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Using Hypnoteaching in Reducing Students’ Speaking Anxiety for Eleventh Grade at MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung - Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar


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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of

Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of UIN Alaudddin Makassar


RESKI AMALIAH Reg. Number: 20400113124







Pembimbing penulisan skripsi saudari Reski Amaliah NIM. 20400113124, mahasiswi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris pada Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar, setelah dengan seksama meneliti dan mengoreksi skripsi yang bersangkutan dengan judul “Using Hypnoteaching in Reducing Students’ Speaking Anxiety for Eleventh Grade at MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung”, memandang bahwa skripsi tersebut telah memenuhi syarat-syarat ilmiah dan dapat disetujui untuk diajukan ke sidang munaqasyah.

Demikian persetujuan ini diberikan untuk dipergunakan dan diproses selanjutnya.

Samata-Gowa, November 2017

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iii Mahasiswa yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Reski Amaliah

NIM : 20400113124

Tempat/ Tg. Lahir : Romang Bone, 02 November 1994 Jur/Prodi/Konsentrasi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/S1 Fakultas/Program : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Alamat : Romang Bone, Gowa

Judul : Using Hypnoteaching in Reducing Students’ Speaking Anxiety for Eleventh Grade at MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung

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Samata-Gowa, November 2017 Penulis

Reski Amaliah




Alhamdulillahi Robbil ‘Alamiin, the researcher would like to express the great thanks to almighty Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe, the most merciful who has given many chance and much inspiration and also good health for the writer to conduct this research. Salam and salawat to beloved prophet Muhammad SALLALLAHU ‘ALAIHI WASSALLAM who has changed for the dark age to the bright era, and also as the best model in the world as a muslim.

The writer accepted much support from a number of people, for their valuable advice, criticism, and valuable suggestion during the writing of this thesis. Without them, this thesis probably was uncompleted. Hence, the writer would like to present the great gratitude and appreciation for:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si, as the rector of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar

2. Dr. Muhammad Amri, Lc., M.Ag, as the dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar for advice during her study.

3. Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd as Head and St. Nurpahmi, S.Pd., M.Pd, as a secretary of English Education Department of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.



encourage, motivate, educate, and grant mercy for the writer. Thanks to the writer’s grandmother, the writer’s brothers, the writer’s sister and the writer’s big family for facilitating and scarifying.

6. The writer’s beloved classmates in PBI 7&8 in English Education Department in academic year 2013. Thanks for the support and motivation during the constructing of this thesis.

7. The writer’s friends Sudarman Nasir, S.Pd for giving some references to complete the writer’s thesis, Aswan, Aisyah, Muslimin Fahri and Abdul Muis for their support and advice, and also Risna for helping the writer and for being the writer’s friend.

8. And for all the people who could not be mentioned here for helping the writer in completing the writer’s thesis.

The writer is aware that this thesis has much criticism and far from perfection. Hence, the writer hopes suggestion and correction will be appreciated. Hopefully, this thesis will give benefit to other people.

Samata-Gowa, November 2017



D. Research Significances ... 6

E. Research Scope ... 6

F. Operational Definition of Terms ... 7

CHAPTER II (LITERATURE REVIEW) ... 8-21 A. Related Previous Findings ... 8

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ... 10

C. Definition of Hypnoteaching ... 10

D. Humans’ Mind ... 11

E. Definition of Speaking ... 15

F. Definition of Anxiety ... 21

G. Level of Anxiety ... 21

CHAPTER III (RESEARCH METHODOLOGY) ... 20-30 A. Research Design ... 20

B. Research Variables ... 21

C. Population and Sample ... 21

D. Research Instruments ... 21

E. Data Collection Procedures ... 24

F. Data Analysis Technique ... 27

CHAPTER IV (FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION) ... 31-40 A. Findings ... 31

B. Discussion ... 36




Table 1 Indicator students’ speaking anxiety ... 31

Table 2 Likert scale ... 36

Table 3 Scoring system of level anxiety ... 37

Table 4 Percentage score of experimental class in pre-questionnaires ... 40

Table 5 Percentage score of experimental class in post-questionnaires ... 40

Table 6 Percentage score of controlled class in pre-questionnaires ... 41

Table 7 Percentage score of controlled class in post-questionnaires ... 41

Table 8 The mean score in pre-questionnaires ... 42



Appendix A List of questionnaires ... 54

Appendix B List of interview ... 56

Appendix C Student’s score of experimental class ... 58

Appendix D student’s Answer of experimental class in pre-questionnaires... 59

Appendix E student’s Answer of experimental class in post-questionnaires ... 60

Appendix F Student’s score of controlled class ... 61

Appendix G student’s Answer of controlled class in pre-questionnaires ... 62

Appendix H student’s Answer of controlled class in post-questionnaires ... 63

Appendix I The mean score of experimental and controlled class ... 64

Appendix J Standard deviation of experimental and controlled class ... 65

Appendix K The significant difference ... 67

Appendix L The distribution of t-table ... 68

Appendix M Lesson plan ... 69


x Researcher : Reski Amaliah

Reg. Number : 20400113124

Title : “Using Hypnoteaching in Reducing Students’ Speaking Anxiety for Eleventh Grade at MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung

Consultant I : Dr. H. Nur Asik, M.Hum Consultant II : Dahniar, S.Pd., M.Pd

The aim of this research was to find out how hypnoteaching in reducing students’ eleventh grade speaking anxiety at MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung. The research statement of this research was “To what extend does hypnoteaching effective in reducing student’s speaking anxiety for eleventh grade at MA. Muhmmadiyah in Limbung and objective of research was “To find out whether hypnoteaching effective in reducing student’s speaking Anxiety”.

The researcher used Quasi Experimental Design, that incriminating two classes were experimental class and control class. In the experimental class the researcher applied hypnoteaching method, while in the controlled class the researcher applied conventional teaching method. The population of this research was the eleventh grade students of MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung that consisted of 62 students. The sample of this research was taken by using purposive sampling technique, 20 from XI IPS as experimental class and 20 from XI Exact as controlled class. To obtain the data the researcher distributed Questioner and interview. The questionnaires were distributed in pre-test and post-test. The questionnaires were used to get data about psychological research. The researcher used Likert Scale to measure the result of the questionnaires. The questionnaires was used by the researcher was developed by Horwitz at al (1986). The use of hypnoteaching of this research can reduce students’ speaking anxiety of the students.

The mean score of questionnaires before and after treating is different. The mean score before treating was 94.25 and the mean score after treating was 51.45. It indicates that there was reduction of students’ speaking anxiety. It can be seen from the students’ answer in questionnaires. There were 60% students with low level anxiety, 35% students with moderate level anxiety, and 5% students with high level anxiety.




This chapter deals with background, problem statement, objective of research, research significant, research scope, and operational definition of term.

A. Background

English is very important to learn because English is one of the languages in the world used by many people in many countries. It is also recognized as the main language for communication with other people from different countries and cultures. Due to the importance of English as an international language, many people try to learn and master it as soon as possible with the result that they will not find any difficulties in communicating with others especially these coming from abroad.

English as a global language is the key to be familiar with science, modern technology, as well as commerce. As an international language, English has gained its popularity all over the world including Indonesia. In the past era English was only taught in junior and senior high school, but in present time the teaching of English is expanding into primary schools. English has been learnt earlier for making the students be familiar of English. Eventually, people will not difficulties when their find about English anywhere. As a foreign language in Indonesia, English is seriously learned by many people to have a good prospect to be part of global community.


speaking and writing are said to be an active, or productive skill whereas listening and reading are said to be passive, or receptive skill. Among of them speaking is difficulties skill regarded by the students. Hence, speaking is active from feeling to be speech. In speaking activity involve some factors such as psychological, neurological, semantic and linguistic extensively.

Based on the student’s assumption about speaking, the students regarded that


some of difficulties that was faced by the student are students feel hard to make sentence, the idea that will be deliver to be blank in their mind, and negative thinking what will deliver will be unsuitable with the good pronunciation. In addition, this is

proven by the low level of students’ scores, as the following quotes prove, Paul

(1985) said that understanding English, or any language, is not easy. Language problems are very complicated and unlike any other problems we meet. They are also, for everybody, unavoidable problem. Furthermore, lack of motivation and interest, and also the vocabulary they know still poor. Thus, the students speak ungrammatically, and error in pronunciation.

Many factors make the students feel anxious in language class. There are three factors that are anxiety in communication, anxiety in test, and anxiety in get negative perception. These problems may overcome by creating fun learning and good situation in language class. The teacher may greet the students, helping the students and giving positive reinforcement for students.


On consideration of the point of view before, the researcher wants to give solution especially in reducing student anxiety in speaking, with the result that the students will be better in speaking.

Based on the fact, the researcher assumes that English mastery will not developed when the problem was faced the students not overcome soon. By doing this research,

the researcher hope that this research will be solved the students’ difficulties

especially in anxiety by using hypnoteaching method. Hypnoteaching is the newest in teaching method, and there are many people unaware of actually they are using hypnoteaching. Hypnoteaching is teaching by making comfortable situation and relax, and bringing the students to unconscious mind. In this condition the students will be easy to accept the suggestion although this situation unconscious mind is not meant that the students unaware of the situation were happening. The researcher tries to deliver positive words to motivate the students to solve their anxiety, traumatic, and other psychological disorder. The researcher chooses this method because the researcher believes that hypnoteaching suggesting the students to be interest and motivated in learning process. Yustisia (2012) said that Hypnoteaching is an effort to hypnotically students to be better and improve their achievement. In learning, actually teacher does not need to make students under sleep when giving suggestion. Teacher just needs to use some unconscious languages or persuasive language (like positive sentences) as communication tool as well as hope by students so it can make


Isma (2010) explained that teaching is a process to import information into

students’ mind. The information will be processed in conscious mind to know that are

the information agrees with students’ necessary or not with an available program.

When the information is agreeable, so it will be continue to the next process, goes into unconscious mind. In this unconscious mind, the information will be saved to be

functioned according to students’ necessary. So, hypnoteaching is one of methods

that suggest and motivate student to interest in learning by deliver information to the

students’ unconscious mind.

By means of this research, the researcher will analyze the use of hypnoteahing and expects that by using this method, the students will more confident and easier to speak what should say when the students are speaking and confidence to stand in front of the others students. Based on explanation above, the researcher wants to conduct a research entitled “Using Hypno-teaching in Reducing Students’ Speaking Anxiety for Eleventh Grade at MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung, Kab.Gowa.”

B. Problem Statement

Based on the previous observation, the research is directed to use hypnoteaching

as method to reducing students’ anxiety in speaking class at the 2nd year students of

MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung. Therefore, the problem of the research is “To what

extend does hypnoteaching effective in reducing the students’ anxiety in speaking


C. Objective of Research

This research aims to reducing students’ speaking anxiety at the eleventh grade

students of MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung. The specific objective of the research is

“To find out whether hypnoteaching effective in reducing students’ anxiety in


D. Research Significance

This research is expected to provide significant contribution both theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretical Significance

This research was expected to strengthen and prove the other theories and can give useful information about how benefit the use of hypnoteaching as method toward in teaching and learning process especially in learning speaking.

2. Practical Significance


E. Research Scope

To make this research clearer and specific, this research focused on using

hypnoteaching in reducing students’ speaking anxiety. The researcher focused on

monologue text and dialogue text with the topic narrative text, what’s on your mind, encouraging, persuading, and hoping. Then, the researcher determined level of anxiety, there were five levels anxiety: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high level anxiety. This research took place at the eleventh grade students of MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung.

F. Operational Definition of Term

The title of this research is “Using Hypnoteaching in Reducing Students’

Speaking Anxiety for The Eleventh Grade Students at MA. Muhammadiyah LimbungIn understanding the topic of this research easily, the researcher would like to presents the operational definition of terms.

1. Hypnoteaching

Hypnoteaching in this research is one of method in teaching English. The researcher utilizes hypnoteaching in teaching speaking. The aim of using this method is to make the students enjoy the learning process. Furthermore, hypnoteaching carry out the students in comfortable condition, interest, and enjoy in learning process.

2. Speaking anxiety




A.Review of Related Literature

1. Preview of Related Research Findings

In this research, there are some reviews of related research finding from the previous researcher, they are:

The first, preview finding came from Chiu at al.(2010) conducted research about speaking anxiety in foreign language class showed that a high percentage of students reported that it was easy for them to become anxious when they spoke in English. Accordingly, the students who tested high on anxiety in the study of Horwitz at al. (1986) remarked that they are afraid to speak in foreign language. Based on the study, it can be implied that anxious affect the students performance in foreign language especially in English. Eventually, if there is no anxiety the students’ self

confidence will be increase.

The second, preview finding came from Yudistira (2012) conducted research about “The Influence of Hypnoteaching Implementation in Problem-Based Learning towards Students’ Communication Ability and Their Mathematical Creative in


Communication Ability and Their Mathematical Creative in Thinking for The First Grade in Junior High School (SMP).

The third preview finding came from Mustianah (2012) conducted research about “The Strategy Implementation of Hypnoteaching as Effort in Increasing Students’ Active and Their Learning Achievement in Economic for The First Grade

Students at SMP Al Islam 1 Surakarta”, conclude that hypnoteaching can improve students’ active and their learning achievement.

The fourth research comes from Firman (2013) about “The Implementation of Hypnoteaching Method in Improving Students’ English Learning Achievement at The

First Grade of SMPN 3 SATAP Biringbulu Kab.Gowa”, conclude that hypnoteaching make students more active and learning process become more effective in studyng English. It is found in the students’ post test is higher than the pre-test. Based on his research hypnoteaching able to make students more active and influence achievement in learning instruction.

The other research comes from Latif (2013) about “The Effectiveness of Hypnoteaching in Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) towards Students’ Critic

Analysis and Their Communication Ability for The Second Grade of Exact at SMA Negeri 5 Yogyakarta”, stated that some researchers showed that hypnoteaching gave good effect towards learning.


motivated the student in learning English and efficient to reducing students anxiety in speaking class.

On consideration the result of research above, the researcher may assumes that hypnoteaching make students better in learning process because the learning process more active and effective.

B.Some Pertinent Ideas 1. Hypnoteaching

a. Definition of Hypnoteaching

According to Prajoko (2010) said that Hypnoteaching can be simply understood as a way to send down the frequency of brain wave of the learners in order to make them more relax and suggestive in getting the positive value of a teaching process. Based on the explanation the researcher may assume that hypnoteaching is one of method that able to make the students in positive thinking and reduce their negative or fearness in their mind.

Other definition comes from Yustisia (2012), said that, “In learning, actually

teacher does not need to make students in sleep condition when giving suggestion. Teacher just needs to use persuasive language as communication tool as well as hope by students.” Moreover make students concentration prepared well.

Based on the explanation above from some experts, the researcher can conclude that Hypnoteaching is a flexible and suggestive state in learning process. b. Hypnosis


Wong (2010) said that the word “hypnosis” comes from the word

“hypnotism” which is adapted from the word “hypnos” in Greek language form the

name of sleep God for Greece in Greek era. It is firstly introduced by James Braid 1843, a well-known doctor and one of researchers of hypnosis in England. Before James Braid era, hypnosis was called as Mesmerism/Magnetism.

Setia I. Rusli and Johanes Arifin Wijaya (2009) said that the word Hypnosis is generated from Greek language ‘hypnos’ which means slept in trance condition. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that make students sleep but make the students in relax

condition and focus to be easier in receiving suggestion. Hypnosis makes the students’ eyes close but their mind still conscious. This method bring the students

imagine the place or condition that they want learning English. For instance, make the students imagine is learning English in Garden and the blowing wind and the students’ imagine place like heaven. Beside that, someone can speak and move to

follow somebody’s desire who hypnotizes. 2. Kinds of Hypnosis

Nurindra in his E-book titled Hypnosis for Dummies (2008) gave some applications of popular hypnosis as follow:


Hypnosis, part of hypnosis that use for investigation and research, and conduct by upholder of law.

Furthermore, Setiawan (2009) classified the kinds of hypnosis as follow: (a) Hypnotherapy/ clinical hypnosis is used to solve mental problem and physical disorders. (b) Medical and dental hypnosis is application of hypnosis that used by surgeon and dentist in curing patient and make anesthesia without using drugs. (c) Comedy hypnosis is application of hypnosis to entertain the people. (d )Forensic hypnosis is used by the police to investigate the witness. Based on explanation above that the researcher has learned from some references, the researcher can conclude that hypnosis can be divided into some application are hypnosis for Entertainment (Stage hypnosis), hypnosis for therapy (hypnotherapy), hypnosis for selling, hypnosis for dummies, self hypnosis, hypnosis for birthing, hypnoteaching (hypnosis for teaching).

3. Humans’ Mind

a. Conscious and Unconscious Mind

Sandy Mc. Gregor in Novian Triwidia Jaya (2010) said that unconscious mind dominates human’s mind 88%, while conscious mind dominates human’s mind only



considered as logic or analysis like sequence of number and alphabet, day and night, and some the other logical things.

Based on explanation above the researcher can conclude that small brain and big brain have functions and have different functions. Big brain is special and small brain is incredible.

Setia I. Rusli and Johannes Arifin Wijaya (2009) explained that human beings often use left brain to think and to take decision. The power of left brain is 12% from total of brain functions. It can be imagined if you are able to use a part function of

right brain, you will become creative and genius person. b. Brain Wave States

Novian Triwidia Jaya (2010) said that the activeness of brain can be measured by a tool called Electroenchephalograph (EEG), it was discovered by Hans Berger in 1929. From this tool, we are able to obtain some brain wave states, they are:

1. Beta State (14-30 Hz)


2. Alpha State (9-13 Hz)

The condition of brain wave is relax but still thinking something, such as reading without using analytical thinking, listening to music, and focusing on certain subject. The conscious mind will decrease and unconscious mind will be active. To illustrate, when we are reading message in mobile phone we do not hear someone who speaks to us. It indicates that we are in alpha state.

3. Theta State (4-8 Hz)

Theta state is condition of brain wave that suggestion is easy to accept, such as when the condition already to sleep or dream sleep. For instance, of theta state are doing deep relaxation, meditation, and deep dreamed. In this condition, the unconscious mind very active, hence the suggestion is very easy to accept and the five senses keep active.

4. Delta state (1-3 Hz)


Framework 1. Brain Wave Of Human

2. Processes of Hypnoteaching a. Steps of Hypnoteaching 1. Magical Opening

The aim of this step is to connect directly to students’ unconscious mind. This

step enables the students to accept the material easily through unconscious mind. a. Why is making Magical Opening needed?

1) To prepare unconscious mind to receive message

In this section, the students are expected to save and accept the material clearly and easily. The target of this section is the memory of unconscious mind, hence unconscious mind in well prepared.



Hypnosis State


(14-30 Hertz)



(9-13 Hertz)


(4-8 Hertz)



2) To open mental block

It is an innate of human being if our mind always wants to analyze something especially if it is about new thing for him. Our mind will compare what we find and what we have known before. Therefore, by magical opening, the teacher can easily pass this mental block or mind resistant.

3) To make perception

Webe (2010) says that “Our mind influences our perception, this perception

influences the action, and this action influences the success.” We have to change

students’ mind to change their perception. And finally, the changing of that

perception will change to follow what we want. Furthermore, the students will achieve the goal of instruction.

b. How to make Magical Opening? 1) Alpha State

According to De Porter (2001) said that in the middle of 1970-es, Dr. Georgi Lozanov conducted a research about the best state in learning. He found that students in Alpha state relax concentration state, would learn quickly,”


impression and intimidation. So, come in to the classroom enthusiastically and greet the students, then gaze their face by increasing our eyeball while smiling at them. So, when they follow us enthusiastically, they come into enjoyable emotion.

2) Positive Words

In this step, the researcher should begin the material by using positive words, namely our sentences delivered should lead the students into our mind that we want. According to Yustisia (2012) said that the positive words will stimulate students’

mind to work relax and comfortable. So, the students mind will be accepted the word easily. For example, “don’t be noise”, so the students will be noise because their mind only gets ‘noise’ word after the negative word ‘don’t’. In this case, we should

find the synonym in positive form. For example, the word “don’t be noise” can be

changed into “Keep Silent”, “Be Calm, please”, etc. Therefore, the researcher must be avoid negative words when ask students to do something, because it influences the students.

3) Shocking

In this step, the researcher makes something to shock the students which emerge impression of students, such as sleight of hand or other games which get students attention. This point is aim to attract the students and make students regard the researcher as remarkable one.

a. Pacing


unconscious connection. Pacing is the process of stepping into the behavior of the person you want rapport with. It is a way to make contact, and then lead the other person into the states that you want them in.”

Lieberman (2002) said that, there are three powerful tips for establishing and building rapport, they are:

1. Matching the modality.

Most people use one dominant modality to express themselves in conversation. The three basic modalities are visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Here, the key is to speak to them in the modalities they offer us. On the other hand, we should adjust the predicate we use with the predicate used by our interlocutors to be so much closer. For instance:

Visual : everything seems so clear to me. Auditory : that idea has a nice ring to it.

Kinesthetic : you seem like a warm caring person. 2. Matching posture and movements (physical).

For instance, if someone has one hand in his pocket, you put your hand in yours. If he makes a gesture with his hand, after a moment and without being obvious, you casually make the same gesture.

3. Matching speech.


consequent, the students will be more confident to meet us and ready for doing the next instruction.

b. Leading

Nirmala (2010) said that, “Leading is guiding the students after we conduct pacing process. If we have this leading without pacing before, it is the same as we give command to the students with a risk that they do it compulsively. This case will give refusal impact of the students to us.”

Webe (2010) said that when delivering the main message or material, there are three points that we must give attention in order to get an interesting presentation. They are Visual, Vocal, and Verbal.

Visual or body movementgives influence 50%. It is about facial expressions, hand gestures and movements, eye contact and eye blinking and other body languages.

Vocal or quality of the voice gives influence 35%. It is about the tone, tempo, timbre (quality of the voice), intonation, and the volume of voice.

Verbal or material gives influences 15%. It is about material of the lesson delivered.

Students’ concentration will be influence the learning process and the


The samples of yelling;

Teacher Students

Hai Yes

Hai Halo

Class Wow

Champ Yes/Go

Halo Hai/Yes

c. Praise

Praise is a reward that given to the students who have success in getting achievement although it is only poor achievement. The aim of this praise is make students more confidence and improve their self esteem.

According to Sardiman (1986) said that by giving praise, the students will be stimulated to achieve more than before. In giving praise, we should avoid negative conjunction such as ‘but’, ‘however’, etc. Because it will make our praise is useless.

The example sentence of negative conjunction:

“Adi, you are a smart student and I love student like you, but unfortunately,

you do not pay attention to your tidiness”.

If the praise contains the negative conjunction, it is like an aggression to students’ self esteem which is praised. Negative conjunction doesn’t increase students

self esteem but it will make students’ self esteem down. Hence, it will influence the

psychological system of students.


“Actually, you are a very smart and priding student, and it will be more

priding if you more pay attention to your tidiness.”

Some other praises can be given after listening students’ explanation: a) Thank you, your explanation is very good.

b) I enjoy your way in giving explanation. c) I feel you will be very good when... d) You are really awesome.

d. Modelling

Nirmala (2010) said that, “Modeling is a process of showing good model through utterance and behavior consistently. This is very important and it is one of the main point of hypnoteaching. When the students get comfortable and relax with us, then we can lead and guide them to what aim we want by positive sentences.”

We can leave the class by giving a wise word. And it is necessary to do because it will make students regarded as a trusted figure. By showing utterance and behavior consistently.

2. Speaking

a. Definition of Speaking


According to Clark and Clark (1977) said that speaking is the process, which leads to product, of putting idea into words. It is involved two elements, namely the speaker who gives the messages and listener who receives the messages. Speaking is a way to bring message from one person to others in order to interact with them. Furthermore, Rasyid in Sardian (1988) described that speaking is more direct, social, and prestigious than other language skill. Furthermore, speaking is productive skill or output skill, because speaking is produce ideas, information through mouth and then interact each other and other receive the message.

b. Types of Speaking

According to Nunan (1991) said that there are two types of oral communication, namely monologue and dialogue. Monologue consists of planned or unplanned monologue, while dialogue consists of interpersonal and transactional. The Oxford English Dictionary defines monologue as a long speech by one actor in a play or a scene in a drama in which only one actor speaks. And the same dictionary, dialogue as the conversation written for and spoken on a stage or conversation carried on between two or more person.

3. Anxiety

a. Definition of anxiety


“anxiety is the subjective feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness and worry

associated with an aurosal of the autonomic nervous system.” Furthermore, anxiety is

one of psychological trouble, that may have some symptoms such as sweating, palpitations, worry, forgetfulness and difficulties in language learning.

Based on Ozlem Yalcun And Volcan Incecay (2013) stated that anxious foreign language students identify speaking in the target language as the most frightening skill. It also reported that they feel stressed and even start to freeze when they have to act out a role play or deliver speech. Therefore, speaking anxiety is one of the classical problems of students face in learning foreign language, the students believe that they have to be a perfect speaker in foreign language, and they assume that they will speak when they will have established their ability in speaking, whereas this assumption is wrong because it just make their anxiety increase.

2.Symptoms and cause of anxiety

Rahmat in Syarifuddin (2006) said that communication apprehension influences very much credibility of a communicator. Although the message he present is good, he will use his listener’s attention, if he has no self-confidence and credibility.

Anxiety is general symptom that can be rooted in previous failure, being afraid to ankle mistakes to be citizen, being afraid to lose face, or lose face, or lacking of self confidence. This can be blocking the students’ speaking in classroom or


According to Ochs in Sardian (1991) the following symptoms may occur separately or in combination:

(a) Voice, the voice will be quivers, too slow, too fast, and monotonous as well as unemphatic. (b) Verbal influency, the symptoms are stammers halting, awkward pauses, hunt of woods, and speech blocked. (c) Mouth and throat the symptoms are to allow repeatedly and breathes heavily. (d) Facial expression, the symptoms are no eye contact, roll eye, tense face muscle, grimaces, and twitches as well as deadpan expression. (e) Arms and Hands, it may occurs such as rigid or tense, fidget, waves and hard about, motionless and stiff. (f) Gross body movements, the symptoms are sways, paces, and shuffles feet.

3.Level of anxiety

According to Towsend in Sardian (1996), there are four level of anxiety those are low anxiety, moderate anxiety, high anxiety and panic. Low anxiety related with strained situation happened in daily life and cause someone become aware and increase their perception. Low anxiety can motivate learning and provide improvement and creativity. Manifestation arise on this level are exhaustion, irritable, perception tended to be increase, high awareness, able to learn, motivation is increase, and attitude base on the situation.


muscle suspense increase, speak faster with high volume, narrow perception, able to learn but not optimally, concentration decrease, selective attention, impatient, easy to forget something, easy to angry and cry.

The next is high anxiety, which is extremely reducing someone’s perception.

Someone with high anxiety tends to focuses on something detailed and specific, and also do not think too much on another problem. Manifestation arise on this level sometimes feel vertigo, headache, insomnia, frequently urinate, diarrhea, disable learn effectively and confuse.

C.Theoretical Framework

In learning English, there are some factors influence the students achievement, such as interest, motivation, self confidence, method of teaching, and so on. Furthermore, some of difficulties that were faced by the students are anxious, lack of vocabulary, and boring. Especially, in speaking class, students prefer silent then speak up, it because the students fear make error in pronunciation, and nervous as well as feel freeze when they have to speak. The symptoms of the students’ anxiety


D. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of the research is formulated as follows:

1. H1 : Using hypnoteaching can reduce the eleventh grade students’ anxiety in speaking at MA. Muhammadiyah in limbung.


sample, data collecting procedure, and data analysis technique. A. Research Design

This research used Quasi-Experimental Design, specifically Non-equivalent Control Group Design. This research consisted of two classes experimental and controlled class. The experimental class treated by using hypnoteaching, while controlled class treated by using conventional method.


E : Experimental class C : Control class

O1 : Pre-test (in experimental class) O3 : Pre-test (in control class)

X : Treatment that gave for experimental class by using hypnoteaching O2 : Post-test (in experimental class)

O4 : Post-test (in controlled class)

(Sugiyono, 2015)

E O1 X O2



B. Research Variables

There were two variables of this experiment research. They are Independent variable and dependent variable: the independent variable is hypnoteaching method, which is the teaching method to reduce students’ anxiety in speaking class, and

dependent variable is speaking anxiety. Dependent variable is affected by independent variable. This research shows that using hypnoteaching reduce the students’ speaking anxiety.

C. Population and Sample 1. Population

According to Arikunto (2013) states that, population is the total member of research respondents, while sample is a part or representation of population that is researched. The population of this research will be taken from the eleventh grade students of MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung in academic year 2017/2016. The total numbers of population are sixty students, consists of 2 classes.

2. Sample

The technique sampling used in this research is total sampling. The researcher took two classes as sample and divided into two groups, experimental class and control class. The researcher took X1. IPS consists of 20 students as experiment class and X.IPA consist of 20 students as the control class.

D. Research Instrument


doing a research and the researcher distributed questionnaires and interview instruments of collecting data.

1. Questionnaire

According to Arikunto (2013), questionnaires are some written questions which are used for getting information from the respondents such as a report about their personal, or any things which the respondents know. The researcher distributed these questionnaires in order to know how the students’ anxiety in speaking.

This research instrument used Likert scale to measure quantitatively, where students chosen the answers of statements based on their experience in learning teaching process which influences their confidence in learning which have been available on paper. According to Sugiyono (2010), Likert scale model used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or a group of social phenomenon. In this research, the Likert scale used indicators as a starting point for assembles items of instruments which may be a question and a statement. In draft of research, generally the items of a question or a statement are grouped according to the variables that were concerned by researcher. It can make the researcher and the reader easily check the validity of instrument that has made.


to 1 for strongly disagree. According to Aida (1994) said that the order of scoring was reversed, so that a higher score would be an indicator of higher anxiety. In this questionnaire, it consisted of two statement categories; those are positive category and negative category. Positive statements ranged from 5 to 1, while negative statements will be ranged from 1 to 5.

Table 1

The indicators of students’ speaking anxiety

Variable Sub variable Indicator Description No items


2. Interview

The researcher conducted the interview to obtain supporting data about

students’ answer from questioner. The researcher interviewed the students which

were consisted of ten questions. The data from interview described to strengthen the

students’ answer.

The data obtained from interview presented through transcribing and then write down on note. The data from interview discuss about the step of hypnoteaching that makes students feel enjoy and relax. The researcher has to read entirely the information in interview and give coding to the information that need it to be related into the theory whether the data as the causes of the students’ anxious in speaking


E. Data Collecting Procedure

The way of the researcher collects data by doing observation, using questionnaires, giving treatment and interview which contain the questions about the influence of Hypnoteaching in improving the students’ interest in learning.

1. Observation

The observation did to observe the teaching learning conducted by the English teacher in the classroom including his activity, the media used, and his performance

in the classroom. The observation is needed to obtain the primary data about the


students by applying hypnoteaching, that consists some steps are giving positive

words, matching movements and postures, matching speech, yelling and praise.

These steps are hoped to provoke students’ anxiety in speaking. Then, the researcher

distributed some instruments to get more valid data.

2. Questionnaire

To collect the data from the questionnaires which was distributed to the students in classroom, the researcher did the procedures as follows: Explaining the aims of the research to the students, explaining how to do the questionnaires, distributing the questionnaires to students, receiving the questionnaires from the students, identifying the result of the questionnaires, calculating and analyzing the result of data from the questionnaires. The researcher distributed lists of questionnaires by using FLCAS which was developed by Horwitz at.al (1986) and the students’ score measured by using SPSS.

3. Interview

The interview recorded to make easy the researcher analyzed the data. Then, the researcher took a note some important thing to be source of data collecting. The result of interview was analyzed by using qualitative approach which was processed through description analysis.

4. Treatment


treated by conventional or classical method in teaching. Both classes treated with the same materials.

a. The Experimental Class

The steps in teaching English by using Hypnoteaching method are: 1. 1st meeting:

a) The researcher entered the class and started the lesson by magical opening (alpha state, positive words, or shocking)

b) Creating emotional shyncronizing by matching position, movement, language, and wave brain to students.

c) Delivering the main material of English lesson by giving attention to visual, vocal, and verbal in order to get an interesting presentation

d) Giving praise to the students heartily and honestly especially when the students were successful in getting achievement although it is only a low achievement.

e) Showing good model through utterance and behavior consistently.

f) The procedures of the treatment in 2nd, 3rd and 4th meeting were the same, but the materials about English are different.

2. Control Class

In control class, the researcher gave a conventional or classical treatment to the students. In control class the researcher compared the students’ achievements in learning English which was not treated of Hypnoteaching method.


2. Before class began, the students recited Al-Qur’an firstly 3. The researcher checked the attendance list

4. The researcher reviewed the previous lesson

5. The researcher gave the students some handout to read and then speaking in front of the class.

6. The researcher closed the class by giving wise word to the students. 7. All the steps did continuously for four meetings.

G. Data Analysis Technique

According to Syahrul in Sugiono (2016) stated that data analysis is a process of managing the data which is obtained, whether the data is from the interview script, field notes, and any materials which are accumulated to understand and enable to present the data or the information. After the researcher has collected the data through questionnaires and interview then the data was resented quantitatively by interpreting the result of the data.

The data was obtained through pre-test and post-test. The researcher used the procedures as follows:

1. Finding out the means score of the students’ answer






: Sum of all score


: Total number of subject

(Gay, 2006: 320) 2. Finding out score of the students

Data from questionnaire was analyzed by using Likert scale that can be seen in the table 1.

Table 2

Likert Scale

Positive statement Statement Negative statement

5 strongly agree 1

4 Agree 2

3 undecided 3

2 Disagree 4

1 strongly disagree 5


The choices of the statements are the data of the students’ anxiety and ranged

into five categories in the following:

I= Sum of Questionnaires X Sum Of answer alternative Sum of Categories

Scoring System of Level Anxiety

Interval Score Category

1-25 very low 3. Finding out the standard deviation by applying this formula :


∑𝑋2 = the sum of all square; each score is squared and all the squares are added up

(∑𝑋)2 = the square of the sum; all the scores are added up and the sum is square, total

(Gay, 2006: 321) 4. The formula was used in finding out the difference between students’ score in

Pre-test and Post-test

= x̅1−x̅2

√(n1SS1++n2SS22) (n11 +n21)


t : test of significance

x̅1 : mean score of experimental group x̅2 : mean score of controlled group SS1 : sum square of experimental group SS2 : sum square of controlled group

n1 : number of students of experimental group n2 : number of students of cotrolled group 2 : the number of class involved

1 : constant number




This chapter consists of two explanations are findings and discussion. The findings explain the reduction of students’ speaking anxiety by using hypnoteaching,

and findings give more the explanation of finding. A. Findings

The findings were based on the result of the data analysis. The data analysis was utilized to obtain the data. To know the level of students’ anxiety, the researcher gave

the students questionnaires as pre-questionnaires before conducting the treatment class, and distributed post-questionnaires to know the students level of anxiety, whether hypnoteaching reduce students’ speaking anxiety or not.

1. The classification of students’ score of pre-questionnaires and post-questionnaires in experimental class.

The following Table shows the distribution of frequency and percentage of final scores of students speaking anxiety in pre-questionnaires and post-questionnaires of treatment class for eleventh grade at MA. Muhammadiyah Limbung.


Table 4

The distribution of frequency and percentage score of experimental class

In Pre-Questionnaires

No Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 very low 0-25 0 0%

2 Low 26-50 0 0%

3 Moderate 51-75 3 15%

4 High 76-100 11 55%

5 Very high 100-125 6 30%

Table two above, describe that the result of score students in pre-Questionnaires showed that from 20 students, most of students are very high level of anxiety about 85% and others obtain 3 among of 20 students were moderate level of anxiety or about 15%.

Table 5

The distribution of frequency and percentage score of experimental class in


No Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very low 1-25 0 0%

2 Low 26-50 12 5%

3 Moderate 51-75 7 35%

4 High 76-100 1 60%

5 Very high 100-125 0 0%


anxiety, 40% with moderate level anxiety and 5% students with high level of anxiety, from the table above, the researcher concluded that form 85% students with high level of anxiety become 5% students with level of anxiety.

Table 6

The distribution of frequency and percentage score of controlled Class

in Pre-Questionnaires

NO Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very low 1-25 0 0%

2 Low 26-50 3 15%

3 Moderate 51-75 2 10%

4 High 76-100 10 50%

5 Very high 100-125 5 25%

Based on the data above, it indicated that after the students treated by using hypnoteaching, there was a different result of students’ score from the questionnaires.

The data above showed that about 25% students with very high level anxiety, 10% students with high level of anxiety and 15% students with low level anxiety.

Table 7

The distribution of frequency and percentage score of controlled class

in post-questionnaires

No Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1. Very low 1-25 0 0%

2. Low 26-50 10 50%

3. Moderate 51-75 8 40%

4. High 76-100 2 10%


The table showed about 10% students with very low level of anxiety, about 50% students with low level anxiety, 40% students with moderate level of anxiety, and there were still 10% students with high level of anxiety. the data above could be concluded that some students decrease their anxiety by using conventional method and also there were students didn’t decrease their anxiety.

Table 8

The mean score of experimental and controlled class

in pre-questionnaires

Class Mean score Standard Deviation

Experimental 94.25 21.57

Controlled 84.4 8.59

Based the table above, the mean score of experimental class was higher than controlled class. It indicated that the students level anxiety in experimental class higher than controlled class.

Table 9

The mean score of experimental and controlled class

In post-questionnaires

Class Mean score Standard Deviation

Experimental 51.45 15.98

Controlled 55.66 13.44


that experimental class success then controlled class. This research was different from other, because the lower score was meant lower level anxiety and opposite.

B. The result of interview

Name Answer

Interviewee A Yah dengan adanya hypnoteahing saya tidak terlalu tertekan dan merasa santai… yah hypnoteaching membuat saya rileks dan seolah-olah membuat hati dan perasaan saya tenang… yah saya merasa pede dan santai dalam speaking… karena pada saat relaksasi pikiran saya merasa rileks dan bahasa inggris seolah-olah sangat mudah… saya merasa enjoy karena mendapat dorongan atau motivasi untuk belajar bahasa inggris membuat semangat saya bangkit untuk lebih giat lagi belajar bahasa inggris…karena dengan adanya dorongan atau motivasi saya merasa percaya diri dan lebih giat belajar bahasa inggris… relaksasi dan yell-yellnya… karena dengan adanya hypnoteaching saya merasa nyaman dan tidak tertekan dalam belajar bahasa inggris… yah karena hypnoteaching adalah metode yang menyenangkan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Thank you…

Interviewee B Yes Karena dengan menggunakan hypnoteaching saya merasa tenang dan merasa percaya diri… yes karena dengan hypnoteaching kita tidak merasa kegugupan pada saat berbicara… yes karena saya merasa pede saat berbicara karena guru selalu menyemangati untuk belajar lebih baik lagi… yes karena dengan menggunakan hypnoteaching kita merasakan yang namanya ketenangan, ketenangan pada saat melakukan aktifitas belajar…yes karena itu menenangkan… yes karena yelling membuat perhatian terarah pada guru… yes yes agar bisa lebih percaya diri dan memotivasi kita sendiri sehingga tidak merasa malu untuk berbicara… hypnoteaching yang relaksasi… yah karena dengan metode itu kita merasa nyaman dan tenang.. yah karena dengan hypnoteaching kita merasa bebas dan tidak tertekan lagi. Thank you…


yelling its make my spirit for study more enjoy… yes positive, relaxation, positive words, praise some other step make enjoy and reduce my anxiety… yes before we using hypnoteaching we always anxiety every time we study English and some my friends don’t like lesson English because the feel its so different…

Interviewee D Yah karena metode hypnoteaching membuat saya nyaman dan rileks… yah karena hypnoteaching membuat saya lebih percaya diri… yah karena positive words saya tidak takut membuat kesalahan… karena pada saat rileksasi saya menganggap belajar bahasa Inggris itu menyenangkan… yah saya merasa enjoy karena dimotivasi oleh guru… yah karena yelling membuat saya semangat dan lebih focus… relaxation…yah karena dengan adanya praise saya lebih merasa pede dan tidak malu tampil di depan kelas… yah karena hypnoteaching itu membuat santai dan tenang…

Based on the interviewed above, the researcher concluded that hypnoteaching decrease their stress, increase their confidence, and also comfortable in learning process.hence the students did not feel anxious. Music relaxation, positive words and yelling was the students’ most favorite steps.

C. Discussions


don’t need to be worried if their doing mistake. The teacher also have take a part in

overcoming this problem by using appropriate method in reducing students’ speaking


Speaking is one of the important things to be mastered, because speaking is the way to deliver the ideas, opinion or information. And to take a part in the world, people have to have speaking ability. But, as the fact students getting anxious when they have to take turn in speaking. Students’ perception has effect in learning achievement.

Anxiety is one of psychological problem such negative perception, fear, worried, and apprehension. There are two kinds of anxiety based on the symptoms are strait anxiety and state anxiety. Strait anxiety is anxiety as condition, while state anxiety is anxiety as nature.

Strait anxiety is emotional conditions that happen temporarily then state anxiety is psychological conditions that happen in certain condition. Some symptoms may appear when the students getting strait anxiety such as tremble, sweat, heart pounding, fast breath, different with strait anxiety, when the students getting state anxiety some symptoms may appear such as unconfident, fear, apprehension, speechless, and jittery.


students’ tension, and feeling dangerous when the students have to face speaking

class and fear of negative perception to the teacher when the English learner have to speak in front of their friends.

The higher students anxiety the lowest students performance in speaking, in opposite, the lowest students’ anxiety, the higher students’ performance. Hence,

speaking anxiety has big effect toward students’ performance in speaking.

For second variable is hypnoteaching. Hypnoteaching is the method is able to attract the students active and build students’ self esteem. Most learner feel enjoy in

learning process and did not feel anxious, because they set unconscious mind to be the smart one and same with other. Hypnoteaching bring the students in relax condition and enjoying the learning activity. There is no negative statement, hence the students more active in speaking and did not worry in making mistake. In this case, hypnoteaching suggest the students unconscious mind to be more active and regarded their self has the same ability with others. This method helps the students to overcome their negative perception and induce their tension.


method makes students’ unconscious mind to the alpha and beta state to receive the

suggestion easily. After the class end, the students would be listen wise word or wonderful story to end the class.

After conducting this research, the researcher found that applying hypnoteaching in speaking class for English learner was effective to reduce students’ speaking

anxiety. Based on the data, the students’ questionnaires score is lowest before

treatment class then after treatment class. It was approved from the pre-questionnaires that distributed by the researcher it showed the students’ has high level anxiety, most

of students where in high level of anxiety.

The result exposed that the students learned by following steps of hypnoteaching, they become more confident and enjoy in learning process. They feel pleasant to speak and tried to show a better performance. Hence, the students become more relax, active, enjoy and brave in speaking class. Students undoubted to take turn in front of either friends or teacher.

This research was compatible with some related finding. One of them is Firman (2013) in his thesis under the title: The Implementation of Hypnoteaching Method in Improving Students’ English Learning Achievement at The First Grade of SMPN 3 SATAP Biringbulu Kab.Gowa. his study discuss about the students achievement in learning English by implementing hypnoteaching method. He said that hypnoteaching make students enjoying the class so they didn’t feel stress in facing final test. The

result showed that level of students’ speaking anxiety was lowest then before treated


that have explained in chapter two. Both of them showed that using hypnoteaching method was effective in learning English.

Based on the background, stated that many students felt anxious in speaking, their anxiety was high, and also they worried, ashamed, and feel it burden them when they have to speak up. Hypnoteaching can be applied as a way to solve students’ anxiety. Moreover, it was proved by previous study that have discussed above that hypnoteaching method can reduce students’ speaking anxiety. so, this research is




This chapter consists of two items. The first item is conclusion and the second one is suggestion

A. Conclusion

From the discussion in the previous chapter, it was distinct that using hypnoteaching method can reduce students’ speaking anxiety. The students’ score is low based on the pre-test, while after treatment class showed that students’ score was higher than pre-test questionnaires. It was indicated that there was distinctive achievement.

Using hypnoteaching in learning process made the students more enjoy and relax in speaking class. It can reduce students’ speaking anxiety. It can increase students’

motivation and increase students’ self confidence.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher proposed the suggestion as follow: 1. The use of hypnoteaching in reducing students’ speaking anxiety for eleventh


2. The use of effective technique in applying hypnoteaching

3. The applying of hypnoteaching should be more enjoy for students



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TABEL OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................................
Table 7 Percentage score of controlled class in post-questionnaires ........................
Table 1
Table 2  Likert Scale


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