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An Analysis Of Feminism In L. A. Meyer’ S Bloody Jack


Academic year: 2016

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Supervisor, Co- Supervisor,

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum Drs.Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum

Nip. 19560705 198903 1 002

Submitted to Faculty of Letters University of North Sumatra in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English







Approved by the English Department of Faculty of Letters University of North Sumatra (USU) Medan as a Thesis for the Sarjana Sastra Examination.

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Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the English Department, Faculty of Letters,

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The Examination was held at English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatra on

The Dean of Faculty of Letters University of North Sumatra

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I dedicated Thesis to:

My beloved amazing to my Father Almrh. H.Muhammad Suaib Siregar

Thank you for unconditional love,

Thank you for your great life,

T hank you for the care and heart for me,

I always remember and love you


My beloved mother Hj. Latifah Hanum Siagian

The sacrifice you perform for me will never be in vain, Mom.

I thank god because I have a mother like you,

I know he has a great plan for us...



First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT, the Almighty god for blessing and leading me during all my life. Praise is to the prophet Muhammad SAW, the leader of messengers and guiding of faithful so that the writer could finish my study to fulfill one of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the English Department, faculty of letters, University of North Sumatera, Medan.

I dedicated my thanks to the Dean of faculty of Letters, Prof. Drs., Syaifuddin, M.A, Ph.D as well as the chairman and secretary of English Department, Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis M.Hum and Drs. Parlindungan Purba M.Hum.

My particular gratitude are also dedicated to Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum as my Supervisor and Drs. Siamir Marulafau, as my Co-Supervisor M. Hum for their guidance, careful attention and critical assistance during the process of writing this thesis, I also indebted to all my lecturers who have guided me during my study, especially to Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis M.Hum , Dra. Roma Ayuni Loebis M.A and other lecturers. I thank them for helping me choosing the subject of this study, and providing me with information’s concerning this thesis.


I also would like to express my deepest gratitude and love to my family: Alm. H. Muhammad Suaib Siregar (Father), Hj. Latifah Hanum Siagian (Mother), Hotmaida Siregar, Hotmi Diana Siregar, Toibah Siregar (Sisters), Ahmad Yusuf Siregar (Brother) Ema Fauziah Siregar (Younger Sister), Andika Cahyadi (Brother in law), Ira Dwinta (Sister in law), and the other family. Thank you for every support, care, encouragement, advice and love.

The writer special thank to her lovely gang “RIYUKI” for give me spirit, “Keep Struggle and work hard.” And thanks so much for all support and courage your full attention has made my life more colorful and precious.

I am also grateful to all my friends, especially my best friends, Efa Handayani, Yosi, Ina, Rindi, Yuan, Rina Purwati, Etek (Wilda), for their support and their pray. Who always remember me in any conditions. May our friendship never ends.

Finally, I realize that this thesis is still far from perfect. I welcome all critics and suggestions to make this thesis better. May this thesis will be useful for every one who would like to read or analyze the subject matter that related to this thesis analysis.

May Allah SWT, the almighty bless us all. Amin.



I, Rizki Arfah Siregar declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where reference is made in the text of this thesis, this thesis contains no material published else where or extracted in whole or in part from my thesis by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this thesis. This thesis has not been submitted for award or another degree in any tertiary education.



Name : Rizki Arfah Siregar

Title of Thesis : An Analsis of Feminism in L.A. Mayer’s Bloody Jack Qualification : S-1/ Sarjana Sastra

Department : English

I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of University of North Sumatra, Faculty of Letters, English Department on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.






ABSTRACT……….. iv



1.1The Background of Analysis……… 1

1.2The Problems of Analysis………. 4

1.3The Purposes of Analysis……….. 4

1.4The Scope of Analysis……….. 4

1.5The Method of Analysis……… 5

1.6The Review of Related Literature………. 6


2.1 The Source of Data………. 6

2.2 Data Collecting Procedure………. 6

2.3 The Analysis of Data………. 6


2.1 General concept of Feminism………. 8


CHAPTER IV : FEMINISM IN BLOODY JACK……….. 24 3.1 Women’s Right in equal Educational

3.2 Women’s Right to Earn a Living 3.3 Women’s Right Movement

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS……… 53 4.1 Conclusion……… 53 4.2 Suggestion……… 54




Skripsi ini mengetengahkan pembahasan dan analisa tentang Jacky Faber, seorang anak perempuan yang harus berjuang untuk mendapatkan hak-haknya pada novel karya L.A. Mayer, Bloody Jack. L.A. Mayer adalah salah satu dari pengarang terkenal pada abad ke-19. Karya-karnya banyak terinspirasi dari Istri tercinta Annetje Lawrence, yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan manusia, nilai-nilai moral dan satus sosial serta penuh petualangan dan intrik pada masa itu. Salah satunya adalah Bloody Jack, yang sejak kecil hidupnya selalu dipenuhi dengan kesulitan dan penderitaan. Kebanyakan kesulitan yang dihadapinya berasal dari laki-laki, tapi meskipun demikian pada akhirnya dia berhasil mengatasi semua itu, menunjukkan kemandirian dan integritasnya dan mendapatkan kebahagiaan.

Secara keseluruhan skripsi ini berisikan tentang Feminism yang ada di dalam novel Bloody Jack kepada pembaca yang belum mengetahuinya, seberapa jauh perhatian L.A. Mayer kepada kondisi sosial dan bagaimana L.A. Mayer menghadapi kondisi wanita pada abad ke-18, bagaimana ide-ide L.A. Mayer tentang wanita dan seberapa jauh ide-ide feminism terjadi pada Jacky Faber dan tujuan dari analisis ini dibatasi hanya pada feminism di Bloody Jack. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis menggunakan beberapa teori yang berhubungan dengan feminism.



Skripsi ini mengetengahkan pembahasan dan analisa tentang Jacky Faber, seorang anak perempuan yang harus berjuang untuk mendapatkan hak-haknya pada novel karya L.A. Mayer, Bloody Jack. L.A. Mayer adalah salah satu dari pengarang terkenal pada abad ke-19. Karya-karnya banyak terinspirasi dari Istri tercinta Annetje Lawrence, yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan manusia, nilai-nilai moral dan satus sosial serta penuh petualangan dan intrik pada masa itu. Salah satunya adalah Bloody Jack, yang sejak kecil hidupnya selalu dipenuhi dengan kesulitan dan penderitaan. Kebanyakan kesulitan yang dihadapinya berasal dari laki-laki, tapi meskipun demikian pada akhirnya dia berhasil mengatasi semua itu, menunjukkan kemandirian dan integritasnya dan mendapatkan kebahagiaan.

Secara keseluruhan skripsi ini berisikan tentang Feminism yang ada di dalam novel Bloody Jack kepada pembaca yang belum mengetahuinya, seberapa jauh perhatian L.A. Mayer kepada kondisi sosial dan bagaimana L.A. Mayer menghadapi kondisi wanita pada abad ke-18, bagaimana ide-ide L.A. Mayer tentang wanita dan seberapa jauh ide-ide feminism terjadi pada Jacky Faber dan tujuan dari analisis ini dibatasi hanya pada feminism di Bloody Jack. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis menggunakan beberapa teori yang berhubungan dengan feminism.



1.1The Background of Analysis

Literature is generally supposed to be an imaginative creation which is far from factual truth. The subject matter of literature is subjective because the language used is connotative. So in other word, it is far from what science emphasizes that is objective. Basically, literature comes from Latin, “Litera” which means the smallest element of the alphabetical, refers to written or printed word. Literature is the mirror of human life that portrays’ human feeling, though, imagination, and perception which can be viewed based on personal judgment.

Literature is the writing or study of books valued as works of arts which can be divided into three genres, such as prose fiction, poetry, and drama (Wellec, Rene, and Austin, Warren, 1997:303). Prose fiction includes novel, short stories, romances, parables, myths. Novels as a part of the fiction can be defined as a work of prose fiction which tells story or uses incidents to dramatize human experience and individual character.


Feminism is also called woman liberalization that is to have the same rights with men. They want to be equal in getting the freedom to ascertain their own carriers and life pattern. At the beginning, feminism was only a social movement, then it transformed into social theory with various theoretical forms. These terms oppose woman’s subordination after frontal challenge to patriarchal culture and social organization. It is a political label indicating support for the aim of the new woman’s movement started in 1960.

Marry Wollstonecraft, (1972: 4) the first feminist or the mother of the feminism discussed in an Indention of the Right of women argued:

“Only when women and man are equally free, woman and man are equally dutiful in exercise of their responsibilities to family and state, can there be true freedom and female writers can be insert and explore issues of women’s education, women’s equality, women’s status, women’s right and the role of public or private, political or domestic life in their literary works.”


Bloody Jack is a historical novel by L.A. Meyer. It is centered on an orphaned girl

in London in the early 1800s. The story is continued in Curse of the Blue Tattoo, Under the Jolly Roger, In the Belly of the Bloodhound, Mississippi Jack, My Bonny Light

Horseman, and Rapture of the Deep. Louis A. Meyer (1942), writes under the name L.A.

Meyer. Best-known as the author of the Bloody Jack seafaring novels, he is also a painter. Meyer had already written two children's picture books for a major publisher that is Little, Brown and Company have graduating from Boston University. Nearly thirty years later, he got the idea for the Jacky Faber character while listening to British and Celtic folk music on a local community radio station in his workshop.


1.2 The Problems of Analysis

Through this novel, I have some problems which need to find out. The problem that I find out as having relation to:

1. How feminism is described in the novel through the main character in Bloody


2. What is the cause of woman treated to be unjust in education found in Bloody Jack?

3. What is the cause of woman lower than a man to earn a living found in Bloody Jack?

1.3 The Purposes of Analysis

Every analysis has certain purposes to obtain, reach, and avoid deviation from what has been planned. The purposes of this study are:

1. To find out the feminism that describe in the novel through the main character in

Bloody Jack.

2. To find out the cause of woman treated to be unjust in education found in Bloody Jack.


1.4The Scope of Analysis

There should be a scope to make the analysis focusable and clear so that the purpose of the analysis can be achieved. I, therefore, focus my analysis on feminism in L.A. Meyer’s novel Bloody Jack is Jacky. Faber as a main character.

1.5The Method of Analysis

In composing this thesis I apply library research, it is a kind of research where researcher gains the data from related books and other literature, which has a relationship with the object of investigation, such as text books, thesis, and dictionary. Furthermore, I also applies a descriptive analysis on the data taken from novel. The data itself are taken from all chapters and she will select it as the material to be analyzed. It is deliberately to avoid too long description and analysis. There are some steps in writing this thesis. I collect the resources which are related to the feminism, and then I collect the data from the novel, and finally I draw conclusion and suggestions. And I do extrinsic method in the field of social.

1.6The Review of Related Literature

The following books are the main sources of finding data and information to analyze the novel:


2. McGlen, Nancy E and O’Connor, Karen. Women, Politics and American Society. 1995. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. this book helps to more know about feminism in any aspects and that is completing my proposal that talking about feminism.

3. Fitri, Ramadani.2005. An Analysis Feminism in Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s Anna

Karenina. Medan: University of Sumatra Utara.




2.1 The Source of Data

The sources of data for this thesis are from the novel L.A. Mayer and some critical books which have close relation with the novel which will be discussed later. In analyzing this novel, I have picked out many books to be looked and found into other references and as guidance. The data is not fully copied, although there are some quotations.

2.2. Data Collecting Procedure

In collecting the data, I need some instruments for this thesis. The technique is used by gathering all the data from the library or from internet and other supporting material relevant to the topic of the thesis as many as possible, and then I begin to read the data carefully, to take down notes and compose it properly. The whole data, the quotation will be put in my thesis later on and find out the relations with the study. The right data is divided into parts to suit the parts of the study. All of the data are read carefully line-by-line to find out the relation with the study.

2.3 The Analysis of Data




2.1 General Concept of Feminism

If we talk about feminism, it means we talk about women and who want to be free from men domination in family and society. Feminists are the women who are aware of their rights and obligation in the family and society. They struggle to remove additional to equality and to improve women’s status.

At the beginning, feminism was only a social movement then it transformed into social theory with various theoretical forms. These terms oppose women against: woman and children violence, rape and pillage on woman’s body and emotion, also teaches woman to defense her self from improper condition, how to maximize her talents and side by side work with man to take a better life. It is true that feminism wants to raise the essences of woman that for centuries regarded as oppressed, weak, sensitive, gloomy, passive, instable, irritable, piety, materialist, and confine person. Feminism is also called woman freedom relates get the equal right with men.


Feminism recognizes that we must fight for well-being of the children, and that a war zone in the home is just as detrimental to them as a war zone in the nation. It is known that the peace is bought with the price, and that we must prepared to embrace conflict to secure that internal vigilance is the price of freedom.

Feminism embraces all people. It does not condemn men for not being female. It does not seek their political disenfranchisement on questions intimate interest to women, but it doesn’t require that men rise above their base nature and reserve their aggressiveness for the defense of the home and the nation. It requires that women demand, and it does require that men recognize a woman’s unique nature and cease the demands to remold women into models of sexuality masculinity.

Feminism recognizes a man’s right to defense his children and doesn’t seek to silence him in the political arena when he seeks to defend his children in the legislature or court room. It recognizes that men recognize that men have a right to defend all children in everywhere from abortion as well as duty and that is part of this essence of manhood.

Feminism teaches women how to give birth and how to raise their children. It shows us that dyadic relationship between women and her children never ends. It demands that society be compelled to refrain inserting itself into that dyadic relationship at all stages of motherhood.


Feminism brings about a world in which people of all ages and both sexes embrace full responsibility for their action. It teaches that women are not slaves to men. Our bodies are our most precious material possession we will only have one body.

'''Gender studies'' Healey, J. F. (2003: 3). is a Field of study of interdisciplinary study which analyzes the phenomenon of gender. Gender studies are sometimes related to studies of Social class, Race classification of human beings race, ethnicity, gender identity sexuality and Location geography location.

In gender studies, the term "gender" is used to refer to the social and cultural constructions of masculinities and femininities, not to the state of being male or female in its entirety.

Gender is an important area of study in many disciplines, such as literary theory, drama studies, film theory, performance theory, contemporary art history, anthropology, sociology, psychology and psychoanalysis. These disciplines sometimes differ in their approaches to how and why they study gender. For instance in anthropology, sociology and psychology, gender is often studied as a practice, whereas in cultural studies representations of gender are more often examined. Gender studies is also a discipline in itself: an interdisciplinary area of study that incorporates methods and approaches from a wide range of disciplines


children, and we have a right to be free of the mind control which is used a woman to convince them that they do not deserve peace in their homes.

Nancy F. Cott tells (1987:12) the term feminist entered the English language sometimes around 1910. Then, as known, it means a “complete social revolution” in the roles of women. Cott explains that early feminism had “two dominating ideas: the emancipation of woman both as a human-being and as a sex being”. It goals were the elimination of all barriers that prevented women from achieving their complete development as individuals. More radical in its demands than the suffrage movement, it attracted only a few of the youngest and most educated women of its day. It persisted organizationally as the Nationally Woman’s Party, with its demand for complete constitutional equality of women and men.

The premises of modern day feminism are traceable to its roots in early feminism. Three main tenets of this philosophy continue today:

1. Women should be the equal of men. No gender is superior.

2. Women’s roles and status are a product of the social structure, and thus changeable.

3. Women are self-identified as a social group; thus they are positioned to act “as a group” to change their status.


as liberals and socialists. It is not the exclusive property of white middle-to-upper class women in the United States, who dictate to the rest of the world what it means to be a woman.

Psychoanalysis of feminism can not be separated from Sigmund Freud’s psychology. It closes to Phallus Theory, which threatens the man’s superior sexuality to women. This theory is rejected by feminist. Some of feminist like Dorothy Dennerstein and Nancy Chodorow sees psychosexual development are necessary to analyze the relation between the children and parents. Later on, that is Oedipus complex, a boy’s jealously to his father being her father lover. Oedipus complex considers as the basic for the biological construction that is legitimate patriarchy to see a man or father as a symbol of strength ness, activeness, dynamic that should be vanished.

Curzon (2001:6) suggests that feminism is a global phenomenon in modernity, but it has reproduced itself in local contexts and is thus subject to the same processes as the globalization of media images.

The idea of ‘femininity’ in Asia has been produced through a wide variety of discourses including those of patriarchy, colonialism and capitalism, and two aspects follow from this. First, the construction of feminine identities in Asia is a reflection of certain ideological positions that seek control over women’s lives; and secondly, these ideologies do not go uncontested, and alternative versions of feminine identities continue to be offered by Asian women.


liberalization; that is, to have the same rights with men. They want to be equal in getting the freedom to ascertain their own carries and life pattern.

Feminism is an ideology that advocates the economic, political, and social empowerment of women, but it encompasses several different points of view. Liberal feminist believe that “female subordination is rooted in a set of customary and legal constraints that blocks women’s entrance into and/or success in the so-called public world.

Feminism bring about the world in which people of all ages and both sexes embrace full responsibility for their action, it teaches that women are not slaves to men. Our bodies are our most precious material possession we will only have one body. We deserve to have that body respected by men. This means that rape is unacceptable. Assault is unacceptable. We have a right to be free of myth that there is such thing as free sex. Our emotions are also a most precious possession. We have a right to be free emotional amuse. We have a right to a fortress of peace in which or raise our children, and we have a right to be free of the mind control which is used a woman to convince them that they do not deserve peace in their homes.


differ from one culture to another. Law and economics may help to make a difference. The only real changes in society come through education and experience (Freidan, 1970:42). Gender justice would then require making the rules of the game fair and ensuring that all individuals, including those who are systematically disadvantaged in the competition for social, economic, and political well-being, have an equal opportunity to compete in the economic market. Gender issues in Asia are closely tied to contemporary processes of modernity. The idea of ‘femininity’ in Asia has been produced through a wide variety of discourses including those of patriarchy, colonialism and capitalism, and two aspect follow from this. First, the construction of feminine identities in Asia is a reflection of certain ideological positions that seek control over women’s lives; and secondly, these ideologies do not go uncontested, and alternative versions of feminine identities continue to be offered by Asian women.

Liberal feminists believe that “female” subordination is rooted in a set of customary and legal constraints that blocks women’s entrance into and/ or success in so-called public world.

Liberal feminists thus believe that if the rules of the game are defined by constitutions, laws, and the mechanisms established for their implementation, enforcement, and adjudication, and if they encourage or permit unfair policies to exist then the constitutions, laws, and mechanisms must be changed.


tools. Production mode changes the family position. Women are more productive than men. Which show the authority of women, ownership, inheritance, which are the right of man?

Feminists who reject the tenets of liberal feminism argue that to empower women and improve their conditions in society, a change in laws and public policies in not enough. Radical feminists attack the patriarchal society and its influence on the legal, economic, and political systems as the source of women’s disadvantaged condition. They argue that until its manifestations are obliterated, equity for women will be impossible.

Radical feminism sees deeper than liberal and Marxist feminism. According to Rosemary Tong, Radical feminism focuses on two parts. First, focusing on man’s manner in controlling woman’s body, dealing with sterilization, contraception, abortion law, and violence. Second, more than Liberal and Marxist feminism, explicitly articulates the way of man’s construction on woman’s sexuality to serve their need, desire, without considering women’s need and desire. Radical feminism focuses on reproduction and motherhood, gender, and sexuality themes.


considering as natural reality. Social feminism demands not only the abolition of social class but also genre differentiation, including man’s domination on sexuality. Marxist feminism failed to see genre as the main substantial of social stratification. Based on this condition, social feminist proposal changes from reproduction deliverances, fair payment for woman, independent organization, and strategy for social transformation to whom liberation itself.

Existentialism was one of the famous philosophies in the 20th century. It focused on concrete of human individuality, against bias human being by idealism and materialism. Sartre and Simonde Behavior refuse the understanding on women based on biology, psychoanalytic, and Marxism, because none of them was able to describe to concrete of woman.

As the 1960s approached, some women recognized that gender based discrimination existed in all spheres. Many of them campaigned for John F. Kennedy, who they believed would support legislation to expand women’s rights. Sex Discrimination may be a powerful deterrent to political activity. Unfortunately, discrimination is difficult to study or document. Few men are willing to admit that they discriminate. Additionally, what many women see as discrimination against them may be viewed otherwise by men who feel they are simply complying with traditional cultural mores or widely accepted patterns of political behavior.


and self-interest begins. Politicians in the 1920’s and 1930’s, for example, could be openly hostile to the active participation of women in politics by using the justification that “politics was no place for a woman.” While today few have adopted this rationale publicly, some have questioned the emotional stability of women to hold public office.

Women public officials, however, were expected to do a better job than their male counterparts in assisting the poor, improving the educational system, providing support for working parents, and dealing with health problems, children and family problems, homelessness, and the concerns of senior citizens. In general, women receive higher marks on “compassion” issues, while men are seen as better at dealing with international affairs.

Historically women around the world have been entrusted a double reproductive task in nationalism: as carriers of both-the nation’s children and the nation’s culture. Women have to deal with this double task-real and symbolical-in modern consumer cultures at two levels as well: one, being constructed by marketing as the main consumer segment for which the majority of products are advertised and two, as the most common representation in advertising which sells goods and services.


found them selves engaged in closely fought negotiations about salary, - this, while hundreds of miles away from friends and family.

By the late eighteenth century the discourse about women had begun to change, and women themselves were participating in the discourse about politic issues to an unprecedented extent. Many women could into vote, but some at least were beginning to receive an education to equip them for intelligent participation in their society.

During much of the early nineteenth century, a prime topic of discussion and of women’s writings was women’s proper role in society. Nevertheless, no organized activity for women’s rights occurred. In the 1940s, as an outgrowth of religious revivalism, however, both men and women were encouraged to work for those less fortunate than them selves. The temperance and abolition movements, both developed by followers of revivalism, attracted large numbers of supporters. Women were initially assigned minor roles in these efforts, and the battle over their rights to take action in “political causes” often was heated. Nevertheless, they eventually took an active and vocal role, especially within the more liberal branch of the anti slavery movement headed by William Lloyd Garrison. Garrison, the editor of The Liberator, a leading abolitionist newspaper, theorized that the rights of blacks and women to vote and otherwise participate in government followed from the position that all men and women were created equal. Thus, both groups possessed the same inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Women’s rights movement, which began in the 1960s, had two distinct personas reflecting the origins, leadership, and goals of each branch. What we term here as the “younger “branch of the women’s rights movement was far more radical in its orientation than what we term the “older “ branch of the movement as originally personified by the National Organization for women (NOW) and it’s more traditional, rights-oriented strategies and demands. Today, however, most would agree that the distinction between the two branches no longer clearly exists. Many of the goals of the younger branch have been incorporated into those of the older branch or have become smaller special interest movements such as the battered women’s, domestic violence, rape, or feminist health clinic movements, or become subsumed in the broader women’s rights movement.


system. Some, for example, believed that women’s oppression was traceable to racism, capitalism, imperialism, the patriarchal system or more combination of those factors. Hence, women’s inferior status could be remedied only when these systems were overthrown and replaced by a new political order.

Some in the younger branch argued that an end to oppression and discrimination against women in the political arena would come only after sex-role stereotypes and their supporting structures (traditional courtship and sexual double-standards, the traditional family, etc).were abolished. Some maintained that the patriarchal, social, and political system s as well as the capitalist economic system must be overthrown before women will be free. While some in the younger branch called for the “full participation of women in the decision-making processes and positions of our political, economic and social institutions, the focus of most of these small groups was largely on the raising of individual women’s consciousness as a prelude to social and hence political revolution or providing limited help to local women in specific issue areas.

The older branch, in United States has long been a nation of joiners. At least since the 1890s, many national organizations were composed largely of women. After 1920, however, few of those organizations were politically active for women’s rights.


World War II and the employment conditions it created brought about an expansion of economic opportunity that women, acting alone or in small groups, had previously been unable to produce. These new rights, however, were limited by the fact that the conditions that necessitated them were temporary. The kinds of permanent legal changes required to produce real equal opportunity were not undertaken.

2.2 Feminism and Literature

Feminism has a close relation to literary works. Some of them talk about woman’s stereotypes and the other talk about woman struggle in the past. Feminism and literature can be observed from feminism’s influence in literary works. The influences can be divided into two parts: first is feminism idea inserted into literary works and second feminism idea about literary works written by women and men in the past. (Djajanegara 2000:37).


The existence of modern writers had brought a new image on literature. Those writers are vocal and social power of solidarity to bring social reality to their works. It is not astonished that they have the same theme, topic, and image in order to put the front of the essence of woman, their capacity and intellectuality.

Before those women writers, there are many woman writers that concerns with the existence of women, even in the way of man’s writing, but they have a vocal theme. They use their writing as propaganda fro the woman’s suffrages movement. The writers such as George Eliot or Mary Anna Evans (1819-1880) in ‘The Mill on the Floss’ and ‘Silas Manner’ concerns about woman existence, Elizabeth B. Browning in her narrative poems often citizens the society for being unjust in treating woman and children’ conditions who works in factories. Jane Austin in Bride and Prejudice tries to insert her unmarried life, convincing the society and the interesting lives in it.

Feminism in Literary work in 19th century was mostly about the suffrage movement, the case and the impact, and also about woman’s exploitation, morally, physically, and sexually in patriarchal culture.


Toril Moi in her article ‘Feminist, female, feminine’ (Catherine Fesley and Jan Moore ed, 1987:117-132) divided feminist criticism into two main categories, female criticism and feminine theory. Female criticism was a critic on literary works focusing on woman, female character, then analyzed whether it was feminist or not. Feminine theory concern with the construction of feminists. The presentation was defined as female, written by female writer, feminist writing, which took a discernible and anti-sexist

position, and the last feminine was a writing that have experiences to marginalize by social order.

Analyzing female or male work, feminist might use ideology criticism. It was a type of female criticism. It was a type of female criticism that was addresses to woman, especially feminist reader, to observe the image of woman stereotype I literary works. In order to appreciate female writers, this critic analyzed the misinterpreting on woman and the cause of being regarded in literary criticism. The history of female work, style of writing, theme, genre, and writing structure were parts of its concentration.




In this chapter I would like to analyze the real evidence that showed Mayer covered feminism in his play, even though the feminism was not shown clearly.

I would like to categorize the feminism at this play into three parts, they are:

4.1 Bloody Jack’s opinion of feminism

The explanation from part one which feminism deals with Bloody Jack’s opinion. In this play, Mary Faber is only a poor young orphan. She doesn’t has any family, all her family was died because of the pestilence. She young girl that comes from a middle class, In this term, I would like to find out and show the result of the analysis to the reader. How Jacky Faber struggles to get her independence and her rights. How Jacky Faber can achieve many things in her life. How she gets good education in the last of story, good financial independence, and social status through her own effort.

In this case, I want to analyze L.A. Meyer’s novel, Bloody Jack, which shows us about how Jacky Faber struggles to get her rights, and her independence.


“…..Whyn’t all us girls go off to Missus Tuttle’s to be fine ladies,” says I, Thinkin’ maybe there’d be food there and beds and stuff.”

“….Charlie tells me to shut my silly girly gob, as what do I know about anything in the world…..” (Bloody Jack, 2002:9).

Mary think about that she can became a good lady, but Charlie didn’t agree with Jacky statement, Charlie try to explain with Mary this life is not easy as she knows, because life is so cruel.

Mary has a longed to become the Captain of a fine ship and sail around the world and see the Cathy Cat and the Bengal Rat and gaze upon the Kangaroo, However, Mary longed to become a Captain should be destroyed by the cruelty of life, because she just a poor young orphan she doesn’t has any family, just herself and others young orphan.

“…..I want to be the Captain; I’ll get rich and famous and spend all my money takin’ care of poor miserable orphans…..” (Bloody Jack, 2002:11).

4.2 Unjust treatment for women in Education

The explanation from part two which feminism deals with women’s struggle to have equal rights in education is concerned that woman should have a good education background and skill in various field that could support them in order to get a good job.


When Mary family still life, her father always teaches her to read because by reading she may know about the world and this is also trick to avoid from the bed jobs such as thieving, and running from the police.

“….When the printers on Fleet Street puts up the news sheets and broadsides on the walls outside their shops, we all goes over and I climbs up on Hugh the Grand’s shoulders and I reads what’s put up there.”

“….The people what gather about can’t read for their own selves and they likes it when I does it for them…” (Bloody Jack, 2002:14).

All her friends happy when Mary read that news for them, they all want to know about the news on the walls, and Mary very proud because she is the one that can read in the gang.

As usual, she is working to begging on this corner today, actually she doesn’t want to beg but this just one way to survive in London streets, she looks like a pity girl, and her father never teaches her to begging or stealing money. She hates these jobs.

“…..I hates the beggin’ and I’m scared of the stealin’ and I just want Jesus to come and put me out of my misery….” (Bloody Jack, 2002:16).

Mary always hopes that God come and takes her to meet with her family in paradise, because she believes her family now very happy there.

“…..Charlie, why don’t we just do the readin’ thing? We always makes money at it. I hates the beggin’ so….”(Bloody Jack, 2002: 17).

Mary tries to convince Charlie to stop beg and steal money, Mary really wants to be free from bag and steal money, because that is a contemptible thing to do, She just wants to get many from her ability. Hearing of all Mary words Charlie silent in a while.


“….It’s ‘cause I don’t want ye stolen, is why.” (Bloody Jack, 2002:17) .

Actually, Charlie very proud with Mary because she is a smart girl but, he didn’t want that’s Mary stolen with the other Gang and also the other gang will see her trick to get a penny.

“……And if the big and nasty gang don’t get ye, then one of the printers’d see that ye could be of some use to him and without the bother of an apprentice, ‘cause no girl’s ever n apprentice in the trades….” (Bloody Jack, 2002:18).

In this situation, Mary just keeps all her sufferings in her mind. She always faces many suffering in her life, why her family leaves her alone in this world. No place in this world can accept the poor girl.

“…..Me immortal soul took a beatin’ today as I steals a whole loaf of bread. The beggin’s been real bad lately and we ain’t et in two days and Nancy is poorly..” (Bloody Jack, 2002:25).

Mary should steal some bread in the bakery because they haven’t eaten for two days and also her friends Nancy sick, even though this is hard thing to do for her.

4.3. Lower status of women and man

In this point, Mary wants to grow up her status, Mary makes an important decision in her life after Rooster Charlie the leader of the gang was die because of Muck.


Mary decide to leaves her gang and she has made an important step in her life, she decides to leave everything behind, and she must survive, the most important thing is one should optimistic and must be sure that everything can be better if one struggles to get it. No matter how hard and how difficult is her life. Mary seems enthusiastic to go away from these conditions. Mary sure that in her new place, in Thames, she can begins to find her own identity. Even she has no idea about to live independent. She tries to be a strong girl and she promise that someday she will come back to her gang

“….I’ve got to go on, I’ll come back someday, I will….”(Bloody Jack,2002:33).

In the way to Thames, Mary starts her new life alone. She wants to search her identity. She wants to become Captain. Mary goes to Thames by bringing Charlie knife and his clothe. She changes her name because more easily being a boy than a girl.

“….It’s esier bein’ a boy, ‘cause nobody bothers with you. Like, I couldn’t have gone into that tavern yesterday as a girl ‘cause they would have shouted, “Get out of here, you filthy girl, “while they didn’t say anything when I went in as a filthy boy. My filthy penny was a good as anyone else’s…”

“…It’s easier bein’ a boy cause no one remarks upon me bein’ alone. Lopts of boys aer alone but girls never are. The girls get scooped up into beggin’ and stealin’ gangs, or workhouses, or worse…”

“….It’s easier bein’ a boy cause when someone needs somethin’ done like holdin’ a horse, they’ll always pick a boy because they think the dumbest boy will be better at it than the brightest girl….”

“….It’s easier bein’ a boy, ‘cause I don’t have to look out for no one but me…”

“…I decide my name will be Jack…” (Bloody Jack, 2002:33-34).


“…….I’m feelin’ a great sense of freedom, like a weight’s been lifted from me shoulders, as I’m dartin’ me way down to the docks…..” (Bloody Jack, 2002:34).

At Thames, Physically this is the beautiful place, this place look like open sea, in this place there are so many ships, the ships are Huge and beautiful, Jacky never see this view before. In Thames she’s show the ship is called the Dolphin, from the name carved on its fat end. She thinks to herself about the thought of going to sea.

“…..I sure as hell ain’t got noprospects here, and it’s just as dead you get from starvation, muggin’, or bein’ stepped on by a horse as you get from drownin’ which is of course, the seagoin’ option…” (Bloody Jack, 2002:35).

Jacky believes that someday she will get some troubles because she is passing as a boy, but, so far she had no trouble, maybe the conditions will be changes later and she also can gets the better life than before.

Jacky has decide to follow with this ships, and she also thinks about her ability, impossible they can accept the boy without any ability, and suddenly, she got an idea it is the time to show her ability. Jacky’s hobby of reading very useful now.

“…..Sir!” I yells with all me might. “I can read!” “….Is that so boy? Then what’s the name of this ship?”

“The Dolphin, Sir!” says I, joyfully pointin’ to the name. “It’s writ right back there on the arse end of the boat, Sir, with the fishies!” The mob grumbles in common hatred of me.

“And what does it mean, boy?”


“Very well, boy, you can come aboard, “says the officer..”

“….Then I calms meself and goes on….”A girl what’s born for hangin’ ain’t likely to be drowned….” (Bloody Jack, 2002: 39).

Jacky feels happy and also afraid, but she must change her life in a better condition so after he come back from the sea she can become a better person than before.

In Dolphin ships Jacky has her transition which is the most important moment in one’s life. In transition time, people used to research for everything in order to fill their curiosity whether they got bad or good sample are depended on the people or the environment that have affected them, for in transition human being has a kind of habits for copying what are around them. Jacky also does this in Dolphin. And then, there are two people who affected Jacky’s life mostly. Their aspiration affects Jane to think well about this world and the people. The two people are Mr. Delaney and Mr. Tilden.

Mr. Delaney is pictured as a father, who always cares and loves her son, personally to Jacky. Mr. Tilden is the pictured a good teacher either in her time or in this present time:

“…..Liam Delaney, a name that won’t shame me,” he sings as he guides my clumsy fingers over the rough rope “Line, Jack, line…”. “….Mr. Tilden also tells me about my way of speaking. He says a lad what can. Who can read as well as me shouldn’t talk like a guttersnipe (Bloody Jack, 2002:62-67).

Through this gentle way of teaching, Jacky can begin to understand the world that this is not a kind of violence that she imagines because of the cruelty she has got in London streets. Mr. Delaney also shows Jacky that not all people in this world hate or dislike her. When this people appear to strike her, Mr. Delaney appears to defense her:


Jacky.”….Liam Denaley says: you must to keep away from this boy…”(Bloody Jack,2002:68).

Jacky got a new strength to face the worst thing ahead that she should not be afraid to face cruelty or any desperation. She neither should not be dependent on others, but in the other hand should be independent on herself or she should have bravery.

Besides doing many good things to Jacky; Mr. Delaney is a person that full of care. Jacky feels that the world is not too bad, as she has thought before. Mr. Delaney is one of the most important people in Jacky’s life who have influenced Jacky much especially in Jacky’s transition time and through all those attention, Jacky learns further about being independent, Mr. Delaney also teaches her many things such as singing and dancing. In this ships Jacky also can sew some clothes.

“…..I am good at the sewing and I am prideful about it. I can sew a straight seam and I can cut the shapes out of the whole cloth. “….I practices my pennywhistle and does my sewing, singing and studies, my lessons and grows lazy and sleek…” (Bloody Jack, 2002:86).

Because of Jacky’s ability of sewing this is very useful for her because she able to sew alone her uniform until the Captain giving her a praising and asks her to order the same clothes with the other ship’s boy.

“….Well, Faber. You are well decked out. Where did you get the uniform?”

“I made it. Sir.”


After Jacky finishing all the uniform, suddenly she thinks about her deception, she has been getting away with her deception so far. The first men and boys are used to thinking of females as all pink and white and powdered up, however her tanned brown as a nut, at least the parts of her that show, which is her face, neck, arms, and legs to her knees. Second, she read a lot, she always have a book in the kip. And the third, she has just shown, she can curse as well as any sailor, and the fact, she doesn’t know of what she said. Fourth, she cut her hair as close to her head as she can get it. And usually, most of the girls are all letting their hair grow into the long pigtails like the other swabs. And the last, she has a thin sharp face. And her lips are thin. Actually, Jacky not looks like the true girls since she born, because of that she can deception as a boy.

“…..I’ve done some thinking on why I’ve been getting away with the Deception so far…”In the first place men and boys are used to thinking of females as all pink and white and powdered up. I, however, am tanned, brown as a nut.”

“…second, I read a lot. I always have a book in the kip and I have one next to me right now in the foretop. And girls ain’t expected to be scholars. They are never sent to school.” “…Third, I can curse as well as any sailor. ..”

“..Fourth, I keep my hair cut as close to my head as I can get it…”

“….Fifth, I have a thin sharp face. I’m not all round faced and girlish, and my lips are thin….” (Bloody Jack, 2002:94).

Jacky, always think what should she do, if someday her deception will be known by the Captain, because now she has growth up as fast as she know. And if her deception known by the Captain maybe she will be punished by imprisonment, flogging, or hanging. She remains when the first time she comes on this ship.

“Should you willfully disobey any of those rules or the Articles of War, you will be punished by imprisonment, flogging, or hanging. Do you understand?”


Then Jacky begins to think about her own future, what actually she wants to be and what she wants to do. Then questions have haunted her for quite a long time:

“All I really want is a small ship,” that could carry a respectable cargo and be able to be handled with just a few…”someday I’ll show it…” (Bloody Jack, 2002:136).

Jacky’s own mind has caused her to think about her own ships. Her ships which will bring her to be independent woman who can achieve what she wants, and to be become the Captain of a fine ship and sail around the world and see the Cathy Cat and the Bengal Rat and gaze upon the Kangaroo, and she also thinks about mutiny, she wants to become the brave girl and she just wants to follow what she wants.

“I want to be the Captain of a fine ship and sail around the world and see the Cathy Cat and the Bengal Rat and gaze upon the Kangaroo, which is what I heard some sailors singin’ about over at Bendow’s Tavern one day and it sounded right fine to me, them all happy and singin’ and carefree, it seemed. And I dream of mutiny (Bloody Jack, 2002: 137).

The day past and Jacky has growth as a brave woman. And she always shows that Mr. Jenkins is one of the shipman that often attack by Mr. Bliffil he is one of the person that very cruel on the ship. And she tries to talk to Mr. Jenkins that he must become a brave one. He doesn’t do something to make a better condition around him. This is a kind of the beginning for Jacky to have her own inspirations, to have her own idea.


sir, I know they do, but they got no respect for you ‘cause of Bliffil’s rubbin’ your nose in it every day…”

“What do you think I should d…d..do?”he saysa miserably. “You have got to fight him, Sir. Fight him straight out. You can’t be any more shamed than you are now. If you don’t do somethin’, you’ll lose your commission and live in shame for the rest of your life.”…”right sir, you’ll remember for the rest of your life what Bliffil made you..”

“Your pride, Sir. Your honor. That’s what he made you eat. (Bloody Jack, 2002:149-150).

Jacky always tries to persuade Mr. Jenkins to fight with Mr. Bliffil, and she hopes that Mr. Jenkins aware and changed her mind that she must be strong enough to oppose Mr. Bliffil, and this motivation and decision makes up his own mind and Jacky has gives the great motivation to get a better life and a better future for Mr. Jenkins. And Jacky asks to all her friends to keep the secret and talk about her planning. This is more like fomenting revolution and mutiny.

“….This gets awfully close to mutiny,” and I say,” that’s why I swore you to secrecy, you ninny, and it ain’t really mutiny, it’s more like fomenting revolution..”

“Rebellion to Tyrants Is Obedience to God!”(Bloody Jack, 2002: 152).

And the big event that shows by Mr. Jenkins, after hearing of all Jacky’s words Mr. Jenkins has changed his mind and also aware that Mr. Bliffil must be opposed. He thinks that this is the time to show him what he has done is the bad thing. He doesn’t know very well what he has done with her hands, but he is sure that Bliffil has got his part.

“That’s enough, Bliffil.”

“He goes at Bilffil, head down and fists a’flailin’.


falls against the table, smashing his nose…..” (Bloody Jack, 2002: 167).

Mr. Jenkins has shows his bravery and has gives Mr. Bliffil the important lesson that will never he forget. Jacky also has gives him a great motivation so he can do that show.

“Good show, Sir,” and he’s trying to smile”

I go up and say,” you did it, Sir. I’m so proud of you,” (Bloody Jack, 2002:167).

Jacky learning many lessons from Mr. Tilden and Mr. Delaney, and also Jacky learns from the nature around the ship. Physically Dolphin is a bad place for children but it has made a great influence in Jacky’s life. Jacky has learnt many things there although by going to Dolphin, Jacky can be no more harmed but she has found many things. In this place, Jacky has changed to be more harm. Until, she felt in love with Jaimy her friends on the ship, he is the one boy that she loves on the ship; he comes from a middle class, but not wealthy enough to buy him a commission as a midshipman. And he sent off to sea but couldn’t go as a midshipman but as a ship’s boy. But that is impossible for her because Jaimy know her as a boy not as a girl.

Oh, Jaimy, I want to tell you so bad. (Bloody Jack, 2002: 138).


ship. The decision to leave Dolphin has been made by Jacky without asking anyone. Jacky makes up her own mind and then makes the very important decision in her life. This term shows Jacky has already become a strong woman, an independent woman who has a great motivation to get a better life, a better future. And she already accepts with all the consequences. This motivation and decision are very important. Many people should never dare to take the risk, even though they do it, they should ask for other’s opinion, but Jacky does all of it by herself. Then, Jacky decides to advertise herself to find a job by singing and playing her pennywhistle, many people can speak English there. Jane has eliminated all the conditions in which the status and position of women are low.

“…My plans are in order One day out from Jamaica I will inform Mr. Tilden of my gender and he will tell the first Mate and he will tell the Captain. I will be confined and hopefully not beaten and put off the enxt day. I hope they will give me a little of my pay so I will have a bit of a start and not have to beg right off. I am settled in my mind. I am content…”

“I’ve definitely decided on Kingston Jamaicas as the best as I can do they speak English there….”(Bloody Jack, 2002:165).

Mr. Delaney and Mr. Tilden are two people who affect her so much. She can dig for her independency because these two people has taught her to view this world better, Jacky realizes that she has her own aspiration and also she has a responsibility in her life and be independent woman. Every important step in her life is decided by her own self.

After searching for her own identity on ship, she finds that she never becomes the shipman because she is the girl and the girl cannot be a shipman. She prepared all what she needs in Jamaica she makes her own clothes, and also her sea bags.

“Right now I’ll occupymyself with planningmy future….”(Bloody Jack, 2002:167).


Her decision’s to leave the ship canceled, because she got some trouble on the ship, she has killed Sloat, she do it because she wants to save herself from Sloat, until she take her knife and stabbed him by her knife. Well, actually she doesn’t mean like that she just want to prick him and to keep herself from Sloat.

“…..I pulls me shiv back out of his gut, and he roars and stands up and looks at the bloodstain growin’ on his shirt. I only meant to prick him a bit to get him off of me, that’s all I wanted….” (Bloody Jack, 2002:171).

All her planning must be canceled because of Sloat and Jacky now in trouble, at the first, Liam is one person that has killed Sloat, but Jacky cannot see her Dad on the ship, Liam Delaney always make a good things for her and now he must accused for something that never he done before and she doesn’t want her father to be treated because of her. Finally, Jacky must tell the truth to the Captain.

“I was the one what did it, Sir,” I wails, me hands up and prayin’ and the tears gushin’ out o’ me eyes. “He was on me and he had his hand a cross me mouth so I couldn’t call for help and he wouldn’t get up and he’s so heavy and he was kissin’ me and I couldn’t breath…”

“….See, Sir it warn’t Liam, it was me and I’m sorry, Sir, I’m sorry..” (Bloody Jack, 2002:174).


morning the Captain has made decision and Jacky has got her freedom, she feels happy, and she promise in the bottom of her heart she will be more carefully to save herself. Jacky has shows that she has a bravery to speak her trouble in front of the Captain. It means Jacky has confident herself to show all the people on the ship that she just want to save herself from Sloat.

“We find that you Faber, acted in self-defense and therefore are to go free, but it is the hope of this court-martial that your night in confinement will be a lesson to you…” (Bloody Jack, 2002:180).

Then, Jacky has got many lesson from this tragedy she must to be careful. And then her planning to begin a new life and a better life canceled. After this tragedy all her friends comes to her and asks her to forgive all their mistakes. And the one factors she canceled her planning to leaves this ship is because of Jaimy, Jaimy knows that Jacky is a girl, Jacky tells the truth to Jaimy because she thinks this is the best moment to tell the truth to Jaimy.

“…I sit back down and resume sewing. “What’s the matter, Jaimy? Ain’t-cha never seen a girl?”

“What are we going to do, Jacky?” he asks, all stupid.

I get to my feet. I face him, square on. “well, Jaimy,” I says,” you can kiss me, if you love me…”(Bloody Jack, 2002:186).


“We have to be very careful because now I don’t want to be put off the ship, not now, and though I know that I’m soon to be caught, I just want as much as I can get right here right now with Jaimy, and that’s all I’m thinkin’ ..”I know we’ve got to be wary, just a little clutch and a kiss me quick here and there…” (Bloody Jack, 2002:189).

Jacky feels happy because now she can spend all her time with Jaimy, and she has promise that she must be the good one in this relationship because she’s the one with sense. Her brain is in her head, so she must make a good decision in their relationship.

“…I don’t know exactly how a lady conducts herself in matters such as these, but I have a strong suspicion that I could have handled it in a more dignified fashion…..” (Bloody Jack, 2002:212).

After all her happiness, they soon meet LeFievre, a pirate, at sea. There is a battle, but LeFievre gets away, and the Dolphin is damaged and sinking but men are at the pumps pumping out water, but land is sighted, and they stop there. Davy learns of Jacky's true identity when he discovers her and Jaimy curled up in a hammock together. In this hard situation, Jacky just smile with Davy and She faces this slowly. Jacky cannot save her identity anymore.

“Davy….swear that you will never tell a soul about this. At least not yet.”. “……….All right, you sods, “he hisses, “I swears I won’t tell no one I caught the both of you in disgustin’ mortal sin for which you’ll roast in Hell forever..”


Jacky life seems so difficult it is too hard for a young girls like her, but she must do her duty she must be responsible person, she has choose this way. Jacky also knows exactly that she does not like this situation. But she must do it because the Captain said that her status will be increase from the ship’s boy becomes the Midshipman Jacky Faber after she touch the ground.

“And, Faber “continues the Captain, all beaming in his countenance, “When next you touch the ground, it shall be as Midshipman Jacky Faber.” (Bloody Jack, 2002:234).

But Jacky always believes to God, and he will help her most of time, because she always believes that god always save her and never left her alone. She just faces all her suffering and hopes that god always stay beside her.

“…..I just asks one thing, please God help me….” (Bloody Jack 2002:237).

After she lands on an unknown Island she tries to survive there and makes some planning fro the next day, Mr. Tilden has gives her many science so she founds some pants that Tilly pointed out as the right one to eat.

“After some thought, I decide that I’ll make the signal fire down on the beach itself…” (Bloody Jack, 2002: 248).

After thought for a few days she decides to makes signal fire, because of that the way of the weather will erase the ashes so there won’t be any sign of it afterward for cannibals and such to see. Jacky just wait until the best moment comes to make a signal fire.


believes that her signal fire can be success. The kind of woman wouldn’t get the important thing as Jacky has. That is independence. It will teach everybody not depend their life to others, but a woman must stand on her own feet independently.

“I gather more wood and this time I also gather some smelly wet seaweed that’s tossed up on the shore, for making smoke when I do finally light it off (Bloody Jack, 2002:254).

After a few days a boat crew from the Dolphin comes to rescue her and she finds out that LeFievre and his pirates are on the island with her and waiting to ambush the rescue crew. She tries to lead the rescue crew away Jacky has no energy anymore to oppose him. She always tries to save herself from LeFievre. Jacky feels so tired until the pirates catch her and hold her for hanging and money.





It is a true feminism when a woman is brave to decide what the best decision in her life is and walk through it. Feminism idea is for the recognition of the woman’s right, how woman struggles to get the equality rights with certain differences of woman and man nature. Woman actually makes a decision based on their feeling, so they must have a bravery to struggle for what they want not based on their feeling but based on her mind. They must be able to decide what the best thing for their life although they must take it themselves, without asking others. As long as it is good for their life, they can do it and believe it a best decision for their life. Nobody can influence their life, they have their own life. For man’s readers, they are expected to know that woman has the same right as the man has. They must respect woman and don’t see woman as a weak people.


independence to become a valuable thing and a valuable treasure to face anything in this world and the last one is God’s blessing.


By analyzing this novel, I find that Jacky Faber is the picture of woman in this present life. Confidence on our own self is needed to survive in this hard world and to get what we want to get a better life.

This novel can be read by everyone. After reading this novel, woman must know that their life is meaningful. I suggest to all the writers of literary wok, it is very important to expose the same topic related to this play so that can be a moral teaching indirectly that society must change their treatment toward women.

It considers that what people have read from a play must bring us some advantages. Jacky Faber as a victim of circumstances must put as a benevolent lesson in order not to do the same fault in the future.



Edwards, Louis and Mina Roces.1986. Women in Asia. Australia. National Library of Australia

Endaswara, Suwandi.2003. Metodologi Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta: Med Press Fauto, Sterling Anne. 1985. Myths of Gender. New York: United States of America Matthews, Glenna. 1992. The Rise of Public Woman. New York: Oxford University Meyer, L.A. 2002. Bloody Jack. Jakarta: PT. Serambi Ilmu Semesta

Munshi, Shoma.2001. Images of The Modern Woman in Asia. Britain: British Library Soekardjo, M. Harmiel. 2001.Pembangunan Berperspektif Gender. Jakarta: Dian Rakyat Taylor, Richard. 1981. Understanding The Elements of Literature. New York: Macmillan

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Walters, William A.W. and Michael W. Ross. 1986. Transsexualism and Sex Reassignmnet. Melbourne: Oxford University




L.A. Meyer was born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania and currently lives in Chorea, Maine. Since 1984, he and his wife have owned an art gallery called Clair de Loon in Bar Harbor, where they sell matted and framed prints of his artwork.

He begin writing in the early 1970s, he wrote and illustrated two children’s books one of them, The Gypsy Bears, was not bad, but the other one was totally forgettable, he was graduate students at Boston University at the time, getting his master’s degree in painting. About that same time she wrote along teen novel concerning the little French girl who posed for Edgar Degas’ sculpture The Little Dancer, Aged Fourteen. Mercifully, that manuscript was not published, but the experienced did teach him just what goes into constructing a novel.

He married his college sweetheart, Annetje Lawrence; in 1966. Annetje is someone who sparked the idea for Bloody Jack. And they have a small gallery in Bar Harbor, Maine. There they sell quite a few prints of his artwork, and each print has to be matted and framed and he used to be the one that to do it. While the work was gratifying- people were buying his artwork, after all-it was repetitive and his mind was free to wander. They have two sons, Matthew and Nathaniel. Like their father, both men are painters and teachers. Their mother was also a teacher before dedicating herself to the family's businesses and researching historical points for her husband's novels.


when the host plays a long string of early nineteenth century songs featuring young girls dressing up as boys and following their boyfriends out sea. The best known of these songs are” Jackaroe” and “Canadee-i-o.” these musical stories generally end up happily marrying either the boy or the captain. It occurred to him to wonder what it would be like if the girl, instead of seeking to be with her lover, connives to get on board a British warship just to eat regularly and have a palace to stay, she is being a starving orphan in the streets of London’s slums in the late 1700s. What would she have to do to pull off this deception over a long time period of time? How would she handle the “necessary things”? Further, what if she goes through puberty while on board ad in the company of 408 rather rough men? Worse, what if she ahs no clue what is happening to her? And finally, what if the girl falls in love with one of the other ship’s boys yet can never tell him of her female nature and her affection for him?. He started making notes, and seven months later Bloody Jack was done.

The events in Bloody Jack take place primarily aboard an eighteenth-century British warship. Before tell this story Mayer has doing some research, he has read a lot of books concerning the British navy during the Napoleonic Wars-his favorites being the Horatio Hornblower series by C.S. Forester and Patrick O’Brian Aubrey-Maturin series. Hw was a naval officer during the Vietnam War, and that helped too.


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Skripsi ini disusun untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat dalam menempuh ujian akhir Program Studi S1 Keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan di Universitas Muhammadiyah

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk anorganik (NPK) dosis 300kg/ha nyata meningkatkan serapan nitrogen pada tanaman, pemberian pupuk organik (pukan ayam)

• Pengalaman kurang menyenangkan menyebabkan subjek semakin teguh untuk menjalani proses pengobatan bagi putrinya • Identifikasi terhadap orangtua lain yang berhasil

Demikian pengumuman ini kami sampaikan sebagai bahan untuk diketahui, atas perhatiannya diucapkan banyak terima kasih. Tanggal, 26

Apabila terdapat tetesan yang keluar, sensor akan mendeteksi dan akan mengirimkan sinyal ke mikrokontroler dan diproses di dalam mikrokntroler, selanjutnya