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Anti Aging and Genomics for Women s Health


Academic year: 2017

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Learn how cutting edge science in genomics is helping with the development of anti-aging products for good women’s health...


womens health, anti-aging, joint health, beauty, cell rejuvenation, cutting edge science in Genomics

Article Body:

Anti aging products have been around for years, from creams to pills to bath oils - they’re all designed to make women look and feel younger. What many women don’t realize is that the aging process begins right after we’re born! Each time the skin is exposed to the rays of the sun, some slight aging occurs. Unfortunately, it takes years for the evidence of aging to show up for most women.

Ten or twenty years of sun bathing can equal lots of wrinkles and skin discoloration once a woman reaches her 40s or 50s. The anti aging products on the store shelves then become very attractive, but many will not work after reaching a certain age. That’s why a new cutting edge science in Genomics is getting noticed in the anti-aging market. It’s a new natural discovery that defies aging through cell rejuvenation. What is Genomics?

Genomics is the study and experimentation of genomes, or an organism’s complete DNA makeup, that is found in virtually every cell of the human body. In studying genomics, scientists have discovered ways to encourage cell repair and healthy cell development as the body produces new cells every day. This process is ongoing so having healthy cells is pertinent to good women’s health. Through cutting edge science in genomics and a devotion to help women with anti-aging, natural products have been developed to help prevent aging and maintain beauty for many years. Through cell rejuvenation, the body is capable of healthy aging.

Food and Aging

If we need natural ingredients found in foods to have healthy cells, why not just eat a more healthy diet? Eating healthy is important in slowing the aging process, but it’s usually not enough unless you eat raw vegetables from your own garden! Many fruits and vegetables are grown in nutritionally-depleted soil, shipped to the grocery, cooked in oil and served on the platter. Through this entire process, the foods are losing important minerals and nutrients women need for healthy living. Taking an anti-aging supplement provides nutrients and minerals needed to replace those lost in foods. Good Bone and Joint Health

Another area of concern for women is bone and joint health. Proteins help to keep bone and joint tissue healthy and strong. With arthritis and osteoporosis being so prevalent among older women, it’s wise to start working on good bone and joint health at a young age. Products are available to help restore minerals that are lost in the bones and joints during the aging process. Anti-aging research through genomics is still fairly new, but many women are already seeing results when using natural, genomics-based anti-aging products.

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