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A Case Study of Amin Bazar Dumping Station


Academic year: 2023

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I hereby solemnly declare that the thesis title "Reviving Soil through Proper Waste Management for Ensuring Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Amin Bazar Dumping Station" submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Master of Laws, Department of Law, Daffodil International University. It has been prepared for partial fulfillment of the requirement for awarding the degree cand.jur., Department of Law, Påskelilje International University. After ten years, the Amin bazaar dumping ground has turned into a threat to life and livelihood of the residents of Konda and Ballarpur in Savar.

In total, residents from Konda and Ballarpur villages are among the victims of the dumping site.

Review of Related Literature: Literature review makes the researcher aware of other related work that has already been done. Literature review broadens and

The percolation chain, environmental and soil contamination of the landfill's surrounding areas, and health problems for landfill workers and nearby residents are among the issues that have been found. Dhaka Landfill Waste Practices” Waste management practices have a direct impact on the environment and public health. Source waste reduction must be implemented to ensure a reduction of waste that is disposed of in landfills.

Regular training and monitoring programs are needed to ensure proper use of comfortable and convenient safety equipment and reduce vector propagation. Zahidul Quayyum and Salma Akter Urme (2019) in their research “Study on Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City” Landfills explored how. Inadequate solid waste management practices in landfills cause adverse environmental impacts through seepage of leachate, incineration of waste, and breeding of vectors.

Lack of time: Time is one of the most important variables in conducting research. Lack of primary data: Despite my best efforts, I was unable to collect any primary data during my two visits to the Amin Bazar dump. I talked to workers and farmers nearby about this issue to get more information, but I could not get accurate information.

The allocated distance from the two landfills was displayed using a multi-ring buffer zone analysis with 500, 700 and 1000 m benchmarks (the greater distance represents less exposure to pollution). A low-lying location, it looked more like a shallow body of water during the rainy season, while the rest of the year paddy and vegetable plants danced in the wind. After more than ten years, the Amin bazaar dumping ground has evolved into the threat to lives and livelihoods that the residents of Konda and Balaarpur in Savar feared the most.

As a result, the economic activities of at least 22,000 people, such as agriculture and fishing, have been affected, as predicted by the Bangladesh Environment Lawyers Association (BELA) before the landfill came into operation. The waste that hawks, crows and rodents eat and leave in their path also contaminates the areas of land some distance from the construction site. Anyone can smell the stench from miles away thanks to the abundance of gases released when waste decomposes.

These data were collected through field surveys and also by obtaining some information from farmers outside the study area. This location not only causes soil degradation, but the entire environmental system is also harmed by the landfill. On the other hand, the agricultural land adjacent to the waste became barren due to this reason.

CHAPTER TWO Conceptual Framework

Sustainable Development and Soil Preservation : Humans produce a lot of trash, much of which now has an impact on the environment, including the

Due to the enormous number of components of soil and the interactions and feedbacks between these components, managing soil sustainably needs a complex, multidisciplinary approach. Sustainable waste management aims to reuse as many naturally occurring materials as is practical to minimize the use of natural resources. For a sustainable waste management system to be effective, it must include feedback loops, emphasize processes, demonstrate adaptability and divert waste from disposal.

The circular economy's central idea of ​​sustainable waste management has many opportunities and advantages for the economy, society and the environment. Collection, sorting, treatment and recycling of waste are all integral parts of sustainable waste management, as is providing a source of energy and resources if done properly. As a result, it strengthens waste management techniques, provides jobs and reduces the negative impacts of human activities on the environment, and consequently improves air and water quality.

Instead of using waste management as a last resort to manage waste properly, use a sustainable materials management strategy. Human exposure to soil pollution is estimated to cause more than 5,000,000 premature deaths worldwide each year. There is evidence that poorer households are disproportionately affected by the health effects of soil pollution.

What Harmful Effects Does Soil Pollution Have?

Furthermore, since only a small subset of pollutants were involved in these deaths, the overall impact of soil pollutants on human health and well-being is probably greater. Contaminants in soil can affect a variety of organs, including the immune, reproductive, neurological and cardiovascular systems, among others, depending on the substances they contain. Moreover, this type of pollution often increases the salinity of the soil, which makes it unsuitable for the development of plant life.

In a process called bioaccumulation, plants grown in contaminated soil can accumulate significant amounts of soil pollutants. All the accumulated pollutants are transferred up the food chain when herbivores eat these plants. Furthermore, these toxins have the potential to move up the food chain and eventually manifest as diseases in humans.

Furthermore, it can cause acid rain by releasing a significant amount of ammonia into the environment. As a result, the harmful effects of soil pollution also affect soil texture and quality. This type of pollution has a significant impact on crop productivity; in China, about 12 million tonnes of grain – worth about US$2.6 billion – has been found to be unfit for human consumption due to heavy metal contamination.

What are some ways to manage soil pollution?



LGRD and Cooperatives Minister Tazul Islam claimed that if a power plant collects so much garbage, there will be no more waste in the city (Prothom Alo English Desk). Once the country's first projected waste-to-energy plant at Amin Bazaar in the capital is operational, Dhaka is expected to experience a fundamental shift in how it disposes of the more than 6,000 tons of garbage it produces every day, according to the news agency UNB. After the projected waste-to-energy plant in Amin bazaar starts producing electricity, there will be no garbage lying around in the city.

Tazul Islam, if the power plant collects this much garbage, there will be no more waste in the city. The minister said this while inspecting Dhaka North City Corporation's Gabtoli Mechanical Workshop and Amin Bazar Dumping Ground (DNCC). Tazul Islam, who described the waste-to-energy plant as his "dream project", issued a warning that any irregularities and corruption will not be tolerated in the endeavour.



Water contamination and a leachate treatment facility: The technique of this investigation prevented groundwater testing in a lab or by scientific

In the dumping platform, high density polyethylene pipes are arranged in the shape of a fish skeleton to channel the raw leachate slowly into the leachate pond. The leachate water treatment plant in Matuail is divided into two sections where the raw leachate is collected in the raw leachate pond according to the qualitative observation checklist. Three tanks filled with three different types of chemicals including iron sulfate (FeSO4), lime (CaO) and polymer are used to treat the raw leachate using chemical oxygen consumption and biological oxygen consumption.

This leachate treatment plant helps in cleaning the leachate and converting it into drinking water. Pipes are used to extract the raw leachate from the waste and transport it to the leachate treatment plant channel. Using hydro-smart technology, the raw leachate that has accumulated in the raw leachate pond is reduced to smaller particles and chemically treated with FeSO4 and CaO.

Due to the mixing of rainfall and runoff during the monsoon, it is difficult to properly manage the runoff basin. According to an in-depth investigation by the FGD, the leachate and garbage mixing with the groundwater adversely affects the nearby water bodies, decimating the fish population and making it difficult for fishermen to survive. Unfortunately, the leachate treatment plant does not completely reduce leachate seepage into local water bodies, causing them to become polluted.


Regulatory framework on prevention of soil pollution

  • Regulatory Framework for Soil Pollution Prevention: Like to many other nations, the government of Bangladesh has created a number of legislative
  • Rajuk and the City Corporation's legal battle was unsuccessful: Locals warned about the severe effects of environmental damage during the property
  • Environmental action by the City Corporation; A DNCC waste management official who wished to remain anonymous revealed that the authority has plans to
  • Participation Re- examined: Amin Bazar Dump Station has been re-evaluated I went there to collect primary data, so I spoke with Amin Bazar dump station
  • Findings: The fundamental drivers of global economic and social development, rapid urbanization and industrialization, are connected to increased waste
  • Recommendation: The results show that there is need for improvement in the organization and efficiency of the city of Dhaka's current soil waste management
  • Conclusions: Strategies for managing urban garbage must fully account for the intricate interactions that take place with various urban systems. Urban waste

Amin bazar landfill, according to AH Maqsood Sinha, Managing Director of Waste Concern, is an uncontrolled dumping site that does not meet the requirements of a sanitary landfill. Standing there, one can see piles of garbage in the middle of the Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan's flow zone during floods. He said his family alone controlled a fifth of the land at the disposal site.

Along with landfill leachate treatment and management processes, it examined the environmental and human health impacts of waste management processes at Mutual and Amin Bazar landfills. A multi-ring buffer zone was established to assess the impact of the landfill on nearby features. 2011) found local people and fishermen cultivating fish in the nearby low-lying areas of the Matuail landfill in the southern and eastern locations.

Some FGD participants claimed that landfill waste management procedures have a negative impact on the health of people living nearby. To achieve resource conservation, environmental protection and public health protection, waste must be controlled. A suitable basement and drainage absorption is also required to regulate the flow of runoff.

It is also necessary to strengthen the organizational capacities of the landfills by providing adequate technical and human resources, as well as to ensure adequate funding for effective SWM practices. The existing aerobic leachate treatment procedure should also be improved using low-tech, simple and creative techniques. Middlemen should be removed from the system, and the workers at this plant should come under the jurisdiction of the city corporation.


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