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Index of /papers/Travel_Leisure Skiing In Croatia


Academic year: 2017

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Croatia, one of the new emerging European nations, has seen an amazing turnaround in fortunes over the last decade. Since it has become more involved with the European Union, and European integration, it has become distinctly more tourist friendly, and is a great place to vacation with your family on a budget.


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Croatia, one of the new emerging European nations, has seen an amazing turnaround in fortunes over the last decade. Since it has become more involved with the European Union, and European integration, it has become distinctly more tourist friendly, and is a great place to vacation with your family on a budget. With a number of well positioned mountain resorts, Croatia is ideally suited for skiers of all abilities and ages, making it a great all-round holiday destination.

If you’re looking for a skiing holiday which combines excellent snow with a warm, friendly climate, Croatia is simply ideal for you. With numerous strategically located ski resorts, Croatia is a nation of ski lovers, and this is reflected in their amazing facilities. When in Croatia, you’d be mad to miss the Bjelolasica. The Bjelolasica is the training centre for the Olympic skiing team, located in the Zagreb region. It boasts amazing facilities, and is simply a great place to go skiing. As you might expect, the standard of training there is simply world class, and this accounts for why the Croatian national team are so prolific. On top of this, the hotel facilities are exceptional value for money, and you’ll find that with any Croatian holiday, you will be spending less than you may imagine. As a growing nation, Croatia is becoming an increasingly popular skiing destination, for enthusiasts of all age and ability. Another very popular Croatian skiing resort is Platak, located nearer the Adriatic. A little more expensive, and somewhat more remote than Bjelolasica, Platak is still a very popular resort, and is frequently rated the best place to ski in Croatia. The whole resort built around the naturally ideal ski centre is of a top quality, and it is easy to see why tourists come back year on year for their skiing vacations. A resort very much on the grow, there are plans to introduce several new ski lifts, and a dozen additional snow cannons by 2010. Platak looks to be a promising resort for the future, and is certainly great for a skiing vacation with a family.

Additionally, Platak’s skiing and snowboarding instruction centre is well practiced at giving exceptional quality training, across multiple languages, making for substantial improvement to your skills, regardless of your nationality. Additionally, with its high tech features, Platak could easily fit in with any European resort, and for such a low price, it is great value for money.

When in Croatia, does as the Croatians’ do, and visit Zagreb. The bustling city of Zagreb has so much to offer by way of Croatian culture and history, and is an excellent chance to break away from the slopes for a few days. It is truly a cultural hotbed, and the hustle and bustle will betray the long and arduous past. Looming above Zagreb is Mount Medvednica, and the Sljeme resort. With both daytime skiing, and the option of hitting the flood-lit slopes at night. Along side highly technical snow cannons, Zagreb benefits from excellent snow coverage at this altitude, and is a fantastic city for a ski resort. Additionally, there is so much by way of additional, complimentary facilities which make skiing at Sljeme an ideal prospect. Many people are surprised to think that Croatia actually borders Italy. However, the culture is so different from the Italian culture. With an entirely different history and culture, the Croatians certainly place heavy emphasis on their food, and this is reflected in the top quality gourmet restaurants available. Additionally, you’ll note exactly how cheap the entire country is, with your average pint of ale coming in at less than a dollar. In Croatia, your spending money will go a lot further, and so will your holiday, which is why so many families choose it as an ideal destination for their skiing break. So why not choose Croatia, and benefit from world class skiing, at a fraction of the price.

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