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Pemeriksaan Kontaminasi Bakteri Staphylococcus aureus pada Seragam Dokter Muda yang Bertugas di ICU Dewasa RSVP H. Adam Malik Medan


Academic year: 2017

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Seragam dokter berpotensi terkontaminasi dengan bakteri patogen dan selalu menjadi perhatian sebagai risiko transmisi bakteri patogen di lingkungan rumah sakit. Staphylococcus aureus adalah penyebab utama infeksi rumah sakit. Infeksi disebabkan strain resistan dari S. aureus sulit diobati karena telah berkembang menjadi resistan terhadap obat-obat antimikroba.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontaminasi bakteri S. aureus

pada seragam dokter muda yang bertugas di ICU dewasa RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional. Berdasarkan teknik consecutive sampling diperoleh sampel berjumlah 30 orang dokter muda, kemudian dilakukan pengumpulan data primer.

Melalui metode identifikasi konvensional ditemukan 17 isolat S. aureus

dari seluruh sampel. Hasil skrining dengan metode uji disk Cefoxitin menunjukkan bahwa satu diantara 17 isolat tersebut teridentifikasi sebagai MRSA.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa ditemukan prevalensi

S. aureus yang mengkontaminasi seragam dokter muda pada sisi seragam sebesar 56,7% dan MRSA sebesar 3,3%.

Kata Kunci: Seragam Dokter Muda, Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA




White coats are highly potential of being contaminated by pathogenic bacteria and are often the site of being at risk in the transmission of pathogenic bacteria in hospitals. Staphylococcus aureus is the main cause of infection in hospitals. Infections caused by the resistant strain from S. aureus are difficult to be cured due to its resistant trait towards antimicrobial drugs.

The aim of this study was to investigate S. aureus contamination of the white coats that were used by young doctors’ who work in the adult ICU RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan.

This is a descriptive study with cross sectional method. Based on consecutive sampling technique, investigator was collected the primary data from 30 young doctors. Bacterial identification was using the conventional method.

Overall, investigator found 17 white coats that were contaminated with S. aureus. Screening results with Cefoxitin disk test method showed that one of the 17 isolates was identified as MRSA.

Based on the results of this study, investigator concluded that the prevalence of S. aureus and MRSA that contaminated young doctors’ white coats were 56,7% and 3,3%, respectively.

Keywords: Young Doctor’s White Coat, Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA


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