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The Character of Education


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“Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education

through New Academia”


ISQAE 2016






7 - 8 December 2016

The Sahid Rich Jogja Hotel



th th



Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education

through New Academia

Jointly organized by:

ISQAE 2016






Hosted by:

7 - 8 December 2016

th th


Proceeding of the



International Seminar on

Quality and Affordable Education

Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education

through New Academia

Edited by:


Tri Widodo

Reviewed by:

Erwin Akib, Ph.D., M.Pd.

Mariani Md. Nor, Prof. Dr.

Mustaqim Pabbajah, Dr., M.A.

Nadiroh, Prof., Dr.

Orbanus Naharia, Prof. Dr.

Yusof Boon, Prof. Dr.

Cover designed by:

Ari Prasetyoadji

Suhatmojo Eko Wibowo

Proofread by:

Publication unit, ISQAE 2016


: 978-602-72540-1-5

Published by


Campus 1 Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta

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Faculty of Education, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta

First printed, February 2017

All reserved. None of the publication of this proceeding can be republished or transferred

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All the papers in this proceeding are presented at the 5


International Seminar on Quality

and Affordable Education (ISQAE), 7




December 2016 at the Sahid Rich Jogja Hotel



Rector of Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta

Assalamu Alaikum Waramatullahi Wabarakatuh

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am grateful indeed that God blesses us for participating in the 5


International Seminar on

Quality and Affordable Education (ISQAE) 2016. I welcome the General Seceretary of the

Ministry of Research and Technology for Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. I am

sure that the Ministry of Education supports Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta to conduct

scientific activities. I am also thankful that many professors, lecturers, teachers, and students

attend this seminar to share knowledge and ideas.

Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta always supports the faculties to hold international seminar

and other academic activities for the lecturers and students. We like to maintain our

cooperation with national and international universities to carry out national and

international programs. We believe that our lecturers and students must have national and

global experience to enhance their capabilities.

In addition to conducting international programs to improve the capabilities of lecturers and

students, UTY is happy to work together with other unversities and the government to

increase the quantity and quality of research and publication. We are proud to have some

MoUs with international universities in research and publication development aspects. Also,

we are planning to build 16-floor tower for UTY s Research Park.

Today, The Faculty of Education of UTY is holding an international seminar and it is our

commitment to conduct national and international scientific events every year. We dedicate

our efforts to the development of science and technology.

Again, thank you for participating. My special thankful appreciation goes to ISQAE consortium

members; Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Universiti Malaya, Universiti Teknologi Malayasia,

Universitas Negeri Manado, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar that have supported us.

I really wish all presenters and participants a very valuable conference. Hopefully it will bear

precious knowledge and ideas.

Wassalamu Alaikum Waramatullahi Wabarakatuh

Yogyakarta, 7


December 2016

Yours Sincerely,

Prof. Bambang Hartadi, Ph. D., M.M., C.A., C.P.A.



Dean of Faculty of Education Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta

Respected the General Secretary of the Ministry of Research and Technology for Higher Education

Respected the Rectors and Deans of ISQAE Consortium members

Respected all speakers, presenters, and participants

Assalamu Alaikum Waramatullahi Wabarakatuh

I welcome you to the 5


ISQAE 2016 held by Faculty of Education,

Universitas Teknologi


. I hope you participate actively to develop knowledge and ideas related to the

improvement of education that we may serve to our students. The discussion on education is a

continuous activity. It will support the effort to improve the quality of education system, and

educators. The target of improving quality is influenced with the social and economic conditions of

society in the system.

International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education (ISQAE) 2016 is a seminar that will

discuss and find recommendations to the governments and intitutions that play role in it. The

seminar is conducted by a consortium consisting of

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Universiti Malaya,

Universiti Teknologi Malayasia, Universitas Negeri Manado, Universitas Muhammadiyah


. The consortium will be inviting other institutions from South East Asia countries to

work together to improve the quality of education in all countries of South East Asia.

ISQAE 2016 certainly considers some matters in education such as economic condition,

advancement of technology, political situation, and etc. However, it is not only in the point of view

of considering them as threats but also in the point of view of considering them as opportunities.

Educators should have a lot of ways to generate improvement in their countries. They have big

responsibility for improving the quality of new generation in their countries.

Education must become a major factor of problem solving system in a country. However everyone

in a country has a right of having education. Education must be affordable. The government and all

educators should talk and then can determine factors to make education affordable. The factors that

guarantee the quality and

affordability of education can become new academia.

We expect to have solutions. Therefore, we invite educators from South East Asia countries.

We are certain to get ideas from educators coming from similar areas with similar cultures of


Again, thank you for participating. I wish you have good and valuable conference.

Wassalamu Alaikum Waramatullahi Wabarakatuh

Warm Regards,

Chairman of ISQAE 2016

Dr. Mustaqim Pabbajah, M.A.


Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education through New Academia | v Contents

Cover Page ... i

Acknowledgement ... iii

Contents ... v

The Employees’ Performance Related to the Enforcement of Merit Pay System:

A Case Study In RS. Soekanto Jakarta

Agus Priadi ... 1

The Analysis Pronunciation of Words in the Field Phonology toward a Child at Two Years and Eight Months: A Case Study

Ananda Setiawan, Miftah Komala Putri ... 8

The Use of Batak Illocution Literacy menolak in Surakarta

Anggun Melati Sari, Andayani, Sumarlam ... 15

Pig Hunting Society Cultural West Sumatra in the Novel Pulang by Tere Liye

Arifa Ainun Rondiyah, Nugraheni Eko Wardani, Kundharu Saddhono ... 22

The Use of Epistemic Modality in a Novel Negeri 5 Menara and Its Implications towards Learning in High School

Arista Mayang Sari ... 28

The Implementation of ICT in Improving Young Learners’ Writing Skill through Collaborative Method

Astry Wulandari ... 34

Minimizing Brain Drain: Optimizing Triple Helix Scheme and the Indonesia Brain Drain Community (IBDC)

Baharuddin, Dian Lesmana, Dewi Novitasari, Inggritia Safitri ... 38

"Learn While Cultured" as Culture Conservation Efforts with Innovation in Learning Indonesian and Implementation Plan on Learning Text Report of Observation

Darmina Pratiwi Barus ... 47

Learning through Media Development Using Assure Model


Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education through New Academia | vi Implementasi Program Induksi bagi Guru Pemula Sekolah Dasar Negeri di DKI


Desi Rahmawati, Dirgantara Wicaksono ... 62

Character Education Based on Positive Psychology to Improve Indonesia’s Human Resources Quality

Dian Yudhawati ... 70

Integration the Elements of Javanese Culture in Learning Process to Strengthen Youth Character

Djoko Sulaksono, Bagus Wahyu Setyawan ... 74

Peningkatan Prestasi Mata Kuliah Pemrograman Visual Mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi Fakultas Pendidikan UTY Menggunakan Metode Belajar Berbasis Masalah

Dwi Ratnawati, Tri Widodo, Vivianti ... 79

Language Learning in Digital Based Communication Era

Dyah Mukaromah, Suryo Sudiro, Karladian Putri ... 89

Evaluation of Quality Management Head of Study Program and Performance of Lecturer to Visionary Leadership at Islamic University 45 Bekasi

Diyah Yuli Sugiarti, Ramdani Murdiana ... 95

Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Biologi melalui Penerapan Model Kooperatif Group Investigation dengan Pendekatan Salingtemaspada Mata Kuliah Pengetahuan Lingkungan

Eka Apriyanti ... 104

Developing Curiosity through Linguistic Intelligence-Based Learning to Improve

Students’ Critical Thinking and Creativity

Ervira Maharani, Eka Kartikasari, Vouzya Hamdi ... 117

Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan di Pesantren Wirausaha Agrobisnis Abdurrahman Bin Auf Klaten

Fitri Nurlaili ... 123

Gender in Classroom Discourse

Hartini ……… ... 130

The Effectiveness of Applying Mind Mapping Strategy on Student Speaking Ability: The Quasi-Experimental Study to Six Grades Student in Cikande I Elementary School, Serang

Ida Nuraida ... 136

Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Praktikum Perkantoran


Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education through New Academia | vii Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar dan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Anekdot melalui

Pendekatan Kontekstual dan Penggunaan Media Audio Visual Video Sentilan Sentilun : Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri Surakarta

Indri Kusuma Wardani, Retno Winarni, St.Y. Slamet ... 151

Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Siswa SMP Terbuka Cimanggung dalam Menulis Catatan Harian

Istya Juniarti Amalia, Yusuf Nurdiansyah, Rani Noereani ... 159

Mechanism of Assessment and Reflection on Thematic Assignment for Strengthening of Critical Thinking and Democratic Attitudes in Learning

J.O. Raturandang, Ch. Medellu ... 166

Pengaruh Komitmen, Efikasi Diri, Motivasi dan Keefektifan terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

Jane Esther Sangian ... 175

Development Design and Implementation Task Cross Energy Thematic Study of Education

Jeane C. Rende ... 188

Development Program in Parenting Class on Early Childhood Education Institution in Southeast Sulawesi

La Ode Anhusadar ... 200

Pengaruh Bahasa Inggris dalam Membentuk Kosa Kata Baru Bahasa Indonesia

Mokh. Yahya, Andayani, Kundharu Saddhono ... 207

Inventory of Literacy Humor towards Applying of 2013 Curriculum

Muhammad Asyura ... 213

Keep Smile Book: An Instrument of Students’ Affective Evaluation

Muhammad Hanif ... 220

The Character Education Model Based on Local Cultural Values

Nanik Hindaryatiningsih... 225

Civilize Local Language to Implant the Ethics since Early Childhood: Study Literature

Ni Nyoman Sudiani ... 234

Ecofeminism for Ethical Behavior Figure Mabel in the Novel Tanah Tabu Creation Aninditia S. Thayf

Paramita Nur Pratiwi, Suyitno, Nugraheni Eko Wardani ... 241

Utilization Management Linow Lake as Natural Laboratory in Department of Physics


Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education through New Academia | viii Implementasi Metode Sosiodrama dalam Pembelajaran Unggah-Ungguh Bahasa

Jawa di SMPN 2 Jogonalan Klaten

Prima Veronika, Shinta Tyas Pratisthita ... 259

Management and Governance Boarding School towards World Class: Case Study at Pondok Pesantren Uicci Sulaimaniyah Indonesia – Turki

Ramdani Murdiana, Rita Aryani, Diyah Yuli Sugiarti ... 268

The Effect of Teacher’s Competency, Achievement Motivation and Creativity on Their Teaching Performance: A Study in Distance Learning Education Program

Rhini Fatmasari, Untung Laksana Budi ... 275

Slow Reading and Speed Reading: Two Different Techniques in Reading Comprehension

Sayit Abdul Karim, Suryo Sudiro, Syarifah Sakinah, Yek Amin Aziz ... 282

Analysis of the Role of Book Journal Activities Reading Results in Order to Create the Motivation Cultural Literacy: A Case Study in Class X SMK Santo Paulus Surakarta 2016/2017 Academic Year

Selvia Putri Kumalasari, Budhi Setiawan, Sumarlam ... 287

Penguatan Jati Diri Bangsa melalui Pengintegrasian Nilai-Nilai Karakter Bangsa Indonesia dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Contextual Learning

Sihadi Darmoduhardjo ... 291

The Attitude of the Main Character to Love form on Novels Entitled Ayat-Ayat

Cinta by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy and Di Bawah Lindungan Ka’bah by Hamka: Psychological Literature Study

Siti Ayu Ningsih ... 297

Conflict Management University of Sariputra Indonesia Tomohon

Sjerly Maria Lumi, Jolanda Rawis, Sanusi Gugule, Deetje Katuuk ... 302

Penerapan Nilai Karakter Peserta Didik di Satuan Pendidikan Ditinjau dari Gaya Kepemimpinan, Sikap Guru, Budaya Sekolah

Sri Ratna Pasiak ... 308

Book Report to Promote Reading Interest and Accessing Knowledge and Skills for the Students of Senior High School of Seminary of Mertoyudan, Magelang, Central Java

Surawan Martinus ... 315

Aktiviti Kesukarelawanan ke Arah Pembangunan Modal Insan di Malaysia

Syarfa Nurrezan Salamun, Mahani Mokhtar, Abdul Halim Abdullah,


Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education through New Academia | ix Training Model Agility for Beginners Athlete Pencak Silat

Widiastuti, Muhammad Hasyir ... 329

Improvement of Rheumatoid Arthritis on Elderly Posyandu Members through Health Counseling

Winarti Agustina ... 355

The Accuracy of Vertical Equating with Equi-Percentile Method Based on Sample Size and Test Lenghts

Yetti Supriyati, Adeliyana, Wardani Rahayu ... 342

Communication Strategy Student Indonesian Foreign Speakers


Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education | ISQAE 2016

Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education through New Academia | 225



Nanik Hindaryatiningsih


Halu Oleo University, Indonesia

The aims of this research were knowing the cultural values in a tradition that is still maintained in Buton society, finding a character education model based on local cultural values that can be applied effectively in school. Design of this research is a Research and Development (R and D) which combined with action research to find a model of education. As for knowing the values of the culture in the local tradition Buton use descriptive qualitative approach by conducting surveys, document analysis, observation, interviews and focus groups discussions (FGD). This research was conducted in SMAN 3 models Baubau. Data were analyzed using the Delphi technique. It also uses data analysis techniques, including reduction data, display data, inference, and verification to obtain information about the cultural values of Buton. The informants as many as 15 people, the community and culture, education professionals, school principals, teachers, parents, school committees and students.The results of this study indicate that, first, the values of cultural traditions were well preserved in the Buton society. Second, character education in schools will be effective if, (a) the basic values of the characters from the culture of the school, family and society, (b) the character education implemented integrated in curricular courses and extracurricular, (c) the principal and teachers act as role models , substitute parents in schools, protective, controlling the behavior of the student's character, and (d) the implementation of character education in the school environment situation.

Keywords: Character Education, the Values of the Local Culture


The main objective of the implementation of character education in schools is to build the nation's character. The term national character means "quality of collective behavior nationality of a typical well-reflected in the awareness, understanding, taste, intention, and behavior of the state and nation as a result of a thought, though of heart, taste and intention, as well as the exercise of a person or group of people." Understanding this definition, means the character of the nation needs to be built or established and related to this, Deputy Minister of Education and Culture, Wiendu Nurhayati, states that to build national character, ministry of education and culture has a series of programs.

The formation of character is intended, will be seeded to the Indonesian people who come from diverse ethnic groups, according to the results of identification of the 3000 tribal (see Boulding, 1990). Human is currently living in an era of globalized, and we all know, globalization other positive impacts, negative impacts. Negative impacts, such as the people distorted patterns of thought and behavior which impact on deprived of their cultural roots that make it up. As a result, a decline in the character that emerges behavior that is incompatible with the values of a culture that has been a tradition for centuries, such as a motorcycle gang, brawl, free sex, drugs, binge drinking among students and youth.


Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education | ISQAE 2016

education program which has been launched by the government since 2010, seems to have not run as expected. It is possible, Government policy regarding character education which have ups and downs implementation. According to the analysis Supriadi (2004: 162-166), the curriculum in 1947, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1975, 1984, mentions in a school of character education that implementation is sometimes integrated with other subjects or stand alone. Such as, curriculum SBC 2006 was not mentioned moral education as a separate subject, and in 2010 there were more changes, from the name of moral education into the implementation of character education was integrated in curricular and extra-curricular activities. Such policies have an effect on the lack of effective implementation of character education in schools. The important thing to do, given every tribe has a culture that showed the hallmark of good character as a virtue base (basic goodnes). To prove the truth of this statement, for example, may be filed cultural values possessed by the Bugis community, where, according to Rahim (2011: 56), in which there is a value "atempureng" (honesty), "amaccang" (scholarship), "asitinajang "(propriety)," agettengeng "(persistence)," reso "(effort), and" series "(shame, self-esteem).

Based on the above reasoning, the study seeks to make the nature of education can not be separated from the culture of the people or the nation of Indonesia's diverse. As the example above, each tribe in Indonesia is unity in diversity it has its own culture, values noble culture itself, and has the advantage of local or indigenous knowledge itself. According Alwasilah (2009: 16), which gives rise to education meaningful deliberative, that "every society tried to transmit the fundamental idea regarding the nature of the world, knowledge, and values, and there are a number of practices of traditional education that are proven effective, such as the indigenous peoples Kampung Naga and Baduy in preserving the environment (Alwasilah, 2009: 50). "Character education models made by both these communities, could be adapted into a model of character education in schools. And in this study the author tries to formulate effective character education model that can be implemented in schools by adapting ideas Buton society, which until now was to preserve the traditions and values of the local culture well. The values in the tradition of family and community school environment can be adapted into character values developed in school. Through character education in schools is expected to apply that is ultimately expected to alter the behavior and character of students. Fudyartanta (1995: 19), said character or character education is the education of character, morals, education and personality. And the effectiveness of the implementation of character education depends on the leadership of the school and the teacher as a figure who educate and control the behavior of school.



Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education | ISQAE 2016

Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education through New Academia | 227 Results and Discussion

The findings of the study, including: first, (a) the value of culture in Buton community traditions are well preserved and disseminated through the three forms of the local tradition of cultural values in the tradition of trust, Islamic rituals, and traditions of the human life cycle. While the pattern of inheritance of values to the next generation is done through charismatic leadership approach "lebe".

Cultural values in the tradition associated with the trust are well preserved in Buton, such as: (a) the tradition Mata'a by society Laporo Karya Baru subdistrict Sorawolio who

routinely celebrated twice a year, the tradition Bongkaana Tao performed by community of Lipu Katobengke District of Betoambari and Lowu-Lowu District of Lea-Lea, and Tuturangiana Andala a community tradition Maritim Liwuto Makasu )sland Kokalukuna Makasar Sub

-district. The traditional ceremony either Mata'a, Bongkaana Tao, Tuturangiana Andala is a

tradition of Buton results legacy of royal era / Buton sultanate which is still maintained and carried down for generations. Implementation of this traditional ceremony is none other has a purpose as a form of gratitude for rizki God-given crops or crops Mata'a and Bongkaana

Tao , and seafood Tuturangiana Andala . Building the human characters from the beginning of human consciousness to every moment remembering his Lord and become people who always will be grateful for favors and gifts Maker.

Cultural values in other traditions preserved is (b) the value of cultural religious traditions of Islam, namely: a tradition to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad

(aroana Maludu , Pakandeana Ana-Ana Maelu feed the orphans , Ceremony commemorate the Month of Ramadan Malona Bangua , Malona Raraea, Qunua, Kadhiri , Haroana Rajabu warning Rajab . All )slamic tradition is still preserved to this day because of Buton very well known by the people who are religious. All of these traditions are an Islamic tradition of the Sultanate of Buton who inherited the noble intent that humans are required to always remember and give thanks to God at every event that happens on this earth. Besides thankful To God, also in this tradition is a means of forming attitudes and behavior of the young generation because this ceremony, the public are invited to reflect on the events of history to what is done by the Prophet Muhammad SAW that not only remember, but also it should be exemplary behavior.

Cultural values in others, namely the tradition of the human life cycle. This tradition is a tradition to commemorate the cycle of human life from before birth to death comprising,

ceremony Posipo ceremony for the expectant mother's first child , Alaana Bulua the

removal of hair on a newborn baby), Dole-dole (ceremony in a child meant that the little boy

to grow into a healthy child physical and spiritual. Tandaki circumcision for men and Posusu circumcision for women , Posuo seclusion for a teenage girl who will be kalambe big girl . Ceremony Kawia marriage , ceremony Mate funerals . Commemoration ceremony of the human life cycle by Buton none other than intended as a means of forming attitudes and behavior of every human being. Commemorating ceremony of the human life cycle from birth to death is expected to provide contextual learning to people who attend and celebrate to constantly reflect on their existence in the world that there will be life after death. By the nature of awareness itself is expected every human being will reflect any behavior to constantly run away from the commands and prohibitions.

Traditional values well within the tradition of beliefs, religious rituals of Islam or the human life cycle is a legacy of its predecessors which contains a message or advice delivered in traditional ceremonies. The values in the tradition contains the basic values that gave birth to instrumental value, namely, (a) the teachings of Islam, and (b) Compliance with the leaders of traditional ceremony that is Lebe.


Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education | ISQAE 2016

human beings, embodied in every act of tradition / ritual always recited prayers by indigenous leaders lebe. This attitude always reminds man as a servant of God. Humans should need to extend gratitude to the way each time and every time always remember the good Lord in a state of love or grief. Always remember God could become human filters in the act and behave. Thus, people are always keeping harmony with God and fellow human beings always behave and act in good (c) obey and respect for older people, such as: subservience to the advice of parents and respect for others by giving respect to others either living or dead, (d) keep the character, (e) to dress and behave, and (f) maintain ethics interaction, appears on the advice and counsel of the lebe and bhisa during traditional ceremonies Posuo who continues to provide mental development and physical against participants Posuo how to behave in society or his family, and (2) an order to implement the teachings of Islam that gave birth instrumental values: (a) the spirit to stay in touch, manifested in traditional ceremonies as a gathering place for relatives and friends, (b) kinship appears on familiarity in a ceremony held tradition, simplicity manifested in ways adapted to the traditional ceremony organizing ability, (c) mutual cooperation shown by togetherness and solidarity in conducting traditional ceremonies. They do Pohamba-hamba not only material but also energy and thoughts, (d) harmony with nature appears in people's ways Buton serving cakes haroa contents tala with processed by food products locals, such as bananas, potatoes and others , (e) social evident in the willingness to donate and reward Pasali at each ceremony tradition, (f) gives thanks to Allah SWT, appear on reading prayers and singing songs at the religious ceremony. Maludhu cultural values when is depicted schematically as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Cultural Values in Buton Society Tradition in Baubau

From the description of figure 1 above, it was concluded that the Community Buton until today still maintain cultural values as well through both traditional ceremonies associated with public trust, religious rituals, and the human life cycle. Ceremony held tradition for generations has been the formation of mutually reinforcing traditional values at Buton. Cultural values in the local tradition Buton has preserved the traditional ceremony and ritual traditions have strengthened cultural values. In a traditional ceremony can be found cultural values are still held fast by Buton. There are basic values and instrumental values. The basic values are the values that underlie behavior manifested in the instrumental values which can be seen as a phenomenon of society Buton. The fundamental values of the tradition conveyed from generation to generation according to the teachings of Islam.

The values in the local tradition Buton were very important to always be imparted to everyone, especially the younger generation. Values such as compliance and respect for the elderly, and social politeness are fundamental formation of attitudes and behavior of people

Maintain Gathering

Older People Harmony with Nature

Harmony with Fellow Mutual Cooperation

Ever Grateful Maintaining Morals

Keep Etiquatte Tradisional Ceremony

Harmony with God Social Attitudes

Basic Value of Tradition


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Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education through New Academia | 229

how to be polite, respect others, and ethics in society. Value wass not extravagant, simple life means no spending spree in goods. It can provide convenience in the form of resources for life-savers, not spenders and saving. For the younger generation of these values is essential to lunch in life in society. Those values need to be passed from generation to generation ago by preserving the traditions and ceremonies of cultural heritage of the parents.

If so, then it can not be denied that there is a relationship which signifincant between virtues and culture. Lawton and Cowen (2001: 18) states that "a good education in many cultures has been about the relationship of education to the Acquistion of virtue". Good values in the culture of Buton can be used as the target character education rather involves the affective domain are supported by cognitive and psychomotor domains. It is time for good values in society Buton adopted and transformed the generation to. Community schools can adapt the cultural values as values developed in character education in schools, since education is essentially a process of acculturation (Tilaar, 2000: 56). Thus, educational and cultural ties that can not be separated.

From the description on Buton society concluded that traditional values have strengthened and disseminated through the traditional ceremony of inheritance models carried down through the generations. The process of inheritance of cultural values and traditions of the community are in the neighborhood Buton IPO (input, process, output), which as a whole is in the cultural environment in the structure of the stratification of society Buton (kaomu, walaka and Papara) all carry out traditional ceremonies as a form of liability.

The input was the values of the local culture in the local tradition Buton. The process of inheritance of cultural values in society Buton conducted through three forms of tradition, the tradition of ritual ceremonies beliefs, Islam and the religious traditions of the human life cycle. The output is the inheritance of cultural values in the social structure, include: (a) inherit cultural values to society through traditional ceremony, (b) Sustainability process of inheritance values of the local culture, (c) the formation of attitudes and behavior in accordance cultural, (d) the sturdy structure of social processes in the face of outside influences.

Lebe as the master of ceremonies traditions and of prayer readers indirectly considered as an important agent that can affect people's behavior. Public confidence is so strong against the existence of cause lebe who featured role and be an example for the community. Charisma of a religious leader like lebe often breeds that make up the authority of their followers. A lebe

in the community acting as mediator and control of public behavior as a result of the internalization process carried out by members of the public.

The values in the cultural elements and models of value investment from generation to generation on the findings of the first, adapted as an educational model based character of local cultural values in the school which is the second finding of this study. Adaptation of the inheritance model cultural values Buton has been tested in SMAN 3 Baubau and results of the validation of the experts is good. As for the characters in the school education model adapted from the inheritance model Buton illustrated with the following pattern.

Source value character derived from the cultural environment of the school, family and community. Given the existence of the school as a community of local community groups whose members interact constantly, repeatedly done in a long time within the scope of curricular activities, extra-curricular, social interaction, and other activities are controlled in the school environment, so the value- the traditional values into the value of school tradition.

Cultural values into the charges, prohibition, injunction, and an obligation for all members of the school community. Members of the school community consists of principals, teachers, administrative employees, other employees, and students.


Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education | ISQAE 2016

has the charisma to motivate others to follow and do take action because it believes the value of the charisma. Charismatic leadership approach can be used as an inheritance model character values of the school. It is appropriate that the study's findings illustrate that charisma principals and teachers have a very big role in the effectiveness of the delivery of value as well as social control student behavior.

To be able to produce this condition before teachers and principals received training mini about being an exemplary teacher, educator, guardian and control in the classroom. The teachers will be trained selected from teachers who have good social competence and personality. Teachers who have been assigned later to become a "model" for teaching in the classroom. In this study has been tested on subjects in class XI IPS mulog 1 SMAN 3 Baubau. Teachers mulog used as "model" that gives matter the theme of "traditional ceremony Buton". Then the teacher before class ended clarify the value contained in a traditional ceremony. The purpose of this exercise is the knowledge that the students understand the values contained from traditional ceremony Buton, then impregnating and implement those values.


Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education | ISQAE 2016

Enriching Quality and Providing Affordable Education through New Academia | 231 Figure 2. Model-Based Character Education Cultural Values of Local Schools

That Will Tested in the Field

From Figure 2 above, it appears all the input, process and output must occur within the school culture which is ongoing in the long term in cybernetic mechanism. In addition, from the analysis of qualitative data, obtained by the cultural environment of the school, the family and the local community where the school is located can be considered a condition that can affect the effectiveness of character education in schools. The relationship between the school and the community are reciprocal exchange of information and energy that is named hierarchy sibernetis (cybernetic hierarchy) with the means to exchange information and energy "(Soekanto, 2002: 423).

The process of inheritance of tradition through cybernetic mechanism stages, including: institutionalization, socialization, internalization, and controls that take place in a system. The informant considers that the character profile of students who are expected to be in accordance with the culture of the school, family, and community. The formulation mechanism of character values need to be done by the school (bottom up) with the involvement of elements of parents, school committees, and local community leaders. Delivery pattern of character values in the school do with the hierarchical and integrative manner.

Attitude and Behavior Students Fit School Character Values

Formulation of Character Values

The Role Headmaster


Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education | ISQAE 2016

Hierarchical means a low level provide the necessary conditions for a higher level, a higher level integrative controlling lower. (Ritzer, 2005: 122-123).

From the results of qualitative analysis, the informant believes that the role of school principals and teachers is crucial for the success of character education in schools. The informant looked at schools need major figure for the students. Someone principals and teachers who can place himself like a character from "lebe 'will have a charisma that is treated as a leader. Karisma jets emerging from the charm of his personality qualities greatly admired by most people, as an honest, reliable, firm, consistent, brave, smart. All that can arouse the birth of magical charm and become power of man to have (Willner, 1990: 167). Charismatic leadership is recognized as one of the basis of the birth of legitimacy to a group of people (Weber, 1964: 358). The influence of charismatic leadership of school principals and teachers bore patron-client relationship between the principal, teachers and students. The school principal or teacher to act as a patron that serves to protect the students. A strong relationship occurs between students and teachers / principals. The strong patron-client relationship will shape and strengthen the role of the teacher and the principal as an exemplary figure for the students. And this will be the power of principals and teachers to be role to be: 1) as an example, (2) replacement of parents in the school, (3) guardian, and (4) of the controller and controlling student behavior. Roles like this will make it easier for teachers and principals in the socialization process values, reinforce the traditional values that have been set by the school.


Cultural values in the traditions are well preserved in the Public Buton, namely: cultural values in the tradition of beliefs, religious rituals of Islam and the human life cycle. Cultural values inherited by Buton community for generations through traditional ceremonies and traditional leadership figure "lebe". Inheritance model community values Buton adapted into a model of character education in schools and after piloted in schools was effective. Character education in schools to be effective because, (a) the basic values of the characters from the culture of the school, family and society, (b) the character education implemented integrated in curricular courses and extracurricular, (c) the principal and teachers act as role models, substitute parents in schools, protective, controlling the behavior of the student's character, and (d) the implementation of character education in the school environment situation.


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Figure 2. Model-Based Character Education Cultural Values of Local Schools


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