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CNBC Indonesia

Stocks Recommendation (details on the next page)

Stocks Recommendation (details on the next page)

... Plt Dirut PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati ditetapkan untuk menggantikan Elia Massa Manik menjadi Direktur Utama Pertamina secara permanen. Pengangkatan Nicke dilakukan pagi ini, oleh Deputi Pertambangan, Industri ...


NH Daily December 20 2018 (English)

NH Daily December 20 2018 (English)

... Bank Indonesia (BI) is estimated to maintain its benchmark rate no later than tomorrow. The hike in BI 7 Day Reverse Repo Rate in November is considered adequate. Tomorrow, Perry Warjiyo and its colleague will ...


Untuk hari ini kami mengestimasi IHSG bergerak menguat dengan support range

Untuk hari ini kami mengestimasi IHSG bergerak menguat dengan support range

... Nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar AS ditutup melemah di perdagangan pertama pasca libur natal. Pada Rabu (26/12/2018), US$1 dihargai Rp14.570 kala penutupan pasar spot. Rupiah melemah 0,14% dibandingkan posisi penutupan ...


Today we forecast that JCI is likely to reign in a rally mood within the support

Today we forecast that JCI is likely to reign in a rally mood within the support

... Today, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) announces a new projection on national rice. The data to be announced is the harvested areas and rice production in Indonesia in 2018. BPS estimates that the rice fields ...


Stocks Recommendation (details on the next page)

Stocks Recommendation (details on the next page)

... PGAS : Pertumbuhan Volume Distribusi Gas 11,6% PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGAS) mencatatkan pertumbuhan volume distribusi gas bumi kepada pelanggan sebesar 11,6% y - y pada 1H18. Di sisi lain, jumlah ...


BI 7 Day Rev Repo Rate 5.50 5.25 FX Reserve (USD bn)

BI 7 Day Rev Repo Rate 5.50 5.25 FX Reserve (USD bn)

... Bank Indonesia (BI) diperkirakan kembali menaikkan suku bunga acuan pada bulan ini. Dengan mengusung kebijakan pre - emptive, front loading, dan ahead of the curve, sulit untuk melihat BI tidak menaikkan 7 Day ...


Stocks Recommendation (details on the next page)

Stocks Recommendation (details on the next page)

... Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara (Ditjen Minerba) Kementerian ESDM mencatat realisasi ekspor batu bara hingga Juni 2018 mencapai 209,6 juta ton. Sementara untuk alokasi batu bara dalam negeri (Domestic Market ...


We estimate that today JCI will lag with the support range of 5716-5728 and

We estimate that today JCI will lag with the support range of 5716-5728 and

... Sekuritas Indonesia, its affiliated companies, employees, and agents are held harmless form any responsibility and liability for claims, proceedings, action, losses, expenses, damages, or costs filed against or ...


BI 7 Day Rev Repo Rate 6.00 5.75 FX Reserve (USD bn)

BI 7 Day Rev Repo Rate 6.00 5.75 FX Reserve (USD bn)

... Sekuritas Indonesia, its affiliated companies, employees, and agents are held harmless form any responsibility and liability for claims, proceedings, action, losses, expenses, damages, or costs filed against or ...


NH Daily September 07 2018 (Bahasa)

NH Daily September 07 2018 (Bahasa)

... Sekuritas Indonesia, its affiliated companies, employees, and agents are held harmless form any responsibility and liability for claims, proceedings, action, losses, expenses, damages, or costs filed against or ...


NH Daily September 18 2018 (English)

NH Daily September 18 2018 (English)

... SMBR posted the growth of 72.2% y - y to 218,747 tons in August’s domestic sales volume. Thus, it succeeded in posting the overall sales volume to reach 1.27 million tons or growing by 40.9% y - y. The outperformance was ...


NH Daily January 18 2019 (Bahasa)

NH Daily January 18 2019 (Bahasa)

... Sekuritas Indonesia, its affiliated companies, employees, and agents are held harmless form any responsibility and liability for claims, proceedings, action, losses, expenses, damages, or costs filed against or ...


BI: Capital inflow sejak awal tahun capai Rp 46 triliun Lonjakan Impor Perlambat Ekonomi AS pada Kuartal IV

BI: Capital inflow sejak awal tahun capai Rp 46 triliun Lonjakan Impor Perlambat Ekonomi AS pada Kuartal IV

... Sekuritas Indonesia, its affiliated companies, respective employees, and agents disclaim any responsibility and liability for claims, proceedings, action, losses, expenses, damages, or costs filed against or ...


BI: Inflation of 0.53 Opens Early Week of January US-China to Hold Governmental Trade Talks in Beijing

BI: Inflation of 0.53 Opens Early Week of January US-China to Hold Governmental Trade Talks in Beijing

... Sekuritas Indonesia, its affiliated companies, employees, and agents are held harmless form any responsibility and liability for claims, proceedings, action, losses, expenses, damages, or costs filed against or ...


Fact Sheet APINDO  Makro General 2 Mei 2018

Fact Sheet APINDO Makro General 2 Mei 2018

... Laporan ini disajikan oleh ASOSIASI PENGUSAHA INDONESIA (APINDO) hanya untuk tujuan informasi resmi internal. Laporan ini dibuat berdasarkan keadaan yang telah terjadi dan telah disusun secara seksama oleh Tim ...


BI 7 Day Rev Repo Rate 4.25 FX Reserve (USD bn)

BI 7 Day Rev Repo Rate 4.25 FX Reserve (USD bn)

... Vladimir Putin memenangkan kembali masa kepemimpinan Presiden Rusia pada 6 tahun ke depan. Di hadapan pendukungnya Putin menyatakan “Kita terikat untuk kesuksesan”. Kemenangan keempat kalinya Putin sebagai Presiden Rusia ...


BI Catat Pelemahan Rupiah Sepanjang 2018 Sebesar 5,7 Pesan Xi kepada Trump: Pentingnya Kerja Sama

BI Catat Pelemahan Rupiah Sepanjang 2018 Sebesar 5,7 Pesan Xi kepada Trump: Pentingnya Kerja Sama

... Sekuritas Indonesia, its affiliated companies, employees, and agents are held harmless form any responsibility and liability for claims, proceedings, action, losses, expenses, damages, or costs filed against or ...




... Bahasa Indonesia (MPK 41202) merupakan salah satu matakuliah keahlian umum yang wajib diambil mahasiswa pada Program Studi Peternakan, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Nusa Cendana (Fapet ...


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