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Age of Menarche

this PDF file Age of menarche as a risk factor for preeclampsia and eclampsia | Primadani | Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat 1 PB

this PDF file Age of menarche as a risk factor for preeclampsia and eclampsia | Primadani | Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat 1 PB

... purpose of this study was to determine the effect of menarche age on the incidence of preeclampsia and ...average age of menarche in the preeclampsia group was one ...


Correlation between Nutritional Status and Age of Menarche in Adolescent at SMP 24 Surakarta

Correlation between Nutritional Status and Age of Menarche in Adolescent at SMP 24 Surakarta

... disebut Menarche, umumnya terjadi antara usia 10-16 tahun, sedangkan perubahan fisiknya antara lain bentuk tubuh mulai jelas lekuk-lekuknya, kulit menjadi halus, payudara membesar, suara menjadi lebih nyaring, ...


Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan Usia Menarche Siswi SMP PGRI Pekanbaru Factors Associated with Age of Menarche Junior High School Student PGRI Pekanbaru

Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan Usia Menarche Siswi SMP PGRI Pekanbaru Factors Associated with Age of Menarche Junior High School Student PGRI Pekanbaru

... yang berjumlah 62 responden dimana pengambilan sampel ini didapatkan dengan menggunakan rumus slovin yang dikutip dalam buku Notoatmodjo (2005). Adapun variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah usia ...


Age Pattern at Menarche as Results from a Puberty Survey | A/P Ganabathy | Althea Medical Journal 952 3465 1 PB

Age Pattern at Menarche as Results from a Puberty Survey | A/P Ganabathy | Althea Medical Journal 952 3465 1 PB

... mean age of ...value of 12.28, the current mean age of menarche in Jatinangor population was younger compared to the mean age of menarche of females ...


Onset of menarche: differences between urban and rural community in Tangerang District, Banten Province, Indonesia | Suryono Yudha Patria | Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala ilmu Kedokteran) 3184 5423 1 SM

Onset of menarche: differences between urban and rural community in Tangerang District, Banten Province, Indonesia | Suryono Yudha Patria | Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala ilmu Kedokteran) 3184 5423 1 SM

... reached menarche with exact knowledge of the age of menarche, 3) readily participated in the study by answering questionnaire as well as in attendance for the study and signed informed ...


Age of Empires dan Kaitannya dengan Poli

Age of Empires dan Kaitannya dengan Poli

... Pengaruh Era Kekaisaran membawa pemikiran baru sejak munculnya Revolusi Industri di Eropa dimana pekerja manusia diganti dengan teknologi industri.Pengakuan Hak Asasi Manusia secara universal di Dunia menolak adanya ...




... emerge of menarche occurs suddenly and can not predict precisely that’s why women always memorize that ...aim of this research are to understand the meaning of menarche for women and ...




... emerge of menarche occurs suddenly and can not predict precisely that’s why women always memorize that ...aim of this research are to understand the meaning of menarche for women and ...


Correlation between Body Mass Index and Age at Menarche | Putri | Althea Medical Journal 656 2238 1 PB

Correlation between Body Mass Index and Age at Menarche | Putri | Althea Medical Journal 656 2238 1 PB

... decline of age at menarche has been reported in several countries, it occurred because of genetic, ethnic, and socioeconomic improvement in nutritional status and ...improvement of ...


2009 Comparison of relative age of elite

2009 Comparison of relative age of elite

... relative age of athletes has raised the attention of many ...focus of these investigations understands the interference of this parameter in the identification of talents and the ...




... probability of being enrolled in ...probability of school participation by ...probability of school attendance by 0.08%. This implies that girls’ chance of going to school is more sensitive to ...


Hubungan Status Gizi Terhadap Usia Menarche Pada Anak SD dan SMP Yayasan Pendidikan Shafiyyatul Amaliyyah

Hubungan Status Gizi Terhadap Usia Menarche Pada Anak SD dan SMP Yayasan Pendidikan Shafiyyatul Amaliyyah

... Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan desain potong lintang (cross-sectional). Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan metode total sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengukuran berat dan tinggi badan ...


Masa remaja Sebuah Age of Storm dan Stre

Masa remaja Sebuah Age of Storm dan Stre

... half of the world's adolescents live in Asia, a collection of 37 countries in South Asia (eg, Bangladesh, India) and East Asia (eg, China, Korea) (UNICEF, ...indicators of growth over the past ...


this PDF file EVIDENCES FROM ZAKAT INSTITUTIONS IN PADANG, INDONESIA | Wahyuni | Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam 1 PB

this PDF file EVIDENCES FROM ZAKAT INSTITUTIONS IN PADANG, INDONESIA | Wahyuni | Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam 1 PB

... purpose of the study, there are six hypotheses were developed ...objective of a Zakat institution is to enhance efficiency and become more accountable and transparent to the public and before Allah ...


Hubungan status gizi, usia menarche ibu dan aktivitas fisik dengan usia menarhce remaja putri di SMP Negeri 1 Siborongborong Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara tahun 2015

Hubungan status gizi, usia menarche ibu dan aktivitas fisik dengan usia menarhce remaja putri di SMP Negeri 1 Siborongborong Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara tahun 2015

... data of nutrition status were gathered by weighing and measuring ...data of menarche age and physical activity were gathered by conducting in-depth interviews, while menarche age ...


Age at Menarche and Eating Pattern among High School Students in Jatinangor in 2013 | Nafisah | Althea Medical Journal 714 2750 1 PB

Age at Menarche and Eating Pattern among High School Students in Jatinangor in 2013 | Nafisah | Althea Medical Journal 714 2750 1 PB

... conclusions of this study are the age at menarche in Jatinangor girls ranged from 9 to 15 and the student with youngest age at menarche had a different eating pattern compared to the ...


this PDF file Three Years Data of Uterine Fibroids Patient  at West Java Top Referral Hospital | Azzahra | Althea Medical Journal 1 PB

this PDF file Three Years Data of Uterine Fibroids Patient at West Java Top Referral Hospital | Azzahra | Althea Medical Journal 1 PB

... early menarche (<11 years), normal menarche (11–13 years), menarche tarda (14–16 years) and late menarche (≥17 ...number of delivery, namely nulliparous (null birth), primiparous ...


Hubungan Karakteristik Responden Terhadap Onset Menars Pada Siswi Usia 11- 14 Tahun  di SMP Negeri 1 Pintu Pohan Tahun 2013

Hubungan Karakteristik Responden Terhadap Onset Menars Pada Siswi Usia 11- 14 Tahun di SMP Negeri 1 Pintu Pohan Tahun 2013

... Saya yang bernama Maria M. A. Margura Silitonga adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara akan melakukan penelitian yang berjudul “Hubungan Status Gizi (BB/TB) dengan Onset Menarche Pada ...


The Correlation Between Indicators of Obesity with Age at Menarche at Elementary School Female Students

The Correlation Between Indicators of Obesity with Age at Menarche at Elementary School Female Students

... Keterbatasan lain dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti mengobservasi variabel bebas (faktor risiko) dan variabel terikat (efek) pada waktu yang bersamaan sehingga sulit untuk menetapkan mekanisme sebab akibat yang ...


Familial Predisposition of Primary Dysmenorrhea among Senior High School Girl Students | Sharlini | Althea Medical Journal 643 2200 1 PB

Familial Predisposition of Primary Dysmenorrhea among Senior High School Girl Students | Sharlini | Althea Medical Journal 643 2200 1 PB

... their menarche age, menstrual cycle characteristics, presence or absence of dysmenorrhea, severity of pain and presence dysmenorrhea in mothers and in sisters were ...


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