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How To Make Puppets With Your Children


Academic year: 2017

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312 Summary:

Kids like to play with puppets, because they can use their fantasy during this period (and they have rich imagination). They can imagine peoples, animals, different situations and life attitudes. These puppets will be prepared from wooden spoon. This is a simple and cheap kid crafts idea, which is in every household. The preparing of the puppets is also so interesting for the young and the elder children as well. It will entertain your kids for a while. O.K. let’s see the nec...


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Article Body:

Kids like to play with puppets, because they can use their fantasy during this period (and they have rich imagination). They can imagine peoples, animals, different situations and life attitudes. These puppets will be prepared from wooden spoon. This is a simple and cheap kid crafts idea, which is in every household. The preparing of the puppets is also so interesting for the young and the elder children as well. It will entertain your kids for a while. O.K. let’s see the necessary materials! You need the following raw materials:

* wooden spoon * cardboard * paint * paintbrush * scissors

* colorful ribbon * glue

Really simple and used things. And the game can begin!

First of all let your kids choose their favourite animals. For example: dog, cat, lion, horse, dolphin and so on...

Second step: paint the wooden spoon with the basic colour. You can use bravely high colors. (kids like this) For example a mouse can be blue, the cat may be pink, in this case it’s not problem. The main thing is your child feel the decision freedom and use his or her imagination. (You can take a look at a sample picture on my website.) Third step: cut ears from the cardboard, embellish these and fix with the glue to the wooden spoon.

Fourth step: paint face (eyes, nose, mouth, moustache, tooth ...) for the animal puppet. Last step: tie with colorful ribbon the neck of the puppet.

We have finished our puppet.

Only your fantasy set a limit to the number of the puppets you can make. Also you can prepare the members of the family or friends or classmates, as puppets. And you can organize occassions, where your child will perform their tales or stories. Your kids will love it and you will enjoy it! You can find pictures and much more crafts for child and parents also on my website.

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