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Directory UMM :Networking Manual:computer_network_books:


Academic year: 2017

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Manual Text Entry: Experiments,

Models, and Systems

Poika Isokoski

Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction




At School

• I did not understand why the inferior


Multiple writing technologies

• Pen and paper and computers are


Structure of the Work

I: Device Independent Text Input: Rationale and an Example

II: Comparison of two Toucpad-Based Methods for Numeric Entry

III: Evaluation of Multi-device Extension of Quikwriting

IV: Performance of Menu-augmented Soft Keyboards

VI: Combined Model for

Text Entry Rate Development

V: Model for Unistroke writing time


Paper IV: Introduction

• Performance of Menu-Augmented Soft



Paper IV: Model

• Simulator:

– Fitts’ law for pointing ( t = a + b log(A/W+1) ).

– Constant 160 ms for selection (McQueen et al., GI 1995).

– Given a text string the simulator computes how long entering it takes.

Used the 500 phrase set published by

MacKenzie and Soukoreff (CHI2003).


Paper IV: Model: results

QWERTY: 26% faster





Paper IV: Model: discussion 1

Why does it seem to be faster?

Because it saves stylus travel:

– Without menu:


Paper IV: Model: discussion 2

• Is the model realistic and reliable?

– Maybe.

– It could reflect user’s motor performance fairly accurately.

– It does not know anything about cognitive factors.


Paper IV: Experiment I: task

• Measured the motor performance.

– 12 participants entered repeating patterns:


Paper IV: Experiment I: results

• When the patterns are simple (left),

using the menu is faster

• When the patterns are more complex

(right), the difference is smaller


Paper IV: Experiment I: discussion

Atomic menu selection is faster than

pointing (on average).

• Deciding whether to point or select

takes time.

It could be that in real writing situation

the cognitive planning dominates

making using the menu slower than not using it.

Another experiment was needed.


Paper IV: Experiment II: task

Text transcription task:

– The same software

– 6 participants

– 20 sessions (15 min with the menu and 15 min without it per session)


Paper IV: Experiment II: results

• Text entry rate:


Paper IV: Conclusions

• Using the menu may allow faster text

entry rates, but

– only after a lot of training (>>5 hours) – at the cost of added cognitive load

– the increase in text entry rate may not be that great (model says max 26%).

• The menu does not disturb those users



The thesis contributes in four ways:

– Device independent text entry

– Data on text entry method performance – Models of user performance

– A software architecture for text entry


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