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The Using of Sign Language in Supporting Communication at Tourist Information Center


Academic year: 2017

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Job Training Report in Denpasar Government Tourism Office Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements

Geralda Antónia Lay Ximenes Faria Soares 63711006






1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Geralda Antónia Lay Ximenes Faria Soares b. Address : Jl. KubangSari VI No 6, Bandung

c. Place and date of Birth : Dili, 18 April 1991

d. Sex : Femile

e. Religion : Chatolic

f. Phone : 082146101214 / (+670) 7266713 g. E-mail : amorgalaxy@yahoo.com.sg

2. Educational Background

2.1 Formal Education

No Year Institution

1 1998-2004 SD 3 Bidau Acadiru-Hun


✂ ✄

2.2 Informal Education


No Year Institution

1 2009-2010 Course English and Computer SOLS24/7 2 2011 Public Speaking Seminar (Certified)

3 2011 Copywriting Seminar And Workshop (Certified)

4 2011 Semiotics Seminar And Workshop (Certified) 5 2012 Seminar “Reaktualisasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila

di Kalangan Genrasi Muda” (Certified) 6 2012 English Contest (Certified)

7 2012 TalkShow Kreatif Menulis Rejeki Tak Akan Habis

8 2012 Hari Sastra (Certified)

9 2012 English Literary Internal Training Of Education

10 2012 Character Building Training (Certified) 11 2013 Copywriting Seminar “Go Viral” (Certified) 12 2013 Hari Sastra (Certified)


3. Competency

There are some competencies that writer have. They are as follow: a. Good at English both Oral and Written

b. Good at Português both Oral and Written c. Good at Chinese in Oral

d. Operating Computer (Ms. Office and Internet)

4. Organization and Work Experiences

No Year Organization

1 2009-2010 Member of School Organization (OSIS) 2 2010 Volunteer for Medical Interpreter at USNS


3 2011 Member of Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris UNIKOM


✁ ✆


Here I would like to express the deepest thanks and appreciation to:

1. Dr. Juanda as the head of English Department

2. Mrs. Asih Prihandini, S.S, M.Hum., as my advisor who helps and encourages to finish this report.

3. Mr. M. Rayhan Bustam, S.S, M.Hum., as the coordinator of job training, for guiding all students who conducted the job training.

4. Staffs of Denpasar Goverment Tourism Office, Mr. Putu Budiasa, Mrs. Putu Mulia, Mrs. Dewa Ayu Kusumaningtyas and Mrs. Sugiani thanks for guiding me through job training.

5. Special thanks to my parents and Khalifa Fajrin, who always support me until this time.

6. All my friends, English Department 2011 keep fighting guys.

However, the writer know there’s still has many weaknesses and needs the improvement in this paper. Hopefully, this paper is expected to give the benefit for the readers and also the writer in the future.

Bandung, November 2014


✝ ✞ Reference

Mulyana Deddy. “Ilmu Komunikasi Suatu Pengantar”. 2011. Bandung. PT Remaja Rosdakarya

Other Source :










1.1 Background to the Topic 1

1.2 Scope 2

1.3 Objectives 2

1.4 Significance to Knowledge 3

1.5 Framework of the Theories 3

1.6 Research method 5


2.1 Defenition of Language 7

2.2 Data Analysis 9

2.3 The Discussion 16


3.1 Conclusion 17









1. Background to the Topic

Language is a tool that humans use to communicate every day.

Since childhood, we have been studying the language independently

(without being taught) either Indonesian or foreign languages such as

English, Latin, German and etc. As a main key, language is fully needed to

communicate in order to interact to each other. In daily life, besides to

local language or dialect used, people are expected to learn more about

foreign language especially English, because English is a language that is

most commonly used in many countries.

English language has important role in our life. For example, in

world of work such as at Denpasar Government Tourism Office in

subdivision Marketing section of Tourist Information Center (TIC). In

addition, Denpasar Government Tourism Office is a sector that directly

decended for the development particularly tourism industry for the

economy of Bali. Most Balinese hang up their life on tourism and service

sector. So it is not strange that foreign language especially English is

required in the development of tourism. The writer saw that there were

difficulties that the employees faced, in particular Balinese employees


use sign language to communicate and this case sometimes causes

miscommunication. The employees did not only use verbal (oral) but they

used non-verbal too (sign language) in order to minimize the

miscommunication. By seeing this case, the writer is interested in

analyzing nonverbal communication in Tourist Information Center. In

consequence, the title for this report is “The Using of Sign language in

Supporting communication at Tourist Information Center”.

2. Scope

The problems that will be discussed in this report are about:

1. The using of sign language to support the communication

2. The movement of sign language to indicate something.

3. Objectives

Other than to fulfill the job training course, the purposes of this

paper are as in the following :

1. To know the using of sign language to support the communication

2. To know the movement of human body (body language) indicating



4. Significance to Knowledge

This paper is expected to have a significant benefit, whether it is

theoretically or practically. The theoretically, it is expected to provide

knowledge and information about the sign language to the reader. This

paper shows that with knowing how to use sign language when giving an

information to tourist may help the reader to have a better understanding.

5. Framework of the Theories

Communication can be devided through two ways, they are :

verbal dan nonverbal.

1. Verbal communication is all kinds of symbols that use one or more

words. Most of stimulation speech that we are aware included in the

category of intentional verbal massages, that efforts were conciously

do to relate to others verbally. (Deddy Mulyana,2011:260)

2. According to Larry A. Samovar and Richard E. Porter, nonverbal

communication is all signal which are not the words. Nonverbal

communication covered all stimulus except verbal stimulus. (Deddy


While according to Atep Adya Barata “Komunikasi non verbal

yaitu komunikasi yang diungkapkan melalui pakaian dan setiap kategori

benda lainnya (the object language), komunikasi dengan gerak (gesture)

sebagai sinyal (sign language), dan komunikasi dengan tindakan atau

gerakan tubuh (action language)”.

To support this report, the writer uses Wilhelm Wundt theory of


“Human language, represents only an extension of this basic

process in lower animals because, over the course of human evolution,

common and consensual meanings were given to signs. As human mental

capacities grew, such gestures could be used for deliverate communication

and interaction”. (Wilhem Wundt,1973)

According to the theory above, the writer has a conclusion that sign

language (nonverbal) as a symbol of human speech used in

communication to stick up the statement in oral or writen (verbal). In

nonverbal communication such as sign language and gesture sometime are

unconciously used by human to communicate and interact to each other.

The following is example of nonverbal communication (sign

language) used in Tourist Information Center (TIC).


figure 5.1 verbal and nonverbal communication

At figure 5.1 the employee uses both verbal (oral) and nonverbal

(sign language) communication, where the sign language is used to

describe the verbal words (oral or writen). In the figure it seems the

employee tries to say go straight by swing his right hand frontward.

6. Research Method

The method that is used to analyze the data in this job training

report is descriptive method; the data is collected by observing around the

workplace and analysed based on the theory.

I did this Job training at Denpasar Government Tourism Office in

Bali, located at Jl. Majapahit No 1 Lumintang and Jl. Surapati No 7. The

timing of the job training began on Agust 12 until September 5 2014,

Within approximately 17 days. It’s began on weekdays starting at 08.00

A.M until 04.30 P.M (WITA)

In Denpasar Government Tourism Office at Lumintang I was

placed at Receptionist and Marketing, but mostly I was placed at Surapati


given to tourist that come to Bali to spend their holiday is about the

tourism in Denpasar, while I was on job tranning at TIC office.




2.1Definition of language

` Language as a communication tool that people use to utter,

etymologically derived from the Sansekerta word “bhas” which means

breath, then the language developed into a sound system that comes out of

a human mouth. On occasion of this understanding, there is a linguists

that defines languages as a systematic tool to convey ideas or feelings by

using signs, sounds, gestures, or marks as agreed, that had the meaning

that can be understood (Webster, 1961:1270)

From the understanding and definition above shows that language

as a tool of human communication has a sound system issued by human

through the mouth based on thoughts and feelings. Gesture as a form of

idea or feeling.

As a way to deliver information or purpose, then gesture that are

used can be intentional or unintentionally in communicating as follow:

“human language, represents only an extension of this basic process in lower animals because, over the course of human evolution, common and consensual meanings were given to signs. As human mental capacities grew, such gestures could be used for deliberate communication and interaction”. Wundt (1973)


From the theory of gesture above, it can be understood that sign

language (nonverbal) appears as a symbol of human utterance, that is oral

language (verbal). Then the sign language is used by human in

deliberating situation which means the human uses the sign language or

gesture conciously. When it is used unintentionally by the human, it is

just to support the way of idea. In relation with the existing problems, that

less knowledge of English language by the employees causes they use


2.2 Data analysis

Here are the list, the data of sign language (gesture) that writer got

while doing job training at Tourist Information Center.

1. “if you want to get the terminal station from here you have to go

straight and then turn to the right”.

2. SARBAGITA bus is starting at 09.00am in Sanur Beach Hotel and

takes 26 minutes to Balines’s Struggle Monument

3. Badung market is the largest traditional market in Denpasar.

4. “I want to hire a bike during one week, so may I have some

information about the place of hiring bike which is rather


5. “We have seen Bali museum, and a temple over there and the

monument and now we want more”

6. The hand greeting

7. The unconcious movement of the speaker while doing


These data above will be analyzed based on the descriptive


✕ ✖

Data 1 : “if you want to get the terminal station from here you have to go straight


and then turn to the right”.

Figure 2.2.1 verbal and nonverbal communication

Hand is a part of human body, commonly we use hand to do all of our daily

activities. In the first data, it is explained that when the speaker provides

information of direction with limited English, the speaker tries to show the

meaning to the hearer. The word “here” shows the exactly location where they

are. At the same time the speaker uses hand gesture as a sign language (nonverbal

communication) to do a communication.

“....go straight and then turn to the right”, the speaker gives direction to the

hearer to go straight and the hand gesture that the speaker uses is flinging out his

hand to front and keep stirring ahead. To make a movement to the right, the

speaker crooks his finger to the right direction with purpose to convey the


At figure 2.2.1 the em

directions that must b

side signifies that the

Data 2 : given an info


will take 26 minutes

In this secon

starting time of SAR

starts to operate at 0

messages from speak


which can support th Figure 2 nonverbal com

employee uses sign language to support his exp

t be passed by the tourists, by crooking his h

e tourist must take the right directions.

formation about time of shuttle bus

TA bus is starting at 09.00am from Sanur B

(09.26) to Balines’s Struggle Monument”.

ond data, the employee tries to give inform

RBAGITA bus from Sanur Beach Hotel. SA

09.00 a.m from Sanur hotel. To convey the

aker to hearer, then the speaker uses sign lang

t their pronounciation to be clear, and can be e 2.2.2


Figure 2.2.3 Verbal supported by nonve



xplanation of way

hand to the right

Beach Hotel and

rmation about the


he information or

nguage or gesture


✘ ✙

hearer. So, in order to indicate the bus operates at 9 o’clock, the speaker sets out

his hands and appoints his ninth fingernail. At the figures 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 the

speaker uses the verbal and supported by the sign language ( nonverbal

communication) to make the reader understand what the speaker means.

"... Take 26 minutes (9:26) to Balinese’s Struggle Monument, the intent

of the information is “from Sanur Beach Hotel to Bali Struggle Monument only

take twenty six minutes". Then, the first thing that the speaker will do is set out his

hand and appoints two fingernails afterwards six fingernail quickly.

Data 3 : “Badung market is the largest traditional market in Denpasar”.

At the third data, this is a part of the conversation that writer took when

the employee gives information about traditional market in Denpasar. As

opposition there are five traditional markets which are well-known in Denpasar,

but to give information that the Badung market is the largest traditional market,

then the speaker does a hand gesture to show the large of Badung market. The

speaker uses a verbal and nonverbal communication, in verbal communication the

speaker says “Badung is the largest traditional market” so in nonverbal

communication the speaker opens up his hand until it forms semicircular or 180


Data 4 :

The datum of

tourist by setting out

what the speaker mea

Data 5 : “I want to hi

about the pla

The datum ab

the employee does no

such as hand gesture

f the figure above, the speaker tries to exp

t his hand to front to make the one who as a he

eans by.

hire a bike during one week, so may i have so

lace of hiring bike which is rather cheaper?”.

above shows a tourist’s question to TIC empl

not understand the tourist accent, so the touris

that similar to people who drive a cycle. 2.2.4 figure of nonverbal


✚ ✛

xplain the way to

hearer understand

some information

. (tourist)

ployee. However,


Data 6 : “We have se

and now we

In the data, th

included the Temple

is using hand gestur

Jagatnatha which is

finger which shows to

temple over there”.

Data 7 : the hand Gre

The datum o

followed by the verba

welcoming and a gest

until they reach the c

seen Bali museum, and a temple over there an

e want more”

the tourist is explained the place that they h

le of Jagatnatha. The sign language for the wor

ture that is using the index finger to show

s located accross the TIC office. At the mo

to the temple is followed by the verbal commu


of the figure above is a nonverbal commu

rbal communication. This hands joint movemen

esture of thanks. The both hand joint together a


chest. In Hindu’s prayer (in particular the Ba Figure 2.2.5 verbal and

nonverbal communication

✜ ✢

and the monument

have visited and

ords “over there”

ow the temple of

oment, the index

munication “and a

unication that is

ent is as a sign of

r and be appointed


also a hand movemen

reach forehead, the el

Data 8 :

The unconciou

In the last da

unconciously by the

communicating may b

the idea, concept and 2

ent. They will joint their palms and raise their

elbows will open widely at about 35 to 45 degr

ious movement of the speaker while doing com

data is a gesture and hand movement that

e speaker. The hand movement which is c

y be a nonverbal communication, and the funct

d also verbal communication.

2.2.6 figure of nonverbal and verbal

✣ ✤

ir hands until they



hat are conducted

conducted while


✥ ✦


Based on the explanation above, language is very important in

communicating to convey ideas and thoughts to others. Thus,

especially English language is required to be trained or taught. Besides

the sign language, it is very important to help and interpret the

meaning of language. On the other side, nonverbal communication is

a way that can help to support the verbal communication. From the

data above that writer has explained about the sign language

(nonverbal) that there are some movement of sign language which is

used to support the statement or idea, the movements of sign language

is used conciously in the data 1, 2 and 4. In the other side, data 8

shows that the speaker uses the sign language or gesture unconciously,

thus this sign language is constructive the meaning of nonverbal

communication that can’t be expressed with verbal communication. In

the data, the employee uses a sign language (nonverbal) because he

knows that he’s less knowledge of English language, in consequence





According to all data analysis that exist, it can be concluded that:

1. Language especially in English language is important to be used in

Tourist Information Center (TIC), where the employeersdirectly

interact and communicate with foreign tourists.

2. Sign language is a symbol of nonverbal communication.

3. Sign language (nonverbal)is used by the employeers in Tourist

Informaation center (TIC) to support oral language (verbal) and to

cover their less knowledge of english language.

4. Sign language is not only used for the deaf, but it can also be used

for normal communication.


After finishing the research, the writer has some suggestions for

students who will take the research of nonverbal communication as in the


1. The student should find different data which have not ever been disscused


✩ ✪

2. The student should find another method and theory to support the research

in order to have a better analysis.



Figure 2.2.1 verbal and nonverbal communication
Figure 2e 2.2.2
Figure 2.2.5 verbal and


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