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2nd grade checklist math


Academic year: 2018

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2nd Grade Math


2nd Grade Math

Standards and Benchmarks

Standard 1:

Understands and applies problem solving strategies Grade level Benchmarks

*** M1.1 1: Applies problem solving strategies ITBS ***

Standard 2:

Understands and applies concepts of numbers and operations Grade Level Benchmarks

* M2.1 1: Applies counting rules ITBS *

M2.2 2: Practices number theory

* M2.3 3: Demonstrates and understanding of whole number place value to

three digit numbers ITBS*

** M2.4 4: Compares and orders numbers ITBS **

* M2.5 5: Represents numbers ITBS *

* M2.6 6: Recognizes and labels fractions ITBS *

M2.7 7: Applies the properties of addition and subtraction

M2.8 8: Adds and subtracts whole numbers

M2.9 9: Applies mental strategies to perform addition and subtraction

** M2.10 10: Develops and practices estimation strategies ITBS * *

*** M2.11 11: Solves addition and subtraction problems ITBS ***

Standard 3:

Understands and applies concepts of measurement Grade Level Benchmarks

M3.1 1: Compares and orders objects according to their measurable


* M3.2 2: Applies the process of measurement ITBS *

* M3.3 3: Recognizes and writes money amounts ITBS *

* M3.4 4: Describes time using familiar words ITBS *

* M3.5 5: Demonstrates competency while using instruments of

measurement and units of measurement ITBS*

* M3.6 6: Makes measurement estimates and checks for accuracy ITBS *

Standard 4:

Understands and applies properties of geometry Grade Level Benchmarks

* M4:1 1: Names common plane and solid shapes and sorts them by their

attributes ITBS *

M4.2 2: Predicts the results of transformations


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2nd Grade Math

Standard 5:

Understands and applies concepts of data analysis and probability Grade Level Benchmarks

M5.1 1: Gathers data to answer questions

** M5.2 2: Makes comparisons based on data ITBS **

*** M5.3 3: Reads and interprets information from graphs or charts

ITBS *** Standard 6:

Understands and applies concepts of algebra and functions Grade Level Benchmarks

* M6.1 1: Identifies patterns that occur in numbers and number combinations


* M6.2 2: Determines rules for patterns of objects, symbols, and numbers


M6.3 3: Solves problems using simple number patterns

M6.4 4: Uses multiple attributes to sort and classify objects

* M6.5 5: Chooses symbols to represent symbolic notations ITBS*

* M6.6 6: Identifies symbols to represent addition and subtraction ITBS*

** M6.7 7: Writes and solves an equation for a single-step or a multiple-step problem ITBS**

* M6.8 8: Describes qualitative and quantitative change ITBS*


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