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The Life of Jesus for Today


Academic year: 2023

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Allen, Ronald J. Preaching Is Believing: The Sermon as Theological Reflection.

Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox, 2002.

———. The Life of Jesus for Today. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2008.

Allen, Ronald J, Barbara Shires Blaisdell, dan Scott Black Johnston. Theology for Preaching: Authority, Truth, and Knowledge of God in a Postmodern Ethos.

Nashville: Abingdon, 1997.

Altrock, Chris. Preaching to Pluralists: How to Proclaim Christ in a Postmodern Age.

St. Louis: Chalice, 2004.

Anderson, Kenton C. Choosing to Preach: A Comprehensive Introduction to Sermon Options and Structures. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.

———. Preaching with Conviction: Connecting with Postmodern Listeners. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2001.

Arthurs, Jeffrey D. Preaching with Variety: How to Re-Create the Dynamics of Biblical Genres. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2007.

Bailey, Kenneth E. The Cross & the Prodigal: Luke 15 through the Eyes of Middle Eastern Peasants. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2005.

Bartlett, David Lyon. Between the Bible and the Church: New Methods for Biblical Preaching. Nashville: Abingdon, 1999.

Bartow, Charles L. God‟s Human Speech: A Practical Theology of Proclamation.

Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997.

Berkley, James D. Preaching to Convince. Carol Stream: CTi, 1986.

Blackaby, Henry T. dan Claude V. King. Experiencing God: How to Live the Full Adventure of Knowing and Doing the Will of God. Nashville: Broadman &

Holman, 1994.

Blomberg, Craig L. Interpreting the Parables. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1990.

Chapell, Bryan. Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon.

Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005.

Cox, James William. Preaching: A Comprehensive Approach to the Design and


Craddock, Fred B. Craddock on the Craft of Preaching. St. Louis: Chalice, 2011.

Dodd, C.H. The Parables of the Kingdom. Great Britain: Fontana, 1961.

Eswine, Zack. Preaching to a Post-Everything World: Crafting Biblical Sermons That Connect with Our Culture. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008.

Fee, Gordon D. dan Douglas K. Stuart. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.

Galli, Mark dan Craig Brian Larson. Preaching That Connects: Using the Techniques of Journalists to Add Impact to Your Sermons. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994.

Garner, Stephen Chapin. Getting into Character: The Art of First-Person Narrative Preaching. Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2008.

Greidanus, Sidney. The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Interpreting and Preaching Biblical Literature. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988.

Hawkins, Tim. Messages That Move: How to Give Bible Talks That Challenge and Inspire. Surrey: Good Book Co., 2013.

Horne, Herman Harrell. Teaching Techniques of Jesus. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1978.

Howell, James C. The Beauty of the Word: The Challenge and Wonder of Preaching.

Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2011.

Hultgren, Arland J. The Parables of Jesus: A Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002.

Hunter, A. M. Interpreting the Parables. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1961.

Jensen, Richard A. Telling the Story: Variety and Imagination in Preaching.

Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1980.

———. Thinking in Story: Preaching in a Post-Literate Age. Lima: C.S.S., 1993.

Johnson, Terry L. The Parables of Jesus: Entering, Growing, Living and Finishing in God‟s Kingdom. Fearn: Christian Focus, 2007.

Johnston, Graham. Preaching to a Postmodern World: A Guide to Reaching Twenty- First-Century Listeners. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001.

Jones, Peter Rhea. Studying the Parables of Jesus. Macon: Smyth & Helwys, 1999.

Kaiser, Walter C. Preaching and Teaching from the Old Testament: A Guide for the Church. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003.

Keach, Benjamin. Exposition of the Parables in the Bible. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1974.


Kendall, R. T. The Complete Guide to the Parables: Understanding and Applying the Stories of Jesus. Grand Rapids: Chosen, 2004.

Kistemaker, Simon J. Perumpamaan-perumpamaan Yesus. Diterjemahkan oleh Esther Sri Astuti, Rahmiati Tanudjaja, dan Wardani Mumpuni. Malang: SAAT, 2010.

Lewis, Ralph L. dan Gregg Lewis. Inductive Preaching: Helping People Listen.

Westchester: Crossway, 1983.

Longenecker, Richard N. dan H. H. Bingham Colloquium in New Testament, eds. The Challenge of Jesus‟ Parables. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000.

Long, Thomas G. Preaching and the Literary Forms of the Bible. Philadelphia:

Fortress, 1989.

Lowry, Eugene L. How to Preach a Parable: Designs for Narrative Sermons.

Nashville: Abingdon, 1989.

———. The Sermon: Dancing the Edge of Mystery. Nashville: Abingdon, 1997.

Lumintang, Ramly B. Bahaya Postmodernisme dan Peranan Kredo Reformed. Batu:

Departemen Multimedia IPO, 2010.

Markquart, Edward F. Quest for Better Preaching: Resources for Renewal in the Pulpit. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1985.

McClure, John S. Firman Pemberitaan: 144 Istilah dalam Homiletika. Diterjemahkan oleh Nurdiana Sari Wijaya Wiking. Jakarta: Gunung Mulia, 2012.

Miller, Calvin. Marketplace Preaching: How to Return the Sermon to Where It Belongs. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995.

Miller, Mark. Experiential Storytelling: (re)discovering Narrative to Communicate God‟s Message. El Cajon: Zondervan, 2003.

Mitchell, Henry H. Celebration and Experience in Preaching. Nashville: Abingdon, 1990.

Montoya, Alex D. Preaching with Passion. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2000.

Nelson, Alan E. Creating Messages That Connect: 10 Secrets of Effective Communicators. Loveland: Group, 2004.

Osborne, Grant R. The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1991.

Packer, J. I. Knowing God. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1973.

Perkins, Pheme. Hearing the Parables of Jesus. New York: Paulist, 1981.

Pratt, Richard L. He Gave Us Stories: The Bible Student‟s Guide to Interpreting Old Testament Narratives. Phillipsburg: P&R, 1993.


Robinson, Haddon W. Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980.

Robinson, Haddon W. dan Scott M. Gibson. Making a Difference in Preaching:

Haddon Robinson on Biblical Preaching. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1999.

Robinson, Haddon W. dan Craig Brian Larson. The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching: A Comprehensive Resource for Today‟s Communicators. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005.

Snodgrass, Klyne. Stories with Intent: A Comprehensive Guide to the Parables of Jesus. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008.

Solihin, Benny. 7 Langkah Menyusun Khotbah yang Mengubah Kehidupan. Malang:

SAAT, 2010.

Stein, Robert H. An Introduction to the Parables of Jesus. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1981.

Stiller, Brian. Preaching Parables to Postmoderns. New American Commentary.

Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005.

Stott, John R. W. Between Two Worlds: The Challenge of Preaching Today. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994.

Sutanto, Hasan. Hermeneutik: Prinsip dan Metode Penafsiran Alkitab. Malang:

SAAT, 2011.

———. Homiletik: Prinsip dan Metode Berkhotbah. Malang: SAAT, 2012.

Tucker, Austin B. The Preacher: As Storyteller : The Power of Narrative in the Pulpit.

Nashville: B & H Academic, 2008.

Webb, Joseph M. Preaching without Notes. Nashville: Abingdon, 2001.

Willhite, Keith. Preaching with Relevance: Without Dumbing Down. Grand Rapids:

Kregel, 2001.

Woods, Paul, ed. Great Preaching: Practical Advice from Powerful Preachers.

Loveland: Group, 2003.

Young, Brad. The Parables: Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation. Peabody:

Hendrickson, 1998.

Zuck, Roy B. Teaching as Jesus Taught. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995.

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia: Edisi Kedua. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1994.



Heriyanto. ―Mengkhotbahkan Perumpamaan-perumpamaan Yesus.‖ Jurnal Teologi Stulos 4/2 (Desember 2005): 81–96.

Solihin, Benny. ―Bentuk Khotbah Narasi: Mengkhotbahkan Teks-Teks Narasi PL dengan Efektif.‖ Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 7/1 (April 2006).


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