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Knights D and H. Willmott editors Organi


Academic year: 2017

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Reader Text: Organization Analysis: Critical Contemporary Contributions edited by David Knights/ Hugh Willmott

Consumption Section

Author Title Source &

Date of Publication

Pages EC or HC

Word length

David Knights

Introduction Original EC 232

7 Zygmunt


‘From the work ethic to the aesthetic of consumption’ in Critique of

Commodity Aesthetics: Work, consumerism and the new poor

Open University Press, 1998

Chap. 2 pp. 23-6 and 30-32

HC 300


Paul du Gay Consumption and Identity at Work

Sage, 1996 pp. 80-82; 87-8; 191-2.

EC 350


D. Knights

and G.


‘Organisation theory, consumption and the service sector’ in Hassard, J and Parker, M (editors) Towards a New Theory of Organizations,

Sage, 1994

pp 134-9.

HC 250


Total abstracted texts

31 pages 900


Total section Introduction 2327


Total 113


Human Resource Management Karen Legge, Human Resource Management - Rhetorics and Realities,, 2005 Anniversary Edition,.

David Knights

Introduction Original EC 1821

Kar en Leg ge

Human Resource Management - Rhetorics and Realities,

Macmillan Press, 2005

Annive rsary Edition


Electr 1 8 8 6

Deborah Kerfoot and David Knights

`Planning for Personnel? HRM Reconsidered'

Journal of Management Studies, Vol.29, No. 5, 1992

pp. 651-668


Barbara Townley


Power/Knowledge, and its Relevance for Human Resource Management'

in Calás, Marta B. & Smircich, Linda (eds.) (1997). Postmodern Management Theory. Ashgate: Aldershot

pp. 515, 519,52 6, 541

EC 806

Roy Jacques Developing a Tactical Approach to Engaging with “Strategic” HRM

Organization 6/2

199-201; 216-7, 222

EC 1548

Total abstracted texts

31 pages

77 57 Total

section Total 7757


David Knights

Introduction Original EC 1867

David Knights and Hugh Willmott

Management Lives Chapter 3 Identity and Insecurity at Work, pp. 62-84. London: Sage, 1999

EC 3397

John M. Jermier

“When the Sleeper Wakes”

Journal of Management 1985 Vol. 11 No. 2

pp. 67-80

EC 2568

Total extracts

44 pages

9865 Total


Introduction 1867 Total 10454

Inequality and Diversity

David Knights

Introduction Original EC 3007

Joanne Martin,,

'Deconstructing Organizational Taboos: The Supression of Gender Conflict in Organizations`

Post Modern Management Theory Marta B Calas and Linda


Deborah Kerfoot and David Knights,

"The Best is Yet to Come?": Searching for Embodiment in Management'

in D. Collinson and J. Hearn, (editors) Men as Managers, Managers as Men, London: Sage,1996, pp. 78-98.

Richard Sennett and Jonathon Cobb,

The Hidden Injuries of Class, Cambridge University Press, 1977

pp 57-8; 73-4; 77-9; 118; 131-4; 219

EC 2714

Stella M. Nkome

The Emperor has no Clothes: Rewriting “Race in


Academy of Management Review, 17/3 1992

pp. 487-513

EC 2422

Total abstracted texts

34 pages

78 10

Total section Introduction 3007


Total 10

81 7

Methodology Section

David Knights

Introduction Original EC 1137

Alvesson, Mats & Deetz, Stanley

Doing Critical Management Research.

London: Sage 2000.

EC 871


David Silverman

Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analysing Talk, Text and Interaction

London: Sage, 1993.


David Knights This journal only

‘Refocusing the Case Study: The Politics of Research and

Technology Studies, Vol. 2 No 2, 1995


survived 3 years so shouldn't have


Researching Politics in IT Management’

Gareth Morgan

Beyond Method, Sage, 1975 EC 813


Michael Rosen

`Coming to Terms with the Field:

Understanding and Doing Organizational Ethnography'

Journal of Management Studies, 28,1991, pp.1-24

HC 1187

Roy Jacques

Manufacturing the Employee

London: Sage, 1996

Preface and parts of Introduction


Total extracts

23 pages Total


Introduction 1137 Total 6839

Organizational Change & Innovation

David Knights

Introduction Original EC 1509

James R. Barker

'Tightening the Iron Cage: Concertive Control in Self-Managing Teams'

Administrative Science

Quarterly 38, 1993 408-437

EC 3200

Michael Burawoy

Manufacturing Consent

The University of Chicago Press, 1979

P. 81; 82; 85; 86; 87; 89; 94; 106-108; 110; 120

EC 1400

David Knights and Darren McCabe

‘Tales of the Unexpected’: Strategic

Management and Innovation, and ‘Dreams and Designs on Strategy: A Critical Analysis of TQM and

Management Control’

Chap 5 Organization and Innovation: Guru Schemes and American Dreams, Milton Keynes:Open University Press/McGraw Hill, 2003 Work,

Employment and Society, 12,3,


1;2;3;12;14 -16;


EC 2169


September, 1998, Rolland


Belonging on the

Move: market

rhetoric and the future as obligatory passage,

Sociological Review 46/2, 1998

pp. 208-243.Selecti on pp. 223-232; p. 237.

EC (2300


Total extracts

7869 Total


Introduction 1509 Total 10758

Power, Control and Resistance Section

David Knights

Introduction Original EC 2500

Richard Edwards

Contested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the 20th Century

New York: Basic Books 1979

pp. 16-18; 20-21; 51-52; 57-8

EC 1150

Knights D and H. Willmott,

Management Lives!: Power and Identity in Work Organisations

Sage, 1999 95-99 EC 2900

David Collinson

‘Strategies of Resistance: Power, Knowledge and Subjectivity in the Workplace’

in Jermier, J.M., Knights, D. and Nord, W.R. () Resistance and Power in Organization’, London:

Routledge, 1994

pp. 25-68.


D Knights and T Vurdubakis

`Foucault, Power, Resistance and All That',

in J. Jermier et al, editors, Resistance and Power in Organization, London:

Routledge, 1994, , pp.167-198

EC 2009

Total extracts


Total section Introduction 2500 Total 10367


David Knights

Introductio n

Original EC 1629


McLoughlin and Martin Harris

1400 words

Introduction in Ian

McLoughlin and Martin Harris (editors) Innovation, Organisational Change and Technology, London: International Thompson Business Press, 1997,

pp. 2-3; 6; 6-7; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13-15.

EC 1471

Cynthia Cockburn,

Caught in the Wheels: The high cost of being a female cog in the male machinery of engineering

in Donald MacKenzie and Judy Wajcman (editors) The Social Shaping of Technology, Open University Press,


pp. 55-65. Selection pp.55-6; 58; 60.

EC 1400

Zuboff, S In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power

New York: Basic Books. 1988 Selection

pp. 388; 389;390; 391;394-5; 401;412; 413; 414

HC 2742

Robert Cooper


Organization as Representation: Remote Control, Displacement, Abbreviation'

in M. Reed & M. Hughes (eds) Rethinking Organization, London : Sage, 1991.

pp. 254-5; 257; 257-8; 263-4; 264-5; 266.

HC 3732


Knights, Faith Noble, Theo Vurdubakis, and Hugh Willmott

Allegories of Creative Destruction: Technology and Organisation in Narratives of the e-Economy

in Woolgar, S (editor) Virtual Society? Technology, Cyberbole, Reality, Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 2002, pp. 99-114

EC 3049

Total extracts


Total section Introduction 1629 Total 11152


Author Title Source & Date of Publication

Pages EC or HC

Word length

Hugh Willmott

Introduction Original EC 1500

S. Clegg and C Hardy

`Introduction’, Studying Organisations

Sage 1999 tba EC 2200

D. Silverman

`Accounts of Organisations: Organisational “Structures” and the Accounting Process’ in John B.

McKinlay (Ed) Processing People: Cases in

Organisational Behaviour


Rinehart and Winston, 1975

tba EC 2400

H. Willmott ‘Organisation theory as critical science? in H. Tsoukas and C. Knudsen eds The Oxford Handbook of Organization Theory

Oxford University Press


HC 3200

Total abstracted texts

TBA 7800

Total section Introduction 1500 Total 9300


Author Title Source & Date of Publication

Pages EC or HC

Word length

Hugh Willmott

Introduction Original EC 1500

M. Alvesson and H. Willmott

`Introduction’, Making Sense of Management



Moral Mazes: The World of

Corporate Managers

Oxford University Press, 1988

tba EC 1200

T.Watson ‘How do Managers Think?’

Management Learning, 1996, 27,3: 323-341


HC 2000

H. Willmott `Rethinking Management and Managerial Work’

Human Relations, 1997, 50,11: 1329-1359

tba HC 1500

Total abstracted texts

31 pages 6700

Total section Introduction 1500 Total 8200


Author Title Source &

Date of Publication

Pages EC or HC

Word length

Hugh Willmott

Introduction Original EC 1500

K.E.Weick, K.M.

Sutcliffe and D.Obstfeld

`Organizing and the Process of


Organization Science Vol. 16, No. 4, July–August 2005, pp. 409–421

409-413 EC 4300


`Knowing in Practice: Enacting a Collective

Capability in Distributed Organizing

Organizatio n Science, 2002, Vol 13, No 3 249-273

tba EC 4300

D. Knights and F.Murray

Managers Divided Wiley, 1994 tba EC 2400

Total abstracted



Total section Introduction 1500 Total 1250


Author Title Source & Date of Publication

Pages EC or HC

Word length

Hugh Willmott

Introduction Original EC 1500

R. Cooper and G. Burrell

`Modernism, Postmodernism and

Organizational Analysis;

Organization Studies, 1988 9,1: 91-112

tba EC 2000

M. Kilduff

`Deconstructing Organizations’

Academy of Management Review, 1993, 18,1: 13-31

tba EC 3000

D. Knights `Organization Theory in the Age of

Deconstruction: Dualism, Gender and

Postmodernism Revisited’

Organization Studies, 1997, 18,1: 1-19


EC 2000

Total abstracted texts


Total section Introduction 1500 Total 8500


Author Title Source & Date of Publication

Pages EC or HC

Word length

Hugh Willmott

Introduction Original EC 2000

D. Levy, M.Alvesson and


Chapter in M. Alvesson and H. Willmott, eds. Studying Management Critically

Sage 1999



R.Whittington `The Work of Strategising and Organizing: For a Practice Perspective

Strategic organization, Vol.1(1);117-125

tba EC 3500

R.Chia and B. Mackay

`Post-processual challenges for the emerging strategy-as-practice


Discovering strategy in the logic of practice’


Relations, Vol. 60, No. 1, 217-242 (2007)


EC 3000


and G..


`Corporate Strategy, Organizations and Subjectivity: A Critique’,

Organization Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2, 251-273 (1991)

tba EC 2500

Total abstracted texts

tba 14000

Total section Introduction 20000 Total 16000

Leadership and Symbolism

Author Title Source & Date of Publication

Pages EC or HC

Word length

Hugh Willmott

Introduction Original EC 1500

David Knights and Hugh Willmott

‘Conceptualising Leadership

Processes : A Study of Senior Managers in a Financial Services Company',

Journal of Management Studies, 29, 6 : 761-782

tba EC 4000

M. O’Jones Symbols and Symbolic Behaviour: Definitions and Distinctions

Studying Organizational Symbolism: What, How and Why, Sage, 1996


pp 2-9 Linda

Smircich and Gareth Morgan

‘Leadership: The Management of Meaning’

Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, 1982, 18, 3: 257-273

tba 1300

Total abstracted texts


Total section Introduction 1500


Total 10000

Ethics and Ecology

Author Title Source & Date of Publication

Pages EC or HC

Word length

Hugh Willmott

Introduction Original EC 1500

Martin Parker `Business, Ethics

and Business


in M.

Alvesson and H.C. Willmott (2003),

Studying Management Critically, London: Sage

tbc EC 2000

Ronald Purser,

Changkil Park and Alfonso Montouri

`Toward an Ecocentric Paradigm’

Academy of Management Review, 1995, 20, 4: 1053-1089

tbc EC 2000

Thomas Gladwin, James

Kennelly and

Tara-Shelomith Krause

`Sustainable Development’

`Shifting Paradigms for Sustainable Development: Implications for

Management Theory and Research’, Academy of Management Review, 1995, 20, 4: 874-907

EC 2000

Total abstracted texts


Globalization and Governance

Author Title Source & Date of Publication

Pages EC or HC

Word length

Hugh Willmott

Introduction Original EC 1500

J. A. Scholte `Globalization and Governance

J.A. Scholte `Globalization : A Critical Introduction’ London: Palgrave Macmillan 2nd ed

Extracts from pp185-223

HC 3000

Andreas Scherer and Guido


`Towards a Political Conception of Social


`Towards a Political Conception of Social

Responsibility : Business and Society Seen from a Habermasian Perspective’, Academy of Management Review, 2007, 32, 4: 1096-1120

tbc EC 2000

Peter Edward and Hugh Willmott

`Limits of Deliberative Democracy’

`Structures, Identities and Politics : Bringing Corporate Citizenship into the Corporation' in A. Scherer and G. Palazzo, eds, Handbook of Research on Global

Corporate Citizenship, London: Edward Elgar, 2008

tbc EC 2000

Total abstracted texts



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