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An Analysis Of Moral Values Through Main Character In Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita


Academic year: 2016

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Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M.Pd NIP. 19630216 198903 1 003 NIP. 1956 1214 198601 2001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English



Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M. Hum


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M.A NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners:

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. .

Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M.Hum .

Dr. Siti Norma Nst, M.Hum .

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum .




Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin, all praise to Allah SWT that has given me his blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this thesis. Shalawat and Salam with our prophet Muhammad SAW let peace upon him who has guided us from the darkness to the enlightment in the world as well as in the next world.

I would like to thank to Dr.H.Syahron Lubis as the dean of faculty Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara. Also, I would like to thank to Dr.H.Muhizar Muchtar, M.S as the head of Department of English, the secretary of Department of English, Dr.Hj.Nurlela, M.Hum. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum and my co-supervisor Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama. Thank you for the patience and motivation to guidance me to write and to finish the thesis.


My special thank is dedicated to my bestfriends Muhammad Savrizal who support me in everything that I ve done, thank you for everything mate! Thank you for every craziness things that we spend together for, Ade, Cille, Rini, Arief, Yuda, and Bayu Surya Pratama. They are always coloring my day.

I would like to give many thanks to all my loved bro and sis: bang Ady wak, Kak Kajol , Aazedodo, Bang Dullit, Bang arwin, Bang Zarot, Bang Eri, Uncle Idik, Bang Kiki, Kak Sari, Kak Fitri thanks for your kindness. Big Thanks to Bang Am for your kindness, I assume you've been like my father in campus; May Allah Swt gives the best place in heaven.

My deepest respects and thanks to all lovely friends : all of my friends in 2009. To best crazy juniors : Aldi kiteng , Ulan, Ebi, the curs(vivi,filza, and dini), Annis, Nadia, Aton, Maji, Wina, Rizki Om , Ryan, Ridho, Fadil Karyo , Indri Bird , Ayu, Dedad, Fanni bencong , Kevin, Edo, Elsa, Syayu, ossy, and the Alita Juniors (Refi, zara,Wahyu, Dimas,Abel). And all of my friends in IMSI who cannot be mentioned one by one, my juniors, my seniors and alumni, also the lecturers in English Department.

At last, I really realize that my thesis is still far from being perfect so all the critics and suggestion hopefully can make the analysis better for the future.

My Allah SWT blesses all of us.

Medan, 20 Desember 2013

The writer,






























Skripsi ini berjudul An Analysis Of Moral Values Through Main Characters In Vladimir Nabokov s Lolita, pembahasan pada skripsi ini menfokuskan pada analysis mengenai nilai-nilai moral pada tokoh utama yang ada pada novel berjudulLOLITA yang ditulis oleh Vladimir Nabokov. Nilai moral merupakan nilai yang dipakai oleh masyarakat dalam bentuk norma atau aturan. Interaksi yang terjadi di masyarakat menggambarkan keanekaragaman perilaku. Baik buruknya tingkah laku seseorang disebut sebagai nilai moral.

Penulis mengumoulkan dan menyeleksi kutipan kutipan yang beraal dari novel tersebut yang mana berhubungan dengan nilai nilai moral yang disampaikan melalui tokoh utama pada novel tersebut. Dalam menganalisis penulis menggunakan pendekatan ekstrinsik dan intrinsic juga memakai metode deskriptif kualitatif analisis untuk

melengkapi kajian tersebut.

Permasalahan yang akan diangkat adalah analisis mengenai nilai nilai moral yang disampaikan pada tokoh utama cerita dalam novelLOLITAyang ditulis oleh Vladimir Nabokov. Analisis moral melalui beberapa karakter utama menyangkut kepada tingkah laku manusia sebagaimana digambarkan dalam novelLOLITAini untuk









1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Problems of the Study 4

1.3Objective of the Study 4

1.4 Scope of the Study 4

1.5. Significance of the Study 5


2.1 Character 6

2.1.1 Major Character 7


2.1.3 Flat Character 8

2.1.4 Round Character 8

2.1.5 Static Character 9

2.1.6 Dynamic Character 9

2.1.7 Confidant 9

2.1.8 Foil 10

2.2 Novel 10

2.2.1 Elements of Novel 11

2.3 Moral, Values, Moral Values 17

2.3.1 Moral 17

2.3.2 Values 18

2.3.3 Moral Values 18



4.1 The Main Characters 24

4.2 The Analysis of Moral Values through Main

Characters In Vladimir Nabokov sLOLITA 27

4.2.1 Lolita is Treated Morally Bad by Humbert 27 Rudeness 27 Rape 30

4.2.2 Lolita Survives with The Circumstances of Her Life 33 Obsession 35 Possessive 37


5.1 Conclusion 41

5.2 Suggestion 43






Skripsi ini berjudul An Analysis Of Moral Values Through Main Characters In Vladimir Nabokov s Lolita, pembahasan pada skripsi ini menfokuskan pada analysis mengenai nilai-nilai moral pada tokoh utama yang ada pada novel berjudulLOLITA yang ditulis oleh Vladimir Nabokov. Nilai moral merupakan nilai yang dipakai oleh masyarakat dalam bentuk norma atau aturan. Interaksi yang terjadi di masyarakat menggambarkan keanekaragaman perilaku. Baik buruknya tingkah laku seseorang disebut sebagai nilai moral.

Penulis mengumoulkan dan menyeleksi kutipan kutipan yang beraal dari novel tersebut yang mana berhubungan dengan nilai nilai moral yang disampaikan melalui tokoh utama pada novel tersebut. Dalam menganalisis penulis menggunakan pendekatan ekstrinsik dan intrinsic juga memakai metode deskriptif kualitatif analisis untuk

melengkapi kajian tersebut.

Permasalahan yang akan diangkat adalah analisis mengenai nilai nilai moral yang disampaikan pada tokoh utama cerita dalam novelLOLITAyang ditulis oleh Vladimir Nabokov. Analisis moral melalui beberapa karakter utama menyangkut kepada tingkah laku manusia sebagaimana digambarkan dalam novelLOLITAini untuk

takaran/ukuran normative. Ukuran tersebut mengacu pada benar salah dan baik buruknya perilaku manusia sebagai anggota masyarakat. Moral merupakan cerminan tingkah laku manusia dalam hidup bermasyarakat,


kground of The Study

Literature refers to the imaginative works make and read by people. Literature

created by writers to be enjoyed, understood, and utilized by the community. Literature

presents a picture of society, between society and people, and between the events that

occur in one's mind. So writers themselves are members of the community, and he is

bound by a certain social status and the literary work is the reflection of one's

relationship with others or by society (Darmono, 1977:1). Literature can make members

people aware of the various problems that have occurred in society, for example,

education, morality, political, social, and cultural.

According to Wellek and warren (1965:15) literature is the art of written works.

Because literature uses typical language literature which is different with colloquial

language or the language of science. Literature has a dual function, that is entertaining

and at the same time benefit readers. Literature entertaining by presenting the beauty,

give meaning to life (death, misery, and excitement) and the means to convey the

message about the truth, about what is good and bad. So we can get the touch of our life


One of literary work which will be discussed in this thesis is novel. Novel (latin:

novella, new things) is an extended work of prose fiction, longer than a short story or a

medium-length fiction, called a novelette or novella. It is written in prose and so

distinguished from a long fictional tale in verse. Novel is concerned with ordinary

people and their problems in the societies in which they find themselves. Novel presents

a documentary picture of life too. There are some aspects focuses in novel; there are

character, setting, plot, point of view, theme, and style.

On this novel, the writer focuses on character. Character is one of an important

element in novel. Character in the novel is conventionally discussed in terms of

exposition, dialog and character is a person who acts in the story. Character can also be,

in Forster s words, either flat or one dimensional, having a simple function, or round,

with complexity built up through multiple layers of description and action. In the novel

from the character, people can get moral values that can see in characters attitude and

behavior from its setting and plot. Bad or good moral in character, there are moral

standard form some rules which acceptable in society.

Moral values are things held to be right or wrong or desirable or undesirable.

Moral values form a subset of the set of all values, and a value simply consists of the

things (abstract or concrete) that some people. Moral values are generally shared values.

If people did not have values in common, it would be exceedingly difficult to agree on

any one course of action. But since there is often disagreement as to what is the right

thing to do in any situation, people can see that in fact, various values are shared to a

greater or lesser extent. On some values there will be nearly unanimous agreement. On


and wrong of everyone who has standardization of behavior suitable and approved by

the accepted norms within the social life.

In this thesis the writer would like to analyze about moral values through the

main character in by Vladimir Nabokov. This thesis has been choosen by the writer because in the experience in reading this novel, the writer finds many moral

values which can teach everyone with the main characters experiences and the relation

moral character with the real life. This thesis, the writer uses descriptive qualitative

method with uses intrinsic and extrinsic approach. This story tells about the experience

of Humbert Humbert who just likes to relate sexually with a girl who was 12 years old

due to his failure with his childhood love. In this novel tries to tell us how frustrations

Humbert Humbert because of his failure childhood love make he could not continue to

live. For him, his childhood love is the beginning of all things that he experienced

throughout his life and finally he fined his Lolita. The girl is a stepdaughter named

Dolores Haze (Lolita). The main character of this novel is Humbert Humbert and

Dolores Haze. The analyzing of moral values that can be drawn from Humbert Humbert

and Dolores Haze and then to identify the bad and good moral that conveyed by the

writer. This is the background as well as the reason why writer chooses focus to analyze


1.2 Problem of the Study

There are some problems from background of the analysis above, the problems

of the analysis in this thesis are:

1. How is Lolita treated morally bad by Humbert?

2. How is Lolita surviving morally the circumstance of her life?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of the study in this analyze are:

1. To analyze Humbert s behavior to Lolita: immorally.

2. To analyze how does Lolita Survive with the circumstances of her life.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The scope of the analysis is only including about the moral values found from

Humbert and Lolita as the main characters in Vladimir Nabokov s ! "#The scope of analysis is focuses to the main character; those are Humbert Humbert and Dolores Haze

(Lolita). This analysis starts from Humbert s ill treatment who raped his stepdaughter

that ended with Lolita escape from his stepfather. This is focus to the moral values like

raped, rudeness, social force; obsession, and possessive. This thesis is focus to the

problem of the analysis of moral values to some certain problems, so that the analysis is


1.5 Significance of the Study

Theoretically, this thesis is expected to expand knowledge about literary work, In

addition, this thesis useful in the development of quality and learning outcomes.

Practically, Thesis by the author is one of the requirements to obtain a bachelor

degree majoring in English department at Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of

Sumatera Utara. And this thesis can be used as reading material comparisons with other

studies that have been there before in analyzing moral values. And also can be used for




2.1 Character

Character is one of important elements of literary work. Character is an actor

who takes on events so that the event can be a story; Character is the figure contained in

the literature that has personality, values, moral and mental. Character in general is a

human but can also form the desired animal or objects are created as living things, it

means, the characters must live it naturally has an element of thought or feeling that can

form the basis of fictitious characters convincing that readers feel as if dealing with a

real human. Character is the representative and the description of person qualities in the

real life. Therefore, although the character in literary works is fictitious, they have

personal qualities as the real person because the authors of the novel are member of

society and they write a literary work based on the real person in the real life. Roberts

and Jacobs states (1955:31) that,

In fiction, a character may be defined as a verbal representation of human being. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters who worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike or even hate.

A character has a strategic position as a carrier and delivery of messages, the

message, moral or anything intentionally to convey to the reader. A story is usually

concerned with a major problem that a character must face. In generally, characters are


2.1.1 Major Character

Major character is kind of character, which often shows up repeatedly as if it

dominates every parts of the event in the novel. They can act as a subject that has

capability in doing something or as an object that suffers the impact from treatment done

by the subject or circumstances. In the other words, major character does not only act as

subject but also as object. This kind of character plays important role in the novel and it

cannot be ignored. In this novel have major character; there are Humbert Humbert and


2.1.2 Minor Character

A minor character is someone with a lot of parts and important to the story, but

not fully needed and still interact with or grab the attention of those main characters.

They might help to explain what is going on by talking to other characters and supports

the main character in a story. They do no grow or change during the story. Would

usually be a good friend or enemy of the main character. In this novel have minor

character: Gaston Godin, Ms. Phalen, and Miss Prat, Annabel Leigh, Valeria, Charlie

Holmes, Ms. Opposite, Madeleine, and The Mc. Coo s, Charlotte Haze, Mona Dahl,


2.1.3 Flat Character

Flat characters have few but easily recognizable traits that make them

stereotypical characters. In short, there are not many facets to this character's personality

that are revealed to the reader.According to Roberts and Jacobs (1995),

Flat character is a character with a very simple personality. Flat characters do not grow. They remain the same because they may be stupid or insensitive or lacking in knowledge or insight. They end where they begin and are static, not dynamic. But characters are not therefore worthless, for they usually highlight the development of the round characters.

Stock Character Often assumed to be a flat character, a stock character is actually

one who represents stereotypical personality traits which may root from culture,

appearance, or situations. Such characters are very easy to identify. In this novel have

flat characters; there are: Gaston Godin, Ms. Phalen, and Miss Prat.

2.1.4 Round Character

A round character is someone who has more facets to her/his personality than a

flat character. This is a character that develops through the story and therefore, her/his

qualities are difficult to identify completely, right up to the end. The personality of such

a character is not consistent, which makes the character more realistic than others in the

piece of writing.Roberts and Jacobs (1995) states,


Because round characters usually play a major role in a story, they are often called the

hero or heroine. In this novel have round character; there is Humbert Humbert

2.1.5. Static Character

A static character's personality does not change throughout the piece of work,

and save for the initial introduction; there is not much to learn about such a character.

Static characters as we notice that their personalities are consistent and do not change;

nor does our knowledge of these characters increase throughout.In this novel have static

characters; there are: Annabel Leigh, Valeria, Charlie Holmes, Ms. Opposite,

Madeleine, and The Mc. Coo s.

2.1.6. Dynamic Character

A dynamic character is someone whose personality changes through the course

of writing, due to a change in the situation or the plot. This may be from weak to strong,

from strong to weak, from a cheery person to a person in distress, and the like. While

one would assume that a dynamic personality would be the protagonist, it is not always

necessary.In this novel have dynamic character; there is Lolita.


2.1.8. Foil

The foil is someone who is used as a contrasting character to enhance the personality

of another character. A character who serves to point out the strength or weakness of the

protagonist; usually foil has the Opposite characters traits of the protagonist and often

(but not always) is called antagonist. . In this novel have foil characters; there are Clare

Quilty and Barbara Duke.

2.2. Novel

There are many kinds of literary works, likeessays, poems, novels, short stories,

drama, and novel is the most read by the readers. The novel is a literary form most

popular in the world. This literary form most widely circulated, because of the extensive

communication in society. Novel is one form of a literary work. Novel is a fictional

story in writing or words and has the intrinsic and extrinsic elements. A novel is usually

told about human life in their interaction with the environment and each other. In a

novel, the author makes every effort to direct the reader to the reality of life images

through the stories contained in the novel. A novel main requirement is taken it must

attract, entertain and bring a sense of satisfaction after the finished reading it. Reading a


Many writers give a definition to novel. Boundaries or definitions that they give

are different because they use different viewpoints too. The definitions are:

1. The novel is the most popular form of literature in the world. This literary form

most widely published and most widely circulated, because the community is

widespread in society (Jakob Sumardjo Drs).

2. The novel is a literary form in which there are social cultural values, morals, and

education (Dr. Nurhadi, Dr. Dawud, Dra. Yuni Pratama, M Ed, Dra. Abdul Roni,

M. Pd).

3. The novel is a work of literature that has two elements, namely: intrinsic and

extrinsic elements are related because both are very influential in the presence of

a literary work (Drs. Rostamaji, M Ed, Agus Priantoro, S. Pd).

4. The novel is a prose literary works that have intrinsic elements (Paul Tukam,


2.2.1. Elements of Novel

Novel has two elements; there are intrinsic and extrinsic elements. The writer

will explain about those elements.

1. Intrinsic elements

An Intrinsic element is a builder element of literature that can be found in the

literary text itself. There are intrinsic elements in novel. There are:


whole story. Theme in many ways is "binding" the presence or absence of

events, conflicts and circumstances, including the various other intrinsic


2. Plot

Plot is a series of events in the novel. Plot is divided into 2 parts; the plot

forward (progressive) is if the event is gradually moving towards the

chronological order of the story line. While the backward flow (flash back

progressive) is going to do with the ongoing events (Paul Tukan, S.Pd).

3. Character

Character is an actor who takes on events so that the event can be a story;

Character is the figure contained in the literature that has personality, values,

moral and mental. Character in a story should be described clearly. So what is

people says, what is people do, what people thinks, and what is perceived must

be truly describing the nature of the characters.

The main characters in the novel Lolita are as follows:

 Humbert Humbert: He is white, handsome, educated man but Humbert

has a pedophile character, nomad, and tend to schizophrenia and paranoia



4. Point of View

Point of View is the narrative point of view, how the story is told

more specifically, who tells it. There are two distinctly different types of point of

view and each of those two types has two variations.

o In the First Person point of view, the story is told by a character within

the story, a character using the first person pronoun, I . If the narrator is

the main character, the point of view is first person protagonist. If the

narrator is a secondary character, the point of view is first person


o In the Third Person point of view, the story is not told by a character but

by an invisible author, using the third person pronoun (he, she, or it) to

tell the story. If the third person narrator gives us the thoughts of

characters then he is a third person omniscient (all knowing) narrator. If

the third person narrator only gives us information which could be

recorded by a camera and microphone (no thoughts), then he is a third

person dramatic narrator.

5. Setting


o Setting of Place

Setting of place directs to the location where the events happened

in a fiction. The use of this setting with certain name should reflect

geographical. The setting of place in a novel usually consists of several

locations, and it will move from one place to another because there is a

development of plot and character.

o Setting of Time

Setting of time related to the matter of when the events

happened in a fiction. The matter of when is usually connected with

historical events. The setting cannot be separated from the place because

it is to relate each other.

o Setting of Society

Social setting directs to the matters that are related to the behavior

of social life in certain time of a novel. It can be habits, tradition, religion,

ideology, the way of thinking, etc. this setting is part of the whole setting

because there is a unity with another setting, such place and time.

As for the setting in this novel the narrator, Humbert, moves from Paris

to New York shortly after World War 2 (1947). They travel around from state to

state staying in various motels.

This thesis focuses on three intrinsic elements; there are character, setting and

plot. Plot is a reflection of behavior or way the characters act, think, and behaves in


footing on the place and time of occurrence of the events experienced by the characters.

And from Characters will know a character may be defined as a verbal representation of

human being which builds a novel. Through an analysis of the plot, setting, character,

and point of view will reveal the underlying theme of a story.

2. Extrinsic Element

Extrinsic elements in the novel are the elements that are beyond the novel. But it

does not directly affect the system organisms literature. More specifically, the extrinsic

elements in a novel can be regarded as an element build a novel. According to Wellek

and Warren (1977), extrinsic element is also known as extrinsic factors influencing

literary works. It usually becomes a causal explanation for some descriptions, analysis,

and evaluation of a literary work. Therefore, extrinsic elements novel remains to be seen

as something that important. Extrinsic factors are the literary elements/factors which are

found outside the literary works but it indirectly influences the structure of the literary

works. Extrinsic approach is used by critics to emphasize the importance of the context

to the text. It is focused on the background, history, social conditions and biography of

the author and the values in the story. Sometimes, it connects literature to the social

context and psychology as well. The values in the story in a literary work embodied the


o Cultural values, namely the concept of basic problem is very important

and the value of human life (Eg, customs, arts, beliefs, ceremonies)

o Social values, the things that related to norms in public life

(Eg, mutual giving, helping, and tolerance)

o Aesthetic values, values related to art, beauty in the literature (about

language, plot, theme)

This extrinsic element focuses on the values of the story uses philosophy moral

teory. A study on the value of a study is important given its position as the initial

problem in moral philosophy. In addition, a study of the value study touched substantial

issues in moral philosophy. The question always comes in this study, whether the

so-called "good" and "bad". Ideal moral behavior in the eyes of Immanuel Kant was born

and moral behavior will emerge from the insistence that human beings as rational beings

and understanding, so that every moral behavior does actually born of itself is not from

outside himself. Moral or immoral behavior has actually been present and can be

controlled at the stage idea. The influence of the strong sense of lust or influence in

causing real action. When lust is more powerful effect it would appear otherwise

immoral behavior moral behavior would appear reasonable if the effect is stronger than


Based on the opinion of Immanuel Kant can be said that a person's moral

behavior is born and will appear on the insistence of a man as intelligent and virtuous


2.3. Moral,Value, and Moral Value

2.3.1. Moral

Generally speaking, morality is what drives our decision about what is "good"

and what is "bad. In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia it is said moral is deciding good

or bad considered behavior. Morality according to Bentham is art to maximize

happiness; it can be seen by achieving the existence of happy and joyful life of all

people. A morality is sacrifice from little goodness to big goodness. (Hazlitt, 2003: 111).

According to Stemberg (1994:938), morality refers to concern with what is good or right

in people s relationships each other. A key to understanding morality is to be specific

about definition of good (or bad) and right or wrong According to Immanuel Kant

(Magnis Suseno:1992)

Morality is the assurance and inner attitude and is not merely an

adjustment to the rules of the outside, whether it's state law,

religion or customs.

Immanuel Kant, saying that morality concerning good and bad things, it means that what

is good in yourself, good on any restrictions at all.It is further said that, the quality of one's


A morality contains (1) beliefs about the nature of the man, (2) belief about

ideals, about what is good or desirable or worthy or pursuit for its own sake, (3) rules

laying down what ought to be done and (4) motives that incline us to choose the right or

the wrong course. We learn as children that we should be unselfish, that we should not

tell lies. (Paul Edwards: 1967: 150).

2.3.2. Value

The term values may suggest that judgments of right and wrong, lofty and

base, just and unjust, and more personal preferences, that thing are useful as individuals

happen to value them. (Benninga: 1991: 131). Value is something that interest for us,

something that we look for, something that pleases, something that loved, and in short

value is something good. Value have good connotation. (Bertens: 2000: 139).

2.3.3. Moral Value

Moral value is a reality that is hidden behind other realities. Judging means to

judge a human activity to connect something with something else then for the next

decision is made. Rooted in moral values that serve to encourage and direct (motivator)

attitudes and human behavior. Value as a system is one manifestation of culture in


Then, there are four characteristic of moral value. There are as following:

a. Moral value is related with responsibility

Moral value is related with human personality, but beside moral value we

also automatically can say other values. Moral value makes people wrong or not,

because he/she has responsibility. Especially moral value is related with human

personality of responsibility. Moral value just can be real in action wholly if it

became responsibility of the involved person.

b. Moral value is related with pure heart

All values need to make it real. Because it has persuasive power, it should

be practice. For example, aesthetic value, it should be practiced, play music

composition or others. To make moral value to be real, it can be appealed from

pure heart. One of special characteristics of moral values is this value will effect

voice of pure heart to accuse us if oppose moral value and praise us if make

moral value.

c. Obligation

Moral value obligates us absolutely and it can t be compromised. Other

values need to be real and admitted, for example, aesthetic value. Educative and

cultural person will admit and enjoying aesthetic value. But in different people


d. Formality

Moral value is not stand-alone without other value. Although moral value

is top value that we must appreciate, but it is not in top without other value.

Moral values did not separate with other values. For example, a seller applies

moral values all at once with apply economic values. Moral values are nothing

without other values. It is form of formality. (Bertens, 2000:143-147). Many

spiritual values or we can mention with moral values that can be learned by all




3.1 Research Design

In analyzing the data, the writer uses a qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative

research methods were developed in the social sciences to enabled research to study

social and cultural phenomena (Myers, 1977). Qualitative research is an inductive

approach, and its goal is to gain a deeper understanding of a person s or group

experiences, This methodology as a qualitative research procedure that produces

descriptive data in the form of written words or spoken of the people and the observed


This thesis focuses its analysis of moral values through the main character that

has relation to the society life, so in analyzing this thesis the writer uses intrinsic and

extrinsic approach. Intrinsic approach is the study of the novel within the range of the

intrinsic elements of the novel itself. In this case focuses in one of intrinsic element that

is main character in this novel, this thesis also discuss other intrinsic elements like plot

and setting which is build the story. This thesis not discuss about character but it focuses

about moral values through the main character and moral values is not belongs to


3.2 Data Collection

In the process of collecting the data, this thesis uses several books as the source

of the data. The main source of the data is taken from the novel by Vladimir Nabokov s

Lolitathis novel as the primary source data in this thesis used to obtain the moral values

found from the main character especially sentences from the novel to take down notes

and composes in her thesis. The secondary book writer finds all data from the library or

from internet and get data from lecturer too. The writer chooses some important data

concerned about moral values in the literary work. All of data are read carefully by the

writer to find out the suitable relation with her research.

3.3 Data Analysis

When all the data collected, the data will be analyzed to get what the writer want

and has been planned in the object of this thesis. Writer has some steps to analyzing this

research. First, writer read Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov as the object of this research.

The writer takes some sentences or quote that supports an analysis. There are two

methods are commonly used, an intrinsic approach and extrinsic approach. A library

research is applied in collecting some data to support the analysis. The Writer collecting

data from some data to support the analysis from the related books which got from

library by online sources and some related source. After data collected and analyzed the

object with used descriptive analysis method. Then writer get the conclusion of this



Source of Data












4.1. The Main Character

1. Humbert Humbert

Humbert Humbert is born in Paris, France, to an English mother and a

Swissfather, of French and Austrian descent. His background is purely upper class: his

father owns a resort hotel on the Riviera, and he is constantly surrounded by its rich

patrons. He is white, handsome and of the privileged sex. He is educated in an English

day school as a boy, then a lycée (the second stage of secondary education in France) in

Lyon, before attending college in both London and Paris. First in psychology and then

he studies English literature, and he is a master of language. Language is an important

tool in his manipulation of those around him (as well as the reader) he dazzles with his

clever wordplay and the random insertion of French, German, and sometimes Latin into

his speech. He moves to the States in 1940. Humbert childhood is very pleasant, even

though his mother has been died but his family loves him too much.

When he is in thirteen years old, he meets Annabel, the first Lolita and they love

each other. First time Humbert and Annabel just talked peripheral affair. She wants to be

a nurse and Humbert wants to be a famous spy. His relationship with Annabel, his

coeval, whose image was to shape his love map and to be forever imprinted upon his


We loved each other with a premature love, marked by


Humbert spends his time with Annabel, but they cannot be a mate as other slum

children because they are intelligent European preadolescents children. Humbert always

met Annabel at the night. After that four months later Annabel died because her typhus

in Corfu. His childhood love makes him frustrated. He only likes girls in 9 until 14 years

old and call them nymphet . Since then, he has been obsessed with the particular type

of girl Annabel represents. He marries adult women in an effort to overcome his craving

for nymphets, but the marriages always dissolve, and the longings remain. Despite his

failed marriages, his mental problems, and his sporadic employment, Humbert still

attracts attention consistently from the opposite sex, though he usually disdains this


He loves Lolita, a girl in 12 years old because he has been frustrated with his

childhood love. Loving a woman under mutual age is so contrat to community belief. It

is supposed against th law because people have an agreement that seventeen is regarded

grown up for a woman. yet, Humbert s love orientation to a girl of twelve is a sign of

moral deviance whatever the reason will be.

2. Dolores Haze (Lolita)

Lolita is the object of Humbert's love, a young girl who epitomizes the seductive


nymphet, Humbert s ideal combination of childishness and the first blushes of

womanhood. To non pedophiles, Lolita will be a rather ordinary twelve years old girl.

Her ordinariness is a constant source of frustration for Humbert, and she consistently

towards his attempts to educate her and make her more sophisticated. She adores

popular culture, enjoys mingling freely with other people, and, like most prepubescent

girls, and has a tendency toward the dramatic. However, when she shouts and rebels

against Humbert, she exhibits more than the frustration of an ordinary adolescent: she

clearly feels trapped by her arrangement with Humbert, but she is powerless to extricate


She is an innocent, though sexually experienced child of twelve. Humbert forces

her transition into a more fully sexual being, but she never seems to acknowledge that

her sexual activities with Humbert are very different from her fooling around with

Charlie in the bushes at summer camp. By the end of the novel, she has become a

worn-out, pregnant wife of a laborer. Throughout her life, Lolita sustains an almost complete

lack of self-awareness. As an adult, she recollects her time with Humbert dispassionately

and doesn t seem to hold a grudge against either him or Quilty for ruining her childhood.

Her attitude suggests that as a child she had nothing for them to steal, nothing important

enough to value. Her refusal to look too deeply within herself and her tendency to look

forward rather than backward, might represent typically American traits, but Humbert

also deserves part of the blame. Humbert objectifies Lolita, and he robs her of any sense

of self. Lolita exists only as the object of his obsession, never as an individual. The lack

of self-awareness in a child is typical and often charming. In the adult Lolita, the


4.2. The Analysis of Moral Values through Main Characters in Vladimir Nabokov sLolita

The main discussion here is about moral values focuses on the main character in

this novel. This chapter will identified and analyzed two problems about moral values in

main characters found from the novel by Vladimir Nabokov entitledLolita.

4.2.1. Lolita is treated morally bad By Humbert

When people evaluate actions from the moral point of view, people can do this in

two very different ways. They can consider them as morally right or wrong, but they can

also judge them morally good or bad. Even though the distinction between right and

good is generally recognized by moral philosophers, there is a tendency in contemporary

ethics either to oversimplify it or to blur it altogether. Most philosophers focus on

motives when they investigate this problem. There are other good making factors and

moreover, that all of them are traits of the agent s personality. The moral worth of

actions depends on more than motivation or the agent s character, that no factors other

than personality traits determine the moral worth of actions. There are some moral

values that writer wants described in this thesis, there are rudeness, and raped.


essential boundaries of normally accepted behavior. To be unable or unwilling to align

one's behavior with these laws known to the general population of what is socially

acceptable is to be rude.

Rudeness "constituted by deviation from whatever counts as politic in a given

social context, is inherently confrontational and disruptive to social equilibrium"

(Kasper, 1990, p. 208). Forms of rudeness: inconsiderate, insensitive, deliberately

offensive, impolite, a faux pas, obscenity, profanity, violating taboos, and deviancy. In

some cases, an act of rudeness can go so far as to be criminal behavior.

Humbert s rudeness is very visible in this novel. He cannot control himself. His

story begins with his childhood, living on the Riviera with his father, who owns a hotel

in the area. Although he does not get to spend much time with his father, he entertains

himself with the guests that would stay at the hotel. One of the guests has a daughter

name Annabel Leigh, which Humbert developed a relationship with. They spend a lot

of time together but never consummating their relationship, leaving Humbert

heartbroken and yearning for that experience desperately. Annabel death is what makes

his life changed. Humbert matures and becomes a teacher, but can t shake is attraction

for little girls, he calls nymphets, for they remind him of Annabel. His sexual acts with

Annabel were never fully satisfied, leaving a perpetual desire for young girls, fulfilled

only when he falls for Lolita.

Once in America, on the advice of a friend, Humbert takes up residence in the

town of Ramsdale; he rents a room in a house owned by Charlotte Haze and her


obsessed with the 12-year-old Lolita, a nymphet who reminds him of Annabel. Charlotte

and Lolita do not get along at all, however, and Charlotte decides to send Lolita off to

summer camp followed by boarding school. Meanwhile, Charlotte proposes marriage to

Humbert. Despite his great dislike for her, Humbert readily accepts, because the

marriage will give him the opportunity to be with Lolita at all times. After the married,

lolita s mother died because of an accident. It makes humbert happy because he can be

with his dtep daughter, Dolores Haze or he always calls her Lolita.

His rudeness is he claims to have loved only Lolita, and his obsession eventually

consumes him. He claims Lolita seduced him and that she is incomplete control of the

relationship. However, Humbert, as the adult, clearly has the upper hand. He controls the

money and Lolita s freedom, and he often repeats that Lolita has nowhere to go if she

leaves him and sometimes he slap Lolita because he can control her. Humbert always

threaten Lolita to be able control her in order to keeps her in submission and passable


through thick and thin I will stay your guardian,

and if you are good. I hope a court may legalize


slavish and domineering, Humbert has little control over his feelings and impulses. He

never considers the morality of his actions, and he refuses to acknowledge that Lolita

may not share his feelings. As his relationship with Lolita deteriorates, Humbert

becomes more and more controlling of her and less and less in control of himself. Rape

Rape is an act of sexual intercourse with another person by force in order to get

sexual satisfaction while. The women, of course, is very troubled by the act of rape is

indeed ancestors since time immemorial there. Rapists are generally male and target

isnot only women, but also young girls including minors who sometimes become

victims. Rape must be proven the element of violence or threat of violence (such as

threatened was about to be killed, injured or deprived of other rights). Acts of violence

or threat of violence was used as a road or a part of the act that targets facilitate the

sexual intercourse. Additionally violence or threat of violence that is only true outside of

matrimony. There are some types of rape, regarding a criminologist Mulyana W.

Kusuma said as follows: (Abdul Wahid, 2001:46):

1. Exploitation rape which shows that on each occasion of sexual intercourse

obtained by men by taking advantage contrary to the position of women who

depend on them economically and socially.

2. Victim Precipitated Rape That a rape had occurred (in progress) by putting the

victim as originators.

3. Anger rape which is characterized by sexual abuse sexuality as a means to


object of the offender who is projecting the solution to the frustrations,

weaknesses, difficulties and disappointments of his life.

4. Domination Rape that is a rape that occurred when the perpetrator tried to

staunch the power and superiority of the victim. The goal is a sexual conquest;

actors hurt the victim, but still have the desire to have sex.

5. A Seductive Rape is a rape that occurred in stimulating situations created by

both parties. At first, the victim decided that personal intimacy should not be

restricted as far as mating. Actors generally have a belief requires coercion,

because without it have no guilt regarding sex.

6. Sadistic rape this means that the type of aggressive sexuality and combined in

the form of the damage. Rape has not seemed to enjoy erotic pleasure through

sexual intercourse, but through a terrible attack on the genitals and the victim's


In this thesis, rape by Humbert to Lolita is exploitation rape. He is Lolita s step

father, so he thinks he can do everything to Lolita. He forces Lolita to have sex with

him. And sometimes if Lolita does not want to have sex with him he threats her.

Humbert knows the punishment if he raped Lolita, his maximum penalty ten years in the


and the maximum penalty is ten years. (nabokov, 1977: 151)

But with his word, he can make Lolita afraid if he goes to jail. Lolita horrible life

was began. Humbert also take advantage of this opportunity, Humbert always asking her

to have sex with Lolita sometimes forcing her. If she refused, Humbert was threatening.

Lolita could not do anything because he's an orphan, Humbert only one who she had.

She should do what Humbert want, because it's just that's the only way to survive. Lolita

has been raped for 3 years but nothing could be done. And sometimes Humbert hits her

because she cannot be regulated. Every night during they live nomad, Lolita always

crying and lamenting her fate.

Some effect of the raped to Lolita are Being a trauma in men and sexual

relationships, Mentally damaging for a child not yet know the sex time and be an

extortion, stress to be mentally ill, Injury or injured by persecution, Losing virginity /

chastity. One of the quotations states about Lolita be extortion can be seen in the

following quotation.

she proved to be a cruel negotiator whenever it was in her power

to deny me certain life wrecking, strange, slow paradisal philters

without which I could live more than a few days in a row, and

which, because of the very nature of love s langour, I couldnot

obtain force her.(Nabokov, 1977: 184)

Lolita started controlling Humbert life, because Humbert is getting crazy about


of asking for more pocket money, if Humbert does not give it then she did not want to

flirt with him.

4.2.2. Lolita survives with the circumstance of her life

Survive, this is an important word should be kept in mind, because if people do

not ever remember this word, perhaps the number of people in this world will become

less and less. Because when people are not able to survive them to resign, give up and

eventually die leaving the world with silly. Survive, people have to endure. It should

because if people cannot defend the decisions they make, they will never find how much

the true strength. Moral values can be seen because of social forces like obsession, and


A social force is anything within a society that has the capability to bring about

change or encourage someone to bring about or cause change. Social force any effective

urge or impulse that leads to social action. Specifically, a social force is a consensus on

the part of a sufficient number of the members of society to bring about social action or

social change of some sort. In the plural, the social forces are the typical basic drives, or


her life is change. In august, 15th 1947 Humbert picks her up in Q camp and in that day

Lolita s life has change. When Humbert picks her up, she doesn t know that her mother

was died. Humbert tells a lie because he wants take Lolita with him. Their first

destination is Enchanted Hunter hotel and in that hotel Humbert rapes her. Lolita was

having sex with Humbert three times in Briceland. Lolita wants to call her mother, and

finally Humbert tell to her that her mother was died. She is very shock. So she had

absolutely nowhere else to go and Humbert fell he has control of Lolita.

Lolita horrible life was beginning. Humbert also takes an advantage of this

opportunity, Humbert always asking her to have sex with Lolita sometimes forcing her.

If she refuses it, Humbert was threatening. Lolita cannot do anything because he's an

orphan, Humbert only one who she had. Lolita started acting suspicious, it looks like she

is hiding and planning something. Humbert is too suspicious (which is the writers looks

as if Humbert has symptoms of schizophrenia), He over control of Lolita. He thinks he

can control Lolita again but unconsciously, Lolita begins to revolt from Humbert. In the

second journey, they were followed by a man. Humbert become very watchful. Because

of that, Humbert begin to suspect her. He becomes a jealous man and he thinks, there is

a man who will kidnap Lolita. They continue the journey, with Humbert that became

very annoying.

In Elphinstone, Lolita fell ill, the doctor said that it is a virus infection and she

had to be hospitalized. Unbeknown Humbert, Lo herself has fallen in love with Clare,

author of the drama that had played, the same age as Humbert. Lolita runs away from


Lolita succeeds escape from him. She runs away with Clare Quilty, a play writer. But

Clare not really Loves her, he just a crazy person. When Lolita doesn t want to do what

Clare said and then he evicts Lolita from his house.

Three years later, Lo sent a letter to Humbert, stating that she needed money for

her family. Humbert was driving to Lolita s home. He finds Lo is pregnant and is not

like a kid again. Humbert realized that he not only loves Lo as a child twelve years old

but he has falling in love with Lo no matter her age. Humbert cries and begs Lo back to

him. Lo politely refuse. Lo is never really loves Humbert, she just handed over her body

but not the liver. Obsession

Obsession is a dreamy achievement that must be owned finally. Obssession is

shaped by a condition where a person has a desire for something and will try his best to

fulfill that desire. Psychologically, obssession is a mental process to look at choicess of

live available. Since not all choices can be satisfactory, obssession may lead someone

into trouble such as mental disturbance or the like. If the obssession comes true it may

make someone get his or her happiness to go on living as the way he or she wants to be.


when moral values are inherent to what is obssessed, and is regarded wrong when it is

against the social values.

In Humbert s case, his obssession Lolita is o, he over control. He looses his

control for himself and it destroys him. Humbert thinks that Lolita is his own obssession

without any limit.. It begins from his childhood love, Annabel. He is very frustrated

because Annabel has passed away. He just likes a girl, and calls with nymphet. He does

not attract with adult woman. It can explain in this following quotation.

The haze of star, the tingle, the flame, the honeydew,

and the ache remained with me, and that little girl with

her seaside limbs and ardent toungue haunted me ever

since- until at last, twenty four years later, I broke her

spell by incarnating her in another.

In that statement, he is very obssessive with Annabel; he ever tries to marry with

an adult woman but it has failed, he always has a relationship with many girls but he

does not find Annabel s type in those girls. Until twenty four years, when he moves to

Ramsedale he meets Dolores Haze. And he thinks Dolores Haze is his second Annabel

or his Lolita. He doesn t want anybody to hurt Lolita. at the end of the story when he

knows who has kidnapped Lolita is Clare Quilty; Humbert becomes very angry and

promises to himself to find him and avenge him. His obsession makes him unable to

(51) Possessive

Possessive is a mental behavior of owning something completely without a

certain kind of linit. It is a reflection of what has been directed by an individual wishes.

Possessive manner is a manifestation of egoistic or selfish personality. There is no room

of freedom for one who has such manner for the other persons. Shortly, possessive

manner is one action of over protection.

Lolita is a victim of possesive ambition from a man who is called Humbert.

Humbert seems to think that Lolita is a woman who must be kept in chain. This kind of

manner has brought Lolita into a deep trouble because she has no freedom to do what

she thinks right for herself. Humbert has controlled Lolita s life completely with a

simple reason that he loves her completely. In this point, the problem of posssessive

manner is the tendency of being rude in manner when things do not run well. The weak

will become the target of the strong.

Humbert holds tightly the cultural sense of patriarchy. As a man, he thinks that

he is greater than a woman. The patriarchy concept has rooted in his mind culturaly by

positioning woman is weaker than a woman. it can be traced in their love relationship

when Humbert treats Lolita as the way he likes. He believes that he is a king in his


violence to her physically. Such a bad treatment is continuously done only because of

misunderstanding of what a man has done to a woman. a sense of possessive manner has

been wrongly understood practically. With such a simple reason, Humbert overcomes

Lolita s freedom through loving her as the way he likes.

Whether or not, the phenomenon of possive manner is a mask of man to control a

woman with his own belief in that culture sense. Eventhough, in contrast, a woman can

be possessive too over a man. If it happens that kind of woman will be blamed culturaaly

because a woman is suppossed to serve a man. This becomes a conflict for a woman in

general to pursue her freedom over a man. This problematic situation has been

experienced by Lolita when she is trapped in her weakness over Humbert s manliness.

I said nothing. I pushed her softness back into the room

and went in after her. I ripped her shirt off. I unzipped the

rest of her. I tore off her sandals. Wildly, I pursued the shaddow

of her. Infidelity; but the scnt I travelled upon was so slight

as to be practically undistinguishable from a madman s fancy.

The phrase a madman s fancy shows how the effect of possessive manner

turns into rudeness which is morally unacceptable. The perspective of being stronger has

wrongly applied in action. Such a deed seems so general for those who beleive in

patriarch world where man is born to be a king or man is the owner of the world. This

kind of gap position between man and woman is culturally a long history of the man s


It is true that historically, man is the symbol of family who earns the life and

woman stays at home to look after the kids. Yet, this demarcacy is only a product of

cultur which is not suitable anymore at this rapidly changing world. The concept of

equality has echoed the true sense of humanity where a man is equal with a woman in

front of God s authority. As a fact, cultural sense is much stronger than what should be

than what must be done. Still, a woman is becoming the victim of man s partial

understanding over a woman.

Humbert s possessive manner towards Lolita has resulted from many causes. He

finds that Lolita is a woman who has no insight of life. Besides, she is uneducated and

cannot struggle for herself to make up her own life. She is the victim of social force in

her environment since childhood. The broken home of parents divorce has mad her

imbalanced to look deeper on what life is. By having these bitter live background, Lolita

has made her own way to be trapped in her weakness as a woman. by doing so, Hmbert

seems to underestimate Lolita in a bad manner of possessive orientation.

Possessiv manner is morally a selfish manifestation over one s life. whatever the

reason is everyone has a certain right to determine his or her life. Yet, over owning is an

arrogant behavior that limits the space of running life as the way should be. Lolita has


symbol of protest that Lolita can go on her life without Humbert. Analogously, Lolita s

attitude to destroy Humbert s arrogancy means a freedom of all women over men s

authority towards woman. To say simply, Lolita s final reaction over Humbert by

leaving him is a road for a woman to succed her life without a man like Humbert. She

wants to declare that a woman has a right to decide what she thinks right as a man will




5.1. Conclusion

After analyzing the moral values through the main character in the novel Lolita

by Vladimir Nabokov, it can be drawn some conclusion to answer the problems of this

thesis. In this Novel Nabokov wants to show to many people in the world about Moral

failure, about an adult man who always loves a girl, the wayward child, the egoistic

mother, and the panting maniac. It warns of dangerous of trends, point out potent of evil.

Bad experienced since child that may make a child grows imbalance morally. It

influences the character at the person being had. In this novel, Humbert had a bad

experience on his childhood love that made him just likes teenage girl. And when he still

a boy he always get what he wants so it will make him grow into a rude boy and forcing

child. That s what makes him do rudeness to Lolita. Because of his bad treatment, that

makes Lolita be a rude girl, forcing girl, like yelling to other person, impolite, overly

emotional and grown up is not at her age. Moral formed in children is what is done by

an adult. In other words an adult person is demand for children.


Maybe she gives her body but she does not give her heart. Moral values which

appreciated in action bring Lolita looks at life better and Lolita grownup be a principles

woman. She has a principle of her life to continue living with her husband and give birth

to her child.

Finally, the novel itself is a picture and a representative of human real life. It

seems that the moral lessons which found from the novel can be a lesson for the reader

to know what to do, how to behave, and what decision should the reader choose when


5.2 Suggestion

Novel is a portrait of life to understand man and his life. It is so the novel

provides characters which are representing men in general. Thus, reading a novel is to

understand what life is.

Nabokov s Lolita is a summary of man s life experience that can be traded

morally. It teaches how man must behave in accordance with moral values to go on

living. Moral values are supposed to be standard in running the life much better. Yes,

since life is a matter of choices, moral values like a coin that contains two sides: bad and

good. This novel emphasizes goodness whichever badness. It strengthen the sense of

moral values are those that contain goodness to make people better.

This novel is full with insights that can be studied from different angle of visions

some this study is only a part, it is suggested that the novel be understand deeper than

moral values only. Hopefully, this study is a guiding clue those who want to study this



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