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Department of Textile Engineering Faculty of Engineering


Academic year: 2023

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The garment cost specifies the cost of each distinguishable item capable of creating a particular garment. The worldwide apparel manufacturers manufacture their pieces of clothing using different costing strategies. It additionally reflects the basis of a cost chart of garments and additionally creation costs by request amount and value, which improves the effect of the worldwide clothing business.


  • Introduction
  • History of Bangladesh garments industry
  • Recent Garments News time in Covid-19
  • Outcome
  • Objectives of the Study
  • Important and Scope of the study
  • Limitations of the study

In 2012, Bangladesh's apparel – predominantly to the US and Europe – accounted for practically 80% of the country's access compensation. Much of the titanic improvement of the section and its activity as a financial powerhouse for the country is attributed to the availability of. As Bangladesh's garment production lines consistently bounce back, manufacturers are facing weak general enthusiasm mid-pandemic.




The Bangladesh moment garment industry is by and by properly experiencing expanded requests from global customers to address a more broad range of issues related to the reasonableness of the zone. The rising question with two coverages facing the RMG part today is: Are we arranged for this expanded level in reasonable targets set by our customers and where will the basic venture to perform the most significant climb to our industry begin . It is great for us to understand that the RMG part cannot ignore the increasing requests of our customers for more increased degrees of practicality.

Next to the subjects of carbon transfer and small-scale plastics, issues covering better waste management and reuse are coming to the fore. We are all concerned that the RMG sector and the nation as a whole seek to address the issue of carbon emissions. We all need to inspect ways that reduce our carbon impression, from equipping normal resources to assigning hydrogen power units to our open vehicle system and major product transportation organizations.

This is not a zone that is the only remnant of the RMG section, but one that requires more unmistakable efforts at a public and neighborhood government level. The RMG business must figure out how to limit the impact of plastic pollution on nature, whether it is the institution of continuous strict filtration control of abundant material from weaving and washing plants to the ordinary household of any waste we produce. . It is one of the RMG part's most notable market opportunities to work inextricably with those early advances and welcome them to complete their assessment in Bangladesh by opening up the market data to them to empower them to work feasible and structures on to offer that will benefit the business by and large.

Now is an ideal opportunity for us as an industry to step out and explore ways we can support and manage these shifts into the zone.

Fabric Marker Section

The normal impact is extraordinary, and the market potential is remarkable, but these developments make it the same way – they expect support to flourish and appear at more prominent market volumes. We need to rethink our approach to managing the waste we create and consider how we can best utilize it for the earth and to end the resources that constantly flow from our industry. It looks good, both for expanding the practicality and practicability of our business, but also considering the way they offer potential cash-related streams that would normally be dismissed.

With a discount change in the garment waste methodology, Bangladesh would have the alternative to demonstrate to its RMG industry clients that we are taking care of business regarding a viable round approach to manage the plan activities.

What Makes a Pen a Fabric Marker?

Size Varieties

Fabric Selection


Enormous Areas of Color



  • Cutting Section
    • Cutting Process Procedure
    • Flow chart of Apparel Industry
    • The process flow is described briefly
    • Cut Panel Inspection

The cutting room is a segment in the clothing industry where textures are cut according to the example, the marker; the cut pieces are sewn to get parts of the clothing structure. Cutting is the most touch-sensitive activity in the garment business, the accuracy of the shaper's work is the key here to maintain excellent cut quality. In the event that you identify with the garment or clothing manufacturing measure, you need to know the cutting work exercises.

Spandex textures can be loose from 24 to 48 hours before distribution according to the customer's needs. In the event that the board additionally discovered from hard examples, it should cut additional part. If the board discovered less from hard example, the texture should be placed under marker according to the lay diagram to redo again.

They discover all detailed data in the PO sheet, especially size analysis, size wise and shade smart request amount. Texture spread: Before the texture is spread on the table, they leave the rolled texture loose for 12-24 hours. Marker placement: Marker is a scanty paper that transfers all the articles of clothing segments and lays on texture for cutting.

Numbering and checking: In this progress, number and check the cut parts carefully with the aim that the single segments never fail.

Contribution to Sewing: The packaged cut piece prepared for sewing

  • Sewing
    • Sewing Section Flow chart
    • Sewing Section T-shirt in Garments
    • List of operations involved in making t-shirt
  • Sewing M/C used In Process
  • Different types of defects and their causes and remedies
  • T-Shirt Finishing Process
  • Production process in the cutting room Irrespective of size;
  • Garments Costing
    • Cost Calculation System
    • Factors Considered Before Garments Costing
  • Accessories & trims
    • Consumption On basic t-shirt Garments
    • Method of Fabric Consumption Calculation of a Knitted T-Shirt

Follow the tech pack guidelines for the position of the connection size name. Lockstitch machine is the most commonly used sewing machine in the garment industry, especially in woven garments. Open seam or broken seam: segment of the garment that is not covered with sewing thread.

In the finished piece of clothing, texture deformations and south effects should not be allowed. For garments that cost, a merchant must take away the cost of raw materials and the cost of counting pieces of clothing. Garments Expenses for transportation from the factory to the port or air terminal.

11.Print: If the garments have print at that time, make sure you have an unmistakable craft of it. To shade colored pieces of clothing, we regularly used cotton cords. Zipper: If the garment has zippers at that point it confirms from where you will buy it.

Button: Get the capture cost from your provider if the clothing pieces have it. Patch or identification: Calculate the patch or identification or other metal items if the garment has. It is a mill task of a clothes merchant to find use.



  • Introduction
  • CM (cost of making) by SMV
  • Costing parameters
  • Fabric consumption
  • Costing of a knitted garments basic T shirts

SAM (or SMV) implies the time (in minutes) required by a specialist to complete a certain activity or produce a certain garment. Occasionally it concludes with a look at an unusual table of times just established for each errand expected to produce a garment. If we need to determine the CM of garments, we need to realize the work cost every moment at that time.

Labor cost per minute= (monthly salary of an operator/total available minutes in the month) at 100% efficiency. But no line can perform at 100% efficiency, so labor costs per minute increase as line efficiency decreases. Labor cost per minute = Total salary of labor in a month / Total SAM produced by that labor in that month.

In general, the price of a product is determined by the required profit, which is added to the total cost. In general, the quantity of size L will be greater than or equal to that of any other size.


  • Measures to control cost lost in wastage
  • Seven type of wastages in apparel sector
  • Transportation
  • Overabundance stock
  • Overabundance movement
  • Pausing
  • Over Production
  • Over handling
  • Imperfections
    • Economic and Social
    • Technical, Legal: Design both for Reuse and Recycling
    • Zero waste idea
    • Use of articles of clothing waste
    • Environmental and monetary advantages of piece of clothing reusing Garment reusing have major focal points similarly as natural similarly as pragmatic. Some
    • Low wastage in cutting time
    • Reduce the Ends of ply losses
    • Minimize the Selvedge losses
    • Reduce the Loss of fabric ends
    • Careful about Fabric Purchase
    • Identify Fabric defects

Moving cuttings from cutting department to sewing lines, transporting sewn pieces of clothing from sewing floor to finishing office, Moving bundles of clothes in the line. For example, if the step by step demand for sewing is 5000 pieces and the creation line makes/cuts more than that sum (demand), modern office carries excess units of pieces of clothing than needed to go with. In piece of clothing advancement, a few exercises may not be basic to give the final look and improvement.

As everyone in the preparation plant realizes that no defective garment can be sent out, why transfer broken pieces. If defective garments are made, modern office must alter and fix those imperfect garments before offering them to the buyer. The labor cost of mending a garment is usually higher than purchasing another garment.

In rare cases, it really is more affordable to buy another item of clothing rather than have it professionally cleaned. If it is a transient garment, either due to its style or its intrinsic nature, it should preferably be made from a regulated material suitable for reuse. While bags, zippers, adjustable closures, holders and plastic bags are traded to more modest than ordinary ruffle clothing sellers.

The essential inspiration behind cutting is to shield surface parts from the spread of the layout through the assessment of the marker with the ultimate goal of making garments according to the model pieces.



Garment littering is by no means a huge waste stream by weight or volume, but it does have a significant environmental impact related to the age of clothing items. Leading waste in the clothing industry has achieved an increase in business economics. There are two options for testing the serious world launched by the persistent weight of a global clothing chain.

You can survive in opposition by embracing respected working frameworks or shameless practices. Be that as it may, it is uncertain how long they can persist. As for the garment industry of Bangladesh, we can say that this is the right opportunity to adopt a serious strategy that improves quality.

In the event that the MFA openings are eliminated, it would be feasible to maintain the intensity through low-wage female work or through additional declines in female wages. Since the labor cost is negligible to the point that a laborer with such remuneration cannot even maintain a group of two individuals. To manage the global market, Bangladesh needs to come out of the complex of low salary and low returns in the garment industry.

Bangladesh needs to design a planned technique for advancing skill advancement, speeding up the movement of innovation and improving the length of worker efficiency.


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