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Australian Medical Journal: (March, 1869) - Digitised Collections


Academic year: 2023

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It is beyond the province of this publication to enter into a closer investigation of the clinical material. Older cysts were present in the liver in both cases; in the last case, quite large ruptures of the sac. Then, perhaps, it cannot be denied that such small vesicles can pass through the capillary vessels of the lungs.

On dissection it was found that the greater part of the omentum, with an extraordinary quantity of hydatids, formed a mass weighing 11 kilograms. It holds saliva perfectly; can eat, smoke and whistle; of the latter achievement he is particularly proud. I regret that I had not also taken his face in profile to show the frontal projection of the diseased mass.

We put about half a liter of water into the stomach and pumped it out again with the help of a stomach pump. Warm bottles were placed on the feet, between the thighs and on the heart area. Her appearance generally improved, the color of her face became more natural and the intervals between breaths shorter.

At that time the pupils were very little dilated and there was considerable dryness of the throat and mouth. Fluid samples were brought in, with a view to any subsequent procedures that might be approved. The CITY Clerk, at the request of the President, laid on the table twelve samples of water taken from the Yarra and its tributaries.

Action was taken to obtain legal evidence on the extension of these works. 79 jury did not come, it was certain that the general tone of the system would be lowered and the function of assimilation stopped. He was alarmed by the speed with which various sources of impurity had grown on the banks of the Yarra.

No argument was required to demonstrate that Yarra pollution was a source of disease. 81 who suggested that since the City Council represented all citizens, such an action would be clearly excessive. The subject of consideration at the last meeting of the Medical Association was Yarra Pollution.

Browning, M.A., is qualified to continue the third year of the course for the degree of M.B.


Grant, the health officer of the Local Board of Health at Tarnagulla, a township in the Loddon district. About a week before the 4th of February he was in a state of great fever, and on the 4th of the same month an eruption appeared, which now has all the characteristics of true small-pox. 34; The other case was that of a gentleman who lived in one of the main streets of Fitzroy.

I saw him on the evening of the 22nd and the next morning he was transferred to Royal Park Hospital. There is also a great deal of the peculiar smell of smallpox in this patient. At the time, there had not been a single case of the disease in Melbourne or Greensborough, except one who was transferred to Royal Park Hospital on January 19 and has been recovering for more than two weeks.

March, the public, to help control the spread of the current epidemic of varioloid disease. 34; My own case provides a good illustration of the way in which the protective effects of vaccination die off after a while. The subject matter of the case was also submitted to him, and he made a careful examination of the case.

I do not have the plaintiffs funds in my hands at this time, so I cannot grant your request. At a meeting of the Hospital Committee at Melbourne, on the 16th inst., the question of medical etiquette and official discipline was discussed. The details of the case are briefly as follows:—After a consultation in the country a few days ago with Dr.

I inquired particularly as to the nature of the accident, and made a special inquiry whether Doctor Fitzgerald's day was out of the patient, I intended to ask him all the previous history of the case. I would respectfully remind you that when one of the honorary staff wishes to place a patient under his care who is sent to the hospital.

93 days from its receipt, a notification is sent, which usually also describes the nature of the complaint. Fitzgerald wanted the case to be in his care from the outset, so an accompanying note expressing that desire and a description of the injuries would have been necessary.


The case in this case was adjudicated by the Chief Justice who, in his charge, expressed the extraordinary opinion that it was not only excusable but desirable for a hospital-based surgeon to practice private practice, as he thereby increasing his chances of becoming proficient. for his duties. Stewart read an article on "The introduction of the hand into the womb before the sixth month of pregnancy." Sir The subject of medical facilities for the inmates of Kilmore Hospital was discussed at the board meeting a few days ago.

On the other hand, we must say that the Medical Association terminated his services after his connection with the first number." The Daily Telegraph of the same date contains under. In the report of the Inspector of Asylums (Mr. E. Paley) on the Lunatic Asylums of Victoria we learn , that in the last year the proportion of those cured was greater, and the mortality less than the English average Another table in the appendix The very low mortality of the last three years is in remarkable contrast to the English asylums.

Brown, sentenced to a harsh sentence several years ago, is seeking to be declared innocent of the crime for which he was then convicted by a select committee of the Legislative Assembly. Neild has been named an honorary physician of the Society for the Relief of the Educated Poor. The Age of the 15th report:-"At the meeting of the City Council yesterday, it was decided to fill the sewage system that communicates from the Melbourne and Lying-in Hospitals to the street canals, as sewage is still allowed to pass through them.

However, he added that he would be willing to assist the council in preventing pollution of the river when the opportunity arose. names are mentioned:-"Yesterday at Kyneton Hospital a very complicated and dangerous operation was performed by Dr.

Barker, one of the Honorary Surgeons of the Melbourne Hospital, brought by a man named Donaldson, who was lately inducted into that charity, was commenced in the Supreme Court on the 18th instant. The case that will be remembered was a fracture of the patella, which resulted in gangrene of the leg and necessitated amputation. JACKSON.-On the 8th instant, Henry Gilbert Jackson, M.R.C.S., Resident Medical Officer of the Collingwood Lunatic Asylum, late of Leeds, Yorkshire, aged 28 years.


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Brother Chambers moved the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That in ·view of the prevalence of vice and error, and of the languid state of Zion in many