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PDF ডাক - BAF Shaheen College Dhaka


Academic year: 2023

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7/26/2021 ডাক (৫) | অিফস ব ব াপনা

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গণ জাত ী বাংলােদশ সরকার

িশ া ম ণালয় মা িমক ও উ িশ া অিধদ র

www.dshe.gov.bd ঢাকা

জ ির অিত গাপনীয়

ারক ন র: ৩৭.০২.০০০০.১০৫.০৬.০০১.২১.৪৫০ তািরখ:

২৬ লাই ২০২১ ১১ াবণ ১৪২৮

িবষয়: ২০২১ সােলর এইচ.এস.িস পরী াথ েদর জ অ াসাইনেম দান।

: ১. এনিস িব এর ারক নং: ৩৭.০৬.০০০০.৪০২.৭১.০০২.২১.২; তািরখ- ২৬ লাই ২০২১

২. মাউিশ অিধদ েরর ারক ন র ৩৭.০২.০০০০.১০৫.০৬.০০১.২১.৩৯০, ১৩ ন, ২০২১ এর িব ি । ৩. ারক ন র: ৩৭.০২.০০০০.১০৫.০৬.০০১.২১.৯৯১; তািরখ: ২৩ ন ২০২১

উপ িবষয় ও ে র পিরে ি েত জানােনা যাে য, কািভট ১৯ অিতমারীর কারেণ িশ া ম ণালেয়র িনেদশনা অ সাের জাতীয় িশ া ম ও পা ক বাড ক ক িরত ২০২১ সােলর এইচএসিস পরী াথ েদর জ নিব াস ত পা িচর আেলােক ণয়ন ত অ াসাইনেম থম ধােপ ০২( ই) স ােহর (১ম ও ২য় স াহ) জ ২৩ িবষেয়র (পদাথিব ান, রসায়ন, জীবিব ান, উ তর গিণত, ইিতহাস, ইসলােমর ইিতহাস ও সং িত, পৗরনীিত ও শাসন, অথনীিত, ি িব া, সমাজিব ান, সমাজকম, েগাল, বসায় সংগঠন ও ব াপনা, িহসাবিব ান, িফ া , উৎপাদন ব াপনা ও িবপণন, আরিব, ইসলাম িশ া, িশ র িবকাশ, খা ও ি , হ ব াপনা ও পািরবািরক জীবন, ল সংগীত, উ া সংগীত) রণ করা হেলা।  

এ অ াসাইনেম ২০২১ সােলর এইচএসিস-এর সকল পরী াথ েদর দান ও হেণর ে কািভড ১৯ জিনত সরকার ক ক ঘািষত া িবিধ সং া িবিধিনেষধ যথাযথ অ সরণ বক েয়াজনীয় ব া হেণর জ অ েরাধ করা হেলা। 


িবষয় অতীব জ ুির।

সং ি : ১. কাভার া।

২. অ াসাইনেম ীড  

৩. অ াসাইনেম ( ই স ােহর জ )।


পিরচালক, মা িমক ও উ িশ া (সকল অ ল)

েফসর মাঃ শােহ ল খিবর চৗ রী


ারক ন র: ৩৭.০২.০০০০.১০৫.০৬.০০১.২১.৪৫০/১(১৬) তািরখ: ১১ াবণ ১৪২৮

২৬ লাই ২০২১ সদয় অবগিত ও কাযােথ রণ করা হল: ( জ তার মা সাের নেহ)

১) চয়ার ান, জাতীয় িশ া ম ও পা ক বাড, মিতিঝল, ঢাকা।

২) চয়ার ান , মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ া বাড, ঢাকা

৩) চয়ার ান , মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ া বাড, িম া

৪) চয়ার ান, মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ া বাড, যেশার


7/26/2021 ডাক (৫) | অিফস ব ব াপনা

https://dshe.nothi.gov.bd 2/2

৫) চয়ার ান, মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ া বাড, িদনাজ র ৬) চয়ার ান , মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ া বাড, িসেলট ৭) চয়ার ান , মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ া বাড, রাজশাহী

৮) চয়ার ান, মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ া বাড, চ াম ৯) চয়ার ান, মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ ােবাড, বিরশাল ১০) চয়ার ান, মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ া বাড,ময়মনিসংহ

১১) পিরচালক , মিনটিরং এ ইভা েয়শন উইং , মা িমক ও উ িশ া অিধদ র ১২) অ (সকল), সরকাির কেলজ

১৩) উ তন িবেশষ , বাংলােদশ পরী া উ য়ন ইউিনট, ঢাকা।

১৪) অ (সকল), বসরকাির কেলজ

১৫) িসিনয়র িসে ম এনািল , ই. এম. আই. এস সল , মা িমক ও উ িশ া অিধদ র (প মা িমক ও উ িশ া অিধদ েরর ওেয়ব সাইেট কােশর অ েরাধসহ)।

১৬) িপ এ মহাপিরচালক, মা িমক ও উ িশ া অিধদ র, ঢাকা।


েফসর মাঃ শােহ ল খিবর চৗ রী



মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ া বাড, ঢাকা


ারক ন র: ১৭৮/উ:মা:পরী:/৭৪(অংশ-১)/835 তািরখ : 26/০7/২০২১ উপ িবষেয়র ি েত সংি সকলেক জানােনা যাে য- িব াপী কািভড-১৯ জিনত অিতমারীর কারেণ এ বছর 2021 সােলর এসএসিস/সমমান ও এইচএসিস/সমমান পরী া প িভি ক ৩ নবাচিনক

িবষেয় পরী ার সময় ও পরী ার ন র াস কের া িবিধ মেন পরী া হণ করা হেব

আবি ক িবষয় ও ৪থ িবষেয়র কান পরী া হণ করা হেব না

িবেশষ কিম র পািরশ েম জএসিস/সমমান ও এসএসিস/সমমান পরী ার ন েরর িভি েত সাবেজ ািপং কের আবি ক িবষয় ও ৪থ িবষেয়র ন র দান করা হেব

িশ াথ র রিজে শন কাড অ যায়ী ৪থ িবষেয়র ন র সাবেজ ািপং এর মা েম এসএসিস/সমমান ও এইচএসিস/সমমান পরী া-2021 এর ফলাফেল ন র দান করা হেব

এে ে উ িশ ায় ভিতেত কান রকেমর নিতবাচক ভাব পড়েব না

এ- েত িশ াথ র রিজে শন কােড ৪থ িবষয় পিরবতন বা সংেশাধেনর

কান েযাগ নই

সংি সকলেক এ িবষেয় উি না হওয়ার জ অ েরাধ করা হেলা

েফসর এস. এম আিম ল ইসলাম পরী া িনয় ক

মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ া বাড, ঢাকা

ফান : ০২-৯৬৬৯৮১৫

এসএসিস/সমমান ও এইচএসিস /সমমান পরী া-২০২১ এর ৪থ িবষয় সং া জ ির িব ি





Assignment for the examinee of H.S.C -2021

Subject: Physics Paper: First Subject Code: 174 Level H.S.C



Assignment Leaning outcomes

Instructions (Symbol/step)

Evaluation model Remarks

01 Chapter 2 Chapter Title:


Imagine a three dimensional reference frame. With respect to origin there are two points P(3,-4,5) and Q (2,-1, 1). The position vector of P and Q are indicated by 𝑃⃗ and 𝑄⃗ respectively.

a) Determine the

position vector of P. Find a unit vector parallel to 𝑃𝑄⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ .

b) If 𝑃⃗ and 𝑄⃗ indicate two adjacent sides of a triangle, what is the area of the triangle?

c) Suppose in your reference frame another vector 𝑅⃗ = 𝑖̂ + 2 𝑗̂ − 3 𝑘̂

. If 𝑃⃗ , 𝑄⃗ and 𝑅⃗ indicate three sides of a cubic

1) Explain the geometric addition rules 2) Analyze the vector addition and

subtraction with the help of

perpendicular components 3) Will able to resolution a 3 dimensional vector into perpendicular component


measurement length in Kilometer unit and velocity in Km/h unit


Level of performance Score

03 02 01

a) Acceptable answer presentation

Determine position vector and unit vector with necessary information

Determine only position vector with necessary informatio n OR determine only unit vector with necessary informatio n

Only concept presentati on/only formula presentati on

b) Acceptable answer presentation

Acceptable answer presentatio n with necessary informatio n

Only concept presentati on


parallelogram as shown in figure-1, determine the

volume of the parallelogram and Explain in favor of your answer.

Fig 1: Cubic Parallelogram d) Now imagine the magnitude of 𝑃⃗ as the width of a river. Suppose 𝑄⃗ is the velocity of the current of that river and 𝑅⃗ is the velocity of the boat and imagine you are sitting on that boat.

Now what step you will take to cross the river at lowest time? Show mathematically. (It is not possible to run the boat greater than this) e) What was the lowest time to cross the river?


f) Now to cross the river at lowest distance, do

c) Acceptable answer presentation and


Acceptable answer presentation with

necessary information and


Acceptable answer presentatio n with necessary informatio n

Only concept presentati on

d)Presentation of answer with mathematical formulae

Acceptable direction and time

presentation with

necessary formulae

Acceptable direction or time presentatio n with necessary formulae

Only concept presentati on

e) Acceptable answer presentation

Acceptable answer presentatio n with necessary informatio n

Only concept presentati on

f) Acceptable answer and logical presentation

Acceptable answer and logic

presentation with

necessary information and formula

Acceptable answer with necessary informatio n and formula or only formula and logic

Only concept presentati on

Total Marks: 16 Obtained Marks:


you need to change the speed and time of the boat? Analysis


Marks Range Remarks

13-16 Excellent

11-12 Good

8-10 Average

Below 8 Need Improvement




Assignment for the examinee of H.S.C -2021

Subject: Physics Paper: Second Subject Code: 175 Level H.S.C

Assignment No

Assignment Leaning outcomes

Instructions (Symbol/step)

Evaluation model Remarks

02 Chapter 1 Chapter Title:

Thermodynamic s

a) Write down the second law of thermodynamics with respect to entropy. In case of heat conduction in three process [(1)

convection (2) conduction and (3) Radiation] whether the entropy is increased or decreased? Analyze your answer mathematically.

b) Suppose you expand 4 times the volume of a 1 gm hydrogen gas of 270C and of normal pressure in

1) Able to explain the 2nd law of thermodyna mics 2) Able to explain the principle of Carnot cycle 3) Able to explain the entropy and disorder

All units of measurement will be S.I unit


Level of performance Score

03 02 01

a)Acceptabl e answer presentatio n

Analysis with mentioning the formula and

mathematical logic

Mention the formula and logic/or Explanatio n with mathemati cal logic

Only formula mention/

or only explanatio n

b)Acceptabl e answer presentatio n

Acceptable answer presentatio n with

Only concept presentati on


isothermal process. Find out the change of entropy in the process.

c) Will there be any change in pressure in the process in isothermal expansion- explain. Find out the work done in this process of hydrogen gas expansion.

d) In isobaric process if the volume of 1 gm hydrogen gas is expanded into 4 times, whether any change in entropy or not,

determine. Compare this change in entropy in expansion of this volume in isobaric and isothermal process.

e) Draw the temperature Vs entropy graph of Carnot Cycle and explain different phases.

necessary informatio n and formula c)Presentati

on of explanation and

determinati on of magnitude

Explanation and

determination of work done

Explanatio n and conception of

determinat ion of work done/or only determinat ion of work done

Only explanatio n/ or only concept presentati on

d)Acceptabl e answer presentatio n

Determination of magnitude with

necessary information and formula and

presentation the


Determinat ion of magnitude with necessary informatio n and formula/ or conception of

determinat ion of magnitude and compariso n

Only conceptio n of determina tion of magnitude / or only compariso n



In case of change in entropy in Fig-01 and work done due to gravitational force in Fig-02, whether they depend on the given path or not? Explain your answer mathematically according to the figures.


Acceptable graph and explanation presentatio n

Acceptable graph and explanation presentation

Graph and partial explanatio n/ or only explanatio n

Only concept presentati on


Acceptable answer and logic presentatio n

Acceptable answer with necessary informatio n and mathemati cal logic

Only concept presentati on

Total Marks: 16 Obtained Marks:

Marks Range Remarks

13-16 Excellent

11-12 Good

8-10 Average

Below 8 Need Improvement




week Assignment for the examinee of HSC-2021

Subject: chemistry paper: 1st Subject code: 176 level: HSC

Assignm ent number

Assignm ent

Learnin g outcome


Instructi ons (symbol/


Evaluation model (Rubrics) Re

ma rks

1 Second Chapter:

Qualitativ e Chemistry

Atomic model &

Electronic configurat


Be able to compare Rutherfor d & Bohr models of atom

Be able to explain the quantum number, different sub shells

& their electron containing capacity

Be able describe order &

shape of energy of quantum sub shells

Be able to do electronic configurat ion by the applicatio n of Aufbau, Hund’s Law &

Pauli’s exclusion principle


Describe atomic model


Describe quantum numbers


Calculate electron containing capacity of different atomic sub shells from quantum number

d. Explain electronic configurat ion rule in atomic sub shells

Indicator Level of performance/Number Scor

4 3 2 1 e

a. Explain Bohr atomic

model with limitations

Proper explanation of the atomic model with limitations

Maximum correct explanation of the atomic model with limitations

Partial explanation of the atomic model with limitations

Description of the atomic model/

Description of limitations

b. Explain quantum numbers (n, l, m & s) &

explain significance

Proper explanation of four quantum number with significance

Maximum correct explanation of four quantum number with significance

Explanation of two quantum number with significance

Explanation of one quantum number/


c. If the value of n is 3, then calculate the total number of orbital &

calculation of maximum electron containing capacity

Proper calculation of total number of orbital &

calculation of maximum electron containing capacity

Maximum correct calculation of total number of orbital &

calculation of maximum electron containing capacity

Partial calculation of total number of orbital &

calculation of maximum electron containing capacity

Calculation of total number of orbital/

calculation of maximum electron containing capacity

d. Electronic configuration of K & Cr mentioning Aufbau &

Hund’s rule

Proper presentation of electronic configuration of two elements mentioning the rules

Maximum correct presentation of electronic configuration of two elements mentioning the rules

Partial presentation of electronic configuration of two elements mentioning the rules

Presentation of any one rule/

electronic configuration of any one element

Total Allocated number for assignment: 16

N: B: Proper/Complete=80-100%, Maximum Correct= 70-79%, Partial Correct= 50-69%

Number range Remarks

14-16 Excellent

11-13 Good

8-10 Average

7 or less than 7 Need improvement


Assignment for the H.S.C candidate of 2021

Subject: Biology Paper: First Subject Code: 178 Level H.S.C

Assign -ment No

Assignment Learning outcomes

Instruction Evaluation model (Rubrix) Rema


01 2nd Chapter:

Cell Division

Analyze the genetical changes due to the crossing over in Meiosis Cell Division

Students are able to-

-Explain the importance of Meiosis.

-Realize the contribution of Meiotic cell division in maintaining the continuity of life.

1.You have to follow the given figure to arrange 16 cards where the same number bearing homologous chromosomes remain side by side.

2. Here each number ( 1-4) indicates the positions of each chromosome. The statement below the number, is the definite character

Order Indicators Level of performance / Number Score

04 03 02 01

a) Fill up 4 rows of round 1 and 2 of assignment chart.

Fill up the 4 rows acceptably

Fill up the 3rows acceptably

Fill up the 2 rows acceptably

Fill up the 1 row acceptably

b) Fill up 4 rows of round 3 and 4 of assignment chart.

Fill up the 4 rows acceptably.

- Fill up the 2 rows acceptably

Fill up the 3 rows acceptably

Fill up the 1 row acceptably


expressed by the genetic code of that chromosome’s definite locus.

N.B : One of the gene of a definite locus of a

chromosome usually expresses a definite character along with other few genes. This also has an impact of environment. But, for easy understanding, it is assumed that, each locus bears one characteristics and environmental impact is minor. To make it easy, here each of the homologous chromosome have shown only 4 positions.

What happened , Meiosis without crossing over ?

3. One of the

chromosome from the two homologous chromosomes of father may transmit

c) What type of

genetical diversity or differences of

characters are seen due to the crossing over or if there is no crossing over in meiosis cell division of given assignment should be mentioned and explained.

Causes of genetic diversity and

explanation is

completely acceptable.

Causes of genetic diversity mention-ed properly but

explanation is partially acceptab- le.

Causes of genetic diversity and explanation is partially acceptab- le.

Only can mention the Causes of genetic diversity

Total score: 12 Acquired score:

Score range Remarks

10-12 Excellent

08-09 Very good


to the male gamete.

Same will happen for female gamete of mother. There will be a coin toss to identify randomly which one will move. If it is head then we have to assume that Pp chromosome will move to the male gamete. Again if it is tail then we have to assume that Pm chromosome will move to the male gamete. It should be kept in mind that which chromosome goes to male gamete.

4. Again a coin has to be tossed. Now, if it is head then we have to assume that Mp chromosome will move to the female gamete. Again if it is tail then we have to assume that Mm chromosome will move to the female gamete. It should be kept in mind that,

06-07 Good

05 or less than 05 Improvement needed


which chromosome goes to female gamete.

5. In 3 and 4 no. steps definite two

chromosomes from two gametes will form diploid sets (2n) of chromosome in the offspring. By this way which characters from parents are transmitted to the offspring , will be written in the definite two rows ( round 1) of the given chart in the next page.

6. Step no. 3-4 will be repeated and the result of step 5 will be written in the two rows of round -2.


What happened when meiosis occurs with crossing over ?

7. At first crossing over will take place and any one of the homologous chromosome will move to the gamete.

Crossing over may occur any one in the 4 positions of the chromosomes. At first consider the father’s chromosome pair ( Pp and Pm ).

If –

Head occurs twice

Then –

Crossing over will take place in position no.1


If –

at first we get head and then tail.

Then –

Crossing over will take place in position no.2


at first we get tail and then head.

Then –

Crossing over will take place in position no.3

If –

Tail occurs twice

Then –

Crossing over will take place in position no.4

8. Let’s assume, at first we get head and then tail. Then crossing over will take place at the position no. 2. For this, Father’s Pp (2) position’s card will exchange with Pm(2)


position’s card. Then the figure of step no. 1 Pp(2) will be the part of lower portion’s chromosome and Pm (2) will be the part of upper

position’s chromosome.

9. Crossing over of mother’s homologous pair of

chromosome will have to carried out similar to the step no. 7 and 8.

10. Due to the crossing over which crosse overed

chromosomes of parents will be transmitted to the male and female gamete should be identified applying the step no. 3 and 4.

11. Definite two cross overed chromosomes of parents will form diploid(2n) sets of chromosome of their offspring. By this way which characters from parents are transmitted to the offspring , will be written in the definite two rows ( round 3) of the given chart in the next page.


12. Step no. 7-10 will be repeated and the result of step 11 will be written in the two rows of round -4.

13. What type of genetical diversity or differences of characters are seen due to the crossing over or if there is no crossing over in meiosis cell division of given assignment should be mentioned. Causes of the differences should be explained in light of the text book. This part has to be written out of the chart of the assignment. ( in 50-70 words).

Assignment chart ( round 1-4)

What happened Meiosis without crossing over ? What happened Meiosis with crossing over ?

Round -1 Characteristics from father : Round-3 Characteristics from father :

Characteristics from mother : Characteristics from mother :

Round- 2 Characteristics from father : Round-4 Characteristics from father :

Characteristics from mother : Characteristics from mother :


Assignment for H.S.C Examinees of 2021

Subject – Higher mathematics First paper Subject code – 265 level – H.S.C Asst.


Assignment Learning Outcomes Indicator Evaluation(Rubrics) Re

mar ks Indication

01 Chapte r- 01 Matric es and Deter minant

The following table represent number of employees working in different branches of a factory in 2021

Branc h

Number of Employee Gra de- 1

Gra de- 2

Gra de- 3 Produ


4 8 4

Mark eting

0 4 4

Distri butio n

8 o 8

Branch corresponding all digits in the above chart represent the matrix A of order .All employees involved in production, marketing and Distribution will get their monthly same salary according to same grade employee.

Students will be able to- i. Describe the type of matrices with example.

ii. Determination equality, addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices.

iii. Value of a Determinant iv. Explain minor and cofactor of a determinant.

v. Explain the inverse matrix of a square matrix and find it when exist.

vi. Find the solution of system of linear equations with the help of determinant.

a)To identify symmetric or not of matrix A


Identification 02

Find 01

b) Find X if


Find X 03

Determination of , scalar product, Addition and Subtraction


Find 01



Then show that


Proof 03

Find AB and BA

02 Find AB or BA 01 d) Find the matrix C

such that


Find C 04

Find 03 Find det(A) and cofactor

02 Find Det(A) 01 e) Monthly salary of

the employees of production, marketing and distribution branches are Tk.196000, Tk.88000 and Tk.200000 then find the monthly salary of an employee of each grade.


Finding monthly salary of an employee of each grade




Find D 02

Expressing as system of linear equations.


Total marks - 16

Assigned Marks

Range of Marks Comment

13 - 16 Excellent

11 - 12 Good

08 - 10 Average

0 - 07 Need Improvement


Assignment for the students of HSC Examinee of 2021

Subject: Accounting Paper: First Subject code: 253 Level: HSC



Assignment Learning



Evaluation instruction (Rubrics)


Chapter Two:

Books of Accounts

Introduction to books of accounts:


The ledger balances of Tista Biponi itan as at 31st May, 2021 are as follows:

Cash Tk. 32,000; Office equipment Tk. 30,0000;

Account receivable Tk. 25,000; Account payable Tk. 18,000. Following events are took place in the month of June 2021:

June 2 The owner introduced cash Tk. 10,000 and office equipment Tk. 30,000 into the business.

June 5 Goods sold of Tk. 40,000 of which 60% in cash.

June 9 Rent paid Tk. 8,000.

June 12 Due taka received of credit sales on 5 June and discount allowed Tk. 500.

June 17 The owner purchased a laptop for his personal use by Tk 50,000 money proceeds from selling his personal asset in Tk.


June 20 Goods purchase from Ghosh and sons of Tk. 9,000 of which 50% on credit.

June 23 The due taka paid off of Gosh and sons and discount received Tk. 200.

June 26 Goods sold in cash Tk. 30,000.

June 30 Salary paid to manager Tk. 10,000.

1. Will be able to explain double entry system 2. Will be able to

identify debit and credit of accounts 3. Will be able to

explain the importance of accounting cycle.

4. Will be able to describe the species of primary books of accounts 5. Will be able to


documentary evidences 6. Will be able to

learn about accounts 7. Will be able to

determine the balances of accounts 8. Will be able to

learn about cash book, cash receipt journal, cash payment journal and multiple column cash book.

a. Should follow the steps of accounting cycle.

b. Transactions are to be identified from the events.

c. The effects of transactions on accounting equation must be described.

d. Post into relevant ledger and determine balances.

e. Cash book is

to be


Instruction Efficiency level Remarks

4 3 2 1 Score

a. Describing steps of accounting cycle.

If writes 4 steps with examples.

If writes 3 steps with examples.

If writes 2 steps with examples.

If writes 1 step with examples.

b. Showing transactions of June 2, 5, 9 and 20 in accounting Equation.

If the effects of 4 transactions

are shown with opening balances

If the effects of 3 transactions

are shown with opening


If the effects of 2 transactions

are shown with opening


If the effects of 1 transactions are shown with

opening balances

c. Prepare entry of the transactions of June 2, 5, 17 and 26.

If all entries are made with narration

If all entries are made

without narration

If 2 entries are made with


If 1 entries are made with


d. Preparation of Capital account;

Cash account;

Office equipment account and Accounts Payable.

If 4 accounts

are prepared with correct


If 3 accounts are prepared with correct


If 2 accounts are prepared with correct


If 1 accounts are prepared with correct


e. Preparation of cash received and payment journal with the

transactions occurred on June 2, 5, 12, 20, 23 and 30.

If cash received

and payment journals are


If one entry is wrong in cash received and

payment journal.

If one entry is correct in each cash received

and payment journal.

If only one entry is correct

in cash received or

payment journal.

Total marks of the assignment is 20.

Range of Marks Remarks

16 – 20 Very good

14 – 15 Better

10 – 13 Good

1 – 9 Improvement needed


Assignment for the participating students in the HSC Examination 2021

Subject: Business Organization & Management Paper: First Subject Code: 277 Level: HSC

Assignment No.

Assignment Learning Outcomes Instructions Evaluation Instruction (Rubrics)

1 Basic concept

of business

Business is the major impetus for the

development of economy and living standard of population of a country- Analysis the importance

of the


• Will be able to explain the concept of business

• Will be able to describe the area or scope of business

• Will be able to Analysis the problems and prospects in the field of industry, commerce & direct service as the scope of business

• Will be able to explain the functions of business

• Will be able to

Analysis the

importance of business

• Will be able to analyze the contribution of business for the development of economy

• Will be able to Analysis the role of business as a profession

• Have to explain the concept of business with example

• Have to describe the area or scope of business

• Have to describe the functions of business

• Have to

explain, how does Business play in the major impetus

for the

development of economy and living standard of population

Instruction Efficiency Level Rem


4 3 2 1 Score

a. Concept of business.

Perfectly explain the concept of business with example

Mostly completed explain the concept of business with example

Partial explain the concept of business

Given the definition of business only b. Scope of business Perfectly explain the

industry, commerce &

direct service with diagram as the scope of business

Mostly completed the explanation of

industry, commerce &

direct service with diagram of scope of business

Explain of industry, commerce & direct service except diagram of scope of business

Partial explain of industry, commerce

& direct service except diagram of scope of business

c. Functions of business

Perfectly explain the 8 functions of business

Perfectly explain (6- 7) functions of business

Perfectly explain (4- 5) functions of business.

Perfectly explain (1- 3) functions of business.

d. Role of business as the major impetus for the development of economy and living standard of population of a country

Properly explain with at least 7 economic importance along with 5 causes for the development of living standard

Properly explain with at least 5 economic importance along with 4 causes for the development of living standard

Properly explain with at least 3 economic importance along with 3 causes for the development of living standard

Properly explain with at least 1 economic importance along with 1/2 cause(s) for the development of living standard

N B: Allocated Marks: Properly/Perfectly = 80-100 % correct, Mostly = 70-79 % correct, and Partial = 50-69% correct

SL Score Range Remarks

1 13 – 16 Excellent

2 11 – 12 Very Good

3 8 – 10 Good

4 0 - 7 Improvement Needed


Assignment for the participating students in the HSC Examination 2021

Subject: Business Organization & Management Paper: Second Subject Code: 278 Level: HSC

Assignment No.

Assignment Learning Outcomes Instructions Evaluation Instruction (Rubrics)

2 Concept of Management

The success of an organization depends on the core functions, analysis and application of management- Evaluation the accuracy of the statement

• Will be able to explain the concept of management

• Will be able to analysis the importance of management

• Will be able to describe the functions of management

• Will be able to analysis the universality of management

• Have to explain the concept of management

• Have to explain the importance of management

• Have to explain the functions of management

• Have to

analysis how to apply the functions of management for the complete success of the organization

Instruction Efficiency Level Rem


4 3 2 1 Score

a. Concept of management

Perfectly explain the concept of


Mostly completed explain the concept management

Partial explain the concept management

Given the definition of management only b. Functions of


Perfectly explain with 7 functions of


Perfectly explain the (5 – 6) functions of management

Perfectly explain the (3 – 4) functions of management

Perfectly explain the (1 – 2) functions of management c. Importance of


Perfectly explain with 7 importance of management

Perfectly explain the (5 – 6) importance of management

Perfectly explain (4- 5) importance of business.

Perfectly explain (1- 3) importance of business.

d. Dependency the success of the

organization upon the analysis of functions and application of management

Logically analysis with example to apply the management functions for the success of an organization

Logically analysis with example to apply the management functions for the success of an organization partially

Partial analysis with example to apply the management

functions for the success of an organization

Partial analysis except example to apply the management

functions for the success of an organization

N B: Allocated Marks: Properly/Perfectly = 80-100 % correct, Mostly = 70-79 % correct, and Partial = 50-69% correct

Marks allocation for Assignment: 16

SL Score Range Remarks

1 13 – 16 Excellent

2 11 – 12 Very Good

3 8 – 10 Good

4 0 - 7 Improvement Needed


Assignment for the students of HSC Examinee of 2021

Subject: Production Management & Marketing Paper: First Subject code: 286 Level: HSC


no. Assignment Learning



Evaluation Instruction (Rubrics)


Chapter One:


Concept of Production and Productivity & Analyzing Importance

1. Will be able to explain concept of production;

2. Will be able to explain importance of production;

3. Will be able to explain scope of production;

4. Will be able to explain

productivity and its importance;

Have to explain concept of production

Have to explain importanc

e of

production and its scope

Have to explain productivit y and its importanc e

Indicator Efficiency level Remarks

4 3 2 1 Score

a. Concept of Production

If concept of production

with example is

explained properly.

If concept of production with

example is explained in

most of the cases perfectly

If concept of production is explained with example partial appropriately

If only concept of production is


b. Importance of Production

If at least 5 importance

of production

are explained appropriatel


If 4 importance of production are explained


If 3 importance of production are explained


If 2 importance of production are

written perfectly

c. Scope of Production If scope of production

with explanation

is written perfectly

If scope of production with

explanation is written in most

of the cases

If scope of production is

written with partial explanation

If only scope of production is


d. Concept of Productivity

If concept of productivity

with example is

explained perfectly

If concept of productivity with example is

explained in most of the cases perfectly

If concept of productivity with example is explained partial appropriately

If only concept of productivity is


e. Importance of Productivity

If overall importance

of productivity is explained perfectly

If overall importance of productivity is explained in

most of the cases perfectly

If overall importance of productivity is explained partial


If only importance of productivity is


Total allotted marks for the assignment : 20

N.B: perfect/complete = 80%-100% correct, mostly = 70%-79% correct and partial = 50%-69% correct

Range of Marks Remarks

16 – 20 Excellent

14 – 15 Very Good

10 – 13 Good

9 or below 9 Improvement needed


Assignment for the examinee of HSC - 2021

Subject: Finance, Banking & Insurance Paper: 1stPaper Code: 292 Level: HSC Assignme

nt No. Assignment Learning

Outcome Instruction

Sign/Steps/Scope Evaluation Instructions (Rubrics) Remarks


First Chapter - Evaluation of Finance

Determine similarities anddissimilarities between public finance and joint- stock company finance

Students will be able to

 Explain concept of finance

 Analyze functions of finance

 Explain principles of finance

 Explain goals of finance

While determining similarities and dissimilarities between public finance and joint- stock company finance -

 Explain concept of finance

 Describe functions of finance

 Describe principles of finance

 Describe goals of finance

Indicative Level of Performance Score

04 03 02 01

a. Concept of Public finance and Joint-stock company finance

Appropriately explained two concepts with


Partially explained two concepts with


Correctly explained two

concepts without example

Explained minimum one

concept b. Functions

of Joint- stock company finance

Explained main functions

of finance with example

Explained functions ofmain


Mentioned name of the functions ofmain


Mentioned at least one main function

of finance c. Principles

of Joint- stock company finance

Explained principles of finance with


Explained principles of


Mentioned name of the principles of


Mentioned at leas one principle of


d. Goal of Joint-stock company finance

Described goals of finance and

mentioned ways to achieve goals (minimum two

from each)

Described goals of finance and

mentioned ways to achieve goals (minimum one

from each)

Described goals of


Mentioned at least one goal of finance

e. Dissimilarit ies between public finance and Joint-stock company finance

Mentioned 4 dissimilarities

between public finance

and Joint- stock company


Mentioned 3 dissimilarities

between public finance

and Joint- stock company

Mentioned 2 dissimilarities

between public finance

and Joint- stock company

Mentioned 1 dissimilarities

between public finance

and Joint- stock company



Number Scope Comment

16-20 Excellent

14-15 Good

10-13 Average

0-9 Need Improvement


Fig 1: Cubic Parallelogram  d) Now imagine the  magnitude of 𝑃⃗   as the  width of a river
Graph and  partial  explanatio n/ or only  explanatio n


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