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The messages revealed through the way the main characters solve the conflicts in Anne Schraff`s Lost and Found.


Academic year: 2017

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WIJAYA, CHINTIA ARLITA EKA.The Messages Revealed through the Way

the Main Characters Solve the Conflicts in Anne Schraff’s Lost and Found.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2015.

The novel Lost and Foundis written by Anne Schraff that tells about the two sisters, namely Darcy and Jamee who have different characteristics. Darcy is a perfectionist girl, she is smart and she does not want to be friends with someone with lower grades and social status. Unlike Darcy, Jamee is temperamental and childish. She always follows whatever her boyfriend, Bobby Wallace asks her to. Darcy often clashed with Jamee because of their different characteristics. This causes conflict between them.

The purpose of this research is to find the message through the way the main characters solve the conflicts. There are three problem formulations, First is to find the characteristics of the main characters, second is to find the conflicts by the main characters and last is to find the message revealed through the way the main characters solve the conflict.

This study used library research. The main object of this study is a novel entitled Lost and Found by Anne Schraff. The writer also used several books about new criticism, character and characterization, conflicts and messages. The writer then applied those theories into the analysis and used the theories to answer all problem formulations.




CHINTIA ARLITA EKA WIJAYA. The Messages Revealed through the

Way the Main Characters Solve the Conflicts in Anne Schraff’s Lost and Found. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015.

Novel Lost and Found ditulis oleh Anne Schraff. Novel ini menceritakan tentang dua bersaudara yang bernama Darcy dan Jamee dan mereka memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Darcy adalah gadis yang perfeksionis, dia pintar dan ia juga tak mau berteman dengan orang yang memiliki nilai dan status social lebih rendah darinya. Tak seperti Darcy, Jamee sangat pemarah dan kekanak anakan. Dia selalu mengikuti apapun yang diinginkn pacarnya, Bobby Wallace. Darcy sering bertentangan dengan Jamee karena karakteristik mereka yang berbeda. Hal ini seringkali memicu permasalahan diantara mereka.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan pesan dari cara tokoh tokoh utama menyelesaikan konflik. Ada tiga perumusan masalah dalam tesis ini, pertama adalah untuk menemukan karakteristik dari para tokoh utama. Kedua adalah untuk menemukan konflik diantara tokoh tokoh utama dan terakhir adaah untuk menemukan pesan yang terungkap dari cara para tokoh utama menyelesaikan masalah.

Penelitian ini menggunakan riset pustaka. Objek utama penelitian ini adalah novel berjudul Lost and Found oleh Anne Schraff. Penulis juga menggunakan beberapa buku mengenai kritik sastra baru, tokoh dan penokohan, konflikdan pesan. Penulis lalu mengaplikasikan teori teori tersebut untuk menjawab semua perumusan masalah.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 104214058










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 104214058






Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Nama : Chintia Arlita Eka Wijaya

Nomor Mahasiswa : 104214058

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Pada tanggal 16 Januari 2015

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I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award of any other degree at university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis

Yogyakarta, January 16, 2015










First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ for His blessing to pass my study in English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University. I would like to thank my family, my daddy, Gunawan Wijaya, and my mother, Chrisstien for their support. Then I thank my sister Septaliana Temmy Dwijaya, my brother Leonardo Wijaya and my little sister Marshella Wijaya, who always support me anytime. Next, I would like to thank my big family in Pangandaran for their support. My special gratitude goes to my lovely boyfriend, Ferik. I thank him for his support and love until I can pass my undergraduate thesis.

My thesis would not be done without the help of my best advisor, Drs. Hirmawan Widjanarka, M.hum. I thank him for his patience, guidance and support that he has given to me during the process of writing my undergraduate thesis. Also I want to thank my co advisor Elisa Dwi Wardhani,S.S.,M.Hum. I thank her for the suggestions so that I can improve my thesis.









A. The Characteristics of Darcy and Jamee ... 20

B. The Conflicts Experienced by the Main Characters ... 32

C. The Messages Revealed through the Way the Main Characters solve the Conflicts ... 38





WIJAYA, CHINTIA ARLITA EKA.The Messages Revealed through the Way the Main Characters Solve the Conflicts in Anne Schraff’s Lost and Found.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2015.

The novel Lost and Foundis written by Anne Schraff that tells about the two sisters, namely Darcy and Jamee who have different characteristics. Darcy is a perfectionist girl, she is smart and she does not want to be friends with someone with lower grades and social status. Unlike Darcy, Jamee is temperamental and childish. She always follows whatever her boyfriend, Bobby Wallace asks her to. Darcy often clashed with Jamee because of their different characteristics. This causes conflict between them.

The purpose of this research is to find the message through the way the main characters solve the conflicts. There are three problem formulations, First is to find the characteristics of the main characters, second is to find the conflicts by the main characters and last is to find the message revealed through the way the main characters solve the conflict.

This study used library research. The main object of this study is a novel entitled Lost and Found by Anne Schraff. The writer also used several books about new criticism, character and characterization, conflicts and messages. The writer then applied those theories into the analysis and used the theories to answer all problem formulations.




CHINTIA ARLITA EKA WIJAYA. The Messages Revealed through the Way the Main Characters Solve the Conflicts in Anne Schraff’s Lost and Found. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015.

Novel Lost and Found ditulis oleh Anne Schraff. Novel ini menceritakan tentang dua bersaudara yang bernama Darcy dan Jamee dan mereka memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Darcy adalah gadis yang perfeksionis, dia pintar dan ia juga tak mau berteman dengan orang yang memiliki nilai dan status social lebih rendah darinya. Tak seperti Darcy, Jamee sangat pemarah dan kekanak anakan. Dia selalu mengikuti apapun yang diinginkn pacarnya, Bobby Wallace. Darcy sering bertentangan dengan Jamee karena karakteristik mereka yang berbeda. Hal ini seringkali memicu permasalahan diantara mereka.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan pesan dari cara tokoh tokoh utama menyelesaikan konflik. Ada tiga perumusan masalah dalam tesis ini, pertama adalah untuk menemukan karakteristik dari para tokoh utama. Kedua adalah untuk menemukan konflik diantara tokoh tokoh utama dan terakhir adaah untuk menemukan pesan yang terungkap dari cara para tokoh utama menyelesaikan masalah.

Penelitian ini menggunakan riset pustaka. Objek utama penelitian ini adalah novel berjudul Lost and Found oleh Anne Schraff. Penulis juga menggunakan beberapa buku mengenai kritik sastra baru, tokoh dan penokohan, konflikdan pesan. Penulis lalu mengaplikasikan teori teori tersebut untuk menjawab semua perumusan masalah.





A. Background of the Study

Literature reflects human imagination. Most authors express their literary works from their own experiences and feelings. They can express their imagination and feelings on literary works such as novel or poem. By using literary work, they can share their feelings with other people.

One of literary genres which are worthy to be analyzed is a novel. The story in the novel represents reality of humans in general. The representation of human realities found in novel contains several important messages related to humanity. The reason is related to the perspective of new criticism; the main focus of the intrinsic elements of the novel is to improve the morality of human life (Barry, 2002:21). Further, Barry says that:

The purpose of literature is essentially the enhancement of life and the propagation of human values; but not in a programmatic way: if literature, and criticism, become overtly and directly political they necessarily tend towards propaganda. And as Keats said, 'we distrust literature which has a palpable design upon us', that is, literature which too obviously wants to convert us or influence our views. (2002:21)


In general, people might have their own problems in their lives, relationships, neighborhood or families. They also react differently toward every problem they face and they also overcome it in different ways. Some will struggle with all their strength to reach the finish line, but some will only surrender before reach the half of journey.

Literature is closely related to human life. Marlies L. Danziger and W. Stacy Johnson state that it is seen that literature also reflects various human life problems: Literature in relation to life, seeing it as a way of reproducing or recreating the experiences of life in words, just as painting reproduces or recreates certain figures or scenes of life in outline and color (1961:8)

The object of this study is a novel entitled Lost and Found by Anne Schraff. This novel tells about family problem which cannot be separated from human life. The setting of the story is in Alabama. Darcy and Jamee are the main characters in the novel. The main characters have different conflicts and characteristics, even though they are sisters. The writer found the story interesting because Schraff wrote the story with good details. She wrote the details about the conflicts which happen to each character. The story has simple plot with simple conflict because this novel is intended to be read by teenagers


problem in daily life. It is in line with the argument from Bertens that said “apart from its aesthetic and pleasing qualities, literature also had important things to teach us, was already familiar in antiquity and we see it repeated time and again over the ages” (Bertens, 2008: 1).

The story tells about the struggle of two sisters who support each other and solve their problem. The main characters in this story have unique and different characteristics. The two of main characters also have many conflicts but they can struggle to solve their problem. The main conflict they face is about the loss of father figure, their father left them since they were children. The bad effect from the loss of their father is that they search their own identity in their puberty by themselves, without any guidance from their parents.

On the one hand, Darcy grows to be a perfectionist girl. She is perfectionist in her academic study to actualize herself as very smart person. She only wants to be friends with people whom she thinks are in the same level of her intelligence. Meanwhile Jamee tends to socialize with her punk friends who like to do crime. As the result of her social circle influence, she grows to be a rebellious girl who disobeys her family rules. She always comes home late at night and she even steals stuff in the shop. Their different characteristics lead them to conflicts but the condition forces them to support each other. These different characteristics and conflicts in this story becomes the starting point for the writer to conduct the study.


message which appears in conflicts itself, so we can conclude the messages after look at the conflicts which experienced by the characters. Thus, the reading activity that should be done to find the messages demands both attention and insight – lending participation (Kennedy and Gioia, 2007: 4).

One of the strength of messages is that messages can make the reader think before they take the decision to solve their problems. Messages can make the readers predict how they can face their future. Messages can also motivate us to do the best choices in our life.

In this study, the writer limits the study of the messages which are revealed through the way the characters solve the conflicts. It is interesting to see the way the characters solve the conflicts which happen to them, and how they solve the conflicts until the finish line. They are always strong and keep their spirit. The writer tries to observe the characters, conflicts and moral messages in the novel. The writer focuses on the messages, characters and conflicts which are closely related to new criticism theory.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What are the characteristics of the main characters? 2. What are the conflicts faced by the main characters?


C. Objectives of the Study

In this study, the writer reveals the moral message which is experienced by the main characters in the novel. Then, the writer answers three questions in the problem formulation. First, the writer finds out the main characters’ characteristics in the story. Second, the writer tries to find the conflicts faced by the main characters’ experience from the beginning until the end of the novel. Finally, the writer tries to reveal the messages through the way the main characters solve the conflicts.

D. Definition of Terms

In this part the writer defines the terms that are used in this study in order to give clear concept and to avoid misunderstanding.

1. Message

Message is a part of literary work which has big meaning. According to Beaty and Hunter, message is the real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989:899).

2. Character


Abrams said that character is a person who exists in drama and literary work, person who has emotional, moral and expression. They express their feeling and emotion in dialogue and action.

3. Conflicts

Holman and Harmon define conflict as

“The struggle that grows out of the interplay of the two opposing forces in the plot. Conflict may be an argument between opposing forces, like man against man, nature, fate, society or perhaps the internal one between the two opposing parts of man’s personality” (1986: 107).

Conflicts are the struggle that develop people who involved in plot. For example man against man, nature, fate, society or the two opposing part of man’s personality or in other word, a split personality.





In this chapter, the writer delivers four sub chapters to make the study more systematic. First is the review of related studies. There are three related studies in this sub chapter which are reviewed to clarify the position of the study. Second, the writer discusses the theory which appropriate with the study. The reason is because the theory becomes the tools to analyze the literary work. Third, the writer discusses the theoretical framework to answer the problem formulations.

A. Review of Related Studies


Godeliva has three purposes in writing her thesis. First, Godeliva wants to find the children’s characters and characterization. Second, Godeliva wants to describe the tragedy which happens in that story. Third, Godeliva wants to know the moral message which is revealed by the characters.

Godeliva’s research inspires the writer to apply the theory of characterization to get the messages of the literary work. The differences of this study to Godeliva’s is that this study explores theory of conflicts more to explain clearly about the conflicts that is experienced by the characters in Lost and Found. In her thesis, Godeliva wrote about messages which revealed by the characters. Godeliva said that

People may see the children characters in this novel as the reflection of their life. There must be something that people can learn from tragedy and the moral messages that will be concluded. The writer of this thesis intends to show the moral messages revealed by the series of tragedy in the story (Godeliva, 2011:5).

The writer also reads a thesis entitled Revealing Moral Messages through the Characters of Little Bee in Chris Cleave’s the Other Hand by Pawestri Sukmajati from Sanata Dharma University. The study analyzes Little Bee’s struggle against bad man’s treatment toward her. Sukmajati

analyzes the positive characteristics of Little Bee and takes the moral messages from Little Bee actions against the abuse. Sukmajati explained her arguments as follows:


Sarah. She faces many obstacles in her life but she refuses to give up. (2010.59)

The character of Little Bee can reflect the moral messages of the story. This undergraduate thesis has similarity in terms of messages through the characters and the way the character acts to get a solution. It reflects moral messages based on the characters, the way the characters solve the problem and find the solution. This thesis describes two of main characters who have different characteristics and different conflicts but related to one another. The main characters also have same conflicts which they struggle against to solve their problem.

Then, the writer also found the thesis entitled Messages as Seen through the Way Gracie Responds to Her Conflicts in Dyan Sheldon’s My Worst Best Friend by Melissa Anggun Hapsari from Sanata Dharma

University. In this study Hapsari explains the conflicts which happen to the main character, Gracie. Gracie is an honest girl but she has a best friend who influences her to tell a lie. Her name is Savanna. Hapsari said that

Savanna often forces Gracie to support her life toward her environment. Actually Gracie does not like to do it and she feels uncomfortable if she has to talk a lie, but she often follows Savanna’s words. (p.46)


From this condition, finally Gracie decides to break her friendship with Savanna. They are still friendly but they are not really friends. It means that finally Gracie does not give up when she struggle her characteristics as an honest girl although at the first time she is often uncertain with savanna’s characteristics, a liar. (2013:49)

This study has similarities with Hapsari’s thesis in which the main characters also have many problems and struggle against their conflicts and solve it. The messages make the readers know about moral value. Her study describes the conflict in friendship; meanwhile this thesis not only describes friendship but also family problems, love story and divorce.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Characters are closely related with characterization. Characters represent something which related with human’s life. According to A

Handbook to Literature by Holman and Harmon, character means a

complicated term that includes the idea of the novel constitution of the human personality, the presence of moral uprightness and the simpler notion of the presence of creatures in art that seem to be human beings of sort or another (1986: 81).


a. Personal Description

The author can describe a character through his/her appearance, the face, body, hair, skin color, and also the clothes used. Those can give information about the characters.

b. Character as Seen by Another

The author describes the character from the eyes and opinions of the other characters’ opinion

c. Speech

The author can give insight to the characters through what the characters says. Whenever the character is conversing, he is giving a clue for the readers about the characters.

d. Past Life

By letting the readers learn something about a character’s past life, the author makes the readers be able to shape a person’s character.

e. Conversation of others

The author can also give us clues to a person’s character through the

conversations of other people and the things they say about him. f. Reactions

The author can give us clues about a person’s character by seeing how the character reacts to different situations.

g. Direct comment


h. Thoughts

The author gives us direct knowledge of what is the person thinking about and it reflects his personality.

i. Mannerism

The character’s mannerism and habits in his life can describe the

character’s personality.

2. Theory of Messages

As we know that after read a novel, we can get messages from the story. So, messages are important elements in story. Then Sinclair also said that:

Messages is something important in the story, message can evaluate us for better life. Message is defined as an idea that someone tries to communicate to people. It is also the meaning, thought or idea that is intended to express (Sinclair, 1956: 490).

In the quotation above, messages can make us understand about the meaning of life and make us a better person who can solve problems wisely.


It is also in line with Barry’s argument when he said the purpose of literature is essentially the enhancement of life and the propagation of human values; but not in a programmatic way: if literature and criticism become overtly and directly political they necessarily tend towards propaganda (Barry, 2002)

3. Theory of Conflicts

We often find conflicts in our daily life. Sometimes, conflicts are confusing; humans sometimes in a dilemma to solve conflicts in their daily problems. But, the solution depends on the humans’ ways to solve the conflicts in that situation.

Meanwhile, in literary works, conflict is the central issue that makes the story goes. For example, in short stories there is only one conflict, while novels consist of many conflicts. In literature, the portrayal of conflict does not only show the struggle of protagonist against someone or something, but also shows some motivations and aim that wants to be achieved (Holman and Harmon, 1986: 108).


Then, the writer reviews the types of conflicts in literary work. Firstly, the writer discusses about internal conflict. Internal conflict exists inside the character; it sometimes called as ‘man versus self’. This form of conflict is central to the character, or characters. Commonly, every good character suffers from the weight of internal conflict, but internal conflict is the least complicated form of conflict.

The external conflict is different with internal conflicts. External conflict deals with the problem faced by the character in daily life. External conflict is more complex than internal conflict. It is because external conflict happens when the character involves and interacts in world complex situation. The problems of external conflicts are such as the conflicts with family, community, nature, government, and other characters. In literary work, external conflict can be categorized as: man versus man, man versus nature, man versus society and man versus fate.

a. Man vs. man is the type of external conflicts when a character struggles against another character. The way the characters solve the conflicts occurs from moral, religious or social differences. Man vs. man external conflict is sometimes equalized with the character of a hero fights in a war with villain character.


c. Man versus society. This external conflict happens when the characters face the society and culture. The conflict of man vs. society happens when society forces the characters to struggle against the evil of society or oppressive culture.

d. Man vs. fate happens as external conflicts while the characters are forced to face their unknown destiny. The character does not have the strength to fight against the fate.

C. Theoretical Framework





A. Object of the Study

Anne Schraff is the writer of Lost and Found, one of books in the Bluford series. Lost and Found is a book whose setting is in Alabama, United States of America. Anne Schraff was born in Cleveland, Ohio on 21 September 1939. She graduated from California State University, Northridge. In the 1950s, Anne Schraff got an award because she started to write books as a teenager. She has written over eighty books and hundreds of short fictions for teenagers. She also enjoyed writing biographies, science, and historical fiction material. Furthermore, Schraff also taught senior high school from 1967 to 1977 at the Academy of Our Lady of Peace, San Diego, California. During 10 years, she taught in high school although she had B.A. and M.A academic title.


B. Approach of the Study

In this research, the writer uses new criticism approach because it is appropriate for this study. New criticism analyzes intrinsic elements in literary work. Wilfred L Guerin in his book A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature states that a new criticism approach concentrates on the literary work itself (1979:20). From the quotation above, new criticism delivers the analysis based on the text itself.

Selden, Widdowson and Brooker in A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory states that new criticism is a method which does not talk about

context – historical, biographical, intellectual and so on in analyzing literary

work. However, new criticism only focuses on analyzing the ‘’text in itself’’,

with its language and organization. New criticism does not reach text’s meaning,

but the way the text ‘speaks itself’ (2005:19).

To serve the writer’s purpose in discovering the relation between main

characters and conflicts to find message, the new criticism provides the suitable method. Firstly, the writer wants to dig up what conflicts in literary work are. Conflicts in literary work are important. Abrams states that many plots deal with conflicts; he explains that issue as follows:

In addition to the conflict between individual, there may be the conflict of a protagonist against fate, or against circumstances that stand between him and a goal he has set himself, and in some works, the conflict is between

opposing desires or values in a character’s of own mind (Abram,



message is defined as the real meaning or some easy conclusions that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989:899).

Based on those definitions, the writer thinks that conflicts and characters have a relation to imply message in literary work. Message in literary work can be taken from the way the main characters solve the conflicts. Message can be taken when the readers interpret the conflicts in a story. For example, in Lost and Found as the object of the study, the conflict happens when Jamee runs

away from home. At the moment, the reader can see that this action is not proper way to solve the problem that she has. On the other hand, when her family rescues her in the mountain, the reader can interpret that it is the way they work together then understand each other problem then they can solve the problem

together. The reader’s interpretation as explained above can be one of the ways

to reveal messages on literary work. The message can be taken by the reader as

the reader’s personal lesson-learn. So, after they read the literary work, they can

be enriched by wider perspective to solve the problem in real life.

C. Method of the Study





This chapter is divided into three parts. First, in this analysis the writer describes the characteristics of the main characters. Second, the writer analyzes the conflicts which are experienced by the main characters. Third, the writer analyzes the messages which are revealed through the way the main characters solve the conflicts.

A. The Characteristics of the Main Characters :

1. The Characteristics of Darcy

Darcy Wills is one of the main characters in the story. She is the first daughter in her family. She is 16 years old. She lives with her mother, her sister and her grandma in an apartment. Her father has left them for a woman who is 5 years younger than him. Her grandma has got stroke. Darcy and her family takes care of her and gives her everything she needs, because she cannot do anything by herself. Darcy is also a smart girl, she always gets A in her report card. She always does her best in school. However, Darcy feels lonely because she does not have a friend like the others. Darcy is also scared when there is a mysterious man who stalks her with a Silver Toyota car whenever she goes.

a. A Smart Girl


opinions of the other characters (Murphy, 1972). The characteristic of Darcy can be seen from personal description:

Today, Mrs.Reed would be dividing the students into teams of two, Darcy wanted to be paired with her close friend, Brisana Meeks. They were both excellent students, a cut above most kids at Bluford. (p.5)

From the quotation above, it is shown that Darcy is one of the smart students in the Bluford. She always does the best in her school. One day, Mrs. Reed wants to pair the students to do the school project. But, Darcy only wants to be in one group with Brisana.

The other description shows that Darcy acts in a smart way when she has been stalked by someone in a silver Toyota. Darcy is worried about this mysterious man who stalks her. Then, she reports her problem to the police.

Darcy rushed to the telephone and called the police. She told them that for the last few days she had been followed by a man in a silver Toyota. (p.67)

Darcy‟s intelligence can also be seen from how she reacts to various

situations (Murphy, 1972:161-172). Darcy is not only smart at school, but she also acts in a smart way when she faces a problem in her life.The following is an example of how Darcy reacts to a certain situation:

„‟She said, I am so happy, grandma. I am so happy! I feel safer here than anywhere in the whole world…‟‟


The quotation above shows when Darcy is confused about her sister who escaped from home. And all of people do not know where Jamee is. Her grandmother says that Jamee was so happy when she went to the mountains, Jamee felt safer there than anywhere. Darcy thinks that Jamee

goes to the mountains because she gets the clue from grandma‟s dream. It

seems that Jamee goes to the mountains to relax her mind and escape from the reality.Fortunately, Darcy finds her sister in the mountain. At that time, Jamee almost dying.

„‟The man don‟t look good,‟‟ Cooper said. But before Darcy and Cooper could follow him, Carl Wills let out a loud shut. „‟Jamee!‟‟ and then, there he was, staggering back down the slope, the cold, wet, unconscious girl in his arms. Jamee‟s limp arms drooped as if she were more dead than alive.

„‟She was by the cedar,‟‟ Darcy‟s father said between chocking sobs.

„‟ she remembered our tree and she was huddled there. It was where I made her a princess.‟‟ (p.130)

The quotation above proves that Darcy thinks in a right way that her sister, Jamee runs away to the mountain. Grandma‟s dream shows where Jamee is. Finally, she has been found in bad condition.

There is also another part of the story which shows that Darcy is a smart person. When Darcy and her friends, Tarah and Cooper go to the Tidal Pool, they discuss about something her friends do not know. Tarah and Copper cannot explain it, but Darcy can explain it correctly.

„‟That‟s why no one likes you girl‟‟ Tarah said. „‟you know too


Maybe when we get to the tidal pool we ought to feed her to the


„‟there are no sharks in the tidal pool‟‟ Darcy said.‟‟ The water is very shallow. I mean, picture a shark in a wadding pool, right?‟‟(p.37)

In the trip to the Tidal pool, Darcy, Tarah and Cooper have some discussion, they confused about the origin of Bluford, the name of their school. Tarah says that Bluford is taken after a football player‟s name while Cooper states

that a man who built the school had a blue Ford. Darcy then clarifies the right answer about Bluford.

b. Perfectionist girl

Darcy is a smart girl. She always gets A in her report card. In her class, she always becomes number one but she does not have any real friends because Darcy does not want to make friends with some weak partners who will lower her grade.

Darcy was worried. If she was not teamed with Brisana , maybe she would be teamed with some really dumb student who would pull her down. Darcy was a little ashamed of herself for thinking that way. Grandma used to say that simple daisy was just as lovely as the prize rose. But still Darcy did not want to be paired with some weak partner who would lower her grade. (p.12)


„‟Darcy wills will be teamed with Tarah Carson‟‟. Mr.Reed announced.

Darcy gasped, not Tarah!! Not that big, chunky girl with the brassy voice who squeezed herself into tight skirts and wore lime green or hot pink satin tops and cheap jewelry. (p.7)

From the quotation above, Darcy does not want to make friends with people from lower class. Darcy is also perfectionist about the people who become her friends.

When Darcy and Cooper have some discussions, there are some misunderstandings about Darcy‟s statement. In Darcy‟s statement she tries to be perfectionist, but her friend, Copper is angry about her statement.

„‟You should be glad to learn something‟‟ Darcy retorted.‟‟ Do you want to be ignorant all your life ?‟‟

„‟What‟s that supposed to mean ?‟‟ cooper shot back angrily. „‟just cause I been left back in school you think I am gonna be ignorant all my life? He charged.

„‟That‟s not what I meant at all.‟‟ Darcy tried to explain but gave up, realizing what a dreadful mistake this outing was. (p.38)

Cooper and Darcy have some discussions until Copper gets angry. Darcy does not mean it, but Cooper responds to her with bitter words.

Darcy‟s perfectionist characteristic can also be seen when she works on a

science project in a Tidal pool. There is problem there,

Darcy felt angry and humiliated. „‟I am telling Mrs.Reed on Monday that I want another partner!‟‟

„‟good!‟‟ Tarah shot back.‟‟I don‟t want to work with no stuck up girl who thinks she is better than everyone else. You ain‟t no better


Darcy gets angry when her friends do some jokes to her which is not funny to her. She wants to change her partner in science project. In that conversation Tarah feels that Darcy does not want to work with her, because Tarah is not in the same level as Darcy.

Another section that shows Darcy‟s perfectionist characteristic is

when she makes friend with Brisana. Darcy does not want to talk about the problem which happens in her family because she is so ashamed.

Darcy had been ashamed to talk about her vanished father. Nothing truly awful ever happened in brisana‟s life. it happened only among the „‟low life‟‟ people. In their world fathers run away, people drank too much, there was poverty. Darcy had hidden her pain from

brisana so brisana would not think she was a „‟low life‟‟ too(p.89)

From that quotation above it can be seen that Darcy wants other people to think that she has a perfect life. She hides her pain because she does not want other people to think that she has a pathetic life.

c. Caring

Besides her characteristic which is perfectionist, she is also a caring person.One day, she tells to her sister to do the best in school because her sister gets bad scores in her report.

“You got two D‟s on your last report card,” Darcy scolded.

“You wanna flunk? Darcy did not want to sound like a nagging

parent, but Jamee wasn‟t doing her best (p.2).


her report card. She always warns Jamee to study harder. She wants her sister to do her best and to have responsibility as a student.

In another situation, Darcy also shows her caring to her little sister when Darcy sees that Jamee left eye is almost swollen and her cheek was scratched and bruised. Then Darcy asks Jamee who hit and beat her.

“Jamee, if somebody hit you, I want to know about it,” Darcy pleaded.

“I don‟t want people beating up on my little sister!”(p.64)

Darcy sees her sister‟s body bruised, Darcy is angry to the person who does it to her sister. She is suspicious with her boyfriend, Bobby Wallace. Bobby Wallace is a playboy, he thinks that Jamee only as a doll who can be played. Darcy does not want someone hurt her sister.

In other part, Jamee comes home late at night. Darcy got angry with Jamee.

„‟ What are you doing hanging out with those people? They‟re too old for you. you are only in middle school—stick with kids your own age, not punks from Bluford!‟‟ (p.25)

From that quotation above, the readers can see that Darcy always cares about her sister. Her mother is busy, she has a responsibility to her family including her sister. Darcy does not want her sister to be influenced by her friends who are punks from Bluford, because Darcy knows the attitude of her friends in the society.


„‟Grandma, everything is all right‟‟ Darcy said. „‟Do you want to go to the bathroom? I will help you. Look, here is the walker.

„‟Grandma‟s frail, veined hand grasped the walker as Darcy led her

to the bathroom. Darcy got grandma back to bed and sat in the rocking chair next to her until she fell asleep.„‟Angelcake, you are so

good to me‟‟ Grandma declared, smiling. (p.30)

With her patience, Darcy treats Grandma. She helps grandma to the bathroom then picks her to her bed. The quotation shows her love to her grandma. Even though Grandma cannot do anything and looks weak, Darcy always does her best to treats her grandma with her patience.

2. The Characteristics of Jamee

Jamee is Darcy‟s sister. She is 14 years old. She is in the eighth grade of junior high school. She always gets bad scores in her report card, her sister always warns her to do her best inschool. Besides that, Jamee has a boyfriend, Bobby Wallace. However he does not love Jamee at all. He just wants to have fun with her and only takes advantage of her. Jamee always comes back home late at night with Bobby Wallace and her punk friends. Bobby Wallace often hits and beats Jamee if he gets angry. Jamee has lots of trouble, until she goes away from home. Her family is worried about her. The following are the characteristics of Jamee.

a. Stubborn


„‟What are you doing hanging out those people? There are too old for you. You are only in middle school sticks with kids you own age. Not punks from Bluford!‟‟

Jamee threw down her backpack and glared at Darcy. “They are not punks! They are my friends. The kids at middle school are stupid!( p.25).

From the quotation above, it can be seen that Jamee is stubborn. Jamee comes back home an hour late. She does not want to listen about Darcy‟s statement. Darcy gives her advice not to hang out with those people, people who are punks and troublemaker. They are too dangerous for Jamee.

Bobby was good looking and older, and she had to be the girl dancing to the tone he was piping, stealing for him. That was bad enough, but how

Darcy prohibits her sister not to hang out or play with punks and trouble maker. Darcy worried if Jamee‟s friends bring bad influence to Jamee. They ever made a fifteen years old girl to did crime and went to jail.

Darcy talks to Jamee that Bobby Wallace is a troublemaker. Darcy ever heard that Bobby said to his friends that he only had fun with Jamee and she would do anything to him. Jamee is like a puppet to him and Bobby even asks Jamee to steal a CD in a book store.

Darcy was absolutely sure now that Jamee was the girl Bobby was talking

about. „‟Do you want to get in trouble and go to jail because of some lousy

punk who‟d just as soon diss you as kiss you ? Jamee, you should have

heard them laughing about that CD you stole, about how stupid you were.

Bobby said you‟d do anything for him because you are a puppet on a


Jamee clamped her hands over her ears and screamed, „‟stop it! I hate you, I

hate you!‟‟ (p.27)

Darcy tells Jamee that Bobby Wallace ever said to his friends that there was a girl who wanted to do anything for him. Bobby Wallace asked Jamee to steal CD in a book store, and Jamee did it. They laughed about that CD which Jamee stole. Darcy was surprised when she heard it, then she tells Jamee, how stupid she is. Because she can make herself goes to jail and it is too dangerous for teenagers. Jamee does not listen to Darcy‟s advice. Jamee feels angry and leaves her sister.

When Darcy, Jamee and their mother go to Aunt Charlotte‟s house, They have dinner together, but in the middle of their conversation, Jamee feels offended with Aunt Charlotte‟s words, then she acts as if she has no manners. Jamee looks stubborn when she argues with her mother, her mother asks Jamee to apologize with Aunt Charlotte

Mom was quite for a few blocks. Then she said. „‟Jamee, when we get home, you are going to sit right down and write a note of apology to your aunt.‟‟

„‟I won‟t‟‟ Jamee snapped.

„‟well, than you can just forget about me signing the permission sleep for

your cheerleader camp, and no mall on Saturday either‟‟ mom said.

Jamee sighed deeply. „‟oh , I will write the stupid apology but I won‟t

mean it. And before I mail it, I will spit on it!‟‟ you‟d better not‟‟ Mom


b. Childish

Besides her stubborn attitude, Jamee is also a childish person. She acts like she does not care about other‟s feelings. Jamee is 14 years old, she is not as mature as

people expect her to be because she cannot control her own anger, and at least she can respect her mother when her mother takes a rest because she knows that her mother always tired after working in hospital. As a 14 years old girl, she should understand her sister‟s advices and she also have to know which friend gives positive and negative influence to her. She should not take a reckless decision. .

Jamee stomped out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her, “Mom trying to get some rest!” Darcy yelled. “Do you have to be so selfish?” but Jamee was already gone, and the apartment was suddenly quiet (p.4)

From the quotation above, Jamee does not want to listen to her sister. Then she slams the door without concerns of her mother who needs to take a rest. Jamee is a childish girl. She does everything she wants, without thinking about others. One day, she escapes from home because she has many problems in her life, her family is worried about her.

„‟Jamee took all her favorite stuff and she ran away, Mom.‟‟

„‟Ran away? Lord in heaven, why would she do that? She‟s only a baby‟‟ (p.107)

The quotation shows that Jamee is being childish. She has many problems, but she avoids her problems and run away from home.


Jamee grows up to be a temperamental girl. She gets angry and she cannot control her own anger. She becomes temperamental since her father left their family. Darcy remembered it was about then that Jamee slowly began to change, to have

angry, sad moods, to be cynical” (p.18). The quotation shows the effects of the father left her family behind. Jamee begins to change, she starts to have mood swings and became cynical. In the past, Jamee was close to her father.Now, she gets upset because she lost her father. Jamee makes fantasy that her father left them because he got some terrible diseases and he did not want to burden his family. Actually Jamee laughs on her own fantasy, she knows that her father leave them because he finds something more important than his own family. Jamee makes her own fantasy because Jamee cannot accept the reality that her father left them for another woman.

An event in the story which shows her temperamental attitude is when Darcy, Jamee and their mother visit Aunt Charlotte‟s house for dinner. In the middle of the dinner, Aunt Charlotte talks about something which makes Jamee feels offended then Jamee gets angry to Aunt Charlotte.

„‟And you !you look like a homeless child who fished her wardrobe out of a dumpster! Now look at your sister. Darcy has the good sense to look neat and attractive.‟‟ (p.46).

Aunt Charlotte is an executive secretary in a major bank. As an executive secretary she must gives good impressions to all of the guests. She comments

about Jamee‟s style. She says that Jamee does not have style. Aunt Charlotte also


speaks to her. Aunt Charlotte does not only give comments to Darcy and Jamee but she also comments about Mom who works in ER every night.

„‟I don‟t even want to be here, okay? You act like you‟re better than we are. And every time we come here, you make the nastiest food!‟‟ (p.48).

Jamee feels offended with the Aunt Charlotte‟s words because she comments

about Jamee‟s style, Jamee‟s life and her mother‟s job. Jamee gets angry because

Aunt Charlotte underestimates her family.

B. The Conflicts Experienced by the Main Characters

In this section, the writer finds the conflicts experienced by main character and the writer also describes each conflict in details. According to Perrine (1974: 44) conflict is a clash of action, ideas, desires, or will between two individuals or among people in the society. Conflict itself can be classified into physical, mental emotional, or moral.

1. The conflicts between Darcy and Jamee

The conflict is when Darcy‟s sister, Jamee, has a problem with her

boyfriend, Bobby Wallace. Darcy looks that someone hits her sister. Darcy thinks Bobby Wallace is the one who did it to Jamee. However, Jamee does not want to tell her sister about it. Then they have miscommunication and clashed.

„‟Jamee, you are lying. You broke up with that punk, and he hit you!‟‟ Darcy stormed.


Darcy feels angry to her sister because she does want her sister to know who hits and beats her. Darcy does not want anyone hurt her little sister. However, Jamee has miscommunication with Darcy, Jamee thinks that Darcy always sticks

her nose into Jamee‟s personal life. Jamee does not understand that Darcy does

that for Jamee‟s own good. After Darcy and Jamee have clashed, Darcy does not

want to make her sister upset and down. So she gives her advices carefully

She had to choose her words carefully. She did not want to upset her sister

again. „‟Jamee, I know that you are really cared about Bobby Wallace,‟‟

Darcy began. „‟I remember how you told me that he gave you his picture

and said you were his special girl. And I know that all the girls at school were probably jealous of you because you had a boyfriend from Bluford high who drove a cool car. But Bobby was not the right guy for you. any

guy who puts his hands on you is bad news,‟‟ (p.94).

Darcy gives her advices with wise words which she chooses carefully, she does not want to make her sister feel angry and down. Darcy also does not want any miscommunication and fight between them anymore.

2. The conflicts between Jamee and Bobby Wallace

The conflicts are also experienced by Jamee and Bobby Wallace. Bobby

Wallace is Jamee‟s boyfriend, but he often hits Jamee and does anything he wants

to her.

„‟How you get hold of the CD, man?‟‟ the other boy asked Bobby. „‟I got

me a girl who‟ll do anything for me, you hear what I am saying? she is in


Bobby does not really love Jamee. For Bobby, Jamee is only a puppet who can be played anytime he wants. Although Jamee thinks that her boyfriend really loves her and she wants to do anything to proof her love to him.

3. The conflicts between Darcy and her friends

The first conflict which is experienced by the protagonist of this novel, the conflicts happen when Darcy does not have friends, she does not want to make friends with someone with lower grades and social status.

„‟You think you are better than me, don‟t you?‟‟ Tarah suddenly growled.„‟I never said—„‟ Darcy blurted.„‟you don‟t have to say it, girl.

It‟s in your eyes. You think I‟m a low-life and you‟re something special.

Well, I got more friends than you got fingers and toes together. You got no friends, and everybody laughs at you behind your back” and Darcy didn‟t have any real friend, except for Brisana (p.9)

In that quotation above, Darcy considers herself as someone who is smarter than the others and she does not know that her friends always mocks her behind her back. In Darcy‟s classmates‟ opinion, Darcy is a freak girl at Bluford. She only has one friend, Brisana. Besides that, Darcy thinks that Tarah‟s statement is true even though her words hurt her. She feels lonely and she does not have any friends.

„‟Hey is that really a female there? Sure don‟t look like it. Looks more like an old broomstick with hair.‟‟ His companions laughed rudely, and Darcy had walked a little faster (p.10).


„‟oh, Grandma, I‟m so lonely,‟‟ Darcy cried, pressing her head against Grandma‟s small shoulder. (p.12)

In her mindset, she thinks that it is right choice for her to select friends. But she feels lonely and wants to change her mindset. Then, she tries not to judge others anymore.

The second conflict happens between Darcy and Bobby Wallace related with the problem when Jamee and Bobby Wallace clashed. Darcy is kidnapped by Bobby Wallace. That is the most dangerous thing ever happens to Darcy.

Darcy tried to run around the Nissan, but Bobby, out of the car now, grabbed her wrist. His friend took out a knife and flashed at her. „‟You and me gonna get in the car and go for a drive and talk‟‟ Bobby said.‟‟ (p.81).

In that dangerous situation, Cooper and his friends see the moment when Darcy is kidnapped by Bobby and friends. Then they help Darcy, they hit and punch Bobby and his friends.After that Bobby is suspended for three days

Then she tries to make friends with the others. She meets Tarah, a person who she hates the beginning, but in the end she feels comfortable with Tarah. Finally, they become friends along with Cooper and Hakeem.

Tarah‟s hug was more comforting than Darcy ever imagined. It was as if

she had left a small part of her sorrow with someone else, and now what was remaining would be easier to carry (p.94).


Darcy had never talked to anyone. Not even Brisana, about her father and the hurt he had caused (p.88).

Darcy never talks about the pain that Darcy‟s father caused to her family. Although, Brisana is Darcy‟s close friend, but Darcy feels that Brisana is not someone she can talk to. She cannot share her feelings to Brisana. Darcy feels more comfortable to talk with Tarah than Brisana.

In the beginning, Darcy does not have friend except Brisana, because in Darcy thinks she does not want to make friends with someone who has lower social status, but Darcy changes her mind set about then in the end of the story. Finally, she has three new loyal friends Tarah, Cooper and Hakeem who accepts Darcy without looking at her social status.

4. Conflicts between Darcy and Jamee with their family

Another conflict is when their father has been left his family for younger woman 5 years ago. Besides that, Darcy and Jamee lose the figure of father. The effect is that Jamee becomes a temperamental and stubborn girl. Jamee grows up without guidance of her parents because her mother is busy working in Emergency Room at hospital. Even though they hate their father, they also miss him. Jamee was closer to his dad than his mom.


The conflicts begin when Darcy is stalked by a mysterious man with silver Toyota. He always stalks her everywhere she goes. She is afraid and then calls the police. The police claims that he is a Carl wills, Darcy‟s father. Jamee begins to change because she lost her father, slowly she has a bad temperament. Jamee was close to her father.After their father left his family, Darcy and Jamee forgot their daddy and Jamee wished that her father was dead.

„‟I don‟t ever want to see him in my entire life,‟‟ Jamee asserted with

sudden, unexpected passion. „‟I hate him. I wish he was dead. I wish we

had gotten his death notice.‟‟ (p.76).

They do not know why their father suddenly come and appear in their life. After the pain that he causes to their family, he comes back again and tries to apologize to his family.

He took a deep breath, wiped his eyes and continued. „‟ Darcy, I am so sorry for the pain I caused you. nothing I can say right now is going to take it all away. And I understand if you never forgive me. But I am here for you. you might not believe me, but it‟s true. I am here‟‟ (p.121)

Daddy suddenly comes and tries to apologize to them after everything he has done. Darcy does not answer and talk at all. In that condition, she still feels hurt because her father left their family for younger woman. The other conflicts are when Jamee runs away from home and her family cannot find her.

„‟Jamee took all her favorite stuff and she run away, Mom‟‟. Darcy said. „‟Ran away? Lord in heaven, why would she do that? She is only a baby‟‟ (p.107).


is a place where Jamee met her father in their last meeting. She remembers the tree where her father made her a princess. Jamee is found in bad condition, she is unconscious and almost died. Darcy regrets that she does not forgive her father, she wish she can say something good to him because her father still remembers where the Giant cedar is. Her father stills remember the things that ever happened in his life. That moment might be something which is hard to forget and he save all of memories about his family in his heart. Then Jamee is taken to the emergency room where her mother works. The meeting between her parents is something which happens unexpectedly. Behind the loss of Jamee, her father comes back to the family. Now, Darcy feels so happy because her sister is safe and she has three loyal new friends who come into her life.

C. Messages as Revealed by the Way the Main Characters Solve the



care and understand each other. It is proved when Jamee feels angry to Darcy because she scolds Jamee for her bad score. Jamee feels angry because she thinks that her sister blames her for her bad score in the last report. Darcy has her own purposes to scold Jamee, Darcy cares to her sister, but Jamee has different perspective. It is better if we communicate our needs to our friends, partner or sister so they will understand what we want and it is also good to tell the purpose behind our actions.


support her and stay beside her. The message of the conflict is that we should not discriminate people by their looks and social status. People with good looks and high social status are not always good enough to be our friend. Sometimes, those people we always underestimate are the ones who unexpectedly good and care to us.

The other conflict is between Jamee and Bobby Wallace, it shows that Jamee does not even love and respect herself. It makes her easily traps in an abusive relationship. She thinks that Bobby loves her very much; she does not have any courage to fight against him because she does not respect herself enough. Her loss of father figure makes her unloved and she tries to find love in a wrong way which leads her to a wrong man. The message from Jamee‟s and Bobby‟s conflict is that we should love and respect ourselves, so we will not trap

in an abusive relationship.

There is also conflict between Darcy, Jamee and their family. Although their father has left them for 5 years and they got hurt but they want to forgive their father. The message is everyone deserves a second chance to clean up their mistakes because they forgivetheir father and give him chance to clean up his mistakes. Now they can live together with their family and livehappily ever after.





In this chapter, the writer concludes the analysis. The conclusion is taken from the message which is revealed by the way the main characters solve the conflicts. The conclusion is taken from the three of problem formulations. The three problem formulations of the study are to find the characteristics of the main characters, the conflicts in this story and the messages from the way the main characters solve the conflicts.

First, the writer concludes the main characters and their characteristics. The main characters in this novel are Darcy and Jamee, They are sisters. Darcy is smart, perfectionist and caring. She has different characteristics with her sister; Jamee is stubborn, childish and temperamental. They have different characteristics even though they are sisters.


The other conflicts are between Jamee and Bobby Wallace, their relationship is not about ordinary love story but it is about abusive relationship in teenagers. Jamee gets bad treatment from her boyfriend, her hits and beats until her body bruised. She does not have any courage to fight against Bobby Wallace. Even though she knows what her boyfriend does to her is wrong. She traps in a love story with the wrong man. The loss of her father makes her find another love with a wrong way; she does not respect herself as a woman.

The other conflicts are between Darcy, Jamee and their family, the conflicts is their father has left them for younger woman. Darcy and Jamee get hurt because he left them. Jamee’s characteristics changes after her father left, she becomes temperamental and stubborn. Jamee runs away from home and everyone cannot find her. Then her father finds Jamee unconscious in Giant Cedar with bad condition. After that, their father comes back to her family and apologizes to them.


respect ourselves than traps in an abusive relationship. The fourth conflicts is between Darcy, Jamee and their family, the messages from their conflicts is that we should be able to left our ego behind in order to keep the family harmonious. However, everyone deserves a chance to clean up their mistakes.




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