• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Ketentuan penutup

Dalam dokumen Selanjutnya (Halaman 52-103)

Pasal 85

Sekr etar is Jender al Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa ditetapkan sebagai penyimpan Konvensi ini.

Pasal 86

1. Konvensi ini ter buka untuk ditandatangani oleh semua Negar a. Konvensi ini tunduk pada r atifikasi.

2. Konvensi ini ter buka untuk diaksesi oleh setiap Negar a.

3. Instr umen r atifikasi atau aksesi disimpan oleh Sekr etar is Jender al Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa.

Pasal 87

1. Konvensi ini mulai ber laku efektif di har i per tama pada bulan setelah per iode tiga bulan sejak tanggal penyimpanan instr umen r atifikasi atau aksesi yang kedua puluh.

2. Bagi setiap Negar a yang mer atifikasi atau mengaksesi setelah Konvensi ini ber laku efektif, Konvensi ini mulai ber laku efektif di har i per tama pada bulan setelah per iode tiga bulan sejak tanggal penyimpanan instr umen r atifikasi atau aksesinya.

Pasal 88

Suatu Negar a yang mer atifikasi atau mengaksesi Konvensi ini tidak dapat mengecualikan pener apan bagian mana pun dar i Konvensi ini, atau tanpa mengabaikan Pasal 3, mengecualikan kategor i ter tentu dar i peker ja migr an dalam pener apannya.

Pasal 89

1. Setiap Negar a Pihak dapat menar ik dir i dar i Konvensi ini, tidak lebih aw al dar i lima tahun sejak Konvensi ini mulai ber laku efektif di Negar a yang ber sangkutan melalui pember itahuan ter tulis yang ditujukan kepada Sekr etar is Jender al Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. 2. Penar ikan dir i semacam itu mulai ber laku efektif di har i per tama pada bulan setelah per iode dua belas bulan ber akhir sejak tanggal pener imaan pember itahuan oleh Sekr etar is Jender al Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa.

3. Penar ikan dir i semacam itu tidak akan melepaskan Negar a Pihak dar i kew ajibannya ber dasar kan Konvensi ini sehubungan dengan tindakan atau kelalai an yang ter jadi sebelum tanggal

penar ikan dir i ber laku efektif, dan penar ikan dir i ini tidak boleh mengabaikan dalam bentuk apa pun per timbangan yang tengah

ber langsung mengenai segala masalah yang sedang

dipertimbangkan oleh Komite sebelum tanggal penar ikan dir i ber laku efektif.

4. Setelah tanggal penar ikan dir i suatu Negar a Pihak ber lak u efektif, Komite tidak boleh memulai per timbangan masalah bar u ter kait dengan Negar a ter sebut.

Pasal 90

1. Lima tahun setelah Konvensi ini ber laku efektif, Negar a Pihak dapat mengusulkan per ubahan Konvensi ini sew aktu-w aktu melalui pember itahuan ter tulis yang ditujukan kepada Sekr etar is Jender al Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Sekr et ar is Jender al kemudian w ajib mengkomunikasikan segala usulan amendemen kepada Negar a-Negar a Pihak, dengan per mintaan bahw a mer eka member i tahu kepadanya apakah mer eka menyetujui diadakannya Konfer ensi Negar a Pihak dengan tujuan untuk memper timbangkan dan melakukan pemungutan suar a atas usulan ter sebut. Jika dalam w aktu empat bulan sejak diter imanya komunikasi ter sebut sekur ang-kur angnya seper tiga dar i Negar a-Negar a Pihak menyetujui diadakannya konfer ensi itu, Sekr etar is Jender al w ajib menyelenggar akan konfer ensi di baw ah naungan Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Setiap amendemen yang ditetapkan oleh mayor itas Negar a Pihak yang hadir dan memiliki hak suar a pada konfer ensi, w ajib disampaikan kepada Majelis Umum Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa untuk mendapat per setujuan.

2. Amendemen akan mulai ber laku efektif apabila telah disetujui oleh Majelis Umum Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, dan diter ima oleh dua per tiga mayor itas Negar a Pihak, sesuai dengan pr oses konstitusi masing-masing.

3. Apabila amendemen telah ber laku efektif, amendemen ter sebut akan mengikat Negar a-Negar a Pihak yang telah mener imanya, sedangkan Negar a Pihak lain masih tetap ter ikat pada ketentuan dalam Konvensi ini dan amendemen-amendemen ter dahulu yang telah mer eka ter ima.

Pasal 91

1. Sekr etar is Jender al Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa w ajib mener ima dan mengedar kan kepada semua Negar a, naskah r eser vasi yang dibuat oleh Negar a-Negar a pada saat dilakukannya penandatanganan, r atifikasi, atau aksesi.

2. Suatu r eser vasi yang tidak sesuai dengan tujuan dan maksud Konvensi ini tidak diizinkan.

3. Reser vasi dapat sew aktu-w aktu ditar ik kembali melalui suat u pember itahuan yang disampaikan kepada Sekr etar is Jender al Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, yang kemudian w ajib menginfor masikannya kepada semua Negar a. Pember itahuan semacam itu akan mulai ber laku pada tanggal saat diter ima.

Pasal 92

1. Segala sengketa antar a dua atau lebih Negar a Pihak mengenai inter pr estasi atau pener apan Konvensi ini yang tidak dapat diselesaikan melalui negosiasi, atas per mintaan salah satu dar i mer eka, w ajib diajukan kepada ar bitr ase. Apabila dalam w aktu enam bulan sejak tanggal diajukannya per mohonan ar bitr ase ter sebut par a Pihak tidak dapat menyetujui pengatur an ar bitr ase, salah satu Pihak dapat mer ujuk kasus ter sebut ke Mahkamah Inter nasional melalui per mohonan yang sesuai dengan Statuta Mahkamah ter sebut.

2. Setiap Negar a Pihak pada saat penandatanganan atau r atifikasi atau aksesi Konvensi ini dapat mendeklar asikan bahw a ia tidak menganggap dir inya ter ikat oleh ayat 1 Pasal ini. Negar a-Negar a Pihak lain tidak boleh ter ikat dengan ayat t er sebut dalam hubungannya dengan setiap Negar a Pihak yang telah membuat deklar asi semacam itu.

3. Setiap Negar a Pihak yang telah membuat deklar asi sesuai dengan ayat 2 Pasal ini dapat sew aktu-w aktu menar ik kembali deklar asi ter sebut melalui pember itahuan kepada Sekr etar is Jender al Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa.

Pasal 93

1. Konvensi ini, yang naskah-naskahnya dalam bahasa China, Inggris, Per ancis, Rusia, dan Spanyol adalah sama-sama otentik, w ajib disimpan pada Sekr etar is Jender al Per ser ikatan Bangsa- Bangsa.

2. Sekr etar is Jender al Per ser ikatan Bangsa-Bangsa w ajib menyampaikan salinan r esmi Konvensi ini kepada semua Negar a. Dengan disaksikan oleh yang ber kuasa penuh di baw ah ini, dengan w ew enang yang diber ikan oleh Pemer intah masing-masing, telah menandatangani Konvensi ini.

International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families Adopted by General Assembly Resolution 45/ 158 of 18

December 1990 Preamble

The States Par ties to the pr esent Convention,

Taking int o account the pr inciples embodied in the basic instr uments of the United Nations concer ning human r ights, in par ticular the Univer sal Declar ation of Human Rights,1 the Inter national Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultur al Rights,2 the Inter national Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,2 the Inter national Convention on the Elimination of All For ms of Racial Discr imination,3 the Convention on the Elimination of All For ms of Discr imination against Women4 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child,5

Taking int o account also the pr inciples and standar ds set for th in the r elevant instr uments elabor ated w ithin the fr amew or k of the Inter national Labour Or ganisation, especially t he Convention concer ning Migr ation for Employment (No. 97), the Convention concer ning Migr ations in Abusive Conditions and the Pr omotion of Equality of Oppor tunity and Tr eatment of Migr ant Wor ker s (No.143), the Recommendation concer ning Migr ation for Employment (No. 86), the Recommendation concer ning Migr ant Wor ker s (No.151), the Convention concer ning For ced or Compulsor y Labour (No. 29) and the Convention concer ning Abolition of For ced Labour (No. 105),

1 Resolution 217 A (III).

2 Resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex. 3 Resolution 2106 A (XX), annex. 4 Resolution 34/ 180, annex. 5 Resolution 44/ 25, annex.

Reaffir ming the impor tance of the pr inciples contained in the Convention against Discr imination in Education of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultur al Or ganization,6

Recalling the Convention against Tor tur e and Other Cr uel, Inhuman or Degr ading Tr eatment or Punishment,7 the Declar ation of the Four th United Nations Congr ess on the Pr evention of Cr ime and the Tr eatment of Offender s,8 the Code of Conduct for Law Enfor cement Officials,9 and the Slaver y Conventions,10

Recalling that one of the objectives of the Inter national Labour Or ganisation, as stated in its Constitution, is the protection of the inter ests of w or ker s w hen employed in countr ies other than their ow n, and bear ing in mind the exper tise and exper ience of that or ganization in matter s r elated to migr ant w or kers and member s of their families,

Recognizing the impor tance of the w or k done in connection w ith migr ant w or ker s and member s of their families in var ious or gans of the United Nations, in par t icular in the Commission on Human Rights and the Commission for Social Development, and in the Food and Agr icultur e Or ganization of the United Nations, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Or ganization and the Wor ld Health Or ganization, as w ell as in other inter national or ganizations,

Recognizing also the pr ogr ess made by cer tain States on a r egional or bilater al basis tow ar ds the pr otection of the r ights of migr ant w or ker s and member s of their families, as w ell as the impor tance and usefulness of bilater al and multilater al agr eements in this field,

6 United Nations, Tr eaty Ser ies, vol. 429, No. 6193 7 Resolution 39/ 46, annex.

8 See Fourth United Nations Congr ess on the Prevention of Crime and the

Treatment of Offender s, Kyoto, Japan, 17-26 August 1970: repor t prepared by the Secretariat (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.71.IV.8).

9 Resolution 34/ 169, annex.

10 See Human Rights: A Compilation of Inter national Instruments (United Nations

Realizing the impor tance and extent of the migr ation phenomenon, w hich involves millions of people and affects a lar ge number of States in the inter national community,

Awar e of the impact of the flow s of migr ant w or ker s on States and people concer ned, and desir ing to establish nor ms w hich may contr ibute to the har monization of the attitudes of States thr ough the acceptance of basic pr inciples concer ning the tr eatment of migr ant w or ker s and member s of their families,

Consider ing the situation of vulner abi lity in w hich migr ant w or ker s and member s of their families fr equently-find themselves ow ing, among other things, to their absence fr om their State of or igin and to the difficulties they may encounter ar ising fr om their pr esence in the State of employment,

Convinced that the r ights of migr ant w or ker s and member s of thei r families have not been sufficiently r ecognized ever yw her e and ther efor e r equir e appr opr iate inter national pr otection,

Taking int o account the fact that migr ation is often the cause of ser ious pr oblems for the member s of the fami lies of migr ant w or ker s as w ell as for the w or ker s themselves, in par ticular because of the scatter ing of the family,

Bear ing in mind that the human pr oblems involved in migr ation ar e even mor e ser ious in the case of ir r egular migr ation and convinced ther efor e that appr opr iate action should be encour aged in or der to pr event and eliminate clandestine movements and tr afficking in migr ant w or ker s, w hile at t he same time assur ing the pr otection of their fundamental human r ights,

Consider ing that w or ker s w ho ar e non-documented or in an ir r egular situation ar e fr equently employed under less favour able conditions of w or k than other w or ker s and that cer tain employer s find this an inducement to seek such labour in or der to r eap the benefits of unfair competition,

Consider ing also that r ecour se to the employment of migr ant w or ker s w ho ar e in an ir r egular situation w ill be discour aged if the fundamental human r ights of all migr ant w or ker s ar e mor e w idely

r ecognized and, mor eover , that gr anting cer tain additional r ights to migr ant w or ker s and member s of their famili es in a r egular situation will encour age all migr ants and employer s to r espect and comply w ith the law s and pr ocedur es established by the States concer ned,

Convinced, ther efor e, of the need to br ing about the inter national pr otection of the r ights of all migr ant w or ker s and member s of their families, r eaffir ming and establishing basic nor ms in a compr ehensive convention w hich could be applied univer sally, Have agr eed as follows :


Scope and definitions Article 1

1. The pr esent Convention is applicable, except as other w ise pr ovided her eafter , to all migr ant w or ker s and member s of thei r families w ithout distinction of any kind such as sex, r ace, colour , language, r eligion or conviction, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social or igin, nationality, age, economic position, pr oper ty, mar ital status, bir th or other status.

2. The pr esent Convention shall apply dur ing the entir e migr ation pr ocess of migr ant w or ker s and member s of their families, w hich compr ises pr epar ation for migr ation, depar tur e, tr ansit and the entir e per iod of stay and r emuner ated activity in the State of employment as w ell as r etur n to the State of or igin or the State of habitual r esidence.

Article 2

For the pur poses of the pr esent Convention :

1. The ter m "migr ant w or ker " r efer s to a per son w ho is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a r emuner ated activity in a State of w hich he or she is not a national.

2. (a) The ter m "fr ontier w or ker " r efer s to a migr ant w or ker w ho r etains his or her habitual r esidence in a neighbour ing State to w hich he or she nor mally r etur ns ever y day or at least once a w eek;

(b) The ter m "seasonal w or ker " r efer s to a migr ant w or ker w hose w or k by its char acter is dependent on seasonal conditions and is per for med only dur ing par t of the year ;

(c) The ter m "seafar er ", w hich includes a fisher man, r efer s to a migr ant w or ker employed on boar d a vessel r egister ed in a State of w hich he or she is not a national;

(d) The ter m "w or ker on an offshor e installation" r efer s to a migr ant w or ker employed on an offshor e installation that is under the jur isdiction of a State of w hich he or she is not a national;

(e) The ter m "itiner ant w or ker '' r efer s to a migr ant w or ker w ho, having his or her habitual r esidence in one State, has to tr avel to another State or States for shor t per iods, ow ing to the natur e of his or her occupation;

(f) The ter m "pr oject-tied w or ker " r efer s to a migr ant w or ker admitted to a State of employment for a defined per iod to w or k solely on a specific pr oject being car r ied out in that State by his or her employer ;

(g) The ter m "specified-employment w or ker " r efer s to a migr ant w or ker :

(i) Who has been sent by his or her employer for a r estr icted and defined per iod of time to a State of employment to under take a specific assignment or duty; or (ii) Who engages for a r estr icted and defined per iod of time in w or k that r equir es pr ofessional, commer cial, technical or other highly specialized skill; or

(iii) Who, upon the r equest of his or her employer i n the State of employment, engages for a r estr icted and defined per iod of time in w or k w hose natur e is tr ansitor y or br ief;

and w ho is r equir ed to depart fr om the State of employment either at the expir ation of his or her author ized per iod of stay, or ear lier if he or she no longer under takes that specific assignment or duty or engages in that w or k;

(h) The ter m "self-employed w or ker " r efer s to a migr ant w or ker w ho is engaged in a r emuner ated activity other w ise than under a contr act of employment and w ho ear ns his or her living thr ough this activity nor mally w or king alone or together w ith member s of his or her family, and to any other migr ant w or ker r ecognized as self-employed by applicable legislation of the State of employment or bilater al or multilater al agr eements.

Article 3

The pr esent Convention shall not apply to :

(a) Per sons sent or employed by inter national or ganizations and agencies or per sons sent or employed by a State outside its ter r itor y to per for m official functions, w hose admission and status ar e r egulated by gener al inter national law or by specific inter national agr eements or conventions;

(b) Per sons sent or employed by a State or on its behalf outside its ter r itor y w ho participate in development pr ogr ammes and other co-oper ation pr ogr ammes, w hose admission and status ar e r egulated by agr eement w ith the State of employment and w ho, in accor dance w ith that agr eement, ar e not consider ed migr ant w or ker s;

(c) Per sons taking up r esidence in a State differ ent fr om their State of or igin as investor s;

(d) Refugees and stateless per sons, unless such application is pr ovided for in the r elevant national legislation of, or international instr uments in for ce for , the State Par ty concer ned;

(e) Students and tr ainees;

(f) Seafar er s and w or ker s on an offshor e installation w ho have not been admitted to take up r esidence and engage in a r emuner ated activity in the State of employment.

Article 4

For t he pur poses of the pr esent Convention the ter m ''member s of the family" r efer s to per sons mar r ied to migr ant w or ker s or having w ith them a r elationship that, accor ding to applicable law , pr oduces effects equivalent to mar r iage, as w ell as their dependent childr en and other dependent per sons w ho ar e r ecognized as member s of the family by applicable legislation or applicable bilater al or multilater al agr eements betw een the States concer ned.

Article 5

For the purposes of the pr esent Convention, migr ant w or ker s and member s of their fami lies :

(a) Ar e consider ed as documented or in a r egular situation if they ar e author ized to enter , to stay and to engage in a r emuner ated activity in the State of employment pur suant to the law of that State and to inter national agr eements to w hich that State is a par ty;

(b) Ar e consider ed as non-documented or in an ir r egular situation

Dalam dokumen Selanjutnya (Halaman 52-103)

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