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The Description Of Characters In The Novel The Scarlet Letter


Academic year: 2017

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3.1 Hester Prynne

The analysis of the mind of a character may first be studied with reference to Hester Prynne. Hestere thought and feelings are laid bare at every step. When she stands on the scaffold facing the multitude of citizans, she has a “burning blush’ and yet a “haughty smile” on her face. The burning blush reveals her sence of ehane caused by the public exposure, while the haughty smile shows her defiance of eocietye moral code and of the persons who are responsible for enforcing the code. The scarlet letter, which she has embroidered on the boseom of her dress, reveals “the desperate restlessness of her mood. When she sees the people who have gathered to see her, her demeanour is naughty at thi8 time yet, she suffers an agony as if her heart has been flung into the street to spurn and trample upon.

The memories of past life which come to Hester, as she stands on the scaffold, are psychologically true. Exposed to public disgrace, anybody would turn to his or her past life. It is the nature of human being to turn the oaet events and happenings which present a sharp contrast with present occurencee. All the past events and happenings are, however, merely a dream to Hester at this time, as the quotation illustrated below


her mothere too, with the look of heedful and anxious love which it always more in her remembrance.

(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.56)

She realizes that the only reality is the shame that she is faching, and the child that she is holding in her arms. When she is led back to prison, she suffers a nervous excitement which is a reaction from the calm and serene attitude that she has been to maintain when she stood on the scaffold.

…………she turned her eyes downwarn at the scarlet letter, and even touched it with her finger, to assure herself that the infant and the shame were real. Yes! — these were her realities - all else had vanished!

(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.57)

Hesters decision not to quit Boston, in spite of the permanent disgrace to wich she is doomed, is again psychologically true concerning the special case of Hestere mind. The chain that binds her to his place is unbreakable in her eyes because the man, with whom she feels hersief united by a secret bond, dwells here. But there is another reason also which prevents her from quitting Boston. This place is the scene of her guilt, and it will be the scene of her earthly punishment. With this thought, Hester persuades herself to believe that the torture of her daily shame would ultimately purity her soul. The quotation below describes the working of Hesters mind which is concerned with the decision not to quit Boston.


Hestere mental reactions, to the strange and in comprehensible moods of Paerl are also accurately described in this novel. Perlixing and bafling is the behaviour of Pearl, that Hester can not answer the question in her mind whether Pearl is a human child or not. There are occasions when Hester bursts into a passionate tears because of Pearle abnormal behaviour. Hester repeatedly cries out in great agony “0 Father in Heaven, what is this being which have brought into the worldr (Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.92). And she remembers the talk of the neighbouring towns people according to whom Pearl is a demon off spring as the quot ation writen below

…………..the talk of the neighbouring towns people, who, seeking vainly elewhere for the childe paternity, and observing some of her old attributes, had given out that poor little Pearl was a demon of spring ;

through the agency of their mothere sin (Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.95)

But it is describing Hestere state of mind in relation to the stigma which she has to wear. The writer analysis that the scarlet letter has the effect of turning Hester into a Sister of Mercy. Without claiming any of the worlde privilagee. Hester gives evidence of “a feeling of her sisterhood with the race of man” (Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.157). Whatever she can spare from her own requirements is given to needy and the poor, eventhough she gets no thanks in return. Because of providing helps and saveehe is known as a helper and savior. And for the concequency, many people begin to interprete the scarlet letter “A as “Able’, as the quotation below.


strong was Hester Prynne, with a womans strength. (Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.158)

But this is only one the effects is of punishment that has been imposed upon her. Another effect is of different kind. All the light and graceful features of her character wither up because of this red, hot brand or scarlet letter. She now hides her abundant hair by wearing a cap. Her looks and appearance no longer attract attention of any man. The stigma and the shame seem to have totally crushed Hester’s heart, even though the stigma and the suffering have made a

Sister of Mercy out of her. Much of the marble of coldness of Hester as due to the fact that her life has turned in a greet measure, “from passion and feeling to thought” (Nathariiel Hawthorne, 1993, p.160). This transformation has a psychological validity. A person who is punished for his or her emotions will turn to thought and introversion. There is a confusion in the mind of Hester “Thus, Hester Prynne, whose heart had lost its regular and healthy throb wandered without a clue in the dark labyrinth of mind” (Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.162).

Hesters mental suffering has been great, but the purpose with which the magistrates had condemned her to wear the scarlet letter, has not been served. That purpose was to force upon Hester a realization of gravity of her sin, but Hester is unable, at any stage to look upon heriseif as a sinner. It is because at hostage of her life is able to understand that in loving Arthur Dimmeedale she has done anything wrong.


misery of the minister. She sees that the stands on the verge of lunacy. She relizee that she committed a wrong in allowing the minister to be thrown into a position where he had to undergo so much suffering. Accordingly, she determines now to redeem her errors as far as it is possible. And after declaring her intention to Chillingworth, she gives the shocking inforrna— tion to Dimmesdale that the physician is her husband, as described in the quotation below

She determined to redeem her error, so far as it might yet be possible

………. Hester Prynne resolved to meet her forinet husband, and do what might be in her power for the rescue of the victim on whom he had so evidently set his gripe.

(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.163—164)


3.2 Arthur Dimmesdale

In giving the portrait of Arthur Dimmesdale, the writer proves that Hawthorne reveals his greats psychological penetration and insight. Hester is comparatively simpler natures. She is a romantic woman believing in complete freedom for the individual and in the individuals unlimited right to find his own happiness. But Dimesdale has a complex mind, and it demands a vast knowledge of the intricacies of human nature to be able to portray such a mind. Dimmesdale is oppressed by the weight of his crime. He suffers an agony of remorse. But he does not have the courage to make a public confession of his guilt. He does not wish to tarnish the noble image which the public has of him. Therefore, this man may be called rightly as “remorseful hypocrite”. The writer analyzes that this man can have climbed to the highest peak of sanctity, if he has not constantly been haunted by a deepsense of guilt. The public considers him to be a “miracle of holliness”. But public veneration serves merely to enhance his agony, as quotation written below “It is inconceivable, the agony with which this pulic veneration tortured him!” (Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.139).


and cowardly individual the writer proves that Hawthorne shows himself as a true psychologist.

The pricks and pangs of the conscience compel Dimmesdale one night to go and stand upon the scaffold where once stood in her punishment. That was 7 years ago. However, since Dimmesdale is not a courrageous man, he goes toward the scaffold at night time, when no one can see him.

Why, then, had he come hither? was it but the mockery of panitence? A mockery, indeed, but in which soul trifled with it self! A mockery to which angels blushed and wept, while fiend rejoiced, with jeering laughter.

(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.144)

It is his deep sense of remorse that Arthur dares to stand upon the scaffold. The scaffold actually is symbolic of public disgrace because Hester was made to stand there once. But he is a coward in the sence that the doe8 not have any sufficient courage to make a public confession. It is in this show expatiation” (Nathaniel Hawthorrne, 1993, p.144) that Dimmesdale stands upon scaffold. He overcomes a great honor of the consequences of this shame becoming public. In this sense, the writer deems that readers the mixed up feelings of the strifetorn soul of minister. It is the haunting sense of guilt, the desire to confess, the fear of the consequences of the confession, the anxiety to keep his public image intact the impulse to shriek and this attract attention, and so forth.


convincing. Hesters plan opens out a new possibility for him and Hester will give the support which he needs to carry out tha plan. He returns from his interview with her in a light mood.

The excitement of Mr. Dimmesdales feelings as he returned from his interview with Hester lent him unaccustomed physical energy, and hurried him townward at a rapidface. (Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.211)

The descriptiom of the ministers impluse to utter profanities and obecinities as subconcious mind is a masterpiece of psychological writing which shows a Freudian knowledge before he framed his theories.

……..it was only by the most careful self— control that the former could refrain from uttering certain blasphemous suggestions that rose into his mine, respecting the communication supper.

(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.213—241)

Indeed, the writer still wonders how Hawthorne can show so much understanding of human psychology before the science of psychology has made the progress which it has made in the twentieth century.


3.3 Roger Chillingworht

Roger Chillingworht personifies revenge. He is decidedly the villain of the piece. In comparison to Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale, he is a greater sinner. He is an embodiment of revenge. The chief am of the writer in analysing his character is to show “the effect of revenge in diabolizing him who indulges in it. In the delinetion of his character, the writer thinks that Hawthorne shows great psychological insight. Hawthorne gives the motives which led him to marry a young girl like Hester Prynne, while he is not worthy of such a girl. He himself is a psychologist. He expresses this sense of wrong to Hester.

I - a man of thought, the book worm of great libraries - a man already in decay having given my best years to feed the hungry dream of knowledge - what had I to do with and beauty like thine own ! that intellectual gifts might veil physical deformity in a young girls fantasy!

(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.71)

This is an excellent self—analysis. Once he has vowed revenge upon the man who has diehonoured him, Roger Chillingworth knows no merry. He is a man of undyinghate. Actually there was a time when this man has calm, gentle, and passionless. But his desire for revenge brings to the surface a deep malice which has for long time remained silent and dormant.

Calm, gentle, passionless as he appeared, there was yet, we fear, a quiet dept of malice, hither to latent, but active know, in this unfortunate oldman, which led him to image a more intimate revenge than any mortal had ever wreaked upun an enemy.

(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.136)


of red light out of his eyes, as if his soul were fire’ (nathaniel Hawthore, 1993, p.166). And the writer observes that Roger Chillingworth is the evidence of mans faculty of transforming himself into a devil, if he will undertake a devils office. And Chillingworth himself is aware of the transformation. He calls himself a fiend who has been sent for the special torment of the minister, Arthur Dimmeedale “there was a fiend at his elbow! A mortal man, with once a human hearth, has become a fiend for his especial torment!” (Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.168).

Hester takes pity on him “for the hatred that has transformed a wise and just man to a friend (Bathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.170). When she asks him bo shoe better behaviour towards the suffering minister, he replies “peace, Hester, peace It is not granted me to pardon have no such power as thou tellest me of” (nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.170).

Thus the writer observes him peychologicaly so much obsessed with the idea of revenge is so strong that the does not want that the minister will make a public confension of his quilt. This will make him free from his clutches. And— when the minister pays no attention to his words, Chilling- worth sayes “thou hast escaped me! Thou hast escaped me! (Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.251).


systematic exercise of revenge and when by its complete triumph and consummation, that evil principle is left with no further meterial to support it, when, in short there is no more devile work on earth for him to do, it only remained for the unhurnanized mortal to betake himself his Master would find him tasks enough, within a year of the death of his principle victim, Arthur Dimmeedale. (Ramji Lall, 1992, p.49).

3.4 Pearl

Another example of HawthorneTh psychological eguipment that the writer explores and finds in his delineation of Pearl is that in the delineation of her character he proves himself to be a child psychologist. The writer analyses that Hawthorne offers the readers a study of child—psychology, of abnormal child-psychologist which it naturally indicates that she is far from the ordinary. She is here an active,springthly girl with a mind which is exceptionaly quick and alert, a remarkably precious mind. But there seems to be something wrong with her mental make-up. This child is not amenable to rules or discipline of any kind. She is an impatient, wayworth andrebelioue child. Her nature poesesee both depth and variety. She is being whose elements are perhaps beautiful and brilliant, but all in di8order. These delineations can be described through the quotation below

The child could not be made amenable to rules. In giving her existance, a great law has been broken, and the result was a being whose elements were perhaps beautiful and brilliant but all in disorder.

(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.87).


.deeire even to mingle with other children because she is a born out cast of the infantile world. The writer analyses her aean imp of evil, emblem and product of sin, having no right among christened infants. This child knows no law, and no reverence for anyone. Her behaviour is most errotic and unpredictable, as seen in her bespattering the governor with water, screaming and making frantic gestures when Hester has cast away the scarlet letter. Her explicable behaviour when the minister kisses her on the forehead is a case in point as well. She washes her forehead till every trace of the kiss has been obliterated.

The minister - painfully embarrased, but hoping that a kiss might prove a talisman.

……….. Here upon, Pearl broke away from here mother, and bathed her forehead, untill the unweilcome kiss was quite washed off and diffused through a long lapse of the gliding water.

(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1993, p.209)

This proves that she is a perverse child. Because of her moods and unusual behavior, she remains till the end on unreal and dream-like elf.



4.1 Conclusion

Soon after reading and analyzing the novel “The Scarlet Letter”, the writer encourages herself to make a conclusion. He focuses his conclusion just on the psychological problems which operate in the main characters minds. The writer is very interested in as much in the sin as in the effects of the sin. The effects are mainly psychological in the characters.

Both of the main characters, Hester and Dimmesdale, get a mental torture which brings them into severe mental agony. Through the psychology, anxiety and guilty-feeling play a dominant role to affect their characters. Even Hester does not feel that what she has done is the sinful deed and the anxiety always haunts her life. Coming back into the world of freedom from prison, she finds herself difficult to make her existence easily. The scarlet letter on her bossom seems like a danger hanging over her. It is the product of her sin which causes the changes of her life of which it is peaceful before it becomes full of anxiety. The working of Dimmesdalee mind remains no much different from Hester. The feeling of guilty has dominated his mind after the sin takes place. He as a minister, should present his figure as “a miracle of hollines” toward the society. But he longs to speak the truth of himself which is actually sinful.


himself upon the priest who steals the love of his wife. From a man, from a human instincs,.heurns to a varitable frjen.. The desire of revenge,this case, has played a great role in affecting his mind.

Pearl is a product of an adulterous union. Pearl is also a source of as much torment to her mother as happiness. She behaves so much different from other infants. She lives in abnormal way. She breaks law and discipline when she is adopted to the society. Her wildness, her defiant moods and the flightiness of her temper are a cause of perpetual concern to her mother. A most unusual picture of a child remains for the reader an unreal and dream—like figure.

Finally the portrayals of the characters in the novel are convincingly drawn and they give the readers the impression that they have actually known them in a real life which becomes the subject to psychological analysis.

4.2 Suggestion



Wellek (1989) believes that a novel is the pictures of humanity that written by its author which he or she wants to send to his or her readers. The evens written in the novel is fiction. The can be used as the mirror to the readers. The author wants to let his or her readers understand about the possible manner, habit, imagination, etc. written in a novel. Messages written in a novel for readers can help peaceful among the society. A novel is picture of human habits, manners, attitudes, etc. of humanity, therefore the even can be drawn negatively or positively by the authors. Therefore as a reader of the messages we have to be careful to interpret the news.


fairly be said to have left a stain upon him. Hawthorne said he had not known whether his ancestor be thought themselves to repent, and ask pardon of Heaven for their cruelties or they are now groaning under the heavy consequences of them.

Nathaniel father wee Capt. Daniel Hawthorne who had married with Elizabeth Clarke Manning and undertook see voyage to Dutch East Indies. He died in a Yellow fever aboard ship, leaving his eon and two daughters with no support except that which his widow”s family could provide. Actually, the “w” wee added by Nathaniel himself when he was at college.

Not much is known about Nathaniel Hawthorne progenitors from his mother side. His uncle, Robert Manning, who managed the affairs of the widow and supported Nathaniel life, felt. that it was needed to expense Nathaniel education. He inherited sterness, contemplative nature, love of melacholy and seclusion, introversion from his father and a sense of realism and humor from his mother.


the game of a ball at school and became incapacitated to attend to school for four weeks.

He was sent back to Salem to school on July 5, 1815. He was admitted to Mr. Archere’s school and was prepared for his college education under the guidance of a lawyer, L. Oliver. When he was seventeen years old, in 1821, he entered Bowdoin College at Brunswick, Maine. Hawthorne’s interests were multivarious during his precollege days. He took interest in trueic, dancing, theatre and studied Walter Scot’s novels, Fieldingss novels, Mrs. Radoliffe’s, Godwin’s, Rousseaue and other writers. He also published his essays and poem The Setator

The records show that he had not been a bright student at college where he acquired proficiency in Latin and English. The rules of Bowdoin College were strict and Hawthorne was fined fifty cents for playing card and gambling. The College President told this information to Hawthorne’s mother. Among Hawthorne’s fellow student was Henry Wadsworth Long-fellow who became one of the most distinguished American men of letters. Two other fellow collegians became his life—long-friends. One of them was Franklin Pierce who was elected President of the United States on 1653. The other Horatio Bridge, who afterward served with distinction in the Navy, and to whom the charming prefatory letter of collection tales called the Snow Image is addressed. Horatio Bridge subsidised the publication of Hawthorne’s Twice—Told Tales.


Hawthorne graduated from Bowdoin College in 1825 and came to Salem where his mother’s residence had been located since the summer in 1822. The year between 1825 and 1837 was a period of deliberate preparation for his art. But it does not mean that he was spending his time in complete isolation from the word. He took interest in the activities of the world as well.

Hawthorne was a fair scholar, but not a brilliant one. At graduation, he ranked eighteenten a class of thirty-eight. While at Bowdoin, Hawthorne had already begun his writing. But the first evidence came in 1828, after his return to Salem, with the anonymous publication of his novel Fanshawe. After publishing “Fanshawe, he happily hit upon the short tale for the exercise of his creative abilities. His tales were published first invari-ous periodicals, and later collected in book form. His first collection called Twice-Told Tales appeared in 1837. A second enlarged edition appeared in 1842. These publication made Hawthorne known, but brought meagre financial returns. In order to make living, therefore, he took up a Job in 1839-1840 in the Boston Custom House, and in 1841, he jointed the Brook Farm Community. It was a Utopian experiment in comunal living, where he hoped to find more congenial life. During this period he wrote a series of books for children, and the only substantial reward of his life was material for his later novel The Blithedale Romance

Meanwhile, he had met and fallen in love with Sophia Peabody in 1839. Sophia Peabody was one of the famous daughters of Dr. Nathaniel Peabody who worked at a dentist in Solemand then in Boston. He was married in July 1842. He went with his wife to the ancient village of Concord, near Boston, and led a very


happy married life where he occupied at the place called Manse, a part of which is recorded in that wonderful boof Mosses from an Old Manse

In fact, Howthorne’s married happiness now drove them to be threatened by financial difficulties and due to the small returns from his writing. Faced with debts and an increasing family, he once again thought of the security of a government poet. He had always been a loyal member of the Democracy Party. Now after some political wire pulling, he was able to obtain, in 1846, the post of the Surveyor at Salem Custom House. But in 1849, he was dismissed from this poet when the Whig Party came into power. The desmissal greatly embiterred him, but it also the occasion for his returning once again to authorship because, during three years of his surveyorship, his creative powers had remained suspended. The life of surveyor- ship offered a material of his novel

(1845). In Concord, Hawthorne saw a good deal of his neighbours, Ralph Waldo Emerson, the father of American Transcendentalism and Thoreau. He welcomed their companionship but rejected their Transcendentalism. Hawthorne lived is this idyllic situation for two years before leaving in 1845. Two children, Una and Julian, had been born to the Hawthornes during thi8 period. His other daughter, Rose, was born in 1851, when he lived in a little town of West Newton, near Boston.

The Scarlet Letter. The Custom House also filled the material of The Custom House of the introductory of the novel The Scarlet Letter

After he had been dismissed from surveyorship, consequently he appeale!1 to influential friend to have him reinstated. These attempts were made in vain and his mother fell fataly ill. Nathaniel Hawthornes experiences of this period are


recorded in his notebooks. After his mothers death, Sophia and Hawthornes two children, Una and Julian, were seriously sick and Hawthorne paid for medical treatment by ceaseless writing of The Scarlet Letter, which was immediately succesful in 1850, giving some kind of financial independence for the Hawthornes family. After publishing this novel, he got his fame as American evelist short story writer, and essayist. The Scarlet Letter

Hawthorne then moved to Lenox and settled there with his family in the little red house and wrote a novel

is the masterpiece which establi8hed him as the leading American native fictionist of the nineteenth century.

The House of the Seven Gables


Hawthorne returned to America, and took up their abode in the house which the family had bought at Concord before going to Europe. Hawthorne had seen the place he had always wanted te see, and he had stored up impreession: But the future did not seem to be bright. His eldest Child, Una, had nearly died of fever in Rome, and thought improved, did not completely recover even after her return to America. His misery was aggravated by the war which had broken out in the spring of 1861. His financial condition was not very satisfied and the income deteriated, where the price and the cost of living increased due to war.



1.1 Background

Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of American greatest novelists. He wrote the novel ‘The Scarlet Letter’. This novel was a well seller. The story took place in a city called Boston in the country of United States of America. The story pictured in the nineteen century. At that time people were religious, this was the reason for Nathaniel Hawthorne to write the novel ‘The Scarlet Letter’.

The method used to write this kind of writing is a descriptive method by using written text as the resources of the data. The data were taken from the novel of ‘Scarlet Letter’. The technique is applied the describing thing. The writer of this paper describes the messages sent by Nathaniel Hawthorne to his readers in remembering the unexpected by many people.

The novel ‘The Scarlet Letter’ is one of the greatest and impressive novels. Hawthorne is very impressive as well as deeply fascinated by some points which he finds in the novel such as love, hate, passion, jealousy, envy, and sins which cannot be escaped from the lives of people.

Nathaniel Hawthorne impressed his strategies to impress the normal behavior of people as the members of the society through the characters used in writing the novel ‘The Scarlet letter’.


unexpected even things committed by the pastor, the pious man to one of his congregations’ member.

1.2 Problems

Problem to be seeking on this writing is the idea of committed by the pious person to the member of the congregation or religious person through the main characters.

1.3 Scopes

When someone want to write a description of messages written in a novel by the author there can be many things to be describe. Therefore on this occasion the writer of this paper, in remembering the time and spaces given to him to write, he give his limitation just deals with the description of the behavior seen through the main characters only.

1.4 Purposes of Writing

If you want to do an activity of course you have already had your goal. Therefore the purposes of writing this kind of writing are:

(1) to give a description of the messages that Nathaniel Hawthorne wanted to send to his readers;


(3) to apply the knowledge he received during his study at the department, and; (4) to enrich his understanding the ideas of authors written in a novel.

1.5 Methods of Writing











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First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty God Allah SWT, who gives me health and capability to finish this paper as my last assignment to finish my study at English Diploma III Department, University of North Sumatera.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to:

• My beloved parents, Darwin Sirait and Rosmawati. Thank you for all your motivations, advices, prays, loves and financial for me. I present this paper for you.

• My beloved Siblings, Faisal, Habib, Delia and Intan Thanks a lot for your supports beloved bro and sist.

Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. as the Head of English Diploma Study Program, who gives me a lot of knowledge.

Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum. as my supervisor. Thank you for the valuable time in giving the correction and constructive critics in completing this paper.

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• My best friends: Ahmad dani syahputra hasibuan, Andrian Sucipto, Anggie ermando Amd, Basten Panjaitan, Heri anggawan lubis Amd, Horas P.

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Rahmad Muchtar Amd, Ryan Rosta Virgianza Amd and Wahyuda Pratama

Amd . Thank you for the nice friendship during our study.

• The alumni of English Diploma program: bang Yossi Fadli, S.Hum (bang Yoze), bang Rio Aryuda Amd, bang Achmad Topek Amd, bang Azhar

Habibi Amd, bang Pao Rico Amd. And bang Oki Amd. Thank for the advice bro, and for everything.

Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper. I hope this paper will be a worthwhile for the readers.

Medan, 20 July 2015

The writer,

Reg.No. 102202064



1.5 Reason for choosing Topic ………. 4

1.6 The significance of Study ………...….….. 5

1.7 The Method of Study ……… . 5



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