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Academic year: 2017



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(A Script)


I Gede Ketut Budi Saputra








I Gede Ketut Budi Saputra

Broadly, reading skills were considered as difficult skill to be achieved. This was reasonable that these skills have crucial component such as: determining main idea, determining supporting details, determining references, determining inferences, and understanding vocabulary. Therefore, it was not in common that some students were still not able to obtain the target of learning reading skills at school. This research is aimed at investigating weather Jakarta Postarticle could improvestudents’ reading achievements insecond year students of SMA Negeri 1 Kotagajah.

The researcher used quantitative method and more specifically used quasi experimental method. This method dealt with only one group as the experimental class. In applying theJakarta Post article, the researcher needed to determine the population. The populations were two classes chosen randomly as an experimental class and as try out class. The researcher used several tests in data collecting technique. They were pretest and posttest.

The result showed that the total score of pretest 943 increase 1238, and the mean gain from 45.15 to 75.05. The increasing of each aspect of reading achievement which was formed from the Jakarta Post article that were determining main idea (28%), finding supporting detail (26%), finding inferences meaning (31%), understanding vocabulary (27%), and finding reference (26%). It proved that the students’ achievements increase significantly (p < 0.05 r = 0,000).



I Gede Ketut Budi Saputra

A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The requirement for S-1 Degree


The Department of Language and Arts Faculty of Teacher Training and Education




I Gede Ketut Budi Saputra was born on Mei 5th, 1991 in Seputih Raman, Lampung Tengah. He comes from a lovely family of four children. He is the fourth child of a wonderful couple, I Nyoman Wenes, S.Pd. and Nyoman Nurati, S.Pd. his father works as teacher at State Elementary School 2 Rama Indra and His mother works as a teacher in State Junior High School 2 Kotagajah. He has three beloved siblings, I Wayan Bambang Herwanto, I Made Hariana, S.E., and I Gede Nyoman Suryadi, S.H.

He graduated from Pertiwi kindergarten Kotagajah in 1996. He continued his study to Elementary School of SDN 2 Rama Yana and graduated in 2001. He pursued his study at SMPN 2 Kotagajah and graduated in 2003. Then he continued at SMAN 1 Kotagajah and graduated in 2009.




By offering my praise and gratitude to Ida Sang hyang Widhi for blessing given blessing to me, this script proudly dedicated to:

 The greates inspiration of my life: my beloved father and Mother, Drs. I Nyoman Wenes and Nyoman Nurati, S.Pd.

 My beloved brothers: I Wayan Bambang Herwanto, I Made Hariana, S.E., and I Gede Nyoman Suryadi, S.H.

 My big family



A person who never made a mistake never tried anything


(Albert Einstein: 1879 -1955)




In the name of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, the Beneficent and Merciful. All prise is merely to mightiest Ida SHWW, the lord of the worlds, for the gracious mercy and tremendous blessings that enables me to accomplish this script. This research report, entitled the effectiveness of using jakarta post article to improve students’ reading achievement in sma negeri 1 kotagajah, is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements for obtaining the award of S-1 of English Education, the Department of Language and Art, Teacher and Training education Faculty, University of Lampung.

In composing this script, the writer got a lot of guidance, suggestion, and many valuable things from various side. Therefore, the researcher would like to thank to the following people for their idea, time, and guidance for this script:

1. Dr. Ari Nurweni, M.A. as the chairperson of English Study Program. 2. Drs. Basturi Hasan, M.Pd. as Advisor, who has patiently guide and

directed the researcher until the completion of this script.

3. Drs. Ramlan Ginting Suka, M.Pd. as co-advisor, who has given guidance and supervision especially in correcting this script.

4. Ujang Suparman, M.A, Ph.D as the examiner, who has given guidance and suggestion for the improvement of the script.


6. Special thanks to Drs.Mashudi, M.Pd as the headmaster of SMAN 1 Kotagajah, Central Lampung for allowing him to conduct the research; and also for Dini Fridayanti, S.Pd. as the English teacher at SMAN 1 Kotagajah Central Lampung for being so helpful during the research process and giving suggestions during the research; and the students of the second grade of SMAN 1 Kotagajah Central Lampung for being so cooperative during the research.

7. All of his beloved friends in English Department, especially for his close friend (Rachmat Pradikta, Bima Surya Kesuma, Mifta, Luky, Fajar, Ni Made Silda, Komang Putri, Ahmad, Wayan Swastana, Fadil, Yoan, and Arya Yoga) who always support him and always beside him all over happiness and sadness.

8. The last, the researcher would like to say thanks to colleagues and all persons who cannot be mentioned individually here, who has greatly contributed toward the completion of this script.

Finally, the researcher assumes that there are still some weaknesses in this script. Any correction, comments, and suggestion for the improvement of this script are always open-heartedly welcome and writer hopes that this paper will be useful for the readers.

Bandar Lampung, September 2015 Researcher,





1. Try Out Test ... 66

2. Answer Key of Try Out test ... 79

3. Pretest ... 80

4. Answer Key of Pretest ... 92

5. Lesson Plan ... 93

6. Posttest... 108

7. Answer Key of Posttest ... 120

8. Reliability Uper and Lower group of Try out Test ... 121

9. Level Difficulty of Try Out Test ... 122

10. Reliability Analysis of Try Out Test ... 123

11. R Table ... 125

12. Students Gain Score ... 126

13. Result of the Data after been analyzed by using SPSS ... 127

14. Variants Coefficient, Skewness Ratio, Kurtosis Ratio ... 128

15. The Lowest and Highest Score of Pretest ... 129

16. The Lowest and Highest Score of Posttest ... 130

17. Surat Izin Penelitian ... 131




Table 1. Table of Spesification of Reading Skills ... 39 Table 2. Research Schedule ... 43 Table 3. Distribution of Students Score of Pretest ... 45 Table 4. Details of the Pretest items that could be answered correctly by

the Studets . ... 46 Table 5. Distribution of Students Score of Posttest ... 46 Table 6. Details of the Posttest items that could be answered correctly by

the Students ... 47 Table 7. The Increase from Pretest to Posttest in experimental








1.1Background of the Problem ... 1

1.2Identification of the Problems ... 5

1.3Limitation of the Problems ... 6

2.4The Concept of Macro and Micro Skills of Reading Comprehension 16 2.5News Item Text ... 21

2.6Sample of News Item ... 21

2.7Teaching News Item by Using Jakarta Post Article ... 22


2.7.2 The Aplication of Procedure in Teaching Jakarta-Post ... 23

3.4DataCollecting technique ... 31

3.5Research Instrument ... 31

4.1.3 The Increase of Students’ Reading Achievement ... 47

4.1.4 Normality Test ... 48

4.1.5 Hypothesis Testing ... 49

4.2Discussions of Findings ... 50


5.1Conclussions ... 60

5.2Suggestions ... 63




This chapter presents the Background of The problem, identification of problems, limitation of problems, formulation of problems, objective of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of terms.

1.1 Bacground of the problems

It goes without saying, English as an international language is used in many fields all over the world. It is also a fact that English is widely needed by people, for example to transfer new modern science, technology, and information. Transferring new modern science, technology, and information can be done through reading process. Therefore, the writer considers that reading is a very important skill in order to increase our knowledge and our way of thinking.


English. Reading dominates the teaching materials in almost English textbook. The curriculum introduces the concept of many kinds of English texts, where the students are expected to be able to develop their thoughts and ideas into texts both in oral and in written form: such as procedure, report, news item, recount, and narrative texts, (Depdiknas, 2006).

Dealing with these, Cline et.al (2006: 2), states that reading is decoding and understanding written texts. Decoding requires translating the symbols of writing system (including Braille) into the spoken words which they represent. Understanding is determined by the purposes for reading, the context, the nature of the text, and the readers’ strategies and knowledge. Further, Cline et.al (2006: 2) in their second definition states that reading is the process of deriving meaning from the text. For the majority of readers, this process involves decoding written text. Some individuals require adaptation such as Braille or auditorization to support the decoding process. Understanding is determined by the purpose of reading, the context, the nature of the text,the reader’s strategies and knowledge.



second grade of Senior High School (SMA) are: (1) the students are able to identify main idea of whole texts or in each paragraph of reading texts, (2) the students are able to identify vocabularies of reading texts, and (3) the students are able to identify some specific information of reading texts.

The curriculum states that SMA students should be able to use the language in informational level. This means that the students are expected to be able to access knowledge and information to build knowledge by their reading skill and reading materials, which dominate other teaching materials in almost English text books. Therefore, reading skill should be paid more attention to achieve the level.

Theoretically speaking, one of the basic competences in reading skill which should be achieved by the second year students of SMA Negeri 1 Kotagajah. It is the student must be able to response to the meaning and the rhetoric steps in simple essay accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of daily life and to access knowledge in the form of narrative, descriptive, and news item texts. It means the students have to be able to find out the general ideas and specific information of the text.


the fact that most of the students did not bring the dictionary while learning. The students also lacked the background knowledge to comprehending the text while learning in the class.


Underlying the problem above, there were some experts that they had applied the research in school by using Jakarta Post article such as: (1) Khoirul Umam (2010) who took the title about improving the students’ vocabulary mastery with the Jakarta Post newspaper article. (2) Dwi Purwati (2013). She conduct the research about the effectiveness of using the jakarta post science-technology article to improve student’s vocabulary mastery at the second grade of SMA N 8 Purworejo in the academic year of 2012/2013. She concluded thatThe Jakarta PostScience-Technology Article is effective to improve student’s vocabulary mastery at the second grade of SMA N 8 Purworejo in the academic year of 2012/2013. According to the information appear in the repository and e-journal, the researcher assume that the using of Jakarta Post article not only able used to measure some English skills but also able to measure the English components in learning English.



1.2 Identification of the Problems

In line with the previous study, there were many problems which happened at school generally. The researcher identifies some of the following problems:

1. The different of learning style of the students. Some students has their own reading styles in the process of teaching and learning but many teachers teach them with the same treatment in it.

2. The students’ motivations are low when they are learning especially when they learn about reading. Students are not motivated in learning process that caused by many factors such as: the materials in reading, the way of delivering of lesson by the teacher, the using of media in learning, and facing the national examination.

3. The students lack of the vocabulary. Students face difficulties in learning and have low motivation in doing the task of understanding the texts in reading that are given by the teachers. It is hard for the students in comprehending the text if they have lack of the vocabulary. 4. The teachers often use incorrect teaching methods in teaching the

students. Most of teachers use the method they know and understand. The teachers do not want to know whether the students are easily understood the lesson by the method or not. Most of them teach by translating the text especially in reading.


6. The teacher motivation is low in teaching. This is caused the teachers do not want to teach. In other word, the teachers are lazy in teaching the students. Beside that, the Medias are not support their teaching process.

7. The teachers choose incorrect materials for students. The students fell bored when they only face the same topic in reading class. They need new materials and different in each materials that are interesting to them. Sometime the teachers only teach the grammar even if they are in class reading.

8. The teacher cannot use the media optimally. This is caused that some of the teachers are not able use the media in teaching and learning process in the class.

1.3 Limitation of the problems

In the line of the identification of the problems above, the researcher is focused on the problem related to:

1. The teachers use incorrect material in teaching reading.



1.4 Formulation of the Problem

In term of limitation of the problems above, the researcher formulates the problem as follow:

1. In general, “Can the Jakarta Post articles significantly improve students’ reading achievements in SMAN 1 Kotagajah?”

2. Specifically, “Can Jakarta Post articles improve students’ reading achievements in terms of (1) determining main idea, (2) determining Supporting details, (3) determining Inference meaning, (4) Understanding vocabulary, (5) determining Reference?”

1.5 Objective of the Research

As stated in the formulation of the problems, the researcher states that the objective of the research is to know whether Jakarta Post significantly improves students’ reading achievements in the second grade at SMAN 1 Kotagajah.

1.6 Uses of the Research

The findings of the research are expected to be useful for the following people:

1. Theoretically


2. Practically

a. For the Teacher

Through this research, the teacher may apply the using ofJakarta Post articlein improving students’ reading achievement.

b. For the Students

The implementation of the usingJakarta Postarticle can motivates the students in reading so that it can improve the students’ reading achievement.

c. For the School

The result of this research may be used as consideration in taking decision of improving students’ learning achievement and increase teacher performance.

1.7 Scope of the Research

This research will be conducted at the second grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Kotagajah. The research focused on the usingJakarta Postarticle for teaching reading.

1.8 Definition of the Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding some terms, the terms are used in this study are cited as follows:



that include the aspects of reading. They are: 1. Determining main idea, 2. Finding supporting details, 3. Finding inference, 4. Understanding vocabulary, and 5. Finding reference.

b. Main idea is the most important idea that the author develops through out the paragraph

c. Supporting details or specific information develops the topic sentence by giving definition, examples, facts, an incident, comparison, analogy, cause, and effect statistics and quotation.

d. Inference is an educational guess or prediction about something unknown based on available facts and information.

e. Understanding vocabulary used by person, class of people, profession. Concerning with those statements indeed vocabulary is fundamental for everyone who want to speak or produce utterance for reading f. Reference is words or phrase used either before or after the references

in reading material. They are used to avoid unnecessary repletion of words or phrases.


This chapter presents the concept of reading skill, reading text, type of reading skills, the concept of macro and micro of reading comprehension, news item text, teaching news item by usingJakarta Post, the procedure of teachingJakarta Post, the application of procedure in teachingJakarta Post, and hypothesis.

2.1 Concept of Reading Skills

Reading is one of important skills which needed by the students from elementary school up to university. By reading, the students are able to get a lot of information based on what they are required in reading.

Reading is as an active process between the reader and the text (Sutarsyah. 2013: 5) Based on the statement above, the writer assumed that reading is an attractive process between the text and the reader. The simple definition of reading is the construction of meaning from a printed messages or written messages and construction of meaning involves the reader connecting information from the written message with previous knowledge to arrive meaning of the text.



ability to determine the gist of the information in the whole texts or each paragraph.

Reading skill means students’ reading texts they encounter in their daily lives properly and fluently by using right methods (Ozbay. 2006:5). It means that reading skill is the aptitude that people have in finding the meaning or the purpose the text they read without interruption. The process of brain and mental in inferring the text by the manner people have.

From those definitions above, the writer concludes that reading as one of complex language skills it can also be assumed that in reading process the reader not only understand a set of words in the sentence but also able to grasp the message from graphic symbols. The reading process is not merely a physical process but also a mental process. In applying the skills of reading, it must be based on the other sub-skills.

According to Huges A. (1991:117) states two sub skills that can be developed in reading they are micro and macro-skills.

In macro-skills they are:


locate the answer. For example, if you were looking for a certain date, you would quickly read the paragraph looking only for numbers.

2. Skiming text to obtain the gist. The fast reading ability finds out the main idea of the text. The process can be done by reading the title, reading the introduction the paragraph, and reading the first sentence of every other paragraph to find the idea or information needed in the text.

3. Identifying stages of an argument. The ability finds out the suggestion and conclusion from the source in the text. It can be used to classify which one belongs to the conclusion and suggestion. It also can be said as the ability to infer the messages of the text.

4. Identifying examples presented in support of and argument. The ability of the students in giving the example of the evidence and statements in order to claim the something is true.

In micro-skills these are:

1. Identifying referents of pronouns. This skill is used to show the people or the speaker who states the words or phrases in the text.

2. Using context to guess meaning of unfamiliar words. The ability to find the familiar word or the words synonym that its words are used in the text. 3. The ability Understand the relation between part of text by recognizing



not only to read the symbol of the written form but also comprehend the text in order to find the message of the text stated by the author. The reader should be able to obtain the gist, locate specific information, identify referents of pronouns, guess meaning of unfamiliar words, and understanding relation between parts of the text as conclusion of ideas. Those five sub-skills are as the common sub-skills of reading comprehension.

Suparman (2005:1) states that there are two major reasons for reading (1) reading for pleasure, (2) reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information readers get). Therefore, reading a foreign language needs reading comprehension. According to Caidwell (2008: 4) states, that reading comprehension is the process of extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language. This mean that the students should be able to analyze content and infer the purpose of the text.

From the definitions above, it can be inferred that reading as one of language skills which is a complex skill. In reading someone not only understands a set of words in sentence but also get the messages in the text being read. Students have to be interested in reading to get the information in the text.

2.2 Reading Text


important to us. Reading text can be used as a guide to help the readers in getting the meaning.

To get the meaning of the text, it depends on how to use the brain to process the information from the text and it is supported by the existing knowledge of readers. Reading is bringing meaning and getting the information from printed of written materials Jelinek (1991: 67). This statement identifies that one draws cohesion that is ready to be transmitted in written information and pointed out in reading instruction, which involves primarily sense of written materials, and reading is not only reading the lines but also reading between the lines beyond the lines.

2.3 Types of Reading Skills

Before talking about the types of reading skill, the researcher views at reading from its aspect. Here, the researcher finds out two aspects namely oral and silent performance. In order to achieve those aspects, (Brown 2001: 312) points out reading performances divide as oral and silent reading. Where oral reading or reading a loud, while silent reading can be also achieved through reading comprehension.



According to Nuttal (1984: 146) Reading approach can be categorized into two:

2.3.1 Intensive Reading

Intensive reading program deals with assignment of reading lesson in the classroom to students guided by teachers. It is sometimes labeled as reading for accuracy while the extensive reading is labeled as reading for fluency. In the classroom, student’s role is as a reader. It demands that he should make sense of the text for himself. Then, the teacher has to take the responsibility to find out what students can or cannot do, work out on the program aimed at giving them the skills they need, choose suitable texts to work on and the activities, prepare the class undertake the tasks, make sure everyone in class works productively and improve steadily according to his capabilities. For example: the teacher gives a text to the students, and then he finds out the students abilit by using question and answer under the text. For example; (1) what is the main idea of the texts?, (2) how the incidents ithappened?, (3) what is the reason of the man is suggest us?, (4) the word “fall” has the same meaning with?, and (5) the underline word refers to?.

2.3.2 Extensive Reading


productive skill’s improvement. For example they can read novel, magazine, article, and short story to make the reading ability become better than before. By reading another books, it can increase the students’ reading ability.

In this research, the analysis is focus on intensive reading. This approach is still guided by the teachers in determining the aspects in reading. The teachers prepare the materials to obtain the skill needed by leaner. This approach also makes the learners work productively as their capabilities. For example: The teacher will give some texts and include the question and answer under the text to know the students reading ability. The question that the researcher gives to the students formed based on the reading aspects like (1) finding main idea, (2) finding supporting details, (3) finding inference meaning, (4) understanding difficult vocabulary, and (5) finding references. From those aspects definition, the example question can be created as; (1) what is the main idea of the texts?, (2) where does it happen?, (3) from these explanation, the writer want us to be?, (4) the word “search” has the same meaning with?, and (5) the underline word refers to?.



(1991:117) states two sub skills that can be developed in reading they are micro and macro-skills.

In macro-skills, there are some abilities involved:

1. Scanning text is to locate specific information, this means that the reading technique to read line by line to get the clear information in the text. The ability Locate the specific information you are looking for. The students try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues they might use to help you locate the answer. For example, if they were looking for a certain date, you would quickly read the paragraph looking only for numbers.

2. Skimming text is to obtain the gist. This means that reading technique by reading fast in order to find out the main idea of the paragraphs or text. The process can be done by reading the title, reading the introduction the paragraph, and reading the first sentence of every other paragraph to find the idea or information needed in the text.

3. Identifying stages of an argument. The ability finds out the suggestion and conclusion from the source in the text. It can be used to classify which one belongs to the conclusion and suggestion. It also can be said that this is the ability to infer the messages of the text.


In micro-skills, the abilities are:

1. The ability uses to identify referents of pronouns. This skill is used to show the people or the speaker who states the words or phrases in the text. 2. The ability guesses the meaning of unfamiliar words. The ability to find

the familiar word or the words synonym that its words are used in the text. 3. The ability Understand the relation between part of text by recognizing

indicators in discourse, especially for the introduction, development, transition and conclusion of ideas. In other words, this skill is used to identify the generic structure of the text. It also can be used to mention that the text belong to inductive and deductive paragraph.

There are five aspects usually used in measure the reading achievement. That are aspects from “macro skilland micro skill”are as follows:

a. Skimming text to obtain the gist or determining main idea.

b. Scanning text is to locate specific information or finding supporting detail. c. Identifying stages of an argument. The ability finds out the suggestion and

conclusion from the source in the text. It can be used to classify which one belongs to the conclusion and suggestion. It also can be said as the ability to infer the messages of the text.

d. Using context to gues meaning of unfamiliar words belong to understanding vocabulary.



Therefore, in reading by using Jakarta Post must combine both macro and micro skills which cover the following reading sub-skills, such as:

1. Determining Main Idea

In line with Mc. Whorter (1986: 36) he states that main idea called the topic sentence. She adds that the topic sentence tells what the rest of the paragraph is about. In some paragraphs, the main idea is not explicitly stated in any one sentence. Instead, it is left to the reader to infer, or reason out. In the other words, the main idea is the most important idea that the author develops through out the paragraph. Therefore, the main idea is not only stated in only one sentence for the whole text but also each paragraph has the main idea which it is used to developed the text.

2. Finding Supporting Detail

Mc. Whother (1986: 36) states that supporting sentence or specific information develops the topic sentence by giving definition, examples, facts, an incident, comparison, analogy, cause, and effect statistics and quotation. This can be like the comparison

3. Finding Inference Meaning

In relation to make inferences, Katheleen (1986: 31) states that an inference is an educational guess or prediction about something unknown based on available facts and information. It is the logical connection that the reader draw between he observes or understands and what he does not know.

4. Understanding Vocabulary


vocabulary is fundamental for everyone who want to speak or produce utterance for reading. Furthermore, according to Red John (2000: 16), vocabulary is knowledge of knowing the meanings of words and therefore the purpose of a vocabulary test is to find out whether the learners can match each word with a synonym, a dictionary – tape definition, or an equivalent word in their own language. In learning vocabulary automatically they have to know the meaning of words themselves and can use it in sentences. Furthermore, understanding vocabulary also concern to the learning objective in the syllabus in SMA. For example: The words, which are formed the complete sentence such as noun, adjective, adverb, preposition, pronoun, and auxiliary verb.

5. Finding Reference

According to Lalulippe in Marsiyah (2009), defines that reference is words or phrase used either before or after the references in reading material. They are used to avoid unnecessary repletion of words or phrases. It means that such words are used, they are signals to the reader to find the meaning elsewhere in the text.



2.5 News Item Text

In line of Macken (1990:34) News item text is a factual text and it is also called as News Story. The texts which focus at the up to date information or the event and it bring the information which include to the human life. Garot and Wignell (1995:200) states that news item text informs readers, listener of viewer about newsworthy or important event in newspaper, magazine, television, radio of other media. It includes the newsworthy event, the background event, and the sources. In the other words, news item is spoken or written information about what is happened. News item tells information about event of the day which is considered newsworthy or important. The text includes:

a. newsworthy event : recounts the events in summary form b. Background events : elaborate what happen, to whom, in what


c. Sources : comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the events.

Gerot and Wignell (1995:200) further state that the language features of News Item texts are the short and telegraphic information conveyed in the text, the use of material and verbal process, and the focus on the circumstances.

2.6 Sample of News Item


Facebook opens office in Jakarta

Sita W Dewi, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Business | Thu, March 20 2014, 10:31 PM

US-based social media giant Facebook announced on Thursday the opening of a branch office in Jakarta with the expectation of working more closely with the country’s businesses.

Indonesia has the fourth-most Facebook users in the world, with around 65 million users.

“Setting up an office here will allow us to work closer with some of the biggest advertisers, the advertising agencies and SMEs [small and medium enterprises] that need an education on how to market their products,” Facebook Asia-Pacific

vice president Dan Neary said in Jakarta.

“We have 65 million users in Indonesia -- that's 90 percent of everybody that’s online. We’re also focusing on the 80 percent of Indonesians who are still not

connected and so there’s lot of opportunities for us to collaborate with the

government and public sector.”

Facebook's Jakarta office is located in the Pacific Place building in Sudirman Central Business District, South Jakarta.(dic)

2.7 Teaching News Item by UsingJakarta PostArticle



2.7.1 The Procedure of TeachingJakarta PostArticle

These are the following steps that must done by the researcher during teaching news item by usingJakarta Postarticle:

1. Pre activities

• The researcher asks about the condition of the students

• The researcher asks to the students about the news they have ever read in

newspaper. 2. While activities

• The researcher explains about News item text to the students

• The researcher gives example of analyzing news item (eg: getting main

idea, finding supporting detail, finding inference meaning, finding reference, and understanding vocabularies).

• The researcher divides the class into 5 groups.

• Each group is asked to discuss and then present their own topic.

3. Post activities

• The researcher reviews the process of the discussion.

• The students are asked about the whole topic of the text to find out how far

they understand it.

• The researcher gives other texts and asks the students to analyze it again at


2.7.2 The Application of Procedure in Teaching Jakarta-Post 1. Pre-activities


Students : Fine thank you, how about you?

Teacher : Have you known news about“Facebook”,today? Students : No, we have not Sir, please tell us about it ? 2. While activities

Teacher :It is fine, I will tell you about the news. But before I come to the news about Facebook, do you know news item text? Students : No, wedon’t,tell us about it, Sir, please

Teacher : Sure, I will tell it to you. 1. Definition of news item text.

News item text is a text which informs the reader about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or importance.

2. Generic structure of news item. a. Main event

Main event is the summary of the event which focus on the topic being dicussed.

b. Elaboration (background, participant, place)

Elaboration is the explanation of the main event or the news which contain background, participant, and place of the event. c. Resouce of information or we can call it as souce.

Source of information is the comments of the witnesses and the opinions of the expert.

Now I will give you the example of the text.



Sita W Dewi, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Business | Thu, March 20 2014, 10:31 PM

US-based social media giant Facebook announced on Thursday the opening of a branch office in Jakarta with the expectation of working more closely with the country’s businesses.

Indonesia has the fourth-most Facebook users in the world, with around 65 million users.

“Setting up an office here will allow us to work closer with some of the biggest

advertisers, the advertising agencies and SMEs [small and medium enterprises] that need an education on how to market their products,” Facebook Asia-Pacific

vice president Dan Neary said in Jakarta.

“We have 65 million users in Indonesia -- that’s 90 percent of everybody that’s online. We’re also focusing on the 80 percent of Indonesians who are still not

connected and so there’s lot of opportunities for us to collaborate with the

government and public sector.”

Facebook's Jakarta office is located in the Pacific Place building in Sudirman Central Business District, South Jakarta.(dic)

From the text above, we can explain that the Main event are at lines 1 and 2

The elaboration is at lines 3-6, 8-9, 11-15, and 19 The sources are at lines 7, 10, 16, 17, and 18. Do you understand about it?


Teacher : All right, I will continue to the content of the text where we will find out the main idea, the inference, reference, suppoering detail, and understanding vocabulary.

To get the main idea of the text of news item, we can search it at the first paragraph of the text. The supporting detail contain in the whole of the paragraph based on the context needed to get. The inferences come to the conclusion of the sentence. The reference related to the pronoun which is in the sentence or in the paragraph. The Understanding vocabularies focus on difficulties of the words.

Teacher : From what I have explained to you. I ask you to do the exercise. Can you do it my students?

Students : Yes we can.

Teacher : I will divide you into 5 group, and each group contain 6 to 7 students. Will you make it?

Students : Yes, We will.

Teacher : Well, please make your group! The first group will try to find out about the main idea, the second group focus on the inference, the third group focus on the reference, the fourth group focus on the supporting detail, and the last group focus on the understanding vocabulary.



Teacher : Well, we have done the activities for today. The news item is the text informs the reader about event of the day. The generic structure of the news item is the newsworthy, elaboration, and source. The aspects we can learn for today are how to get the main idea, supporting detail, inference, reference, understanding vocabulary.

Teacher : All right students, I will ask you one by one. What do you know about news item? What is the generic structure of the text we hade discussed, and can you give me the proof of the 5 aspect we have discussed.

Student 1 : Yes Sir, I will answer it sir. The news item is the text informs the reader about the event of the day. The generic structures are main event, elaboration, the source.

Teacher : Students! We have to finish our meeting for today. I want you to study again at home and don’t forget to try it again at home. Love your parent who give you chance to study till now. Thank you very much .see you and good morning. Students : Good morning Sir. See you later.

2.8 Hypothesis


H1: There is any significants improvement of students’ reading achievement after being taught by usingJakarta Postarticle. This alternative hypothesis then is developed into null hypothesis (H0) to be tested.



This research is belonging to quantitative research. In conducting the research, the researcher used quasi experimental method. This experimental method dealt with only one group, the experimental class. The data which is obtained is numbers (score) that was assessed and analyzed by using statistical analysis.

3.1 Research Design

In conducting the research, the researcher used quasi experimental method. This experimental method dealt with only one group, the experimental class. The experimental class was the class which gets treatments through Jakarta-Post article that was presented by the researcher. The class received pre test, treatments which were done three times, and post test. The result of pre test and post test were compared to know the significant.

The design is presented as follows:

G : T1 X T2

G : Experimental class T1 : Pre-test

T2 : Post-test X : Treatment


3.2 Research Population and Sample

A population can be defined as the whole subjects of the research. Setiyadi (2006: 38) states research population is all individuals are being target in research while research sample is individual who given the data. The population of this research is four classes of the students in the second grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. Because it is impossible to use the whole class as the experimental class, therefore the researcher chose one class as the experimental class. The selection of the research sample used simple random sampling. After using dice to determine the research population, the researcher gets XI IPS 1 as the experimental class and XI IPS 2 class as the tryout class.

3.3 Variables

Hatch and Farhady (1982:12) define a variable as an attribute of a person or of an object which varies from person to person or from object to object. Besides, in order to assess the influence of the treatment in research, variables can be devided as dependent and independent variables. Hatch and Farhady (1982:15) states that the independent variable is the major variable that is expected to investigate and the dependent variable is the variable that the researcher observes and measures to determine the effect of the independent variable. The research consists of the following variables:



3.4 Data Collecting Technique

The technique in collecting data of this study was trough administering several test these include administering pretest and posttest. Through these techniques, necessary information about the use of Jakarta Post Article is expected to be obtained. The example of pretest and posttest can be seen in Appendixes 3, 4, 6, and 7. To know the validity, reliability, discrimination power and difficulty level, the researcher used try out test. The example of try out test can be seen in Appendixes 1 and 2. The analysis of those four aspects were used in making the items for pretest and posttest. The next step is comparing means of pretest and posttest to see the significance.

3.5 Research Instrument


3.6 Research Procedures

The procedures of the research are as follows: 1. Determining Population and Sample

The population of this research is the second grade of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. The researcher chooses two classes defined as try out class and as the sample class by dice.

2. Arranging the Material to be Thought

The materials are based on the newspaper of Jakarta Post. Beside that the materials also search from the network. The news item text is chosen as the focus.

3. Administering the Try-Out Test

It is conducted to measure the validity, reliability, difficulty level and discrimination power of the items that were used in pretest and posttest and to make sure whether the test is good or bad for students. The test is tried out to the students whose level is equal to the sample of the research. In this case, it is chosen XI IPS 2. It is administered to find out the quality of the test before it is used, whether the items are good or not in validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and the discrimination power. This exam use multiple choice test consists of 40 items to be done in 80 minutes. The maximum score is 100. 4. Administering the Pre-Test



this test, the researcher asks students to do the objective test that consists of thirty items.

5. Conducting Treatments

Treatments were the application of the media that was used by the researcher in the class. Treatments were done after conducting pretest. It is done in order the researcher can compare the result before and after conducting the treatments. In this case the treatments conducted in five meetings. It required sixty minutes for each meeting. In each treatment, there are different sub topics that were presented.

6. Administering the Post Test

The post test was administered after treatments. This test is used to know whether the treatments could significantly improve students’ reading achievement or not. In this test, the students are asked to do the multiple choice test that consisted of thirty items. The items are not different with the items that are used in pretest item, but the researcher just change the number of the questions.

7. Analyzing the Data and Testing Hypothesis

After scoring students’ work, the result of pre test and post test are compared to see whether the score of post test is higher than the pre test.

3.7 Data Analysis


the improvement of students’ achievement, the students’ scores are calculated by the ways:

1. In scoring students’ result on the test, the researcher use “Arikunto’s formula”. The highest score would be 100.

Scoring the pre test and post test The formula was:

S = 100


S = The score of the test R = the total of the right answer N = number of items

(Arikunto, 2007) 2. Tabulating the result of the test and finding the mean of pre test and the post


The mean is calculated by the formula:



M = (mean) average score ∑x = thetotal students’ score

N = total number of students



3. Drawing conclusion from the tabulated results of the test given, that is by comparing the mean the pre test and the post test. In order to know whether the students get any progress, the formula as follow:

I= -Notes:

I = the improvement of students’ reading achievement. = the average score of post test

=the average score of pre test

After getting the means, pre test, and post test, the data are analyzed by using Mathed T-Test to get the significant of the treatment effects. The formula is as follow:


in which:


SD = ( ) ( )


t = hyphothesis test = mean score of pre test

= mean score of post test

= standard error of differences between two means SD = standard deviation


3.8 Data Treatment

After collecting the data, the data are treated by using following procedures:

3.8.1 Testing the Try Out

This test is used to remove the bad items based on their level of difficulty (LD), discrimination power (DP), the reliability, and validity of the test. Level of Difficulty

Level of difficulty (LD) is used to know how easy of difficult the form of the test item based on the students who take the test. According to Arikunto (1993:209), the test items are good if they are not too easy and not too difficult or in other words, the difficult level is average. The students are divided into two groups that are the upper and the lower group. The researcher takes 50% of the students as the upper group who get the highest score and takes 50% of the students as the lower group who get the lowest score.

The formula of the difficulty level is as follow:

LD =


LD = level of difficulty

U = the number of upper group students who answer correctly L = the number of lower group students who answer correctly N = the total number of students who take the test



0.30–0.70 : average >0.70 : easy

(Shohamy, 1985:79) Discrimination Power

Discrimination power is the ability of the item to differentiate between the students who have high ability and those who have low ability. To determine the discrimination power, the following formula is required:

DP =


DP : discrimination power

Upper : proportion of“high group” students getting the item correct Lower : proportion of “low group” students getting the item correct N : the total number of students

(Shohamy, 1985:82) The criteria are:

0.00–0.20 = poor 0.21–0.40 = satisfactory 0.04–0.70 = good 0.71–1.00 = excellent

Negative = bad items (must be omitted)

(53) Validity

A test is considered valid if the test measures the object to be measured and suitable with the criteria (Hatch and Farhady, (1982:250). Heaton (1988:159) also states that validity of the test is the extent to which it measures what it is supposed to measure. A test must aim to provide true measure of the particular skill which it is measure.

There are four types of validity, they are: (1) face validity, this validity concerns with point of view someone about the lay out of the test; (2) content validity, this validity concerns to the items in which the items reflect to the material being measured. (3) construct validity; this validity measures certain specific characteristic which essential to the theory in language learning. (4) criterion-related validity, concerns with measuring the success in the future, as in replacement test.

Based on the types of validity above, content is used because the other are considered to be less needed. This validity is explained as follow:

a. Content validity



objectives of teaching those are the students are able to find out the main ideas, identify the specific details or information, infer the information, reveal the meaning of the words and determine the reference of words stated in the text. Moreover, the writer also made a table of specification in order to judge whether the content validity already good or not.

Table 1. Specification that is used to judge the content validity of the reading comprehension test concerning the news item text.

In judging the content validity of the test, the items of the test were discussed with the researcher’s partners and the English teacher of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. The test

items which included into good validity should be arranged based on the standard competence in syllabus for second grade of senior high school students in second semester that is students are able to construct meaning of news item texts to communicate with surroundings and the objectives of teaching those are the students are able to find out the main ideas, identify the specific details or information, infer the information, reveal the meaning of the words and determine the reference of words stated in the text. All test items which had good validity were used to collect the data for this research and the bad one should be revised.

No Reading Skills Items Number Percentage

of Item 1. Determining main idea 1, 11, 20, 25, 29, 34, 36, 39 20% 2. Finding supporting details 3, 8, 16, 21, 22, 26, 32, 37 20% 3. Finding inference meaning 4, 6, 7, 15, 18, 24, 31, 38 20% 4. Understanding vocabulary 2, 8, 9, 12, 19, 28, 30, 35 20% 5. Finding reference 5, 10, 13, 17, 23, 27, 33, 40 20%

(55) Reliability

Reliability refers to the extent to which the test is consistent in its score and gives us an indication of how accurate the test score are (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:244). The test is determined by using Pearson Product Moment which measured the correlation coefficient of the reliability between odd and even number (reliability of half test) in the following formula:

rxy = ( )(



rxy : coefficient of reliability between odd and even numbers items x : odd number

y : even number

∑ x2 : total score of odd number items ∑ y2 : total score of even number items ∑ xy : total score of odd and even number

After getting the reliability of half test, Spearman Brown is employed to determine the reliability of the whole tests, as follows:



rk : the reliability of the whole tests rxy : the reliability of half test

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982:247) The criteria of reliability are as follows:



0.0 –0.49 = low

3.8.2 Normality Test

The normality test is a test that is used to know whether the data is in normal distributed or not. It is counted by using SPSS. After knowing the data is normal distributed or not, it can be continue by determining the testing procedure whether parametric or non parametric. To run normality test, the steps are as follows: Entering the data analyze Descriptive Statistics Explore.

To see the normality, it can be seen in three ways; variants coefficient, Skewness ratio, and Kurtosis Ratio. Variants Coefficient

The data is called as normal distribution data if the variants coefficient < 30 %. This value should be counted second with this formula:

Variants Coefficient = Std Deviation x 100 % Mean Skewness Ratio

The data is called as normal distribution data if the Skewness ratio was in the range of -2 until 2. The formula to count this is as follows :

(57) Kurtosis Ratio

It is almost the same as Skewness Ratio. The data called as normal distribution data if the range was between -2 and 2. The formula is:

Skewness ratio = Kurtosis Kurtosis Std.error

3.9 Hypothesis Test

This test is used to test whether the hypothesis propose by the writer accepted or not. To test the hypothesis, the researcher used SPSS. The steps are as follows: Entering the data Analyze Compare means Paired samples T-test. The writer’shypotheses are:

Ho: There is no significant improvement in students’ reading achievement before and after being taught by using Jakarta Post article.

H1: There is any significant improvement in students’ reading achievement before and after being taught by using Jakarta Post article.

While the criteria of the test are:

If the significant > 0.05, Ho is accepted, but if the significant < 0.05, Ho is refused.

3.10 Research Schedule



Kotagajah. Then, Administering try out, administering pre test, conducting first treatment, conducting second treatment, conducting third treatment, administering post test.

Table 2. Research Schedule in Conducting Research at SMAN 1 Kotagajah

No Day/Date Activites Place


This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion of the research. The conclusions are taken from the result of the tests and the treatments. The suggestions are taken from the problems that come and must be avoid.

5.1 Conclusions

After finishing the research concerning of the using of Jakarta Post article in reading in SMAN 1 Kotagajah, the research questions have been answered. The conclusions are two. There are as follows:

1. It was found that Jakarta Post article could improve students reading achievements in SMAN 1 Kotagajah.

2. To be more specific,Jakarta Post article could improve all five aspects of reading comprehension. The five aspects are as follows:



reader to infer, or reason out. In the other words, the main idea was indeed the most important idea that the author develops through out the paragraph. Therefore, the main idea was not only stated in the one sentence for the whole text but also each paragraph had the main idea which it is used to developed the text.

b. Jakarta Post influences the students’ ability in reading comprehension in term of finding supporting details. The students were able to determine information sentence develops the topic sentence by giving definition, examples, facts, an incident, comparison, analogy, cause, and effect statistics and quotation. For example: there was the earthquake which it happened in Bandung and kill some people in the campus. The supporting details of the topic sentences of this disaster can be the information that they are shown with the question words such as who, what, when, and where. (1) Giving definition and cause is “the earthquake in Bandung is caused by the move of the earth structure”, (2) giving the example and fact is “there is the earthquake

also ever happened in Nangro Aceh Darusalam that it caused the Tsunami”, (3) giving comparison is “the wave of Bandung earthquake

was lower than Nanggro Aceh Darusalam earthquake.


questions’ item of finding inference well. For example; almost the

house are broke. There are many tools and property separated everywhere after the disaster. From these information or sentences, we can conclude that the scale of the disaster was very high.

d. Briefly, the students in understanding vocabulary increase. Stock of words are used by person, class of people, profession which they must comprehend. Concerning with those statements indeed vocabulary is fundamental for everyone who want to speak or produce utterance for reading. For example; the synonym of the words search is looking for. But the using of them are different. Therefore, the word search is used to find out something that the people never know before and the word looking for is aimed to find out something that people ever know before.

e. As the final point of the result or conclusion, finding reference also increased. The increase causes the ability of the students in finding reference is as the words or phrase used either before or after the references in reading material. They were used to avoid unnecessary repletion of words or phrases. It means that such words were used, they are signals to the reader to find the meaning elsewhere in the text.



posttest. Therefore, the increase was 27.90. The significant value was less than 0.05 that this makes the H1 is accepted. It showed that the using of Jakarta Post article was effective and thus, it can significantly improve students’ reading achievement.

5.2 Suggestions

In reference to the conclusions above, the researcher proposes some suggestion as follows:

1. From the results, the scores of the students were not really satisfying. The researcher found during the research, that there was the problem of the students in comprehending the text being given by researcher. This was caused of the students are not pay attention during learning process. Therefore, the teacher should make the class interesting. It can be done by taking the students more attention to the task. The teacher provides the times to make jokes. So that situation will not always serious.



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Table 1. Specification that is used to judge the content validity of the
Table 2. Research Schedule in Conducting Research at SMAN 1 Kotagajah


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