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Desain Kemasan Bahan Penyegar Berbasis Kansei Engineering Dan Sikap Konsumen Kasus Pada Teh Bubuk Hitam Ctc


Academic year: 2017

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Hereby, I declare that the thesis entitled Packaging Design of Natural Beverage Based on Kansei Engineering and Customer Attitudes: A Case in CTC Black Tea Powder is my own work under supervision of Dr Eng Ir Taufik Djatna, MSi and Dr Endang Warsiki, STP, MSi. It has never previously been published in any university. All of incorporated originated references from other published as well as unpublished papers are stated clearly in the text as well as in the reference list.

Hereby, I delegate that the copyright to this paper is transferred to Bogor Agricultural University.



WENNY DWI KURNIATI. Desain Kemasan Bahan Penyegar Berbasis Kansei Engineering dan Sikap Konsumen: Kasus pada Teh Bubuk Hitam CTC. Dibimbing oleh TAUFIK DJATNA dan ENDANG WARSIKI.

Produk teh bubuk hitam CTC merupakan salah satu produk olahan teh yang memiliki pangsa pasar yang besar untuk dapat dinikmati oleh konsumen. Pada penelitian ini, pendekatan affective design berbasis Hybrid Kansei Engineering System (HKES) diaplikasikan untuk mengembangkan desain kemasan teh bubuk hitam CTC. HKES terdiri dari dua sistem diantaranya adalah Forward KES (FKES) dan Backward KES (BKES). Sistem ini dapat membantu desainer dalam mengembangkan kemasan baru dan membantu konsumen untuk memilih desain kemasan yang paling sesuai. Analisis sikap konsumen menggunakan model Fishbein digunakan untuk memilih desain kemasan terbaik menurut konsumen. Inovasi kemasan mampu memberikan harapan kepada konsumen sehingga terjadi peluang keputusan pembelian konsumen. Peluang dan pengaruh keputusan pembelian konsumen dianalisis menggunakan logistik binomial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, antara lain: (1) mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi kata Kansei sebagai elemen desain kemasan, (2) menyusun desain kemasan teh bubuk hitam CTC terpilih berdasarkan analisis sikap konsumen, (3) mengukur besar pengaruh desain kemasan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen, dan (4) mengevaluasi aspek desain kebutuhan konsumen.

Proses FKES dilakukan dengan menganalisis kata Kansei menggunakan metode Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) dan menghasilkan 35 kata Kansei. Selanjutnya kata-kata tersebut dievaluasi oleh 30 orang responden menggunakan skala Semantic Differential (SD). Di sisi lain, dari 25 sampel produk yang telah dikumpulkan, telah teridentifikasi memiliki 8 elemen desain kemasan. Metode Quantification Theory Type 1 (QTT-1) digunakan untuk mengkuantifikasi hubungan antara kata Kansei dengan elemen desain kemasan. Berdasarkan analisis QTT-1, didapatkan kata kuat sebagai model desain kemasan yang sesuai dengan preferensi konsumen. Model kuantifikasi dari desain kemasan teh bubuk hitam CTC, selanjutnya dibuat tiga contoh sketsa desain kemasan.

Proses BKES dilakukan dengan memilih sketsa desain kemasan terbaik menurut konsumen berdasarkan analisis sikap konsumen menggunakan model Fishbein. Hasil dari model Fishbein, desain kemasan ketiga dipilih sebagai desain kemasan terbaik dengan model bentuk tutup kurva cembung bergerigi, bentuk badan silinder, lebar dan transparan, memiliki berat bersih berukuran sedang (100-500 gr), memiliki latar warna yang gelap, tema labelnya adalah teh bubuk dan jenis tulisannya tidak resmi (custom). Hasil analisis logistik binomial menunjukkan bahwa kemasan yang mampu melindungi produk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen dan berpeluang tujuh kali lebih tinggi untuk dibeli oleh konsumen. Secara umum, dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa desain kemasan yang kuat dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan kemasan plastik atau gelas.



WENNY DWI KURNIATI. Packaging Design of Natural Beverage Based on Kansei Engineering and Customer Attitudes: A Case in CTC Black Tea Powder. Supervised by TAUFIK DJATNA and ENDANG WARSIKI.

CTC black tea powder is one of the tea products which has a large market share to be relished by consumers. In this study, affective design approach based on Hybrid Kansei Engineering System (HKES) was applied to develop a new packaging of CTC black tea powder. HKES consists of two systems which are Forward KES (FKES) and Backward KES (BKES). This system was useful for the designer to develop a new packaging and the consumers to choose the best packaging design. Analysis of customer attitudes based on Fishbein model was used to select the best packaging chosen by customers. The innovation of packaging can influence in buying decisions. The influences and opportunities of customer purchasing decisions were analyzed using binomial logistic regression. This research aimed to (1) identifying and evaluating Kansei word as packaging design element, (2) recommending a selected packaging design based on customer attitudes, (3) measuring the influence of packaging design to customer purchasing decisions, and (4) evaluating design aspects of customer requirements.

FKES process has been done analyzed using Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), and obtained the thirty five Kansei words. Furthermore these words were evaluated by thirty respondents using Semantic Differential (SD) scale. On the other hand, from twenty five samples packaging collected, were identified and it has eight packaging design elements. Quantification Theory Type 1 (QTT1) method was used to quantify the relationship between Kansei words and packaging design elements. The result showed that the strong word as a model of packaging design by customer preferences. From this method, the quantification of the packaging design for CTC black tea powder was obtained, then three sketches of packaging design has been made. The best sketches of packaging design has been selected based on customer attitudes and it was analyzed using Fishbein model.

BKES process has been done analyzed using Fishbein model. The results from Fishbein model has obtained the third packaging design is the best packaging design, it was a jaggy convex curve as top shape, the body shape is cylinder, wide and transparent, with medium nett size (100-500 gr), background color is chromaticity color, tea powder image, and the typography is custom. Binomial logistic regression analysis showed that the best packaging design was able to protect their products and significantly influenced in customer purchase decisions and has opportunity as much as seven times higher to be purchased. In general, the results showed that customer prefered a strong packaging either it can be made from glass or plastic material.


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as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the Agroindustrial Technology Study Program










Thesis Title : Packaging Design of Natural Beverage Based on Kansei Engineering and Customer Attitudes: A Case in CTC Black Tea Powder

Name : Wenny Dwi Kurniati Student ID : F351140011

Approved by Supervisor

Dr Eng Ir Taufik Djatna, MSi Supervisor

Dr Endang Warsiki, STP, MSi Co-supervisor

Acknowledge by

Head of Agroindustrial Technology Study Program

Prof Dr Ir Machfud, MS

Dean of Graduate School

Dr Ir Dahrul Syah, MScAgr

Examination date: November 11th, 2016



I would like to say thanks to Allah SWT for all His gifts so that this research is successfully completed. The theme chosen in the research which conducted starting December 2015 up to July 2016 is Kansei Engineering, with entitled Packaging Design of Natural Beverage Based on Kansei Engineering and Customer Attitudes: A Case in CTC Black Tea Powder.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr Eng Ir Taufik Djatna MSi as my supervisor for his support and encouragement during my study in Bogor Agricultural University, to Dr Endang Warsiki STP MSi as co-supervisor for her advice and supervision during the thesis work, and also to Prof Dr Ir Machfud MS as study program representation and Dr Nugraha Edhi Suyatma STP DEA as external examiner for their advice during thesis examination as well as one of my experts in this study. Additionally, I would like to thanks directorate general of higher education Indonesia as a sponsorship of my magister study. Then, I would like to say many thanks to Dr Ir Ade Iskandar MSi and Dr Ir Sugiarto MSi as the experts of this research for their advice, support, and encouragement in this research.

I would like to say many thanks to my family, Sudarsono, Etty Nur Hindayati, Any Ismayawati, Goeroeh Anton Widodo, Kholifatul Karomah for their true and endless love for never failing patience and encouragement. And also I would like to thanks to all lecturers and staff of Agroindustrial Technology Department, all of my colleagues, especially my best friend Fitri Muslimah, Dian Novitasari, Hartami Dewi, Rezki Septiany, Nur Yuliana, Ani Wiji Rahayu, my colleagues in Computer Laboratory of Agroindustrial Technology Department Rohmah Luthfiyanti, Iwan Aang, Zaki, Yoga, Rahmawati, Azri Firwan, Idel, Ihsan, Imam, Denny, Hety, Novi, Harfebi, Atika FR, Nurlela and Angga, all of my colleagues in Agroindustrial Technology 2014 and 2015, Soetjipto Family, and all of my colleagues in Wisma Melati, for their support. It has been a pleasure to work and sharing with you.

Hopefully this thesis is useful.







Background 1

Problems Statement 2

Objectives 3

Benefits 3

Boundaries 3


Kansei Engineering 4

Customer Attitudes 5

Customer Needs 6


Research Period and Location 7

Research Framework 7

Technique Data Collection and Data Analysis 9

Identification and evaluation of Kansei words 9

Evaluation of packaging design 10

Influence of packaging and opportunity on purchasing decision 11


Identify and Evaluate the Kansei Words 12

Kansei words identification 12

Packaging design element identification 14

Kansei words evaluation 15

Packaging design concept generation 16

Packaging Design Evaluation by Customer Attitudes 18 The most important of design element selection 18

Packaging design selection 19

Influence Customer Attitudes of Packaging and its Opportunity

on Purchasing Decision 22

Customer purchase decisions 22

Influence customer attitudes of packaging and its opportunity

on purchasing decisions 23

Design Aspects of Customer Needs Evaluation 23

Advantage and Disadvantage 25


Conclusion 26

Recommendation 26






1 Result of calculation characteristics tea powder 13

2 Result of calculation Kansei words 13

3 Identification the packaging design element of tea powder 14

4 Classification of packaging design element 15

5 The result (R2) of QTT-1 analysis 16

6 Value of category grade and PCC each design elements 17 7 Design elements for the strong packaging design 17 8 Result of customer attitudes analysis toward each packaging design 20

9 Distribution of customer purchase decision 22

10 Analysis of binomial logistic influence on purchasing decision 23 11 Customer needs for CTC black tea powder packaging 24


1 A scheme of HKES 4

2 A hierarchy of customer needs (Jordan 2000) 6

3 Research method flowchart 8

4 Example of SD questionnaire with 7-point scale 9

5 The result of eigenvalue 19

6 Variables factor map (PCA) 19

7 Sketches of packaging design (I) (II) (III) 20

8 Representation 2D shape of packaging design 21



1 Determination of characteristic product, packaging design and Kansei

words collection questionnaire 30

2 Product sample collection 34

3 Assessment of Kansei word evaluation questionnaire 38 4 Assessment of packaging design elements questionnaire 40 5 Assessment of customer attitudes and purchasing decisions towards

the product questionnaire 42

6 Product and packaging knowledge, and packaging material

selection questionnaire 45

7 The result of TF-IDF method for characteristics of tea powder 48 8 The result of TF-IDF method for packaging design 49 9 The result of Kansei word evaluation 50 10 The result of packaging design elements assessment 53

11 The result of PCA 54

12 The result of customer attitudes analysis toward the first packaging design 55 13 The result of customer attitudes analysis toward the second packaging design 56 14 The result of customer attitudes analysis toward the third packaging design 57 15 The result of binomial logistic regression analysis using SPSS 58 16 The result of product and packaging knowledge, and packaging





Natural beverage such as tea, coffee and chocolate could stimulate the nerve response to be more active and gives fresh effect to the consumer. The production, export and consumption volume of tea in Indonesia was decrease for the last 5 years and it is forecasted to be continously decline for the few year ahead. The production volume of tea in Indonesia was decrease from 156 901 tons in 2010 to 143 751 tons in 2014 (BPS 2015). Products based on tea has a very large spectrum as refreshing, stimulating, thirst-quencing and nourishing drink by consumers. The products is ranging from dried tea leaves, tea bags, instant tea (RTD tea) and tea powder. The development of economics and changes in people's lifestyles have made the consumption patterns changed on their way to consumpt the tea product. The tea consumption volume also decreased, from 151 000 tons in 2010 to 132 000 tons in 2014 (BPS 2015). However, among many kind tea products, CTC (crushing, tearing, curling) black tea powder is the most famous and mostly dominant produce in Indonesia. The poor packaging appearance, and the lack of development and marketing of the tea products were made this product can’t to compete with the existing market. CTC black tea powder would have different characteristics. So, it is necessary to identify what the product and customer requirement to support marketing and compete with the existing products. An alternative packaging design is one of the solutions to solve these problems. Packaging become a useful tool for marketing of comfort for capture interest customers and gains a competitive or competitive advantage.

Generally, CTC black tea powder in Indonesia is still packed in simple package that uses such a paper and plastic material. This package is unproper to the characteristics of the tea powder. Packaging has an important role in maintaining and protecting the quality of the product, for example to keep the flavor of tea remains good along storage and transportation. On the other hand, identifying the requirement and customer needs is important to be known precisely because both of them will influence in designing and developing a new packaging. It is an opportunity to make improvements in terms of the appearance of packaging design and packaging quality, thus indirectly will result in increased preference, pleasure and satisfaction of customers. Nowadays, customers are strict to choose the products in terms of demand, needs, and preferences, thus product development is a process in a company should produce attractive and favored products. Emotions feelings, creativity and innovative aspect are key to improve customer acceptance of products (Jiao et al. 2006).


stimuli contained in the atmosphere of a situation. Kansei Engineering (KE) is a product development method that translates customer impression such as like or dislike, good or bad, and so on (Peter and Oalson 2005) into product design specification (Nagamachi 2011). In order to fill the shortages of previous methods to design product, the Hybrid Kansei Engineering System (HKES) was introduced by Matsubara and Nagamachi (1997) which aimed to generate product design according to consumers affective responses (ARs). Since subjective human feelings are often very complex and might be conflicting with each other, product design system based on single affective response (SAR) of consumers can not easily generate suitable product while considering multiple affective responses (MARs) simultaneously. Until now, very few studies of HKES have emerged in the literature. According to Nagamachi and Lokman (2011), the products are made according to the preferences and needs of customers will generate customer satisfaction so that customers will decide to choose and buy the product. In this research, HKES was applied on packaging of CTC black tea powder by identifying customer needs implicitly relate to packaging design specification. The HKES is consists of two system, there are Forward KES (FKES) and Backward KES (BKES). In the forward approach, the contents of the data bases gathered in the information phase are essentially the words coming from consumers and has evaluated using TF-IDF method, and design elements has evaluated using QTT-1 method. In the backward approach, the evaluation of customer attitudes results were evaluated using Fishbein model.

According to Sumarwan (2004), attitude is an expression of feelings about the object whether consumers like it or not, and also describes the attitude of consumer confidence in the various attributes of such objects. Attitudes are statements or evaluative judgments relating to an object, person or an event. Meanwhile according to Schiffman and Kanuk (2008) attitude is a learned tendency to behave in a way that pleasant or unpleasant to a particular object. There is general agreement that the attitudes of this research, such an attitude is related to purchasing decision.

Multiattribute attitude model or Fishbein model is helpful to determine the relationship between the customer knowledge about a product and customer attitudes toward the product in accordance with the characteristics or attributes of the product concerned. The attitudes was measured applying the expectancy value model (Fishbein 1983), where beliefs were asked directly and the attributes to be considered in the calculation, as well as the importance of each attribute obtained. As a new product, packaging innovation is expected to fit with customer expectations. When an innovative product capable of presenting customer expectations then the opportunities will be greater to customer purchase decisions (Boone et al. 2006).

Problems Statement


1. How to identify the CTC black tea powder packaging design elements which are relate to the new design concept generation?

2. How is packaging design concept based on customer attitudes?

3. How is the influence customer attitudes to packaging design on purchasing decisions?

4. What is customer needs to CTC black tea powder package?


Based on described proposed problem above, there are three main objectives formulated in this research as follows to:

1. Identify and evaluate the Kansei words

2. Recommend a selected packaging design based on customer attitudes

3. Measure the influence and opportunity customer attitudes to packaging design on purchasing decisions

4. Evaluate design aspects of customer requirements


The benefits of this research is to (1) provide recommendations of packaging design pleasurable based on customer to manufacturer who wants to develop CTC black tea powder, and (2) provide the information related to the new design concept generation. Moreover, the result of this research is expected to give the information to assist product designer to develop packaging of CTC black tea powder in order to fulfill customer subjective preferences.


In order to concentrate for solution, there were several boundaries in this research as follows:

1. The object research is CTC black tea powder with a focus on customer needs based on HKES

2. The sampling of respondents performed on thirty respondents chosen by purposive sampling were located in Bogor




protection for consumption in the safe at a certain time and marketing functions. The food product character gives dimension to packaging functionality.

Kansei Engineering

Kansei engineering (KE) is a technology that translates the Kansei, or images, that consumers have in their minds regarding product designs (Nagamachi 2015). KE using this approach is called forward Kansei engineering. There are two methods in hybrid Kansei engineering (HKE), forward and backward. The hybrid Kansei engineering system (HKES) is in fact a kind of expert system for product design which can be used to model the needs of consumers and facilitate the industrial designers to develop product designs more efficiently (Yang CC 2011). A scheme of HKES by Matsubara and Nagamachi (1997) is shown in Figure 1. HKES is consists of two sub-systems, namely forward Kansei engineering system (FKES) and backward Kansei engineering system (BKES). FKES can not work without BKES. Furthermore, the combined computerized system of the Forward and Backward KES would be a more powerful supporting tool for both consumer and designer.

Figure 1 A scheme of HKES (Matsubara and Nagamachi 1997)

It can be observed that the studies such as Hsiao and Liu (2004), Hsiao and Tsai (2005), and Tsai and Chou (2007) follow the similar scheme proposed by Nagamachi (1995) regardless of the detailed implementations. However, the author’s interpretation of HKES is slightly different from the original concept of Nagamachi (1995). In their ideas, FKES is used to search product alternatives which satisfying the consumer’s preference while BKES is used to evaluate the packaging alternatives. Since the predictive ability of BKES relies on the AR data gather from the subjects (consumers or designers) to evaluate the collected product samples, the applications of BKES not only can be used to predict the designer’s intents but is also very useful for modeling AR of consumers. The optimized product alternatives obtained by FKES depend on whether the AR data of the consumers or the designers is used. In this study, FKES was analyzed with TF-IDF and QTT-1 method and BKES was analyzed with customer attitudes assessment using Fishbein model. There exist various methods which can be used to construct the prediction model in BKES, regarding it as a regression or function estimation problem.


packaging design (Wei et al. 2011), automobile head-up display (Smith and Fu 2011), shampoo packaging design (Archam et al. 2013), and aromatherapy mixture composition (Djatna and Santosa 2014). These research have been used Quantification Theory Type 1 (QTT-1) to synthesize the Kansei design concept and product design element. Currently, QTT-1 method is usually used in KE research (Nagamachi 2011) due to its simplicity and its effectiveness related to generate the linear model of design which represents the optimum combination of product design element and the level of design element affection refers to customer subjective preference. In this research, QTT-1 method were used to generate the quantification model of packaging design for each design element. Based on the model generated from QTT-1 method, the new design combination were generated which is represented. From the result, a design support information would be proposed to give the recommendation about optimum design element combination of the packaging design of CTC black tea powder. This would be useful information for designer to develop the product especially for CTC black tea powder packaging in the market.

Customer Attitudes

Attitude theories illustrate that customer attitudes towards a product will affect customer behavior or action against these products, marketers need to know the attitude of customers towards the products it markets, and then formulate strategies to influence customer attitudes. In the consumer behavior context, multiattribute attitude models used to predict consumer choice in multiple criteria decision making situations have produced mixed results. More specifically, attitude refers to knowledge and positive or negative feelings about an object or activity (Pride and Ferrell 1991) and can also be seen as an overall evaluation that expresses how much we like or dislike toward an object, issue, person or action (Solomon 2004).

Companies are adopting different techniques to compete with each other and to capture the customer in market. One of the most popular techniques is packaging. Most of the customers are attracted by product packaging. Ranjbarian et al. (2012) stated in his research that packaging is becoming effective tool to capture the consumer purchase decision. Rundh (2005), describes that packaging can attract consumer attention towards the product and it can influence the consumer perception about that particular product. Once a consumer is attracted towards your products there are many possibilities that he may purchase your product. According to Schoell (1985), packaging has both positive and negative impact on your product either it can improve your product image or it can be a cause of your product failure. Ferrell et al. (1987), describes in their researches that when consumer are going to purchase product most of the decisions are made at the spot.


Customer Needs

According to Jordan (2000) claimed that a new approach to human factors is about fitting products to people in a holistic manner, because the usability quality of the relationship between people and products depends on more than simply product but pleasure factors of customers. Taking the idea of a hierarchy of needs and applying it to human factors, the model illustrated in Figure 2 is proposed by Jordan (2000). It is intended to reflect the way that the contribution of human factors to product design might be seen either explicitly or implicitly by both manufacturers and those who buy and use their products.

Figure 2 A hierarchy of customer needs (Jordan 2000)

Human beings are never satisfied because if a pleasure is reached, other desires are going to appear to take the previous one place (Jordan 2003). The adaptation to design of hierarchy of customer needs has three levels, which are functionality (level 1), usability (level 2) and pleasure (level 3). Design functionality of tea powder packaging design is customer’s most fundamental need especially CTC black tea powder, then design usability requirement is how easy to use and deploy. Design pleasurability is expectation for product that are not only functionality but also emotional, in this case how far this CTC black tea powder fulfill its refreshenership. Levels are only available if the previous one is fulfilled. So, once levels 1 and 2 are fulfilled, it will be time to start with the last one, which looks for the pleasurable aspects of the product. Pleasure is a wide term, which includes a lot of aspects. For that reason, characteristics related to pleasure will be divided into the 4 pleasures that Patrick Jordan describes in his book. These are physio-pleasures, socio-pleasures, psycho-pleasures and ideo-pleasures. Below it can be read a brief description of each kind of pleasure, taken from (Jordan 2003).

- Physio-pleasure. Pleasures derived from the sensory organs, connected with touch, taste and smell as well as feelings of sensual pleasure. Physiopleasure applied to a material product would have relation with tactile, eyesight and olfactory properties. Physio-pleasure will help to achieve a good interaction, between product and customer, during the product’s use.

- Socio-pleasure. Pleasures derived from relationships with other people. It means relationships with friends, colleagues or like-minded people. Socio-pleasure could help to solve problems related to discrimination or racism, creating common interests and activities for example. This is something that a packaging cannot do directly, but it can drive to situations where different people share their time. - Psycho-pleasures. Pleasures derived from the emotional responses that people


to control because it depends on each human’s mind. In this case, psycho-pleasure is destined to bring good feeling to customers when they meet the product. - Ideo-pleasures. In the context of product, these pleasures would relate to the

product’s aesthetic. Values and beliefs would also be included in this section. Ideo-pleasure is the last step to achieve a pleasurable product and it also means that previous desires have been reached.

Pleasure-based approaches are about really understanding people and respecting and about designing products that can bring a real joy into people’s lives. Now, in recent years, the success of a well-designed product not only depends on the functional requirements alone. Pleasurable need has four types of concepts:

physical, psychological, social, and ideological (Jordan 2000). The customers psychological needs i.e. perceptual and emotional experiences also need to be fulfilled (Sharma et al. 2013). On the other hand, Kartasasmita (2014) doing business development of Bogor pickled by creating packaging innovative more safe, practical, hygienic, informative to meet usability needs of customer. Sari and Djatna (2015) research on the design of pickles packaging that focus on the pleasure needs based on Kansei Engineering.



Research Period and Location

This research was conducted from December 2015 to July 2016. The samples of CTC black tea powder packaging were collected in both domestic and International market. The survey activities were conducted at Bogor. Data analysis was computed at Computer Laboratory of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor.

Research Framework

This study used a methodology of Kansei word to map customer perception to the packaging design, then developed a new packaging design based on the analysis of customer attitudes. The first step was to collect the Kansei words related to packaging design through questionnaires, then reduced the Kansei words using the Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) method. Furthermore, by collecting of samples tea powder package from both domestic and international markets, they were identified for the design elements by compairing the package samples.


to purchase decisions of this product. Binomial regression analysis was used in this study to estimate the probability or chance of a purchasing decisions and the factors that significantly influence purchasing decisions.

The research framework was designed in parallel form to solve the problem which beginning from problem definition, research objectives, methodology, result discussion, and conclusion. The methodology was designed to accomplish the research objectives. In this research, R language version 3.1.3 (Ihaka and Gentleman 2015) was used as a tool of data processing and the SPSS software version 16.0 was used to statistical analysis. The framework detail and process of the research method was represented in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Research method flowchart

In this research, generally, based on respondents, hypothetical data were used to generate the quantification packaging design elements. Meanwhile in order to generate the quantification and selection the packaging, three questionnaires were used to acquire the data related to packaging development based on Kansei engineering and customer attitudes.


Figure 4 Example of SD questionnaire with 7-point scale

Nagasawa (2002) claimed that physiological measures, which are measures of physiological responses, attitudes, and body expressions generated by “external stimulation”, while psychological measures is the semantic differential scales method (SD method). The Semantic Differential introduce by Osgood et al. in 1957. Osgood uses 7 point SD scales gathering for evaluation. SD scales are a political instrument for measuring the affective impact of political streams on the citizen’s mind. This tool can also be used in a modified version for product development.

Technique Data Collection and Data Analysis

Identification and evaluation of Kansei words

Identification of product design is the initial phase to develop the packaging design. In this paper, we identify the characteristics of tea powder that customer wants and packaging design of tea powder product in order to understand the design elements. In this paper determined the attributes of packaging design based on Kansei words in order to obtain correct to design the packaging especially for tea powder. The Kansei words (KW) were derived from the collecting questionnaires (see Appendix 1) by 30 respondents. Then the KW was extracted and grouping them by using Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) method that is one of the methods of text mining. From this, representative KW were finally chosen and become the characteristics of tea powder that customer wants and the strategies of packaging design based on KW which is first step to answer the first objective in this paper.

TF-IDF is a statistic method that is intended to reflect how important a word is to a document in a collection. It is a way to score the importance of words (or "terms") in a KW based on how frequently they appear across multiple questionnaires. The following (1) common variant was used in our experiments:

= × � ( |�| / �) (1) Where is the weight of the TF-IDF, is the frequency of word w in document d, and D is the number of documents in the text collection. Normalization to unit length is generally applied to the resulting vectors.

Formulation of tea powder packaging design based on KE was obtained as a result of the interaction between Kansei words and packaging design elements. With involving 30 respondents, the packaging samples collected from domestic and international market (see Appendix 2) and the collection of Kansei words was then evaluated by using second questionnaire (see Appendix 3). SD scales (7 scales) were used here. Scale with the two extremes “not at all” and “very much”.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Impractical Practical

2 Conservative Innovative


QTT-1 method considered as a qualitative and categorical multiple regression analysis method, which allowed inclusion of independent variables that are categorical and qualitative in nature, such as product design elements and quantitative criterion variables within KE (Wei et al. 2011). In QTT-1 method, the relational model associated with the measured score of experimental sample and customer preferences was defined. By using this method, it would get the formulation of packaging design of tea powder and it would answer the first objective of this paper. The QTT1 consist of the followings six steps (Lin et al. 2007):

Step1: define the Kansei relational model associated with the Kansei measurement score of experimental sample with respect to an image word pair. The categorical multiple regression model can be defined as (2):

̂� = ∑�=1∑��=1� �+ � (2) As in (2), ̂ expresses the predicted value of customer impression for the s product sample (s = 1, 2,…, n) on corresponding k design concept. The index of design element is denoted by i where i = (1, 2,…, E) and the number of design element is denoted by E. The index of design category is denoted by j where j = (1, 2,…, Ci) and the number of category of the i design element is denoted by Ci. Additionally, � indicates the category score of the j style within the i design element, denotes the coefficient of the dummy variable which has binary number value [0, 1] and � expresses a stochastic variable whose expectation value E(�) = 0. Step 2: calculate the standardized regression coefficients by using formulation (4)

and standardized constant in model (5). The model of categorical multiple regression analysis can be redefined as (3):

̂� = ∑�=1∑��=1�∗ �+ ̅� (3) �∗ = � −1

�∑ �∗ � ��

=1 (4)

̅� =1∑��=1 � (5)

Step 3: Determine the matrix CCR of correlation coefficient of all variables. Step 4: Calculate the multiple correlation coefficient (R) that is regarded as the

relational degree of external criterion variable and explanatory variables. Step 5: Calculate the partial correlation coefficients (PCC) of design elements to

clarify the relationships between product element and a product image. Step 6: Determine the statistical range of categorical variable which indicates its

contribution degree to the prediction model with respect to a given packaging image sketches.

Evaluation of packaging design


(Bouzalmat et al. 2011). In this research, PCA were used to selected the most important of packaging design element by customers. To deploy PCA in this research, firstly, defines X as a matrix of design elements evaluation for p dimensions of respondents which denotes as X = {x1, x2, …, xp}. Corr where xi € X. Then calculates the mean (μi) of X for n respondents (i = 1, 2,…, n) as in (6) which denotes as M = {μ1, μ2,…,μp}.

1 1 n i i i x n


The next step is to calculate the subtract matrix between X and M as in (7) which denotes as Y = {y1, y2,…, yp}.

i i i


 



Afterward, in order to see the correlation between design element, compute the covariance of matrix of Y which denotes as C with p x p dimensions as in (8).

C = 1

( -1)n Y

T * Y (8)

Generate eigenvalue and eigenvector of C as formulated in (9) where eigenvector denotes as B = {b1, b2,…, bp} and eigenvalue denotes as λ = {a1, a2,…, ap}.

C * B = λ * B (9)

According the result of eigenvalue λ, determine how many principal component (PC) should be retained. Generally the PC which has eigenvalue above 1 were retained. Finally, group the respondents into their PC according to their loading components which are generated from matrix eigenvector B and the most important of design element is then obtained from the interpretation amount of respondents within PC obtained.

Evaluation phase model of packaging design was generated by 30 respondents using the fourth questionnaires (see Appendix 5). Multiattribute model explains the process of integration that combines product knowledge (beliefs) to form a comprehensive evaluation or attitudes (Simamora 2008). Fishbein model is the one of method to analysis the multiattribute model. Fishbein model aims to produce the best packaging design according to the customer. These measurements were performed by this formula (10):

Ao = Σ bi ei (10)

Where Ao is attitudes toward a packaging design, bi is customer belief, ei is customer evaluation, and i is number of attributes (i = 1, 2, ..., 6). The evaluation of packaging design by customer attitudes result was achieved the second objective of this research.

Influence of packaging and opportunity on purchasing decision


behaviour in the case of a decision to no longer use the product (Ferrinadewi 2008). Opportunity decision was analyzed using binomial logistic regression that describes the relationship between the response variable with the independent variable. Binomial logistic regression model (11) as follows:

� (1−�� ) = ∑ �kTk + ε (11)

Transformation of ln or log function required for the p-value, thus it can be stated that the logistic regression (p) is log (ln) of the opprtunity (odds ratio). Where p is an opportunities to purchase, Z is regression coefficient, T is attribute / factor, ε is bias value and k is number of attributes (k = 1, 2, ..., 6).

Logistic regression has generated by odds ratio between the succeed or failure of an analysis. In this study the odds ratio is used to measure how much the opprtunity customer to purchase decisions by considering the variables. The formula is used (12) as follows:


� �

� �


According to Cessie and Houwelingen (1994), odds ratio (e z ) is association measure which shows the dependencies between response variable. Value of π showed marginal opportunities for each response variable.

In order to achieve the third objective of this research, the packaging was evaluated according to customer purchase decision generated by using the fourth questionnaires (see Appendix 5). Thus, the result was analyzed using binomial logistic regression method to obtain the opportunity of purchasing decisions and the factors that significantly influence the purchase decision of customer to buy CTC black tea powder were generated.



Identify and Evaluate the Kansei Words

The best way to obtain the information needed in product packaging design is developing a plan to identify customer needs. Primary research will be used to collect the data required to orientate the designer about the most important aspects for customers related to packaging. Primary data consisted of first-hand information. It can involve questionnaires, surveys or interviews (Kotler and Amstrong 2014). In this case the method was used the questionnaires.

Kansei words identification


It is discussed what the customer wants related the characteristics of tea powder and the packaging. The calculation results (see Appendix 7, Appendix 8) of this section were represented in Table 1 (calculation the characteristic of tea powder) and Table 2 (calculation the adjectives words related to packaging).

Table 1 Result of calculation characteristic tea powder

No Characteristic Weight No Characteristic Weight

1 Specific taste 0.796 13 Good taste 0.678

2 Non recidue 0.872 14 Strong taste 0.887

3 Practical 1.260 15 Attractive color 1.592

4 Instant 0.887 16 Tasty brewing 5.571

5 Quality 0.872 17 Natural color 4.775

6 Innovative 1.990 18 Smooth 2.440

7 Variatif 0.775 19 Nutritious 1.163

8 Fragrant 1.194 20 Stable taste 0.887

9 Fresh 0.796 21 Strong flavor 0.666

10 Proportional 0.666 22 Dense 0.699

11 Fast drink 0.775 23 Solid color 0.669

12 Specific flavor 1.997


The previous result show that the prefered characteristic of tea powder is it’s tasty brewing, natural color, smooth it’s shape of powder and specific (distinctive) flavor. The Kansei words was from first 35 words with a higher weight. From this result, the strategies for developing the packaging design of tea powder was determined. Then this result were used for synthesize phase to get the formulation of packaging design of tea powder product.

Table 2 Result of calculation Kansei words

No Kansei Word Weight No Kansei Word Weight

1 Practical 2.326 25 Readable 3.495

2 Innovative 3.137 26 Attractive picture 5.592

3 Attractive 10.649 27 Variatif 3.184

4 Communicative 2.614 28 Luxury 2.796

5 Eco-friendly 4.214 29 Traditional 6.000

6 Efficient 1.569 30 Modern 3.000

7 Eye catching 4.194 31 Creative 6.000

8 Easy to remember 2.388 32 Beautiful 8.000

9 Clear picture 2.614 33 Elegant 5.592

10 Clear color 1.000 34 Functional 2.796

11 Simple 4.775 35 Standard 1.000

12 Safe 3.137 36 Economic 2.097

13 Strong 3.000 37 Likely 2.097

14 Clear aspect legal 7.320 38 Pleasure 1.398

15 Bright color 6.990 39 Exclusive 1.000

16 Attractive color 7.163 40 Expert 1.000

17 Informative 4.377 41 Classic 3.000

18 Clear typography 6.797 42 Quality 1.000

19 Natural color 4.183 43 Superior 1.000

20 Clear brand / logo 8.889 44 Flexible 2.000

21 Unique 12.026 45 Hygienic 1.000

22 Proportional 3.979 46 Lifestyle 2.000

23 Natural image 9.786 47 Effective 2.000


In this phase, thirty five KW have been collected by questionnaires the thirty respondents which illustrated tea powder packaging. These KW consisted of “practical”, “innovative”, “attractive”, “communicative”, “eco-friendly”, and etc. Then to generate the new packaging design concept, all the KW collected were evaluated. SD scale (7 scale) were used in this evaluation phase.

Packaging design element identification

In KE research, packaging design element has a big contribution to create customer attractiveness (Nagamachi and Lokman 2015). For instance, customers will feel attracted when they see a new packaging and they will check the packaging whether it impacts their feelings or not. The main idea is when the customer don’t feel attracted and feel an impact when they touch the packaging, the opportunity to get touch with customer is not developed and there no chance of the product being purchased. This condition showed that packaging design elements is essential to give the impression to customers directly (Muharam 2011).

The packaging design of tea powder was identified by 25 tea powder package collection (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9). The identification of tea powder packaging design element was presented in Table 3. The result of design element identification phase showed that from 25 packaging samples, there were 8 categories with 24 varians of design elements identified using morphological analysis.

Table 3 Identification the packaging design element of tea powder


Table 4 Classification of packaging design element

Sample X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8

A1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

A2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1

A3 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2

A4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2

A5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1

A6 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1

B1 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1

B2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2

B3 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1

B4 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 1

B5 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2

C1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1

C2 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 1

C3 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 2

C4 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 1

C5 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2

D1 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 1

D2 3 5 2 1 2 1 4 1

D3 3 5 1 1 2 3 4 2

D4 3 4 2 1 2 1 4 1

D5 3 4 2 1 2 2 1 2

D6 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 1

D7 3 5 1 1 2 2 3 2

D8 3 5 2 1 2 1 4 1

D9 3 5 1 2 2 2 2 1

According to Table 3, the identification result showed that there were three types on top shape, five types on body shape, two types on height and width ratio, two types on transparency, three types on nett size, three types on background color, four types on label theme and two types on typography element.

The other result also showed that those packaging collection were classified according its shape. For instance in Appendix 2, packaging sample A1 has grouped into its design category as follow: “X1 = 1”, “X2 = 1”, “X3 = 1”, and so on. Refers to Table 4, these result showed that packaging sample A1 has “top shape: type 1 (parallel line)”, “body shape: type 1 (pouch)”, “height and width ratio: narrow”, and so on.

Kansei words evaluation


Table 6. In Table 5 provided instantly the recommendation of development the combination packaging design elements on CTC black tea powder product.

Table 5 The result (R2) of QTT-1 analysis

The values in each category from the R2 value showed the influence level of tea powder packaging design product. R2 value showed that "strong” concept has a higher value of 0.956 than others. So, the strong-typed design concept was used as a main value target of packaging design.

Packaging design concept generation


Generating the packaging design concept of CTC black tea powder product is necessary as suitable as customer good impression and expectation. The last step in this section was to examine the relationship between eight design elements as independent variables and two pair of design concepts as dependent variables using QTT-1 method. In this study, calculation of QTT-1 was generate R-square (R2) value, optimum category grade, and partial correlation coefficient (PCC). The PCC value indicates the relationship between the eight design elements and a pair of design concepts. The highest variable of PCC on "strong" concept was "body shape" (X2 = 0.948), so this variable was great influence on customer perception, as given in Table 6.

Design elements were generated to figure out the optimal combination packaging in term of strong concept to CTC black tea powder packaging. The result of design elements was represented in Table 7.

No Kansei Word R2 No Kansei Word R2

1 Practical 0.938 19 Proportional 0.816

2 Innovative 0.816 20 Ergonomic 0.633

3 Attractive 0.740 21 Variety 0.801

4 Communicative 0.598 22 Strong 0.956

5 Eco-friendly 0.896 23 Modern 0.770

6 Efficient 0.804 24 Lifestyle 0.804

7 Eye catching 0.726 25 Creative 0.793

8 Easy to remember 0.748 26 Beautiful 0.782

9 Clear picture 0.703 27 Elegant 0.810

10 Complex 0.575 28 Functional 0.805

11 Safe 0.798 29 Economic 0.881

12 Bright color 0.886 30 Likely 0.738

13 Attractive color 0.797 31 Trendy 0.731

14 Informative 0.684 32 Luxury 0.772

15 Clear type 0.667 33 Flexible 0.804

16 Aesthetic 0.633 34 Effective 0.705

17 Readable 0.704 35 Pleasure 0.787


Table 6 Value of category grade and PCC each design elements

Design Elements Type

Category Grade (from type grade)

Partial Correlation Coefficient

(PCC) Ease to

Broken Strong

X1 Top shape X11 Parallel line -0.126 0.809

X12 Concave curve -0.099

X13 Jaggy convex curve 0.373

X2 Body shape X21 Pouch 0.145 0.948

X22 Standing pouch 0.089

X23 Box -0.653

X24 Box with convex curve -0.040

X25 Cylinder 0.444

X3 Height :


X31 Narrow -0.044 0.598

X32 Wide 0.228

X4 Transparency X41 Non transparent -0.009 0.342

X42 Transparent 0.224

X5 Nett X51 Small 0.010 0.594

X52 Medium 0.041

X53 Large -0.207

X6 Background


X61 Chromaticity color -0.043 0.285

X62 White -0.010

X63 Dark 0.045

X7 Label theme X71 Cup -0.058 0.630

X72 Tea powder 0.212

X73 Tea leaf 0.132

X74 None -0.114

X8 Typography X81 Formal -0.022 0.250

X82 Custom 0.046

Constants = 4.713

R = 0.978

R2 = 0.956

Packaging design is the connection of shape, color, imagery, and typography with ancillary packaging design elements to make a product suitable for marketing. By implementing this design elements, the packaging design formulation was developed. This result would be a useful information to assist product designer on developing the product especially for CTC black tea powder product in term of fulfilling customer subjective preferences.

Table 7 Design elements for the strong-typed packaging design

Design Element Design (Strong)

Top shape Jaggy convex curve

Body shape Cylinder

Height : width Wide

Transparency Transparent

Netto Medium (100 gr – 500 gr)

Background color Dark color

Label theme Tea powder


After obtaining the results and conclusions from questionnaires, it would be convenient to strengthen the customer study. With the information gathered from this research was disclosed as customers feel when interacting with packaging design. Its most important conclusions in this section are strong packaging can help people to protect their products. Customers are going to feel good with the packaging, if it has a comfortable and protect use. For example, if someone accidentally dropped the product, the product is still protected because the packaging is not cracked, broken or dented. The food / drink packaging can have a positive or negative affect on a person’s feelings.

Finally all collected data will be represented in the packaging by the shape, color, images and typography. This fact allows a good communication between packaging and customer. It is clear that if some packaging does not fulfil the necessary functions to carry out the objectives for which it has been created, thus it won’t be useful. So before thinking on the usability, the product must be functional. Material and manufacturing has to be studied to achieve the desired functionality (Jordan 2003). Based on the design elements (Table 7) it was showed that the body shape of design packaging was cylinder and transparent. A general requirement for material selection, this design should use either glass or plastic material. In this case, according to the experts judgment by using questionnaire (see Appendix 6) resulted that the glass material was chosen to this package (see Appendix 16). However, the manufacturer usually use the material in which give maximal protection with less economically cost. Furthermore, the suitable material would also effect selling of the product.

Packaging Design Evaluation by Customer Attitudes

The most important of design element selection


Figure 5 The result of eigenvalue

Figure 5 showed the result of eigenvalue plot of each variable. The larger eigenvalue shows the more principal component represents the characteristics of the original data. Based on PCA result in Figure 5, first principal component which has eigenvalue above 2 (7.591) was generated to represent the information of all the respondents collected.

Figure 6 Variables factor map (PCA)

As soon as the customers were grouped into their principal variable as seen in Figure 6. Based on the result of PCA, customers observed the shape of packaging before buying the product was chosen to illustrate the group of first principal component as the most important factor of packaging design element by customer.

From the design support information (see in Table 7), three sketches of packaging design was made for evaluate directly the customer preferences through the analysis of customer attitudes toward each packaging design sketches. The sketches are focus on the shape design. Those design is represented in Figure 7.


Figure 7 Sketches of packaging design (I) (II) (III)

Packaging design selection


The challenges of an affective and impactful packaging design communication strategy in an increasingly cluttered market place, along with the growing value customer place on sustainability, has elevated the value of the packaging design and in turn, packaging design. Analysis of customer attitudes to the three of my sketches design resulted the best design based on customer attitudes (see in Appendix 12, 13, 14). Fishbein model is applied in this research because this model is able to explain the formation of customer attitudes in response toward the important attributes. The result of this model is represented in Table 8.

Table 8 Results of customer attitudes analysis toward each packaging design

No Attribute Belief (b) Evaluation

(e) Design I Design II Design III

1 Protection 5.633 5.900 6.100 6.400

2 Pratical 5.267 5.467 5.833 6.267

3 Proportional 4.933 5.300 5.767 5.567

4 Ergonomics 4.467 5.100 5.400 5.900

5 Simple 5.533 4.800 4.767 5.233

6 Attractive 4.433 5.167 5.900 5.933

Amount of attitudes

(Ao) 180.100 189.967 202.500

As in Table 7, the result showed that the evaluation of packaging design that shows the highest score (6.400) are in the design of packaging to protect products and is regarded as the most important attribute for customers to consider a packaging. The value of protection attribute in each design has the highest score than others. It shows that customer believe that all packaging design submitted to protect the CTC black tea powder product. So the main factor in the customer packaging function is to provide protection to the product. From the calculation amount of attitudes, the third packaging design has a higher value than others. It shows that customer prefered the third packaging design. So, the third packaging design was chosen as the customer preference. Representation the shape of packaging is shown in Figure 8.


Figure 8 Representation 2D shape of packaging design

The specification of this design is jaggy convex curve as top shape, cylinder and wide shape. This packaging flap using screw on cap closure. It has a screw lid that serves to lock the screw on the lid with the edge of packaging. Usually closing packaging has done by pressing and twist 1-2 times a round. This types has covered ease to opened and closed properly, and was able to keep the product in a vacuum. Whereas to reduce potential of contamination by the air in this packaging can be done by added sealer with aluminium foil form before the product is closed. The function of transparent in body parts is to provide the level of consumer confidence in product contents and increase consumer appeal when they look products. The advantage of this design is provide the added-value of CTC black tea powder products.

Once functionality has been achieved, most of customer showed that interest on products that are easy to use. Nowadays, almost every product is in this situation because people are used to functionality products, but now they also expect usability (Jordan 2003). Usability is a, related but complementary, concept that defines the quality of the interaction between people and systems. If ergonomics and human-centred design are the means to create products that fit people, usability is how we measure the fit (Van Kuijk et al. 2015). Usability has moved from a source of pleasure to a basic skill. Otherwise, if the product is not usable customers will be unpleasantly surprised by difficulty in use.


Influence Customer Attitudes of Packaging and its Opportunity on Purchasing Decision

Purpose of this section was to check the influence and opportunity of product packaging on customer purchase decisions or intentions. We found that two terms are applied for this purpose decisions. In this works we used decisions terms. This emphasize practical action was to buy. Today customer choice is very important for marketers. Studies suggest that package appeals customer’s attentiveness towards a certain brand, increases its image, and stimulates customer’s perceptions about product. There so many thing which can effect customer purchase decision one of them is packaging and its elements. The increasing interest to customers changing lifestyles and self – service as a stimulator for sales support and increase the effective purchasing decision of the package more. For this reason, we conducted a research to know views of our respondents about how packaging impact on their purchase decisions. For this, survey was conducted to collect primary data. The data was analyzed using SPSS (IBM 2014). Better packaging can positively influences customer satisfaction. According to Kuvykaite (2009), packaging also has positive impact on consumer purchase decisions. The result of this questionnaire can be seen in Appendix 15.

Customer purchase decisions

At this point the client's perception truly gains importance, in view of the fact that depending on how the following factors are used, the client's first impression might be one or another. It should be noted that it is also here where the four Jordan Pleasures would be affected. Given that, regardless of that the physio-pleasures are more related with the functionality and the usability of the product, it is the product's final physical appearance that directly influences the psycho-pleasures, ideo-pleasures and even the socio-ideo-pleasures.

The main roles are performed by the psycho-pleasures and the ideo-pleasures since both are closely bound among them, therefore both can be said to rely on what the client might perceive at first sight. Packaging through communication, environment and functionality influences the purchasing behaviour, where graphic design makes reference to the communicative aspect (Arslanagic et al. 2014).

In this phase, customer personality type was identified based on customer attitudes. Most of customer (83.3%) took the decision to purchase tea powder (Table 9). The results of descriptive analysis showed that customer buy the product if the packaging attractive (73.3%) and practical (96.7%). This result consistent with Cenadi (1999) that the appeal of the packaging for the customer are the visual appearance (attractive) and the appeal of practical (functional).

Table 9 Distribution of customer purchase decision

Purchase decision n %

Not purchase Purchase 5 25 16.7 83.3


Influence customer attitudes of packaging and its opportunity on purchasing decisions

Packaging could be considered one of the most valuable tools in marketing communications, requiring a more detailed analysis of its components and impact of these functions on the consumer purchasing decision. According to Ghosh (1990), purchase decision is used to be like most effective tool when we are trying to predict purchase process.

Table 10 Analysis of binomial logistic influence on purchasing decision

Variable Coefficient

Z Sig. ez

T1 : able to protect the product 1.987 0.076† 7.296 T2 : ease to open and to close -0.838 0.376 0.433 T3 : has a fit portion (proportional) -0.318 0.695 0.727

T4 : ergonomics 0.186 0.778 1.204

T5 : simple design 0.753 0.335 2.124

T6 : attractive design -1.444 0.104 0.236

Nagelkerke R2 n

0.663 30 †Significantly p value < 0.10.

The test of binomial logistic analysis in Table 10 was resulted Nagelkerke R2 value (0.663). It means that as much as 66.3% the opportunity factors that influences purchasing decisions can be explained by this model, while the remaining (33.7%) is explained by other variables.

It has been also verified that proposed research model, the factors of packaging design, are having the ultimate effect on consumer choice as analysis suggested that all six factors of the packaging design (protection, ease to open and close, proportional, ergonomics, simple and attractive design) have significant association with purchase decisions.

At the moment of buying, vision is the most important modality, but during the usage the other sensory modalities gain importance (Fenko et al. 2010). Design packaging to protect the product significantly influences the purchasing decisions (ez = 7.296). It means the design packaging is able to protect the products as seven times higher to be purchased by customers. Findings suggested that three elements of the packaging (protection, ergonomics and simple design) have significant positive association with purchase decisions. That is a really important statement because it can be same time, it can be supposed that people will not buy that product again if they did not consider that the product fulfilled their needs. Packaging communication factors are very important to create an interactive communication channel between manufacturers and customers. To achieve this communication, persuasive design attributes could be used on different packaging.

Design Aspects of Customer Needs Evaluation


product features. Persuasion consists in understanding the emotions that affect people's behaviour and act on those emotions, to design compelling user interaction. Persuasive design applies psychological principles of influence, decision-making in a customer context, engagement strategy, and social psychology to every stage of the design process, and it identifies the potential barriers and emotional triggers to elicit the desired actions (Del Galdo 2011).

The evaluation of customer needs were conducted in this research by questionnaires using respondents selection (purposive sampling). This study was focused on pleasurable need. Pleasurable need has four types of concepts: physical, psychological, social, and ideological, as an illustration in Figure 9 (Jordan 2000).

Figure 9 The four pleasures (Jordan 2000)

According to Jordan (2000) there are three important elements of customer needs to be fulfilled. The results obtained from this research were shown in Table 11. Information of customer needs are necessary as the basis for the development of packaging designs in future.

Table 11 Customer needs for CTC black tea powder packaging

Functionality needs (level 1)

Packaging as container the product Packaging as protection the product

Usability needs

(level 2)

Strong packaging can be protection the product

Practical package is easy to open and close back

Ergonomics package

Safe packaging used food grade material and heat resistant, not susceptible migration, and uncontaminated

Hygienic packaging with sterilization process Packaging size is proportional, according to the functional of the product so that it’s easy to use

Label packaging is fit with the product

Pleasurable needs

(level 3)


The body shape of packaging is transparent The handle of packaging with good dimension and comfortable to held

Lid of packaging easy to open and to close


(Bodily pleasures from sensory organs)

Psycho-pleasure (Cognitive demands usability)

Socio-pleasure (Relationship with people)



Unique packaging design to inform this product

Packaging can be easy to carry (ergonomics) Practical packaging

Simple packaging Attractive packaging


The packaging gives a sense of pride to someone when using

Packaging enables customers to establish social relationships with family and friends


Packaging easy to use

Packaging must be sealed with aluminium foil before closed

Packaging used screw lid

Packaging is transparent so that customer can see the product contents

The background color is dark consider to product characteristics (blackish brown) Typography is clear, unique and custom Clear information on the label consists of: expired date, production date, composition, nutrition, name of company, address company, brand, volume, number of BPOM, halal label, product storage information, and CTC black tea powder product illustrations

Symbol of product brand attractive and easy to remember


Packaging material using food grade materials and easily recyclable materials

Packaging material is eco friendly

According to Smith and Taylor (2004), like other visual elements of the packaging, material communicate consumer value towards specific product. Material can also affect the perceived quality of product some products are to be made. It’s all depends on product functionality. Based on experts judgment resulted that the glass material was appropriate selected choice to this packaging purposes. The packaging material is an important element that prevents product from losses.

Advantage and Disadvantage





The characteristic of tea powder was tasty brewing, natural color, smooth it’s


Figure 3 Research method flowchart
Figure 4 Example of SD questionnaire with 7-point scale
Table 1 Result of calculation characteristic tea powder
Table 4, these result showed that packaging sample A1 has “top shape: type 1


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