This report is based on research into the role of agencies in providing relevant information to clients in the complex income support system. Focus on front-end measures that enable clients to deal effectively with the complex income support regime.
We have therefore drawn on DVA examples and experiences in our report in relation to the issues under consideration. They also agreed that issues relating to the provision of information were linked to the wider issues of what level of responsibility agencies should take in their dealings with their clients, and what safeguards were in place for when things went wrong.
The assessment would be accepted by the agency and subject to random audits and similar compliance mechanisms as in the tax system. We also recognize that there are measures in the income support system to help clients. In this regard, since the onus is on the customer or potential customer, we still believe there are important elements of "self-assessment" in the system.
We believe that there is indeed a moral case for redressing the imbalance in liabilities in the income support regime. He has indicated that one of the most important issues is the changing role of government in the community and how the public sector is adapting to that changing role. 9 Speech 'Developments in the public sector and the implications of the new Kingdom Act', Institute of Public Administration NSW, March 6, 1998.
He told us that the way he provides his services and his strategy for providing services in the future is strongly influenced by a number of factors described above. The Management Improvement Advisory Committee (MIAC) and the Management Advisory Board (MAB) published their Guidelines for Risk Management in the Australian Public Service in 199614.
The letters also contain information on how to contact Centrelink if you have questions and advice in bold print to read the back of the letter which contains information about client obligations and rights. Reduced the total number of OLA paragraphs and changed some text to make the information as clear and concise as possible. In Case Study 2, we raised the issue that Mrs S did not have enough information about her assessment to alert her that there was an aspect of the decision that she should inquire about with Centrelink and request a review if necessary.
We have indicated that the decision letters, especially those in which customers are informed about assessments in the context of the income or assets test, should provide additional information about the basis of the calculations, and not just about the total assessment amount. From our experience of handling a large number of telephone complaints about Centrelink, we have found that many customers do not really understand important features of the Income Support system, such as how the rating system works, and in particular the importance of seeking review within the statutory period of 13 weeks for a new decision to take effect from the date of the original decision being reviewed. While the section titled 'Your rights' warns of the consequences of not requesting review within 13 weeks, in our opinion the phrase ' can only get a refund from.
The rights information on Centrelink's website, for example, explains more clearly how the review system works, and the restrictions on getting a refund up to the date of the original decisions. Centrelink raised the issue that there may be room for a more radical rethink of the way in which payment changes and other decisions are notified in letter form.
At the same time, it must also deal with new government policy initiatives, such as the FAO, which can add an extra layer of complexity to an already complex system. Our experience is that such new initiatives run the risk of shifting risk back to the customer and causing customers to fall through the income support safety net that government policy dictates applies in the community. When help for a general part of the community, such as families, is offered by several.
Customers must be able to make informed choices about options available to them if they are not to fall through the safety net. Case study 4 in Appendix A highlights the problems that arise when the rules are so complex that it is difficult for customers to know what they need to do to receive their correct entitlements, or difficult for Centrelink to clearly explain what steps customers need to take take to ensure they receive correct rights. In our view, it remains critical that agencies take responsibility for ensuring that clients are not disadvantaged by the complexity of regulations that support programs that can be packaged in a more user-friendly way.
DSS sent her a notice informing her of the total income it had calculated, the decision that she was not entitled to any pension, and information about her review rights. She relied on the advice of DSS's financial expert, and had no logical reason to request a review of the decision. DSS replied that it saw no grounds for applying the CDDA scheme as Ms S had the right to have the decision reviewed.
He also acknowledges that many of the rules relating to matters such as assessment of income are complex. They then sought payment through DSS, but there was no provision for DSS to pay the arrears. The agencies used their expertise to reduce the risk that people previously had to bear, of missing out on the full benefit of the Family Tax Initiative.
The AAT found that because of the way the notification did not clearly differentiate between the two decisions, Ms. de AAT concluded that the letter was not a notification of decision within the meaning of the Social Security Act and that family benefits could be reinstated from the date on which the previous incorrect decision has come into effect.
This facility is an important part of the agency's goal to increase call center capacity to effectively handle the massive volume and reach of calls and provide a more effective connection to. Nevertheless, we believe that IVR can play an important role in providing clients with a certain type of information more efficiently initially, and ultimately alternative access to a wider range of agency activities. Nevertheless, it appears that the Common Platform feature can reduce duplication of data entry and the actions required from officers to ensure that customer data is properly modified after the agency receives relevant information.
This feature can thus increase the agency's capacity to undertake more quickly and efficiently the large number of tasks it deals with every day. Peter Johnson, paper presented at the Australian Institute of Public Administration National Conference, Hobart, November 1998, p. 7-8. The ease of submitting requests online is linked to the goal of a core contact model to provide a more personalized service that meets.
And this goal is supported by the ability of call centers, for example, to set up the initial electronic file that forms the basis of the improved service provided by the customer service center. Centrelink officers enter the required information and customize the online claim to suit the client's circumstances; this generally significantly reduces the size of the request form.
Also, there is flexibility in Social Security law to treat a claim for one payment as a claim for a more appropriate payment. DFaCS agrees that there is a problem with the legal limitation of late payments, but this is a matter of government policy, just like DSS. But it looked at measures to make the Social Security system simpler and minimize underpayment and non-filing of claims.
It was therefore particularly interested in the relationship it had with Centrelink through the Service Level Agreement. He gave examples of the more flexible provisions in the non-statutory Abstudy scheme for review of entitlement decisions. This approach aims to address the issue of the department taking a greater level of responsibility to ensure that its clients have full.
DVA aims to support the principle of a single point of contact with the establishment of a unified electronic information base in. DVA ensures that customers have the minimum number of employees who have delegation and training to advise and make decisions.
The current position of inspection information at the bottom of the back of letters may mean that customers were not fully informed of their inspection rights and the statutory time frame. However, it is better for agencies to take more responsibility to provide better information to clients or potential clients and make the right decisions. The AAT believes that providing oral advice more effectively can significantly reduce the level of risk borne by clients.
WRC believes current decision notices provide only basic information about decisions and clients are often unable to reasonably identify errors or a basis for questioning the decision. But any new service delivery model must strive to get it right for the client who depends on income support. Significant resources are used to detect fraud, but it is not clear what steps are being taken to monitor the quality of decision-making and minimize underpayments, when the onus appears to be on the customer to detect errors and challenge decisions .
National Council of Single Mothers and Their Children (NCSMC) D.26 NCSMC believes that there are insufficient safeguards in the current welfare system, especially given the vulnerability and special needs of many groups. A checklist of questions about different programs can help customers get all the relevant information or advice.