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Princess Representation In Disney's Movie Brave


Academic year: 2017

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A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Strata 1 (S1)

Ega Dwi Rakhmawati NIM. 1110026000047








Ega Dwi Rakhmawati, NIM: 1110026000047, Princess Representation in

Disney’s Movie Brave. Thesis: English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta 2015.

Brave (2012) movie directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Champman is the unit of analysis in this research. The aims of this research is to observe the different princess representation in Brave movie by analyzing her characteristic and defining it through representation concept by Stuart Hall. The research findings show that Princess Merida is dissimilar from other classic Disney princess. The writer uses qualitative descriptive method to reveal the findings. All data are collected from the dialogue, the picture taken from the movie, and the movie script to support the analysis. The result shows that Princess Merida is disparate with other classic Disney princess which can be seen through her characteristic, habit, and appearance. Princess Merida is a manly princess who tries to break tradition to gain her freedom in choosing her own destiny.




I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, August 2015





First and the foremost, the writer would like to give most appreciation and

her gratitude to Allah SWT., the most beneficent, the most merciful. The writer

sure cannot finish this research without His blessing. Then, peace and blessing be

upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who brings us from the darkness to the

lightness, and also all of His followers.

Secondly, the writer would like to send her grateful to her precious parents

Mr. Giarto and Mrs. Elly Mulyani for giving their best supports mentally and

financially as well as raising the writer and make her who she is now. Her beloved

brother Ali Rianto Yuliawan, thank you for being a great brother for her. Also, her

grandmother Mrs. Hj. Muriati, thank you for the endless prayer.

Next, the writer would like to give thanks to her advisors, Mrs. Pita

Merdeka, M.A. and Mr. Akhmad Zakky, M.Hum. for giving their times, patience,

guidance, and advise during this research. May Allah bless them and their


Last, but not least, the writer would like to give her deep and sincere

gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag., The Dean of Faculty of Letters and


2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd, the Head of English Letters Department.



4. Inayatul Chusna, M.Hum. and Arief Rahman Hakim, M.Hum. as the

examiners of this thesis. Thank you for the time and advice during this


5. Lecturers in English Letters Department for their valuable knowledge.

6. Dearest friends from Happy C Family and Literature class, especially

Deri Indrya Santhi, Fadilah Mahmudah, Dian Agustina, Lala Nufaelah,

Lestari Rejeki, Nuraini Rismawati, and all of her friends in university

who cannot mentioned one by one. Thank you for the friendship,

happiness, advice, and everything they give to the writer.

7. All people who helped the writer in finishing this thesis, thank you for

their kindness. May Allah give them His blessing and success in the


Jakarta, August 2015




ABSTRACT ………...……….i

APPROVAL SHEET ………..………...ii

LEGALIZATION ……...………...………...iii

DECLARATION ………...………...iv




A. Background of the Study ………...………...1

B. Focus of the Research ………..…6

C. Research Question ………...….6

D. The Objective of the Research ………...6

E. Significance of the Research ………...….7

F. Research Methodology ……….7

1. Method of the Research ………..….7

2. Technique of the Analysis ………...….8

3. Unit of the Analysis ……….9

4. Instrument of the Research ………...…9

5. Time and Place of the Research ………..….9

6. Research Design ………...10


A. Previous Research ………..11



C. Representation ………....17

D. Princess Representation in Disney’sPrincesses Movie ……….20

CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS …………...………...24 A. The Characteristic and Characterization in Princess Merida ...24

B. The Representation of Princess Seen from Princess Merida…..40

1. Princess Merida as an Independent Princess …...….41

2. Princess Merida as an Inattentive Princess ………..44

3. Princess Merida as an Unconventional Princess …..52


A. Conclusion ………..57

B. Suggestion ………..58





A. Background of the Study

Fairy tale is a story that many parents tell to their children before they go

to bed. Fairy tales are generally confused with one another and taken as

make-believe stories with no direct reference to a particular community or historical

tradition.1 According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, fairy tale is a story (as for

children) involving fantastic forces and beings (as fairies, wizards, and goblins).2

The end of the fairy tales is usually happy ending and it also has meaning or moral

value that can be a lesson for children. Fairy tale is just like folklore which

sometimes delivers people to people and also has many versions or adaptations.

As for example is Brothers Grimm3 who collects all the famous fairy tales around


The oldest fairy tales were told and retold for generations before they were

written down.French fairy tales were the first to be collected and written down,


Jack Zipes, Breaking The Magic Spell: Radical Theories of Folk & Fairy Tales Revised and Expanded edition, (Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky 2002), p. 6


Merriam Webster Dictionary, retrieved from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fairy%20tale accessed on April 27th, 2015.




but now we can read fairy tales from almost any culture.4 Long time ago the

media that used to tell fairy tale is a book, but over the times fairy tale is also

delivered by movies. Movie is a series of moving pictures, usually shown in a

cinema or on television and often telling a story.5

The writer choose movie to be analyzed in this research is because movie

is also part of literature. As Arnheim stated that movie resembles painting, music,

literature, and the dance in this respect—it is a medium that may, but need not, be

used to produce artistic results.6 Movie is generally watched to be enjoyed.

However, as a researcher of literature, movie can also be used as objects of

research, as the writer does now. In Sumarno’s book untitled Dasar-Dasar

Apresiasi Film, he divided movie into three kinds: film cerita (fiction movie), film

noncerita (non-fiction movie), and film eksperimental dan film animasi

(experimental movie and animation movie).7 In this research, the writer will use

the third kind of movie that is animation movie. Animation movie is commonly

depicted about anything that has soul and characters, such as prince and princess

story, animal, plants, etc. In this case, the writer uses movie which tells about the

living of princess.

Since previous years, many fairy tales made into movie as the Walt Disney

did. Walt Disney has made a lot of movies taken from the adaptation of fairy tales

such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Cinderella (1950), Beauty and


Discovering Fairy Tales, retrieved from

http://teacher.scholastic.com/writewit/mff/fairytales_discovering.htm accessed on April 27th, 2015.


Elizabeth Walter, Cambridge Advance Learner Dictionary 3rd Edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008)


Rudolf Arnheim, Film as Art (London: University of California Press, Ltd., 1957), p. 8




the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), and others. The story of Walt Disney’s princess

mostly tells about the living of princess that mistreated by other people. For

example is the story of Cinderella that has injustice treatment from her step

mother. Her life is full of misery until one day the charming prince comes to save

her life. They both have a happy ending marriage and live happily ever after. Most

of princess classic story is almost the same. They have charming prince who

comes to save their lives because they cannot struggle to get better life by


In this era, Disney princess story has changed. The princess on the movie

does not need prince to save their lives as they can save their own lives. For

example is Mulan (1998) movie which tells about a girl who joins conscription to

replace her weak and old father. The characteristic of Mulan is different with

other Disney princess movie. She is not feminine and has masculinity side inside

her. She is joining the war and winning it together with her friends. In recent

years, the stories of princess have developed. Their lives and characteristic have

changed and different with the story of classic Disney princess. As the writer

found on Brave (2012) and Frozen (2013) movie. Both of the princesses do not



In this research, the writer will use Brave8movie as an object of study and

analyze one of intrinsic elements on it which is character. Character is someone

who acts, appears, or is referred to as playing a part in a literary work.9 The writer

chooses character to be analyzed because character is an important element in the

story and the story will not work without any figure on it. The character that the

writer wants to analyze is the characteristics of Princess Merida in Brave movie.

Furthermore, in the movie there are many differences of characteristic in

Princess Merida and other Disney princess which make the writer wants to further

analyze about it. Princess Merida is the daughter of King Fergus and Queen

Elinor, they live in the mythical Scottish highlands. She has a distinct personality

of the princess in common. She would rather climb the cliff rather than primp in

the mirror. She is the major and heroine character in the movie. The writer is

interested in analyzing this figure because she has strong, unique, and different

characteristics with other princess in common.

One day, King Fergus and Queen Elinor match up Princess Merida with

one of the princes from the three clans of their kingdom. However, Princess

Merida refuses it. She wants to choose her own path in life. Her mother wants the

best for her daughter and also for her clan. She still forces Princess Merida to


Brave has won many award, such as; Oscar in Academy Award and British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award for category Best Animated Feature 2013, Golden Globes Award for category Best Animated Film 2013, ASCAP Award for category Top Box Office Films 2013, American Cinema Editors for category Best Edited Animated Feature Film 2013, C.A.S. Award for category Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Motion Pictures 2013, Golden Trailer Awards for category Most Original TV Spot 2013, VES award in category Outstanding Created Environment in an Animated Feature Motion Picture 2013, and also included in the various award nominations. Retrieved from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1217209/awards accessed on October 27th, 2013




marry with one of the suitors, because if the wedding is being canceled there will

be a battle between the three clans of the kingdom. With a firm and dignified way,

she speaks with Princess Merida, but it does not make Princess Merida changing

her mind. She does not want her mother controlling her life, and then she goes to

the forest and meets the witch. She gets the concoction to make her mother

changes, but instead of changes her mind, Queen Elinor changes into a giant bear.

Princess Merida gets shock, she just realizes that the witch gives her the wrong

spell. Then she brings her mother into the forest to get the herb bidder to change

her mother back to normal. But she does not find the witch because at that time,

the witch is going for holiday and will be back in spring. The witch gives her

message that the spell on her mother will be permanent in the second sunrise, and

the witch also gives her clue to make her mother back to normal again. So after

that, she and her bear mother have a journey together for looking the way out of

how to make her mother back to normal. The journey that Princess Merida and her

mom get through in changing her mom back into human being and also to mend

the bond of their family makes the story interesting and different with other

Disney princess movie. This movie is not telling about love story between the

princess and the prince who save their life, instead it shows several things such as

the love between a mother, a daughter and a bond between their family and their

clans is stronger.

In conclusions, Brave movie tells the story of Princess Merida in the effort

to break the rule and tradition in the kingdom and gain freedom in choosing her



decision and the movie tells the audience the communication between the child

and the mother is important, because the bond between them is really strong

especially after what happened to Princess Merida and her mom.

The difference of princess representation in Brave movie with other Walt

Disney princess movie makes the writer gets interest in making a research about it

is because the writer finds different characteristic of princess story in this movie.

Princess Merida is brave and not afraid to take risk in choosing her own path in

life. She does not want her life to be controlled by anyone. The writer will use

Stuart Hall Representation theory with constructionist approach in doing this

research to show the different princess representation in Princess Merida.

B. Focus of the Research

There are many characters in Brave movie, such as King Fergus, Queen

Elinor, Harrish, Hubert, Hamish, The Witch, Lord Dingwall, and others. But in

this research, the writer will focus on analyzing the characteristics, appearance,

and habits of the main heroine character, Princess Merida. The writer will use

character and characterization theory by Boggs and representation theory by

Stuart Hall.

C. Research Question

Based on the focus of the study, the problem that appears in this research



D. The Objective of the Research

The purpose of this research is to answer the research question that is to

know the representation of princess in Brave movie through Princess Merida’s

characteristics, appearance, and habits.

E. Significance of the Research

The writer does this research to tell people that Disney princess movie

story has changed and dissimilar with the story of classic princess. In other

princess movie, the princess will wait her prince charming to save her life,

otherwise Princess Merida can save her life by herself by choosing not to obey her

mom advise and show her what she want to do in life. This different princess

representation makes this movie unique and fetch the writer to analyze it. The

writer also hopes this research can be useful for the readers especially literature

students who interested in animation movie form Disney and PIXAR production

house and also for better understanding for the writer herself.

F. Research Methodology

1. Method of the Research

Research methodology can be divided in two; quantitative research

and qualitative research. In quantitative research the verification process

uses statistic data and math model, besides qualitative research is not using

numbers, they gives priority to how deep the comprehension to interaction

between the concept being examine empirically. Qualitative research has

five main features; (1) natural setting as a main source and a researcher is



analysis inductively; (4) qualitative research is a descriptive research; and

(5) meaning is the essential elements in qualitative research.10

The method that the writer will use is descriptive qualitative.

Because the writer will describe the characteristics, the appearance, and

the habit of Princess Merida in detail and this research is literary research

so this is kind of qualitative research. According to Bahtiar and

Aswinarko11, qualitative research is deputed as a multi method, because

this method involves relevant aspect in social indication. In analyzing this

movie, the writer will use intrinsic approach because character analysis is

one of elements in the story. In doing this research, first the writer watches

the movie several times, second the writer makes notes with mentioning

the characteristics of Princess Merida, then the writer starts to analyze by

looking for the evidences to support her arguments, and relates it to

representation theory by Stuart Hall. The writer uses two sources in this

research. First is Brave movie as the main source. The second is the script

of Brave movie. The last is from books and other source like internet,

journals, and thesis.

2. Technique of the Analysis

The technique that the writer uses to do this research is descriptive

qualitative. First, the writer mentions the characteristics of Princess

Merida. Then, the writer will explain and describe in detail characteristic

of Princess Merida one by one and define how princess represented


M. Atar Semi, Metode Penelitian Sastra (Bandung: Angkasa, 2012), pp. 28-32




through her characteristics. The writer will analyze and describe it

systematically so the reader from this research can fully understand the

analysis that the writer makes. After that, the writer deduces from over all

analysis to answer the problems of study in this research.

3. Unit of the Analysis

Instrument means the tool used to collect data.12 Tools that usually

used for quantitative research to collecting data are so many, but because

this research is literary research and kind of qualitative research, so the

instrument that used for this research is the writer herself by watching the

movie, reading the script, analyzing, describing, and searching other

information that are useful for this research.

5. Time and Place of the Research

The writer accomplished the research in the State Islamic

University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the library of Letters and

Humanities faculty, the main library on campus and library in another

campus. The writer starts doing this research in 2013.




6. Research Design

To get clear image of this research the writer divides this research

into four chapters which in every chapter has sub chapter.

Chapter 1 Introduction contains of The Background of the Study, Focus

of The Study, Research Question, Significant of the Study, The Objectives

of Research and Research methodology. The Sub-Chapter contains The

Method of the Research, The Technique of Data Analysis, The Instrument

of Research, The Unit of Data Analysis, The Time and Place of Research,

and Research Design.

Chapter II The Theoretical description contains of Previous Research and

Concept. The Sub chapters contains of the explanation of Character and

Characterization, and Representation theory.

Chapter III Data Findings contains Data Description and Data Analysis.

Chapter IV Conclusion and Suggestion contains Conclusion and




In this chapter, the writer will clarify the previous research that used the

same object as the writer does but uses different theory and cite the differences

with the writer analysis. The writer will also describe the theory that used in this

research. The writer uses two theories which are; character and characterization

theory by Joseph M. Boggs and representation theory by Stuart Hall. Furthermore,

to make the reader clear about the differences between Princess Merida and other

classic Disney’s princesses, the writer will also put a classic Disney’s princess

representation in this subchapter. The explanation about all above will be

described on the sub-chapters below.

A. Previous Research

The writer found two journals which discussed about Brave movie. First,

the writer found the journal in the ProQuest. The author of this journal is Kelly

Oliver and the title of the journal is Hunting Girls: Patriarchal Fantasy or

Feminist Progress. This journal compares the old Hollywood fairy tales movies

and the new ones. They describe how the female characters changes attitude in the

movies in recent years. This journal said that movies nowadays showing that girls

are tough, fearless, and can provide as well as a man by showing them hunting.

Oliver explains that in Brave movie, Princess Merida shows active and athletic

princess, who enters man’s world as equals. Things that makes this research

different with the writer does is because Oliver only talks about Brave movie in



compared the other princess like Cinderella versus Katniss Everdeen from The

Hunger Games movie and Beauty and the Beast versus Bella Swan from Twilight

movie using gender role theory.

The second journal that the writer found is from University of Indonesia.

The writer is Anniza Rizkita Mulia Putri. The journal entitled Analysis of

Woman’s Roles and Stereotypes, is discussed about the role of Princess Merida

and her mother, Queen Elinor which have more power than King Fergus in Brave

movie. This research is using feminism method in analyzing the movie. The

difference from this journal and the writer’s thesis is, in Anniza journal, she

analyzed Princess Merida’s gender role and stereotype as a woman in general, not

as a princess. She does not mention that Princess Merida was different with

another Disney’s princesses. Besides in this thesis, the writer tells Princess Merida

difference with other Disney’s classic princesses with mentioning what are the

differences. Also, in this research, the writer will use representation theory and

character theory to help the writer seeing how princess represented in the movie.

B. Character and Characterization

1. Character

When we talk about characters in our analyses of movies, we should

consider it as beings have discernible traits, habits, and dispositions and as formal

elements that help develop the story and stories cannot exist if character is

missing.13 It means that character is very important in the story either it is

narrative, like novel and short story, and film. In the story, a character is a person




created for a work of fiction.14 The story will not work without any figure on it,

because the story must tells about somebody, or something. It means that a

character’s presence plays a big role in the story.

Character in the story must have some habits or attitude that made us

interested in analyzing them. In the movie, if we are interested with the characters,

means that there are possibilities that we will interest to watch the movie until the

end, that is why character plays a big role in the story. According to Barsam15,

character divided into three; (1) Round and Flat character, (2) Major and Minor

(marginal) character, and (3) Protagonist and Antagonist character.

Round character are complex and three dimensional character, they are

unpredictable. Their attitude is different from the beginning of the story until the

end. They can surprise us in convincing way. Otherwise, flat character is one

dimensional character. Their action and motivation is predictable and their attitude

does not change until the end of the story.

Major character is the most important character in the plot because he or

she makes the most things happen or most things happen to them in the story.

Major character can be either a protagonist or antagonist. Protagonist is the central

figure in the story and sometimes referred as a hero, but the hero can be good or

bad. It depends on who he/she struggles with. Besides, minor character plays a

less important role in the overall movie. His function is only to make the movie’s

plot going forward or to fleshing out the motivations of the major characters.


Jane Bachman Gordon and Karen Kuehner, Fiction The Elements of the Short Story,

(Columbus: Mc. Graw Hill, 1999), p. 95




The protagonist character can be a hero, and those heroes can be either

good or bad. It depends on what they oppose or what oppose them. The

protagonist should have clear convictions and well motivated action in doing what

he did. They also are able to change and evolve in response to events and other

character. In the other hand, the antagonist is the opposite of protagonist. He is the

one who provokes the protagonist’s action or reaction. Some story will just tell

about the hero (protagonist) versus villain (antagonist), but sometimes it will more

complicated than that. The antagonist is not always one person. It can be a group

of character, political party, and others.

2. Characterization

Characterization is the process of the actor's interpreting a character in a

movie.16 In other words, characterization is the way character shows or describes

their characteristics in the movie. In literary work, characterization can be seen

through direct and indirect characterization17, but in analyzing a movie we need

more than that. According to Boggs,18 characterization in movie can be divided

into eight ways, they are:

a) Characterization Through Appearance

Appearance hold the big role in the characterization because most of film

actors project certain qualities of character the minute they appear on the

screen. People can see actor's outfit, the way they walk, facial expression,

their clothes, physical build, mannerism, their nature, and that make a

Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie. The Art of Watching Films Seventh Edition.



certain opinion about the characters. Even though our first impression of

the character will change through the story progress, but it is an important

means of establishing character.

b) Characterization Through Dialogue

If we watch a movie, we will serve by many dialogues that the actors

played. Dialogue can be occurring with two people or only one person (if

the actor talks to himself). The character’s true thought, attitudes, and

emotions can be revealed in subtle ways through word’s choice and

through the stress, pitch, and pause patterns of their speech. Actor's

dialogue can showed who they are by the choice of word, grammar,

sentence structure, and dialects. It can show the character's class,

economic levels, educational background, and others. The meaning in a

dialogue can reveal meaning not only by what it is said, but also how it is


c) Characterization Through External Action

The character in the movie will be more than instruments of the plot, that

they do something for a purpose, out of motives that are consistent with

their overall personality. However, there should be a strong connection

between a character and what he does.

d) Characterization Through Internal Action

The characters in a story must have something inside them. There is

something that the observer (analyzer) does not know about, that is



unspoken thought, daydreams, aspirations, memories, fears, and

fantasies.19 The way filmmaker makes the observer knows about it is by

taking them visually or aurally into the character’s mind so that they see or

hear the things that the character images, remembers, or think about.

e) Characterization Through Reactions of Other Characters

The way other character looks to the main character is also important in

characterization. They can give us some information and also their thought

about the character. They can do it even before the main character appears

in the movie.

f) Characterization Through Contrast: Dramatic Foils

Dramatic foils is one of the effective techniques to characterize the

characters in a movie. This technique is contrasting characters whose

behavior, attitudes, opinion, lifestyle, physical appearance, and so on are

the opposite of those of the main characters.

g) Characterization Through Caricature and Leitmotif

The word Caricature is from the technique used for cartooning.20

Caricature including a physical feature, such as the way a person moves,

voice qualities, and accent. While Leitmotif is the repetition of a single

action, phrase, or idea by a character until it becomes almost a trademark

or theme song for that character.



This method is also can be used to see the characterization in the movie.

We can see the character's name from the qualities of sound, meaning, or


Barsam21 said that character in the movie, whether round, flat, major,

minor, or marginal, does not necessarily arouse our sympathy. He concludes that

there are several ways to characterize the characters, we can see it: from their

traits, motivations, and actions; from the ways in which a narrator or other

characters describe them; and from the style in which the actors who play them

interpret them.

As narrative movies developed through their history, filmmakers

increasingly left things out of their movies’ characterization, or left them implicit,

or left them to viewers to determine, that it makes the writer needs to analyze it so

we can know the characteristic in the story and what the motive of the character in

doing her actions.

C. Representation

Representation is categorized as one of cultural studies and the concept of

this theory has come to occupy a new and important place in the study of culture.

Representation means using language to say something meaningful about, or to

represent, the world meaningfully, to other people, besides, representation is an

essential part of the process by which meaning is produced and exchanged



element for people to communicate each other. By means of representation they

can share ideas and thought in their society.

In brief, representation is the production of meaning through language.23 If

we talked about representation, means that we also worked through language,

because representation is made of meaning and language which is connected.

Language is one of the media through which thought, ideas and feelings are

represented in a culture. Representation through language is therefore central to

the processes by which meaning is produced.24 People can use language, sign, and

images to represent something.

In Oxford English Dictionary, there is two relevant meanings for word

represent, they are (1) to represent something is to describe or depict it, to call it

up in the mind by description or portrayal or imagination; to place a likeness of it

before us in our mind or in the sense; and (2) to represent also means to

symbolize, stand for, to be specimen of, or to substitute for.25

There are two processes or two system of representation. First, there are

systems by which all sort of objects, people and events are correlated with a set of

concept or mental representation which we carry around in our head. Then, the

meaning depends on the system of concept or images formed in our thoughts

which stand for or represent the world.26 It is called system of representation

because it consists, not of individual concepts, but to different ways of organizing,

clustering, arranging, and classifying concept, and of establishing complex



around in our head and together they make up the meaning system of our culture.

Any sound, word, image or object which functions as a sign, and organized with

other signs into a system which is capable of carrying and expressing meaning is a


There are three approaches in representation, which are reflective,

intentional, and constructionist.29 In reflective approach, meaning is thought to lie

in the object, person, idea or event in the real world, and language function is like

a mirror, to reflect the true meaning as it already exist in the world. So the theory

which says that language works by simply reflecting or imitating the truth that is

already there and fixed in the world, is sometimes called ‘mimetic’.

The intentional approach to meaning in representation argues the opposite

case. It holds that it is the speaker, the author, who imposes his unique meaning in



representation system, concept, and sign. In this approach we must not confuse the

material world, where things and people exist, and the symbolic practice and

process through which representation, meaning and language operate.

Constructive approach does not deny the existence of the material world,

however, it is not the material world which conveys meaning: it is the language

system or whatever system we are using to represent our concept.30

In this research, the writer uses constructionist approach which makes the

writer not confuse to the material world, so things that the writer analyze all

depend on the language system or whatever system that are used to represent a

concept. The reason in using this approach is because this concept allows the

writer to analyze the movie through every aspect as of to explore more freely and

deeply about the movie.

D. Princess Representation in Disney’s Princesses Movie

The writer found one essay written by Hairyanto untitled Representations

of Females and Femininity in Disney Princess Films31. This essay was stated

some of Disney’s princesses’ representation from their personal characteristic and

physical attribute. The archetypal roles in the early Disney princess movie consist

of the princess, the evil guardian, the fairy god mother and the foils. The

Princesses include Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle and Jasmine. The

Evil Guardians include the evil stepmothers and the wicked witches. The

princesses’ physical attributes of the early Disney Princesses include are


Ibid, p. 25


Hairianto D., Representations of Females and Femininity in Disney Princess Films,



extremely hourglass figures, voluminous hairdos and symmetrical faces, catering

to Western society’s dominant images of beauty as for example is Cinderella and

Princess Aurora, characters from the 1950s, both have blonde hair. This applies to

a character like Jasmine as well, who represented an alluring Oriental exoticism,

highly appealing to the target Western society.

The personal characteristics of the princesses are evident that they share

many similar qualities. First, the princesses are domesticated. Second, provide for

their evil step-sisters or dwarf friends in a very devotedly homely fashion. Third,

they are highly prized by men, presumably for their beauty and domesticity.

Fourth, the princesses’ fathers dote on them, as in the Beauty and the Beast, Little

Mermaid, and Aladdin. They have strong relationships with their fathers without

the presence of a biological mother in any of the movies. Fifth, most of the

princesses are naïve. Sixth, the princesses find themselves in difficult situations

(after being tricked by villains). Seventh, they depend on men to save them. Eight,

the princesses are damsels in distress. Ninth, the princesses have a friendship with

the animals. Tenth, they organically drew to the princesses’ good characters. The

last, they do not have any close female friends, as seen on snow White who

always has her beauty and youth personified. She is loved by men and abhorred

by women, and she is an innocent persecuted heroines.32




In Rebecca’s33 journal entitled The Princess and the Magic Kingdom:

Beyond Nostalgia, the Function of the Disney Princess also mention that some

princess have seeks to reveal their beauty as stereotype and their good nature as

submissiveness. In Disney’s world it seems so natural that the prince on his white

horse should fall in love at first sight with a girl dressed as a scullery maid who

sings to birds. Snow white is starlet with flapper’s hair cut, rosebud mouth, and

high-pitched warble.34

Furthermore, the princesses’ sexual appeal is the key to setting the premise

and resolution of conflict. For example, Snow White and Cinderella are mistreated

by their jealous stepmothers, but are also eventually rescued from their situations

by princes who are primarily attracted to their beauty. The princesses do not

display much initiative and are portrayed as typical damsels in distress. Their

propensity to be trusting and kind, even to suspicious strangers, as well as their

relatively passive role in determining their own fates seems to imply that what is

desirable in a female is a tender heart of gold as well as a willingness to suffer in


In the earlier movies, Snow White and Aurora both fall victim to

villainous plots that plunge them into a deep, death-like sleep, only to be later

woken by an archetypal male rescuer, the prince, who gives them the “kiss of true

love”. This creates the impression that females are powerless figures in need of


Rebecca-Anne C. Do Rozario, The Princess and the Magic Kingdom: Beyond Nostalgia, the Function of the Disney Princess, Women's Studies in Communication 2004; 27, 1; Arts & Humanities Full Text, p. 34


Ibid, p. 38




males to give them a new lease of life. This theme of romantic love between the

princes and the princesses is always happening in the movie. Entering a romantic

relationship or getting married is presented as the princesses’ ultimate goal in

attaining happily ever after.

In the modern princess stories, it is evident that they are more empowered

as they can make their own choices and thus decide their fate. Ariel from The

Little Mermaid (1989) makes the choice of trading her voice for a pair of human

legs while Jasmine from Aladdin (1992) willingly seduces Jafar in order to rescue

Aladdin. Also Mulan from Mulan (1998) rejects every aspect of being an ideal

woman in her society and decides to disguise herself as a man to take her father’s

place in army.36 No matter how deviant these later princesses are and have

arguably matured in their independence, their “happily-ever-after” endings are the

same as the earlier princesses’ which is marrying the princes.





In this chapter, the writer will fully answer and explain the research

question by following the focus of the study that is analyzing the characteristic of

Princess Merida to see how princess represented through her.

A. The Characteristic and Characterization in Princess Merida

Princes Merida has a different characteristic with other Disney’s princess.

It shows from her appearance, attitude, and habit. She would rather climb the cliff

rather than primp in the mirror. The writer found six characteristics of Princess

Merida which are; fearless, care, stubborn, reckless, mature, and responsible. The

writer will explain all her characteristic and the characterization in detail in the

paragraphs below.

Princess Merida is really fearless girl, it shows on her daily activities. She

really likes to ride her horse, goes to forest and does her favorite sport, which is

archery. She is really good at it, but her mom, Queen Elinor does not like it and

forbids her to do that because Merida is a princess. She has to be a feminine girl

just like her mom. The bravery (fearless) of Princess Merida can be seen through



Picture 1

[we see Merida waking up, geting dressed, taking her bow and arrows, running downstairs to her horse, Angus, and riding off]

Merida : But every once in a while, there's a day when I don't have

to be a princess. No lessons, no expectations. A day where anything can happen. A day when I can change my fate.

[we see Merida as she riding into the forest, shooting her arrows at different targets, then sitting near the cliff's edge and carves on her bow, then see climbs a rock and when she reaches the top she drinks from the waterfall nearby and the screams and jumps up and down in excitement]

(00:06:52 – 00:08:47)

Princess Merida is an excellent archer as shows in the picture 1 when she

shoots an arrow to the different target, she never miss it and she does it while

riding her horse, Angus. This shows Princess Merida bravery. She could ride a

horse while doing archery at the same time. Furthermore, the text above tells

Princess Merida does not like her life as a princess because she has to have

lessons and expectation. She really loves doing archery but she cannot do it every

time because her mom does not like her being an archer. The text above shows

that there is one day that Princess Merida can be herself and she really enjoys it.



Moreover, in picture 2 shows Princess Merida climbs the cliff and drinks

the water from the top of the waterfall, which her father told that only the bravest

kings have done that. She is not afraid of high place and she does that wearing

dress. The movie tells Princess Merida bravery by showing her action in her daily

life in the movie and also her father’s reaction after hearing what Princess Merida


Another bravery that Princess Merida shows is when she defeats the giant

bear Mor’du. When she tries to find a way to change her mom into normal, the

Will O the Whisp37 shows her the ancient kingdom which already abandoned. She

slips into the throne room and then she finds the giant bear watching her, then she

tries to defeat it with her arrow. It shows on the pictures and text below.

Picture 3 Picture 4

Merida : Oh, no! The prince became...

[suddenly she sees the bear come up behind her]


[the bear goes to attack Merida but she starts shooting arrows at it and it starts chasing after her, Elinor then helps her to escape and they make a run for it]

(01:01:13 – 01:02:04)




The pictures and text above also shows Princess Merida bravery. She

fights Mor’du, the giant bear to save her life. Princess Merida uses her arrow to

protect herself. The bravery in Princess Merida can be seen in almost the whole


The bravery in Princess Merida does not only show on her daily activities,

but also in the way she chooses her own path in life as she rejects the betrothal

between her and the princes. Furthermore, Princess Merida does not need mother

fairy or somebody to help her gain her freedom. She fights for what she wants by


The second characteristic of Princess Merida is that she is a care person.

Even though her three siblings are really naughty boys she still loves them. It

shows when she gives them their favorite cookies at dinner.

Picture 5

The picture above shows Princess Merida offering her three brothers, the

triplets (Harrish, Hubert, and Hamish) their favorite cookies. She does it secretly

without knowing Queen Elinor because she will not let the boys eat cookie at



different with Queen Elinor. Queen Elinor will strict to what her kids eat besides

Princess Merida does not care about that stuffs, she just wants her brothers happy.

The caring of Princess Merida also shows when her mom already changes

into a giant bear. Princess Merida and her mom go to the witch cottage to ask the

witch to reverse the curse. It shows in the pictures and text below.

Picture 6 Picture 7

The Witch : One more time. 'Fate be changed, look inside. Mend the

bond torn by pride.' That's it! Ta-ta! Oh, and thank you for shopping at the Crafty Carver!

[and suddenly the witch's ghostly image disappears]

Merida : No! No! Where did you go!

[suddenly the witch's ghostly image appears again and starts giving the same message, Merida starts pouring in all the vials into the cauldron in panic and accidently blows the cauldron and the cottage disappears]

[after the witch's cottage disappears, it starts to rain, Merida builds a shelter for Elinor and turns to her]

(00: 50: 11 – 00: 51: 34)

In picture 6, shows Princess Merida and her mom at the witch cottage. She

tries to find a way to reverse the curse so her mom can change back into human

beings, but they do not find the witch since the witch is on holiday and she will be

back in spring. Princess Merida keeps pouring the veils into the vessel then the

cottage dissolved and disappears. After that, the rain comes and Princess Merida



Merida care to her mom. Even though she does not like her mother because she is

always bossy her, she still loves her mom and does not want her mom gets hurt.

Princess Merida never tells her mom that she loves her, instead she shows it by

taking care of her when she becomes a bear.

The care of Princess Merida also shows when she makes breakfast for her

mom and teaches her to catch a fish by herself. It shows on the picture and

dialogue below.

Picture 8 Picture 9

[Merida and Elinor head to a creek and Merida uses her bow to catch a fish]

Merida : Breakfast!

[Merida holds the fish up and Elinor claps]

Oh, wait! A princess should not have weapons, in your opinion.

[Elinor nods in agreement and Merida holds the fish out for Elinor]

There you go. Go on.

[the fish flaps as it's still alive and Elinor turns away in disgust]

How do you know you don't like it if you won't try it?

[Merida then cooks the fish over a fire and Elinor tries to eat with decorum but quickly chomps it down, as Elinor is still hungry Merida then teaches Elinor how to catch fish from the creek and they start bonding]



The pictures and text above also show Princess Merida care to her mom.

At that time, her mother’s body already changes into a bear, but deep inside she is

still a human, so when Princess Merida gives her the raw fish she refused it.

Princess Merida has to cook it for her so she can eat it. But because Queen Elinor

eats a lot of fish, Princess Merida asks her to go find fish at the river like the bear

used to do. She teaches her mom to catch the fish so she can eat fish as much as

she wants. At the end, her mom can eat the raw fish by herself and does not need

Princess Merida’s help to cook it. It shows Princess Merida kindness and care to

her mother since she knows that she is the one who makes her mother into a bear.

Through their journey, the bond between her and her mother starts to reestablish.

The movie shows Princess Merida’s caring through her action for taking care of

her mother bear.

The third characteristic of Princess Merida is stubborn. It shows when her

mom tells her that there will be a betrothal between her and the suitors from three

clans and she totally balks it. It shows through the dialogue between Princess

Merida and her mom and also the picture below.

Elinor : The lords are presenting their sons as suitors for your

Elinor : Honestly, Merida! I don't know why you're acting this


This year each clan will present a suitor to compete in the games for your hand.

Merida : I'm the only princess that just does what she's told!

Elinor : A princess does not raise her voice. Merida, this is what

you've been preparing for your whole life.



[Merida gets up in anger and starts to walk off]

Merida : I won't go through with it! You can't make me!

Elinor : Merida!

[Merida angrily storms out of the Great Hall to her bedroom]


The dialogue above shows Princess Merida anger to her mom because she

does not want being engaged with anybody because she is not ready. She does not

want her mom takes control of her life. She just does what her mom asks her to do

as a good princess. Also, this betrothal is too sudden for her. Princess Merida is

still young and has a big spirit in life, that is why she rejects it. Through the

dialogue above the writer concludes that Princess Merida is stubborn because she

does not listen to her mom and she also gets angry with her.

Picture 10

Princess Merida shows her anger by ripped the tapestry that Queen Elinor

working on to clarify her rebel. This action shows that she is stubborn and will not

listen to her mom. The movie shows the characterization in Princess Merida



Princess Merida stubbornness is also showed when the archery game

begins to know who will be the winner that will be Princess Merida’s fiancée. She

takes part the game also to represent her own kingdom by her own hand because

Queen Elinor said that only the first born from each clans can take part in the

game and Princess Merida thinks that she also has right to take the contest since

she is the first born from her family. It shows on the text and pictures below.

Picture 11 Picture 12

Merida : I am Merida, first born descendant of Clan DunBroch.

And I'll be shooting for my own hand!

Elinor : What are you doing?


Merida : This dress!

Elinor : Merida, stop this!

Don't you dare release another arrow! Merida, I forbid it!

[at that moment Merida shoot the arrow and hits the center of

the target, splitting young Dingwall's arrow in half] (00:25:56-00:27:11) The text above shows that Princess Merida does not listen to her mom. She

wants to take part in the contest and wins it so she can be free and chooses her

own destiny. She does not listen to her mother as show in the picture 11 when



they do not imagine that Princess Merida will do that. Queen Elinor keeps

shouting her to stop of what she does but Princess Merida seems not care and

continue of what she does. In the picture 12 shows Princess Merida is facing her

mom just as if they are an enemy. All that Princess Merida actions show that she

is really stubborn because she does not listen to her mom no matter what. She will

fight for her freedom and does not want her mom controlling her life. She tries to

break the rules of her kingdom to gain freedom in choosing her own destiny. The

stubbornness of Princess Merida shows by her action in refusing the betrothal and

fight for her freedom.

The fourth characteristic of Princess Merida is reckless. When she knows

about the betrothal, she refuses it and argues with her mom that she does not want

being married with anybody. She is mad with her mom and ripped the tapestry

that her mom makes which makes her mom angry and throws Princess Merida’s

bow into fire. This action leads to disunity between them. Princess Merida runs to

the forest and goes to the witch’s cottage. She asks the witch to give her spell to

change her mother. It shows from the picture and dialogue below.



Merida : Every carving, and one spell.

The Witch : Are you sure you know what you're doing?

Merida : I want a spell to change my mom. That will change my


The Witch : Done!

(00:33:38 - 00:33:53) The picture and dialogue above shows Princess Merida recklessness. She

tries to change her fate by asking help from the witch. She wants to change her

fate through instant way by asking the witch to give her spell for her mom. The

witch already asks her whether she is sure with what she asks, but Princess

Merida does not think of the consequences of the spell. It is not easy to persuade

the witch to give her the spell, but finally she gets it. Princess Merida brings the

spell inside a cake without hesitate to her palace.

Picture 14

In picture 14 shows Princess Merida giving the cake from the witch to her

mom, she tells her mom that cake is for peace offering. From her action in

meeting the witch and asks her to give the spell for her mom, the writer concludes

that Princess Merida is reckless princess. She does not think the consequences of

what she does, she just wants the betrothal canceled. Her recklessness can be seen



Princess Merida also is reckless when she comes to the witch cottage after

Queen Elinor already changes into a bear, she meets the witch for asking her to

reverse the curse. The witch is at Wickerman Festival in Stornoway at the moment

and she will be back in spring. So, the witch gives Princess Merida message how

to change her mom back through the vial, as seen in the picture below.

Picture 15

The picture above shows Princess Merida is reckless because after hearing

the message from the ‘ghostly imaged’ witch, she is still not satisfied and keeps

pouring another vials into the cauldron which makes the witch’s image coming up

again and again and giving her the same message that the spell will be permanent

in the second sunrise. The witch also gives her clue how to reverse the curse

which reads “Fate be change, look inside. Mend the bond, torn by pride”. Then,

the cauldron blew out and the witch cottage disappears. Through Princess Merida

action, the writer concludes that she is reckless in taking care of her problem.

First, she goes to meet the witch and asked her to give her spell to change her

mom, which makes her mom change into a giant bear. The second, she dissolves

the witch cottage by accident because she is reckless. She should be calm down



human. Instead she is pours the vial over and over which makes the witch cottage

explode and disappears.

[Merida and Elinor sneak back into the castle and as they peak into the Great Hall they see that Fergus and the lords are fighting again, Merida tries to stop them and walks into the middle of the room and tells them the story of the ancient kingdom and the selfish prince]

Merida : I have been in conference with the queen.

Lord Dingwall : Is that so?

Merida : Aye, it is.

Lord MacGuffin : Well, where is she, then?

Merida : She, uh..

Lord Machintos : How do we know that this isn’t some trick?

Merida : I’d never…..

Lord Machintos : This is highly irregular.

Lord Dingwall : What are you playing at?

Lord MacGuffin : Where is the queen?

Lord Machintos : We will not stand for any more of this jiggery-


Lord Dingwall : That’s right. Let’s see her.

Merida : Shut it!

Well, I, uh..



Lord MacGuffin : What is this?

Merida : That kingdom fell into war and chaos and ruin…

Lord Machintos : Och, we’ve all heard that tale. Lost kingdom.

Merida : Aye, but it’s true. I know now how one selfish act

can turn the fate of a kingdom.

Lord MacGuffin : Bah, it’s just a legend.

Merida : Legends are lessons. They ring with truths. Our

kingdom is young. Our stories are not yet legend. But in them, our bond was struck. Our clans were once an enemies. But when invaders threatened us from the sea, you joined together to defend our lands. You fought for each other. You risked everything for each other.Yours was an alliance forged in bravery and friendship and it lives to this day. I've been selfish. I tore a great rift in our kingdom. There's no one to blame but me. And I know now that I need to amend my mistake and mend our bond.

(01:04:15 – 01:07:05)

In picture 16 and 17 show Princess Merida tries to explain and soothes the

lords not to do a war. At first, the lords do not believe her. They thought Princess

Merida is just playing at them, but at the end Princess Merida can calm everybody

down. She tells the story of ancient kingdom which her mom always tells her and

confess that everything happens because of her selfishness. Through this, the

writer concludes that Princess Merida has changed. She is more mature than used

to. She concerns about the bond between the clans rather than her desire. She tries

to fix what she does in the first place and says that she accepts the betrothal, but

before she says it, her mom gives her sign that the betrothal is canceled, it means

that the princes and the princesses can choose their own love in the right time and

place. All the princes agree with that, because in fact they are just doing what their

dads ask them to do and they also do not love Princess Merida. Through this, the



Princess Merida’s mature through her action in comforting the lords which makes

her parents proud.

Another proof that Princess Merida is mature is when she tries to change

her mom back into human being at the end of the movie. She puts the tapestry

which she already fix, to cover her bear mother’s body, but nothing changes.

Queen Elinor is still a bear. Then Princess Merida confesses that everything

happens because of her fault and she also declares that she really loves her mom

and wants her back while crying. It shows in the picture and text below.

Picture 18

Merida : The second sunrise!

[she runs and grabs the tapestry that she's mended and throws

it around Elinor, but realizes nothing's happening] Oh, no! I don't understand. I...

[Merida begins to cry and kneels in front of Elinor]

Oh, mom, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I did this to you, to us.

[she tearfully hugs Elinor]

You've always been there for me. You've never given up on me. I just need you back. I want you back, mommy. I love you.

[as the sunrise washes over them, Merida feels her mothers touch on her hair and looks up to see Elinor had turned human again]



The picture and text above show Princess Merida regrets of what she does

to her mom and her family. She feels sorry for her mom because Queen Elinor has

to live as a bear for the rest of her life. Since the movie starts it never captures

Princess Merida says that she loves her mom, but in this situation she tells her

mom how much she loves her and she wants her back. This action shows Princess

Merida is mature because she admits that everything happen because of her fault,

she also confesses her true feeling toward her mom which makes her mom change

back into human. Princess Merida mature characteristic can be seen through her


The last characteristic of Princess Merida is responsible. After what she

does in the beginning, she tries to find a way to make everything back into

normal. First, when her mom changes into the bear, she takes the responsibility in

taking care of her mom and finds a way to reverse the curse. The second is when

Princess Merida is deputizing her mom to talk to the three clans about what

happened and she also calms down the lords of the three clans. The third is when

she protects her mom when King Fergus wants to kill her mother because he

thinks that Queen Elinor is Mor’du, it depicts in the pictures below.



In picture 19 shows Princess Merida’s mimic in explaining to her dad that

the bear which he wants to kill is his wife. King Fergus does not believe it and he

does not care whether that bear is his wife or not, he will hunt her because he is

the “bear king”. He has a traumatic with a bear because when Merida is still little

girl, he meets Mor’du, the giant bear. He fights that bear and he lost his right leg

because of it. So, whenever he sees a bear, he tries to catch it and kills it to pay his

revenge. King Fergus locks Princess Merida in the bed room but she tries to

escape because if not, her dad will kill her mom. In picture 20, after Princess

Merida succeeds in getting out from her room she directly goes to the forest where

her dad catches her mom. Shows Princess Merida fight her dad because King

Fergus tries to kill her own wife. All that Princess Merida does is because she

feels that she is responsible for what she did and she tries to make everything back

into normal. The movie shows Princess Merida is responsible through her action

in saving her own family and tries to fix everything that she ruins.

From Princess Merida’s entire characteristic above, the writer concludes

that Princess Merida is dissimilar with other Disney’s princesses. The movie tells

the different princess characteristic through Princess Merida by showing her

fearless, care, stubborn, reckless, mature, and responsible action. Through this, the

writer identify that there are three different princess representation seen from

Princess Merida characteristic which will be described in the chapter below.

B. The Representation of Princess Seen from Princess Merida

In several Disney princess movies, a princess tends to have a beautiful


figure in the story and sometimes referred as a hero, but the hero can be good or
fights Mor’du, the giant bear to save her life. Princess Merida uses her arrow to
fight for her freedom.
table, as seen in the picture 32.


Dokumen terkait

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