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Learning Processes at English Education Department of UniversitasMuhammadiyahYogyakarta Batch 2012

A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Faradina Indah Kartika 20120540080

English Education Department Faculty of Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Lecturers’ teaching methods play an important role in teaching and learning process. It is because lecturers’teaching method gives big influence in the students’ ability. Each lecturer has different characteristics to transfer his or her knowledge to the students. It depends on their skills and their attitude.Whatever the methods used by the lecturers in teaching and learning process, the students should grasp the material

successfully to achieve the learning objective. This study aims to investigate the students’

perceptions towards lecturers’ teaching methods in teaching and learning process. This research used qualitative research methodology, this research took place in EED UMY with the respondents from students in academic year 2012. To collect the data the researcher used interview to the six respondents. The researcher also used coding to analyze the data. The result of this research showed what the lecturers teaching methods implemented at EED UMY based on EED UMY students’ perceptions and how the lectuers teaching methods implemented at EED based on EED UMY students’

perceptions. There are six methods in this research include presentation, demonstration, discussion, drill and practice, role play, and the last is games.


Chapter One


Background of the Study

Teaching and learning process is an activity to deliver knowledge from a lecturer to the students. Lecturers’ is a term used to the teacher at EED of UMY. Students should

pay attention to materials given by the lecturer. Besides that, students should understand the subjects well.Lecturers plays a significant part in teaching and learning process because some students might believe they must follow obediently what lecturers’ bring to


Labo- Popoola (2002) stated the following:

“The most important element in the development of an educational programmer is

a teacher, a teacher is a very significant figure in the school environment where he works and so his attitude to work tends to have significant implications which cannot be dismissed if academic excellence is to be achieved in our educational institutions. It is very clear that teachers’ way of thinking and beliefs guide his/her


There are some factors that can make a good lecturer, namely, lecturer’s attitude, teaching methods, and his or her classroom management. Every factor mentioned earlier contributes to build a lecturer’s different characteristics in delivering the knowledge to


It depends on the lecturer’s skill and attitude. This means that the lecturer can deliver the subject well and students can catch what the lecturer teaches. If the lecturer cannot deliver the knowledge well, automatically the students will feel confused to accept materials in the classroom and they do not understand about what the lecturer explains.

A lecturer should give good explanation and respect students in the process of learning. Some lecturers only teach students to memorize the subject without

understanding it. Students should be flexible to accept the lecturers’ teaching method.

They should accept whatever ways lecturers explain the subject. This is caused by each lecturer has different methods in teaching. In this study, the researcher find in the literatures that there are various teaching methods practiced by lecturers in their

teaching. They include presentation method (Jones, 2006), demonstration (Chamberlain and Kelly, 1981), discussion (Welty, 1989), drill and practice (Snowman and Biehler, 2003), role-play (Tutyandari, 2005), and games (Richard & Amato, 1996).


perceptions towards lecturers’ teaching methods in teaching and learning process at EED

UMY batch 2012.

Identification of the Problem

Lecturers’ teaching methods have an important role in teaching and learning

process. This is because teaching methods give big influence in the students’ ability. Each lecturer has different teaching methods. Students need to adapt with the lecturers’

teaching method. This is aimed to give good results in the process of teaching and learning. This topic should be explained in details to give positive contribution to the study. That’s why the study about students’ perception toward lecturers’ teaching method

is needed to be carried out in EED UMY.

Limitation of the Problem

In teaching and learning processes, there are so many methods that can be applied by the lecturers in the classroom. The kinds of the methods are varied, but in this study the researcher only focuses on six methods based on the researcher’s experience. The researcher experience from the semester one until eight, there are some teaching method apply in teaching and lerning process. The six methods include presentation,

demonstration, discussion, drill and practice, role play, and the last is games.

Research Question


1. What are the lecturers’ teaching methods implemented at EED UMY based on EED UMY students’ perceptions ?

2. How the lecturers’ teaching methods implemented at EED UMY based on EED UMY students’ perceptions?

The Purposes of the Research

1. To investigate what the lecturers’ teaching method implemented at EED UMY based on EED UMY students’ perceptions.

2. To investigate how lecturer’s teaching method implemented in the teaching and learning process at EED UMY based on EED UMY students’ perceptions.

Significant of the Research

This study may contribute some significance to several parties including researchers, lecturers, and students.

Other Researchers.Next researchers can use the findings of the study as the basis for their study. They can also add information about students’ perception toward

lecturers’ teaching methods in teaching and learning process.

Lecturers.This can be reference for the other lecturers’ to add the new informarion about the lecturers’ teaching method.


Outline of the Research


Chapter Two Literature Review

In this research, the researcher focuses on the analysis of the students’ perception towards lecturers’ teaching method in teaching and learning process at EED UMY batch

2012. The literature review of this research explains some important aspects in this research.

First, this chapter discusses about the definition of perception and the kinds of perception. Secondly, it provides the definition of lecturers’ teaching method. Thirdly this

chapter discusses about the definition and types of teaching method.


According to Setiawan (2014), “perception is a result of experience about object, event, and relation which is obtained through concluding specific information into meaningful messages” (p. 8). According to Husaini (1978), “perception is an object

which is caught by sense and it is reflected by something in a brain so that the brain can perceive it” (p. 103). Secondly, according to Ruch (1967), “perception is a process of a sign from relevant previous experience which is organized to give structural pictures and meaningful in a certain situation” (p. 300).


students obtain a same stimulation, they may perceive differently since their thinking ability is different from one student to another. Consequently, their perception may be different as well from one to another.

Kinds of perception

Generally, perception is an opinion based on the evaluation purpose to the object which is verbally expressed, while form of perception is a view based on the appraisal of the object whenever and wherever. According to Sudarman (2007) there are two forms of perception namely positive perception and negative perception. First, positive perception is a view of object which is perceived and tends to accept the received object, because it is appropriate with their opinion. Second, negative perception is a view of object where perceived subject tend to refuse the object because it does not relate to their opinion.

Lecturers’ Teaching Method

In this part, the researcher discusses definition of lecturers’ teaching methods and the next part elaborates the kinds of lecturers’teaching methods. In teaching and

learning processes, lecturers teaching methods are important component to create successful teaching and learning processes. There are many ways which are used by lecturers to deliver their knowledge to the students.


Definition of Lecturers’ Teaching Method

In this part, the researcher discusses about definition of lecturers’ teaching methods. Afe (2001) argued that lecturers should be aware in the difference of teaching methods used which are suitable for all students in the classrooms so that the teaching and learning processes can be full of meaning.

Kinds of Lecturers’ Teaching Method

There are many kinds of lecturers’ teaching methods. At this part, the researcher discusses the kinds of lecturers’ teaching methods that including presentation,

demonstration, discussion, drill and practice, role play, and games. The methods are discussed one by one and explained in details.

Presentation. According to Jones (2006) “the effective presentation will teach you how to prepare quickly, choose the best method to deliver your topic to the audience, and maintain audience interest at all times’’. Mayer, Heiser, & Loon (2001) They stated

that there is a general agreement that presentation methods are more effective when the different types of media support one another rather than when superfluous sound or images are presented for entertainment value which may induce disorientation &

cognitive overload that could interfere with learning rather than enhance learning. Morita (2000) “presentation is a frequent, highly routinized part of classroom life in higher

education settings” (p.258). Weissberg (1993) In making oral presentations, ESL


language and following instructions; rather, it is a skill requiring process of complex sociolinguistics aspects as well as cognitive understandings. Girard & Trapp (2011) Argued that despite the positive aspects of using presentations in the classroom, some students may show resistance to do extra work, have fear in public speaking, and display boredom while sitting through others' presentations if they are not engaged with the experience. Therefore, such students may have generally negative beliefs about giving classroom presentations.

Demonstration. According to Chamberlain and Kelly (1981) “demonstrations are used to show procedures and to explain techniques. Mutasa and Wills (1995) explained that demonstration method involves teacher showing students how to do something while they observe. Students’ practice will follow teachers’ demonstration. Chikuni (2003) also stated that demonstration is where teacher shows how something is done by doing it.

According to Child (1988), child learns better through imitating. Gwarinda (1993) in line with Soroka, Hoagland and Mohale (1977) affirmed that demonstration involves teaching students how specific skill is executed. Petty (2000) This method is

recommended for teaching a skill because it covers necessary steps in the process. Thus, the demonstration method gives students opportunity to look into details about what is being taught. McKeachie (1986) These details include necessary background knowledge and steps or procedures precautions. Some experts stated that demonstration method has some types, Chikuni (2003) argue that, there are two types of demonstrations, namely step by step and the whole process of demonstration. Chikuni (2003) In the whole


end without interrupted by learners. McKeachie (1986) suggests the demonstrations spot, which is usually done after teacher identifies problem or mistake being made by students. This is done after the procedure has been shown before. Petty (2000) said that if teacher spots a problem, students will be stopped then teacher will

demonstrate the skill.

Discussion. According to Welty (1989) “discussion method teaching are probably convinced that improving interactive skills in the classroom will improve your teaching (p. 197). McKeachie (2002) Discussion, is a mixed form of teaching. In this method, students give and receive information is often considered the prototypic method and core components of active teaching and learning. Hadjioan-nou (2007) Classroom discussion is an active teaching technique because it enables students to explore issues of interest, opinions, and ideas. However, it also leads to deeper levels of learning because in order to build on each other’s ideas, the students must first listen and understand the

contributions of others students in order to respond or add to it.

According to Faust and Paulson (1998), “In discussion, students pair off and

respond to a question either in turn or as a pair. This method easily can be combined with other techniques, such as those discussed under “Questions and

Answers” or the “Critical-Thinking Motivators” discussed above. For example,


Generally, this approach works best when students are given explicit directions, such as tell each other why you chose the answer you did” (p.12).

Drill and Practice. According to Snowman and Biehler (2003) Use of the method in the classrooms assumes that the learner previously has received some

instruction on the concept, principle, or procedure that is to be practiced. Bartoli (1989). ”Drill and practice, lecturers told, produce rote memorization and dulls creativity, having

to spend long periods of time on repetitive tasks is a sign that learning is not taking place that this is not productive learning situation” (p.295). The conceptual learning is not memorization and drill and practice method (Snowman &Biehler, 2003), which emphasizes on skill acquisition approach. Memorization is the main skill in the audio lingual methods Brown (2000), but it is synonymous which include other skill such as drill and practice.

Brown (2000) It is agreed that drill can be practice in various ways to make them repetitive, such as changing the lecturers pace, changing the ways to choose who is to repeat or to answer, or the content of the sentence.


Fogwill, Barr, &Perkovic (1997) argued that it also provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding, to explore their views and to develop deeper

understandings of concepts and theories, in other words, to engage in higher cognitive processes. According to Driscoll (2005) claimed that role play has been derived from the idea that knowledge is constructed by learners in their attempt to understand their


Cutler and Hay (2000) stated that used role play to examine the cultural,

environmental, economic and social implications of a fictitious tourist developmental. According to Faust and Paulson (1998), “In role playing, students act out a situation or

incident. By doing so, they gain a better understanding of the concepts and theories being discussed in class. Role-playing exercises can range from thought experiments for

individuals” (p.15).

Games. According to Richard and Amato (1996) “even though games are often associated with fun, we should not lose sight of their pedagogical values, particularly in second language teaching”. Fuscard (2001) Games have a special role in building students’ self-confidence and they can reduce the gap between quicker and slower


students stress in the classroom. In conventional classroom there is a lot of stress put on students trying to master the target language.

Groves, Warren, & Witscher (1996) argued that Some will scoff at the idea of playing games in a university setting, but in certain situations there simply is no better instructional tool. For example, a game that simulates social inequalities and forces students to “live” at a lower socioeconomic position will dramatize aspects of social and

political reality that cannot be transmitted via lecture.

Conceptual Framework

This part includes content which is appropriate with literature review. There are some teaching methods that lecturer used in teaching and learning process namely presentation, demonstration, discussion, drill and practice, role play, and gaming. The focuses of this study are to find what the teaching methods are applied at EED UMY and how the teaching methods are implemented by lecturers at EED UMY from the students’


Figure of Conceptual Framework

1. Presentation 2. Demonstration 3. Discussion 4. Drill and

Practice 5. Role Play 6. Games Method Used Based on

Literature Review

What are the teaching methods Implemented at Lecturers’

Teaching Method



How are the teaching


Chapter Three

Research Methodology

This chapter presents information regarding the research method, the subject of the research, data collection, and data analysis method.

Research Design

This study is aimed to investigate students’ perception toward lecturer’s teaching method at EED UMY batch 2012. The researcher applies qualitative research in this study. The data are gained from in depth interview into the students at English Education Department. The reason of using interview is researcher has opportunities to dig out the data from the participants. Luff and Lacey (2009) said that qualitative research is

particularly good at answering the why, what, or how questions. Qualitative data analysis the mass of words generated by interviews or observational data needs to be described and summarized.

In the other opinion, Silverman (2001) said that “qualitative research seems to

promise that will avoid or downplay statistical technique and the mechanics of the kinds of quantitative methods used in, say, survey research or epidemiology. In qualitative, small numbers and documents may be analysed for a different purpose” (p. 25).

Research Setting and Participants


that students should know various teaching method. Secondly, make the researcher easier to found the participants. Third, the friendly students to share information and make the researcher to do this research.

Participant. The participants are EED students class A, B, and C batch 2012. The participants are 6 persons. The participants know about lecturers’ teaching method and

understand about the ways of lecturer uses to deliver their knowledge to students in the classroom. And wilingness to become the participants.

Data Collection Method

This study is descriptive qualitative research. The data is collected using

interview. There are some questions in the interview exploring lecturers’ teaching method

applied in the classroom. To collect the data, researcher makes an arrangement with students for an interview. Then interview will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesiato minimalize miscommunication. Respondents will be asked for permission to record the interview. The result of interview will be transcribed.

Data Analysis


and differences, giving conceptual labels to incidents, and grouping those concepts together into categories.

Firstly, the researcher used open coding. Open coding is a procedure for

developing categories of information.One of the processes of analyzing textual content is open coding. Open coding includes labeling concepts, defining and developing

categories based on their properties and dimensions. It is used to analyze qualitative data and part of many qualitative data analysis methodologies like grounded theory. Second, researcher uses axial coding. Strauss (1987) Axial coding is a procedure for

interconnecting the categories. Corbin and Strauss (1990) Axial coding is a process of exploring the relationships among categories. In axial coding, researchers relate categories with the subcategories, test the relationships against data, and test the

hypothesis. Axial coding is a process of reassembling or disaggregating data in a way that draws attention to the relationship between and within categories. Thirdly, the researcher selects the data using selective coding. Selective coding is figure out the core variable that includes all of the data. Then, the researcher revise the transcript and selectively code any data relates to the core variable you identified. Selective coding refers to the process by which researchers select one or more core categories intended to generate a story that connects the categories. Glaser’s (1978) theoretical coding is a process of theorizing the



Member Checking. The researcher used member checking to the EED students. Member checking is to ensure the validity of the data. The researcher show the transcribe of interview to the respondent. The data showed to the respondent to prove that

transcribingcorrect without adding any other sentences.


Chapter Four Findings and Discussions

This chapter reports and discuss some information about students perception towards lecturers’ teaching method in teaching and learning process at EED UMY batch

2012. The first part of this chapter explain about what are the lecturers’ teaching methods implemented at EED UMY based on EED UMY students’ perceptions. The second part of this chapter explain about how the lecturers’ teaching methods implemented at EED UMY based on EED UMY students’ perceptions.

Lecturers’ teaching method implemented at EED UMY

Based on the data obtained from the interview, there are some teaching methods which are implanted at EED UMY namely presentation, discussion, games, role play, and demonstration.

Presentation teaching method. The first teaching method which is used by lecturers at EED UMY is presentation. There are six students reported that lecturers used presentation as the teaching method.

“……Then, lecturers also applied presentation as the teaching method, but there

is also lecturers which did not apply method so that they came to the class, giving task, then go.” (Respondent 1)

“Based on my experience, lecturers used some teaching methods in the class


“As I know there are various teaching methods which are used by lecturers at PBI

UMY namely discussion, role play, demonstration, presentation, that is all remembered.” (Respondent 3)

“There are various teaching methods which are applied at PBI UMY namely

discussion, presentation, demonstration, and so on.” (Respondent 4)

“There are some various teaching methods which are applied by lecturers like discussion in the class, presentation, role play, and many others teaching methods.”

(Respondent 5)

“As I remembered, there are so many teaching methods applied in the classroom

like presentation, discussion, and also role play.”(Respondent 6)

This can be concluded that some lecturers at EED UMY apply presentation as the teaching method in the classroom. As Morita (2000) stated that presentation is a frequent, highly routinized part of classroom life in higher education settings. This means that in higher education setting, teacher or lecturer used presentation as one of their teaching methods. That is why lecturers in EED UMY apply presentation as their teaching method.

Discussion teaching method. The second teaching method applied by lecturers is discussion teaching method. Discussion teaching method let students both give and receive information in the classroom (McKeachie, 2002; Stewart, et al., 2010; Whetten & Clark, 1996). All participants stated the same argument. They reported that besides presentation, lecturers also apply discussion teaching method in the classroom.

“Actually, there are various teaching methods which are used by lecturers namely


also applied presentation as the teaching method, but there are also lecturers which did not apply method so that they came to the class, giving task, then go.” (Respondent 1) “Based on my experience, lecturers used some teaching methods in the

class namely collaborative, problem based learning, contextual learning, role play, jigsaw, presentation, and discussion.” (Respondent 2)

“As I know there are various teaching methods which are used by lecturers at PBI

UMY namely discussion, role play, demonstration, presentation, that is all remembered.” (Respondent 3)

Discussion can be one of active teaching methods. This is caused by when students are in the discussion, they should share what they want to talk about the certain topic. Besides that, this can lead to the deeper of learning because students should listen then understand before they respond that topic. This is in line with Hadjioan-nou (2007) who stated that in order to build on each other’s ideas, the students must first listen and understand the contributions of others students in order to respond or add to it.

Games teaching method. Different from two previous teaching methods, this teaching method is only reported by two participants. Fuscard (2001) Games is believed as the teaching method which can separate the gap between lower and higher students.

“Actually, there are various teaching methods which are used by lecturers namely


“Based on my experience, lecturers used some teaching methods in the class

namely collaborative, problem based learning, contextual learning, role play, jigsaw, presentation, and discussion.” (Respondent 2)

Games can be used to fill in the gap between higher and lower students. This is accordance with Fuscard (2001) who mentioned that games have a special role in building students’ self-confidence and they can reduce the gap between quicker and

slower learner. However, what should be thought here is the pedagogical values in learning. Games are associated with fun that is why lecturers should find the pedagogical value through games. This is like what Amato (1996) said that games are associated with learning however teachers cannot lose the pedagogical values in it.

Role play teaching methods.A Role play teaching method is a method where students should act like or based on the situation. This teaching method is reported by four participants.

“Based on my experience, lecturers used some teaching methods in the class

namely collaborative, problem based learning, contextual learning, role play, jigsaw, presentation, and discussion.” (Respondent 2)

“As I know there are various teaching methods which are used by lecturers at PBI

UMY namely discussion, role play, demonstration, presentation, that is all remembered.” (Respondent 3)

“There are some various teaching methods which are applied by lecturers like

discussion in the class, presentation, role play, and many others teaching methods.”


“As I remembered, there are so many teaching methods applied in the classroom like presentation, discussion, and also role play.” (Respondent 6)

Role play is aimed to increase students’ communication skill. Role play is the

situation where students act like what lecturers said. In EED UMY, this becomes one of the teaching methods used by lecturer. Tutyandari (2005) stated that this method can be the ideal teaching method because students speak in the target language so that this can increase their communication skill.

Demonstration teaching method. This method is mentioned by two participants.

“As I know there are various teaching methods which are used by lecturers at PBI

UMY namely discussion, role play, demonstration, presentation, that is all remembered.”

(Respondent 3)

“There are various teaching methods which are applied at PBI UMY namely discussion, presentation, demonstration, and so on.” (Respondent 4)

Mutasa and Wills (1995) who stated that demonstration teaching method is the method where students can see how the teachers do something then they can do that while observing. In this method, teachers should give example first so that students can do the same. This method is used by lecturer in order to avoid misperception between students and lecturer. This is caused by lecturers will give the example first then students follow the example.

How lecturers teaching methods implemented at EED UMY


Implementation of presentation. Five of six students reported that presentation is done by students. One student reported that when students presented the material in the classroom, there will be problem. That student stated that when presentation is done by the lecturers, student will get better input.

“If students become presenter, we should think twice to understand and interpret

what they talk. This is caused by some students explain unclear things. This will be different if the presenter is lecturer. Students will get better input if lecturers explain the material.”(Respondent 1)

Different from this student, five of six students stated how students do the presentation in the classroom.

“Presentation method is a method where students are divided into groups, given

material, then discuss it with the group. After that, the group should present discussion result in front of the class. Presentation can be both in small and large group.”

(Respondent 2)

“Presentation is the method where students should present the material in front of

the class. Usually, students are divided into the groups to discuss. The group can be both chosen by lecturer and chosen by themselves.” (Respondent 3)

“For the first, lecturers will give the material then students will be divided into the

groups. Each group should discuss about the material given. After that, they should present the result of the discussion. All the audiences should give attention to the presenter to catch the materials.” (Respondent 4)

“Presentation is the favorite teaching method for lecturer based on my opinion.


new material either in group or individually. If students are ready about the material, they should present it in front of the classroom.”

(Respondent 5)

“Presentation is the method where students are divided into groups, then finding

some information related to the material, and do the presentation.” (Respondent 6)

Based on the interview, this can be concluded that presentation method is the method which lets students to discuss, find information, and then present it either in front of the group or in front of the classroom. Students should prepare it well before they do the presentation. This is in line with Jones (2003) who stated that the effective

presentation will teach you how to prepare quickly, choose the right method, and how to make audience understand about the material. In other word, students should do some preparation before they are having presentation.

Implementation of discussion. Discussion can be a part of presentation. This means that before students are having presentation, they should discuss the material with their group. All participants are agreed that lecturers applied this kind of teaching

method. They reported that discussion is the teaching method which are used by mostly lecturers at EED UMY.

“Discussion is good teaching method for me. This is applied by mostly lecturers

here. Students should be forced to speak in small group discussion, however when it is happened in large group discussion, there will be passive students.” (Respondent 1)

“It is often. Before presentation, students should discuss the material first with the


“Almost all lecturers applied this kind of teaching method. For the first, students

will be given new material. Then students will be divided into groups. Each group should discuss the material then present it in the classroom.” (Respondent 3)

“Almost all lecturers applied his teaching method. The group should discuss the material given by lecturers either in small or large group.” (Respondent 4)

“Before discuss something, lecturers will divide students into groups. Discussion

teaching method is good for me because we can share ideas then we can get new knowledge from that. This is not only happened between students and students but also students and lecturers.” (Respondent 5)

“Almost in all subject lecturers wanted us to discuss something. Before having

discussion, students will be divided into groups.” (Respondent 6)

All participants reported that discussion is the method which is often applied by the lecturers. This method is really useful. They stated that this method can give us new knowledge through sharing the ideas. It is in line with (McKeachie, 2002; Stewart, et al., 2010; Whetten & Clark, 1996) who stated that in this method, students can give and receive the information through discussion.

Games teaching method. Games teaching method is only mentioned by two participants. Games relates to funny thing, however this can be good for learning process. Two students mentioned that game is fun so that they did not bored in the learning


“Students are not only sleepy but also bored in the classroom. Lecturers


“It depends on the lecturers. If lecturers know the situation well, they will have

some game to make us enjoy in learning. This will be funnier for students.” (Respondent


It can be concluded that game is a funny thing. Students enjoy the class if the lecturers put some games in the learning process. They reported that when there is a game, they will not be bored and sleepy. They will enjoy to learn. It is in line with Prensky (2011) who stated that game is an organized play that give us enjoyment and pleasure. Learning process today is totally different from past learning process. Today learning process should be funnier to catch students’ attention.

Implementation of Role Play. Four of six students reported that role play is one of teaching methods applied in the classroom. Role play is the method where students should act like the situation determined by the lecturer.

“Role play is applied by one of lecturers as I remembered. This is used for final exam. Students should make a video. Each student has different role in the video.”

(Respondent 2)

“Based on my opinion, role play method is useful for students’ independency.

Students should be active while lecturers will be only as a facilitator. Students should act more in the learning process.” (Respondent 3)

“Some lecturers have applied this teaching method. This can be the method where

can build students’ critical thinking. Besides that, students should be more active in the


“For me, this would be great because we only follow lecturers’ instruction in the

learning process.” Respondent 6)

This can be concluded that through role play method, students will be more creative. This is caused by lecturers will only give instruction then students will develop it by themselves. This is in line with Tutyandari (2005) who stated that role-play would seem the ideal method because students can be more creative. Besides that, students will be given opportunity to practice their communication skill. In other word, role play will give opportunity to the students in developing their communication skill both with lecturers and students.

Implementation of demonstration teaching method. Demonstration teaching method is the method where lecturers give the example first to the students then students will follow the example. Two of six students reported that demonstration is used by lecturer.

“Lecturers explain the material through practice and demonstrate it in front of the

classroom. In the early semester there is computer literacy subject, lecturers practice how to edit the photo. Lecturers explain and demonstrate the step one by one.” (Respondent 3)

“I know little about the demonstration method. As I remembered, demonstration

method is the method where lecturers explain the material in detail. For the example lecturers will demonstrate how to turn on the computer then lecturers will explain it from the early step until the last step.” (Respondent 4)


Kelly (1981) who stated that demonstration are used to show the procedures or


Chapter Five

Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter presents conclusions and recommendations of this study.

Conclusions here means that researcher summarize the findings of this study. The next part is about recommendation. Researcher gives recommendation for lecturer, students, and further researcher.


Based on the findings, there are some teaching methods which are used by lecturer. There are two mostly used methods applied at EED UMY namely presentation and discussion. Presentation and discussion are reported by six participants. Presentation can be said as the mostly used teaching methods because almost all lecturers applied this method based on the findings. This is also happened for discussion method. This is because presentation and discussion are related to each other. This means that before students have presentation in the classroom, they should do the discussion first with the group. That is why this teaching method can be said as the mostly used teaching method. The other teaching methods mentioned by participants are game, role-play, and also demonstration. Game and role play teaching method become the other teaching method which is used by lecturer to decerase students’ boredom. All participants reported that

they are happy when lecturers do the funny things like game and role-play. This can be concluded that the implementation of teaching methods can be said as good.

The implementation of these teaching methods can be said good. This is



Researcher gives some recommendations about this research toward the teaching method and how the teaching method implemented at EED UMY. Hence, the

recommendation is concerned to the lecturer, students, and further researcher.

For the lecturer. After knowing about how teaching methods implemented at EED UMY, lecturers can consider appropriate teaching method. Lecturer can consider the teaching method students’ perception toward the teaching method. This may be used to find the most appropriate one.

For the students. Students can consider about students’ perception toward teaching method so that they can adapt to the classroom. This means that they know what the best teaching method which can improve their skill in English.




I : Assalamualaikum, sebelumnya saya ingin meminta bantuan anda untuk menjadi responden saya untuk melengkapi pengambilan data skripsi saya, apakah anda bersedia menjadi responden saya?

R1 : Wa’alaikum salam, ya saya

bersedia, judul skripsi anda tentang apa? I :Judulnya yaitu “Students

Perception towards Lecturers’ Teaching Method in Teaching and Learning Process at EED UMY batch 2012’’. Apakah anda sudah siap di interview?

R1 : Iya silahkan bisa dimulai… I : Langsung saja ke pertanyaan pertama ya, selama anda berkuliah di PBI UMY ini metode-metode apa saja sih yang pernah digunakan oleh doen PBI UMY?

R1 : Sebenarnya metode-metode yang digunakan itu sangat bervariasi ya seperti diskusi itu hampir setiap dosen pernah mengaplikasikan metode tersebut, presentasi dalam kelas jg sering diaplikasikan oeh dosen namun ada juga dosen yang tidak menggunakan metode, jadi beliau hanya masuk kelas kemudian memberikan tugas kepada mahasiswanya.

I : Menurut anda presentasi di dalam kelas itu seperti apa? Bisa dijelaskan?

R1 : Menurut saya jika dosen mengaplikasikan presentasi didalam kelas maka mahasiswa dituntut untuk berfikir extra karena jika yang menjadi

R1.1 Metode yang pernah digunakan oleh dosen PBI UMY seperti diskusi dan presentasi, namun ada juga dosen yang tidak menggunakan metode.


presenter itu siswa sendiri kita harus berfikir dua kali untuk mengartikan apa yang dijelaskan oleh presenter tersebut, karena terkadang ada mahasiswa yang kurang jelas dalam menyampaikan informasi, jadi kita harus menyaring setiap kalimat yang mereka jelaskan. Tetapi jika yang menjadi presenter adalah dosen, maka mahasiswa akan mendapatkan input yang bagus dan mendapatkan banyak


I : Pertanyaan selanjutnya, pernah nggak sih dosen anda menjelaskan mata kuliah secara runtut dengan cara mempraktekan di depan mahasiswa?

R1 : Saya kira beberapa dosen pernah mengajar mahasiswa dengan cara seperti ini, dan menurut saya ini sangat bagus sekali ya karena disamping dosen itu menyampaikan ilmu siswa juga dapat menyerap ilmu lebih baik lagi, ya saya fikir seperti itu.

I : Menurut anda diskusi didalam kelas itu bagaimana? Bisa dijelaskan? R1 : Diskusi di dalam kelas itu sering sekali karena beberapa doen pernah mengaplikasikanya dan saya rasa ini bagus banget, misalkan dalam small group discussion siswa ini akan dituntut aktif untuk berbicara dan berfikir disbanding menggunakan large group discussion karena didalam large group discussion ada beberapa siswa yang sangat pasif.

I : Bagaimana cara dosen anda mengetahui seberapa jauh

pengetehuan yang anda miliki? R1 : Kalo untuk mengetahui seberapa

mendapatkan input yang bagus.

R1.3 Mahasiswa dapat menyerap ilmu lebih banyak lagi dengan dosen menerangkan secara runtut didepan kelas.

R1.4 Diskusi dalam kelas sangat bagus karena mahasiswa dituntut aktif didalam kelompok.


jauh pengetahuan mahasiswa dosen sering memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan suwaktu berada didalam kelas, kaya tanya jawab mana yang mahasiswa kurang paham dan tidak mengerti, kemudian tidak ketinggalan dosen memberikan tugas-tugas untuk mengasah kemampuan mahasiswanya. I : Bagaimana cara dosen anda mengintruksian kepada mahasiswa untuk melakukan proses belajar mengajar didalam kelas? R1 : Mungkin intruksinya bisa

bermacam-macam ya, semau dosen itu sendiri tapi kalau setau saya dosen memberikan intruksi kepada

mahasiswanya yang menjadi participant, kaya dosen memainkan sebuah tebak kata misalkan dosen memberikan

sebuah pertanyaan kemudian participant ini menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan dosen.

I : Bagaimana sih cara dosen anda mengatasi rasa kebosanan

mahasiswanya didalam kelas? Apa yang beliau lakukan?

R1 : Mahasiswa tu bukan hanya sering ngrasa bosen ya,tapi merasa ngantuk sewaktu didalam kelas juga sering, untuk mengatasi masalah itu seinget saya dosen di pbi pernah

mengaplikasikan game, gamenya itu seperti yang membuat mahasiswa merasa enjoy didalam kelas.

I : Sekian pertanyaan interview dari saya, trimakasih atas waktunya.. R1 : Iya sama-sama.

tanya jawab saat pelajaran

berlangsung, setelah itu memberikan tugas.

R1.6 Intruksi yang diberikab dosen sangat bervariasi sperti perminan tebak kata.


SAMPLE OPEN CODING I : Assalamualaikum, sebelumnya

maaf sudah mengganggu waktu anda, saya ingin meminta bantuan anda untuk saya interview jadi responden saya una melengkapi data skripsi saya. Apa amda bersedia? R2 : Iya saya bersedia untuk membantu anda…

I : Oke langsung saja ke pertanyaan yang pertama ya… R2 : Iya silahkan…

I : Jadi metode-metode apa saja yang pernah digunakan untuk mengajar oleh dosen PBI UMY? R2 : Menurut saya dosen itu nerapin teaching method itu banyak seperti collaborative, problem based learning, contextual learning, roleplay, jigsaw, presentasi dan diskusi.

I : Menurut anda seperti apa metode presentasi itu? Bisa dijelaskan?

R2 : Menurut saya metode presentasi itu dosen membagi kelompok atau membagi siswa kedalam group, abis itu para siswa berdiskusi untuk saling share ide yang mereka miliki, trus abis itu dilaksanakanlah presentasi, jadi presentasi itu ada dalam kelompok kecil maupun kelompok besar, dan jika dalam kelompok besar itu

menggunakan LCD, jadi semua perhatian siswa akan terfokuskan pada LCD yang digunakan oleh presenter tersebut.

I : Pernah nggak sih dosen anda mengajar mahasiswa nya dengan cara mempraktekan atau

memperagakan sesuatu didepan para

R2.1 Metode yang diterapkan oleh dosen PBI UMY yaitu collaborative, problem based learning, contextual learning, roleplay, jigsaw, presentasi dan diskusi.



R2 : Jelas pernah ya, seingat saya di mata kuliah academic presentation itu dosen menjelaskan kepada

mahasiswanya bagaimana menjadi presenter yang baik, misalkan suaranya harus lantang, harus memperhatikan eye contact dengan audience dan komunikasinya juga harus bagus. I : Pertanyaan selanjutnya ya, pernah nggak sih sewaktu didalam kelas ana berdiskusi dengan teman atau dosen anda?

R2 : Wah sering banget, jadi tu sebelum presentasi kan biasanya siswa berdiskusi terlebih dahulu untuk membahas materi yang akan disampaikan diepan kelas.

I : Bagaimana cara dosen anda untuk mengukur pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswanya? Bisa dijelaskan?

R2 : Caranya biasanya dosen memberikan pertanyaan spontan

kepada mahasiswa, itu untuk mengecek kalau si mahasiswa itu sudah paham atau belum terhadap materi yang telah disampaikan oleh dosen, terus biasanya diakhir pertemuan tu dosen

memberikan ujian untuk pengambilan nilai.

I : Pertanyaan selanjutnya, roleplay itu seperti apa? Bisa dijelaskan?

R2 : Roleplay ini pernah diterapkan oleh salah satu dosen, seingat saya untuk final exam, jadi mahasiswa dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok, lalu membuat video, dan didalam video itu mahasiswa memiliki peran yang

R2.3 Dalam mata kuliah academic presentation dosen menjelaskan kepada mahasiswa menjadi presenter yang baik.

R2.4 Berdiskusi untuk membahas materi yang akan disampaikan didepan kelas.

R2.5 Dosen memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan spontan dan ujian

diakhir pertemuan kepada mahasiswa.



I : Bagaimana sih cara dosen anda mengatasi rasa bosan yang dialami mahasiswa selama proses belajar mengajar?

R2 : Tergantung dosen nya ya, kadang kalo dosen yang pengertian tu ngajak main game biar mahasiswanya terhibur dan gak bosan lagi. Biar suasana kelas jadi gak tegang dan lebih menyenagkan kalo ada hiburan-hiburan main game didalam kelas?

I : Baik trimakasih banyak atas waktunya…

R2 : Iya sama-sama semoga jawaban yang saya berikan tepat.


SAMPLE OPEN CODING I : Assalamualaikum, sebelumnya

saya ingin meminta bantuan anda, apakah anda bersedia untuk jadi responden saya guna melengkapi pengambilan data untuk skripsi saya?

R3 : Wa’alaikum salam, iya saya bersedia kalo boleh tau apa judul skripsi anda?

I : Judulnya yaitu “Students Perception towards Lecturers’ Teaching Method in Teaching and Learning Process at EED UMY batch 2012’’ apakah anda sudah siap untuk di interview?

R3 : iya saya siap…

I : oke kalau begitu langsung saja ke pertanyaan yang pertama ya. Metode-metode apa saja kah yang pernah diaplikasikan oleh dosen-dosen anda dalam prosses belajar mengajar di dalam kelas? R3 : Selama ini lumayan banyak metode-metode yang pernah digunakan oleh dosen di PBI UMY seperti

diskusi, role play, demonstrasi,

presentasi, ya mungkin seingat saya itu saja ya…

I : Menurut anda presentasi di dalam kelas itu seperti apa sih? R3 : eee presentasi itu kita berbicara didepan kelas dan menerangkan suatu materi yang merupakan materi mata kuliah kita, biasanya kita dibentuk sebuah kelompok untuk berunding, terkadang mahasiswa yang menentukan kelompoknya sendiri, tetapi yang lebih sering dosen lah yang membagi-bagi kelompok agar adil.

R3.1 Metode yang pernah digunakan oleh dosen PBI UMY : Diskusi, Role play, Demonstrasi, Presentasi.


I : Metode yang kedua ya, jadi demonstrasi itu seperti apa menurut anda? Bisa dijelaskan?

R3 : Demontrasi itu, jadi dosen menjelaskan materi kepada mahasiswa dengan cara mempraktekan dan

mendemonstrasikan di depan

mahasiswanya. Seperti yang saya ingat di semester awal ada mata kuliah computer literacy, nah disitu dosen menenrangkan kepada mahasiswa misalkan bagaimana cara mengedit foto, lalu dosen tersebut

mempraktekanya satu per satu. I : Diskusi di dalam kelas itu bagaimana menurut anda? Bisa dijelaskan lebih detail?

R3 : Hampir setiap dosen pernah mengaplikasikan diskusi di dalam kelas, pertama kita diberikan sebuah materi baru oleh dosen kemudian kita dikelompokan menjadi beberapa kelompok dan setiap kelompok harus berdiskusi bareng mengenai materi yang diberikan oleh dosen tersebut, kita juga bisa bertukar pikiran satu sama lain dengan kelompok kita.

I : Bagaimana cara dosen anda untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak pengetahuan yang anda miliki? Bisa dijelaskan?

R3 : Biasanya dosen menguji kita, seperti di mata kuliah academic presentation, disitu kita disuruh untuk mempelajari bagaimana presentasi yang baik, bagaimana cara membuat power point yang bagus, kemudian setelah mahasiswa paham, mahasiswa diminta untuk mempraktek kan presentasi di depan kelas di akhir

R3.3 Demonstrasi adalah penjelasan oleh dosen dengan cara

mempraktekan atau mendemonstrasikan.

R3.4 Diskusi adalah bertukar pikiran satu sama lain dengan kelompok mengenai materi yag diberikan oleh dosen.



I : Role play itu menurut anda metode yang seperti apa? Bisa dijelaskan?

R3 : Menurut saya metode role play ini sangat bagus untuk kemandirian siswa, karena role play ini

diperuntukan untuk menjadikan seorang mahasiswa yang lebih aktif dibandingkan dosen, dan dosen hanya sebagai fasilitator selebihnya

mahasiswa lah yang harus lebih banyak bertindak selama proses belajar


I : Bagaimana sih cara dosen anda untuk mengatasi kebosanan

mahasiswa selama proses belajar mengajar?

R3 : Cara untuk mengatasinya biasanya dosen itu ada yang melucu atau sedikit menghibur mahasiswa, dan kadang juga ada beberapa dosen yang mengajak bermain games di sela-sela pelajaran.

I : Trimakasih banyak atas

waktunya dan telah bersedia untuk menjadi reponden saya…

R3 : Iya sama-sama.

R3.6 Role play bagus untuk

kemandirian siswa, siswa lebih aktif dibandingkan dosen.



I : Assalamualaikum, sebelumnya saya ingin meminta bantuan anda sebagai responden saya, untuk pengambilan data skripsi saya, apakah anda bersedia?

R4 : Wa’alaikum salam, iya saya bersedia untuk jadi responden anda. I : Baik kalau begitu langsung saja kita ke pertanyaan pertama…

R4 : Iya silahkan…

I : Metode apa saja sih yang pernah di aplikasikan oleh dosen PBI UMY dalam proses belajar


R4 : Banyak sekali metode metode yang pernah di aplikasikan oleh dosen dosen di PBI UMY, seperti diskusi, presentasi, demonstrasi, dll… I : Menurut anda presentasi di dalam kelas itu seperti apa sih? Bisa dijelaskan?

R4 : Presentasi itu pertama tama dosen memberikan sebuah materi untuk

dibahas setelah itu pembagian kelompok presentasi, setelah itu materi yang telah diberikan oleh dosen tersebut

didiskusikan dalam kelompok yang nantinya perkelompok akan maju di depan kelas untuk mempresentasian hasil dari diskusi mereka, didalam kelas juga semua audience harus

memperhatikan presenter untuk menangkap materi materi yang sedang dibahas di depan kelas.

I : Selanjutnya ke metode berikutnya ya, anda mengerti mengenai demonstarsi itu bagaimana?

R4.1 Metode yang pernah

digunakan oleh dosen PBI UMY: diskusi, presentasi, demonstrasi.


R4 : sedikit sih yang saya pahami metode demonstrasi itu bagaimana, setau saya demonstrasi itu dosen menerangkan kepada mahasiswa secara mendetail, sebagai contoh misalkan dosen menjelaskan bagaimana cara menghidupkan computer, jadi dosen tersebut menjelaskan step step dari awal smpai akhir.

I : pertanyaan selanjutnya, diskusi itu bagaimana menurut anda? Bisa dijelaskan?

R4 : hampir setiap dosen pernah mempraktekan metode ini, sebelum berdiskusi biasanya siswa kan dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok, bisa dalam grup yang kecil atau grup yang besar. I : bagaimana sih cara dosen anda menggali pengetahuan yang anda miliki?

R4 : untuk menggali ya? Saya ingat waktu di semester sebelumnya kami pernah di drill untuk membaca sebuah novel, setiap seminggu sekali disitu kemampuan membaca kia terus digali sampai harus benar-benar paham, karena disetiap minggunya juga diadakan close book journal untuk pengambilan nilai kita dan dinilainya cara menulis kita.

I : pertanyaan berikutnya, bagaimana sih cara dosen anda mengintruksikan kepada mahasiswanya?

R4 : jadi dosen itu memberikan instruksi kepada siswa, dan intruksinya itu bisa seperti apa saja terserah pada dosen nya, dan setelah diberikan intruksi siswa harus mengikuti apa yang

dikatakan oleh dosen tersebut.

R4.3 Metode demonstrasi adalah dosen menerangkan kepada mahasiswa secara mendetail.

R4.4 Diskusi bisa dalam grup yan kecil maupun grup yang besar.

R4.5 Untuk menggali pengetahuan mahasiswa dosen memberikan perintah membaca secara terus menerus kemudian dilaksanakan close book journal.

R4.6 Intruksi yang diberikan oleh dosen bisa seperti apa saja,

kemudian mahasiswa hanya


I : pertanyaan selanjutnya yaitu bagaimana sih cara dosen anda meng handle suasana kelas agar mahasiswa tidak merasa bosan?

R4 : ada beberapa dosen yang seingat saya pernah mengajak bermain sewaktu mahasiswa merasa bosan di dalam kelas, ya seperti games gitu lah dan menurut saya games bisa memotivasi siswa, games juga sangat menarik bisa juga untuk mengingatkan kita terhadap

materi yang telah diajarkan sebelumnya. I : baik trimakasih atas waktunya yaa

R4 : iya sama-sama semoga jawaban saya bisa membantu anda.


SAMPLE OPEN CODING I : Assalamualaikum, sebelumnya

maaf mengganggu, saya ingin meminta bantuan anda untuk jadi responden saya guna melengkapi pengambilan data untuk skripsi saya, apakah anda bersedia?

R5 : Judul skripsi anda mengenai apa? Iya saya bersedia…

I : :Judulnya itu “Students Perception towards Lecturers’ Teaching Method in Teaching and Learning Process at EED UMY batch 2012’’. Apakah anda sudah siap di interview?

R5 : Iya silahkan dimulai…

I : Oke langsung ke pertanyaan yang pertama ya, jadi selama proses belajar mengajar selama ini metode-metode apa sajakah yang pernah diaplikasikan oleh dosen PBI UMY? R5 : Kalau untuk metodenya itu banyak yang pernah diaplikasikan ya, dan sangat bermacam-macam, seingat saya hampir setiap dosen tu pernah menggunakan diskusi didalam kelas, selain itu presentasi juga pernah, terus roleplay juga pernah digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Pokoknya masih banyak lagi deh..

I : Bisa dijelaskan tidak presentasi didalam kelas itu seperti apa?

R5 : Presentasi itu metode favorit dosen menurut saya, soalnya setiap dosen pernah memerintahkan mahasiswanya untuk berpresentasi didepan kelas, baik individu atau dalam kelompok, sebelum presentasi biasanya dosen memberikan materi baru untuk setiap kelompok, jika sudah jelas dan

R5.1 Metode yang pernah

diaplikasikan dosen di PBI UMY yaitu presentasi, diskusi, dan roleplay.

R5.2 Hampir setiap dosen pernah menggunkan metode presentasi baik secara individu maupun


siap maka setiap kelompok akan maju kedepan kelas untuk mendiskusikan hasil yang telah di dapatkanya tersebut. I : Pertanyaan berikutnya yaitu mengenai diskusi di dalam kelas, bisa dijelaskan bagaimana menurut anda? R5 : Sebelum berdiskusi biasanya dosen membagi-bagi kelompok, berdiskusi ini menurut saya bagus soalnya setiap mahasiswa bisa bertukar pendapat, sharing idea, tentunya dari sini akan mendapatkan ilmu baru ya, dan diskusi ini tidak hanya mahasiswa dan mahasiswa saja, tetapi antara mahasiswa dan dosen juga bisa saling berdiskusi menurut saya.

I : Pernah nggak sih dosen

menerangkan kepada mahasiswanya dengan cara mendemonstrasikan? Menurut anda bagaimana?

R5 : Iya pernah,beberapa dosen memang pernah menggunakan metode yang seperti itu, saya ingat di semester lalu ada mata kuliah academic

presentation, nah disitu dosen menerangkan bagaimana menjadi seorang presenter yang baik, bahkan dosen tersebut mempraktekan nya didepan mahasiswa, dosen juga

menjelaskan bagaimana cara membuat powerpoint yang bagus, pokoknya disitu kita dijelaskan tentang seluk beluk presentasi.

I : Pertanyaan selanjutnya, bagaimana cara dosen anda

mengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman adna terhadap materi yang


R5 : Biasanya dosen memberikan tugas-tugas di akhir pelajaran atau

R5.3 Berdiskusi tidak hanya

mahasiswa dan mahasiswa, tapi bisa juga antara mahasiswa dan dosen.

R5.4 Dosen mendemostrasikan kepada mahasiswa, cara presentasi yang bagus, cara membuat

powerpoint yang baik dan benar.


dosen juga sering memberikan ujian-ujian untuk dikerjakan oleh

mahasiswanya dan untuk pengambilan nilai.

I : Menurut anda roleplay itu seperti apa? Bisa dijelaskan? R5 : Role play itu sebagian dosen pernah menggunakanya, sebenarnya metode ini bisa membuat mahasiswa kritis dalam berfikir dan mahasiswa menjadi lebih aktif dibandingkan dosen. Dosen hanya memberikan instruksi kepada mahasiswanya, kemudian terserah pada mahasiswa itu sendiri bagaimana mengembangkan nya sesuai dengan kreatifitas masing-masing. I : Bagaimana cara dosen anda mengatasinya jika didalam proses belajar mengajar mahasiswa merasa jenuh dan bosan?

R5 : Cara setiap dosen kan berbeda-beda ya, terkadang ada juga dosen yang membiarkanya meskipun mahasiswa sudah merasa jenuh, tetapi ada juga dosen yang kocak, jadi dosen tersebut menghibur mahasiswanya agar tertawa, ada juga dosen yang sengaja

menyiapkan game untuk dimainkan disela-sela pelajaran guna menghindari kebosanan siswa dan membuat suasana kelas menjadi lebih fun.

I : Trimakasih atas waktunya telah bersedia menjadi responden saya.

R5 : Iya sama-sama semoa jawaban yang saya berikan bisa bermanfaat untuk anda.

pengambilan nilai.

R5.6 Roleplay itu dosen hanya memberikan intruksi kemudian mahasiswa harus mengembangkanya sesuai kreatifitas masing-masing.


SAMPLE OPEN CODING I : Assalamualaikum, sebelumnya

saya ingin meminta bantuan anda untuk menjadi responden saya guna melengkapi pengambilan data skripsi saya, apakah anda bersedia saya interview?

R6 : Iya InshaAllah bersedia..

I : Baiklah kalau begitu langsung saja kita ke pertanyaan yang

pertama ya… R6 : Iya monggo…

I : Metode-metode apa sajakah yang pernah diaplikasikan oleh dosen PBI UMY dalam proses belajar mengajar?

R6 : Seingat saya metode itu cukup banyak ya,, seperti presentasi, diskusi, dan role play juga pernah, ya seingat saya itu.

I : Menurut anda metode presentasi itu bagaimana sih? Bisa dijelaskan?

R6 : Presentasi itu siswa diberi bahan atau materi dan dibagi dalam kelompok, kemudian kita disuruh aktif untuk mencari informasi sebanyak mungkin, lalu setelah rundingan bersama

kelompok kira-kira sudah matang kita bisa mempresentasikan hasilnya didepan kelas.

I : Pertanyaan selanjutnya ya, pernah nggak sih dosen anda

menerangkan kepada mahasiswanya dengan cara mendetail, dengan cara mempraktekan itu?

R6 : Pernah saya ingat di mata kuliah academic presentation semester lalu itu dosen menjelaskan sejelas-jelasnya bagaimana cara menjadi presenter yang

R6.1 Metode yang pernah

diaplikasikan oleh dosen PBI UMY yaitu presentasi, diskusi,roleplay.

R6.2 Presentasi adalah siswa dibagi dalam sebuah kelompok untuk berdiskusi sebuah materi kemudin dipresentasikan didepan kelas.


baik, dan beliau juga memberikan contoh didepan siswanya.

I : Kalau untuk metode diskusi, bisa dijelaskan seperti apa? R6 : Metode diskusi itu sering ya, bahkan disetiap mata kuliah itu dosen menggunakan metode ini dalam proses belajar mengajar, biasanya sebelum berdiskusi siswa akan dibagi dalam kelompok, ya tidak jauh dari presentasi lah yaa.

I : Bagaimana cara dosen anda untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh pengetahuan yang anda miliki? R6 : Caranya bervariasi ya, tapi seingat saya itu diakhir pelajaran itu dosen mengulas kembali materi yang telah dibahas sebelumnya dengan cara memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan, itu bertujuan agar siswa tidak lupa dengan pelajaran yang telah kita pelajari dan agar selalu ingat.

I : Pertanyaan selanjutnya ya, kalau roleplay itu menurut anda seperti apa?

R6 : Kalau metode roleplay menurut saya lebih enak sih, soalnya siswa tinggal mengikuti perintah-perintah yang diberikan oleh dosen selama proses belajar mengajar.

I : Bagaimana cara dosen anda mengatasi rasa bosan yang dialami mahasiswa saat belajar didalam kelas?

R6 : Ada beberapa dosen yang mengajak mahasiswanya bernyayi untuk membuang kebosanan, kadang juga ada dosen yang mengaplikasikan game didalam kelas agar mahasiswanya lebih rileks dan senang.

R6.4 Sebelum berdiskusi dosen membagi mahasiswa secara berkelompok.

R6.5 Dosen mengulas kembali materi yang telah dibahas sebelumnya dengan cara memberikan pertanyaan kepada mahasiswa.

R6.6 Metode roleplay siswa

mengikuti perintah-perintah yang diberikan oleh dosen.


I : Sekian pertanyaan interview dari saya, saya berterimakasih atas waktunya.



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Figure of Conceptual Framework


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