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Reading glasses contact lenses and eye glasses


Academic year: 2017

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Reading glasses, contact lenses and eye glasses Word Count:

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The need for reading glasses has long been associated with being old. Have you found yourself having to push that magazine out at arm’s length to see the fine print? You’ve officially reached middle age.


Reading glasses, Reading glasses

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Reading glasses come in two main styles: full frames, and half-eyes, the smaller Franklin glasses that sit lower down on the nose. Many people feel they look better in contact lenses rather than eyeglasses. Reading glasses are suitable for people who spend a great deal of time concentrating on material close-up. Contacts lenses are a safe and effective alternative to eyeglasses when used with care and proper supervision. The need for reading glasses has long been associated with being old. Have you found yourself having to push that magazine out at arm’s length to see the fine print? You’ve officially reached middle age. However contact lenses, when compared with eyeglasses, require a longer initial examination, more follow-up visits to maintain eye health, and more time for lens care.

Reading glasses can be custom-made for each individual through an optical dispenser, or they can be purchased "ready-made" at the pharmacy or department store. Contact lenses move with your eye, allow a natural field of view, have no frames to obstruct your vision, and greatly reduce distortions. They do not fog up, like eyeglasses, nor does mud or rain splatter them. Reading glasses are safe in that they cannot damage the eyes physically, whether or not they are the optimal strength, or whether they are used correctly or incorrectly. Contact lenses, compared to eyeglasses, generally offer better sight.

Reading glasses, containing low power plus sphere lenses, and are widely available for non-prescription, over-the-counter purchase. Most eye-care professionals recommend replacing your contact lenses case every 3 months for optimum eye health.

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