Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Art and Humanities State Islamic
University Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Maidatul Zuroicha
Reg. Number : A73213110
Zuroicha, Maidatul. 2017. Superiority Gaining of Frank’s Fictional Finalism in Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Art and Humanities. States Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
The Advisor: Abu Fanani, S.S., M. Pd
The study of this research discusses the psychology of the main character in Angela’s Ashes novel by Frank McCourt. The story reveals the poverty, discrimination and the power of religion leaders which raised the inferior feeling of Frank as the main character. This research uses Alfred Adler’s theory of individual psychology which focuses on inferiority, striving for superiority and success through fictional finalism and the superiority. This analysis describes Frank’s inferiority feeling and the process of striving for superiority through his fictional finalism. The result of this research are the cause of character’s inferior was raised from physical lacking like odd manner of North Ireland and illness, also mentality which is influenced by social life, adult and neglect. And the way he strives for superiority and success are shaped the fictional finalism about getting better life for himself, family and other people, also dream about America. His strives by way works and saving the money for expense to go to America and help family to fulfill the necessity for better life. Thus, he can achieve his superiority and success for better life of his family and back to America.
Zuroicha, Maidatul. 2017. Superiority Gaining of Frank’s Fictional Finalism in Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt. Skripsi. Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Pembimbing: Abu Fanani, S.S., M.Pd
Penelitian ini membahas tentang psikologi karakter utama dalam novel Angela’s Ashes oleh Frank McCourt. Cerita ini mengungkapkan tentang kemiskinan, diskriminasi dan kekuasaan dari pemuka agama yang membuat Frank sebagai tokoh utama merasa rendah diri. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori psikologi individu yang dikemukakan Alfred Adler yang berfokus pada rasa rendah diri, bekerja keras untuk meraih superioritas dan kesuksesan melalui finalisme fiksi dan juga superioritas yang didapat. Analisis ini menjelaskan tentang rasa inferior Frank dan proses berjuang untuk superioritas melalui finalisme fiksinya. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa penyebab dari perasaan rendah diri Frank muncul akibat fisiknya yakni dari pembawaan Irlandia Utaranya dan dari sakit yang dideritanya, juga mental yang dipengaruhi oleh kehidupan sosial, orang dewasa dan pengabaian yang diterimanya. Proses Frank dalam berjuang menuju superioritas di bentuk oleh finalisme fiksi tentang kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk dirinya sendiri, keluarga dan orang lain, juga mimpinya tentang Amerika. Serta bagaimana cara dia bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan superioritas, yakni dengan bekerja dan menabung untuk membantu keluarga memenuhi kebutuhan untuk kehidupan mereka yang lebih baik serta biaya pergi ke Amerika. Oleh karena itu dia dapat meraih superioritasnya dan sukses untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk keluarga dan dapat kembali ke Amerika.
Inside Cover Page ... i
Inside Title Page ... ii
Declaration Page ... iii
Dedication Page ... iv
Motto ... v
Advisor’s Approval Page ... vi
Examiner’s Approval Page ... vii
Acknowledgement... viii
Table of Contents ... x
Abstract ... xiii
Abstrak ... xiv
1.1. Background of the Study ... 1
1.2. Statement of the Problems ... 6
1.3. Objective of the Study ... 6
1.4. Scope and Limitation ... 7
1.5. Significance of the Study ... 7
1.6. Method of the Study ... 8
1.6.1. Research Design ... 8
1.6.2. Research Instrument ... 8
1.6.3. Object of the Study... 9
1.6.4. Data and Data Source ... 9
1.6.6. Data Analysis ... 9
1.7. Definition of Key Terms ... 10
2.1. Theoretical Framework ... 11
2.1.1. Psychology of Literature ... 11 Individual Psychology ... 12
1. Inferiority ... 14
2. Fictional Finalism ... 17
3. Striving for Superiority ... 18
4. Superiority ... 20
2.2. Review of Related Studies ... 21
3.1. Frank’s Inferiority ... 25
3.1.1. Frank’s Inferior Physic ... 26 Inferior Physic of Odd Maner ... 27 Inferior Physic of Illness ... 31
3.1.2. Frank’s Inferior Mentally ... 33 Social Life ... 35 Adults ... 37 Neglect ... 39
3.2. Frank’s Striving for Superiority ... 41
3.2.1. Frank’s shaped His Dream ... 41
3.2.2. Frank’s Strive for Achieve His Dream... 46
1.1 Background of the Study
Literature which is an imitative of human action, often provide the
pictures of people think, say and do in the society. It serves as a mirror of
introspection where people can see themselves to change in the positive things
(Duhan 192). It shows that literature is influenced by the development of
society‟s way of life and people can also learn of the works that present to get
better experience. Literature presents the work that relates to a condition or a
situation which evolve in people's life. In the society, condition of human‟s mind
and behavior are one of the influence of the literary work. According to Krystal,
literary means in several things, it is written, voiced, expressed, invented, and
whatever form (89).
Literature also is explained as the writings which express and
communicate thought, feelings and attitudes toward life (Risdianto 5). According
to him, literature is used at least in two different ways; the first is informative
literature which tells about facts, history, and the figure‟s life, such as the life of
Prophet, Napoleon, and etcetera. Also the literary works are usually the text
written as the knowledge which presents to the reader about anything in the
world such as social, politic, motivate, and others. The second is imaginative
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communicate feelings which is not in fact of the emotion which present in the
works, as well to arouse thought of the readers. It also has fuller and deeper
sense than informative literature, such as prose fiction and poetry (4).
Informative and imaginative literature show the different ways in literature
and has own purpose, because everything has function and purpose just like a
literary work in Horace‟s formula that literature function must relate to dulce et
utile (Wellek & Warren 23). “Dulce” is literary work that can entertain the
reader and it is not a boring work. While “utile” is literary work that has function
in which the reader can take moral value, knowledge and benefit from this kind
of literary work.
To understand more about the literary work, it takes the appropriate
approach and theory in the study. There are so many theories to analyze the
literary work either it is imaginative or informative literature. This study is going
to analyze informative literary work that applies psychology as the theory.
Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. The word “psychology”
comes from Greek words “psyche” means life, and “logos” means explanation
(Stangor 10). Therefore, in this research psychology is used to analyze
character‟s life through attitude, activity and mental process done by the
character. Psychology in this study uses individual psychology tenet by Alfred
Adler. “His individual psychology presents an optimistic view of people while
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condition which focuses on human beings concept around society‟s life. Thus,
this study analyzes the character‟s individual psychology of the novel which is
one of the products of the literary works presented by author.
Literary works represent the author‟s idea or thought is a term which
derives from other language, such novel. For Burgess, the term novel is a
truncation of the Italian word novella (the plural form of Latin novellus, a late
variant of novus, whose meaning is “new”), hence, in most languages, a
diminutive denotes historically the parent form”.
<>. According to Jassin, novel is an event
of extraordinary people‟s lives because the incident was born of a conflict, a
dispute that redirects their fate (Suroto 19). Hence, the work is instinctive as
portrait of the experience people‟s thought and one of human creations which is
created by author‟s imagination or based on the true story that reflects human
real life.
In writing novel, author can build their own world of the work which has
correlation to the social order. As Wellek & Warren stated that almost great
novelists prefer presenting a world to a character case or event. It is because
world overlaps with the realm of reality, but it has the coherence between the
form and content of literary work, which is must be understood separately (257).
Novel, as a form of literature, which is a modern epic must interest which has the
structure, esthetic, coherence and certain effect (254). The value of the use on
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Here the author gives a new dimension of the reality and then provides the life
experience and the way to be alive in a wise, prudent and kindliness for reader
(Andari 46-47). Therefore, novel will be completed when the work fulfill as
entertainment that has function or benefit to the reader. There are novels
containing both of Horace‟s formula, similar to the novel which is used by the
writer for this research.
Angela’s Ashes is novel used in this study. It is the most popular novel
created by Frank McCourt. The story is a genuine memoir about the bittersweet
autobiographical story during the 1930s and early 1940s. As Dimmitt states, at
the age of 50 Frank still became a teacher at Stuyvesant High School in
Manhattan, he tells about his childhood story to his students, then they said that
his story had an interesting childhood and suggest him to write the book (936).
Novel written is tale which begins of his childhood story, this tells his whole
memoir only. As McCourt said “I had attitudes and these attitudes had to be
softened. I had to get rid of them, I had to become, as if says in the Bible, as a
child. The child started to speak in this book. And that was the only way to do it,
without judging” (925). A novel which is published in 1996 placed Frank
McCourt as a major character. He was born in Brooklyn; New York. Little Frank
McCourt is a Catholic who was called by his baptismal name „Francis‟, the name
Francis is derived from one of the names of a saint, St. Francis (McCourt 6).
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life and success. He spent his childhood and adolescence in a poor family with
many familiars. Initially he lived in New York, because of his father‟s difficulty
to find a job. His family returned to Ireland but they are sunk deeper into
poverty. He is the first son from seven siblings and three of his brothers and
sister had passed away because of malnutrition. Frank struggled to earn money
since in the very young age. He did that because his father who likes to drink a
lot always spends his money and then left the family. Due to the poverty, Frank‟s
family always depend on government‟s allowance to fulfill their necessity which
is actually not enough for them. He worked for the family‟s necessity in order
they can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner just like other families. Frank‟s purpose
to work is for helping his mother and also for his savings to go back to America.
Frank‟s dream is to be a successful man and live in America as a great country
for him. His fictional finalism leads him to reach superiority that he expects with
any inferiority from the elder that underestimates him and also poverty in his life
so Frank strives hard to get his success.
Angela’s Ashes is qualified as the novel which must be read besides
winning the Pulitzer Prize, McCourt as author who is able to tell his story with
humor in the poverty condition that makes his story alive until the end. Hence,
the story is very depressive and tragic. The author tells it with comical innocence
of a child and transforms the whole meaning of tragedy as the things that can be
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by merging both of poverty and amusement. He was a successful survivor whose
childhood is miserable. As he said in his Angela’s Ashes;
When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I survived at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood (McCourt 1).
After reading the Angela’s Ashes, the writer is interested in analyzing the
process of Frank strives for superiority. The writer chooses this novel as an
object because the story shows the inferiority aspects which make the character
survive on his life. Further, this work becomes a tragic portrait of the life which
ever existed in the world. Although many novels show tragedy and the inferiority
of character‟s life, this novel is presented with innocent characters which then
create humor.
1.2 Statement of Problem
Based on the background of the study, the research problem formulated in
the following question:
1. How is Frank‟s inferiority shown in the Angela’s Ashes?
2. How does Frank get his superiority in Angela’s Ashes?
1.3 Objective of the Study
The objective of the study is the continuation of the statement of problem
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1. To describe Frank‟s inferiority based on Angela’s Ashes novel by Frank
2. To find out the process of Frank get his superiority or success based on his
fictional finalism on Angela’s Ashes novel by Frank McCourt.
1.4 The scope and limitation
The scope of this research focuses on the part of novel where Frank‟s
inferiority, process of striving for superiority or success in his life, and his
superiority gained. The study will be limited to the Angela’s Ashes novel by
Frank McCourt. Then, Individual psychology by Alfred Adler used as the theory
which focus on inferiority, superiority, striving for superiority, and fictional
1.5 Significance of the Study
The researcher divides the significances of the study into two categories;
theoretically and practically. The researcher hopes this study will be useful for
the next researcher whose study about psychology especially in Alfred Adler‟s
theory of individual psychology.
Theoretically, this research is expected to provide more information about
the psychology theory which is individual psychology in the literary work which
included inferiority, superiority, striving for superiority, and fictional finalism
toward the superiority gained by Frank McCourt in his fictional Finalism in
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Practically, researcher hopes that the study could be useful for academic
and non-academic reader to give understanding about the theory of individual
psychology by Alfred Adler, and also can be applied in the real life to struggle of
getting superiority from inferiority stage. Furthermore, display the inferiority, the
process of striving for superiority or success, and the superiority gained by the
character in better life, provides motivation to the reader to get superiority or
success also.
1.6Method of the Study
This part discusses about the methodology of the research used by writer
that consists of research design, research instrument, subject of the research, data
and data source, data collection, and data analysis.
1.6.1 Research Design
Research design of this study is descriptive qualitative as a method, that is
used to explain the data analysis from novel in form of word and sentences
since it is not numeral. The data are retrieved in the text of the novel Angela‟s
Ashes, and uses some of books also other references such as journal or website
to satisfy the data needed.
1.6.2 Research Instrument
The main instrument is the researcher. Instrument of this research is the
writer itself, because the writer will be the only one of the collect the data of the
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1.6.3 Object of the Study
The object of this research is Frank McCourt as the main character and
also the writer of the novel entitled Angela’s Ashes.
1.6.4 Data and Data Source
Data source in this research is the novel entitled Angela’s Ashesby Frank
McCourt as the primary data. The data of this research are words, phrases, and
sentences of Frank‟s dialog or description which explain about his inferiority,
process of striving to get superiority or success, and the superiority. The
secondary data will be taken from the journals, websites and books that concern
to this issue.
1.6.5 Data Collection
The data will be collected by close reading and read the novel for several
times, quote a few sentences, and taking note of the story Angela’s Ashes by
Frank McCourt. Collecting and selecting data in the form of narration and
conversation of the story which is related to the inferiority, process of striving
to get superiority or success, and the superiority. The writer also uses the
journals, articles and websites to complete the data.
1.6.6 Data Analysis
Data analysis is done to obtain an effective analysis is the researcher
identifies the process on striving for superiority of the character as a major issue
in this study. The researcher conducts the following analyzing process, as
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1. Analyzing the data collected based on the theory and methods to be used.
a) Describe Frank‟s inferiority in his life using individual psychology of
Alfred Adler as the theory
b) Describe Frank‟s process in striving for superiority or success of his
fictional finalism and Frank‟s gained the superiority using individual
psychology of Alfred Adler as the theory
2. Draw conclusion based on the results of the data analyzed.
1.7 Definition of Key Term
Definition of key term here describe the term which used in the study to
avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of using word, as follow;
Inferiority : A sense of worthlessness that arises because of
perceived inadequacy or a less physical state
(Adler 115).
Fiction Finalism : The idea that there is an imagined or potential goal that
guides human behavior (Schultz 146).
Striving for Superiority : The urge toward perfection or completion that
motivates people (Schultz 145).
Superiority : The compensation of the inferior feeling and the final
2.1 Theoretical Framework
This chapter describes about the theory used to analyze the way of character
gaining the superiority in this study. Here, the researcher explains about psychology
of literature and the theory of individual psychology by Alfred Adler which focus on
inferiority, striving for superiority, fictional finalism, and superiority aspect as
guidance to analyze the data related to the issues in the statement of problem. Those
theories are explained as follows:
2.1.1 Psychology of Literature
Psychology is a science that examines and learns about behaviors or
activities seen as a manifestation of human psychic life, and literature is the works
itself (Wiyatmi 7). The relation between psychology and literature is a bilateral
relationship which human makes the works of literature while literature ensures
human beings. Human psychical receptions consider human’s perspectives and
provide references to literary works. In other hands, literature also takes into account
the life’s truths to clarify the perspectives of human beings (Dastmard 9420). Also as
Moghaddam said, psychology and literature selectively examine particular parts of
human experience in the whole aspect. More specifically, both psychology and
literature take goals as one for better understanding about behavior and individual
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The term psychology of literature is text analysis which considers the
relevance and the role of psychological studies (Ratna 350). In this case, psychology
takes important role in analyzing the literary work. Furthermore, psychology of
literature also has other possible notions, as Wellek and Warren stated that
psychology of literature could be explained as the study of author’s own psychology,
the study of creative processes, the study of type and legal law of psychology applied
to literary works, and as the study of the impact of literature on readers—reader’s
psychology (81). It shows that the scope of literary psychology is broad, and it was
born as one of types in literature which is applied to read and to interpret the literary
work itself, the author or the readers which is used in various concepts in psychology
(Wiyatmi 6). In this study analyzes about the third explanation of Wellek &Warren
states, which is the study of intrinsic element in the literary works that analyze about
one of the type and legal law of psychology literature. This research uses Alfred
Adler’s principle of individual psychology as guidance, which analyzes the major
character’s psychology who strives for the superiority from inferior feeling. Individual Psychology
Adler’s individual psychology is developed by his own interpretation of
Freudian theory by himself before he was a follower of Freud (Stangor 626). Individual
psychology is the theory stated by Alfred Adler which focuses on unique things of the
people, not to only fulfill the need of biological. As Adler’s opinion that every human
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and surroundings, also people actively establish their future by themselves (Schultz
139-140). Hence, human is closely related to the social life that builds people's
character so as to have the purpose and direction of his own life. For Stangor, the
compatibility between the social situations in which expressed the attitude and behaviors
involved which has correlation in a greater attitude and behavior when the social
situations are appropriate (808).
Here, the individual psychology tries to see the whole of individual lives and
regards of every human reaction, movements and desire as an expression of an
individual attitude towards life (Adler 31) because in every human’s behaviour, the
purpose on their life will be known and understood. As Adler said in his book, that
individual psychology is a psychology which studies the purpose.All behaviors are
seen as purposive. It will be known of what we are doing, thinking, feeling, and
acting. When we understand the reasons for our behaviors, we then can change our
perspective to focus on behaviors without looking behind and ensure the present life
not the past (xiii). Human behavior is the result of individuals’ tendency to move
toward private goals. This is because people operate in the concepts of ideas,
memories, perceptions, and values. Every human being has goal directed. It is basic
assumptions of individual psychology that are seen as unique, coordinated, logical,
intact, and inseparable units (Green 46).
Adler evolved a basically simple and thrifty theory, although his writings
expressed the view of depth and complexities of human personality (Feist 69). The
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creates a feeling of inferior and sense of mutual dependence on others, which is called
as social interest (Alwisol, 64). That is underlying human activity to strive for success
or superior. As Adler stated in Feist, human has the power to freely create their own
lifestyle. They, themselves, should be responsible to who they really are and how they
behave. Human has the creative power to control their life, to be responsible for its
final purposes, to determine how to strive to reach that goal. Creative strengths make
people become free men, and moving toward a goal-directed (79).
Individual psychology is developed from understanding the mysterious of
creative power that expresses people’s desire to develop, to strive, to achieve, and
even to compensate to defeat by striving for success in another ways. This power is
an impulse to express themselves in striving the efforts of physical and psychological
movement which is made to cooperate (Ansbacher 92). The important thing is to
understand the context of individual’s life goal which marks the line of direction for
all their acts and movements. This goal enables us to understand the hidden meaning
behind the various separated acts as we see them as parts of a whole (Adler 31). So, it
enables other people to give understanding about the hidden meaning of the various
acts of people. Then, Adler’s concept does not make people to stagnant in the past
because individual psychology is being attracted by the future, in which it is the
future that people create for themselves (Adler xiii).
1. Inferiority
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inferiority is a sense of worthlessness that arises because of perceived inadequacy
or a less physical state. The assumption that every child is actually inferior in the
face of life and could not exist at all without a great social interest closed to them.
Then, it focuses on the smallness and weakness of the child which gives the
impression that they are hardly equal with life. It is assumed that at the beginning
of every psychological life there is a deeper inferiority and feeling less. It is
because they are exposed to an adult environment, every child regards their self as
small and weak, they appraise themselves as inadequate and inferior (Adler 115).
Inferiority is a feeling that arises from psychologically or socially lacking the
subjective perceived feelings, as well as feelings arising from real weakness or
disability. Feelings of inferiority are not a sign of abnormality, but rather the cause
of all forms of perfection in human life because man is driven by the need to
overcome his inferiority and is drawn by the desire to be superior (Hall & Lindzey
245-247). Yet, most people fail in overcoming difficulties, so that they live with
feelings of distress and suffering. Adler sees this as is not the end of the story
because people will seek compensation by finding the good side of the shortfall.
Compensation is gained by trying to be more in the other field, but at the same
time will maintain that inferior feeling. Some people are not able to develop any
good side under these circumstances, even (Booree 145). Indeed, excessive low
self-esteem makes these feelings are more difficult to overcome, such as the
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condition of inferiority feeling is a driver of progress or perfection or superiority
(Sujanto 75).
According to Adler, there are three situations in childhood that contribute to
the faulty lifestyle that creates an inferior feeling to the child. The first is organ
inferiorities or disease of early childhood. It can be overcome by giving more
attention because most children will live with strong inferiority feelings. The
second is pampering. It is children’s lifestyle habits to get something without
giving or desire that they have is a command for others will place them on two
things; they do not learn to do something for themselves, and they cannot socialize
well with others. The third is neglect. An abandoned or neglected makes child
feels their self-worthless. They learn to be selfish because they are taught not to
trust anyone. Not only on orphans and victims of persecution, but children whose
parents were never there to notice also make them felt neglect (Boeree 10). Those
are the aspects that make inferiority feeling. Adler believed that psychological
disorders begin in early childhood. He argued that children who are too pampered
or overly neglected by their parents are likely to develop an inferiority complex,
where it is a psychological state in which people feel that they are not living up to
expectations, which causes them to have low self-esteem and overcompensate for
the negative feelings. People with inferiority complex often try to show their
superiority to others at all costs, even if it means embarrassing, dominating, or
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2. Fictional Finalism
Fictional finalism is also denoted to as a subjective final goal or guiding
self-ideal. It is the idea that a fictitious idea guides human behavior when the
individual tries to achieve a complete goal or state (Schultz 135-136). The goal is
false because it does not have to be based on reality, but rather describes the
person's thoughts as to how that fact should be based on his subject's interpretation
of the world (Alwisol 65). As Adler suggested that the word Fiction itself means
an activity of constructing, forming, presenting, conceiving, thinking, imagining,
assuming, planning, and inventing. It also refers to the fictional assumption,
creation, and the imagined case. Its most character is that unrestricted and free
expression (78). While finalism in Schultz, it is the idea that humans have the
ultimate goal, the ultimate state of the living being, and the need to move in that
direction (135).
In view of this fictional finalism, Adler admits that the past is important but
he assumes that what matters is the future. The important thing is not what
individuals have done, but what individuals will do with their creative self at a
certain moment because the ultimate goals of a man will be able to explain how
human’s behavior itself is. (Fudyartanta 215). The idea of “man is driven more by
his hopes for the future than his past experience”, Adler assumes that the goal
exists is not as part of a theological design, but that it is subjectively present today
as a desire or aspiration affecting the behavior of human life. So, any activity of
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person (72). The fictive activity of the mind is an expression of the fundamental
psychical forces while fictions are the mental structures. For example, forms of
perception and thought, and certain concepts and other logical constructs (Adler
This fictional or pseudo goal cannot be separated from the lifestyle and
creative self. Man moves toward superiority through his lifestyle and creative self
that is begun with feelings of inferiority and drawn by this apparent goal. Purpose
intended by Adler is the implementation of the forces of human behavior. Through
his self-reliance, man can make the apparent goal of his real ability and personal
experience. Human’s personality is completely aware of apparent aim which then
interprets to what happen every day related to the aim (Hall 197).
3. Striving for Superiority
Striving for superiority is the encouragement toward perfection or
completion that motivates human beings to be precious and more perfect (Schultz
135). Adler feels that striving for superiority and perfection is not an attempt to
superiority or perfection from others which over, but rather a movement directed
at greater self-improvement and competence (Green 44). Striving for superiority
here is not an objective state, such as a high social position or the other, but a
subjective state of experience or a sense of worth that leads to superiority (Sujanto
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responsible for development in his life, seeking the purpose of life, striving to gain
personal meaning, success and superior position in life (8).
Adler reduces all motivation to a single impulse that is striving for
superiority, which is the dynamic force behind human behavior, is also the first
principle of Adler's theory (Feist 70). In striving for superiority, the inferior
feeling becomes the base motivation of people struggle. Phil in Sujoko stated that
striving for superiority is an encouragement to overcome inferiority by achieving
superior. This is a powerful driving force for the individual in his life. With the
striving for superiority will cause human to develop toward perfection and will
make a person has more optimistic and positive view of himself and more oriented
toward the future (9).
Adlerians believe that regardless of culture or background is very basic but
dynamic force lies behind all human emotions, behavior, and actions. This innate
motive is the struggle of a minus situation that is felt towards a plus situation. It is
referred to as a move of feelings of inferiority to feelings of superiority or
competence (Aslinia 4). According to Adler, each individual lives with a physical
weakness that activates inferior feelings, feeling that moves people to strive to be
superior or to be successful. But a person who has unwell psychologically will
struggle to be a superior person and focus on himself. Meanwhile, individuals who
have healthy psychologically are motivated to succeed all humankind (Alwisol
65). The personality possessed by each individual whether it is closed or opened is
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shaped by the individual's ability to interpret, to influence and to create his own
life events. In other words, the potential of the inheritance we were born is less
practical than what we do with our potential, then how we develop this potential
and our innate abilities (Zoltan 8).
4. Superiority
Superiority is final goal we strive. Adler does not explain the word
superiority in the ordinary word meaning, nor its relation to the concept of
complex superiority that is a condition occurs when a person compensates over of
the normal inferior feelings, which is more likely to be better than others,
arrogance or domination. But superiority or perfection means to complete or to
finish. Adler suggests that individuals try to achieve superiority in an effort to
accomplish themselves, to make it perfect or intact. He sees individual motivation
in the expectation for a future that is only the final goal of superiority or perfection
that can explain and direct the personality and behavior of individuals (Schultz
Superiority is the compensation of the inferior feeling. For Adler there is
only one impulse, the drive for superiority in an attempt to leave a feeling of
inferiority. Superiority is not to be better than anyone else or defeats others, but is
constantly trying to get better for getting closer to the final goal (Alwisol 66).
Superiority is not social exclusion, leadership, or high standing in society, but
Z u r o i c h a | 21
oneself. So the main driving force in human life is the dynamics that express the
cause of the individual behaving, i.e. the drive to achieve superiority or perfection
itself (Fudyartanta 215).
Adler believes that everyone is trying to improve with the innate desire to
become better, advanced and advanced, to be superior. He feels that each
individual moves from a minus to a perceived plus (Green 44). Because the
purpose of the human being is conquest, perfection, security, and superiority, just
likes a child which is faced to so many obstacles in life that no child grows without
struggling for some important things in his life (Adler 129). As Boeree said, that
all of the people have pulled towards fulfillment, perfection, and self-actualization
2.2. Review of Related Studies
The following studies are similar to what this study. What makes this
research different is that the writer will analyze the different issue. The theory applied
is Individual Psychology and the issue raised is about the Frank McCourt’s striving to
superiority and get better life based on Angela’s Ashes novel. Here, the writer finds
the literary reviews of the same novel and theory used in analysis.
The first, literary review is written by Beni Alson Susilarto from Sanata
Dharma University, Yogyakarta in 2009. The study entitled “Frank’s Struggle for
Life and His Motivations as Seen in Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes: A Memoir of A
Z u r o i c h a | 22
of character and characterization. There are three objectives of the study. The first is
to find out main character’s characteristics. The second is to find out the way the
main character struggle for his life which is represented through the characteristics in
the story Angela’s Ashes: A Memoir of A Childhood. The third is to find out the main
character’s motivations to survive. From the analysis of the study, the writer finds out
the main character, Frank McCourt, is a great boy. He has the characteristics that
make him grow into a great man who is able to help his family. Frank faces many
problems in his life. His irresponsible father because of the drinking habit and his
family economic condition are the problems that motivate him to struggle for his life
in order to get a better life for him and his family.
The second is undergraduate thesis entitled Post-Colonial Analysis in
Angela’s Ashes Novel by Frank McCourt written by Fatmahwati Ranajaya from State
Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in 2015. The study focuses on Frank’s
perception, action and the phenomena around character which defines the Ireland,
England and America position. The research method uses qualitative descriptive to
describe the events which relates to other and the theory of Orientalism from Edward
W. Said, here the theory used to explain the relation between East or Orient and West
or Occident. In this thesis the writer analyzed the major character trough McCourt’s
point of view, action and phenomena which occur to him with the relation of Ireland
which is as the Orient and England, America as Occident. The writer finds that
Ireland depicts the East’s characterization that is negative and inferior, while England
Z u r o i c h a | 23
The third is thesis undergraduates written by Luthfiana Izzaturrohmah
entitled Understanding Johnny Cade’s Life in Hinton’s The Outsiders from State
Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta in 2015. This thesis uses psychology
of literature as approach and Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology as the theory to
analyze the data. The method of the research is descriptive qualitative and technique
to collect data is by close-reading. Here the study analyze the factor which influence
the character feel inferior of his life and understand Johnny’s perspective as the
character of being superiority, also his way to strives for achieve the superiority. The
result found that the factor of Johnny’s inferior feeling is the neglected life style with
family’s bad influence to him and the terror of his enemy. The role model of the
superiority for him is Dallas Winston and the way Johnny strives is his effort to
protect the society. Thus, Johnny is the neglect one people which feeling inferior,
then he compensate his feeling with goal of superiority that make him contribute in
the social benefit.
The last of review studies is written by Alif Fatqul Hikmah from State
Isamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya in 2016. The thesis undergraduates entitled
Striving for Superiority and Success of Katniss Everdeen in Suzanne Collin’s The
Hunger Games. This thesis used New Criticism as the supporting theory and
Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler as the primary theory. The study analyzes the
character and characterization of Katniss Everdeen and the striving process of Katniss
Z u r o i c h a | 24
Katniss have several characteristics; affectionate, dauntless, caring and also cunning
person. Then the study shows that Katniss has both to goals; it is takes the superiority
and success of her characteristics and the process of her strive to surface many
obstacles, traps, and fight with her competitor. Therefore, she can achieve her
This chapter discusses about the research problems of the study which
apply individual psychology theory by Alfred Adler. It focuses on principles of
individual psychology, including inferiority, striving for superiority through
fictional finalism, and superiority. As Adler explained that inferiority is the
feeling of worthlessness that arises in every individual. Meanwhile, striving for
superiority constitutes the encouragement toward perfection or completion that
motivates human beings to be precious and more perfect through fictional
finalism. Thus, superiority is final goal that human strive.
Adler’s principle can be proved by analyzing the data in this study. First,
the analysis starts from Frank’s feeling who experienced since childhood that
influenced his future, named inferiority. Then, the way Frank strives for
superiority of his life through fictional finalism that he visualizes. Last is
superiority that he got of all his efforts to find out better life in Angela’s Ashes
3.1 Frank’s Inferiority
In the first explanation of the story, McCourt has given a description of
Frank’s inferiority feeling. He had a terrible and sad experience in his childhood.
He experienced poverty because his father who is hard to look for the work due to
his northern Irish accent, always spend his wage in the pub, as well as the
Z u r o i c h a | 26
for the singing of Irish sung at night when he comes home. It is not only the
problem of poverty that causes his inferior feelings but also the very unbalanced
social conditions between the poor with the upper classes such as arrogant
religious leaders, friends who like to bullying with bad nickname they give and
teachers who provide teaching with the hard way also with his torturing hit, as
well as the various diseases that grow and develop in the rainy season or the
infection he gets up to have to stay for weeks for healing in the hospital. As what
Frank said;
People everywhere brag and whimper about the woes of their early years, but nothing can compare with the Irish version: the poverty; the shiftless loquacious alcoholic father; the pious defeated mother moaning by the fire; pompous priests; bullying schoolmasters; the English and the terrible things they did to us for eight hundred long years. Above all-we were wet. (01)
The inferiority feeling that Adler says is a sense of worthlessness
experienced by individual who makes an individual feel inferior than others. It is
the same as what Frank felt in his life. Frank feels that he is inferior than the
people around him whether it's adults or friends, as well as the surrounding social.
It is based on several factors that tend to make him feel that the weakness of the
physical weakness he has is because of social discrepancy and illness; mental
weakness caused by the superior of adults, social circumstances, and neglect of
3.1.1 Frank’s Inferior Physic
Physical weakness here is the physical condition which is unhealthy or
different from other, and not in accordance with social in the community. As in
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because they feel disgusted or hate the unnatural things around them. The inferior
Frank feels comes from the judgment of others about himself either the good or
bad things he has. Frank in his work distributes The Irish Times magazine that
asked him to write his name and address to know his writing ability. He wrote that
his address is in the Barrington Street, not a street but a lane. Mr. McCafrey,
Frank's manager, said that Frank is not like people who live in the street but in the
lane. It is because frank has bad appearance and dirt performance. As shown in
the story in conversation with his manager,
Little Barrington Street. That's a lane. Why are you calling it a street? You live in a lane, not a street.
...You have the cut and jib of a lane boy, McCourt. Yes, Mr. McCaffrey.
You have the look of the lane all over you. All over you from poll to toe cap. Don't try to fool the populace, McCourt. You'd have to rise early in the morning to fool the likes of me.
Oh, I wouldn't, Mr. McCaffrey.
Then there's the eyes. Very sore eyes you have there. Can you see? I can, Mr. McCaffrey (217).
In the conversation, it shows that frank realized what his manager said
was true, he wrote the address like what other people in the lane say. But his
manager made him realize that between these two things, there are differences that
show the social class in society and with the current physical condition, it is
impossible to be called a child living on the street. There are two conditions that
make him in the inferior physic feeling; Inferior Physic of Odd Manner
Frank’s physical conditions is like his father—connate North Ireland. It is
Z u r o i c h a | 28
different and inferior. When he meets with his mother’s family, they always say
that he was like his father’s odd manner and they felt that his physic is bad
enough. Frank felt that his brother was better than his physical because his
siblings had good looking as social-views on his place. Like a story fragment in
the first chapter in eight pages;
When he laughs you can see how white and small and pretty his teeth are and you can see his eyes shine. He has blue eyes like my mother. He has golden hair and pink cheeks. I have brown eyes like Dad. I have black hair and my cheeks are white in the mirror. My mother tells Mrs. Leibowitz down the hall that Malachy is the happiest child in the world. She tells Mrs. Leibowitz down the hall, Frankie has the odd manner like his father.
From those sentences of Mrs. Leibowitz and Frank’s mother said, he
realizes that what they say about his brother is good for them. Although he does
not know what the odd manner is because he was four and he never heard about
that before also he cannot ask to them. His brother Malachy was there, they
always play together in the playground near with their flat. He and Malachy do
not come back to home until their mother calls, because she says that the twins
need to sleep and she need to rest, while their father was looking for job. If
Frank’s father has a job his mother will be happy and take them from playground
early, but if the job was lost because of most drinking then he was absent from
work, his mother let him and Malachy in the playground until the night or their
neighbor take them to their house and give some food.
At that time Minnie take them to her house, she has a beautiful baby.
When the baby cries, she is singing a song and Malachy follows her but Frank
stops him because it was their own song, and that they should not sing anyone's
Z u r o i c h a | 29
Frank wondered why anyone could sing someone else's song, while he thinks that
everyone has his own singing, as his own story from his father Cuchulain—a story
of a mighty Irish knight. He got a reprimand from Minnie, she says to him, “Don't
frown, Frankie. It makes your face dark and God knows it is dark enough.
Someday you'll have a little sister and you can sing that song to her” (14). what
Minnie means about dark face is about his stature of North Ireland that make him
different from his brother and his new little sister whose face is beautiful with
blue eyes and black hair like his mother.
When a bad day came, his sister, Margaret, was very sick and eventually
died. His family’s life again changed. His father spent the allowance on
Margaret's death in the pub. After returning to Ireland their lives remained the
same in poverty, then Eugene and Oliver's twin brother one by one died and his
father did not move from the pub. When he and his father were asked to take the
coffin that his grandmother had bought, he got some shilling of condolences over
the death of his family. His father told him to buy something that he liked and his
father was in the pub, so his aunt reprimanded and scolded him and pursued him
to call his father who was engrossed in the pub. “She tells the shop woman, Just
like his father, the same odd manner, the same oul' northern jaw” (52). His aunt’s
words make him realize that odd manner is his bad behavior.
When the day of mourning finished, his father tried to find another job
and Frank's grandmother offered his mother that Frank worked to deliver Bill
Galvin's lunch, the people who rented a room at his grandmother's house. The
Z u r o i c h a | 30
enough to feed people in his family. Frank's mother could not afford to spend his
days without smoking and asked his brother Malachy to indebted to Kathleen
O'Connell's shop because only his brother who could, like what she says “If
anyone can get the fags out of Kathleen, Malachy can. Mom says he has the
charm, and she tells me, There's no use sending you with your long puss and your
father's odd manner” (86). This odd manner distinguishes him with his mother's
family. It means that his odd manner make his mother will get nothing because
they will not interest to Frank like his handsome brother except bad things for
people. This odd manner makes him less lovable than his brother who keeps them
entertained with his physic and deeds. Such as when Frank’s first communion, his
grandmother dandifying him,
Come here till I comb your hair, said Grandma. Look at that mop, it won't lie down. You didn't get that hair from my side of the family. That's that North of Ireland hair you got from your father. That's the kind of hair you see on Presbyterians. If your mother had married a proper decent
Limerickman you wouldn't have this standing up, North of Ireland, Presbyterian hair.
She spat twice on my head.
Grandma, will you please stop spitting on my head. If you have anything to say, shut up. A little spit won't kill you. Come on, we'll be late for the Mass (79).
From what his grandmother says above, he realizes that his grandmother
dislike his standing hair and he feels that his hair is bad thing that make him
inferior with other. Because his brothers have good hair as grandmother’s family
like, he feels that he was the only one who has the lack. Here his feeling inferior
arises because odd manner and standing hair as North Ireland he has and that
Z u r o i c h a | 31 Inferior Physic of Illness
During his growth, Frank experienced various illnesses that made him
spend a few weeks in hospital. From the first pain, he suffered the typhoid that
made him have to stay at The Fever Hospital, then Frank had a skin infection as
he said initially “There's a sore at the top of my nose between my eyebrows, gray
and red and itching” (143). And then it was spread into his eyes anyway and the
color become red and yellow which make his eyes stick in the morning. Then
Frank’s mother takes him to doctor with docket which they get of the Dispensary
where the poor people see doctors and get their medicines.
'Tis my son, sir. He has two bad eyes.
Oh, by God, he does, woman. They're desperate looking eyes altogether. They look like two rising suns. The Japs could use him on their flag, ha ha ha.
Did he pour acid on his face or what?
'Tis some class of infection, sir. He had the typhoid last year and then this came (143).
Frank gets a docket to see Dr. Troy, though with ridicule because of the
red and swollen eyes of the officers who determine people who deserve a coupon
or not. He knows that his eyes was sick but it is like rising suns means it is too big
and yellow and far from the normal eyes. His eyes problem did not stop after he
went home from the eye ward at the City Home but it still continues. When Frank
works as a charcoal delivers, his eyes were recur again due to an infection or
allergy that he gets because of the dust. He was forbidden to work again because
of his condition. Yet, he really wanted the job and he thus was reminded of the
words of Seamus, on office boy in the hospital, that he should blink his eyes to
Z u r o i c h a | 32
practice what Seamus suggested to him, "I blink in school when the master is not
looking and all the boys in my class are calling me Blinky and adding that to the
List of names. Blinky, McCourt beggar woman's son, scabby-eyed, blubber gob,
dancing Jap "(168). He feels inferior of what his friend calls him because it is real
on his life. It makes his inferior about his physic arise because of his lack of
perfection that is not as a normal people with healthy eyes.
His blinking was not has an effect for his eyes except adding a bad
nickname for him, and it takes him to inferior feeling which makes him thinking
there are no a good things of his body. He stared at himself in the mirror when he
prepared for his job. He feels that his physic is worse than his outfit; his hair
sticks out like his father. His bad eyes was started when he was at nine up to
fourteen, where he wanted to get his big job and another things, like what he
thought shown in the story;
If my clothes are bad I'm worse. No matter how I drench my hair under the tap it sticks out in all directions. The best cure for standing up hair is spit, only it's hard to spit on your own head. You have to let go with a good one up in the air and duck to catch it on your poll. My eyes are red and oozing yellow, there are matching red and yellow pimples all over my face and my front teeth are so black with rot I'll never be able to smile in my life. I have no shoulders and I know the whole world admires shoulders (197).
He realizes his less physical of what he thinks of him become very clear
in front of him because the nicknames given to him were true and make him deep
aware of it and regard himself as a people who feel more inferior than other. The
day before getting work as Telegram boy at the post office, he makes sure himself
to look better. And after a year he works at post office, there was a test to become
Z u r o i c h a | 33
good handwriting. He chooses to join with Ireland Times magazine because he
can read anything in the leisure times. But Mrs. O’Connell—bosses of the post
office shame him;
I don't know why Mrs. O'Connell had to shame me before the whole world, and I don't think I'm too good for the post office or anything else. How could I with my hair sticking up, pimples dotting my face, my eyes red and oozing yellow, my teeth crumbling with the rot, no shoulders, no flesh on my arse after cycling thirteen thousand miles to deliver twenty thousand telegrams to every door in Limerick and regions beyond? (219)
His physical inferiority arises when Mrs. O’Connell accuse him of what
the things he does not do, it make him aware of his inferior feeling of physic. As
Adler stated that inferior feeling was arisen from psychologically lacking which is
real weakness or disability. For Frank, it is impossible to have arrogance with
inferior physic like what he had.
3.1.2 Frank’s Inferior Mentally
Life has never been separated from environment or social activities.
Individuals in the community have patterns to live in the society. Social around is
very influential in the formation of self or mental. The things that make them feel
happy or not will affect the mental and the way they think. Here Frank
experiences the social pressure in his infancy which causes him to have an inferior
feeling. When he wants to get his first job, he thinks of his solitude about the
shame he has for his poor family condition, he says “I'll buy proper clothes for the
whole family so our arses won't be hanging out of our pants and we won't have
the shame. The thought of the shame brings a pain in my heart and starts me
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compares his condition with others who can wear good things. These pains arise
from the thought of his social status and his worries about the social views of him.
Frank was a son who has completely aspect of the inferiority feeling
because he was a poor man with a poor family and lives in the social who have
higher discrimination of lower class. When he was sixteen, he drinks his first pint
and he cannot control his consciousness about what he says to his mother and also
hit her. He felt his sincerity was very complicated and serious because what he
had done became a burden in his mind. On the day he came to church, he just sat
there thinking about everything that had happened in his life, then a priest came
and asked him to tell what happen with him to St. Francis and he will listen as
ears to St. Francis. Then he starts to tell;
I talk to St. Francis and tell him about Margaret, Oliver, Eugene, my father singing Roddy McCorley and bringing home no money, my father sending no money from England, Theresa and the green sofa, my terrible sins on Carrigogunnell, why couldn't they hang Hermann Goering for what he did to the little children with shoes scattered around concentration camps, the Christian Brother who closed the door in my face, the time they wouldn't let me be an altar boy, my small brother Michael walking up the lane with the broken shoe clacking, my bad eyes that I'm ashamed of, the Jesuit brother who closed the door in my face, the tears in Mam's eyes when I slapped her (222)
What he thinks about anything that he did was making him feel low self.
His feelings, circumstance and people treatment toward him make him feel bad
among others and arises his inferiority. There are some situations that make him
Z u r o i c h a | 35 Social Life
Social life is an important role in the growth of individuals within the
community. But a bad social in the society can be the cause of someone’s bad
feeling. Social life affects the individual mentally in thinking about good or bad
things as Frank felt in his social life. He felt bad when his schoolmates insulting
him because of the things that he had, and actually it should be better than other
friend. Frank and his brother got bullying from their friends because they wore
shoes patched with rubber tires that makes them a bit taller. His neighbor says
“what's up with your shoes? She laughs and Mr. Hannon shakes his head and I
feel ashamed” (64). And also when they are on the way to their school, “Leamy's
boys laugh at us because the tire pieces are so thick they add a few inches to our
height and the boys say, How's the air up there?” (64). actually, there are many
people who have bad condition then what Frank and brother had, but they are not
alone. This is the social state depicted in Frank's life; individuals who are different
from others that become isolated and bullied.
The social situations means here is that people chooses what is good or
bad for them. It is undeniable that social class determines the place where they
should be, no matter the feasibility of the intelligence they have. Frank is a smart
kid with good handwriting. He deserves a good place in society but the society
ignores him because of his poverty. Frank learns anything needed to become an
altar boy but when he and his father ask about that to one of religious leaders, they
get rejected.
Z u r o i c h a | 36
…Oh. She puffs on her Woodbine. I'll tell you what it is, she says. 'Tis class distinction. They don't want boys from lanes on the altar. They don't want the ones with scabby knees and hair sticking up. Oh, no, they want the nice boys with hair oil and new shoes that have fathers with suits and ties and steady jobs. That's what it is and 'tis hard to hold on to the Faith with the snobbery that's in it. (93)
The rejection makes him feel that his effort was useless and causes his
inferiority arises. The judgment that the person gave to the father and him also
made him feel that his circumstance was a mistake. Frank feels inferior because
the church rejects him for he does not know what he does wrong. This feeling
made him realize that the unreasonable rejection given to him was the answer to
his inadequacies. After he let his hopes dashed as an altar boy, Frank's low
self-esteem grew when he caught his mother begging, as he did;
It's the worst kind of shame, almost as bad as begging on the streets where the tinkers hold up their scabby children, Give us a penny for the poor child, mister, the poor child is hungry, missus.
My mother is a beggar now and if anyone from the lane or my school sees her the family will be disgraced entirely. My pals will make up new names and torment me in the schoolyard and I know what they'll say,
Frankie McCourt beggar woman's boy scabby-eyed dancing blubber-gob Jap (160).
The situation when her mother begs is the worst of her life, and then they
are asking for the coupon of the poorest person in the Dispensary. He is aware of
the poverty that he and his family experienced. Knowing that his mother begs
makes him feel very low in front of the society around. He was so embarrassed by
the situation that he could not bear looking at her mother's face. From here his
inferior mental feelings toward the society around increases with the
Z u r o i c h a | 37
self-esteem that he felt he did not belong to him because several times the door
was closed in front of him. Adults
As Adler said in his theory that children grow up with the inferior
feelings of adults because they feel that he is weak and small. Frank's inferiority
to adults is not only physical and habit that he cannot do, but also discriminate
against them from adults. Because adult does anything that children cannot do. As
Frank and his brother when they found words that they did not understand; he
asked the meaning of the word but his father snapped at him for asking that. But
when an adult asks him about something, they have to answer it. He feels that
children may not have to know what adult know like what he say;
I know that big people don't like questions from children. They can ask all the questions they like, How's school? Are you a good boy? Did you say your prayers? but if you ask them did they say their prayers you might be hit on the head.
They want to know about the lavatory. They ask questions because big people can ask all the questions they like and write in notebooks, especially when they're wearing collars and ties and suits (62-63).
People teach about what they are allowed or not to do by wrong way will
make them feel inappropriate about something. This causes a low self-esteem of
what adults did and they grow up to do the same thing that adults teach. This
results in poor imitations for child growth. Adult and child relationships will
always be related because adults are an example for children to find their true
identity in life, later.
With a harsh teaching of something, the child will be afraid and become
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Frank is worried about the things he wants to convey to an adult because he thinks
that what he is asking will only make him be hit or ignored. In his mind, Frank
has consciousness about what's going on around him but he does not know what
he needs to say because they will not take what he says. As when his mother is
sick and he's worried about what happened to his mother. He wonders of the same
situation which ever happen on his life; when a dog died because of bleeding on
the body. He afraid if his mother also died, like what he thinks;
Is my mother bleeding to death? Is it all right to say, Look, there's blood on Mam's chair? No, you can't say anything because they always have secrets. I know if you say anything the grown-up people will tell you, Never mind, you're always gawking, none of your business, go out and play (114).
The inferior that Frank feels is that he is a weak and ignorant child; he
does not know the similarities and differences of some events, or the
consequences of things that they have met. It makes the child feel that he must be
an adult to know everything and no longer is feeling foolish if facing whatever
happens around him. Feelings like this make the child judge the negative to
himself, they will still feel small and weak that always needs adults, until he
grows and knows things that were previously unknown and do something for him.
Envy of adults often arises from the differences that he feels, like when Frank
knows that the book was in older boys have is thicker;
Older boys in the fifth class have the thick Confirmation catechism with the red cover and that costs sixpence. I'd love to be big and important and parade around with the red Confirmation catechism but I don't think I'll live that long the way I'm expected to die for this or that (69).
Frank is a child who was obedient and understood the intent and purpose
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his school teacher teaches him to swear dead for the sake of religion. This is
where the inferiority of adult is shown in the above quotation. It makes him
resigned because he feels that he will have no chance to study the bold red book.
Frank's inferiority to adults has an effect on his growth, as he compensates for the
feeling by finding out from friends or books he read. Neglect
Neglect is one aspect that makes the individual in inferior state. As Adler
points out that the cause of inferiority is a neglected or overly pampered lifestyle.
This usually creates a complex inferior. Abandonment done on children who are
in the process of growth will have an impact on the mental that led to the growth
of habits that bad from his behavior. Frank experienced neglect from his family
also from the surrounding society because of physic or behavior that his mother’s
family dislikes. Frank is a child who is more often left to do whatever he wants as
long as it does not interfere his mother, rather than notice what and how he played
or what he did in playground, such as when his mother asked him to play and not
to go home before dark;
My mother tells me all the time, Never, never leave that playground except to come home. But what am I to do with the twins bawling with the hunger in the pram? I tell Malachy I'll be back in a minute. I make sure no one is looking, grab a bunch of bananas outside the Italian grocery shop and run down Myrtle Avenue, away from the playground, around the block and back to the other end where there's a hole in the fence (15)
This is a neglect that he gets from his mother. She does not want to know
what her sons did as long as it does not disturb her. Due to his fear toward his
mother and his compulsion, he eventually stole becaus