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VOLUME 9 No 1 / FEBRUARY 1975 / PRICE $2


Academic year: 2023

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The awards are open to all members of institutions and associations associated with the organization of the conference. If only they (the opposition) will open their eyes to the full facts of the matter, all disagreement will disappear. The trendy's sincere claim that they are improving the local environment for everyone, working-class residents included, becomes even more suspect as the middle-class attractions, mentioned above, encourage more trendy to arrive, driving property prices, rents and prices. up and the working class in search of cheaper housing.

It is not an objective piece of reality waiting to be discovered by the observant researcher, but an expression of his subjective tendencies. Ideology here refers to the set of assumptions, values ​​and rationalizations that enable the individual to construct his view of the world and his place in it. So the relevant facts in terms of the approach relate to people's austerity behavior – that is:

Economists will usually dismiss such deficiencies in the national accounts as inevitable given the practical impossibility of accurately estimating the productive value of the household economy. Thus, some estimate of the value of food grown by a farmer and consumed by his household (instead of being sold on the open market) is incorrect. In the remaining, neglected category of activities and consequences, most of the recent concerns about quality of life belong.

The sum of these neglected consequences, ecologists argue, constitutes a sweeping indictment of the GNP concept. Goods such as clean air and aesthetic landscape are not valued and do not enter into GNP calculations, nor are air pollution and aesthetic sensitivities a negative. A new burgeoning sub-discipline, environmental economics, has recently taken off and its roots go back at least as far as the works of the neoclassical economist A.

Due to the technical properties of air, it is not possible to initiate private property rights in its ownership and therefore also not to establish a private market for its use. Economists have instead proposed transferring ownership rights to the government on behalf of the people. Each side will seek to claim the legitimizing agency of the public interest, but will in reality operate with conflicting notions of its meaning.

Much of the initial protest against the scheme came from newer, environmentally conscious middle-class residents on the south coast and was channeled through the Labor Party's organizational base •— local branches dominated by such residents and the local federal electorate - a target from which a committee was formed to fight the proposal. Support from other unions has also been secured and the NSW Labor Council has condemned the plan, which threatens to strike in support of the protest. This is a classic example of the conflict between sectoral interests and self-perceived needs for the public good - a conflict that in this case proved exhausting, as the miners' union played no significant role in the struggle.

Environmentalists made little progress politically until they began to organize pressure groups based on sections of the middle classes willing to see environmental improvements as a specific benefit along with or in light of strictly economic benefits.


It is likely that these differences are due to seasonal changes in wind speed and vertical mixing of the atmosphere, but analysis is needed to confirm this. Studies of airborne ozone, dust, and radioactivity at Aspendale by Galbally, Galbally, and Goodman and Hicks (4) show a strong dependence of these pollutants on wind direction. Higher concentrations of nitrogen dioxide could be expected in northerly winds due to heavy traffic and industrial activity in the city.

Measurements of the concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the air coming from the southwest quadrant to Aspendale can be analyzed in more detail. Most of this NOx will be in the form of NO, but about 80% of the conversion could come from ozone, which is naturally present in the air. The margin of error is based on a factor of two increasing and decreasing the highway contribution due to variations, etc.

This difference in mean values ​​could easily be eliminated by increasing either the background level or one of several factors in the calculation of the highway contribution. However, due to the significant uncertainty in each of the terms and the numerous simplifying assumptions required for the use of the diffusion equation, any such adjustment is unwarranted. It appears that on occasions with southwesterly winds, the NO concentrations observed at Aspendale may be represented by the sum of the background level and a concentration due to vehicle emissions from the Nepean Highway.

However, variations in atmospheric concentrations can only be explained in terms of the physics, chemistry and meteorology of the 14. The nitrogen dioxide and ozone data for Aspendale were examined in the hope that a simple empirical relationship could be found, and the results are shown in Table 3 presented. The average ratio of O3 to NO2 in midday air at Aspendale is 4 : 1 and the range of values ​​of the ratio for individual occasions varies from 0 to 33.

No simple relationship is found between midday nitrogen dioxide and ozone concentrations at Aspendale. Ron was a founding Council member of the Society and was a member of the original Committee responsible for the production of our Clean Air magazine, and since the formation of the N.S.W. Ron's death marks the loss of a friend and a stalwart in the field of air pollution control.

Fig. 2: Nitrogen oxide concentrations at Aspendale 1972-1974.
Fig. 2: Nitrogen oxide concentrations at Aspendale 1972-1974.

M. SULLIVAN President, NSW Branch

Following the implementation of some minor amendments to the Clean Air Act to allow the re-establishment of representation from the NSW Health Commission, the Air Pollution Advisory Committee has been increased by one member. It is with deep regret that I report the sudden death of our N.S.W. on 24th December 1974. Ron Williams had been Municipal Health Inspector and Building Inspector in Leichhardt Local Council for over thirty years until last September when he retired.

Ron's interest in air pollution control became widely known when under his leadership Leichhardt Council set up a Smoke Control Committee whose function was to advise both the Council and industry within the Municipality on matters relating to air pollution control. This Committee, which is unique in the Sydney metropolitan area, has now been in operation for almost a quarter of a century and air quality has improved over that period.


  • BAGG Pollution Control and Energy Needs
  • STRAUSS Prevention of Air Pollution in the
  • S. LAYTON Apparate und Verfahren der
  • STRAUSS The Atmospheric Environment

It is noted that these methods became truly effective only with the advent and rapid development of high-speed computing. It summarizes the state-of-the-art in mathematical modeling for environmental pollution control, using mathematical formulas and diagrams. Equally important is the fact that mathematical modeling techniques often tend to clarify the problems and their component parts and the variables involved more clearly and by using these in a logical way increase the reliability of the results.

For most engineers and scientists, only a few articles and sections of the book will be of particular interest, along with the editor's excellent introduction. The book requires considerable effort on the part of the reader, even though he may already be familiar with some of the aspects mentioned. The first three, short chapters deal with particle behavior and related material, and the next four chapters, which make up the bulk of the book, discuss (1) dry mechanical collectors.

Most of the discussion is about mesoscale effects, and especially about the urban atmosphere. The book can be used as a text for tertiary-level courses in environmental studies, but only if the students have completed at least a comprehensive introductory course in meteorology. without meteorological training will find much of the content baffling, unless he has some free time, and access to a large number of the references cited in the text. The best sections of the book are those dealing with the numerical modeling of mesoscale and large-scale circulations.

Prof Frisken is careful to point out the shortcomings of the different hierarchies of numerical models, and the likely limitations of the much more complex models that will be developed in the future. However, as in any field in which very rapid development is taking place, there is a high probability that much of the text will become obsolete within a few years. In summary, this book contains compact and highly readable reviews of the current "state of the art" in two important environmental fields;. but it is perhaps unfortunate that the reader needs a considerable grounding in meteorology to fully appreciate the subject.

Many of the diagrams are three-dimensional to show the interaction of two parameters, for example air/fuel ratio and carbon/. hydrogen ratio to combustion temperature. The other choice would have been a much larger book, which would defeat the purpose of this work. The symposium was attended by a number of doctors and members of the Association for Occupational Hygiene.




36-40 GRAHAM ROAD, HIGHETT, VIC 3190 Telephone: 95 0000








Fig. 2: Nitrogen oxide concentrations at Aspendale 1972-1974.
Fig. 4: Frequency distribution of half hourly mean ozone and nitrogen dioxide measurements  at 1300 hrs (Aspendole 1973)
Table 2. Nitrogen Dioxide concentrations according to wind trajectories, Aspendale 1973  (Mean, Standard Deviation no


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School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, and Department of Community Health, Gauteng Department of Health and Social Development,

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