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oil palm plantation

Payment Behaviour Of Small And Medium Size Oil Palm Plantation Borrowers.

Payment Behaviour Of Small And Medium Size Oil Palm Plantation Borrowers.

... Malaysia oil palm plantation has increased significantly starting from 1960 to 2005 (MPOB, Malaysian Rubber Board, MRB) particularly the growth of small and medium ...medium oil palm ...


Availability of Forage Under Oil Palm Plantation for Cattle Grazing

Availability of Forage Under Oil Palm Plantation for Cattle Grazing

... of oil palm plantation in Indonesia since 2008-2011 was ...of oil palm plantation is weed for its main ...of oil palm plantation area for livestock industry. ...




... in Oil Palm Plantation with Different Distance from Natural ...in oil palm plantation was not affected by their distance from natural habitat (ANOSIM ...P=0.641). Oil ...


Tree-based Water Footprint Assessment on Established Oil Palm Plantation in North Sumatera, Indonesia Kajian Jejak Air Berdasarkan Populasi Tegakan pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Tree-based Water Footprint Assessment on Established Oil Palm Plantation in North Sumatera, Indonesia Kajian Jejak Air Berdasarkan Populasi Tegakan pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

... Water footprint (WF) is one of rigorous method to evaluate water utilization by crops (Hoekstra and Chapagain, 2007). In this contex, water used by crop is simplified as virtual water relative total yield that is ...


Critical Success Factor (CFA) for Palm Plantation Land Suitability Oil Using PCA

Critical Success Factor (CFA) for Palm Plantation Land Suitability Oil Using PCA

... of oil palm plantation areas with 42 private managing ...the oil palm plantations and the quality that will be ...planting oil palm are soil depth, rainfall, organic ...


Oil Palm Plantation Land Suitability Classification using PCA-FCM

Oil Palm Plantation Land Suitability Classification using PCA-FCM

... for oil palm plantation for oil palm and quality of oil palm ...of palm oil are the air temperature, rainfall and ...


Integrated Bali Cattle Development Model Under Oil Palm Plantation

Integrated Bali Cattle Development Model Under Oil Palm Plantation

... with oil palm plantations, which is expected to improve productivity and increase Bali cattle ...under oil palm plantation through nucleus estate scheme model or individual farmers ...


Determination of Nutrient Range Adequancy Nutrient On Oil Palm Plantation (Elais gueneensis) Generate

Determination of Nutrient Range Adequancy Nutrient On Oil Palm Plantation (Elais gueneensis) Generate

... the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) for the crop ...the oil palm crop randomized to plantations that spread in Riau, Lampung, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and South ...removed palm ...


Diversity and abundance fluctuation of Collembola in oil palm plantation, Cikasungka, Bogor District

Diversity and abundance fluctuation of Collembola in oil palm plantation, Cikasungka, Bogor District

... Collembola is one of the dominant microarthopods in almost all soils types. They have important function in food webs soil ecosystem. This research was done at Cikasungka oil palm plantation for six ...


Technical Efficiency of Palm Oil Production in West Kalimantan

Technical Efficiency of Palm Oil Production in West Kalimantan

... of palm oil ...of palm oil production in West Kalimantan Province are a number of productive trees, plant age, urea fertilizer, SP36, NPK, labor and dummy ...of palm oil farmers ...


CAPITAL PENETRATION AND ITS IMPACT ON CUSTOMARY COMMUNITY (Case Study toward Talang Mamak Community in Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau Province) Achmad Hidir

CAPITAL PENETRATION AND ITS IMPACT ON CUSTOMARY COMMUNITY (Case Study toward Talang Mamak Community in Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau Province) Achmad Hidir

... Results of study indicate that the incoming capital penetration into the customary community changes social, economical and cultural aspects of the community. The incoming market economy system into the culture of Talang ...


Social Conflicts Between Oil-Palm Plantation Company and Indigenous People in Jambi Province

Social Conflicts Between Oil-Palm Plantation Company and Indigenous People in Jambi Province

... The eviction and the expulsion of SAD Batin 9 community conducted by AP company citing the exis- tence of the SAD Batin 9 in the concession area actu- ally had been unlawful. The Company is the holder of the rights to ...


Peran Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dan Pupuk Anorganik dalam Meningkatkan Efisiensi Serapan Hara N, P, K dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.)

Peran Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dan Pupuk Anorganik dalam Meningkatkan Efisiensi Serapan Hara N, P, K dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.)

... Dayana, A. R., Roshanida, A. R., Rosli, M. I., Siti, F. Z. M. F., M. Anuar, J., Nazlul, A. C. Bioconversion of Empty Fruit Bunchess (EFB) and Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) into Compost Using Trichoderma ...


Index of /enm/images/dokumen

Index of /enm/images/dokumen

... crude palm oil (CPO) in Indonesia has been ...US).Today, palm oil export in crude form is about 20 %, while 80 % is in processed form such as frying oil, margarine, palm ...


Reducing Agricultural Expansion Into Forests in Central Kalimantan-Indonesia

Reducing Agricultural Expansion Into Forests in Central Kalimantan-Indonesia

... for oil palm, the classified land was determined its legal basis in the area according to the concession areas and the forest function of MoF which has been agreed by the Minister of Forestry through a ...


Solid Fuel From Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber And Recycled Material.

Solid Fuel From Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber And Recycled Material.

... these palm oil mills is to be obtained, mixed up and to be develop as a fuel briquette at a certain ratio or percentage with the EFB as the major ...


Perbandingan Bilangan Iodium Antara Crude Palm Oil dan Refined Bleached DeodorizedPalmOil

Perbandingan Bilangan Iodium Antara Crude Palm Oil dan Refined Bleached DeodorizedPalmOil

... Puji dan syukur penulis sampaikan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala rahmat dan berkat-Nya yang telah diberikan kepada penulis, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas akhir ini tepat pada waktunya. Tugas akhir ...


Palm Oil Contribution To Malaysian Economy

Palm Oil Contribution To Malaysian Economy

... into palm oil plantations in order for the landless poor to gain ...to oil palm. The cultivation of oil palm had certainly played a dominant role in enhancing the income of the ...


Achievement of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Standards of Palm Oil Plantation Management in East Borneo Indonesia

Achievement of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Standards of Palm Oil Plantation Management in East Borneo Indonesia

... of palm oil plantation in Indonesia, indicating that this industry has caused the destruction of environment in ...Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) which has the characteristic of ...of ...


Pengaruh CaCl2 terhadap Karakteristik Gelatinisasi Campuran Tepung Sukun dan

Pengaruh CaCl2 terhadap Karakteristik Gelatinisasi Campuran Tepung Sukun dan

... of palm oil plantation can be used as the alternative for ruminant husband- dry development by utilizing the vacant area among the crops, besides its by-product ensures abundant feed ...the ...


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