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Academic year: 2019

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Form Menu Utama

Public Class MenuUtama

Private Sub

AlgoritmaKompresiToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AlgoritmaKompresiToolStripMenuItem.Click

jenis.ShowDialog() End Sub

Private Sub KeluarToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles KeluarToolStripMenuItem.Click

End End Sub

End Class

Form Menu Jenis

Public Class jenis

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

Dim KAC As New kompresAC KAC.ShowDialog()

End Sub

Private Sub btnkompres_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnkompres.Click

Dim KSF As New kompresiSF KSF.ShowDialog()

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim DAC As New DekompresAC DAC.ShowDialog()


Private Sub btnDkompres_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDkompres.Click

Dim DSF As New DekompresiSF DSF.ShowDialog()

End Sub End Class

Form Kompresi Arithmetic Coding Imports System.IO

Public Class frmKompresiAC Structure _warna

Dim index As Integer Dim frek As Integer

Dim high_range As Double Dim low_range As Double End Structure

Structure _high_low Dim high As Double Dim low As Double

End Structure

Private hilow As _high_low Private temp(255) As _warna Private warna(0) As _warna Private totFrek As Decimal = 0 Private img As Bitmap

Private low As Decimal = 0 Private high As Decimal = 1 Private CR = 0

Private w As Decimal = 0 Private h As Decimal = 0

Private Function getHighLow(ByVal nilai As Integer) As _high_low

For i As Integer = 0 To warna.GetUpperBound(0) If warna(i).index = nilai Then

getHighLow.high = warna(i).high_range getHighLow.low = warna(i).low_range Return getHighLow

End If Next


Private Function getLow() As Double

End Function

Private Sub hitungAC(ByVal nilai As Integer) CR = high - low

hilow = getHighLow(nilai)

high = low + (CR * hilow.high) low = low + (CR * hilow.low) End Sub

Private Sub set_warna() Private Sub initialize() Call set_warna()

ofd.Multiselect = False

ofd.Filter = "bitmap file|*.bmp" ofd.FileName = Nothing

sfd.Filter = "Arithmetic-Files|*.ac" btnKprs.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub register_warna()

For y As Integer = 0 To img.Height - 1 For x As Integer = 0 To img.Width - 1 temp(img.GetPixel(x, y).R).frek += 1 temp(img.GetPixel(x, y).G).frek += 1 temp(img.GetPixel(x, y).B).frek += 1

Next Next

ReDim Preserve warna(warna.GetUpperBound(0) - 1) For i As Integer = 0 To warna.GetUpperBound(0) If i = 0 Then

warna(i).low_range = 0

warna(i).high_range = warna(i).frek / totFrek

ElseIf i = warna.GetUpperBound(0) Then warna(i).low_range = warna(i - 1).high_range

warna(i).high_range = 1 Else

warna(i).low_range = warna(i - 1).high_range

warna(i).high_range = warna(i).low_range + (warna(i).frek / totFrek)

End If Next


Private Sub btnOpen_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpen.Click

If ofd.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

img = New Bitmap(ofd.FileName) pbFoto.BackgroundImage = img

End If End Sub

Private Sub btnKprs_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnKprs.Click

Call register_warna()

For i As Integer = 0 To 255 Next

For i As Integer = 0 To warna.GetUpperBound(0) Next

w = img.Width - 1 h = img.Height - 1

For y As Integer = 0 To img.Height - 1 For x As Integer = 0 To img.Width - 1

Call hitungAC(img.GetPixel(x, y).R) Call hitungAC(img.GetPixel(x, y).G) Call hitungAC(img.GetPixel(x, y).B) Next


Call saveFile() End Sub

Private Sub frmKompresiAC_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Call initialize() End Sub

Private Sub saveFile()

Dim sw As New StreamWriter(lblFile.Text, False)

sw.WriteLine(low) sw.WriteLine(w) sw.WriteLine(h)


sw.WriteLine(warna(i).index) sw.WriteLine(warna(i).low_range) sw.WriteLine(warna(i).high_range) Next


MessageBox.Show("Data Berhasil Disimpan")

End Sub

End Class

Form Dekompresi Arithmetic Coding Imports System.IO

Public Class frmDkompresiAC Private file As String Private acffile As String Private low As Decimal = 0 Private high As Decimal = 0 Private cr As Decimal = 0 Private es As Decimal = 0 Private state As String = "R"

Structure _img

Dim r As Integer Dim g As Integer Dim b As Integer End Structure

Structure _warna

Dim index As Integer Dim frek As Integer

Dim high_range As Double Dim low_range As Double End Structure

Structure _high_low Dim high As Double Dim low As Double

End Structure

Private img(0, 0) As _img

Private hilow As _high_low Private warna(0) As _warna


Private Sub readData()

Dim index As Integer = 0

Dim sr = New StreamReader(file) low = sr.ReadLine

w = sr.ReadLine h = sr.ReadLine

While Not sr.EndOfStream

warna(index).index = sr.ReadLine warna(index).low_range = sr.ReadLine warna(index).high_range = sr.ReadLine index += 1

ReDim Preserve warna(index) End While

index -= 1

ReDim Preserve warna(index)


End Sub

Private Function Dkompresi(ByVal nilai As Decimal) As Decimal

Dkompresi = nilai

hilow = getHighLow(nilai) cr = hilow.high - hilow.low

Dkompresi = Dkompresi - hilow.low Dkompresi = Dkompresi / cr

Return Dkompresi

End Function

Private Function getNilai(ByVal nilai As Decimal) As Integer

For i As Integer = 0 To warna.GetUpperBound(0) If nilai >= warna(i).low_range And nilai <= warna(i).high_range Then

Return warna(i).index End If


Return Nothing End Function

Private Function getHighLow(ByVal nilai As Decimal) As _high_low


If nilai >= warna(i).low_range And nilai <= warna(i).high_range Then

getHighLow.high = warna(i).high_range getHighLow.low = warna(i).low_range Return getHighLow

End If Next

End Function

Private Sub inisialize()

Call readData() es = low

ReDim img(w, h)

End Sub

Private Sub Initialize() acfFile = lblFile.Text OFD.Multiselect = False

ofd.Filter = "Arithmetic-Files|*.ac" OFD.FileName = Nothing

sfd.Filter = "bitmap file|*.bmp" btnDkprs.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub btnFile_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFile.Click

If ofd.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

file = ofd.FileName End If

End Sub

Private Sub btnDkprs_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDkprs.Click

Dim x As Integer = 0 Dim y As Integer = 0 Dim r, g, b As Integer Call inisialize()

Call saveFile()

Dim gbr As New Bitmap(w + 1, h + 1)

Do Until y > h


Select Case state Case "R"

r = getNilai(es) state = "G" Case "G"

g = getNilai(es) state = "B" Case "B"

b = getNilai(es) state = "R"

gbr.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(r, g, b))

x += 1 End Select If x > w Then x = 0 y += 1

End If Loop


pbFoto.BackgroundImage = gbr

End Sub

Private Sub frmDkompresiAC_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Call Initialize()

End Sub

Private Sub btnFile1_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFile1.Click

If sfd.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

lblFile.Text = sfd.FileName btnDkprs.Enabled = True End If

End Sub

End Class


Imports System.IO

Public Class frmKompresiSF

#Region "Variabel"

Private warnaawal(255) As color Private warnaurut(255) As color Private w, h As Integer

Private JlhSmpl As Integer = 255 Private img As Bitmap

Private sf() As shannonfano Private sftemp() As shannonfano Private selisih() As Long

Private imgBinary As String = "" Private imgDesimal As String = "" Private imgHexa As String = ""

Structure shannonfano Dim sampel As Integer Dim start As Integer

End Structure Structure color

Dim nilai As Byte Dim frek As Integer Dim cabang As String Dim hexa As String

End Structure

#End Region

#Region "Langkah 1"

Private Sub Initialize() OFD.Multiselect = False

OFD.Filter = "bitmap file|*.bmp" OFD.FileName = Nothing

sFd.Filter = "Shannon-Fano-Files|*.sf" btnKprs.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Call Initialize()

End Sub

Private Sub btnOpen_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpen.Click

If OFD.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then


pbFoto.Image = img

End If End Sub

Private Sub btnFile_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFile.Click

If sFd.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

lblFile.Text = sFd.FileName btnKprs.Enabled = True End If

End Sub

Private Sub btnKprs_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnKprs.Click

Call hitungPL()

Call RegisterWarna() Call gambartobiner()

Call bin_to_hex(imgBinary) Call saveFile()

End Sub

Private Sub hitungPL() w = img.Width h = img.Height

End Sub #End Region

#Region "Langkah 2"

Private Sub resetsample()

For p As Integer = 0 To 255 warnaawal(p).nilai = p warnaawal(p).frek = 0

warnaawal(p).cabang = Nothing Next

End Sub

Private Sub RegisterWarna() Call resetsample()

Call sortsample() Call HitungJlhsmpl() Call registersf() Call ceksf()

End Sub #End Region


Private Sub sortsample() Dim awal As Integer = 0 Dim akhir As Integer = 255 Dim nilai As Integer = 0 Dim frek As Long = 0 Dim pos As Integer = 0 Dim temp As color

Do Until awal = akhir pos = awal

nilai = warnaawal(awal).nilai frek = warnaawal(awal).frek

For i As Integer = awal To akhir If warnaawal(i).frek > frek Then pos = i

nilai = warnaawal(pos).nilai frek = warnaawal(pos).frek

End If Next

temp.nilai = nilai temp.frek = frek

warnaawal(pos).nilai = warnaawal(awal).nilai warnaawal(pos).frek = warnaawal(awal).frek warnaawal(awal).nilai = temp.nilai

warnaawal(awal).frek = temp.frek awal += 1


End Sub #End Region

#Region "Langkah 4"

Private Sub HitungJlhsmpl() For i As Integer = 0 To 255

If warnaawal(i).frek = 0 Then JlhSmpl = i - 1

Exit For

End If Next

lblSampel.Text = JlhSmpl + 1 End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Langkah 5"

Private Sub registersf() ReDim Preserve sf(0)


End Sub #End Region

#Region "Langkah 6"

Private Sub nilaicabang(ByVal start As Integer, ByVal jumlah As Integer, ByVal nilai As Byte)

For i As Integer = start To start + jumlah - 1 warnaawal(i).cabang &= nilai


End Sub

Private Function hitungselisih(ByVal jumlah As Integer, ByVal start As Integer) As Integer

hitungselisih = 0

Dim nilaiatas As Long Dim nilaibawah As Long

Dim akhir As Integer = start + jumlah - 1 ReDim selisih(jumlah - 2)

For i As Integer = 0 To jumlah - 2 nilaiatas = 0

nilaibawah = 0

For j As Integer = start To start + i nilaiatas += warnaawal(j).frek


For j As Integer = start + i + 1 To akhir nilaibawah += warnaawal(j).frek


selisih(i) = Math.Abs(nilaiatas - nilaibawah) + start


For i As Integer = selisih.GetUpperBound(0) To 1 Step -1

If selisih(i - 1) = selisih(i) Then hitungselisih = i

ElseIf selisih(i - 1) > selisih(i) Then hitungselisih = i

Exit For

End If Next

Return hitungselisih + start End Function

Private Sub ceksf()

Dim pos As Integer = 0


Dim maxnow As Integer = 0

Do Until sf.GetUpperBound(0) = JlhSmpl 'jika jumlah sample sama dengan jumlah kelompok sf berarti sudah selesai


If temp <> "0" Then

dec += (2 ^ (4 - x)) End If

bins &= temp Next

imgHexa &= Hex(dec) Next

dec = 0 bins = ""

For x = 1 To sisa

awal = (ch * 4) + 1

temps = New String(Mid(String.Concat(bin, "0000"), awal, 4))

temp = Val(Mid(temps, x, 1)) If temp <> "0" Then

dec += (2 ^ (4 - x)) End If

bins &= temp Next

imgHexa &= Hex(dec) Return str End Function

#End Region

Private Sub saveFile()

Dim sw As New StreamWriter(lblFile.Text, False)

sw.WriteLine(imgHexa) sw.WriteLine(w)


For i As Integer = 0 To JlhSmpl

sw.WriteLine(warnaawal(i).nilai) sw.WriteLine(warnaawal(i).cabang) Next


MessageBox.Show("Data Berhasil Disimpan")

End Sub

End Class

Form Dekompresi Shannon-Fano Imports System.IO

Public Class frmDkompresiSF Structure warna_


Dim G As Integer Dim B As Integer End Structure

Structure tabelSF

Dim warna As Integer Dim cabang As String

End Structure

Private w, h As Integer Private imgHexa As String Private imgBiner As String Private sfFile As String Private img(1, 1) As warna_ Private sf() As tabelSF

Private jlhSmpl As Integer = 0

Private Function binertosf(ByVal bin As String, ByRef status As Boolean, ByRef status2 As Boolean) As Integer Dim hasil As Integer

Dim ketemu As Boolean = False

For i As Integer = 0 To jlhSmpl - 1 If bin = sf(i).cabang Then

hasil = sf(i).warna status = True

Return hasil

End If Next

status2 = True Return Nothing End Function

Private Sub readData()

Dim sr As New StreamReader(sfFile)

imgHexa = sr.ReadLine w = sr.ReadLine

h = sr.ReadLine ReDim img(w, h)

While Not sr.EndOfStream jlhSmpl += 1

ReDim Preserve sf(jlhSmpl - 1)

sf(jlhSmpl - 1).warna = sr.ReadLine sf(jlhSmpl - 1).cabang = sr.ReadLine rtbTabel.Text &= sf(jlhSmpl - 1).warna & vbCrLf & sf(jlhSmpl - 1).cabang & vbCrLf

End While


Private Sub Initialize() sfFile = lblFile.Text OFD.Multiselect = False

OFD.Filter = "Shannon-Fano-Files|*.sf" OFD.FileName = Nothing

SFD.Filter = "bitmap file|*.bmp" btnDkprs.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub frmDkompresi_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Call Initialize()

End Sub

Private Sub btnOpen_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpen.Click

If OFD.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

lblFile.Text = OFD.FileName sfFile = lblFile.Text

Call readData() End If

End Sub

Private Sub saveFile()

MessageBox.Show("Data Berhasil Disimpan")

End Sub

Private Sub btnFile_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFile.Click

If SFD.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

lblFile.Text = SFD.FileName btnDkprs.Enabled = True


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