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growth response

Fuzzy expert system for ectomycorrhizal fungi growth response effectiveness prediction on forestry tree

Fuzzy expert system for ectomycorrhizal fungi growth response effectiveness prediction on forestry tree

... The growth response effectiveness of ectomycorrhizal fungi is influenced by environmental factors and compatibility with the host ...the growth response effectiveness of ectomycorrhizal ...


RESPON PERTUMBUHAN SEMAI Shorea assamica Dyer TERHADAP TINGKAT NAUNGAN DAN PERLAKUAN BAHAN PENGHAMBAT TUMBUH (Growth Response of Shorea assamica Dyer Seedlings to Shading Leveland Growth Inhibitor Treatments)

RESPON PERTUMBUHAN SEMAI Shorea assamica Dyer TERHADAP TINGKAT NAUNGAN DAN PERLAKUAN BAHAN PENGHAMBAT TUMBUH (Growth Response of Shorea assamica Dyer Seedlings to Shading Leveland Growth Inhibitor Treatments)

... Shorea assamica Dyer is one of the forest trees with recalcitrant seed type, It can not be stored for long periods. Storage technique of planting material in the form of seedlings is one solution that can be done to ...


Growth response of soybean to the applic

Growth response of soybean to the applic

... and growth of two soybean cultivars using a split-split plot layout with randomized complete block design in three ...sub-subplots. Growth stages of soybean including flowering, podding and physiological ...


Growth Response of Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb) toward Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium Fertilizer and Pruning Applied

Growth Response of Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb) toward Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium Fertilizer and Pruning Applied

... Perlakuan Jumlah pelepah pada bulan ke- Rataan jumlah Ket.: Angka yang diikuti oleh huruf yang sama pada kolom yang sama tidak berbeda nyata dengan uji Duncan Multiple Range Test DMR[r] ...


Anindito Students Response Abstract 2015

Anindito Students Response Abstract 2015

... motivational response to setbacks and ...that growth mindset about academic ability (but not about intelligence) prompted the adoption of mastery goals and effort attribution, which buffered against ...


Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:T:Tree Physiology:Vol16.1996:

Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:T:Tree Physiology:Vol16.1996:

... Mycorrhizae can increase the drought resistance of host plants, but it is not known if this is a secondary response to improved host nutrition----particularly of P (Nelsen 1987). My- corrhizal colonization of ...


pwc 16th global ceo survey jan 2013

pwc 16th global ceo survey jan 2013

... CEOs recognise this. While they regard customers, competitors, governments and regulators as their most inluential stakeholders, they’re certainly not ignoring others, like employees, suppliers, investors or local ...


Pengaruh Variasi Konsentrasi Garam dan Adaptasi Air Tawar terhadap Pertumbuhan dan konsentrasi Polyisoprenoid Pada Semai Bruguiera cylindrica

Pengaruh Variasi Konsentrasi Garam dan Adaptasi Air Tawar terhadap Pertumbuhan dan konsentrasi Polyisoprenoid Pada Semai Bruguiera cylindrica

... Growth and biomass in response to salinity subsequent fresh water in mangrove seedlings Avecenia marina and Rhyzophora stylosa.. Diversity of Polyisoprenoid in The Okinawa Mangroves.[r] ...


RESPONSE OF Andrographis paniculata ON PHOSPHATE AND ENDOPHYTIC BACTERIA CONSORTIA IN NUTRIENT SOLUTION MEDIA Response Tanaman Sambiloto terhadap Fosfat dan Konsorsium Bakteri Endofit pada Media Larutan Hara

RESPONSE OF Andrographis paniculata ON PHOSPHATE AND ENDOPHYTIC BACTERIA CONSORTIA IN NUTRIENT SOLUTION MEDIA Response Tanaman Sambiloto terhadap Fosfat dan Konsorsium Bakteri Endofit pada Media Larutan Hara

... plant growth and development, as well as for secondary metabolic process especially terpenoids ...Plant growth and production were often limited by low P availability in the soil (Hernandez et ...


Response of Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy) Juvenile on Oral Administration in Different Dose of Recombinant Growth Hormone

Response of Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy) Juvenile on Oral Administration in Different Dose of Recombinant Growth Hormone

... Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) merupakan polipeptida rantai tunggal dengan berat molekul sekitar 7 kDa dan dikenal dengan nama lain somatomedin C, esensial bagi pertumbuhan embrio dan postnatal ...dependent ...


Analyst Meeting Q1 2016 Presentation BJBR AM 1Q2016

Analyst Meeting Q1 2016 Presentation BJBR AM 1Q2016

... • Loans Growth Deposit Growth.[r] ...


Pemberian Asam Askorbat Dan Giberelin Untuk Mengatasi Kondisi Stres Garam Pada Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine Max ( L.) Merrill) Di Lahan Salin

Pemberian Asam Askorbat Dan Giberelin Untuk Mengatasi Kondisi Stres Garam Pada Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine Max ( L.) Merrill) Di Lahan Salin

... Patel, J. N., Jadeja, D. B., Patel, K. N., Joshi, A. K. And Chinoy, J. J. 1980. Study of some aspect of ascorbic acid metabolisme and growth in Brassica seeds pre treated with high temperature and ascorbic acid ...


BJBR AM 3Q2014   English

BJBR AM 3Q2014 English

... • Loans Growth Deposit Growth.[r] ...


BJBR AM 2Q2015   Bahasa   Cetak

BJBR AM 2Q2015 Bahasa Cetak

... Loans Growth Deposit Growth.[r] ...


BJBR AM 3Q2015   Bahasa

BJBR AM 3Q2015 Bahasa

... • Loans Growth Deposit Growth.[r] ...


Response of Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy) Juvenile on Oral Administration in Different Dose of Recombinant Growth Hormone

Response of Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy) Juvenile on Oral Administration in Different Dose of Recombinant Growth Hormone

... Permasalahan utama dalam budidaya ikan gurame adalah pertumbuhannya yang relatif lambat, sehingga waktu yang diperlukan untuk mencapai ukuran konsumsi adalah relatif lama. Upaya untuk meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan dapat ...


Response Initial Vegetative Growth of Local Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) with The Addition of Organic Fertilizers

Response Initial Vegetative Growth of Local Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) with The Addition of Organic Fertilizers

... the growth of upper stem is less than the rootstock, it will produce a ‘trunk elephantiasis’ extension and looks disproportionate, so the plant will be easy to collapse when exposed to high winds or overloaded by ...


Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:T:Tree Physiology:Vol21.2001:

Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:T:Tree Physiology:Vol21.2001:

... diameter growth of large trees was unaffected by the ...diameter growth averaged across treatments was affected by year-to- year changes in soil water ...status. Growth in wet years was as much as ...


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