor of Applied Science Melbourne College of Divinity Devinity Bachelor of Devinity Monash University Accounting Bachelor of Business Monash University Accounting And Finance Bachelor of Commerce Monash University Banking Bachelor of Business Monash University Banking And Finance Bachelor of Business Monash University Behavioural Studies Bachelor of Arts Monash University Biotechnology Bachelor of Science Monash University Business Bachelor of Business Monash University Business System Bachelor of Business Monash University Computer Studies Bachelor of Technology Monash University Computers Bachelor of Applied Computing Monash University Digital Systems Bachelor

Monash University Law Bachelor of Business

Monash University Management Bachelor of Business Monash University Management Bachelor of Commerce

Monash University Management And Marketing Bachelor Or Business And Commerce Monash University Marketing Bachelor of Business

Monash University Politics, Communications Bachelor of Arts Monash University Psychology Bachelor of Science Murdoch University Accounting And Banking Bachelor of Commerce Murdoch University Biotechnology Bachelor of Science Murdoch University Commerce Bachelor of Commerce Murdoch University Computer Science Bachelor of Science Murdoch University Information Systems Bachelor of Science Murdoch University Marketing Bachelor of Commerce Murdoch University

Mass Communication (Public Relation And

Journalism Bachelor of Arts Murdoch University Media Studies Bachelor of Arts Philips International Inst of Technological

Studie Accounting Bachelor of Business

Queensland University of Technology Accountancy Bachelor of Business

Queensland University of Technology Data Communication/Sofware Engineering Bachelor of Information Technology Queensland University of Technology Electronic Business Bachelor of Business

Queensland University of Technology Humanity Bachelor of Arts Queensland University of Technology International Business Bachelor of Business Queensland University of Technology Marketing Bachelor of Business

Queensland University of Technology Software Engineering Bachelor of Information Technology Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

University Advertising Bachelor of Arts

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology


Universitas Program Gelar

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

University Computing Bachelor of Business

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

University Management Bachelor of Business Administration Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

University Photography Bachelor of Arts

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

University Professional Communication Bachelor of Arts Southern Cross University Media Communication Bachelor of Arts Swinburne University of Technology Business Bachelor of Business Swinburne University of Technology Finance Bachelor of Business Swinburne University of Technology Human Resource Management Bachelor of Business Swinburne University of Technology Marketing Bachelor of Business Swinburne University of Technology Multimedia Bachelor of Multimedia The Flinders University of South Australia Banking In International Finance

Bachelor of Banking And International Finance

The University of Adelaide Corporate Finance Bachelor of Commerce The University of Melbourne Accounting And Finance Bachelor of Commerce The University of Melbourne Arts Bachelor of Arts The University of Melbourne Commerce Bachelor of Commerce The University of Melbourne Computer Bachelor of Computer Science The University of Melbourne Cultural Studies Economics Bachelor of Arts

The University of Melbourne Food Technology Bachelor of Applied Science The University of Melbourne Media And Communications Bachelor of Arts

The University of New England Accounting Bachelor of Commerce The University of New England Education Bachelor of Science The University of New England Science Bachelor of Science The University of New South Wales Architecture Bachelor of Science The University of New South Wales Computer Science Bachelor of Science The University of New South Wales Finance And Information Systems Bachelor of Commerce The University of New South Wales Information Systems And International Business Bachelor of Commerce The University of New South Wales Management Bachelor of Commerce The University of New South Wales Marketing Bachelor of Commerce The University of New South Wales Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering The University of Queensland Agriculture Science Bachelor of Agricultural Science The University of Queensland Arts Bachelor of Arts

The University of Queensland Biotechnology Bachelor of Science The University of Queensland Psychology Bachelor of Arts The University of Southern Queensland Business Bachelor of Business The University of Southern Queensland Commerce Bachelor of Commerce The University of Southern Queensland Human Resource Management Bachelor of Business

The University of Southern Queensland Technology Bachelor of Information Technology The University of Sydney Economics And Marketing Bachelor of Commerce


Universitas Program Gelar

The University of Sydney Mathematic Bachelor of Science The University of Sydney Nursing Bachelor of Nursing The University of Western Australia Commerce Bachelor of Commerce University of Canberra Accounting Bachelor of Commerce University of Canberra Banking And Finance Bachelor of Commerce University of Canberra Business Bachelor of Management University of Canberra Communication Bachelor of Communication University of South Australia Administrative Management Bachelor of Business University of South Australia Business Property Bachelor of Business University of South Australia Management Marketing Bachelor of Management University of South Australia Management Operations And Logistics Bachelor of Management University of South Australia Marketing Bachelor of Management University of South Australia Tourism And Hospitality Bachelor of Management University of Tasmania Commerce Bachelor of Commerce University of Tasmania Computer Science Bachelor of Science

University of Tasmania Computers Bachelor of Applied Computing University of Technology Sydney Accounting Bachelor of Accounting And Finance University of Technology Sydney Accounting Bachelor of Business

University of Technology Sydney Applied Chemistry Bachelor of Science University of Technology Sydney Computing Bachelor of Computing University of Technology Sydney Finance Bachelor of Business University of Technology Sydney International Business Bachelor of Business University of Technology Sydney Management Bachelor of Business University of Western Sydney Commerce Bachelor of Commerce

University of Western Sydney Information Technology Bachelor of Information Technology University of Western Sydney International Management Bachelor of Business Administration University of Western Sydney Management Bachelor of Commerce

University of Western Sydney Marketing Bachelor of Business University of Western Sydney Marketing Bachelor of Commerce University of Western Sydney Media Arts Bachelor of Communication University of Western Sydney Operation Management Bachelor of Business University of Wollongong Accountancy Bachelor of Commerce

University of Wollongong Administration Bachelor of Business Administration University of Wollongong Business Information Systems Bachelor of Commerce

University of Wollongong Business System Analysis And Management Bachelor of Commerce University of Wollongong Computer Science Bachelor of Computer Science University of Wollongong Economics Bachelor of Commerce Victoria University International Trade Bachelor of Business Victoria University of Technology Accounting Bachelor of Business Victoria University of Technology Business Bachelor of Business


Universitas Program Gelar


Tabel 1. Daftar Program Bachelor Universitas di Australia yang Disetarakan dengan Program D-3


Dokumen terkait


Hal ini juga bertujuan sebagai media pengamatan terhadap kelas dan anak didik yang akan menjadi obyek Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan II (PPL II) ini. Selain itu mahasiswa

Jika dilihat satu persatu misalnya program percetakan atau sablon, program ini dilakukan oleh guru pembina sesuai dengan RPP yang telah dibuat sebelumnya, karena program ini masuk

Dalam bidang ekonomi misalnya, ia akan berhubungan kuat dengan sistem dalam bidang politik, hukum dan kebudayaan, pada dasarnya seindividualis apapun pasti membutuhkan interaksi,


KETEPATAN PEMBUATAN Pembuatan dokumen sesuai standar dan dikerjakan dengan rapi Pembuatan dokumen sesuai standar Dokumen tidak memenuhi salah satu standar pembuatan

Probolinggo RAHM AD FAUZI Akidah Akhlak M I Nurhayat ul Islam Sumberduren 166 Kab. Probolinggo Syakroni Akidah Akhlak M Ts Sw ast a

Dalam data mining ini variabel yang digunakan adalah berupa data populasi. Populasi yang dipakai adalah sejumlah provinsi di Indonesia tahun 2016, yaitu sebanyak 34.