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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 2113321012





First and foremost, the writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to

Allah SWT, the Almighty and the Most Beneficial for His Blessing, Grace,

Guidance, and Mercy that have been given to writer until this Thesis could be

completed. This Thesis has been written in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) at the English and Literature

Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan.

During the process of writing and conducting the research, the writer was

assisted and supported by many people. This thesis cannot be accomplished

without guidance, suggestion, and comment from them, for which the writer

would like to express her sincere appreciation which directed to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature


Dra. Meisuri,M.A., the secretary of English Department.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Study Program.

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., her Thesis Supervisor I and Drs.

Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd., her Thesis Supervisor II.

Neni Afrida Sari Hrp, S.Pd., M.Hum., her Academic Supervisor and

Literature Department who always helped the writer during her academic


Mr. Zarwan Hasibuan, the Headmaster of SMPS Dharma Patra

P.Berandan who has gave the permission to conduct the research in the

school. And also for students in VIII-A and VIII-B for their intention and

participation during the research.

M. Ainal Ikram H and Ernawati SE, her beloved and super power

parents who gave her love, prayer, moral and financial support in

completing her education.

Firdaus Azmi, Danil Ikram and Sunniyah khansa, her beloved little

brothers and sister.

All her best friends, Muhammad Yusuf, Karmila, Ayu Purnama Sari, Khalida Gustani Nst, Khairuni Syafitri and also Extention B 2011 who

have gave her support and nice friendship.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis can give contribution to the English

Education students and further pedagogical research.

Medan, August 2015

The Writer

Fahrunnisa Mariyam



Mariyam, Fahrunnisa. 2113321012. The Effect of Group Investigation Technique on The Students’ Achievement In Writing Descriptive Texts. A Thesis. English and Literature Department, Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan. 2015.

This study was attempt to discover the effect of applying the Group Investigation Technique on the students’ achievement in writing descriptive texts. It was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of this research was the second (VIII) grade students of SMPS Dharma Patra Pangkalan Berandan. There were 190 students involved as the population, which consists of 5 parallel classes, two classes out of five classes were chosen as the sample by using lottery technique namely experimental and control group. The result was class VIII-A consisted of 15 students became the experimental group and class VIII-B consisted of 15 students became the control group. The experimental group was taught by using Group Investigation Technique while the control group was taught by do not using the treatment. The instrument for collecting the data was writing test. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The result shows that the value of t-observed (5,85) is higher than the value of t-table (2.048) ( α = 0.05 ) with the degree of freedom (df) = 28. It means that there is a significant

effect of applying Group Investigation Technique on the students’ achievement in

writing descriptive texts. So, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.









A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 5

C. The Objective of the Study ... 5

D. The Scope of the Study ... 5

E. The Significance of the Study ... 5


A. Theoretical Framework ... 7

1. Students’ Writing Achievement ... 7

a. Writing ... 8

b. Process f Writing ... 9

c. Kind of Genre Writing ... 10

d. Descriptive Text ... 13

2. Group Investigation Technique ... 16

a. Stage of Group Investigation Technique ... 18


c. The Disadvantages of Group Investigation Technique ... 24

d. The Application of Group Investigation Technique ... 24

B. Relevant Studies ... 24

C. Conceptual Framework ... 25

D. Hypothesis ... 27


A. Research Design ... 28

B. Population and Sample 1. Population ... 29

2. Sample ... 29

C. The Instrument of Collecting Data ... 29

D. The Procedure of Research ... 30

1. Pre- test ... 30

2. Treatment ... 30

3. Post- test ... 32

E. Scoring of Writing Test ... 33

F. The Validity and the Reliability of the Test ... 34

1. The Validity of the Test ... 34

2. The Reliability of the Test ... 34

G. Technique for Analyzing the Data ... 35



B. Data Analysis ... 38

1. Validity of the Test ... 38

2. Reliability of the Test ... 38

3. Analyzing the Data by using t- test Formula ... 39

C. Testing Hypothesis ... 40

D. Research Findings ... 41

E. Discussion ... 42


A. Conclusion ... 44

B. Suggestion ... 44




Table 3.1 Research Design ... 28

Table 3.2 Teaching Descriptive Text in Experimental Group ... 30

Table 3.3 Teaching Descriptive Text in Control Group ... 32



APPENDIX A Pre-Test and Post- Test for Experimental Group ... 48

APPENDIX B Pre-Test and Post- Test for Control Group ... 49

APPENDIX C Score of Pre- Test and Post-Test for Experimental Group ... 50

APPENDIX D Score of Pre- Test and Post-Test for Control Group ... 51

APPENDIX E Testing the Reliability of the Test ... 52

APPENDIX F The Calculation of T-Test ... 54

APPENDIX G Table Distribution ... 58

APPENDIX H Lesson Plan ... 59

APPENDIX I The Students’ Answer Sheet ... 85

APPENDIX J Percentage Points of the T Distribution ... 71

APPENDIX K Lesson Plan ... 72

APPENDIX L Vocabulary Test ... 87

APPENDIX M The Key Answer ... 91




A. The Background of the Study

English plays an important role nowadays. It becomes an

international language. Therefore, in this modern era it is necessary for us to

learn it. English also has been taught in many countries in the world as a

second foreign language such as in Japan, Malaysia, China, Germany and

Indonesia in those countries students always make many efforts to make the

teaching English as a second or foreign language better and better.

Teaching a language, especially a foreign language is not an easy

task. Since English is a foreign language for Indonesian students, it will surely

cause some problems for them. Learning a foreign language is different from

learning a native language because the students’ environment in achieving

their first language and a foreign language are different.

English as a subject matter in school covers the four basic language

skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. As one of the basic skills of

learning English. Writing is the important in language learning process

because writing is considered a highly productive skill and arguably the most

difficult of the four language skill. It is process of putting ideas or thought into

words which is combined into the form of paragraphs. Harmer (2004: 86)

states “writing is a process that we write is often influenced by constrains of

genre, and then these elements have to be present in their learning activity.


to teach because it is not only requiring mastery on grammatically and

rhetorical devices but also on conceptual and judgement devices

In the teaching and learning process of writing, the teacher has an

important role. It means that writing is not only a process of linking words

into a sentence or paragraph, but also it is a steps of idea, organized thought

and feeling in the form of words and combined into sentence and then into

paragraph. For this purpose, a teacher should give more practice to

improve student’s ability in English.

In the Curriculum of Educational Stratified Level or Kurikulum

Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) students are expected to be able to write

some genres in writing namely descriptive, and procedure, from the

curriculum highlights that the students have to be able to write various types

of the text genres.

Based on that statement, one of the genres that should be mastered

by student in the process of learning English is descriptive text. According to

Pardiyono (2007:34) descriptive text is a type of written text, which has the

specific function to give description about an object (human or non-human)

which include person, place, or animal/thing and it has the aim that was

giving description of the object to the reader clearly.

Based on the experience in teaching practice program in SMPS

Dharma Patra P.Berandan, it was found that students had problem when they

were asked to write the text especially in writing descriptive text. They were


they were lack of motivation and ideas, lack of mastering vocabulary, and

grammar. Those facts indicate that most of students are not able to write a

simple writing especially in descriptive text.

Actually their lack of writing ability at school is influenced by the

ways of teaching. In the process of teaching, teacher usually gives tasks from

the text book, students answer the questions and submit them to the teacher.

From this fact, it can be concluded that the process of teaching and learning

has not been conducted successfully. It means that the teacher did not

concern with students’ writing ability and teaching it in an interesting way.

Therefore it needs to develop and apply the effective techniques to enhance

the students’ writing skills.

In order to solve the problems, many techniques can be applied in

teaching learning process especially in writing to make it effectively and

more interesting. One of the techniques is cooperative learning type. By

applying cooperative learning, student are more active because they will learn

more through a process of constructing and creating, working in the group

and sharing the knowledge. So they can enjoy the learning process itself and

improve their writing skill.

Group Investigation (GI) Technique as one of cooperative learning

technique is a general classroom organization plan in which students work in

small groups using cooperative inquiry, group discussion, and cooperative


Many researchers had applied Group investigation in different

field of their researchers. One of the researchers was done by Yunita (2011)

proved the Group Investigation was conducted on her Classroom Action

Research. In her study with a title “Improving Students’ Achievement in

writing Report Text through Group Investigation Method”. It was found that

the students’ writing achievement score increased from the first cycle to

second cycle. It means that there was improvement on students’ achievement

in writing report text by using group investigation.

Based on the explanation previously, the researcher of this study

also applied Group Investigation technique in teaching descriptive texts. The

reason for choosing the Group Investigation is believed as an effective way in

increasing students writing achievement. By using Group Investigation

technique, students are able to work together in a group to analyze the topic of

writing in order to find more information from many sources and the

characteristics of descriptive texts. And the researcher believed that this

technique can be the effective way of teaching to improve the students

achievement because Group Investigation technique is a technique that give

the freedom to find out the information about something which want to

investigate so the researcher decided to use this technique. Then, they would

write the descriptive texts based on the generic structure and language feature

of descriptive text.

So, it was expected by using Group investigation technique could


Investigation technique in teaching writing it could increase students’

achievement in writing descriptive texts on the second grade students in

SMPS Dharma Patra P.Berandan.

B. The Problem of the Study

In accordance with the backgroud of the study, the problem of the

study is formulated as “ Is there any significant effect of applying the GI

technique on the students’ achievement in writing descriptive texts ? ”

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to investigate whether there is a

significant effect of Group Investigation (GI) Technique on the students’

achievement in writing descriptive text.

D. The Scope of the Study

There are many genres of writing that should be mastered by

students such as descriptive and procedure, this study is basically limited to

writing descriptive text. This study focuses on identifying the effect of Group

Investigation Technique on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

E. The Significance of the Study

Theoretically, findings of this study are expected to be significant


Theoretically the findings can add up horizons in theories of language

learning. In addition the findings can be references for further studies in

writing skill.

Practically, findings of this study are expected to be useful for:

a) English language teachers in developing teaching learning process, not

only in teaching writing but also other skills.

b) The students of English in that to encourage the students to develop their

writing achievement, especially in writing descriptive texts through group




A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings, it was discovered that there is a significant

effect of applying Group Investigation technique on the students’ achievement in

writing descriptive texts. This is to say that students who were taught by applying

Group Investigation technique obtained better result than students who were

taught by without using Group Investigation technique ( t-observed >


B. Suggestion

Related to the conclusion, some suggestion are pointed out as the


1) English teachers are suggested to apply Group Investigation technique

in teaching learning process, especially in teaching writing because

this technique can help teachers to improve students’ critical thinking

when planning and carrying out their investigation so that they had

idea to arrange their writing.

2) Students are also suggested to be more active, confidence, and

enjoyable and exploring their writing ability by Group Investigation



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Table 3.1 Research Design  .......................................................................


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