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Index of /CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/leadsheets


Academic year: 2023

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Copying, distribution and/or modification of this software is permitted under the terms of the LATEX Project Public License (lppl), version 1.3c or later (http://www.latex-project.org/ .lppl.txt). I've also had the need (or let's say: the desire) to type The Real Book-style lead sheets - but that's a task that software other than LATEX usually makes much easier. Libraries are divided into two parts: user-loaded libraries and auxiliary libraries, which are loaded by other libraries but not directly loaded by users.

Music expresses what cannot be said and about which it is impossible to remain silent. Actually there is a second possibility: options can also be set with the command\setleadsheets. see section 8.3) if they are preceded by chords/ (including the slash). There are further options related to the different notations of the pitch B and B2 in German (and some other European countries) and English.

Each song is given a number of properties (see Section 8.4) that determine how the song title is written.

A First Example

This is the minimal song title template, see section 14.1 for more details on those templates and how to create your own.

Using the song Environment . 15

When specified, a song will only be printed if it is tagged with at least one of the tags in the ⟨list of tags⟩. If set to true, the end of lines in the verse, like environments, will be honored and start a new line. This makes song title template definitions easier (see section 14.1 for details). The song property height is then set to 0pt.

Song Properties

As of now this accepts any input, but this may no longer be supported when indexing is introduced. When this option is used, a song is only printed if it has at least one of the tags specified in the option. There are three other properties, counter, id, and pitch, which cannot be set, but are set automatically for each song.

The height is determined by placing the body of the corresponding environment in a vertical box and measuring the height and depth of the box. This is done in a measurement phase that can and should be tested in the song title template definition, see section 14.1 for details. This is important as the height of the property is not available at the measurement stage, but only afterwards. In principle all properties can receive a list of entries where items are separated by and.

Of course, this doesn't make sense for every property - a song only has one title.

Special Characters

Capo Information

The verse Environment 19

Dolor elytri sadipsing sed diam luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait ut labore et dolore magna aliqua, sed diam voluptiva. Ultimum praeceptum pittacium argumentum accipere potest, sic etiam pro exemplo \textbfim uti potes. Hoc est, si vis omnes ambitus cursitare excepto choro, tunc potes.

Placing Chords 22


If set to true, the width of the chords met\chord is set to zero. If set to true, the width of the next chord is set with\chordis set to zero.


So if you are in trouble in these cases, you should always put a clear space, e.g.

Remembering Chords

The shortcut ^ still has the same syntax as \chord, with one exception: the mandatory argument ⟨chord⟩ is missing (because it's clearly not needed). This is important: verse and verse* are treated as two different environments, the same applies to all starsverse-like environments. If you want to recall the chords of another type of environment, you can use the recall-chords: option.

Transposing 27

Own verse -like Environments 30

  • Background
  • Existing Templates
  • Own Templates
  • Examples

This environment uses vers-type templateitemize (see Section 14.2) unless otherwise specified in the ⟨defaults⟩. This also defines a translation string (see section 15)-leadsheets/⟨environment-name⟩with both an empty translation reserve and English translation, unless otherwise specified. If set to true, \verselabel (used in verse-type template definitions, see Section 14.2) adds a number after the name.

If set totrue \verselabel(used in verse type template definitions, see section14.2) prints the name of the current environment (as determined by the translation of the corresponding string, see also section15). These options only determine the formatting of an environment if the corresponding options of the environment are not set. The label text as defined as second argument to\newversetype or as declared by the corresponding translation.

Although this is obviously possible with the macros provided by the music symbol package listed in Table2, it may be more convenient to have a shorter syntax. Copies the values ​​of the ⟨from⟩ property to the ⟨to⟩ property if the ⟨on⟩ property has not been set but the ⟨off⟩ property has been. Some of the commands are extensible, meaning they can be used in a \edeflike context, i.e. e. they are also suitable for writing the property values ​​to the table of contents or other help files. printsongpropertylist[⟨code⟩]{⟨property⟩}{⟨between two⟩}{⟨between more⟩}{⟨between last.

Puts all elements of the property list⟨property⟩into the input stream, before each element. Checks if the ⟨property⟩ property is set. ifanysongproperty{csv list of properties}{⟨true⟩}{⟨false⟩} Introduced in . Checks if any of the properties in the ⟨csv property list⟩ is set. ifallsongproperties{csv properties list}{⟨true⟩}{⟨false⟩} Introduced in .

Checks if properties ⟨property 1⟩ and ⟨property 2⟩ have been set to the same value. leadsheet measures the height of a lyric before inserting it, and it may often be necessary in a template to know whether the measure phase is active or not. For example, the song property height should only be used if not in the measurement phase: its value is determined there and is not yet available. Its fleece was white as snow, yes Everywhere the child went The little lamb was sure to go, yes He followed her to school one day And broke the teacher's rule What did they have that day at school.

Verse-type Templates

  • Background

Since you define a template for an environment with \defineversetypetemplate , it takes two arguments for code: one for code at the beginning of the environment and one for code at the end. To give you an idea of ​​how to use verse-type templates, I'll show you how to define the existing ones and a few new definitions. So to not get a vertical jump after each line, the template\parskipto sets zero.

Chorus: Sit elytri sadipsing mit dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam nonum tempor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua, sed diam volupta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, elytri sadipscing est, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna. Ut videre potes, non est facile totum exemplum definire quod cum cantibus et sine lineis obedire={verum} congruit.

One of the strings in Table 4 is a bit different: the string leadsheets/interpretation is declared as. Depending on the settings, this removes the entire preamble from single.tex and contains only the document text of the file. You can redefine it to change its appearance. newcommand*\mkchoir[1]{\instruction{\leadsheetstranslate{choir}: #1}}.

This can be changed with an option, but then \usepackageen\RequirePackage will still be disabled and just do nothing in the included file. If you don't want this, you can use the starred version of\includeleadsheet. Using this is dangerous: for it to work \usepackageen\RequirePackage must be disabled while the file is included.

The included leadsheets don't need to be a full document - a standard text file consisting of just the song environments will work just as well.


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