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Australian Medical Journal: (July, 1859)


Academic year: 2023

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The ventricles and subarachnoid space at the base of the brain contained 10 or 12 ounces of clear serous fluid. Second, what was the relationship between the presence of the cysticercus and the fatal serous effusion. The inner lining mucosa was dotted with circular and isolated patches of exudate.

During the amputation of the foot, it became clear that he was very intolerant to this anesthetic. Imagine Melbourne in March with the sediments of a summer's drainage in the river bed. The landlord of the house had meanwhile returned from the excavations and immediately confessed that the tin tiles had been painted.

193 attendant told his friends that he was laboring under some disease of the brain.


Of the children born, sixty-seven were males and forty-nine females; six were stillborn. Consequently, a consultation was called when it was decided that the diseased part of the joint should be excised. The flaps are now dissected back, the ligaments of the joint divided and bones dislocated.

Now a full inch was sawn off the condyles of the femur, the saw being passed from back to front. The head of the tibia was then raised and about three-quarters of an inch sawed off. The limb was carefully dissected, and osseous union was found to be firmly established between the ends of the hones.

Barker's care, suffering from a severe lacerated nose wound, caused by a horse's kick. Over the course of the day, the spasms attacked the spinal muscles so violently that they caused a perfect opisthotonos. It was really frightening to see the patient's bent body; nothing but the head and heels touching the bed.

The dose of belladonna tincture was increased to M in iij and given every two hours. Three weeks before his death he suffered greatly from dyspnoea, and died during one of the paroxysms on May 18, 1859. The power of resistance of the intervertebral fibro-cartilage to pressure was well illustrated in one.


In contributing however little to the progress of science, it must be remembered that the aim of all science is to determine rules for the practice of the art which is regulated by it. Therefore, probably an explanation of why it is generally so difficult to write successfully for a practice. In this the progress of the century, and the new starting-point it gives for still greater discoveries to follow, is ignored;.

If it reminds those who have set themselves up as teachers of the debt they owe to nature and to nature, it is accused of tampering with reputation. The office of teacher is so sacred that any neglect of it, the desecration of the intellect in low moral sentiment, deserves the heartiest condemnation. The following is a brief summary of the case as described in evidence:- The plaintiff, Law, sued the defendant, Mr.

They also stated that a thorough examination of the vagina was performed after the surgery and no tears or injuries were found. He stated that he made no further complaint and that he was informed that all releases, as he had complained, had ceased within a week. Farrage decided to travel to England because of his wife's health; that dr.

Law, he had shown extreme care and skill; and that the unfortunate results had taken place gradually, and had been allowed to continue by the long absence of her husband after her marriage. We may say that nine of the jury found for the defendant; the other three would disagree because they felt that Mr Farrage should have done another examination of plai2ztVs vagina before she ceased to be his patient.


2nd point refers primarily to the efforts that the board has made to ensure as general compliance as possible with the provisions of the Compulsory Vaccination Act. In the 4th part, a very interesting topic is taken up, which is, however, treated far too summarily considering the importance of the matter. We now turn to the report's 19th and 20th subdivisions, and here again we find very debatable grounds.

We will now return our readers to the assertion at the beginning of Article 19, namely, the certainty that the small-pox was brought to our shores by Commodore Perry. July, distance of small-pox tents; yet we have a more meager account of their cases than of any other of the sixteen attacked. At the conclusion of this branch of the topic, we would ask again whether time or space cannot cancel out the infection with the chicken pox virus.

The cause of the mortality remained unknown until the family was brought into the settlement, and the disorder was declared to be small-pox." We think these testimonies quite decisive of the fact that the scourge was present before the white man set foot on Australian shores. In the last from the three tables we are presented with the total cost of treating ten cases of small-pox, which, together with the several items for compensation, amounts to only the moderate sum of £771 6s.

Whether the pox was great or small, the ship was released amid the nods and eyes of those in the know, who declared that there was a slight virtue in the matter akin to the alleged complaint. Reading these instances, we were impressed with the belief that the writer was adept at using coloring to enhance the effect of the pictures he drew. To travesty the proceedings of the Society as it has been done, we must say, deserves the severest censure.


In this way, a pellicle can be formed that varies in thickness and toughness according to the affected surface and the patient's condition. Is diphtheria strictly speaking a malignant inflammation of the throat, and the formation of the pellicle an accident; or is the latter an essential part of love. In the Midland district, which was one of the first to appear, the attacks have of late become milder.

In the worst cases, a foul, ulcerous condition of the faucet complicates the genuine membrane angina. Camps (May, p. 565) believes that three different varieties of the disease, if not three different diseases, prevailed. The thickness and adhesion of the exudation was less marked than what is described as occurring at Tours, and the manner of death was different.

The indications consist in the mechanical or chemical removal of false membranes and the prevention of their re-formation, with the help of anti-stimulating and anti-plastic means. And the truth in the matter seems to be this: that the self-interest of the individual first inaugurated the habit, and the self-interest of the individual still prompts and keeps it alive. I can imagine a wretched street-boy dishonoring his Majesty for a moment, but not for the honor of the swindler."—Medical Times and Gazette.

Was the exposure in this case an "invasion of the sanctity of private practice?" Not long ago, M. Doctor also tried, but failed due to violent contractions of the uterus. The physiological fact, though not new, is interesting; but the physician's practice must have been very shamefully defective.



The irritation, inflammation and excoriation caused by the constant dripping of urine through that fistula opening has been one of the main sources of suffering. Irrespective of the damage to a physician's reputation and character, he suffers great monetary losses by having to pay his own costs in defending such speculative action. This happened in Sydney, when a member of the legislature recently tried to introduce a bill that would provide that certainty, for costs would have to be stated before any action is taken; but immediately all members of the legislature connected with the legal profession rose up in revolt, and it had to be withdrawn.

If he can only scrape together enough money to pay the attorney's fees and expenses out of his own pocket, he'll easily find some cormorants of the law ready and willing to pounce on the prey in a speculative action. I was informed that nine jurors were in favor of finding the defendant, while three were in favor of awarding nominal damages to the plaintiff. Snakes can bite and draw blood with their front teeth, but these are usually very small, barely visible, projecting beyond the reptile's jaws or gums, and sharp but quite soft.

In all countries the effect appears to be the same, our house adder being the least virulent; therefore the composition of the poison is probably similar, or in different proportions. At this point, a true chemical analysis would undoubtedly be of the utmost importance - possibly to obtain a complete antidote. The Indians apply various herbs, and also charms, as also the half-caste natives; and there is one plant, a species of convolvolus, which I could never meet with, which is said to be a perfect cure, and I never got hold of the herb called the snake-grass.

This lizard will knock down two or three of the best dogs, making them cry with the swift and astonishing; cuts from his powerful long tail. If it is of the slightest use or interest, it is at your command; but my name may not be attached to, or published with part or the whole. When snakes bite people, it is usually out of the way of any assistance or remedy.

TABLE showing the Number of Patients under treatment in the Melbourne  Hospital, from the 1st March to 30th May inclusive, with the  classifica-tion of disease
TABLE showing the Number of Patients under treatment in the Melbourne Hospital, from the 1st March to 30th May inclusive, with the classifica-tion of disease


TABLE showing the Number of Patients under treatment in the Melbourne  Hospital, from the 1st March to 30th May inclusive, with the  classifica-tion of disease


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