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Various types of migraine


Academic year: 2017

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Various types of migraine are abdominal, basilar, complicated, hemiplegic, nocturnal, and cyclic migraine syndrome.


migraine,health articles

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Various types of migraine are abdominal, basilar, complicated, hemiplegic, nocturnal, and cyclic migraine syndrome.

Abdominal migraine is also known as periodic syndrome which is common among children. It typically occurs to those have it in their heredity and this type may lead to a classic migraine. Symptoms of this type include periodic attacks of pain in the abdomen in approximately two hours. Basilar migraine, also called Bickerstaff’s syndrome, typically affects adolescent women. This occurs when migraine obstructs the circulation the back part of the neck or brain. Its symptoms are dizziness, loss of balance, and even fainting.

Another type is the complicated migraine that usually occurs with extended aura that may last for a number of hours or could reach to few days. This type poses a risk of the disorder leading to changes in the neurological area of the brain which is associated with MRI scan changes, those that are present in stroke. Hemiplegic migraine is the rarest among all types but one of the most severe. Its symptoms include temporary paralysis of the motor function and obstructions in the sensory system on a certain side of the body. As soon as the headache occurs, these symptoms may be gone.

When migraine attacks early morning, it is the nocturnal type. Studies show that this type of migraine is associated with adrenalin changes.

Cyclic migraine syndrome is the most disturbing when it comes to dealing with a person´s daily activities. It occurs ten times or more every month. Treatment

Doctors recommend over-the-counter pain relievers or anti-inflammatory medications namely: ¯ Ibuprofen ˘ Motrin, Advil

¯ Naproxen ˘ Alleve

¯ Aspirin - Excedrin Migraine ¯ Triptans

o Sumatriptan ˘ Imitrex o Zolmitriptan ˘ Zomig o Naratriptan ˘ Amerge

Triptans are a new class of migraine medications that aids in managing the source of pain. What it does is that it reduces the tendency of the blood vessels to swell in the brain and lessens inflammation; all these contribute to reducing the pain caused by migraine. For natural treatment, just rest in a dark area, drink more water, and place a cloth soaked from cold water on your forehead.

Do not be terrified, it wouldn´t help at all; just relax.

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