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Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics in Mangrove Experimental Forest, Pagbilao and Quezon National Park, Quezon Province, Philippines


Academic year: 2016

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Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics in Mangrove Experimental

Forest, Pagbilao and Quezon National Park,

Quezon Province, Philippines

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TULIS berjudul “Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics in Mangrove

Experimental Forest, Pagbilao and Quezon National Park, Quezon

Province, Philippines

” ini dapat diselesaikan.

Tulisan ini merupakan suatu hasil pemikiran yang diharapkan dapat

memberikan informasi kepada pembaca mengenai keadaan struktur

ekosistem dan dinamika hutan mangrove percobaan dan taman nasional

Queson di Philippines.

Kami menyadari bahwa karya tulis ini masih jauh dari sempurna, oleh

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Medan, Maret 2010




I. Introduction 1

A. Background 1

B. Objective 2

II. Description and disscussion 2

A. Mangrove Experimental Forest 2

B. Quezon National Park 3

III. Conclusion 4

IV. Pictures of Field Trip Location 4

A. Mangrove Experimental Forest 4

B. Quezon National Park 4


Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics in Mangrove Experimental

Forest, Pagbilao and Quezon National Park,

Quezon Province, Philippines

BY: Rahmawaty

I. Introduction

A. Background

Ecosystem is an assemblage of living and non living elements

contained within a boundary such that these elements have functional

relationships with each other and can maintain the flow of energy and

complete the chemical cycle. There were so many factual real ecosystem

conditions that we were able to be observed which correlated with our

subject in term of ecosystem structure, diversity and also their


The field trip was conducted on February 24, 2007. From the field

trip we can see the sample of forest ecosystem. There are two kinds of

forest ecosystem that was visited, namely: mangrove forest ecosystem in

Mangrove Experimental Forest, Pagbilao-Quezon and tropical rain forest

ecosystem in Quezon National Park, Quezon Province. According to

Pacardo (2007) there are five properties of ecosystems, namely:

1) Productivity, defines as the rate by wind carbohydrate is a store

by producers by photosynthesis (kg CO2/unit area/unit time or

sometimes kg organic matter/ha/year).


2) Stability, it is measure in term of fluctuation of activity in period

of time. This fluctuation associate with small change of

disturbance/minor changes.

3) Sustainability refers to the fluctuation of production.

4) Biodiversity refers of the greater species present in ecosystem.

5) Equitability.

Based on the five of properties of ecosystem above, we can identify

the kinds of ecosystem and try to explain the properties of ecosystems in

field trip location. Generally, after direct observation to the field we can

more appreciate the properties of ecosystems, tropical rain forest and

mangrove forest.

B. Objectives

The aims of this field trip are to know and distinguished kinds of

ecosystem and to see and observe directly the condition for this

ecosystem so as could explain properties of this ecosystem.

II. Description and Discussion

A. Mangrove Experimental Forest

Mangroves (generally) are trees and shrubs that grow in saline

coastal habitats (Wikipedia Encyclopedia, 2007). Mangrove forests consist


systems give support in the soft, water-logged sediment. In most species,

the roots protrude above the soil to absorb oxygen from the air, as the

sediment is oxygen-poor. Mangrove forests play a central role in

transferring organic matter and energy from the land to marine

ecosystems. This matter and energy comes from detritus from fallen

leaves and branches, and forms the base of important marine food chains

(WWF, 2006).

From the field trip we have seen the sample of mangrove forest

ecosystem in Mangrove Experimental Forest. According to Garcia (2006),

this mangrove forest is a living proof of a successful rehabilitation effort.

Even before World War II, the area was a favorite to poachers who gather

the "bakawan" which is a very good material for charcoal. In 1975, the

145 hectare area was declared as Pagbilao Mangrove Experimental

Forest by virtue of Bureau of Forest Development (BFD) Administrative

Order No. 7 (s. 1975). This declaration provided the necessary protection

(and funding) and further poaching was prevented. Now, the diverse

ecosystem makes the area a favorite field trip destination mostly of botany

and zoology students from prestigious universities.

At this time, the conditions of mangrove forest in Mangrove

Experimental Forest, Pagbilao- Quezon, have been reforestation by

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The DENR

as the government institution maintained this area as Mangrove

Experimental Forest with DENR Administrative Order No. 92-56 Subject:

Designation of Pagbilao Mangrove Swamp Experimental Forest as


Genetic Resources Area and National Training Site for Mangrove,

December 10, 1992. From the field trip we have seen the mangrove forest

ecosystem condition in Mangrove Experimental Forest, Pagbilao- Quezon.

I also saw that the mangrove trees is still complete, like: Rhizophora sp.

that have tangles of prop roots, Avicennia sp. that have bean like

seedlings, Nypa fruticans that is palms present, and Bruguiera sp. that

have pendulous seedling like Rhizophora sp. Other observation, There

were no more the inhabitants who entered this territory to build the house

and open the fishpond. Trees mangrove had the high density. Therefore

the conditions for the forest mangrove in this area still have the high

productivity, stability, sustainability, biodiversity, and equitability.

The increased of ecosystem properties will give the benefit for

humankind because the undisturbance of the ecosystem then this forest

could go in accordance with his function. As we know from lecturer in ENS

201 by DR Florece that there are four significance of mangrove, namely:

1) exports detritus and nutrients which form the food base of a complex of

marine organisms, which in turn, support valuable estuarine and near

shore fisheries such as finfish, shellfish and crustaceans, 2) serves as

feeding and nursery or spawning grounds for economically important

finfish, shellfishes and crustaceans, 3) serves to protect valuable

properties by dampening storm surges and high winds associated with


and had an impact on the life of humankind and If mangrove was

disturbed, then this ecosystem could not go in accordance with it function.

As a result, productivity, stability, sustainability, biodiversity, and

equitability will decrease.

B. Quezon National Park

As we know from lecturer in ENS 201 by DR Florece that Tropical

rain forest is a climax vegetation situated in the equatorial belt and

bounded by the tropic of Cancer (23027’N) and the Tropic of Capricorn

(23027’S). From the field trip we have seen the sample of tropical rain

forest ecosystem in Quezon National Park, Quezon Province. We found

from the field trip that the condition of tropical rain forest ecosystem is a

good condition, because it condition was not disrupted by the human


My observation was seen that trees density is high, the litter on the

forest floor is thick (this litter will be compose by soil fauna and the results

as a nutrient that was useful to plants, we called as nutrient cycles

process). Classification of trees by crown class still complete, like the

dominant, codominant, intermediate and suppressed that still dominated in

this ecosystem. This indicated that the condition for this ecosystem was

still stable, undisturbance, and balanced. Therefore the condition for this

forest in this area that was observed, like: productivity, stability,

sustainability, biodiversity, and equitability are still high.


Other observation, for instance the fauna often was received in this

area, like birds and several insects. We also observe the local tree or

native trees, namely malabayabas (Tristania decorticata Merr), family of

Myrtaceae). Malabayabas is endemic to the province alone while the

endangered flying fox thrives there without fear (Wikipedia, 2007). This

tress dominated in this area. They have red color of bole and the wood is


III. Conclusion

If ecosystem is not disturbed then ecosystem properties

(productivity, stability, sustainability, biodiversity, and equitability) high and

the function will from the ecosystem go in accordance with his function so

as to be created the stability of the ecosystem. Hence, the balance of the

ecosystem must continue to be maintained in order to be able to go in

accordance with his function. Therefore the impact that the can emerged

as a result of the disturbance of the ecosystem.

IV. Pictures of Field Trip Location


B. Quezon National Park

Figure 2. Location of Quezon National Park in Quezon Province


DENR. 1992. DENR Administrative Order No. 92-56 Subject: Designation of Pagbilao Mangrove Swamp Experimental Forest as Genetic Resources Area and National Training Site for Mangrove.

December 10, 1992. http://www.tanggol.org/environmental_laws/DAO_92-56.html

Florece, L.M. 2007. Reading Material in Lecture Environmental Science (ENS 201). School of Environmental Science and Management. UPLB. College Laguna. (Unpublished).

Garcia, EPP. 2006. Pagbilao Mangrove Forest Province of Quezon. http://www.waypoints.ph/detail_gen.html?wpt=pagmef

Pacardo, E.P. 2007. Reading Material in Lecture Environmental Science (ENS 201). School of Environmental Science and Management. UPLB. College Laguna. (Unpublished).

Wikipedia Encyclopedia. 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangrove#General_description

Wikipedia Encyclopedia. 2007. http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Batangas

World Wildlife Fund (WWF). 2006. Mangrove forests: ecology. http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/marine/blue_planet/c oasts/mangroves/mangrove_ecology/index.cfm



Figure 2.  Location of Quezon National Park in Quezon Province


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