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“Queensland Statute Reprints”

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2. Parts of Act 3. Repeals

4. Meaning of terms

PART II-TAKING OF LAND 5. Purposes for which land may be taken

6. Easements

7. Notice of intention to take land 8. Dealing with objections

9. Means by which land to be taken other than by Brisbane City Council or an approved Local Authority

10. Means by which land to be taken by Brisbane City Council or an approved Local Authority

11. Correction of errors, &c., in Proclamation or Notification of Resumption 12. Effect of Proclamation or Notification of Resumption

13. Owner.may require small parcel of severed land to be taken 14. Dealing with title to land affected by resumption

15. Taking by agreement


16. Discontinuance ofresumption before Proclamation or Notification ofResumption 17. Revocation before determination of compensation .

PART IV-COMPENSATION 18. By whom compensation may be claimed

19. Oaim for compensation 20. Assessment of compensation

21. Grant of easement, &c., in satisfaction of compensation 22. Crown grant in satisfaction of compensation

23. Advance against compensation

24. Reference of claim for compensation to Land Court 25. Reference to Land Court by constructing authority 26. Jurisdiction relating to compensation

27. Costs 28. Interest

29. Where right to compensation is questioned 30. Limited interests

31. Powers of Supreme Court in respect of building units 32. Mortgages

33. Rent-charge or annuity

34. Where part only of land subject to rent is taken 35. Taxes, rates and charges


PART V-GENERAL 36. Powers of entry, &c.

36A. Minister may act for Crown as constructing authority 3'6B. Minister may delegate certain authorities and functions 37. Temporary occupation of land

38. Refusal to give up land 39. Service of documents 40. Offences

41. Disposal of land 42. Regulations

43. Publication of Proclamations, Orders in Council, Notifications of Resumption, Notifications under section seventeen, and Regulations




[Reprinted as at 1 October, 1989]

Acquisition of Land Act of 1967, No. 48 As amended by

Acquisition of Land Act Amendment Act 1969, No. 33

City of Brisbane Town Planning Act and Another Act Amendment Act 1977, No. 22, Part III

Part III commenced 2 December 1978 (Proc. pubd. Gaz.JDecember 1978, p. 1581).

Real Property Acts and Other Acts Amendment Act 1986, No. 26, s. 4 Sch.

Corrective Services (Consequential Amendments) Act 1988, No. 88, s.

3 Sch. I

s. 3 Sch. I commenced 15 December 1988 (see s. 2 (2) of Act and O. in C. pubd.

Gaz. 10 December 1988, p. 1675).

An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Law Relating to the Acquisition of Land for Public Works and other Public Purposes, and for other purposes


BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most- Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-


1. (1) Short title. This Act may be cited as "The Acquisition


Land Act 0/1967."

(2) Commencement. This Act shall come into force on a date to be fixed by the Governor in Council by Proclamation published in the Gazette.

Collective title conferredby Act of 1988, No. 88, s. 3 Sch. I.

Commenced 23 March 1968 (Proc. pubd. Gaz. 23 March 1968, p. 1206).

2. Parts of Act. This Act is divided into Parts and Schedules as follows:-









3. (1) Repeals. The Acts set out in Part I of the First Schedule to this Act are repealed to the extent indicated in that Part.

(2) Amendments. The Acts set out in Part II of the First Schedule to this Act are amended to the extent indicated in that Part.

(3) Savings. (a) Without derogating from the operation of "The Acts Interpretation Acts, 1954 to 1962," where proceedings for taking any land begun before the date of commencement of this Act are not completed before that date, such of the provisions of any of the Acts repealed or amended by this Act as applied with respect to the taking of such land when proceedings to take it began shall continue to apply with respect to the taking of such land as if this Act had not come into force.

For the purposes of this paragraph (a) proceedings for taking any land include proceedings in respect of compensation:

Provided that no right or claim to compensation in respect of any taking of land to which this paragraph (a) applies shall become or be absolutely barred by reason of the provisions of subsection(2) of section eighteen, section twenty-one or subsection (2) of section twenty-three of "The Public Works Land Resumption Acts, 1906 to 1955," or the provisions of section seventeen or twenty of "The City of Brisbane Improvement Acts, 1916 to 1953," or the provisions of subparagraph (g) of paragraph (vii) of subsection (2) of section twenty-two of "The State Housing Acts, 1945 to 1966," or the provisions of paragraph (i) of subsection (7) of section 8B of"The State Development and Public Works Organisation Acts, 1938 to 1964," or the provisions of sections fifty-five, fifty-eight or sixty of"The Railways Acts, 1914 to 1965":

Provided further that if the claimant has not referred the matter of the compensation to the Land Court within one year after the land has been taken, such matter may be so referred at any time thereafter by either the claimant or the constructing authority and, in the case of a reference by the constructing authority, the Land Court may make all such orders and give all such directIons as it deems necessary or expedient to ensure the due hearing and determination of the reference.

(b) Nothing in paragraph (a) of this subsection shall revive any right or claim to compensation which at the date of the commencement oithis Act was absolutely barred by reason ofthe provisions ofsubsection (2) of section eighteen, section twenty-one or subsection (2) of section twenty-three of "The Public Works Land Resumption Acts, 1906 to 1955," or the provisions of sections seventeen or twenty of"The City of Brisbane Improvement Acts, 1916 to 1953," or the provisions of


subparagraph (g) of paragraph (vii) of subsection (2) of section twenty- two of"The State Housing Acts, 1945 to 1966," or the provisions of paragraph (i) of subsection (7) of section 8B of"The State Development and Public Works Organisation Acts, 1938 to 1964," or the provisions of sections fifty-five, fifty-eight or sixty of"The Railways Acts, 1914 to 1965."

(c) The provisions of paragraph (b) of this subsection shall be construed so as not to prejudice or affect in any way the right of the constructing authority concerned to make at its discretion payment of compensation in respect of any claim referred to in that paragraph, it being hereby declared that the making of such a payment by a constructing authority is and always was lawful.

4. Meaning of terms. In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates or requires, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them, that is to say:-

"Constructing authority"-The Crown or any person or local authority authorised by this Act or any other Act (and whether another Act passed before, on or after the commencement of this Act) to take land for any purpose;

"Land"-Land which is for the time being granted in fee-simple by the Crown:

The term includes any estate or interest in land so granted:

The term does not include land being purchased pursuant to Part VII of"The Land Acts, 1962 to 1967";

"Local authority"-The term includes Brisbane City Councilor a joint local authority;

"Minister"-The Minister for Lands or other Minister for the time being administering this Act:

The term includes any Minister performing temporarily the duties of the Minister administering this Act;

"Part"-Part of this Act;

"Registrar of Titles"-The term includes the Deputy Registrars of Titles for the Central District and Northern District respectively under and within the meaning of "The Real Property (Local Registries) Act of 1887."


5. Purposes for which land may be taken. (1) Land may be taken under and subject to this Act-

(a) Where the constructing authority is the CroWD, for any purpose set out in the Second Schedule to this Act;

(b) Where the constructing authority is a local authority- (i) for any purpose set out in the Second Schedule to this

Act which the local authority may lawfully carry out; or


(ii) for any purpose, including any function of local government, which the local authority is authorised or required by a provision of an Act other than this Act to carry out; or

(c) In the case of a constructing authority other than the Crown or a local authority-

(i) for any purpose set out in the Second Schedule to this Act which that constructing authority may lawfully carry out; or

(ii) for any purpose which that constructing authority is authorised or required, by a provision of an Act other than this Act, to carry out.

(2) The power to take, under and subject to this Act, land for a purpose(inthis subsection called the "primary purpose") includes power to take from time to time as required land either for the primary purpose or for any purpose incidental to the carrying out of the primary purpose.

(3) The Governor in Council, pursuant to any of his powers under

"The Land Acts, 1962 to 1967," to resume land, at the request of a constructing authority other than the Crown, may take on its behalf any land comprised in a holding or any easement on a holding within the meaning of Division XI of Part X of those Acts required by such constructing authority for a purpose for which it may take under and subject to this Act land or an easement on land granted in fee-simple.

6. Easements. (1) When for any purpose it is not necessary that the constructing authority should take the whole estate in any land, but it is sufficient for such purpose to take an easement, the constructing authority may take such easement only and for that purpose the provisions of this Act shall apply as if the easement were land.

(2) Upon application in that behalf: payment of the prescribed fees, and the production to him of the Gazette copy of the Proclamation, or, in the case of Brisbane City Council, Notification of Resumption, whereby an easement is taken affecting land under "The Real Property Acts, 1861 to 1963," the Registrar of Titles shall register such easement as prescribed by those Acts, notwithstanding that such easement is not being annexed to or used and enjoyed together with any other land.

7. Notice of intention to take land. (1) A constructing authority which proposes to take any land shall serve as prescribed by this section the notice (in this Act called a "notice of intention to resume") prescribed by this section.

(2) A notice of intention to resume shall be served upon any and every person who to the knowledge of the constructing authority-

(a) will be entitled to claim compensation under this Act in respect of the taking of the land concerned; or


(b) is a mortgagee of the land.

(3) A notice of intention to resume shall be in writing and shall- (a) specify the particular purpose for which the land to be taken

is required;

(b) state the description of the land to be taken which description-

(i) if the land is described as a separate lot or parcel in a plan of survey registered in the office of the Registrar of Titles or deposited in the office of the Surveyor-General, shall be that description; or

(ii) if the land is not described as mentioned in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, may be made in any manner sufficient to substantially identify the land;

(c) in the case ofan easement, also state the rights and obligations to be conferred and imposed by the eaSement;

(d) state that the person to whom the notice is directed may, on or before the date specified in the notice (being a date not less than thirty days after the date of the notice), serve upon the constructing authority at the address set out in the notice an objection in writing to the taking of the land;

(e) in relation to the objection mentioned in paragraph (d) of this subsection, set out-

(i) that the objection must state the grounds of the objection and the facts and circumstances relied on by the objector in support of those grounds;

(ii) that any matter pertaining to the amount or payment of compensation is not a ground of objection;

(iii) that an objector who states in his objection that he desires to be heard in support of the grounds of his objection may appear and be heard by the constructing authority or its delegate at the time and place specified in the notice;

(t) state that the constructing authority is willing to negotiate to acquire by agreement or, failing agreement, to treat as to the compensation to be paid and all consequential matters.

(4) (a) Where a notice of intention to resume relates to land under

"The Real Property Acts, 1861 to 1963," the constructing authority shall file a copy of the notice with the Registrar of Titles.

(b) If the constructing authority amends or discontinues the resumption it shall forthwith file with the Registrar of Titles a notice of the amendment or discontinuance.

For the purpose of this paragraph (b), notwithstanding that a constructing authority has not served notice under section sixteen of this Act, it shall be deemed to discontinue a resumption if the application prescribed by subsection (3) of section nine of this Act has not been made within the time prescribed by that subsection or, in the case of


Brisbane City Council, if the Notification of Resumption has not been published in the Gazette within twelve months after the date of the

~otice of intention to resume.

(5) The failure by the constructing authority to serve upon the owner a notice of intention to resume, where such failure is due to circumstances beyond the control of the constructing authority, or the failure of the constructing authority to serve upon any person other than the owner a notice of intention to resume, or the failure of the constructing authority to observe paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of this section, shall not prejudice any Proclamation or, in the case of Brisbane City Council, Notification of Resumption made under this Act, with respect to any land, and any land included in any such Proclamation or Notification shallbetaken in terms of the Proclamation or Notification concerned notwithstanding any such failure, and the failure by the constructing authority to serve upon any person entitled thereto any notice as prescribed by this Act shall not invalidate the continuance or discontinuance of any resumption.

In this subsection the term "owner" means, in the case of land under "The Real Property Acts, 1861 to 1963," the person registered as the proprietor in fee-simple at the date of the notice of intention to resume.

8. Dealing with objections. (1) A person entitled to be served with a notice of intention to resume land who has objected as prescribed to the taking shall not be entitled to be heard in support of the grounds of his objection unless he stated in his objection that he desired to be so heard and appears, in person or by counsel, solicitor or agent, at the time and place specified in the notice.

(2)The constructing authority shall consider the grounds of objection to the taking of any land and-

(a) if the objector has been heard by the constructing authority, the matters put foiward by him in support of such grounds;


(b) if the objector has been heard by the delegate of the constructing authority, the report thereon of such delegate.

If upon such consideration, the constructing authority is of opinion that the resumption should be discontinued or that the notice ofintention to resume should be amended, the constructing authority may discontinue the resumption or amend the notice of intention to resume:

Provided that a notice of intention to resume shall not be amended so as to include therein land additional to the land the subject thereof:

(3) Without the consent in writing of the owner Brisbane City Council shall not take any land for the purpose of park or recreation grounds unless such land is, under the Town Plan for the City of Brisbane in force for the time being under the City of Brisbane Town Planning Act 1964-1977, included in a zone referred to in the Second Schedule to that Act.


An owner who, at the time when any land to which this subsection applies is taken by Brisbane City Council, has an unsatisfied claim for compensation for injurious affection as prescribed by the City ofBrisbane Town Planning Act 1964-1977 shall in respect of the taking of the land be entitled to compensation as if the land were not so injuriously affected.

As amended byAct of 1977, No. 22, s. 28.

9. Means by which land to be taken other than by Brisbane City Councilor an approved Local Authority. (1) This section does not apply with respect to the taking of land by Brisbane City Councilor an approved Local Authority.

(2) In and for the purposes of this section "Minister" means- (a) in the case of land to be taken for a purpose of "The State

Development and Public Works Organisation Acts, 1938 to 1964," the Minister for the time being administering those Acts;

(b) in the case of land to be taken for a purpose of "The Main Roads Acts, 1920 to 1965," the Minister for the time being administering those Acts;

(c) where the Governor in Council (who is hereby thereunto authorized) by Order in Council has so declared in the case of land to be taken for a purpose of any other Act, the Minister for the time being administering the Act in question;


(d) in any other case the Minister for the time being administering this Act.

(3) If within the time stated in the notice of intention to resume no objection is made or it: after due consideration of all objections, the constructing authority is of opinion that the land in question is required for the purpose for which it is proposed to be taken, the constructing authority may apply to the Minister that the land be taken as prescribed by this section.

Such application shall be made within twelve months after the date of the notice of intention to resume and not thereafter.

(4) Such application shall contain or be accompanied by-

(a) a copy of the relevant notice of intention to resume and of any further notice amending the same served under section seven of this Act;

(b) where the land is not described in the notice of intention to resume as mentioned in subparagraph (i) of paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section seven of this Act, a copy of a plan of survey of the land certified as accurate by an·

authorised surveyor;

(c) a list of the names and addresses last known to the constructing authority of all persons who to the knowledge of the constructing authority are entitled pursuant to section eighteen of this Act to claim compensation;


(d) a statement as to those of the persons mentioned in paragraph (c) of this subsection who have not been served with the notice of intention to resume and, a further statement setting out in relation to every such person, the manner in which such service was attempted and the reasons for failure to effect it;

(e) a statement whether or not any person objected in terms of the notice of intention to resume and, in the case of such an objection or objections, the name or names of the objector or objectors, a copy of every objection, and a report by the constructing authority thereon.

(5) The Minister may require any constructing authority to furnish him, within a time specified by hIm, such further particulars and information as he deems fit with respect to an application under this section.

(6)The Governor in Council shall consider every application made to the Minister under this section, including all statements and documents or copies of documents accompanying the application and, if satisfied- (a) that the land in question or any part thereof may be lawfully taken for the purpose for which it is proposed to be taken and should be so taken; and

(b) that the constructing authority has done and taken reasonable things and steps for the purpose of complying with the requirements of sections seven and eight of this Act and, where the notice of intention to resume has not been served upon the owner as defined in subsection (5) of section seven of this Act, that such failure was due to circumstances beyond the control of the constructing authority,

the Governor in Council may, by Proclamation published in the Gazette, declare that the land in question or, as the case may be, such part, particulars whereof shall be contained in or annexed to the Proclamation, is taken for the purpose therein mentioned as from the date of the publication in the Gazette of the Proclamation.

As amended by Actfof 1969, No. 33, s. 2.

10. Means by which land to be taken by Brisbane City Councilor an approved Local Authority. (1) (a) If within the time stated in the notice of intention to resume no objection is made or it: after due consideration of all objections, Brisbane City Council is of opinion that the land in question is required for the purpose for which it is proposed to be taken, Brisbane City Council may resolve accordingly and apply for the approval of the Governor in Council to the taking by it of the land.

(b) Such application shall be made to the Minister and shall be in writing under the seal of Brisbane City Council and shall contain or be accompanied by a copy ofthe resolution and by the statements, documents and copies of documents prescribed by subsection (4) of section nine of this Act.

The Minister may require Brisbane City Council to furnish him, within a time specified by him, such further particulars and information as he deems fit with respect to the application;


(c) Ifupon consideration of the application, including all statements, and documents or copies of documents accompanying the application, the Governor in Council is satisfied as prescribed by subsection (6) of section nine of this Act, the Governor in Council by Order in Council may approve that Brisbane City Council take the land in question.

(2) Subject to the approval of the Governor in Council by Order in Council Brisbane City Council, by notification published in the Gazette, shall declare that the land in question, particulars whereof shall be contained in or annexed to the notification, is taken by Brisbane City Council for the particular purpose mentioned in the notification as from the date of the publication in the Gazette of the notification.

A notification referred to in this subsection is in this Act called a

"Notification of Resumption."

(3) Where the land in question is not described in the notice of intention to resume as mentioned a subparagraph, (i) of paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section seven of this Act, the particulars of the land in question which are contained in or annexed to the Notification of Resumption shall be in accordance with a plan of survey of such land certified as correct by an authorised surveyor.

(4) A Notification of Resumption may be published in the Gazette within twelve months after the date of the notice of intention to resume but shall not be published thereafter.

(5) The Governor in Council by Order in Council may approve that a Local Authority other than Brisbane City Council may take land as prescribed by this section or by section fifteen of this Act.

During the continuance in force of such an Order in Council the Local Authority named therein, in this subsection and in subsection (1) of section nine and in subsection (3) of section fifteen of this Act referred to as "an approved Local Authority," may take as prescribed by this section or, as the case requires, by section fifteen of this Act any land which may be lawfully taken by it.

For the purpose of giving effect to such an Order in Council the provisions, other than subsection (3) of section eight, of this Act shall be read and construed with and subject to all necessary modifications including by reading and construing any reference there.in !o Bris~ane

City Council as a reference to the approved Local Authonty In questIon.

As amended by Act of 1969, No. 33, s. 3.

11. Correction of errors, &c., in Proclamation or Notification of Resumption. (1) Where it is found that the Proclamation or Notification of Resumption, in this subsection called the "first Proclamation" or, as the case requires, "the first Notification", incorrectly describes the land purporting to be taken thereby or that any other error in form or substance exists in relation to such taking, the Governor in Council, by a subsequent Proclamation published in the Gazette, or Brisbane City Council by a subsequent Notification published in the Gazette, may amend the first Proclamation or, as the case may be, the first Notification.


(2) If amended by a subsequent Proclamation or Notification made pursuant to this section, the first Proclamation or, as the case may be, the first Notification shall, on and from the date of the publication in the Gazette of the subsequent Proclamation or Notification, be read as one with the subsequent Proclamation or Notification and shall have force and effect accordingly.

(3) The power to amend by a subsequent Proclamation or Notification includes power to so amend from time to time, including power by any subsequent Proclamation or Notification to amend the first Proclamation or the first Notification as theretofore amended by any other Proclamation or Notification:

Provided that-

(a) no person shall be prejudiced in respect of any mortgage, charge, claim, estate, or interest existing in respect of the land, by reason of his having, in ·consequence of the first Proclamation or the first Notification or any subsequent Proclamation or Notification, done or omitted to do any act or thing, or failed to enforce or act upon any right, or to comply with any obligation in respect of such mortgage, charge, claim, estate or interest;

(b) no person shall have any right of action or claim against the constructing authority for an)1hingbonafidedone under the first Proclamation or the first Notification or any subsequent Proclamation or Notification;

(c) nothing in this section contained shall limit the power of the constructing authority to take at any subsequent time the whole or any part of the land mentioned or described in any Proclamation or, in the case of Brisbane City Council, Notification of Resumption so amended;

(d) any amendment of the first Proclamation or first Notification shall not prejudice or affect the power of the constructing authority to take any land which has been excluded from the first Proclamation or first Notification by reason of the amendment;

(e) if the constructing authority again takes land which has been excluded from the first Proclamation or first Notification by reason of the amendment, compensation shall not be payable in respect of the value ofany works or improvements which have been made or effected on the land by the constructing authority subsequent to the date of publication in the Gazette of the first Proclamation or first Notification.

12. EffectofProclamation orNotificationofResumption. (1) Subject to subsection (4) of this section-

(a) land taken by Proclamation-

(i) shall vest, according as the Proclamation prescribes, in the Crown or in the constructing authority which requires


the land on and from the date of the publication in the Gazette of the Proclamation; or

(ii) if it is taken by the Crown on behalf of a corporation representing the Crown in right of the State or constituted by any Act shall vest in the corporation requiring the land if the Proclamation so prescribes and in such case, where the corporation is not a constructing authority, the provisions of section forty-one of this Act shall apply as if the corporation were a constructing authority;

(b) land taken by Notification of 'Resumption shall vest in Brisbane City Council on and from the date of the publication in the Gazette of the Notification of Resumption.

(2) Where land taken consists of the whole estate in fee-simple and vests in the Crown it shall be and remain Crown land until it is, according to the purpose for which it is taken, dealt with as prescribed by' an Act other than this Act.

Where land taken vests in a constructing authority (including the Crown where the land consists of an estate or interest less than the whole estate in fee-simple) or, where the Proclamation so prescribes, in a corporation it shall so vest and be held by the constructing authority or corporation for the estate or interest therein of which the land taken consists and, where the estate or interest is such that provision is made by "The Real Property Acts, 1861 to 1963" for its registration, upon application by the constructing authority or corporation and production of a Gazette copy of the Proclamation or, in the case of Brisbane City Council, the Notification of Resumption and payment of the prescribed fees, the Registrar of Titles shall register the constructing authority or corporation accordingly.

Where such application is in respec~ of the whole estate in fee- simple-

(a) in land not under "The Real Property Acts, 1861 to 1963"

it shall contain a request for the issue of a certificate of title for the land;

(b) in land under "The Real Property Acts, 1861 to 1963" it may contain a request for the issue of a certificate of title for the land,

and upon payment of the prescribed fees the Registrar of Titles shall issue to the constructing authority or corporation a certificate of title accordingly.

(3) Where the land taken is part of land subject to a building units plan registered under "The Building Units Titles Act of 1965" the Registrar of Titles shall, upon payment of the prescribed fees, do and execute all such acts, matters and things as he considers necessary t9 amend the building units plan, and may make all such recordings as he considers necessary in the appropriate register.

(4) Land granted by the Crown upon trust for a public purpose shall upon and by virtue of the taking thereof become Crown land and


may, according to the purpose for which it was taken, be granted upon trust to, or set apart and placed under the control ot: the constructing authority, including Brisbane City Council, as trustee, or may be dedicated to public use.

(5) On and from the date of the publication in the Gazette of the Proclamation or, in the case of Brisbane City Council, the date of the publication in the Gazette of the Notification of Resumption the land thereby taken shall be vested or become Crown land as provided by the foregoing provisions of this section absolutely freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, mortgages, charges, rates, contracts, claims, estates, or interest of what kind soever, or if an easement only is taken, such easement shall be vested in the constructing authority or, where the Proclamation so prescribes, in the corporation requiring the easement;

and the estate and interest of every person entitled to the whole or any part of the land shall thereby be converted into a right to claim compensation under this Act and every person whose estate and interest in the land is injuriously affected by the easement shall have a right to claim compensation under this Act.

The amount of such compensation may be agreed upon between the constructing authority and the claimant subject, however, to the consent of any mortgagee of the land taken. Failing such agreement every such claim may be enforced against the constructing authority concerned under, subject to and in accordance with this Act and that constructing authority shall be liable accordingly.

(6) Subject to section eleven of this Act, publication in the Gazette of the Proclamation or, in the case of Brisbane City Council, Notification of Resumption shall be evidence, and in the absence of evidence in rebuttal, conclusive evidence that-

(a) in the case of land taken pursuant to an agreement in writing within the purview ofsection fifteen of this Act, the provisions of that section have been complied with;

(b) in any' other case, the provisions of sections seven, eight and nine or, as the case may be, seven, eight and ten of this Act have been complied with.

(7) Forthwith after the publication in the Gazette of the Proclamation or Notification of Resumption taking any land or of a subsequent Proclamation or Notification amending the same, the constructing authority or, as the case may be, Brisbane City Council shall serve upon every person who to its knowledge is entitled pursuant to section eighteen of this Act to claim compensation or is a mortgagee of the land a copy of the Proclamation or Notification.

The omission to serve upon any person such a copy shall not prejudice or affect in any way the operation and effect of the Proclamation or Notification in question.

As amended by Act of 1969, No. 33, s. 4; Act of 1986, No. 26, s. 4 (1) Sch.

13. Owner may require small parcel of severed land to be taken.

(1) If a constructing authority proposes to take part of any land and


the taking of such part will leave a parcel which, the constructing authority and the owner of the land required to be taken agree in writing, will by reason of its small size or shape be of no practical use or value to the owner of such land, the constructing authority shall take the whole of the land.

(2) It: by reason of the fact that a boundary of land proposed to be taken (in this subsection called the "primary land") will sever the principal building erected on the land from which the primary land will be severed and of the circumstances of the case relevant thereto, it appears to the Governor in Council that it is desirable that the constructing authority should take additional land approved by him (in this subsection called the "additional land") being the whole or part of the land from which the primary land will be severed the additional land may be taken as prescribed by this Act and the taking of the additional land shall be deemed to be for a purpose incidental to the carrying out of the purpose for which the primary land is to be taken.

(3)Aconstructing authority may sell or otherwise deal with additional land taken by it pursuant to subsection (1) or(2) of this section in such manner as it thinks fit and the power hereby conferred shall not be subject to the provisions of any other Act which purport to restrict or regulate the exercise by the constructing authority of its power to sell or otherwise deal with land or to the provisions of section forty-one of this Act.

As amended by Act of 1969, No. 33, s. 5.

14. Dealing with title to land affected by resumption. (1) The Registrar of Titles may, by notice in writing, require a person who has in his possession, custody or control any instrument evidencing the title to the land taken by the constructin~authority named in such notice, to deliver up to hIm, within the tIme specified in such notice, the instrument in question.

(2) A person thereunto required by a notice under subsection (1) of this section, who fails to deliver up to the Registrar of Titles the instrument specified in the notice within the time therein specified shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars.

Notwithstanding that such person has not been proceeded against for such offence, unless such failure is due to circumstances beyond his control, he shall not be entitled to receive compensation or to be paid any advance or, in the case of a mort~agee, to be made any payment under this Act until the instrument In question is delivered to the Registrar of Titles.

(3) The costs and expenses in connection witll the registration and issue of documents rendered necessary by the taking of the land shall be borne by the constructing authority.

Such costs and expenses may be taxed by the proper officer of the Supreme Court under the rules of that Court.

15. Taking by agreement. (1) Where a constructing authority has lawfully agreed in writing to take as prescribed bythis Act any land for


a purpose for which it may take the same the constructing authority may take the land under and in accordance with this section.

Save as is otherwise expressly provided in this section the provisions of sections seven, eight, nine and ten (other than subsection (5) thereof) of this Act shall not apply with respect to a taking of land under this section.

This subsection shall not be construed to limit the power of a constructing authority to acquire by purchase or otherwise any land otherwise than as prescribed by this Act.

An agreement which purports or is properly to be construed to pass any interest in land to a constructing authority or to prejudice the right of any person to use, enjoy or dispose of his land shall not be an agreement within the purview of this subsection.

(2) In any such agreement the parties-

(a) may agree upon the amount of compensation; or

(b) may agree that the amount of compensation be determined by the Land Court in which case the compensation shall, upon the reference of either party, be determined by the Land Court as at the date on which the land is taken.

If the amount of compensation is agreed upon it may be further agreed that the constructing authority will grant any easement, right of way, right of occupation or any other right, privilege or concession in, upon, over or under any land under its control in satisfaction or part satisfaction of such amount and such a grant shall satisfy the amount of the compensation to the extent so agreed upon.

(3) This subsection does not apply with respect to the taking of land by Brisbane City Councilor an approved Local Authority.

A constructing authority entitled to take land under "this section may apply to the Minister that the land be taken as prescribed by this section.

Such an application may be made within twelve months after the date of the agreement and not thereafter and shall be accompanied by the agreement and, where the land to be taken is not described in the agreement as mentioned in subparagraph (i) of paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section seven of this Act, by a copy of a plan of survey of the land to be taken certified as accurate by an authorized surveyor.

In and for the purposes of this subsection "Minister" has the meaning assigned to that term in and for the purposes of section nine of this Act.

(4) Where Brisbane City Council is entitled to take land under this section it may apply to the Minister for the approval of the Governor in Council to the taking by it of the land.

Such an application shall be in writing under the seal of Brisbane City Council and shall be accompanied by the agreement and, where


the land to be taken is not described in the agreement as mentioned in subparagraph (i) of paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section seven of this Act, by a copy of a plan of survey of the land to be taken certified as accurate by an authorized surveyor and by a copy of the resolution of Brisbane City Council to take the land.

(5) With respect to an application made to him under subsection (3) or (4) of this section the Minister may require the constructing authority to furnish him, within a time specified by him, such further particulars and information as he deems fit.

(6) If upon consideration of such an application, including the agreement and the copy plan of survey accompanying the same and any further particulars and information required by him, the Governor in Council is satisfied that the land in question may be lawfully taken for the purpose for which it is proposed to be taken and should be so taken under this section the Governor in Council may-

(a) in the" case of an application under stlbsection (3) of this section, by Proclamation published in the Gazette declare that the land in question, particulars whereof shall be contained in or annexed to the Proclamation, is taken for the purpose therein mentioned on and from the date of the publication in the Gazette of the Proclamation;

(b) in the case of an application under subsection (4) of this section, by Order in Council approve that Brisbane City Council take the land in question.

(7) Subject to such approval by the Governor in Council, Brisbane City Council, by notification published in the Gazette, shall declare that the land in question, particulars whereof shall be contain.ed in or annexed to the notification, is taken by Brisbane City Council for the purpose mentioned in the notification on and from the date of the publication in the Gazette of the notification.

For the purposes of this Act such a notification shall be taken to be included in the expression "Notification of Resumption".

Such a notification may be so published within twelve months after the date of the agreement to take the land in question and not thereafter.

(8) Section twelve of this Act applies with respect to a taking of land under this section as it does to a taking of land under section nine or ten of this Act.

(9) Upon failure by a constructing authority to make the application under subsection (3) of this section or, in the case of Brisbane City Council, to publish a Notification of Resumption under subsection (7) of this section within the time prescribed therefor by this section the constructing authority shall be deemed to discontinue the resumption in question and the provisions of section sixteen of this Act shall apply with respect thereto as if the person from whom the land was to be taken had been served with a notice of intention to resume.

Substituted by Act of 1969, No. 33, s. 6.



16. Discontinuance of resumption before Proclamation or Notification


R~su~pti~n. (1) A constructing authority may ~tany time before the publIcatIon In the Gazette of the ProclamatIonOf, In the case of Brisbane City Council, the Notification of Resumption, serve upon every person who has been served with a notice of intention to resume a further notice stating that the constructing authority is discontinuing the resumption of the land concerned.

Service of the further notice shall discontinue the resumption concerned and no person shall have any claim for compensation or other right or remedy whatsoever against the constructing authority for any loss or damage alleged to have been occasioned (directly or indirectly) by the service of the notice of intention to resume or the discontinuance of the resumption except a claim for compensation for costs and expenses illcurred by the person who was served with the notice and any actual damage done to the land concerned by the constructing authority.

The constructing authority and the claimant may agree upon the amount of the compensation to be paid under this subsection or, upon the reference of either of them, such amount may be determined by the Land Court:

Provided that the constructing authority may have such costs and expenses taxed by the proper officer of the Supreme Court under the rules of that Court and that no person shall be entitled to compensation in excess of the value of his estate or interest in the land.

(2) For the purposes of this section, notwithstanding that notice under this section has not been served, the constructing authority shall be deemed to discontinue a resumption if the application prescribed by subsection (3) of section nine of this Act has not been made within the time prescribed by that subsection or, in the case of Brisbane City Council, if the Notjfication of Resumption has not been published in the Gazette within twelve months after the date of the notice of intention to resume.

17. Revocation before determination of compensation. (1) It: at any tin1e after the publication in the Gazette of the Proclamation taking any land in this section called the "first Proclamation" Of, in the case of Brisbane City Council, the publication in the Gazette of the Notification of Resumption taking any land in this section called the "first Notification" and before the amount of compensation to be paid in respect of the taking thereof is determined by the Land Court or the payment of compensation in respect of the taking is sooner made, it is found that the land or any part thereof is not required for the purpose for which it was taken, the Governor in Council, by a subsequent Proclamation published in the Gazette, or Brisbane City Council by a subsequent Notification published in the Gazette, may revoke the first Proclamation or, as the case may be, the first Notification and, if the first Proclamation or first Notification has been amended, anyamending


Proclamation or Notification, or both the first Proclamation or first Notification and any such amending Proclamation or Notification, either wholly or so far as he or it thinks necessary:

Provided that a Proclamation or Notification under this subsection shall not be made or published in the Gazette unless the person entitled as owner to compensation in respect of the taking of the land has previously agreed in writing to the revesting as provided by this section of the land or part to which that Proclamation or Notification relates.

(2) Upon the revocation wholy or otherwise by a subsequent Proclamation or Notification under subsection (1) of this section of any former Proclamation or Notification-

(a) the former Proclamation or Notification shall to the extent to which so revoked be deemed to be absolutely void as from the making thereof as if it had not been made; and (b) without prejudice to the provisions of'paragraph (a) of this

subsection, the land or part thereot: as the case may be, to which the subsequent Proclamation or .Notification relates shall revest in the person in whom the same vested immediately prior to the day when it was taken by the constructing authority under and pursuant to the Proclamation or, in the case of Brisbane City Council, the Notification of Resumption taking the land and, subject as hereinafter in this subparagraph provided, shall so revest for his then estate or interest therein:

Provided that such land or part shall so revest subject to all trusts, obligations, mortgages, encumbrances, charges, rates, contracts, claims, estates and interests of what kind soever subsisting therein or thereover immediately prior to the taking thereot: but so that no person shall be prejudiced by reason of his having, in consequence of the Proclamation or Notification or Resumption taking the land in question and in the meantime, done or omitted to do any act or thing or failed to exercise any right in respect of any such trust, obligation, mortgage, encumbrance, charge, rate, contract, claim, estate, or interest and, without limiting the generality of the aforegoing, so that the time allowed under any such trust, obligation, mortgage, encumbrance, charge, rate, contract, claim, estate, or interest for the doing of any act or the exercising of any right shall be deemed not to be shortened by the period commencing on and including the date on which the land was taken and ending with and including the day immediately preceding the date on which the land or part was revested; and

(c) the constructing authority shall cause a Gazette copy of the subsequent Proclamation or Notification to be lodged with the Registrar of Titles who shall as soon as may be thereafter, at the cost and expense of the constructing authority, do and execute all such acts, matters, and things as he shall consider necessary to give effect to this subsection.


(3) Without limiting the generality of the provisions of paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of this section, the Registrar of Titles may make such endorsements upon the deed of grant or certificate of title for any lot or parcel of such revested land or part, or issued such new certificates of title therefor with such endorsements thereon, if any, as he may deem requisite in the circumstances.

(4) Any person entitled to claim compensation under this Act in respect of the taking of any land may, upon the revesting of such land or part thereof pursuant to this section, claim from the constructing authority compensation for the loss or damage and, if any, costs or expenses incurred by him in consequence of the taking of the land and prior to its revesting.

The constructing authority and the claimant may agree upon the amount of the compensation to be paid under this subsection, or they may agree that such amount be determined by the Land Court, in which case such amount shall, upon the reference of either of them, be determined by the Land Court as if the land had been taken and not revested and the claim were limited to the compensation payable under this subsection.


18. By whom compensation may be claimed.(1) Subject to subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5) of this section compensation whereto a right is had under section twelve of this Act may be claimed from the constructing authority under, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Part.

(2) In the case of the inability or incapacity of any person entitled to claim, the claim may be made by his guardian, trustee or committee or, if there is no guardian, trustee or committee, the Public Curator of Queensland.

(3) Compensation shall not be claimable by or payable to a person who is lessee, tenant or licensee of any land taken if the constructing authority upon written application allows his estate or interest to continue uninterrupted.

(4) This subsection applies to land under "The Real Property Acts,

1861 to 1963."

Where, in respect of an estate or interest in the land taken which is not duly registered or notified in the office of the Registrar of Titles, a claimant makes a claim for compensation subsequent to the payment to another claimant of compensation in respect of a greater estate or interest in the land taken which included the unregistered or unnotified estate or interest pursuant to a claim made by such other claimant in or in connection with which he did not disclose in writing such unregistered or unnotified estate or interest, the claimant first mentioned in this subsection shall not be entitled to any compensation whatever from the constructing authority.


(5) The claim for compensation of a trustee or trustees of any land in respect of the taking thereof shall be limited to the amount of actual damage caused to the trust by reason of the taking, and no such trustee shall have any other right, remedy, or claim whatsoever in respect of such taking against the Crown or any other person whomsoever and this Act and every other relevant Act or law or rule, practice, or process of law, or judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be read, construed and applied subject to this subsection.

(6) For the purposes of a claim for compensation in respect of common property under and within the meaning of "The Building Units Titles Act of 1965," the body corporate constituted under that Act by the proprietors within the meaning thereof of the units comprised in the building units plan concerned shall be deemed to be the owner of such common property.

Except by unanimous resolution of all proprietors such body corporate shall not agree upon the amount of compensation.

Unless otherwise agreed by unanimous resolution of all proprietors, the amount of compensation shall be distributed among the proprietors in shares proportional to the unit entitlements of their respective units.

19. Claim for compensation. (1) A claim for compensation shall be in writing, shall be served upon the constructing authority, shall state in full the name and address of the claimant, shall be signed by the claimant, and shall contain or be accompanied by-

(a) a description of the land taken and a statement of the area thereof;

(b) a statement of the nature and particulars of the claimant's estate or interest in the land taken;

(c) a statement (which, in the case of the owner, shall be verified by statutory declaration) as to whether or not the claimant's estate or interest in the land taken is subject to any trust, obligation, mortgage, lease, agreement to lease, charge, rate, contract, claim or other estate or interest whatsoever and, if so, the nature and particulars of those of the aforesaid to which the estate or interest is subject;

(d) an itemised statement of the claim, showing the nature and particulars of each item and the amount claimed in respect thereof;

(e) the total amount of compensation claimed.

(2) Where the estate or interest of the claimant is not registered or notified in the office of the Registrar of Titles, the claim shall be accompanied by proof of title to the estate or interest claimed, which proof shall include copies of or abstracts from all documents, if any, necessary to establish in law the estate or interest.

20. Assessment of compensation. (1) In assessing the compensation to be paid, regard shall in every case be had not only to the value of


land taken but also to the damage, if any, caused by either or botb of the following, namely-

(a) the severing of the land taken from other land of the claimant;

(b) the exercise of any statutory powers by the constructing authority otherwise injuriously affecting such other land.

(2) Compensation shall be assessed according to the value of the estate or interest of the claimant in the land taken on the date when it was taken.

(3) In assessing the compensation to be paid, there shall be taken into consideration, by way of set-off or abatement, any enhancement of the value of the interest of the claimant in any land adjoining the land taken or severed therefrom by the carrying out of the works or purpose for which the land is taken.

But in no case shall this subsection operate so as to require any payment to be made by the claimant in consideration ofsuch enhancement of value.

21. Grant of easement, &c., in satisfaction of compensation. The constructing authority and the claimant may agree that the constructing authority will grant the claimant, in satisfaction wholly or partly of his claim for compensation, any easement, right of way, lease or other right of occupation, or any other right, privilege or concession in, upon, over or under the land taken or any other land the property of the constructing authority.

In such case the parties may agree that the extent to which the grant shall satisfy the claim for compensation shall be determined by the Land Court, and the jurisdiction of the Land Court to determine the compensation shall include jurisdiction to determine the extent of such satisfaction.

22. Crown graht in satisfaction of compensation. Where the Crown is the constructing authority, and the claimant agrees, the Governor in Council may grant in fee-simple or demise for any lesser estate or interest to the claimant, in satisfaction wholly or partly of the claim for compensation, any Crown land.

The Governor in Council for that purpose may close any road which traverses or adjoins land owned by the claimant, and grant the land comprised in the closed road to the claimant.

23. Advance against compensation. (1)A claimant for compensation as the owner of the land taken may at any time after the date on which he delivered to the constructing authority his claim for compensation in accordance with the requirements of section nineteen of this Act, apply to the constructing authority to make to him an advance not exceeding the amount prescribed by subsection (3) of this section in respect of the compensation claimable by him.

(2) Subject to being satisfied that the applicant is entitled to clain1 compensation as owner of the land taken and to subsection (3) of this


section the constructing authority shall make to him the advance applied for by him in respect of the compensation claimed by him.

(3) The amount of an advance under this section shall not exceed- (a) Where the constructing authority has made to the claimant an offer in writing of an amount of compensation in settlement of his claim, that amount; or

(b) Where the constructing authority has not made the offer mentioned in paragraph (a) of this subsection, an amount equal to its estimate of the amount of compensation payable to the claimant.

(4) Subject to subsections (5) and (6) of this section, any amount payable to a claimant under this section which is not paid within ninety days after he applied for the payment shall be recoverable by him as a debt due and unpaid to him by the constructing authority.

(5) Before paying the advance the constructing authority may require the claimant to satisfy it regarding taxes, rates and other moneys which, if unpaid, would be a charge upon the land, and may reduce the advance by any sum which, in respect of any thereof: is unpaid or, as respects any period of time prior to the date when the land was taken, will become payable.

(6) Where the land concerned is subject to a mortgage at the date when it is taken the constructing authority may reduce the advance by the sum due to the mortgagee.

(7) The constructing authority may pay to the Crown or to the local authority concerned or to the mortgagee any sum by which the advance has been reduced under subsections (5) or (6) of this section.

24. Reference of claim for compensation to Land Court. (1) Subject to this section either the constructing authority or the claimant may refer to the Land Court for hearing and determination the matter of the amount of the compensation.

(2) If the amount of the compensation has not been sooner agreed upon, the claimant may so refer that matter at any time after the date upon which he delivered to the constructing authority a claim for compensation in accordance with the requirements of section nineteen of this Act.

He shall make the reference by filing in the office of the Registrar of the Land Court copies of the claim delivered by him to the constructing authority and of the notice of intention to resume and a Gazette copy of the Proclamation or, as the case may be, Notification of Resumption taking the land.

(3) The claimant shall not amend the claim filed by him in the office of the Registrar of the Land Court except upon leave granted by that Court (which leave the Court may grant upon such terms as it deems just, including terms with respect to the payment of costs).


(4) Upon the application of the constructing authority, the Land Court may order the claimant to file in the office of the Registrar of the Land Court such further or other particulars with respect to the cfaim for compensation as, having regard to the provisions of section nineteen of this Act, the Court deems fit.

A claimant who fails to comply with such an order within the time specified therein shall be deemed not to have referred to the Land Court the claim in question.

(5) If the amount of the compensation has not been sooner agreed upon and-

(a) if the claimant has not sooner delivered to it a claim for compensation substantially in accordance with the requirements of section nineteen of this Act, the constructing authority may so refer the matter at any time after the expiration of the period of three months next following the date of the Gazette containing the Proclamation or, in the case of Brisbane City Council, the Notification of Resumption taking the land; or

(b) if the claimant has delivered to the constructing authority a claim for compensation, the constructing authority may so refer that matter at any time after the expiration of the period of three months next following the date of the Gazette containing the Proclamation or, in the case of Brisbane City Council, the Notification of Resumption taking the land, unless the reference has been sooner made by the claimant.

(6) The constructing authority shall make the reference in the manner prescribed by subsection (2) of this section save that if the claimant has not delivered to the constructing authority a claim for compensation substantially in accordance with section nineteen of this Act, then in the stead of a copy of the claim the constructing authority shall file a document containing or accompanied by all of the particulars required to be contained in or to accompany the claim so far as those particulars are known to it but, in relation to paragraphs (d) and (e), stating amounts which it is willing to pay_

25. Reference to Land Court by constructing authority. (1) Where the constructing authority makes a reference mentioned in section twenty-four of this Act, the Land Court upon application in that behalf made by the constructing authority, shall order that the claimant may enter an appearance on the reference on or before the date fixed by the order.

(2) A claimant may appear on the reference by filing in the office of the Registrar of the Land Court, on or before the date fixed by the order, a claim for compensation in accordance with the requirements of section nineteen of this Act, and thereupon subsections (3) and (4) of section twenty-four of this Act shall apply and the matter of the


amount of compensation shall be heard and determined as if the reference had been made in the first instance by the claimant:

Provided that an order as provided for by subsection (4) of section twenty-four of this Act may be made in respect of such appearance and, if the claimant fails to comply with such order within the time therein specified, he shall be deemed to have failed to enter an appearance on the reference.

(3) A claimant who fails to enter an appearance on a reference made by the constructing authority shall not be entitled to appear or to be heard by the Land Court upon the hearing of the reference save by leave of such Court (which leave the Court may grant upon such terms as it deems just, including terms with respect to the payment of costs).

(4) In the case of a reference made by the constructing authority, the Land Court may hear and determine the matter of the amount of compensation in the absence of the claimant where he fails to enter an appearance on or before the date fixed by order of the Court or where, having so entered an appearance or having leave to appear, he fails to appear at the hearing.

(5) Where the reference has been made by the claimant in the first instance, the Land Court may hear and determine the matter of compensation in the absence of the claimant if he fails to appear at the hearing.

26. Jurisdiction relating to compensation. (1) Subject to this section the Land Court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine all matters relating to compensation under this Act.

(2) The Crown or any party aggrieved by a decision of the Land Court constituted by a single member may appeal to the Land Appeal Court in the manner provided in "The Land Acts, 1962 to 1967."

The Crown or any party aggrieved by a decision of the Land Appeal Court upon any of the grounds specified in subsection (1) of section forty-five of"The Land Acts, 1962 to 1967," may appeal in the manner provided in those Acts.

(3) The decision (whether of the Land Court constituted by a single member or, as the case may be, the Land Appeal Court) shall be in writing and the Registrar of the Land Court shall transmit the decision to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, who shall cause the same to be filed in the registry of the latter Court.

(4) The decision-

(a) shall be final as regards the amount of compensation awarded;


(b) unless the amount shall have been paid into the Supreme Court pursuant to section twenty-nine of this Act, shall be final for all purposes and have the effect of a judgment of the Supreme Court and may be enforced accordingly.


Where, pursuant to section twenty-nine of this Act, the amount of compensation awarded is paid into the Supreme Court the decision shall not be final as regards the right or title of the claimant or any other person whomsoever to be paid that amount or any part thereof

27. Costs. (1) Subject to this section, the costs of and incidental to the hearing and determination by the Land Court of a claim for compensation under this Act shall be in the discretion of that Court.

(2) If the amount of compensation as determined is the amount finally claimed by the claimant in the proceedings or is nearer to that amount than to the amount of the valuation finally put in evidence by the constructing authority, costs, if any, shall be awarded to the claimant;

otherwise costs, if any, shall be awarded to the constructing authority.

The subsection does not apply to any appeal in respect of the decision of the Land Court or to costs awarded pursuant to subsection (3) of section twenty-four or subsection (3) of section twenty-five of this Act.

28. Interest. (1) Subject to subsection (2) of this section, in respect of the period or any part of the period commenced on and including the date on and from which any land is taken and ending on and including the day immediately preceding the date on which payment of compensation is made the Land Court or, upon appeal, the Land Appeal Court may order that interest be paid upon the amount· of compensation determined by it.

Such interest shall be at such rate per centum per annum as the Land Court or, upon appeal, the Land Appeal Court, deeming reasonable, fixes by the order.

Interest so ordered to be paid shall be payable as if it were part of the compensation in question and shall be added to the amount thereof and be payable by the constructing authority accordingly.

(2) Interest shall not be payable in respect of any amount of compensation advanced under section twenty-three of this Act.

29. Where right to compensation is questioned. (1) Where the title by reason whereof compensation is claimed under this Act comes in question-

(a) in the Land Court or, upon appeal, the Land Appeal Court during the hearing and determination of the claim for compensation; or

(b) during negotiations between the constructing authority and the claimant,

nevertheless the said Court shall have power to determine or, as the case may be, the constructing authority and the claimant may agree upon the amount of the compensation to be paid.

In such case the constructing authority shall pay the amount of compensation determined or agreed upon into the Supreme Court.


(2) Where subsequent to the date when compensation has been determined or agreed upon, but before the constructing authority has paid the compensation to the claimant, the title by reason whereof the compensation was claimed under this Act comes in question to the knowledge of the constructing authority, it shall pay the amount of the compensation into the Supreme Court.

(3) A constructing authority may pay into the Supreme Court the amount of any compensation under this Act where-

(a) the person to whom the amount is payable fails or refuses to accept payment thereof; or

(b) the constructing authority is unable for any reason whatsoever to make to the claimant payment of the amount or to obtain from him a good and sufficient discharge for such payment.

(4) The payment pursuant to a provision of this section of any amount of compensation into the Supreme Court shall discharge in full the liability of the constructing authority to pay that amount pursuant to the determination or agreement by virtue whereof it became payable.

(5) Upon application in that behalf the Supreme Court or a Judge thereof may order that any money paid into that Court pursuant to a provision of this section or part thereof shall be paid to or applied for the benefit of such person as the said Court or Judge finds to be entitled thereto.

The said Court or Judge may subject such order to such terms and conditions as it or he deems just and may, at its or his discretion, order any party to the application to pay to any other party thereto such costs as it or he deems just.

30. Limited interests. (1) Where compensation is determined or agreed to be paid to any claimant in respect of a partial or qualified interest held by him in the land taken and such person is not entitled to sell or dispose of such interest-

(a) the constructing authority shall pay the amount of the compensation into the Supreme Court; and

(b) the Supreme Court or a Judge may upon application in that behalf order that the amount on any part thereof shall be applied to anyone or more of the following purposes, that is to say-

(i) the discha~ge of any debt or encumbrance affecting the land, or affecting any land settled therewith, or to the same or like uses, trusts, or purposes;

(ii) the purchase of other land to be conveyed, limited, and settled upon or for the like uses, trusts, or purposes;

(iii) removing or replacing any buildings on the land, or substituting others in their stead;

(iv) the purchase of such securities as the Supreme Court or Judge may direct, to be settled in the same manner as the land;


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