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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Renny Amit







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Renny Amit






This undergraduate thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved Parents

My Grandma



I present my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ. I am thankful for his

kindness, for His mercy, and for everything which is given in my life. I also thank

Him for the endless love that always accompanies my bad and good times.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. P. Sarwoto, S.S., M.A.,

my major advisor, for the guidance, patience, advices, and suggestions, motivations

that help me much and enable me writing and finishing this undergraduate thesis. I

also would like to thank my Co-Advisor, Drs. Hirmawan Wijarnaka, M.Hum, for

reading and giving correction to this undergraduate thesis.

My greatest gratitude is also given to my beloved mothers, M. Maryati and

Marsiningsih, for their love and kindness, and also to my grand ma for giving support

and help in my financial need during my study at Sanata Dharma University.

I give thanks to my all friends in English Letters Sanata Dharma University

2001 especially for Vida Lestari Mamuaya, for the friendship, love, motivation and

attention, and everything that have been passed together. I would never forget them


My gratitude is also given to my lovely one, Yehuda, for helping me with

his computer and printing. I thank him for always being with me, loving, caring, and

supporting me honestly.

Renny Amit




A. Review of the related Studies……… 6

B. Review of Related Theories……….. 8

1.Theories on Character and Characterization………... 9

2.Theories on Setting………. 11

3.Theories on Plot……….. 12

4.Theories on Naturalism in Literature………. 12

C. Theoretical Framework……… 15

A. The Main Character Presented in the Story………. 19

B. The Aspects of Naturalism in Botchan’s Character………. 29

1.Determinism in Botchan Character……… 30

2.Botchan Tragic Life………... 47




Renny Amit. Naturalism as Seen on Natsume Soseki’s Botchan. Yogyakarta:

Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2007.

The 20th was the beginning of Meiji Restoration in Japan. In this age, The Japanese was anxiously learning and imitating the west in every aspect including in literature. It was considered as Japanese westernization. One of the greatest Meiji novelists is Natsume Soseki. He graduated from Tokyo University majoring in English literature and he was ordered to study in England by the ministry of education. Natsume Soseki did not only read about literature but also other knowledge such as philosophy, sociology, ethics, and other sciences. Meanwhile, naturalism has spread all over Europe. This undergraduate thesis is trying to prove that Natsume Sosekis’ work was also influenced by naturalism although several Japanese naturalists criticize him for not being naturalist. This study discusses one of Natsume Soseki’s works entitled Botchan. Botchan is a novel about the experience of a young Japanese teacher in Shikoku.

In this study, there are two main problems. First problem is how Botchan as the main character is described in the novel. The second is how the main character’s life reveals the idea of naturalism.

This study applies library research as the research’s method. The books, encyclopedia, and websites on the related topics become the source of data, which are significant for this study. The moral- philosophical approach is used as basic concept of thinking for the writer in doing the analysis of the study. This approach is used to see the idea of naturalism on the main character of the story.

The result of the study shows that Botchan is the significant character for the study of naturalism. Botchan believes his heredity as Yedo man and descendent of a proud knight has made him become a proud, self reliant and hot tempered man. Botchan’s way of thinking about himself shows the idea of naturalism. Botchan’s life is also determined by the chances he gets. Botchan becomes a teacher in Shikoku not because he wants it but he thinks it is the only chance that comes into his mind in order to have a good salary. Botchan’s failure to be a good mathematics teacher in Shikoku is also believed because of the environment. Botchan who was born and grew up in Tokyo can not adopt with the Shikoku’s environment. Thus, the life and character of Botchan who is determined by the heredity, environment, and chances including his tragic life in Shikoku shows the idea of naturalism.



Renny Amit. Naturalism as Seen on Natsume Soseki’s Botchan.

Yogyakarta:Program Studi Sastra Inggris, fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2007.

Pada abad ke 20, jepang memasuki zaman Restorasi Meiji. Pada zaman ini orang-orang Jepang belajar dan meniru negara-negara barat diberbagai bidang termasuk kesusastraan. Zaman tersebut dianggap sebagai era westernisasi. Natsume Soseki adalah salah satu dari penulis terkenal jepang pada masa Restorasi Meiji. Natsume Soseki merupakan salah satu lulusan Universitas Tokyo jurusan sastra Inggris dan dia ditugaskan oleh departemen pendidikan untuk belajar sastra Inggris di Inggris. Di Inggris, ia tidak hanya belajar tentang sastra tetapi juga ilmu pengetahuan yang lain seperti, filsafat, sosiologi, etika, dan ilmu pengetahuan yang lainnya. Pada saat yang sama naturalisme mulai berkembang pesat di wilayah Eropa. Skripsi ini mencoba membuktikan bahwa karya-karya Natsume Soseki juga banyak dipengaruhi oleh naturalisme meskipun beberapa kaum naturalis Jepang mengkritik Natsume Soseki karena karyanya tidak naturalis. Penelitian ini membahas salah satu novel karya Natsume Soseki yg berjudul Botchan. Novel ini bercerita tentang pengalaman hidup Botchan sebagai guru baru di Shikoku.

Dalam studi ini, ada dua pokok permasalahan. Pokok permasalahan pertama adalah bagaimana karakter dari tokoh utama digambarkan dalam cerita. Kedua adalah bagaimana kehidupan dan karakter dari Botchan sebagai tokoh utama mengambarkan naturalisme.

Studi ini berdasarkan pada studi kepustakaan sebagai metode penelitiannya. Buku-buku, kamus, dan situs-situs di internet yang terkait dengan topic penelitian merupakan sumber data yang penting bagi studi ini. Pendekatan moral-philosophical yang diterapkan menjadi konsep dasar pemikiran penulis dalam melakukan pembahasan masalah dalam penelitian. Pendekatan tersebut digunakan untuk melihat ide naturalisme dalam tokoh utama cerita ini.

Hasil pembahasan masalah manunjukan bahwa Botchan merupakan tokoh yang penting bagi studi ini. Botchan percaya sebagai orang Yedo dan keturunan ksatria telah membuat dirinya menjadi seorang yang sangat percaya diri, mandiri dan pemarah. Cara berfikir Botchan tentang dirinya sendiri menunjukan ide naturalism. Kegagalan Botchan sebagai guru matematika di Shikoku juga dipercaya karena faktor lingkungan. Botchan yang lahir dan dibesarkan di lingkungan Tokyo tidak dapat beradaptasi dengan masyarakat Shikoku. Karakter dan kehidupan Botchan yang sangat dipengaruhi keturunan, lingkungan dan kesempatan termasuk kehidupan Botchan yang tragis di Shikoku mencerminkan ide naturalisme.



A. Background of the Study

Everett W. Knight in Literature Considered as Philosophy stated, “Literature and philosophy should have arrived at the same conclusions almost independently of

one another- that literature should be philosophy” (1957:16). This statement means

that literary works including poems, novels and prose can be used as a means to

express idea or philosophy. In other words, literary works can be applied to

acknowledge and learn about certain ideas and philosophies in their works. This

statement certainly has enriched the function of literature that is literature or the

works of art is not only for the art’s sake, but also can be applied as a medium for

expressing certain idea or philosophies.

There are a lot of philosophies in the human life. This research will focus on

certain ideas or philosophy that is Naturalism. In literature, the term naturalism means

“a theory in literature emphasizing the role of heredity and environment upon the

human life and character development” (Kuiper, 1995:800). This statement has

encouraged this study to examine the character of life by stressing the

interdependence of individuals and environment.

Furthermore, Malcolm Cowley in The Literary Situation said, “Naturalism and naturalistic belong to definite literary tradition; on that was originated by several


stated that during the next decades naturalism spread over Europe. Naturalism also

has spread outside Europe. One of the countries that were also influenced by

naturalism is Japan.

Donald Keene in Modern Japanese Literature explained that during the twenty

or so years that followed the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the Japanese were anxiously

occupied in learning about- imitating-the west (1956:14). It was considered as the

westernization of Japanese literature (1956:14).

One of the greatest Meiji novelists is Natsume Soseki (Keene, 1955: 99). He

was very good in English literature and was graduated from the Tokyo University

with highest honors. He was admitted into English literature department of Tokyo

University which has been open a year before. After five years teaching at

Kumamoto, he was ordered to study in England by ministry of education in May

1900 and, mostly staying in London, he devoted himself to the study of English

literature for two full years. On returning to Japan, he became the professor of the

First Higher School, at the same time, holding the post of lecturer of Tokyo Imperial

University teaching English language and giving lectures on English literature.

During his studies, he does not only read about literature but also those related to the

most fundamental branches of human knowledge-philosophy, sociology, ethics, and

other sciences- determined to examine the meaning of literature and human society

(Ito sei, 1970:1-5).

Soseki said, “although literature different from science, neither literature


29-30). This statement has the same idea with Emile Zola’s idea about literature; he

regarded his novels as clinical laboratories in which he might scientifically explore

the consequences upon his characters of their birth and background (Styan, 1997:6).

This similarities show that Natsume Soseki agree with Emile Zola to treat literature in

a scientific way.

One of Natsume Soseki’s novels which can be included into naturalistic novel

is Botchan. Natsume Soseki’s novel, Botchan, is representative of typical Japanese (Ito Sei, 1970:7). This novel, which is written in 1904 and translated by Umeji Sasaki

in 1922 and first published in 1968, is about life of a young man named Botchan who

goes to an island of Shikoku as a teacher of mathematics after graduating from

Physics School at the age of twenty-two. He is a man of righteousness, simple, but

without compromise.

There are two reasons for this research to choose this novel to study. The first

reason is that Natsume Soseki’s attraction as an author is in his treatment of his

characters. Soseki believes that people are largely the product of the time and place

one happens to live in (Makoto Ueda, 1976: 6). Soseki also said that it formed in

close connection with the history, the tradition, the institutions, and the manners

peculiar to the society. So his characterization also has connection with Japanese

society. In Botchan, the character and characterization, especially of the main character shows his character development, and how he is strongly influenced by the

environment, so this novel is chosen for this study, which wants to examine the


The second reason is the statement from the novel, “a great loser have I been

ever since a child, having rash, daring spirit, a spirit I inherited from my ancestors”

(Umeji Sasaki, 1968: 13). This opening sentence sets the mood and direction of

Botchan, for it focuses on the Edo-born hero. The role of heredity itself was part of naturalism idea. Thus, the character was the reflection the naturalistic theory in

literature. This is the intention of this study to understand and identify how the idea of

naturalism reflected in the novel, especially novel in Japan.

B. Problem Formulation

In this study, two problems have been formulated as follows:

1. How is Botchan as the main character presented in the novel?

2. How does the main character’s life reveal naturalism?

C. Objectives of the Study

There are several objectives in conducting this study. The first objective is to

see how the main character is presented in the novel. The study is interested in

understanding the characterization of the main character in the author’s novel


Secondly, the objective of the study is to identify the idea of naturalism

reflected in the main character’s life. This study is going to explore the idea of


D.Definition of Terms

1. Naturalism

According to Merriam Webster’s Encyclopedia of literature, naturalism is “theory that art or literature should conform exactly to nature or depict every appearance of

the subject that comes to the artist’s attention.” It also defines naturalism into more

specific meaning that naturalism is “a theory in literature emphasizing the role of

heredity and environment upon human life and character development” (1995:800).

2. Character

Abrams in A glossary of Literary Terms stated, “Character is the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, which are interpreted by the reader as being endowed

with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities”. Abrams also explains further that

these qualities of the characters are expressed in what they say and what they do




A. Review of Related Studies

In conducting this novel, what are collected are not only the theories for

theoretical grounding but also both several studies done on naturalism and the

criticisms on the novel.

The studies on naturalism are collected from the library. Two studies on

naturalism are found. First study is done by Novita Cendananingtyas under the

title “A Character Analysis: Naturalism in Herman Melville’s Billy Budd, Foretropman”. In her study, the writer is studying about the aspect of naturalism

that is seen in the novel through characterization of the main character. In her

research Novita concerns the external and the internal forces as the aspect of


The second study is done by Rivina under the title “Determinism as an aspect

of naturalism as seen in Thomas Hardy’s The Well-beloved”. Rivina is trying to see an aspect or the idea of naturalism which is determinism contained in the



“Most of the main characters in modern Japanese literature are meditative intellectuals resembling the authors, hard to please yet irresolute. The hero of Botchan, however, is of quite different type. He is cheerful and hasty and has a habit of betting his job in the case of justice. He likes to divide all people into god and bad. Due to his goodness and rashness, there is perpetual friction between him and those around him. Every reader will see at once that Soseki tried to produce a man most typical of the Japanese people. Botchan’s acts call fort laughter but he is earnest, and here is spontaneously born a kind of humor closely related to our national character” (Ito Sei, 1970:7).

Ito Sei said that Botchan depicts the average Japanese as virtuous and very lovable. Ito Sei also said that this novel has a vivid expression of the goodness of

young Japanese and of the hypocritical nature of society (Ito Sei, 1970:7).

Merriam Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature mentioned Natsume Soseki as an outstanding Japanese novelist in Meiji period (1868-1912). He was the first to

depict articulately and persuasively the dilemma of the alienated modern Japanese

intellectual. It was through him that the modern realistic novel, which originated

from the western literature, found its most natural expressions and took root in the

Japan (1995: 800).

The next collected criticism is from Makoto Ueda in Modern Japanese writers

explains that Botchan is the young hero meets various comic events and reveals his reckless but righteous character more fully each time. So the character doesn’t

change at all but the plot will serve merely to reveal the character more fully



of naturalism and the idealism of romanticism” (1988:24). Furthermore, Makoto

Ueda in his book Modern Japanese Writer said that Natsume Soseki’s time was

naturalistic time in the sense it omitted no ugly aspect of human nature and lack

of idealism (1976:24).

After looking at some collected criticism, this study is going to take the ideas

of naturalism as the subject of study like the two studies which has been done by

Novita and Rivina, but this study is different from theirs in selecting the object of

the study. The two studies choose British novel, whereas this study chooses

Japanese novel by Natsume Soseki as the object of the study. This study will see

how the idea of naturalism influenced not only in the European literature but also

the Japanese literature. Furthermore, the criticism of A. Owen Aldridge, which

state that the Soseki reveal naturalism and romanticism in his novels has

influenced this novel. This study encouraged by the criticisms of Aldridge and

Ueda in his book Modern Japanese Writer which states that the Sosekis’s time was in the time of naturalistic novels (1976:24). These statements show that

Botchan can be use to analyze how the naturalistic influenced and developed in Japan since Soseki have study a lot about the theory of English literature.

B. Review of Related Theories

In conducting this study, it is not only the related studies that are collected but

also the related theories. In the section, three of literary theories will be explained:


setting; the third, the theories on plot. Furthermore, the theories on naturalism in

literature are required to complete this study.

1. Theories on Character and Characterization

Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms defines character as “ the person presented in dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as

being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what

they are say-the dialogue-and what they do- their action (1985:20).

Richard M. Eastman in his book A Guide to the Novel said that character can be described under two terms; flatness and roundness. The flat character can be

considered as a type rather than an individual. A flat character usually typifies a

social or economic class, a virtue or folly, a basic temperament or outlook. He

doesn’t face any inner conflict that is why the flat character is not likely change;

he is static; and his responses are predictable. A novelist usually uses flat

characteristics to make the readers instantly recognize the minor character


While the round (complex) character is an individual trait; his responses are

unpredictable; and also dynamic: capable of different kind of behavior under

different strains (1965:18). So the round character is more complex than the flat


In studying the characters, it is important to know or to understand the traits.


the English Novel says that there are five means or five methods in understanding the characters in fictions. They are as follows:

a. Personal description

The author describes the character’s appearance and clothes directly to the


b. Character seen by other

The author describes the character trough the eyes and opinion of other


c. Speech

The readers can see the character of the persons in the book through what the

person says.

d. Past life

The reader can learn from the person’s past life that helped to shape a person’s


e. Conversation of other

The reader can understand the person’s character through the conversations of

other people and the things they say about him.

f. Reactions

The readers can understand the person’s character by knowing how the person

reacts to various situations and events.

g. Direct Comment


h. Thought

The author describes what the person is thinking about.

i. Mannerisms

The author gives us a clue by describing a person’s mannerisms, habits, or


2. Theories of Setting

According to Robert Stanton in his book An Introduction to Fiction, setting is the environment where the events in the novel occur and usually presented in

descriptive passages (1965: 18). Stanton also says that although it doesn’t include

the principal characters but sometimes we find that the setting can directly

influences the character (1965:18-19).

Stanton’s statement that setting can help the readers to understand the

characters in the novel is supported by the statement from M.J. Murphy in

Understand Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for overseas Students. Murphy stated that the setting has great effect upon the personalities, actions and way of thinking of the characters (1972:141).

Furthermore, he said that there are three points that the setting is concerned: time,


3. Theories on Plot

Robert Stanton in An Introduction to Fiction defines plot as the entire sequences of events in a story. These events may include not only speech and

action as physical occurrences, but also the character’s change of attitude,

thought, decision, and anything that change the course of affairs (1965: 14-16).

Furthermore, Stanton added that the plot is a backbone of story.

M.H. Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms describes plot as, “a dramatic or narrative work is constituted by its events and actions, as these are rendered

and ordered toward achieving particular emotional and artistic effects”(1985:

159). In the same book, he also said that plot and character are interdependent

critical concept because the actions are performed by particular character in the

work, and are the means by which they reveal their moral and dispositional


4. Theories on Naturalism in Literature

In Merriam Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature, it is explained that in literature, naturalism is “a theory that art and literature should conform exactly to

nature or depict every appearance of the subject that comes to the artist’s

attention; specifically, a theory in literature emphasizing the role of heredity and

environment upon human life and character development” (Kuiper, 1995:800).


movement in literature. It is considered as the extension tradition of realism

(Kuiper, 1995:800).

Related to realism, M.H. Abrams in A Glossary Literary Terms says that naturalism has its own subject matter and special ways in managing those subjects

(1995:175). Donald Pizer suggests the subject matter and characterization which

help to define naturalism as different from realism:

1. Subject matter.

a. The subject matter deals with unpleasant experiences which "degrading"

behavior of the character in their effort to survive. The characters in the

naturalistic fiction are mostly from the lower middle or the lower classes - they

are usually poor, uneducated, and unsophisticated.

b. The milieu is the ordinary and non-heroic. Life is described as monotonous

daily existence. But the naturalist discovers those qualities in such characters

usually associated with the heroic or adventurous - acts of violence and passion

leading to desperate moments and violent death. The suggestion is that life on its

lowest levels is not as simple as it seems to be.

c. There is a belief that fate affects a character; generally the controlling force is

society and the surrounding environment.

2. The concept of a naturalistic character:

a. Characters in the naturalistic fiction are conditioned and controlled by

environment, heredity, chance, or instinct. They are struggling for life to become


b. The naturalists attempt to represent the balance in life of the controlling forces

and individual value. They do not dehumanize their characters.

In Literary Situation, Malcolm Cowley said that naturalism is a literary tradition which originated by some French authors and was taken and named by Emile

Zola in 1869 (1955:74). In the same sources, it also mentioned that there are

several characteristic of naturalism, as follows:

a. Pessimistic about the fate of individuals.

Naturalism believes that there is no reward in earth or in heaven for moral actions,

or punishment for vice.

b. Naturalism is rebellious, or at least defiant.

Rebellious against the respectable society

c. Objectives

An author can deliberately choose a subject, observe it, take notes, and present the

result like laboratory report. It approaches the situation and characters from the


d. Inclusive rather than selective

It focuses on presenting a totally big subject rather than aesthetics aspects for

example the sound or the style of the words.

Abrams said that naturalism was developed from the philosophical thesis, a

product of post-Darwinian biology in the 19th century. Naturalism believes that a


society in which that person is born. The end of naturalistic novel is usually

“tragic” (1995:175)

c. Theoretical Framework

This study aims to find out how the idea of Naturalism reflected in the story

by analyzing the character in Natsume Soseki’s Botchan. There are some theories related to this study that are used. They are the theory of character and

characterization, the theory of plot, the theory of setting, and the theory of

naturalism. They are used in order to help the writer to analyze the problems that

have been formulated in the previous chapter. To answer the first problem that is

the description of the character of the main character, the definition about the

character and characterization and the theory of plot are needed. The theories are

important to understand the character that is presented in the novel. After finding

the description of the character, the writer will continue to answer the second

problem that is about is how the idea of naturalism reflected in the main character,

Botchan. The theory of naturalism will help in identifying the naturalism in the




A. Object of the Study

In this thesis, the object of the study is a novel entitled Botchan. It was written by Natsume Soseki, one of the greatest novelists of the Meiji era. He was the first

writer who depicted articulately and persuasively the plight of the alienated

modern Japanese intellectual. It was through him that the modern realistic novel,

which originated from the western literature, found its most natural expressions

and took root in Japan. One of his famous novels is Botchan (master darling) (1995: 800). The story is translated by Umeji Sasaki and 37th ed. published by

Charles E. Tuttle Publishing in 1968.

Botchan is a novel about a young Japanese teacher. This thesis will concern its study on exploring the main character in the novel, and how the idea of

naturalism is reflected through the main character. The story begins when

Botchan is still a child. Botchan lives with his family in Tokyo. His childhood

isn't particularly pleasant, with his older brother the favored child, and the only

person who has real affection for is the family maid, Kiyo. After his mother died

and then his father, his brother sells the house and gives small portion to Botchan.

He uses that money to get an education. After he graduated from his college he

works as a mathematics teacher in small village, far from Tokyo. In this village,



B. Approach of the Study

Since this thesis studies about naturalism in the novel the approach that is

taken is the moral philosophical approach. In A handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, the moral-philosophical approach believes that “the larger function of literature is to teach morality and to probe philosophical issue” (Guerin,

1999:25). What Guerin means is that the moral-philosophical approach is focus

on moral-philosophical teaching that contains in the literature works and this

approach relatively doesn’t pay attention to other aesthetic considerations (1999:


C. Method of Study

The method which is used in analyzing this novel is the library research

method. There are some sources that are needed in this method. The first or the

primary source is the novel entitled Botchan. The secondary sources are from books and from the sites on internet. Two main books are used in supporting the

analysis. The first is A Glossary of the Literary Terms by M.H. Abrams. This book helps the writer to understand naturalism. The other book is Literary Situation by Malcolm Cowley. This book describes the characteristics of Naturalism.

There are several steps in analyzing this novel. The first step is reading and



order to understand the story in the novel. After doing close reading toward the

primary source, the writer determined a topic and also formulated problems

formulations to limit the scope of the study. The second step was deciding an

approach, which was more appropriate for answering the problems. The third step

was searching data that had relation with Soseki’s work in order to make criticism

on the related study. The fourth step was quoting some theories, which had

relation with the scope of the study. The writer continued by writing the analysis

in order to answer the problem formulations and applying the related theories. At



This study studies about how the naturalism is reflected through the main

character which is influenced by the environment. This fourth chapter, which is the

analysis, will be divided into three subchapters which have been formulated in the

first chapter of this thesis; first, the study of the main character presented in the story;

the second is the study of how the main character’s life as the result of the


A. The Characteristics of Main Character Presented in the Story

This first subchapter as stated above is going to study the main character

which is presented in the story that is Botchan. The main character or the major

character in the story is believed to be influenced by the environment. There are

several characteristics of Botchan.

1. Naughty

Botchan is the main character in the story since he is the main concern of the

story. Botchan in English means master darling. Botchan is a name given by Kiyo

since he was a child. Kiyo still calls him Botchan even he has been grown up. While


His elder brother is the most favorite son of the family while Botchan is only

considered as “The black sheep of the family” (Soseki, 1904:15).

Botchan is a naughty boy. Because of his naughtiness, no body would love

him. People around Botchan hate him. They turn their faces every time they see

Botchan. The only love, attention, care he can get is from his servant Kiyo. Kiyo is

his faithful servant. She always compliments Botchan whatever he does. Kiyo adores

Botchan so much.

Botchan has done a lot of naughty thing in his childhood for example

jumping from the second floor or cut his own finger with a foreign knife penknife and

so forth. He admits that he has no special reason for doing such a thing. He doesn’t

realize that what he has done has made a lot of trouble for his parent. Botchan

naughtiness has made him hated by his parents.

Botchan has caused a lot of trouble not only for his parent, but also his

neighbors. Once he has made Furukawa, one of his neighbors, very angry with him.

He makes Furukawa’s rice field dry by filling it with pebbles and sticks. His father

has to pay certain sum of money to pacify the angry man. Botchan realizes that his

naughtiness has made a lot of people suffer.

2. Proud

The next description about Botchan’s desription is about his heredity.

Botchan’s heredity is important because heredity is one of the internal factors in

naturalism. The information about Botchan heredity is taken form his own


It was the time in my life when I felt comparatively at ease but now I had to part with the dear old nest which had given me shelter and protection so long. I had never left Tokyo since I was born save the time of my visit to Kamakura with my classmates. Compared with the place I had to go now, Kamakura was simply next door (Soseki, 1904:25).

Botchan’s statement above shows that Botchan was born and grew up in Tokyo. It is

why he is called as a Yedoman. Yedo man means a man from Tokyo.

Botchan’s heredity as a Yedo man has built him his self-esteem. He is so

proud of his being a Yedo man. He is proud to be a Yedo man probably because

Tokyo, a place where he was born, is a big city if it compares with Shikoku (Soseki,

1904: 25).

Botchan’s self confidence is shown when he gives comment toward Noda’s

appearance. He thinks Noda is far from the image of a Yedo man.

The teacher of drawing was a man of the stage professional type. He had on summer haori made of thin silk like tissue paper. Opening and shutting his fan, he asked me where I came from. “eh, from Tokyo?” said he;’ I am so glad to hear it. You and I then are both Yedo man.” If such a person were a Yedo man, I thought, nobody would like to have been born in Tokyo (Soseki, 1904:35-36).

Noda, the teacher of drawing, claims himself as a Yedo man. However, Botchan sees

Noda’s behavior is not like a Yedo man. According to Botchan, Noda’s appearance is

much like clown rather than a Yedo man. Botchan believes he knows well how to

behave as a Yedo man. He felt being humiliated by Noda who claims to be a Yedo

man. Noda’s behavior is different with Botchan. Therefore, Botchan thinks that Noda

does not deserve to call himself as a Yedo man. If a person like Noda is considered as


that he is so proud of himself. Botchan is so proud to be Yedo man. Botchan is so

confident of believing himself as an image of a true Yedo man and different from

Noda’s appearance. Botchan believes that his characters are characters of a true Yedo


Botchan considers Yedo men as the highest race. It is probably because Yedo

men come from a big city. He sometimes underestimates the villagers.

No sooner had the steamer stopped with its usual “booh” from its whistle than a boat from the shore came approaching the vessel to receive passengers. The boatman had only a yard of red cloth around his loins; he was as naked as the savages down in the South Sea Islands (Soseki, 1904:28).

In Botchan’s opinion, the people in the village are savage. It shows that he

underestimates them. His value about other people is based on his opinion about his

own origin. He thinks Yedo men are much civilize than those villagers.

Botchan is so proud of him self. It is shown in the following conversation

between Botchan and Mr. Hotta.

“What is you native place?” “I am a Yedo man by birth.”

“Exactly. That’s why I thought you were so proud and self-sufficient” (Soseki, 1904:135).

According to Mr. Hotta, Yedo men have their own characteristic. These

characteristics can also be seen in Botchan’s character. Being proud and self

sufficient, Botchan shows he has the characters of a Yedo man.

Botchan also mentions about his ancestors. His ancestors are proud knights. It

shows that Botchan is not only an ordinary Yedo man but also comes from


However, it would never do for me to be beaten. My honor would be trodden down in the dust, if I should let things go on as they stood. An excusable shame would it be for a Yedo man to be called a coward. My ancestors were bodyguards to the Shogun; they all belonged to a very ancient stock of the Minamoto, a direct line of Emperor Seiwa, that is to say, I am a descendent of proud knight, Tada Mitsunaka. I am of noble birth- incomparably higher than those poor lowly peasant lads (Soseki, 1904:63).

From the quotation above, it shows that Botchan is proud of his heredity blood.

Botchan heredity has made him become a hot tempered man and does not like to be

defeated by the villagers whom he thinks much lower than him.

3. Honest

Botchan is described as an honest man. This character can be seen from the

statement of his faithful servant, Kiyo. According to Kiyo, Botchan has “a character

straight like an arrow” (Soseki, 1904: 109). Kiyo believes Botchan would never do

or say something that isn’t according to his own heart.

Each time Kiyo said such nice things to me, I would tell her that I hated sweet words. Upon this, the old woman would look into my face admiringly, and was happy to say that very thing more than anything else was ample proof of my having a nice character. It seemed as if she had created me by her own power and were proud of her handiwork, I felt rather suspicious (Soseki, 1904: 17-18).

Kiyo adores Botchan so much. In Kiyo’s eyes, Botchan has a fine character. It is

contrary with what other people think about him. They think Botchan as trouble

maker. However, Botchan refuses to be called as a nice son by Kiyo. Botchan thinks

Kiyo is being dishonest. Botchan chooses to be said as a trouble maker rather than as

a nice son because he realizes that he is really a naughty boy. He knows he has done a


to hear sweet talk. Upon Botchan’s reaction toward Kiyo’s statement, Kiyo said that

it was an example that Botchan does not like to boast himself. Botchan is an honest

man. It proves Botchan is really an honest man.

Botchan’s frank manner is also shown when he talks to the principal. On the

first day of Botchan’s arrival to the school, the principal asked him to be a good

example of the school and a true educator who can manage his pupils. The following

quotation is Botchan’s reaction toward the principal order.

Thinking that lack of traveling expanses would be far better than to be dishonest, I frankly said to him. “Mr. Principal, I can hardly do as you wish me to do. Please take this official writ.” At this, the astonished principal stared at me in the face with the badger eyes for some moments and then told me that that those were comply wishes, fulfillment of which would be hard for anybody, and that I need not worry about it (Soseki, 1904:33).

Botchan thinks he cannot fulfill the principal’s order. Botchan realizes that he is just a

human being. He might also make mistakes. Botchan says directly to the principal

that he cannot fulfill it and he chooses to resign from the job. Botchan thinks he can

not fulfill the principal’s task. Botchan does not like making any promise if he thinks

he can not fulfill it. Botchan’s frank manner makes the principal stunned. Botchan

prefers losing his job rather than being dishonest to the principal.

Botchan is not afraid to admit and makes an apology to other people if he has

done something wrong. He frankly confesses in front of other teachers that he went

out to the hot spring on the night of his night duty.


the teachers. “You unworthy fellows!” said I to myself, “can you frankly confess before the public that you have been wrong! You laugh because you cannot.” (Soseki, 1904:98).

From the quotation above, it shows that Botchan is an honest man. It shows that he

really a gentleman who does not afraid to admit his guilt in front of many people.

However, his action is not appreciated by other teachers. They think Botchan’s action

is a foolish thing.

Botchan’s honesty is also shown when he refuses to have his salary raised.

Although Botchan needs money, he still refuses it because he does not want to be part

of the dean plans to get rid of Mr. Koga.

“Fortunately, I have one in mind who is to be transferred from this school to another- of course, I can hardly promise you before I consult the principal- and may be able to draw something from the salary the school has been paying him. I am planning to see and ask the principal to arrange things in the way.”

“Thank you very much, and who is going to be transferred?”

“It may be just as well to let you know right now as it will soon be made public. Koga is the man” (Soseki, 1904:124)

From the quotation above, it shows that the dean wants to give an advantage from the

removal of Mr. Koga to Botchan. The dean plans to raise Botchan’s position and his

salary after the removal of Mr. Koga.

Botchan is told by his landlady that the dean wants to get rid of Mr. Koga so

that he can marry Miss Toyama, Mr. Koga’s fiancée. People will think it is improper

to marry Miss Toyama if she is still engaged to Mr. Koga. Therefore, the dean plans

to remove Mr. Koga far away from Shikoku so that the engagement can be broken

and he can marry Miss Toyama. The dean is so mean. The dean uses his position so


After Botchan knew what has actually happened to Mr. Koga, he decided to refuse

the dean’s offer. Botchan does not want to be part of the dean’s plan to get rid of Mr.

Koga. If he accepts the offer, it will make him become a cruel man like the dean.

“It sounds still more strange. You came here, I understand, to tell me that you were grieved to have your salary raised as you had found reasons for doing so, but your doubts and suspicions have melted away with my explanation, and yet you decline my offer. How can I account for it?”

“It may be hard for you to understand, and yet let me please have my own ways in this affair.”

“If it makes you so very unhappy, I shall not urge to accept it, but I am afraid your future prospects will not be so bright if two or three hours duration makes your mind change so suddenly without any good reason.”

“Well, I shall be responsible for all that” (Soseki, 1904:132)

The quotation above shows that Botchan is not only simple but also an honest man.

Botchan does not care if his action will make him become the enemy of the dean and

can probably ruin his whole career as a teacher.

4. Self reliant

Botchan who is hated by many people make him become an independent man.

It is shown in his statement when his brother sold their houses and all their movables

belonging after their parent died.

I wished to be entirely independent of him. If he rendered me some assistance, he would surely withdraw it soon, as I should certainly pick a quarrel with him before very long. My head I thought was too precious to bow before such a brother by receiving some trivial help. I thought I could support myself even by being a milkman (Soseki, 1904:22).

Botchan doesn’t like quarreling with his brother just because of money. It also proves

he is a man with honor. Botchan thinks his brother’s help is insincere. Botchan


Botchan believes he could gain money even just being a milkman. Botchan’s

statement shows he is an independent man. According to Mr. Hotta, Botchan is not

only proud of his heredity but also a self-reliant (Soseki, 1904: 135). These characters

are the characteristics of most Yedo men. Botchan’s self-reliant makes him become a

brave man. Botchan isn’t afraid to fight against anybody whom he thinks is wrong.

Botchan does not like to be under obligation of an imposter like the dean.

5. Indiscipline

There is another duty that Botchan should do. Botchan has to do night watch. Night watch at school is a duty imposed upon each member of the school. They take

turn in doing it. Principal and the dean are exceptions to the rule.

One day it is Botchan turn to do his night watch. However, Botchan is

indiscipline. Botchan who never does night watch before feels boring to do it so he

decides to go out to take a bath at the hot spring for a while.

When I first came to the school and asked the janitor if the teacher on night watch was in, he said that he was on business. At that time I thought it strange; now that my turn to came around I could not but sympathize with teacher; he was right in going out. The ennui would killed him. On my telling the servant that I should be gone a while, he asked me if I had some other business out. “no.” said I “but I am going to the hot spring to have a bath.” (Soseki, 1904: 52-53)

When Botchan first came to the school to find the teacher who was on night watch,

the janitor said that the teacher was out. Therefore, Botchan thinks it is usual for a

teacher on night watch to go outside (Soseki, 1904:98). Botchan says it frankly to the


Botchan’s honesty is also seen when he does something wrong. Botchan does not feel

shy to admit in front of Mr. Hotta, the janitor, and the principle that he goes to the hot

spring on the night of his night watch. Although he frankly confesses to other people

what he has done, Botchan’s action is still wrong. It shows that Botchan is not only

an honest man but he is also indiscipline. Leaving a night duty is an example of an

irresponsible man. Botchan neglects his duty. Botchan’s action can risk the safety of

the whole school.

6. Hot Tempered

Botchan often can not control his emotion. Botchan can easily get angry with

other people. He likes to scorn other people every time he gets angry.

Getting hold of dirty-nosed urchin standing on the beach, I asked him where the middle school stood. The boy, being taken aback by the abrupt manner of my question, timidly replied, “I do not know.” What a poor, dull rustic! Not to know where the middle school was in the town so small as the forehead of a cat (Soseki, 1904:28).

The quotation above shows that he is hot temper. In his mind, he scorns the

boy just because he does not know where the middle school is.

Botchan also shows his hot temper in other occasion. On the first time he goes

to school, he meets other teachers. He has to introduce himself one by one.


The quotation above is showing Botchan’s feeling about the introduction

ceremonial. It is Shikoku’s custom to introduce themself one by one. According to

Botchan, it is just waste of time. Botchan feels annoyed by the custom. It is because

Botchan has to repeat it several times. As a result, Botchan gives nicknames to these

teachers. The teacher of English, named Koga, is given names green squash because

he has a very sickly complexion. A teacher of mathematics, Koga, is given name

Porcupine because his hair is like porcupine. The teacher of drawing, Noda, is given

name the clown because his behavior is like a clown. Botchan who gives the teachers

scornful names shows Botchan as an impatient man. In Kiyo’s letter to Botchan, she

reminds Botchan about his attitude to give people nicknames. Kiyo feels anxious

about it. She is afraid that the people in the village will hurt him if they know that

Botchan likes to scorn them. Even though Botchan is hot temper, but Kiyo still

believes that Botchan is actually a nice son.

B. The Aspects of Naturalism in the Botchan’s Character

According to Horton “naturalism is a doctrine that holds to the philosophy of

determinism (1956:517). So this analysis will also discuss determinism, a belief

where characters do not have free will. They are controlled by the external (society,

environment, chances and nature) and internal (heredity, instinct, passion) forces. All

determinants believe in the existence of different reasons. This aspects of naturalism


The strength of instincts, passion and heredity (internal forces) determine

human rationally and moral responsibility and the strength of society environment,

chances and nature (external forces) obstruct human freedom that controls human

life, as the result human’s life is completely controlled by determinism.

1. Determinism in Botchan character

In order to make the discussion on determinism brief, the study will be

divided into two subchapters. First is Botchan’s internal forces, and the second is

Botchan’s external forces.

a. Internal forces

The internal forces consist of three categories. The categories are heredity,

passion and instinct.

(i). Heredity

Heredity or line of blood is one of the internal factors that influence a

character in their life. Heredity is one of the internal factors of naturalism that can

control the character and it can be found in Botchan’s character. In this subchapter,

the study will be focused on heredity of Botchan and what effects they give to


There are some descriptions about Botchan’ heredity. Most of the descriptions

are mentioned by Botchan. The following quotation is coming from Botchan’s

thought when he is facing his naughty students.


bodyguards to the Shogun; they all belonged to a very ancient stock of the Minamoto, a direct line of Emperor Seiwa, that is to say, I am a descendent of proud knight, Tada Mitsunaka. I am of noble birth- incomparably higher than those poor lowly peasant lads (Soseki, 1904:63).

From the quotation above, it shows that Botchan come from a respectable family. He

is descendant of a proud knight. Botchan is so proud of his ancestors. Botchan

thinks he has higher class than the villagers. Botchan will be ashamed if he is

defeated by those people. Botchan heredity as descendent of a proud knight has made

him become a brave man. Botchan is not afraid of anything including facing his

students even though most of them have bigger body than him.

Botchan is a man who has courage to take risks. Botchan is not afraid to fight

against anybody including the dean as the leader of the school. Botchan does not care

if his action will make him losing his job or maybe his whole career. Botchan is a self

reliant and independent man. That is why he is not afraid to face the dean. The

following quotation is conversation between Mr. Hotta and Botchan.

“What is you native place?” “I am a Yedo man by birth.”

“Exactly. That’s why I thought you were so proud and self-sufficient.” (Soseki, 1904:135).

According to Mr. Hotta, Botchan is so proud and self sufficient. Mr. Hotta assumes

Botchan becomes a proud and self reliant man because he is a Yedo man. Mr. Hotta

also believes that Botchan is a true Yedo man. Botchan’s characters as a proud and

self-reliant man show the character of a Yedo man. Botchan is not afraid to fight

against the dean, as the leader of the school, because he has the character of a Yedo


Being a Yedo man not only bring goodness to Botchan’s character but also a

weakness. Botchan is continuously making an excuse of his weaknesses because of

his being a Yedo man.

Being a Yedo man of small and delicate build, I could not make a commending figure even on an elevated platform (Soseki, 1904:40).

From his physical appearance as a Yedoman, he can not have commending figure.

His small and delicate build, typical of a Yedo man, has made him gain no respect

among his students. Because the students do not pay attention to him, he begins to

use his Tokyo dialect and his strategy works. The students are confused by Botchan’s

words. One of the biggest and the tallest student in the class says that Botchan speaks

too faster and he can not fallow Botchan’s words. The following quotation is

Botchan’s reaction toward the student’s inquired.

“But being a Yedo man trough and through, I cannot speak your dreadful dialect, and you’ll have to wait patiently until you can understand me” (Soseki, 1904:41).

Botchan makes an excuse again. He uses his Yedo man to defend himself. His way of

talk is just as same as other Yedo men. Botchan can not speak like the students

dialect. Furthermore, he said that Shikoku dialect is awful dialect. It shows that

Botchan is so proud of his Yedo man. He does not feel ashamed to use his Tokyo

dialect in the class. Botchan underestimates Shikoku people including, their dialect.

His “Yedo man” has made him underestimates other races. Furthermore, Botchan

thinks he is not suitable to become a teacher. His physical appearance as a Yedo man


Botchan’s courage to take the risks does not always in a positive way. His

braveness facing dangers also leads him to become a naughty boy. When one of his

classmates said in taunt, “you are a great boaster; you can not jump down from that

height. You poor little creeping thing!” (Soseki, 1904:1). Botchan feels he is being

challenged by his friend’s words. Botchan take the challenge. Botchan jumps down

from the second floor of the school building and had to lay a bed about a week

(Soseki, 1904:1). Botchan believes he does it because he inherits hot temper from his

ancestors who are Tada Matsunaka, a proud knight. Botchan believes that his

characters are controlled by his heredity. It is shown in the opening sentence of the


A great loser have I been ever since a child, having a rush, daring spirit, a spirit that I inherited from my ancestors (Soseki, 1904:1).

From the sentence above, it shows that Botchan is aware of his heredity and he

believes that it determines his character. Botchan’s heredity has made him become a

hot temper and careless boy.

Botchan’s heredity can also be seen in his father’s character. The novel does

not show much about his father’s life. However, his character can still be seen from

Botchan description about his childhood. Botchan’s father characterization is

important because Botchan may inherit his father’s character.

Botchan’s story tells that he and his father never get along. Botchan’s father


Botchan is a naughty boy. Botchan’s naughtiness always makes a lot of trouble for

his family.

Botchan’s father, seeing Botchan comes home in Broken leg after jumping

from a second floor of the building school, says in an angry tone that “no strong boy

could be hurt by such jumping down from such a low height as from upstairs”

(Soseki, 1904:1). From Botchan’s father reaction toward this, it shows he is a

heartless man. He even does not ask Botchan first why he has done such a thing. He

does not give any advice for Botchan. On the contrary, Botchan is more challenged

by his father’s words. Botchan’s father does not like to show his sympathy. Botchan’s

father seems does not care about Botchan’s condition. Botchan’s father will never

show his sympathy to other people including to his own son (Soseki, 1904: 20).

Moreover, Botchan seems inherit unsympathetic character from his father. He

always does naughty things without thinking of the consequences for other people.

He never thinks about the consequences of his action toward his parent and his

neighbors. His neighbors also hate him because they also have become the object of

his naughtiness. Botchan also does not show his sympathy to the villagers. He likes to

mock them. He admits that he is “an unsociable man” (Soseki, 1904: 68).

Botchan heredity not only influences his character but also his life.


According to Botchan, his ancestors inherit their characters upon him. One of their

characters is carelessness. Botchan believes he inherits their thoughtlessness

character. Botchan does not think first before he makes a decision. Botchan

thoughtlessness has led him making a wrong decision. It has made his life more


Botchan sometimes makes a decision without considering the result first. He

actually does not like to be a teacher but he chose to study at Butsuri Gakko, a special place for study physics and mathematics (Soseki, 1904:25).

It is true that I had spent three long years in learning, yet had no intention of being a teacher, or going into the country. However, indecision is what I dislike most, and I answered on the spot that I would accept the offer. This of course came partly from the lack of positions in view, except that of teacher, but the heredity rashness was again at the bottom of the mistake (Soseki, 1904:25).

Botchan does not realize if he chose to study at Butsuri Gakko, most job opportunity he will get is to be a physics or mathematics teacher. After Botchan finished his

college, he feels being forced to be a teacher. Botchan enters Butsuri Gakko with out any consideration. Botchan blames his heredity character. Botchan believes his

thoughtlessness character is inherited from his ancestors. It means he inherits their

characters. Botchan’s heredity influences his life. It has made his life becomes

miserable. Botchan who believes all the character and his life are determined by

heredity shows the idea of naturalism. His heredity has made him become a naughty,


b. The external forces

Besides the internal factors, there are the external factors. The external forces consist

of two categories. The categories are chances and environment or the society.

(i). Chances

In this subchapter, it will discuss one of the external factors of determinism.

Here the chances will be discussed. Chances here mean possibilities that have led his

life. Life can not be separated from the chances given to him. These chances are also

shown in the Botchan’s life. The chances have sent Botchan into a small village like

Shikoku to be a mathematics teacher there.

After Botchan’s parent died, his brother sold the house and all their belonging.

Botchan knows his brother gains a lot of money from selling all the belonging. But he

does not know exactly how much his brother gets. He only knows that his brother

only gives him six hundred yen. His brother tells Botchan that it is the last help he

can get from him. Botchan begins to think of how to use his money. Botchan can only

think of two kinds of possibilities. The first chance is to be a businessman and the

second is to continue his study at university.

The first chance that comes into his mind after receiving the money is to be a

businessman like his brother’s obsession. But Botchan is afraid that in the long run he

will fail. Botchan will be ashamed if everybody knows that he is just graduated from

the middle school. Moreover, Botchan thinks six hundred yen is not enough to run

any business. Thus, he chooses another possibility that he can get from six hundred


The second possibility is to continue his study. Botchan believes he can get a

good job after he graduated from college. However, he does not have special interest

in any kind of study. So Botchan decides to study in Butsuri Gakko, a special school for studying mathematics and physics. Botchan finds the school by coincidence.

While he was reading a newspaper, he found an advertisement inviting new students

to come.

Botchan’s life is determined by the chances. Botchan who has lost his parents

and only have six hundred yen have only two kinds of chances. In addition, he does

not have enough skill and wants to have a job with good salary so that he can live

with Kiyo, his faithful servant. Botchan decides to continue his study so that after he

finishes from his collage he will have a good job. Botchan is successful in finishing

his study and gets a job as a teacher in Shikoku.

However, Botchan never dreams to be a teacher (Soseki1904:24). Botchan

accepts the offer because he does not have any other option. Botchan becomes a

mathematics teacher in Shikoku because it is the only chance he gets after graduated

from the collage. Botchan’s life as a mathematics teacher in Shikoku is determined by

the chances he gets.

(ii). Environment

The second of the external forces of determinism is environment.

Environment is believed to be the most significant in the development of character.

This subchapter is going to study how the environment influences the life and the


here is not only about the people and their classes but also their customs, conventions,

belief, and values, their institutions and their physical environment.

There are two places where the events in the story take place. First is in Tokyo

and the second is in Shikoku. Tokyo is the place where Botchan is born and grew up.

Shikoku is the place where he gets his first job after graduated from collage.

Tokyo is much bigger than Shikoku. There are a lot of people in Tokyo.

Botchan who is born and grew up in Tokyo is much more familiar with the people in

there. There is not much information about Tokyo. The information about Tokyo is

only taken from Botchan’s short description about his childhood.

According to Botchan, Tokyo people are much nicer than the people of

Shikoku. Botchan more respects the people in Tokyo rather than in Shikoku; even

though, he seems never get along with the people in Tokyo. The people around

Botchan in Tokyo hated him, except Kiyo, his faithful servant. They only see

Botchan as the trouble maker,”the black sheep of the family” (Soseki, 1904:15).

Botchan realizes that how the people act toward him is quite reasonable. They hate

him because he is a naughty boy. Botchan has caused a lot of troubles for everybody.

Because of his naughtiness Botchan is not only hated by his parent but also his


Botchan’s neighbors are not afraid to show their anger toward Botchan’s

parent every time Botchan makes mistakes. For example is when Botchan made

Furukawa’s rice field dry by filling it with pebbles and sticks. Furukawa came to


to pacify him. They are not afraid to show their anger to Botchan’s parent although

they know that Botchan’s parent is from a respectable family in Tokyo, descendent of

proud knights. This shows that they are blunt man. They do not keep silent if there is

somebody who does something wrong. Botchan’s parent does not feel arrogant to

bow down their head to make an apology to them because of Botchan’s naughtiness.

Botchan’s parent, as a citizen and respectable family, teach Botchan to be an honest

man and does not afraid to admit and apologize if he has done something wrong.

Botchan thinks honesty is important in this world. It is a quality that every

body should have (Soseki, 1904:81). The people in Tokyo teach him to be an honest

man. They teach him to act bluntly. They teach him not to be flatterer who always

pretends to be nice just in front of a certain people or person. His frank manner is

influenced by his environment. His way in facing other people is determined by the

environment. It is Tokyo environment where he have been born and grown up that

make him become an honest man.

The second places where the events in the story take place are Shikoku.

Shikoku is the place where he first gets a job as a mathematics teacher after graduated

from collage. Shikoku is the place where the most events take place.

Ever since Botchan move to Shikoku, he has to adopt with the people there.

Botchan feels there are a lot of differences between living in Shikoku and living in

Tokyo. Shikoku is just a small village with not many people who live there. Because

Shikoku is a small village, privacy seems become impossible. Botchan thinks


you move about (Shikoku, 1904: 50). Each of them can easily know every little event

in Shikoku.

Teachers like Botchan are included as the middle class in Shikoku. Teachers

as middle class have some obligation in society. They have to be a good example of

the school. They also expected can bring good influence toward their students.

Be an example to the boys; try to be looked up as a living virtue of the school. The true enducator is he who, besides his learning, will impart his personal influence over his pupils, etc., etc ( Soseki, 1904:33).

The quotation above is statement from the principal. It is some of the responsibility

which Botchan should perform as a teacher. At first Botchan feels hesitant weather he

could perform the responsibility or not. As human being, he might also sometimes

make mistakes too. Botchan still takes the job after the principal said to Botchan that

it is just a wish, it is hard for anybody to fulfill it.

There are many kinds of hobbies. Every people have their own hobbies

including Botchan. Botchan finds new hobbies in Shikoku. One of Botchan’s new

hobbies is to go to the hot spring. Botchan even says, “Every other thing made a very

poor comparison with things in Tokyo, but as to the hot spring, it was just splendid”

(Soseki 1904: 49). Probably there is no hot spring in Tokyo. Hot spring becomes

special place for Botchan in Shikoku. Botchan likes to go there with a red towel in his

hand. However, the people there criticize his hobby to go the hot spring because he

always goes to the first class. They consider Botchan as a teacher is very wasteful.


they call Botchan as Mr. Red Towel and write in on the blackboard before he enters

the class.

The people in Shikoku also criticize his other hobby who likes to eat a lot of

food. Botchan admit that he is “champion eater” (Soseki, 1904:99). In facts, Botchan

can eat four bowls of Tempura, deep-fried seafood and vegetables, all at once. Botchan never gets problem because of this behavior. In Tokyo, Botchan can do or

eat everything he likes as long as does not bother other people. However, for Shikoku

people, it becomes a shameful. When he lived in Tokyo, he always eats food that was

served by Kiyo. Kiyo always cooks his favorite food. Since he moved to Shikoku,

there is no body who cooks his favorite food. Botchan has to buy it in a restaurant.

Unfortunately, he meets with his students when he buys Tempura. The students begin to know that he like to eat a lot of food. It makes a bad image for Botchan as teacher

in Shikoku. They begin to call him “Mr. Tempura” because he eats four bowls of

Tempura (Soseki, 1904: 46). They consider Botchan as a greedy teacher.

Because of Botchan’s hobbies, the people in Shikoku consider he has done

improper act. Moreover, the dean and other teachers blame Botchan for the student’s

naughtiness. The students are behaving rudely toward Botchan because he can not

give a good example to them.

“Teachers of a middle school being naturally placed above the level society, should not always go after material pleasures, for, indulged in, they will have bad influence upon their character” (Soseki, 1904: 100).

The quotation above is taken from the dean’s speech. For the dean and other people,


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Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan dari hasil tersebut yang memperlihatkan bahwa Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara pola asuh orang tua otoriter terhadap

Dari hasil analisis dan pembuatan Sistem HRD Perekrutan, Penggajian, dan Penjadwalan Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika Pada Hotel Nirwana maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan

Batasan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah kecelakaan kerja yang diteliti dan dapat diamati oleh panca indra sepertiterjatuh, terpeleset, terpotong benda tajam,

Meskipun UU ITE tidak membentuk lembaga tertentu untuk menjadi pengendali, negara bertindak langsung maupun tidak langsung untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap

 Dari manfaat tersebut dapat diperoleh kesimpul an bahwa perbedaan sistem tersebar dengan si stem terpusat, sehingga perlu adanya sistem ter sebar adalah:. 

Nama Dosen


Dengan bergabungnya Indonesia dalam sistem internasional, nasionalisme Indonesia yang dibangun adalah nasionalisme kosmopolitan yang menandaskan bahwa