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The type of love as seen in Dickens` short stories ``Agnes`` and ``The Parish Clerk`` - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofSarjana Sastra

in English Letters


LAKSMI PERWITASARI Student Number: 994214016 NIRM: 990051120106120016





M y L ovely H usband and M y Sons



long as I am with Him. I dedicate this thesis to my lovely husband, Dwi Irwanto. Thank you for the prayer, love, and supports. Thanks to my sons,Dafaand Rayhan, who gives me the best moment, joy, and love. I also thank my beloved parents and brothers for being my best supporters in finishing this thesis.

On this occasion, I would like to thank Dra. Th. Enny Anggraini, M.A. for all of the attention, patience, guidance, great support, and suggestion from the beginning to the end of the thesis writing. My deepest gratitude goes to M. Luluk Artika W., S.S as my co-advisor who has given her valuable guidance, support and suggestion on this thesis.

Then, I am thankful to my best friend,Angga for the sharing and togetherness we have. For Citra, Wiwied, Desy, Kristin, Lenny, Dinna, Novi, I thank them for the happiness, sadness, and laughter, “Keep our relationships”.

I also give my regard to all of the English Letters’ staff because without their help I will not be able to finish my study here.

The last gratitude goes for those whose names cannot be mentioned here, thanks for all your advice, attention and support.




A. Review or Related Studies ... 5

C. Theoretical Framework ... 17


A. Object of the Study... 18

B. Approach of the Study ... 18

C. Method of the Study... 20


A. The Similarity and the Differences of Plot and Characters of the Short Stories... 22

1. The Plot ... 22

2. The Characters ... 28

B. The Similarity and the Differences of the Theme of the Short Stories ... 32





Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

Human life is full of many miracles, and one of them was love. Love can bring the happiness and sadness in human life. That is why many authors get inspired on the history of love. Literature is a creative work of art and the reflection of human’s life. Literary works show the realities of human condition, feeling and relationship, communicating ideas of intellectual, and social significance, one of them is love. That is why this thesis describes how love exists in Dickens’ short stories.

This thesis wants to describe the difference of characters, plot and theme in the “Agnes” and “The Parish Clerk”. And reveals the difference of description love term by the author in “Agnes” and “The Parish Clerk” and will describe the term of love by Erich Fromm.

The object in this study is Charles Dickens short stories “Agnes” and “The Parish Clerk”. The method that is used to collect data for this thesis is library research. Using objective approach of Abrams theory in this analysis, the writer discovers that the term of love is reflected in the short stories.



Stories “Agnes” and “The Parish Clerk”. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kehidupan manusia penuh dengan keajaiban, salah satunya adalah cinta. Cinta mampu memberikan kebahagiaan dan kesedihan dalam kehidupan manusia. Oleh sebab itu banyak pengarang mendapatkan inspirasi dari cerita cinta. Karya Sastra merupakan karya kreatif seni dan merupakan refleksi kehidupan manusia. Karya sastra menunjukkan realita kondisi manusia, permasalahan hidup, perasaan dan hubungan antar sesama, pengungkapan ide, nilai-nilai sosial, dan cinta termasuk di dalamnya.

Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perbedaan penokohan, dan plot dalam cerpen “Agnes” dan “The Parish Clerk”. Dan mengungkapkan perbedaan tema dalam “Agnes” dan “The Parish Clerk”.Selain itu, skripsi ini mendeskripsikan perbedaan pengertian cinta berdasarkan teori cinta Erich Fromm dalam cerpen “Agnes” and “The Parish Clerk”.

Objek studi skripsi ini adalah cerpen dari Charles Dickens berjudul “Agnes and The Parish Clerk”. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah studi pustaka. Analisa dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan objektif .



A. Background of the Study

Human life is full of many miracles, and one of them is love. Love can

bring happiness and sadness in human life. That’s why many authors get inspired

on the history of love. Wellek (1954) said Literature is a creative work of art and

the reflection of human’s life. It shows the realities of human condition problems,

feeling, relationship, communicating ideas of intellectual, social significance, and

one of them is love.

Literature is a part of art, which is expressed, in any writing forms; it has a

power to move the reader’s heart or to stir the reader’s emotion by the author. The

most important aim of literature work for the writer is to move the sense and

reader’s feeling to the fact, help them to make decision and if it necessary an

action whenever face problems. Literature as the artistic expression of life and

truth contains universal ideas of human interest and it can be said that literature is

artistic, permanent, and universal. Fiction is one of the literary works.

Structuralism said that fiction was new literary works that present human life in

construction words and autonomy.

A good writer will try to get closer to the meaning of life to make their

work meaningful and to give benefits to people (Subhan, 2000). Usually literature


consists of several kinds of literary work, one of them is short story. One of genre

of the fiction is short story. Nurgiyantoro (1998) said that short story has an

element builder such as intrinsic and extrinsic. That is why the short story can be a

subject for the literary analysis.

One of the short story authors is Charles Dickens. He was probably the

best known and the greatest English novelist of the 19th century. He is a moralist,

satirist, and social reformer. Dickens crafted complex stories and striking

characters that capture the panorama of English society. In his works he criticized

the injustices of his time, especially the brutal treatment of the poor in the society

sharply divided by differences of wealth. But he presents this criticism through

the lives of characters that seem to live and breathe. Paradoxically, they often do

so by being flamboyantly larger than life (www.victorianweb.org, 2004)

Two of his short stories are Agnes and The Parish Clerk. Agnes talks

about the character who is falling in love with woman named Agnes. The Parish

Clerktalks about the poor character who is falling in love with rich girl. There are

many things described in this short story especially love. So, it is interesting to

analyze this short story, especially about love in the literary works.

B. Problem Formulation

Considering the backgrounds the problem of the research can be formulated

as follows:

1. What are the similarities and the differences of characters, and plots in


2. What are the similarities and the differences of themes in Agnes and

The Parish Clerk ?

3. How do the similarities and the differences describe love term inAgnes

andThe Parish Clerk?

C. Objectives of the Research

With reference to the title of this research. The objective of this study are:

1. To describe the similarity and the difference of characters, and plot in

AgnesandThe Parish Clerk.

2. To describe the similarity and the difference theme in Agnes and The

Parish Clerk.

3. To describe how the similarity and the difference of description love

term by the author inAgnesandThe Parish Clerk.

D. Definition of Terms

There are some terms that must be explained to avoid misunderstanding.

Poe (1998) said that short story was a literary work that can be read while we are

sitting. It has intrinsic and extrinsic elements like novel. Short story has an

intrinsic element like plot, character, and theme. Short story has advantage, it can

reveal more than the story by implicit way. The advantage of short story was the

reader more easily to find the intrinsic elements. To learn and analyze a literary


that the writer can analyze the connection of the elements to describe the short

story. That is why this thesis analyze the short story

Wikipedia defines love as a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and

solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of

attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness. These nouns denote feelings

of warm personal attachment or strong attraction to another person




A. Review of Related Studies

Criticism appears in order to give reaction through the literary work itself.

The criticism form can be disagreement of the expression, serious examination

and judgment or comment or argument of the literary work. Therefore criticism is

very important as the fact that people pay their attention to the presence of the

literary work and the work itself attracts people to read or see it.

One of critics in Dickens literary work about love was “New Life, Old Love

in Charles Dickens Great Expectations”. These critics written by Zoe Ripple in

2005, according to Ripple there are good romance and new life in Dickens literary


As the novel concludes, Dickens again establishes the landscape as a symbol of what is happening between or to the characters. In the highly romanticized finale, Pip describes how he and Estella "went out of the ruined place," emblematic of their moving on from their old relationship into a new, more mature one. Moving from ruin, they focus on "the broad expanse of tranquil light" (433), which contrasts with the "stranded and still landscape" (392) that has up until this point defined Pip's life. The new light is dazzling, as their future shall be, and tranquil, as the new couple is. Grasping her hand, Pip sees "no shadow" of parting from Estella, and with this confirms that together they will remain. (http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/dickens/ge/ripple17.html)

In some ideas the writer is standing on the same position with the critics

opinion that there are good love stories in Dickens works. So, in this study the


Clerk" and "Agnes". But it was different with Ripple analysis because this study

wants to reveal term of love by Fromm in the Dickens’ short stories.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theme

In literature, a theme is a broad idea in a story, or a message conveyed by a

work. This message is usually about life, society or human nature. Themes are

usually implied rather than explicitly stated. Deep thematic content is not required

in literature; however, some readers would say that all stories inherently project

some kind of outlook on life that can be taken as a theme, regardless of whether or

not this is the intention of the author. Analysis of changes in dynamic characters

can provide insight into a particular theme. A theme is not the same as the subject

of a work. It is also important to note that subjects may be stated in one word,

whereas the theme is a full phrase or sentence, yet not a moral (Subhan, 2003).

In fiction, the theme is not intended to teach or preach. In fact, it is not

presented directly at all. You extract it from the characters, action, and setting that

make up the story. In other words, you must figure out the theme yourself. The

writer's task is to communicate on a common ground with the reader. Although

the particulars of your experience may be different from the details of the story,

the general underlying truths behind the story may be just the connection that both

you and the writer are seeking. Theme represent the elementary idea of public


is concerning equation or difference (Hartoko and Rahmanto, 1986:142). Shipley

(1962:417) describes fiction theme into five levels:

a. Theme about the physical. It looks at human being as molecule, this theme

more refers to physical activity of human than psychologically.

b. Organic Story. This theme looks human being as protoplasm. It refers to

sexuality problem which is activity that only human being can do it.

c. Social Story. This theme looks human being as social being. It relate to the

human relation with his society.

d. Theme about the egoist. It looks human being as individual, this theme relate

to the problem of person as an individual human being, like egoists, prestige,

self regard or nature of other dissimilar human being.

e. Theme mount the divine, it looks human being as high level being. This theme

refers to the problem of human being with God as the most Creator.

Theme is the main central idea or the central meaning existed in the story.

Stanton (1965) said that a theme is a matter for the author, because it described

the insight view, life world or the author’s idea, how he saw a problem and how

he was ended and solved it. A theme is often defined as what the story about

(Subhan, 2003:22). Theme is the main idea or main opinion as principle of the

content of the story (Nurgiyantoro, 1998:25). The theme is always related to the

experience of life.

To identify the theme of the novel there are some criteria that should be


a. Conspicuous event that is found in the story; this part describe the main

character that is different from others or sub character and the situation or

condition of the story described by the writer that influence the event or the

occasions in the story.

b. Conflicts in the story; there can always be found many conflicts in the

sequence of the story because of protagonist and antagonist character. The

conflict happened in the story quantitatively. The writers describe the conflict

attractive, sometimes the conflict make the readers hate antagonist character

and have sympathy with protagonist character. Because of many differences

in way of life in associate, there can arise many conflicts between the people

themselves. It is related to the moral aspects as stated in the topic


Every literary work consists or offers a theme. But to grasp what the content

of theme it self is not easy. It should be grasped and interpreted through the whole

story and the other data and it is not as simple as we think. In effort to find and

interpret the theme in a literary work, In effort to find and interpret the theme in a

novel, Stanton (1965) said that a reader should make interpretation a novel shall

consider the all of detail story, theme interpretation a novel should not oppose

every story detail, and theme interpretation in a novel based on the story it self.

Subhan (2003:20) said that steps, which can be followed, are reader should read a

novel critically and should pay attention to important events, images, and symbols


Some ways to uncover the theme in a story: Check out the title. Sometimes

it tells you a lot about the theme. Notice repeating patterns and symbols.

Sometimes these lead you to the theme. What allusions are made throughout the

story? What are the details and particulars in the story? What greater meaning

may they have? Remember that theme, plot, and structure are inseparable, all

helping to inform and reflect back on each other. Also, be aware that a theme we

determine from a story never completely explains the story. It is simply one of the

elements that make up the whole (www.notesinthemargin.org/glossary:2000).

Themes are expressed and emphasized by the way the author makes us feel.

By sharing feelings of the main character you also share the ideas that go through

his mind. Themes are presented in thoughts and conversations. Authors put words

in their character’s mouths only for good reasons. One of these is to develop a

story’s themes. The things a person says are much on their mind. Look for

thoughts that are repeated throughout the story. Themes are related with the

characters. The main character usually illustrates the most important theme of the

story. A good way to get at this theme is to ask your self the question, what does

the main character learn in the course of the story. The actions or events in the

story are used to suggest theme. People naturally express ideas and feelings

through their actions. One thing authors think about is what an action will "say".

In other words, how will the action express an idea or theme


2. Character

The characters of fiction are as varied and exciting as the characters of

people in the real life. Many of them enter into the permanents landscape of the

reader own world. Characters are the life in fiction and develop with art and

humanity. Character is clear picture portraying about somebody presented in a

story (Jones, 1968), while story character, according to Abrams (1981:20) is

people that presented in an narrative masterpiece, or drama, what is by reader

interpreted to own the quality of certain tendency and moral such as those which

expressed in utterance and what done in action.

Character basically can be distinguished in two: the major and the minor

character. A major character is generally present during a substantial portion of

the story and involves in the main plot. He usually discussed at considerable

length and the analyst is usually attack importance to his actions and their

consequences. He or she almost always round or three-dimensional characters.

They have good and bad qualities. Their goals, ambitions and values change. A

round character changes as a result of what happens to him or her. A character

who changes inside as a result of what happens to him is referred to in literature as

a dynamic character. A dynamic character grows or progresses to a higher level of

understanding in the course of the story (Subhan, 2003).

Major character also can be dividing into three groups:

a. The protagonist or the very central character.

b. The antagonist (the enemy of the protagonist).


Minor character who also many times enter and depart from the action with

considerable frequency and they are often entertain or dramatic but they less

important to the total significance of the work. Minor character often server as a

‘link’ between major character and they also often extremely function in terms of

developing the plot (Subhan, 2003).

With the above congeniality, inferential that character includes; cover

whose problem story figure, characterization and how it is portraying in the story.

In character identifying in fiction story can be relied on a consistency behavioral,

morality, and opinion in solving, looking into, and behaving in face of every event

(Fananie. 2000: 87).

Characterization it was the methods by which writers create, reveal, or

develop their characters. Writers can focus on the external reality of their

characters by describing their appearance, actions, or manner of speech. They can

also portray the inner reality of their characters by revealing their thoughts and

feelings. "The creation of imaginary persons so that they seem lifelike.

There are three fundamental methods of characterization : (1) the explicit

presentation by the author of the character through direct exposition, either in an

introductory block or more often piecemeal throughout the work, illustrated by

action; (2) the presentation of the character in action, with little or no explicit

comment by the author, in the expectation that the reader can deduce the attributes

of the actor from the actions; and (3) the representation from within a character,

without comment by the author, of the impact of actions and emotions on the


Regardless of the method by which a character is presented, the author

may concentrate on a dominant trait to the exclusion of other aspects of

personality, or the author may attempt to present a fully rounded creation. If the

presentation of a single dominant trait is carried to an extreme, not a believable

character but a caricature will result. On the other hand, the author may present so

convincing a congeries of personality traits that a complex rather than a simple

character emerges; such a character is three-dimensional


Furthermore, a character may be either static or dynamic. A static character

is one who changes little if at all. Things happen to such a character without

things happening within. A dynamic character, on the other hand, is one who is

modified by actions and experiences, and one objective of the work in which the

character appears is to reveal the consequences of these actions (Source : Harmon

& Holman, 89 in http://www.notesinthemargin.org/glossary.html#c)

3. Plot

Stanton (1965) said that plot is the story which has an order of event, but

every event are only connected reciprocally. One event caused another events

(time). According to Mieke (in Zaimar, 1990) plot represent the indicator

chronologically event that logically interconnected and causes an action. A plot is

more than a story, a plot is something, which is higher and more complex than a


To determine the plot needs elements of story. In the fiction semantic

network can be made many units that is call sequences. Sequence formed by

lingual unit that have one meaning. Others sequences can be expressed with the

sentence that set as a super ordinate for definition sequence in plot determination,

Todorov (Zaimar, 1990) described it as follows:

a. Sequence shall be focus to one attention, that is perceived to the single object

and equal: same event, same idea, same figure, and same opinion area.

b. Sequence has to confine a coherence range of time and space: something

happens in certain time or place

c. Sometimes sequence can be marked by things outside language: empty paper

in the middle of text, writing, the position of text writing and others.

Tennyson (1967:21) says that the plot has a structure. The structure of plot

usually contains five parts: 1) exposition, elements of the plot. In written fiction,

the term is additionally used to indicate giving information by exposition rather

than revelation through action and dialogue; if such passages are well-written and

intriguing, they may be described as "info-dumping" with no pejorative intent. 2)

rising action, this structure of story find that the main character will find another

character (antagonist) and find a problem with them. 3) crisis, in another word it

can say climax, the character find that the problems will destroy their life or the

exist of character. 4) falling action, this element of plot that describes how the

main character solve the problems and 5) catastrophe, it describe how the story


Narrative tradition calls for developing stories with particular pieces plot

elements in place. Exposition is the information needed to understand a story. The

introductory material which gives the setting, creates the tone, presents the

characters, and presents other facts necessary to understanding the story.

Complication is the catalyst that begins the major conflict The essence of fiction.

It creates plot. The conflicts we encounter can usually be identified as one of four

kinds (Man versus…Man, Nature, Society, or Self).Climax is the turning point in

the story that occurs when characters try to resolve the complication The conflict

reaches a turning point. At this point the opposing forces in the story meet and the

conflict becomes most intense. The crisis occurs before or at the same time as the

climax. The climax is the result of the crisis. It is the high point of the story for the

reader. Frequently, it is the moment of the highest interest and greatest emotion.

The point at which the outcome of the conflict can be predicted

(http://notesinthemargin.org/glossary.html.c. 2004)

4. Love

Love is a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a

person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a

sense of underlying oneness. These nouns denote feelings of warm personal

attachment or strong attraction to another person (Wikipedia, 2004). Love is the

most intense: marrying for love. Affection is a less ardent and more unvarying

feeling of tender regard: parental affection. Devotion is earnest, affectionate


children. Fondness is strong liking or affection: a fondness for small animals.

Infatuation is foolish or extravagant attraction, often of short duration: lovers

blinded to their differences by their mutual infatuation


Fromm (1968:38-39) said that love is not primarily a relationship to a

specific person; it is an attitude, an orientation of characters which determines the

relatedness of a person to the world as a whole, not toward one object of love.

There are many kinds of object love, it was: a) Brotherly love, b) Motherly love,

c) Erotic love, and d) Love of God.

a. Brotherly love

This love is the most fundamental kind of love. In this love everything is

equal. It was an experience of union of all men, of human solidarity, of human at

one moment (Fromm, 1968:39). Brotherly love is universal sense that human

being have, we can create our world in peace if we can share our brotherly love to

all of human being in any condition.

b. Motherly love

Motherly love is unconditional affirmation of the child’s life and his needs.

Fromm said affirmation of the child has two aspects; one is the care and


growth. The other aspect goes further than mere preservation. It is the attitude

which instills in the child a love for living, which gives him the feeling: it is good

to be alive, it is good to be a little boy or girl, it is good to be in this earth. The

relationship of mother and child is by its very nature one of inequality, where one

needs all the help and the other gives it. The motherly love is the highest kind of

love and the most sacred of all emotional bond.

c. Erotic love

This love different from two love above, in this love there is an exclusiveness

which is lacking in brotherly love and motherly love. It is love to a person in

equal position. This love mostly show by sexual desire. Fromm (1968:46) said

that erotic love is exclusive, but it loves in the other person all of mankind, all that

is alive. It is exclusive only in the sense of erotic fusion, full commitment in all

aspects of life. In this love the affection and feeling of love can show by the


d. Love of God

The basic for our need to love lies in the experience of separateness by the

experience of union. The religious form of love that which called the love of God


achieve union. In fact, the love of God has as many different qualities and aspects

as the love of man has and to a large extent we find the same differences.

C. Theoretical Framework

In the previous sub chapter the writer stated some theories that will be used

to analyze the significant value of love on objects of Dickens short stories The

Parish ClerkandAgnes. A good writer will try to get closer to the meaning of live

to make their work meaningfully and to give benefits to people (Subhan, 2000).

Usually literature can be divided into three genres, namely prose, poetry, and

drama or play. Prose consists of several kinds of literary works, one of them is

short story. One of genre fiction is short story. The theories are divided into two

theories, namely theories of intrinsic elements of literary work and theory of love.

All theories are needed in order to support the analysis to answer the question in

the problem formulation.

The first theory is some theories of theme, character, and plot. According to

the theories there are many ways to learn intrinsic elements in literary work. The

writer put the theories of theme, character, and plot, on the first point because to

learn and analyze a literary work such short story the writer should know the

theme, character, and plot.

The second theory is theory of love. It is very useful to understand what


to the theme, character, and plot, about love in the short stories. Then we can find

out whether the perception of love in the short stories is founded or not.

In order to have better understanding about the significance of love and to

answer the question in the problem formulation, the writer will combine the two




A. Objects of the Study

Object in this study was Charles Dickens’ short stories “Agnes and The

Parish Clerk”. The short stories are in book with the titleThe Great Love Stories.

It was published in 1998 by the Crest Publishing House New Delhi. “Agnes” tells

about the character name Trotwood who falling in love with his friend named

Agnes. He felt that Agnes was a special friend that always bring a happiness to his

life. He believed that she is the one the right woman whom can replace his wife

that died before. “The Parish Clerk” tells a story of love a parish clerk in small

country town name Nathaniel Pipkin, he was a smart man and only give his time

for the church. He is falling in love with a rich girl named Maria Lobbs. He must

struggle to reach his love. It was forbidden love because of different status

between him and her.

B. Approach of the Study

To understand a literary work, there are some approaches to be applied.

One is Abrams theory. Abrams (1953:6) said that there are four elements that

related with work of art. First, is the work, the artistic product it self. Second, is

the artist or the author who create the work. Three, is universe, there are many


is the audience, the reader to whom work is addressed. It can be described in

diagram below:




Diagram 1.

Four Element Coordination of Art Work (Abrams, 1953:6)

Related to some views of profitable reading a literary work and practical

way to analyzed it is Abrams reveals that there are four approaches. Abrams

(2003:30) states that a literary critic tends to derive from one of the four

approaches for defining, classifying, and analyzing a work of art. Abrams argued

that any literary theory that tries to be complete must account for four basic

aspects of literature: the author, the text, the audience, and the universe (or

"reality"). Any reasonably well developed theory, in other words, will be a theory

about all these factors and the relations among them. The assumptions a theorist

makes about the author, for example, will inevitably affect (and be affected by)

the assumptions he makes about the text, the audience, "reality" and the purposes

of criticism. Indeed, Abrams argues that each theory will tend to emphasize one of


1. the objective approach is a literary that focuses the study on the work of art

it self without relating to the external factors. Instead it described the

literary product as a self-sufficient and autonomous object, or else as a

world-in-itself, which is to be analyzed and judged solely by intrinsic criteria

such as its complexity, coherence, equilibrium, integrity, and interrelation of

it is component elements. The objective approach is called the intrinsically

by analyzing the elements of literary work.

2. the pragmatic approach are one that studies the literary work in relation the

audience or readers. In this approach views the literary work as something

which is constructed in order to achieve certain effects on the audience

(effects such as aesthetic, pleasure, instruction, or kind emotion), and it

tends to judge the value of the work according to its success in achieving

that aim.

3. the mimetic approach is an approach which focuses the study of the work of

art in relation to universe. It views the literary work as an imitation, or

reflection, or representation of the world and human life, and the primary

criterion applied to work is that of the “truth” of its representation to the

subject matter that it represents, or should represent.

4. the expressive approach is one that studies the relationship between a

literary work and the writer. It treats a literary work primarily in relation to

the author. It tends to judge the work by its sincerity, and often looks in the

work for evidences of particular temperament and experiences of the author


In this thesis want to analyze the work itself as a literary work that’s why

the approach that uses to analyze the short stories is objective approach.

C. Method of the Study

The method that the writer used to collect data for this thesis was library

research. The writer took some steps to conduct the analysis. The first step was

reading the short stories it self, “The Parish Clerk” and “Agnes” as the primary

data. The writers read it several times in order to understand the content of the

short stories and caught the idea. The writers focus on theme character, and plot of

object study. After that differenced them in both stories.

The second step was gaining some information from the secondary data;

Erich FrommThe Art of Love related to the types of love. In order to supports the

writer idea.

The third step was reviewing and examining the primary data and the

secondary data then develop a more reliable and reasonable analysis about the

problems formulation. The step of analysis was read the data that related with

theory of love Fromm’s. Than, the writer described what kind of term of love in

the short stories and get the difference of both.

The fourth step was drawing conclusion from the writer final analysis about



A. The Similarities and the Differences of Plot and Characters of the Short Stories

1. The Plot

Plot in this short stories are described on five phases, there are exposition, rising action, crisis, falling action and catastrophe. In this research the results about plot are: a. Plot of “The Parish Clerk”

Exposition is also known as the introduction. "Not all literary works follow this pattern, but most story begin by introducing the characters with an exposition of previous action that reveals their current circumstances (http://notesinthemargin.org/glossary.html.d. 2004). In “The Parish Clerk” the story begins with describes a small country town who lived a parish clerk name Nathaniel Pipkin, he was a smart man and only give his time for the church. He lived in a little house in the little high street. He is a religious man, he is proud can live in this condition. He enjoys teaching all the children in his school. It is shown in the phrase of story below:


Rising action is a series of events that builds from the conflict. It begins with the inciting force and ends with the climax. In this story rising action seen when Nathaniel Pipkin goes to a tremendous and great event happen. He is falling in love with the rich girl name Maria Lobbs. Than he has new activity after teach his children, its see a pretty face of Maria. Nathaniel want to keep distance with Maria because he is afraid with the Old Lobbs. He only sees her and feels the heartbeat more faster after see her beautiful face. It is shown in the paragraph of story below:

“well! Day after day, when school was over and the pupils gone, did Nathaniel Pipkin sit himself down at the front window, and while he feigned to be reading a book, throw sidelong glances over the way in search of the bright eyes of Maria Lobbs; and he hadn’t sat there many days, before the bright eyes appeared at an upper window, apparently deeply engaged in reading too. but when Maria Lobbs began to raise her eyes from her book, and dart their rays in the direction of Nathaniel Pipkin, his delight and admiration were perfectly boundless”(page 53)

Because his feeling the story begin to crisis. The crisis comes when one day Nathaniel knew the Old Lobbs was out, from the windows he had temerity to kiss his hand to Maria Lobbs; and Maria, instead of shutting the window and pulling down the blind, kissed hers to him, and smiled. After that he decide to develop his love for Maria. He believes that Maria is falling in love to him. It’s prove by phrase of story below:


The conflict reaches a turning point. At this point the opposing forces in the story meet and the conflict becomes most intense. The crisis occurs before or at the same time as the climax. The conflict in the story begins when the Old Lobbs goes out from his house Maria and her cousin invite Nathaniel goes to the Maria’s house. The little party held in the house, when the game of blind man’s buff goes Nathaniel always become a blind man. He tries to get Maria but he never get her, in the end of game Nathaniel surprised because he get a kissed from Maria. The Old Lobbs come back to home and the party become disorderly. The girls goes to Maria room’s and the boys include Nathaniel hide in toilet. When the Old Lobbs finds his pipe he know there Nathaniel in his house. It’s shown in this phrase below:

“ ‘why, what the devil do you want here?’ said old Lobbs, in a fearful voice… ‘what do you want here?’ roar old Lobbs ‘I suppose you have come after my daughter now?’ “old Lobbs merely said this a sneer; for he did not believe that mortal presumption could have carried Nathaniel Pipkin so far. What was his indignation when that poor man replied: ‘yes I did, Mr Lobbs. I did come after your daughter, I love her, Mr Lobbs.”(page 57)


goes Lobbs very happy know her daughter falling in love with Nathaniel Pipkin. He believes that Nathaniel is a good man for his daughter. Catastrophe of this short story is the happiness of the old Lobbs with Nathaniel Pipkin in the garden of his house. The old Lobbs realize that the love is cannot forbid he believes that his only daughter can live happy with Nathaniel Pipkin. It reveals in the paragraph below:

“Nathaniel Pipkin thought it best to keep his own counsel and by so doing gradually rose into high favor with old Lobbs, who taught him to smoke in time; and they used to sit out in the garden on the fine evenings, for many years afterwards, smoking and drinking in great state. He soon recovered the effects of his attachment, for we find his name in the parish register, as a witness to the marriage of Maria Lobbs to her cousin;”(page 58).

b. Plot of “Agnes”

In exposition of Agnes the story was role in the year came round to Christmas-time. This story describe how Trotwood as a main character. In the house of Trotwood, he imagines of Agnes his best friends that he love. He always thinking of her and he decided to say his affection to Agnes. It’s shown in the phrase below:

The year came round to Christmas-time, and I had been at home above two months. I had seen Agnes frequently. However loud the general voice might be in giving me encouragement, and however fervent the emotions and endeavours to which it roused me, I heard her lightest word of praise as I heard nothing else. (page 59)


Agnes asks why Trotwood looks so sad. And Trotwood begins his word to say love to her.

Because of struggle of Trotwood, the story become to crisis. Trotwood says to Agnes that he is falling in love with her for along time. Agnes feels not well she goes away from Trotwood. He says that Agnes was his happiness and only her that can give new life for him. Agnes feels that she is not afraid although she is alone, because of that Trotwood tries makes her convenience about his feeling. This phrase shown how the problem arise:

My dearest girl, dearer to me than anything in life, if you are unhappy, let me share your unhappiness. If you are in need of help or counsel, let me try to give it to you. If you have indeed a burden on your heart, let me try to lighten it. For whom do I live now, Agnes, if it is not for you !” (page 62)

The conflict reaches a turning point. At this point the opposing forces in the story meet and the conflict becomes most intense. The story describe how Agnes still stays and gives her affection to Trotwood. She says that she was afraid to speculate her life but she says that she love him all her life. That’s why in this part of story begin to falling action

The story ended by marriage of Trotwood and Agnes. The story become more happier to reader when she says that Dora says to her, she makes last request that she will give her husband Trotwood to her. It can looks in phrase below:


The differences of plot the short stories can be seen from the descriptions below: exposition of “The Parish Clerk” described how life of Nathaniel Pipkins every day before he feels good even and tremendous feel in his life. But in the exposition of Agnes describes Trotwood feel that his duty to make happy Agnes although he feels old but he realize that Agnes is the right woman to replace his wife. It shown in the phrase below:

My duty to Agnes, who loved me with a love which, if I disquieted, I wronged most selfishly and poorly, and could never restore; (page 62)

Trotwood believes Agnes was the one that he love, and he must say it to her.

The struggle of love Nathaniel begin, he tries to say his love to Maria. This the phrase of him to Maria.

“Nathaniel Pipkin went down on his knees on the dewy grass, and declared his resolution to remain there for ever, unless he were permitted to rise the accepted lover of Maria Lobbs. (page 54)

And Maria answers that she honored become Nathaniel lover but she says that he could be his lover forever when he says his feeling to his father. The story of love arising between couple with different social status.

The struggle of Trotwood was happen in part crisis of plot. He finds Agnes and says about his feeling to her. It can reads in phrase below:

“Agnes, I cannot bear to see you so, and think that I have been the cause. My dearest girl, dearer to me than anything in life, if you are unhappy, let me share your unhappiness. (page 65)


Falling action of “The Parish Clerk” shown by the snug party in the house of Lobbs. Maria invites Pipkin to her house. The party was ended by return of old Lobbs to the house and see Pipkin in his house. After that, he angrys with Pipkin and wondering why he come to his house, to see his beautiful daughter. And Pipkin says that he was falling in love with his daughter and his daughter too. Falling action of “Agnes” happens when Agnes say to Trotwood that she is falling in love with him in all her life.

Catastrophe of this short story is the happiness of the old Lobbs with Nathaniel Pipkin in the garden of his house. The old Lobbs realizes that the love is cannot forbid he believes that his only daughter can live happy with Nathaniel Pipkin. It reveals in the paragraph below:

“Nathaniel Pipkin thought it best to keep his own counsel and by so doing gradually rose into high favor with old Lobbs, who taught him to smoke in time; and they used to sit out in the garden on the fine evenings, for many years afterwards, smoking and drinking in great state. He soon recovered the effects of his attachment, for we find his name in the parish register, as a witness to the marriage of Maria Lobbs to her cousin;” (page 57)

Catastrophe of Agnes described how the life of Trotwood and Agnes in happiness. They got married and become a new happiness family.

2. The Characters

a. The Characters of “The Parish Clerk”


character is Nathaniel Pipkin, he is a parish clerk in a small country town and Maria Lobbs, she is a good woman and the daughter of rich family. The old Lobb is the richman who can buy all of town. The description all of characters will shown below: i. Nathaniel Pipkin

In physical ways Nathaniel Pipkin was the good looking persons, turned-up nose, turned-in legs, cast eye, halt gait. In his life Pipkin only shared his time for church and school activities. The symbolic nature and deep psychological connection the reader creates with the characters. Constantly through the mind of Pipkins hoping he will make the right choices as he lives his life of debauchery.

That is why his personality look harmless, inoffensive, and always believing in God. He was really likes children. Its shown in phrase below:

Nathaniel Pipkin was a harmless, inoffensive, good natured being, with turned-up nose, and rather turned-in legs: a cast in his eye, and a halt in his gait; and he divided his time between the church and his school. (page 51) ii. Maria Lobbs

In this short story Maria Lobbs describe by the author as a pretty woman, with prettier foot, dimpled face, and sparkling eyes. She is a pretty woman with a kindness heart, and rich. She was a great fabulous person. It shown in phrase below:


iii. Old Lobbs

Charles Dickens is to Victorian England what Shakespeare is to Renaissance England: he typifies the period his writings disclose and expose. The greatest comic genius of his age, Dickens relentlessly calls for reform at every level, implores us to embrace the disadvantaged for our own good, and offers the values of a loving heart and the image of a warm hearth as the emblem of the solution to the cruel and mindless indifference of a society given over to the pursuit of "money, money, money, and what money can make of life," because of that he describe the character of Old Lobbs as a rich person.

He is a horrible person because he is a rich man. He only look persons from his property especially money and richness. In physical ways he described with thin leg and always bring a pipe. It’s shown in phrase below:

“And whenever the unfortunate apprentice with the thin legs came into the rooms, so surely did old Lobbs commence swearing at him in a most Saracenic and ferocious manner,…(page 55)

iv. Kate


b. The Characters of “Agnes”

The characters in this short story are: Trotwood, Agnes, and Aunt of Trotwood. The main character in this story is Trotwood, he is author and widower, he lived with his aunt. The companion character in this story is Agnes, she is a good woman and beautiful. She is friend of Trotwood since childhood. The description all of characters will shown in the table below:

i. Trotwood

Character representation despite the twelve novels he had already written before. Despite the criticism that Dickens has received as a novelist, I believe that he is a brilliant man with much talent and dedication to his craft. Trotwood in this short story become a round character because in the story reveal how the life, idea, and his struggled in the first phrase until in the end of story. The importance of memory once again becomes central to Dickens's next Christmas book, the tale of a man who gets his wish to lose all memory of sorrow at the expense of losing the attendant sensibility that comes with the loss of memory. This story concern for the importance of recollection of the past and the healing influence of memory--even the memory of sorrow and grief--comes to be central for Dickens, as he has his story conclude with the prayer, "Lord, Keep my Memory Green."

Trotwood is a clever man it can look from his work as a writer. It can reads in phrase from the short story below:


ii. Agnes

In this story, Agnes is the companion character, she is a good woman and beautiful. She is friend of Trotwood since childhood. She is cheerful it’s shown in phrase:

Agnes was very cheerful; and laughingly predicted that I should soon become famous to be talked to,… (page 64)

B. The Similarity and the Differences of the Theme of the Short Stories 1. Theme of “The Parish Clerk”

Different from the novel, in short story only has a theme that arise by the author. The plot in this short stories described how love bloom in the human being. In “The Parish Clerk” plot and characterization described how Nathaniel life before he was falling in love. A good man who becomes the parish clerk in the church of small town. He divided his time only for church and school that he must teaching. It shown it phrase“he divided his time between the church and his school, verily believing that there existed not”, but the story rolled with a tremendous event that he was falling in love with beautiful girl.


Love is gifts from God it never look a rank social, poor or rich, it was right for everyone.

2. Theme of “Agnes”

In “Agnes” the story begin with Trotwood felling his wife died. He feels that only one girl that can bring happiness in his life, but he can say it to her. Trotwood feel that his duty to make happy Agnes although he feels old but he realize that Agnes is the right woman to replace his wife. Love of Trotwood to Agnes was buried because he married with Dora when Dora died he realize that only Agnes who care him very much. It can conclude thatAgnes has theme of love.


In the intrinsic elements of the short story reveal the reflection of love in theme, plot, and characters. Theme of “The Parish Clerk” is about love is blind. Love in the world is a gift from God its come to everyone without knowing about social status, and age. The plot in this short story role with the good story a human being in love. The plot shows how a human can exist in his life because he is falling in love. Life is struggle so, the story tell how Pipkin struggle to get his love. The characters in this short story especially, Nathaniel Pipkin reveal the reflection about love. He is a round character because in the story reveal how the life, idea, and his struggle in the first phrase until the end of story. Love in this character exist as an erotic love. It is seen from the target of his love who is a beautiful woman named Maria. He feels a great event and tremendous era in his life he just know it after he sees the eyes of Maria.

The themes of honesty and loyalty go hand-in-hand in this story, which is theme in this short story described how love arise in human heart without known how is the social status, age and rage. People said love is blind it prove in theme how Nathaniel falling in love with a rich girl that different with him. It shows in the phrase “but love is blind:…” how is the affection of Nathaniel to the only daughter a most rich man in the town. He wonders how the feeling to Maria Lobbs can give him happiness in the life. He just want see Maria everyday it show in the phrase below:


In the first time he realize falling in love with Maria he did not show it he worried his love is forbidden. He feels his love is not proper for him. It shown in the phrase

“but when Maria Lobbs began to raise her eyes from her book, and dart their rays in the direction of Nathaniel Pipkin, his delight and admiration were perfectly boundless” (page 53)

But in the end he believes that his love is the pure affection that he must get. He struggles to get his love because he knows that Maria Lobbs loves him to. In the end this love happened in happiness.

The story ending with great moment it shows how brotherly love existed in human life. The great evening in the garden of Lobbs house reveals how love becomes a universal sense in the world. Although the both of man have a different status social they showed in a great moment and sit together. It reveals in the phrase below.

Nathaniel Pipkin thought it best to keep his own counsel and by so doing gradually rose into high favour with old Lobbs, who taught him to smoke in time; and they used to sit out in the garden on the fine evenings, for many years afterwards, smoking and drinking in great state. (page 58)

The brotherly love in this moment symbolized with smoking time in the garden together.


It shown it phrase “he divided his time between the church and his school, verily believing that there existed not”, but the story rolled with a tremendous event that he was falling in love with beautiful girl. He feels that he was so great and this feeling never happened in his life before. It looks in the phrase:

“this was a great event, a tremendous era, in Nathaniel Pipkin’s life, and it was the only one that had ever occurred to ruffle the smooth curent of his quiet existence, when happening one fine afternoon, in a fit of mental abstraction, to raise his eyes from the slate on which he was devising some tremendous problem in compound addition for an offending urchin to solve, they suddenly rested on the blooming countenance of Maria Lobbs, the only daughter of old Lobbs, the great saddler over the way.” (page 51) How is love can bring a great feeling for the world shown in this short story. Nathaniel feel that his life become rigorous and happy to see that his feeling to the pretty face girl in the world. He has new activity after he teach his students, he sit in front of the window to see his idol girl.

“well! Day after day, when school was over and the pupils gone, did Nathaniel Pipkin sit himself down at the front window, and while he feigned to be reading a book, throw sidelong glances over the way in search of the bright eyes of Maria Lobbs; and he hadn’t sat there many days, before the bright eyes appeared at an upper window, apparently deeply engaged in reading too. but when Maria Lobbs began to raise her eyes from her book, and dart their rays in the direction of Nathaniel Pipkin, his delight and admiration were perfectly boundless” (page 53) Fromm (1956) said that love is the way of human being exist in his life. In “The Parish Clerk” it proof by the plot of the short story. How is Nathaniel Pipkin life become exist after he sees a beauty girl that he loves. He only wants his love become reality not just in his mind. Because he sees that Maria has the same feeling to him.


shutting the window, and pulling down the blind, kissed hers to him, and smiled. Upon which, Nathaniel Pipkin determined that, come what might, he would develop the state of his feelings, without further delay.

In “Agnes” the story of love make human exist shown in the plot too. Trotwood feel that his duty to make happy Agnes although he feels old but he realize that Agnes is the right woman to replace his wife. It is love to a person in equal position. This love mostly show by sexual desire. Erotic love is exclusive, but it loves in the other person all of mankind, all that is alive. It is exclusive only in the sense of

I, who had worked out my own destiny, and won what I had impetuously set my heart on, had no right to murmur, and must bear; comprised what I felt and what I had learned. But I loved her: and now it even became some consolation to me, vaguely to conceive a distant day when I might blamelessly avow it; (page 65)

Trotwood believes Agnes was the one that he love, and he must say it to her.

The struggle of love Nathaniel begin, he tries to say his love to Maria. This the phrase of him to Maria.

“Nathaniel Pipkin went down on his knees on the dewy grass, and declared his resolution to remain there for ever, unless he were permitted to rise the accepted lover of Maria Lobbs. (page 54)

And Maria answers that she honored become Nathaniel lover but she says that he could be his lover forever when he says his feeling to his father. The story of love arising between couple with different social status.

The struggle of Trotwood was happen in part crisis of plot. He finds Agnes and says about his felling to her. It can reads in phrase below:


let me share your unhappiness. If you are in need of help or counsel, let me try to give it to you. If you have indeed a burden on your heart, let me try to lighten it. For whom do I live now, Agnes, if it is not for you !” (page 64)

but Agnes feels that she is not afraid although she is alone, because of that Trotwood tries make her convenience about his feeling. It can shown in the phrase below:

“Dearest Agnes! Whom I so respect and honour – whom I so devotedly love! When I came here today, I thought that nothing could have wrested this confession from me. I thought I could have kept it in my bosom all our lives, till we were old. But Agnes, if I have indeed any newborn hope that I may ever call you something more than Sister, widely different from Sister -!” (page 64)

Falling action of “The Parish Clerk” shown by the snug party in the house of Lobbs. Maria invites Pipkin to her house. The party was ended by return of old Lobbs to the house and see Pipkin in his house. After that, he angry with Pipkin and wondering why he come to his house, to see his beautiful daughter. And Pipkin says that he was falling in love with his daughter and his daughter too.

“ ‘why, what the devil do you want here?’ said old Lobbs, in a fearful voice… ‘what do you want here?’ roar old Lobbs ‘I suppose you have come after my daughter now?’ “old Lobbs merely said this a sneer; for he did not believe that mortal presumption could have carried Nathaniel Pipkin so far. What was his indignation when that poor man replied: ‘yes I did, Mr Lobbs. I did come after your daughter, I love her, Mr Lobbs.” (page 57)

Falling action of “Agnes” happens when Agnes says to Trotwood that she is falling in love with him in all her life. It can shown in the conversation below:

“I am so blest, Trotwood-my heart is so overcharged- but there is one thing I must say.”

“Dearest what?”

she laid her gentle hands upon my shoulders and looked calmly in my face. “Do you know, yet, what it is?”


Catastrophe of this short story is the happiness of the old Lobbs with Nathaniel Pipkin in the garden of his house. The old Lobbs realize that the love is cannot forbid he believes that his only daughter can live happy with Nathaniel Pipkin. It reveals in the paragraph below:

“Nathaniel Pipkin thought it best to keep his owncounsel and by so doing gradually rose into high favour with old Lobbs, who taught him to smoke in time; and they used to sit out in the garden on the fine evenings, for many years afterwards, smoking and drinking in great state. He soon recovered the effects of his attachment, for we find his name in the parish register, as a witness to the marriage of Maria Lobbs to her cousin;” (page 58).

In this plot the reflection of love was found. After read the story, will knows how about love can be exist in human life. Love in this short story can changed the way of life a man, he became a great man and get a beautiful kind of love. There are two kind of loves that founds in this plot of short story, it was brotherly love and erotic love.


Nathaniel Pipkin thought it best to keep his own counsel and by so doing gradually rose into high favour with old Lobbs, who taught him to smoke in time; and they used to sit out in the garden on the fine evenings, for many years afterwards, smoking and drinking in great state. (page 58) In this moment the two men got a universal sense and unity in one happy moment.

As a moralist Dickens says in “The Parish Clerk” that love is a gift from God. It comes in his way and never see how is the status social, rage, and condition. In the character Pipkin, Dickens tells that love become a flame in life. It is burning heart and gives an exciting feeling to life poor parish clerk. Another critics shown by character of old Lobbs, the great saddler’s in that town, he shown how father cannot married his daughter with person who has different status social with him.

The reflection of love is out in all of characters in the short stories of Dickens. Especially, in the main character Nathaniel Pipkin, Maria Lobbs, Trotwood, and Agnes.

a. Nathaniel Pipkin


the target of Pipkin’s love is a beautiful woman named Maria. He feels a great event and tremendous era in his life he just know it after he sees the eyes of Maria.

“this was a great event, a tremendous era, in Nathaniel Pipkin’s life, and it was the only one that had ever occurred to ruffle the smooth current of his quiet existence, when happening one fine afternoon, in a fit of mental abstraction, to raise his eyes from the slate on which he was devising some tremendous problem in compound addition for an offending urchin to solve, they suddenly rested on the blooming countenance of Maria Lobbs, the only daughter of old Lobbs, the great saddler over the way.” (page 51)

The exciting of love for him it shown in the phrase.

“ no wonder that Nathaniel Pipkin, immediately there after, fell upon the young urchin who had previously offended, and cuffed and knocked him about, to his heart’s content.” (page 52)

The admiration in Maria’s beauty gives an exciting feeling for him it look from the phrase.

“A prettier foot, a gayer heart, a more dimpled face, or a smarter form, never bounded so lightly over the earth they graced, as did those of Maria Lobbs, the old saddler’s daughter. There was a roguish twinkle in her sparkling eyes, that would have made its way to far less susceptible bosoms than that of Nathaniel Pipkin; and there was such joyous sound in her merry laugh, that the sternest misanthrope must have smiled to hear it. (page 53)

But he uncertain with his love because he is poor man, it is so different with Maria who the only daughter of a rich man in the town. It looks in the phrase


But love is gift from God so it cannot deny. It shown in feeling Nathaniel after he sure that Maria loves him too. “He would develop the state of his feelings without further delay” Love is the way of human being exist. It look how the life of Nathaniel become fabulous after he realize that he has falling in love with Maria, he try to get his love by seeing, and get closer with Maria. With the help of Maria cousin Kate, Nathaniel can describe his love to Maria.

“Nathaniel Pipkin went down on his knees on the dewy grass, and declared his resolution to remain there for ever, unless he were permitted to rise the accepted lover of Maria Lobbs. (page 55)

Love is the art, it’s why love should be struggled. In this story the struggle of Nathaniel to get his love by said to the old Lobbs how he is falling in love with his only daughter’s.

Another kind of love in Pipkin’s life was brotherly love and God love. From his work in church shown how he loves his God. He works in little church and enjoy in his work although he must work from nine in the morning until four a clock in the afternoon. Beside that he believes that there are another being can exist beside the parish clerk who dedicated their life to the church. It can look in phrase.

…and he divided his time between the church and his school, verily believing that there existed not, on the face of the earth, so clever a man as the curate… (page 51)


being must be nice to all person. His work in school is another prove that he loves human being mostly the children.

b. Maria Lobbs

Maria in this story is the object of love Nathaniel Pipkin. She is a pretty woman with a kindness heart, and rich. She was a great fabulous person to him. It shown in phrase

“A prettier foot, a gayer heart, a more dimpled face, or a smarter form, never bounded so lightly over the earth they graced, as did those of Maria Lobbs, the old saddler’s daughter. (page 53)

Maria also falling in love to Nathaniel it looks from her reaction after see the action of him to give a kiss him.

“and Maria Lobbs, instead of shutting the window, and pulling down the blind kissed hers to him, and smiled.

Beside that when she had heard the declaration of Nathaniel love she argued that she honored to be his lover.

“At length, Maria Lobbs being more strenuously urged by the love-worn little man, turned away her head, and whispered her cousin to say, or at all events Kate did say, that she felt much honoured by Mr Pipkin’s addreses; that her hand and heart were at her father’s disposal; but that nobody could be insensible to Mr Pipkin’s merits. (page 56)


Beside erotic love, Maria has a brotherly love in her life. Brotherly love is universal sense that human being have, we can create our world in peace if we can share our brotherly love to all of human being in any condition. In this story Maria was a good person she was a nice person. She was a rich woman but she never feel the person become a lower status social. She was a kindhearted woman and tried to keep her world in peace. It is seen when she must calm down her father after he knows that Pipkins in his house. Although Pipkins only a parish clerk and has different status social with her, she believes that all of human in the world have equal position.


So, it can conclude that Maria was a lovely person and have three kinds of love in this story. There are erotic love, brotherly love, and motherly love.

c. Trotwood

Trotwood in this short story becomes a round character because in the story reveal how the life, idea, and his struggle in the first phrase until in the end of story. Love in this character exist as an erotic love. In this love there is an exclusiveness which is lacking in brotherly love and motherly love. It is love to a person in equal position. This love mostly show by sexual desire. Erotic love is exclusive, but it loves in the other person all of mankind, all that is alive. It is exclusive only in the sense of erotic fusion, full commitment in all aspects of life. In this love the affection and feeling of love can show by the marriage. It looks from the target of his love is a beautiful woman named Agnes. It can reads in phrase from the short story below:

My dearest girl, dearer to me than anything in life, if you are unhappy, let me share your unhappiness. If you are in need of help or counsel, let me try to give it to you. If you have indeed a burden on your heart, let me try to lighten it. For whom do I live now, Agnes, if it is not for you!” (page 63)


d. Agnes

Agnes in this story is the object of love Trotwood. She is a pretty woman with a kindness heart, and rich. She was a great fabulous person to him. In this love there is an exclusiveness which is lacking in brotherly love and motherly love. It is love to a person in equal position. This love mostly shows by sexual desire. Fromm (1968:46) said that erotic love is exclusive, but it loves in the other person all of mankind, all that is alive. It is exclusive only in the sense of erotic fusion, full commitment in all aspects of life. In this love the affection and feeling of love can show by the marriage.



In thesis with the title “The Type of Love as Seen in Dickens’ Short Stories “The Parish Clerk”and Agnes”, result of the research reveal that picture of love was fabulous and exciting. There are many of picture of love that can show, it was:


Trotwood feels that his duty to make happy Agnes although he feels old but he realize that Agnes is the right woman to replace his wife. Love of Trotwood to Agnes was buried because he married with Dora when Dora died he realize that only Agnes who care him very much. It can conclude that Agnes has theme of love. The characters in this short story are: Trotwood, Agnes, and Aunt of Trotwood. The main character in this story is Trotwood, he is author and widower, and he lives with his aunt. The companion character in this story is Agnes, she is a good woman and beautiful. She is friend of Trotwood since childhood. In “Agnes” the story of love makes human exist shown in the plot too. Trotwood feels that his duty to make happy Agnes although he feels old but he realize that Agnes is the right woman to replace his wife. It is love to a person in equal position. This love mostly shows by sexual desire. Erotic love is exclusive, but it loves in the other person all of mankind, all that is alive. It is exclusive only in the sense of erotic fusion, full commitment in all aspects of life. In this love the affection and feeling of love can show by the marriage.



Abrams, M. H. The Mirror and The Lamp. London: Oxford University Press Inc, 1953.

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