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integration of data bases the Google Maps API to display a map

Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Perancangan Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran dan Pengenalan Tokoh Sejarah Berbasis Android Menggunakan Google Maps API dan Youtube API

Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Perancangan Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran dan Pengenalan Tokoh Sejarah Berbasis Android Menggunakan Google Maps API dan Youtube API

... role of video media, books, images and maps in studying history is ...able to more easily understand the role of historical ...However, to study the history students can ...


Application of Google Maps API service f

Application of Google Maps API service f

... Google Maps represents set of cartographic data (spatial and attribute data) in combination with satellite imageries and/or aerophotogrammetric ...on the street mapping. ...


Google Maps API, 2nd Edition

Google Maps API, 2nd Edition

... from the get-go. If all you want is a simple map without having to program it yourself, there is an easier way: Yahoo! Maps ...provides a simple service that allows you to ...


Google Maps JavaScript API Cookbook

Google Maps JavaScript API Cookbook

... Preparing the style arrays is a job with many cartographic ...Finding the correct combination for each feature and the element type in stylers would take too much time, especially if ...


isprsarchives XXXIX B4 1 2012

isprsarchives XXXIX B4 1 2012

... 2D MapThe central part of the data browser interface por- trayed in Figure 6 is constituted by a Google maps-based interac- tive map, which provides ...


GPS Locator With Google Map Interface.

GPS Locator With Google Map Interface.

... required to provide the user interface based on window desktop application to enable the data input from transmitting module to display the map of ...


APLIKASI PEMETAAN RUMAH KOS DI SEKITAR UMS BERBASIS GOOGLE MAP API  Aplikasi Pemetaan Rumah Kos Disekitar Ums Berbasis Google Map Api.

APLIKASI PEMETAAN RUMAH KOS DI SEKITAR UMS BERBASIS GOOGLE MAP API Aplikasi Pemetaan Rumah Kos Disekitar Ums Berbasis Google Map Api.

... for a dorm using a conventional techniques, such as: asking to friends, dorm biro, or even to the dorm's owner ...ask to those people, generally they ask about dorm's facilities, ...


Aplikasi Pendaftaran Online dan Visualisasi Sebaran Daerah Tempat Tinggal Siswa dengan Memanfaatkan Google Map API.

Aplikasi Pendaftaran Online dan Visualisasi Sebaran Daerah Tempat Tinggal Siswa dengan Memanfaatkan Google Map API.

... In the era of globalization is the rapid development of web ...by the increasing number of websites. Many agencies will use the website as an information ...medium. ...


The Integration of Spatial Data WMS and KML Format with Google Maps in Bakosurtanal WebGIS.

The Integration of Spatial Data WMS and KML Format with Google Maps in Bakosurtanal WebGIS.

... development of Geographical Information System (GIS) technology nowadays has increased the needs of data ...services. The spatial data can be distributed to each ...


Mobile Device Application to locate an Interest Point using Google Maps

Mobile Device Application to locate an Interest Point using Google Maps

... After the process of adding data was successful, the application could proceed to the list menu as ...added to the Google database, a routing ...


comparative rh maps of the river buffalo

comparative rh maps of the river buffalo

... A radiation hybrid (RH) panel of 90 clones was con- structed for river buffalo [Amaral et ...used to make RH maps for each of the river buf- falo autosomes and the X ...


EXTENDING KEVIN LYNCH�S THEORY OF IMAGEABILITY IN THIRD SPACE READING Case study of kampungs, Surabaya- Indonesia - Scientific Repository

EXTENDING KEVIN LYNCH�S THEORY OF IMAGEABILITY IN THIRD SPACE READING Case study of kampungs, Surabaya- Indonesia - Scientific Repository

... Instead of the robust character of his theory in imageability that is still discussed until today, Lynch on his later study and writings reflects his self-­‐critique to his own theory ...


Sistem Infomasi Geografis Kotamadya Pematang Siantar Menggunakan Google Maps API

Sistem Infomasi Geografis Kotamadya Pematang Siantar Menggunakan Google Maps API

... Php/Mapscript , atau sering disebut Mapscript saja, adalah sebuah modul yang digunakan untuk membuat fungsi-fungsi dan class-class MapServer agar dapat dijalankan di PHP3/PHP4. Sedangkan MapServer sendiri adalah sebuah ...


isprsarchives XL 4 W3 137 2013

isprsarchives XL 4 W3 137 2013

... Corresponded to the form of "Digital Boundary" geospatial data, the form of metadata includes: digital vector map metadata, digital raster maps metadata, ...


BAB II. KAJIAN PUSTAKA A. Banjarnegara - Sinung Hanitya Daniswara BAB II

BAB II. KAJIAN PUSTAKA A. Banjarnegara - Sinung Hanitya Daniswara BAB II

... pertukaran data, kini telah hadir JSON sebagai format baru untuk pertukaran data, XML mungkin lebih dulu populer dibanding JSON, tapi sebenarnya jika diadu, JSON lebih unggul dari ...


Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Tanaman pada Balai Taman Nasional Gn. Merbabu Desa Tajuk Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus :Komunitas TUK(Tanam Untuk Kehidupan))

Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Tanaman pada Balai Taman Nasional Gn. Merbabu Desa Tajuk Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus :Komunitas TUK(Tanam Untuk Kehidupan))

... layanan Google Maps dapat memenuhi kebutuhan fungsional dari rancangan sistem meliputi informasi peta kuliner, pencarian lokasi kuliner, dan resep ...pengelolaan data WebGIS oleh admin terutama untuk ...


Data Analysis Cookbook Recipes Deliver 8675 pdf  pdf

Data Analysis Cookbook Recipes Deliver 8675 pdf pdf

... care to ensure the accuracy of our content, mistakes do ...find a mistake in one of our books—maybe a mistake in the text or the code—we would be grateful if you ...


Google Map API service for VRP Solving Application

Google Map API service for VRP Solving Application

... awalnya. Google Map digunakan untuk mendapatkan jarak aktual antar dua lokasi sehingga biaya transpor bisa dihitung lebih tepat dan menghasilkan tour yang lebih baik dalam hal distribusi ...Integrasi ...


Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

... Google Maps Distance Matrix API adalah layanan yang memberikan jarak perjalanan dan waktu perjalanan dari matriks asal dan tujuan, yang mana berdasarkan pada rute yang direkomendasikan antara titik ...


Mapping Projections Of Water Hardness Of The Groundwater In Palu Using The Web-Based Google MapsAPI | labanu | Gravitasi 4437 14243 1 PB

Mapping Projections Of Water Hardness Of The Groundwater In Palu Using The Web-Based Google MapsAPI | labanu | Gravitasi 4437 14243 1 PB

... Penelitian air tanah yang dilakukan untuk pemetaan sebaran kesadahan berbasis web menggunakanAplikasi Google Maps API dan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesadahan rata-rata air tanah di Kota Palu. Kota ...


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