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Academic year: 2017



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Dr. Budi Usodo, M.Pd. lahir di Blora, 17 Mei 1968. Pria yang memiliki NIP 196805171993031002 adalah staf pengajar pada Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan UNS. Riwayat pendidikan tinggi adalah tahun 1991 lulus sarjana (S-1) di Universitas Sebelas Maret untuk bidang ilmu: Pendidikan Matematika, lulus Magister (S-2) pada tahun 2001 di Universitas Negeri Surabaya untuk bidang ilmu: Pendidikan Matematika, gelar Doktor (S-3) bidang ilmu: Pendidikan Matematika berhasil diperolehnya dari Universitas Negeri Surabaya pada tahun 2012. Judul dan ringkasan Disertasi disajikan dalam 2 (dua) versi bahasa Indonesia dan English sebagai berikut.

KARAKTERISTIK INTUISI SISWA SMA DALAM MEMECAHKAN MASALAH memecahkan soal cenderung memberikan jawaban yang kurang akurat, bahkan siswa-siswa yang berkemampuan matematika sedang dan rendah tersebut kesulitan untuk menemukan cara dalam memecahkan masalah matematika. Di samping itu faktor gender mempengaruhi cara memperoleh pengetahuan matematika dan intuisi berperan dalam memperoleh pengetahuan matematika. Oleh sebab itu perlu dikaji karakteristik intuisi siswa dalam memecahkan masalah matematika ditinjau dari kemampuan matematika dan perbedaan gender.

Tujuan penelitian ini: (1) untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik intuisi siswa SMA dalam memecahkan masalah aljabar berdasarkan langkah-langkah pemecahan masalah dari Polya ditinjau dari kemampuan matematika dan perbedaan gender, (2) untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik intuisi siswa SMA dalam memecahkan masalah geometri berdasarkan langkah-langkah pemecahan masalah dari Polya ditinjau dari kemampuan matematika dan perbedaan gender.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif-eksploratif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa-siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Sragen. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 6 siswa, terdiri atas 2 siswa berkemampuan matematika tinggi, 2 siswa berkemampuan matematika sedang dan 2 siswa berkemampuan matematika rendah yang masing-masing terdiri dari 1 laki-laki dan 1 perempuan. Metode pengumpulan data adalah dengan wawancara berbasis tugas. Di dalam wawancara tersebut, subjek penelitian diwawancarai apakah subjek menggunakan intuisi atau tidak pada setiap langkah pemecahan masalah dari Polya. Jika intuisi digunakan, bagaimana karakteristik intuisi tersebut pada setiap langkah pemecahan masalah yang dilakukan.


Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan antara lain: (1) sebagai sebagai dasar lebih lanjut bagi peneliti untuk mengembangkan penelitian yang berkaitan dengan intuisi. [Kata Kunci : Karakteristik intuisi, masalah matematika, afirmatori, antisipatori]

THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE INTUITION OF THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN SOLVING THE PROBLEMS IN MATHEMATICS VIEWED FROM THEIR ABILITIES IN MATHEMATICS AND DIFFERENCE IN GENDER. Intuition has an important role in solving mathematical problems since students can have creative ideas in solving mathematical problems by having intuition. Most of smart students often use smart methods in solving mathematical problems in such a way that they can solving the problems shortly and accurately. Students with medium or low ability in mathematics have the tendency to use the types of method which cannot help them to solving accurately or it is even difficult for them to find the smart methods to solve mathematical problems. In addition, the gender factor has an effect on the method to acquire the ability in mathematics, and intuition has a role in acquiring such ability. Therefore, it is necessary to study the characteristics of the intuition of the students in solving mathematical problems viewed from their abilities in mathematics and difference in gender.

The objectives of this research are to describe: (1) the characteristics of the intuition of the senior high school students in solving the problems of algebra on the basis of the Polya problem solving steps and viewed from their ability in mathematics and difference in gender; and (2) the dalam steps and viewed from their ability in mathematics and difference in gender; and (2) the characteristics of the intuition of the senior high school students in solving the problems of geometry based on the Polya problem solving steps and viewed from their ability in mathematics and difference in gender.

This research used the explorative qualitative method. This research subject was the student of State Senior High School No. 1 (SMA N 1) Sragen in 2009. The subjects of this research consisted of 6 students. The students were divided into 3 groups based on their ability levels in mathematics: those with the high ability level in Mathematics, those with the medium ability level in mathematics, and those with the low ability level in Mathematics. Each group consisted of 1 male student and 1 female student. The data of this research were gathered through the assignment-based interview. In the interview, whether each of the students used their intuition or not in each of the Polya problem solving steps were observed. Following the observation, the characteristics of their intuition in each of the problem solving steps were then described.


student with the high ability in mathematics does not use intuition in understanding the problems and his global anticipatory intuition, which takes the form of real mathematical thinking in making the solution plan, and she does not use intuition in executing the solution plan and checking the solving; (iii) the male student with the medium ability in mathematics uses his direct affirmatory intuition in understanding the problems and his global anticipatory intuition, which takes the form of real mathematical thinking by having number range formula, in making the solution plan. However, he does not use intuition in executing the solution plan and checking the solving; (iv) the female student with the medium ability in mathematics does not use intuition in understanding the problems, making the solution plan, executing the solution plan, and checking the solving; (v) the male student with the low ability in mathematics uses his direct affirmatory intuition in understanding the problems and he does not use intuition in making and executing the solution plan, in checking the solving, the subject uses anticipatory intuition by practicing the problems in the questions which is contrary to the general assumption. (vi) the female student with the low ability in mathematics does not use intuition in understanding the problems, making and executing the solution plan, and checking the solving; and (2) the characteristics of the intuition of the students in solving the problems of geometry viewed from their abilities in mathematics and difference in gender are as follows: (i) the male student with the high ability in mathematics uses his direct affirmatory intuition in understanding the problems and his global anticipatory intuition, which takes the form of real mathematical thinking, in making the solution plan but he does not use intuition in executing the solution plan and checking the solving; (ii) the female student with the high ability in mathematics uses her direct affirmatory intuition in understanding the problems and her global anticipatory intuition, which takes the form of real mathematical thinking, in making the solution plan but she does not use intuition in executing the solution plan and checking the solving; (iii) the male student with the medium ability in mathematics uses his direct affirmatory intuition and his global anticipatory intuition, which takes the form of real mathematical thinking, in making the solution plan but he does not use intuition in executing the solution plan and checking the solving; (iv) the female student with the medium ability in mathematics does not use intuition in understanding the problems and checking the solving but she uses her global anticipatory intuition, which takes the form of real mathematical thinking, and her affirmatory intuition which has intrinsic certainty in its nature in executing the solution plan; (v) the male student with the low ability in mathematics uses his direct affirmatory intuition in understanding the problems and his anticipatory intuition by basing it on sense and imagination which is contrary to the general assumption in making the solution plan but he does not use intuition in executing the solution plan and checking the solving; (vi) the female student with the low ability in mathematics uses her direct affirmatory intuition in understanding the problems and her anticipatory intuition by basing it on sense and imagination which is contradictive to the general assumption in making the solution plan but she does not use intuition in executing the solution plan and checking the answer.



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